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Jul 15, 2001 - der the virtual framework. It describes the design flow both for service providers and clients. jsc_paper.tex 10/07/2001 15:59 p.5 ...
Building a Virtual Framework for Networked Recon gurable Hardware and Software Objects Yajun Ha , Serge Vernalde, Patrick Schaumonty, Marc Engels, Rudy Lauwereinsz and Hugo De Manx IMEC, Kapeldreef 75, Leuven 3001, Belgium.

July 15, 2001 Abstract. A virtual framework that uses both hardware and software recongurable objects is presented. The new framework supports both networked hardware and software reconguration. In such a virtual framework, the networked reconguration users only need to develop a single service description targeted on a single hardware and software platform. The service is able to write once, and run everywhere. That facilitates the new service deployment and maintenance. We present the components, design ow and implementation aspects of the virtual framework.

Keywords: platform-independence, networked reconguration, computer architecture, design methodology

1. Introduction To reduce the time to market, and react to the fast changing standards in time, software and hardware reconguration have been widely used in the industry. Recently, with the rapid development of the Internet and other enabling technologies, there is a trend to do the software and hardware reconguration via the network. Updating software via the network with new enhancements and bug xes is fairly common in the electronics industry. But remotely reconguring hardware that uses programming logic devices such as eld programming gate arrays (FPGAs) is a new concept that system manufacturers are just beginning to embrace 1]. To realize the networked hardware reconguration, several challenging issues have to be solved. For example, platform independent hardware reconguration is one of them. Platform independent hardware reconguration could ease designers from making any assumption about the client platforms targeted by the transmitted programming information, although di erent client platforms may use di erent CPUs y z x

Yajun Ha is also Ph.D. candidate in K.U.Leuven, Belgium Patrick Schaumont is now Ph.D. candidate in UCLA, U.S.A. Rudy Lauwereins is also a professor in K.U.Leuven, Belgium Hugo De Man is also a professor in K.U.Leuven, Belgium c 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

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and FPGAs. Support of platform independent reconguration is the primary aim of this work. A lot of industry and academic e orts have already been put in the development of design tools for network-oriented reonguration. On the one hand for the industry category, design frameworks like Java 8] can support platform independent designs, but only with software components. Xilinx Online 1] is devoted to enable any network connected Xilinx programmable system that can be modied after the system has been deployed in the eld. But basically, it is a vendor specic approach, not a platform-independent one. On the other hand for the academic category, virtual hardware and circlets concepts had been raised by Brebner2]3]. The goal of circlets is to nd a virtual description of circuits and integrated circlets with applets, which is quite similar to us. But they did not look at the interaction between the software and hardware. JHDL 4] proposes to use general-purpose programming languages Java for FPGA design. Their work is focused on using Java to describe hardware, but not to solve platform-independent issues for networked hardware reconguration. Services that contain platform independent networked recongurable hardware and software objects need to be developed in a virtual design platform. This paper discusses the components, design ow, and implementation aspects of such a virtual design framework. In the next section, the application background of the framework will be introduced. Then, we will describe the components that comprise the virtual framework. In section 4, the application design ow is introduced. Being an innovative component of the virtual framework, the hardware virtual machine is discussed in section 5. In section 6, the service bytele format is briey explained.

2. Application Background In the networked hardware reconguration, the hardware reconguration information is transported together with software from the service provider to the client. It enables to add new hardware features and x existing ones without sending a technician out in the eld. This results in big maintenance and deployment savings 6]. Networked reconguration of both hardware and software has a major impact on the current Internet service industry. We will use the service of "Web Movie" (see Fig. 1) as an example to show how new services are expected to be deployed and maintained in the coming future. Suppose there is a client who wants to watch web movies. But he

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A Virtual Framework for Networked Recon guration


Client Web Movie Programmable Interface FPGA

Controller Native FPGA bitstream

Native application software code




Network Service Provider Web Page Downloading "Choose Movie" Service Bytefiles Software bytecode Hardware bytecode

Figure 1. Deployment of the web movie service with the virtual framework.

