Building and executing Open Confefrence System

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The website is the modern interface that reflects the "value" of business, ... is noted that the word CONFERENCE is launched at the meetings held by the victors.
Building and executing Open Confefrence System Rafah Shehab Ahmed ,Buthaina Fahran Abed and Shaimaa Obeid Kadhim, Iraqi Commission for Computers & Informatics Informatics Institute for Postgraduate Studies [email protected] , [email protected] and [email protected]

Abstract. The website is the modern interface that reflects the "value" of business, having a website for business is like a "spokesperson" for the company talks all the time with a tireless and restless tug. Do not feel bored and do not hesitate to repeat questions that provide them with "useful" answers that save time and hence value no matter the distance and the time. Where there are more than two billion Internet users worldwide and more than billions of devices such as computers, smartphones, tablet computers and more are connected to the internet. The Web is a method of transferring information over the Internet. The aim of this paper is to design and implement a website assisting to organize a conference which can be used by any organization. The conference website includes a registration, committee organize, pricing, call of paper, program and brochure which can held any conference effectively and efficiently. Also helps researches to submit their paper and get the acceptance that allow them to get involved in the event. Keywords: conference system, scientific committee, web site, 1.Introduction Conference is a meeting for researchers to present, discuss, identify important problems and formulate future research direction on specific themes. It provides a true learning environment. However, organizing a conference entails plenty of timeconsuming work. For instance, collecting paper to be submitted from authors, assigning papers and submitted to the reviewers, notifying authors about whether the paper is rejected or accepted. These processes will surely consume a lot of precious time and complicated works if a conference is conducted manually [1]. It is also one of the important communication activities that contribute to achieving a harmonious vision between the institution and the public and to achieve cooperation between them. Conferences also contribute in raising the morale of workers and informing them of their importance in society. Through these guidelines an attempt will be put forward to provide a detailed description of all the steps followed by the organization of a conference. It is vital that those who wish to organize such an event are aware of the differences between a conference, a seminar and a workshop. The main objective of this system is to give IIPS (Informatics Institute for Postgraduate Studies) to


organize their conference using their own system that will assist in organizing the conference which requires papers to be submitted and reviewed by professional in an efficient manner. The system will also alert participants about their involvement in the event [2]. 2. History The word conference was known for a long time and was launched on the meetings after the wars and the teams of some English writers between the terms that were launched on the word conference: Congress and Conference, but in fact was not committed to this distinction between the terms was launched at the Congress of Vienna, which took place in Paris after the First World War Conference name. But it is noted that the word CONFERENCE is launched at the meetings held by the victors after the freedom or interests and the word CONGRESS launched the meetings held by the oppressed countries and neutral countries and it is now agreed to use all Conference of the international conferences in general [2]. 3. Conference Manager Conference Manager is an online application that will help you take care of the details as such as [3]:  setting conference goals  setting up your registration process  sending invitations  booking transportation  collecting abstracts and papers  voting and management of abstracts  managing audio-visual requirements  communicating with delegates  collecting payment  evaluating the success of your conference 4. The Role of the Conference Organizer A conference organizer, the person who is responsible for all the conference logistics, and extends far beyond that. A conference organizer is responsible not just for the details but also for the big picture. You need to develop a vision for your conference with realizable goals and objectives that is maintained and supported by the details of the event [3].  Develop a vision for your conference that includes measurable goals and objectives.  Establish a committee.


   

Delegate tasks to committee members. Develop a timeline. Develop the conference program. Hold regular committee members to verify that committee members have the support required to accomplish their tasks.  Hold a meeting after the conference and gather feedback on the conference process.  Send out appropriate thank notes. 5. The World Wide Web The World Wide Web (WWW) or simply the Web is what most people think it is the ‘Internet’ but it is truly a subset of the internet to transfer the information over the computer networks as shown in figure 1. The WWW depends on a number of protocols, systems, and technologies all working together in harmony [4]. To distinguish between the internet and the web that are increasingly being used alternately, the Internet is computers that are connected via a network. No company owns the Internet; it is a mutual effort managed by a system of rules and standards. The purpose of connecting computers is to share information. The computers have many modes for the information to be passed, including file transfer (FTP), email, and other methods upon which the Internet is built. These ways of transferring the information are called protocols. The Web is a method of transferring information over the Internet. It links the documents to each other via hypertext links thus producing a huge “web” of connected information. The Web uses a protocol called Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) [4].

Figure 1. The web as subset of the internet 6. Static vs. Dynamic Website Static website is the earliest form of the webs. Users in static website could view the pages but could not provide feedback. The skills that needed to create static website is very simple: one just needed to have knowledge of the HTML and creating


images. The interaction between the user and the static website can be shown in figure 2 [4]. In dynamic website the page content varies from one user to another because the content of the page is created at the run time by a program created by a programmer. These server-based programs would read content from databases, interface with existing enterprise computer systems, communicate with financial institutions, and then output HTML that would be sent back to the users’ browsers. The dynamic website can be shown in figure 3 [4].

