Your personal details; including your name, address, and email address, may be ... Name. Address. Email address. Post co
Building a Better Broadmead Do you support our aspiration to regenerate the Broadmead shopping area? Yes
What new and better facilities would you like to see included in the redevelopment? Please select up to three of the following
How important are the following benefits to you in improving Broadmead and the wider City Centre? Please rate from 1 to 4 (1 = Very important, 2 = Important, 3 = Not very important, 4 = Not at all important)
Creating new local job opportunities Wider range of retail and leisure choices
Strong ‘anchor’ retailers such as a department store
Significant business investment in Bristol
New high street shops and brands not currently in Bristol
Improving the appearance of the City Centre
Wider range of restaurants and cafes
Better pedestrian access between Broadmead and Cabot Circus
Improved public transport connections
Strengthening Bristol’s evening economy
Easier walking routes throughout the development
A pleasant and secure retail and leisure environment
Convenient and safe parking spaces
Easy access for all modes of transport
Better public spaces for people to meet and relax A wider mix of uses, potentially including hotel and residential
Which brands would you most like to see in the new Broadmead?
More evening attractions New city centre leisure opportunities
How did you hear about our proposal to redevelop Broadmead?
Would you like to see improved bus waiting facilities? Yes
Invitation leaflet Local newspaper Online
Do you have any other comments about the proposed redevelopment?
Friend or colleague While shopping in Bristol Other
Your details Name
Email address
Address Post code All information supplied will be held and managed by Bristol Alliance, and will remain secure and confidential. Your anonymised consultation questionnaire responses will only be used for evaluation purposes in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Your personal details; including your name, address, and email address, may be used to keep you informed about our future developments and products. Your information will be shared with Bristol Alliance so they can send you information about their products and services. If you do not want to receive such information, please tick this box.