has neither the "Web Movie Player" nor the movie les installed on his side. He goes to the web page of the web movie service provider, where he nds the list of movies that are available. The client then points his mouse at one of the items and chooses his favorite movie. Upon receiving this request from the client, the service provider rst detects that the client does not have a movie player. Therefore, it automatically sends the movie player service bytele to the client. After the service bytele has been successfully installed, the client can use the web movie player to playback the movie les provided in the same or another service provider's site. The web movie service bytele is the combination of software and hardware bytecode that realizes the web movie player. Normally, the software bytecode describes the user interface, hardware/software interface, and all the computationally non-intensive functions of the player. The hardware bytecode describes the FPGA reconguration information that implements the computationally intensive functions like video decoding. By preparing the reconguration information in an abstract bytecode format (which is abstract enough to be implemented on a wide variety of xed hardware (Processors) and recongurable hardware (FPGA platforms)), the "Web Movie" service provider only needs to write the service bytele once, and it can run on any client platform.

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3. Framework Description This section introduces the components of the virtual framework. Those components are residing on the service providers and clients respectively. They are shown in Fig. 2. We will only explain those blocks that are unique in this framework. Framework Components for the Service Provider

Framework Components for the Client

Application Demultiplexing Hardware-Software Co-Design

Software VM Precompiler


Hardware VM Precompiler





Bytecode Binder

Service Bytefile

Figure 2. Components of the virtual framework.

3.1. Components for the Service Provider Framework components for the service provider include a hardware and software codesign environment, software and hardware virtual machine precompilers, and a service bytecode binder. Current codesign environments 7] enable the designers to partition the application system between hardware and software, based on the desired performance-resource tradeo . With the tools in the codesign environment, an application is partitioned into di erent parts that will be implemented in hardware or software. To achieve the goal of write once, run everywhere, both hardware and software parts of the application will be mapped to their respective virtual machines by precompilers. The generated software and hardware bytecode will be combined by the bytecode binder to a service bytele. The service bytele is the information that will be transported from the service provider to the client. Of all the components on the server side, the hardware virtual machine precompiler is a new block that needs to be elaborated.

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A Virtual Framework for Networked Recon guration


3.1.1. Hardware Virtual Machine Precompiler The hardware virtual machine precompiler is used to generate abstract FPGA routing information. The gate-level netlist of the hardware design is rst compiled and technology mapped to the abstract FPGA architecture model that will be discussed in section 4. Then it will be placed and pre-routed on the same model. The resulting physical design information will be written into a hardware bytecode le. The abstract FPGA model is the bridge between the HVM precompiler and the HVM itself. 3.2. Components for the Client Framework components for the client include software and hardware virtual machines 5]8], an architecture specic operating system (ASOS), xed hardware like CPU and recongurable hardware like FPGAs. Compared to traditional components for a terminal, the hardware virtual machine and architecture specic operating system are especially added to build the networked virtual framework. 3.2.1. Hardware Virtual Machine The hardware virtual machine corresponds to the virtual machine in the software part. It works together with the software virtual machine to separate the whole architecture into architecture independent part and architecture specic part. The hardware and software bytecode run on the hardware and software virtual machines respectively. By providing a virtual world, the service provider only needs to provide a service description targeted towards the virtual platform comprised by the HVM and SVM. The implementation aspects of HVM will be discussed in section 4. 3.2.2. Architecture Speci c Operating System In a traditional terminal architecture, the ASOS is a real-time operating system. But in this scalable architecture, we have both xed hardware like a CPU and recongurable hardware like FPGAs. Therefore, a new resource manager that can manage both xed and recongurable hardware is needed. This new resource manager is the ASOS 6]. This will not be elaborated further in the scope of this paper.

4. Design Flow This section introduces the design ow for the service development under the virtual framework. It describes the design ow both for service providers and clients.

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Yajun Ha et al Application Concept Functional Modeling Demultiplexer Problem Partitioning

Software Functional Model

Interface Functional Model

Software Development

Hardware Functional Model Behavioral Synthesis RTL HDL

Software Bytecode

Hardware Bytecode

Software Virtual Machine

Hardware Virtual Machine

Native Application Software

Native FGPA Bitstream

Applicatin Source Code Logic Synthesis Precompile to Software Virtual Machine

Place and Preroute to Abstract FPGA

Software Bytecode

Hardware Bytecode


User Interface

Programmable Interface

FPGA Service Bytecode Binder


Service Provider’s Side

Client’s Side

Figure 3. Design ow of the virtual framework.

4.1. Design Flow on the Service Provider's Side In the service provider's side, a new service requirement is rst thoroughly analyzed and well studied by the designers. In the rst stage, the service is represented by a functional model. This functional model can be written in an special toolkit like Matlab, or general high level languages like C++ and Java. The functional model will be partitioned into three sub models in a hardware/software codesign environment. One sub model describes the application part that will be implemented in software. Another describes the application part that will be implemented in hardware. The third describes the interface between the partitioned hardware and software sub models. The sub models for the software and interface are gone through various phases of software development, which generates the detailed source code to implement the two sub models. The detailed source code is then precompiled into software bytecode by a software virtual machine precompiler. The sub model for the hardware is fed into a hardware design environment. After behavior synthesis, the sub model for the hardware will be transformed into a register transfer level (RTL) hardware description. The RTL description of the hardware can generate the gate-level netlist through logical synthesis. The hardware bytecode can be ob-

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A Virtual Framework for Networked Recon guration


tained by placing and pre-routing this gate level netlist on an abstract FPGA model. Both hardware and software bytecodes are sent to the service bytecode binder, which produces the combined service byteles. 4.2. Design Flow on the Client's Side In the client's side, the received service bytele is rst demultiplexed to software and hardware bytecode respectively. Software bytecode is interpreted by the software virtual machine and turned into the native application software code that runs on the native CPU. On the other hand, the hardware bytecode is interpreted by the hardware virtual machine, and turned into native FPGA bitstreams that will congure native FPGA. When both the native application software code and the FPGA bitstream have been obtained, the native application software code will rst dene the programmable interface via the controller. Through this dened interface, the native FPGA bitstreams will be sent to FPGA for reconguration. The recongured FPGA can then be used as a hardware accelerator 9]. The native application software code interacts with the FPGA accelerator through the programmed interface. The native application software code sends the parameters and variables to the interface, and gets the results from that interface once the FPGA accelerator has nished processing. The native application software code also provides the graphic user interface, such as menus, to interact with the user.

5. Hardware Virtual Machine As described in section 2 and section 3, the hardware virtual machine is the most innovative component of the whole framework. It is also the less researched eld until now. This section describes the hardware virtual machine. Additionally, implementation of the abstract FPGA model converter will be briey introduced. The hardware bytecode is one of the topics in the next section, where we discuss the service bytele format. 5.1. Virtual FPGA Model Like in commercial FPGAs, the abstract FPGA model (see Fig. 4) also contains three blocks. They are abstract logic block, abstract routing architecture, and abstract I/O pad.

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Yajun Ha et al Abstract logic block

X channel segment

Y channel segment Input Pin

I/O block Output pin

Figure 4. An abstract FPGA architecture.

5.1.1. Abstract Logic and I/O Block The logic block used in an FPGA strongly inuences the FPGA speed and area-eciency. While many di erent logic blocks have been used in FPGAs, most current commercial FPGAs are using logic blocks based on look-up tables (LUTs). Accordingly, in our research, we will only build abstract logic block for those LUT-based FPGAs. One abstract basic logic block is shown in Fig. 5. It contains a K-input LUT (we choose K=4 in the example) to implement combinational logic, a D ip-op to implement sequential logic, and a multiplexer to choose the output 15]. The pin locations of an abstract logic block are chosen randomly, because they will be mapped to the real pin locations of the client FPGA later. Combination of abstract basic logic blocks can be used to describe a series of commercial logic blocks, such as those used in Altera 8K and 10K FPGAs 10], Xilinx 4000 and 5200 series 11]. Out 4-input Clock LUT



I_3 I_4 I_2

O_1 I_1 P_1 P_2

Figure 5. A basic logic block in the abstract FPGA.

Abstract I/O blocks, in many ways, can be treated as a simpler logic block. It comprises M pads (we choose M=2 in the example) which are

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A Virtual Framework for Networked Recon guration


programmed to be either input or output pad. Similarly as the pins in an abstract logic block, I/O pad locations can be chosen freely. The position for an abstract logic block or I/O pad is specically dened in the coordinate system. 5.1.2. Abstract Routing Architecture Based on their routing architecture, commercial FPGAs can be classied into three groups. The FPGAs of Xilinx, Lucent are island-style FPGAs, while Actel's FPGAs are row-based, and Altera's FPGAs are hierarchical. The routing architecture in our abstract FPGA model can describe all of the three groups. It consists of an array of X channel segments and Y channel segments like in Fig. 4. Any path between two pins or one pin and one pad can be abstractly described by the combination of X and Y channel segments. The position for a X or Y channel is specically dened in the coordinate system. Part of Fig. 10 shows an example of how to describe the net 0. 5.2. Virtual FPGA Model Converter The virtual FPGA model converter fullls the task to interpret abstract hardware bytecode into local FPGA programming les, where the hardware bytecode is received from the service provider via the network. The converter partitions its job into eight steps, logic block rebinding, local routing modication (LRM) for illegal tracks, coordinate adjustment, pin reassignment, local routing modication (LRM) for pins, I/O pad reassignment, LRM for I/O pad, and detailed routing. 5.3. Logic block rebinding In the logic block rebinding phase, the abstract FPGA model should be mapped to the local logic block architecture (shown in Fig. 4). Depending on how large the local logic block is, several 4-input logic blocks in Fig. 4 will be combined to make a new big logic block. After this technology mapping, some of the channels disappear in the new architecture. For example, if two abstract logic blocks are combined, there will be one X-channel or one Y-channel removed (see Fig. 6(a)). If four abstract 4-input logic blocks are combined, there will be two X-channel and two Y-channel removed (see Fig. 6(b)). 5.4. LRM for illegal tracks and coordinate adjustment If the path of a net in the hardware bytele passes any channel that is illegal after logic block rebinding, it should be modied to use legal channels. Fig. 7 illustrates two such situations.

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Figure 6. Channel disappear when (a) Two logic block combined to one local logic block. (b) Four logic block combined to one local logic block.

Local routing part Global routing part

Local routing part Global routing part



Figure 7. Example of routing modication for illegal track . (a) The original global connection in the abstract routing architecture. (b) Modied global connection in the local routing architecture.

When the abstract logic blocks are rebound to make local logic blocks, and illegal tracks have been removed, the coordinate system of the abstract FPGA is converted to that of the local FPGA coordinate system. The routing information is now represented on the local coordinate system. 5.5. Pin reassignment and LRM for pin In the pin reassignment phase, the pin location in each new logic block should be reassigned. This pin reassignment is based on the pin location information contained in several abstract logic blocks which composed this new block. Fig. 8 is used to illustrate this. The results from the pin reassignment phase provide the basis to the local routing modication (LRM) for the pins. Because although pin location may change from one side to another, this change can be updated through local routing modication. Compared to a com-

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A Virtual Framework for Networked Recon guration Ia3 Ia2

Ia3 Ia4 Ia2







Oa1 Ia1 Ib3 Ib4


Ob1 Ib1 Ib3 Ib2

Original pin locations in Abstract FPGA (a)

pin locations in local FPGA (b)

Figure 8. An example of pin reassignment.

plete rerouting algorithm, LRM can greatly reduce the computation complexity. Fig. 9 is used to illustrate this.

Local routing part Global routing part

Local routing part Global routing part



Figure 9. Example of pin local routing modication. (a) The original connection in the abstract logic block. (b) Mapped connection in the local logic block.

5.6. Pad reassignment and LRM for pad Similar to the objective and approach in pin reassignment, I/O pad will be reassigned to accommodate the di erence between abstract I/O pad and local I/O pad. In the LRM for pad phase, the converter does the job quite similar to what it does in the LRM for pin phase. The only di erence is that it is the pad that has been adjusted. 5.7. Detailed routing In the detailed routing phase, the path of each net will be accurately assigned to each track. Because the global routing information contained in the hardware bytele has given an easy start for the detailed routing, detailed routing is simplied to a track scheduling task.

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6. Service Bytele Format This section discusses the format for the service bytecode le. A service bytele consists of a stream of 8-bit bytes. The service bytele contains both the hardware and software bytecode. The software bytecode we use for the framework is the Java bytecode. Therefore, our software bytecode format follows strictly the Java class le format 8] (in Java, the software bytecode le is called class). The hardware bytecode describes the hardware accelerator part of a service application. Since there is still no standard for hardware bytecode yet, we dene the hardware bytecode format ourselves. Begin of application Name: Example Net 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

application name array size . . . net number net_0 name node number (net_0) node type node attribute . . End of Application



(1,4) Pin: O_1 (1,4) (1,3) (2,2) (3,2) (4,2) (4,2) (4,2) Pin: I_4 (1,3) (1,2) (0,3) (0,3) Pad: P_2

Hardware Bytecode Format (b)

Net 1 (net1_name) ...... ...... ...... Net 50 (net50_name) ...... ...... IPIN (6,9) Pad: P_1 End of application

Routing results of one example application on the abstract FPGA architecture (a) IPIN 0






Code used for node type (d)

... ... net0_name 12 1 1 4 0 3 1 4 3 1 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 3 4 2 0 4 2 4 3 1 3 2 1 2 3 0 3 0 0 3 2 net1_name ...

Bytecode Segment for net_0 (c)

Figure 10. The hardware bytecode format and an example bytecode segment for net 0.

The hardware bytecode format is explained through an example. Based on the coordinate system, the routing information for net 0 can be described by Fig. 10(a). This textual description of the routing information is then converted into a binary bytecode segment (Fig. 10(c)) according to the format dened in Fig. 10(b). Fig. 10(d) shows the code used to represent di erent kinds of routing resources in bytecode. Combining the software and hardware bytecodes, the service bytele format is presented using the table I. In the service bytele, the magic item supplies the magic number identifying the service bytecode le.

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A Virtual Framework for Networked Recon guration


Table I. Service bytele format. magic application name bytecode binder version java precomipler version hardware vm precompiler version java class count java class 1] ... /* other java classes */ java class java class count] hardware bytele count hardware bytele 1] ... /* other hardware byteles */ hardware bytele hardware bytele count]

The values of the bytecode binder version, java precompiler version and hardware vm precompiler version are the version numbers of the precompilers that produce this service bytecode le. Those version numbers are used to help the demultiplexer and software and hardware virtual machines decide if they support the service bytecode les generated from those versions of precompilers. The value of the java class count and hardware byte le count items must be greater than zero. They give the number of Java class les and hardware bytecode les that are contained in this application. The Java class les follow the format dened in its specication8]. The hardware bytecode les follow the format dened in Fig. 10.

7. Experimental Results Byteles for ten large MCNC benchmark circuits have been generated. Each of the MCNC benchmark circuits was synthesized with the SIS 13] tool and then technology mapped to our abstract FPGA architecture using Flowmap 14] and VPACK 15]. The outputs of VPACK are then passed to VPR 15], which generates the placement and global routing information on our abstract FPGA architecture. This placement and global routing information is nally converted to our bytele using the format dened in Fig. 10. To make a comparison with commercial FPGA bitstream les, Xilinx 4000 series have been chosen to implement the same benchmark

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Table II. Bytecode vs bitstream comparison Circuit #Gates #FF alu4 apex4 bigkey clma dsip elliptic ex5p s298 s38417 spla

3915 3206 4675 22136 4330 9475 2768 5049 16911 10182

0 0 224 33 224 1266 0 8 1463 0

Device XC4005E XC4005E XC4005E XC4025E XC4005E XC4010E XC4003E XC4006E XC4020E XC4013E

Bitstream (bits) Bytecode (bytes) 95,008 95,008 95,008 422,176 95,008 178,144 53,984 119,840 329,312 247,968

314,178 289,186 324,638 1916,162 273,462 712,704 248,990 360,090 112,296 880,228

circuits. Results for both byteles and bitstream les are summarized in table II. It reveals that, byteles are normally larger than bitstreams although the bytele contains less and abstract information. That is because in a bitstream, the coordinate information for one routing resource (X-channel or Y-Channel) is implicitly indicated by the bitstream sequence, but the abstract bytele has to explicitly specify it using four or more bytes. Since our project is now not going to the optimization phase, we only use simple and direct way to write abstract routing information into bytele (see Fig. 10). We expect the bytele size can be greatly decreased by doing encoding.

8. Conclusions A virtual framework for networked reconguration has been discussed. In the framework, a service application can be abstractly described by both software and hardware objects. Therefore, the service can be written once, and run everywhere. It greatly helps the service providers to deploy new services, especially for those that need hardware accelerators to improve the performance.

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A Virtual Framework for Networked Recon guration


Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge the valuable discussions with Professor Francky Catthoor (K.U.Leuven/IMEC) and many people in the DESICS division of IMEC. The research was supported by the Flemish IWT under the ITA-II Multiservice Network Technologies project.

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