Figure 2. Static Website

Figure 3. Dynamic Website

7. User Interface, Experience and Interaction design The first think of web design is how the site works. Before choosing fonts and colors, it is important to determine the goals of the site, how the visitors navigate


through it and how it will be used. These tasks fall under the disciplines of User Interface (UI) design, User Experience (UX) design, Interaction Design (IxD) [5]: User Interface Designer: responsible for designing the site tools that users use to navigate such as (menus, buttons, links, and so on) and functional organization of the page. User Interaction Designer: is responsible for making the site as interesting, efficient and easy to use as possible. User Experience Designer: ensuring that the user experience with the site is suitable. 8. The proposed system The Design and implementation of open conference system website is illustrated in figure 4. This website has been designed to organize conference for Informatics Institute for Postgraduate Studies in order to build their own website on the internet according to the system of global scientific conferences. The website provides a registration form to the visitors to participate in the conference with research, attendance or working paper. The conference provides an opportunity to introduce the latest researches and developments for all those interested in technology. It also provides a scientific platform for the exchange of success stories in the educational aspects and scientific research and discuss the educational problems related to the provision of scientific research in order to benefit from successful experiences and find the best ways to deal with educational problems, and the expected developments in this scientific field and how to benefit from them. The conference also addresses advanced scientific topics serving the community. The data collection process includes the collection of all necessary information for the Informatics Institute for Postgraduate Studies and its decisions and the conditions necessary to organize the conference and write the required requirements and prepare all the resources necessary to build the website The website consists of several pages and the main interface, which includes information about Informatics Institute for Postgraduate Studies, which is accessible to several sub-pages that contain information about the conference and the registration form and brochure of the conference. All visitors access to any page in the website. The wireframe for this site in figure 4.


Figure 4. the website wireframe 9. Hosting the Website The programming languages that have been used in the design of the website are PHP7, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and MySQL. The web design and development applications that used are WAMP. In addition to some design applications such as ‘FrontPage’ and ‘Dreamweaver’ and some graphics editing programs such as 'Photoshop', 'Paint' and 'PowerPoint' and some text editing programs such as ‘Notepad ++’.[6][7][8][9][10] As we build the website and test its operation on local server, it became hosted on ‘000webhost’company with URL‘’.So It contain the database and it is an online web application that is ready to use. 10. The Creating Website Procedure 10.1. Home Page The home page starts with a picture of the conference, invitations, welcome, and a main bar that enables the visitor to access any page easily and clearly. It also includes several pages which are ('projects in the Institute', 'Organizing Committee', 'Registration', and 'Manual') plus the conference aims to achieve as shown in figure 5.


Figure 5. The Home page 10.1.1. The Projects in the Institute This page includes several pages which are projects in the informatics Institute for graduated studies for this year. One of the most important projects of the Institute this year are: MOOCIIPS-Informatics, Channel Educational Informatics Institute, Baghdad Platform for the Informatics Institute for e – Learning, Milclicks as shown in figure 6.

Figure 6. The projects in the Institute page A. MOOCIIPS-Informatics A complete electronic course in computer and information science is the first in the level of higher education and education in Iraq, where it is an unprecedented educational experience to adopt e-learning and lifelong learning in Iraq and to lead our educational institutions to global reliability and increase its scientific and academic status has undergone the experience for local, More than 8 months of the world's leading specialists in e-learning as shown in figure 7.

Figure 7. MOOCIIPS-Informatics B. Channel Educational Informatics Institute


The launch of the first channel of the Institute of Educational Informatics on YouTube aims to publish all the activities of graduate students (high diploma, master, doctorate) and educational and scientific activities of the Institute where you can visit the website at the following link as shown in figure 8.

Figure 8. Channel Educational Informatics Institute C. Baghdad Platform for the Informatics Institute for e – Learning The first Iraqi and the achievement of an unprecedented science at the level of Iraqi higher education and more than 7 educational applications completed in Iraq, In the preparation of the platform and its applications by adopting the methods of modern mix education, social education, electronic communication, peer learning and lifelong learning in a full and advanced investment of the latest technologies in elearning and Iraqi programming exclusively for the members of our institute and its students. We set our platform and expertise and we are pioneers in the subject and after graduating Two courses of higher education students in the adoption of elearning in addition to the graduates of the era of specialists in e-learning in the service of all Iraqi higher education institutions and universities free of charge and with a willingnes to organize workshops, seminars and free training for anyone who wishes as shown in figure 9.

Figure 9. Baghdad Platform D. Milclicks


The Institute of Informatics for Graduate Studies starts with the adoption of the UNESCO initiative in information media education and begins with quick and deliberate implementation steps in the application. The Institute's sites and initiative were established in the three world-famous sites of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Also adopt a channel The Institute of Informatics on YouTube was adopted in the initiative. A deliberate process in building the information society as shown in figure 10.

Figure 10. Milclicks 10.1.2. The Organizing Committee This page includes members of the scientific committee of the conference and my picture of which you designed the project as shown in figure 11.

Figure 11. The Organizing Committee page 10.1.3. The Registration This page includes a registration form for the conference where the form consists of (name, surname, gender, scientific title, university or organization, type of participation, title if participant, abstract of search, email, mobile, address). Where type of participant after


registration, information is sent to the database and a special code appears for the person who registered at the conference as shown in figure 12.

Figure 12. The Registration page 10.1.4. The Manual In this page there are two pictures where the conference brochure designed in PowerPoint, is an Arabic and English version show in figure 13,14,15. The images can be zoom in and zoom out through the mouse and can be downloaded and viewed Invitation to participate and the topics and objectives of the conference and the scientific committee and how to participate in the conference. Also this page include file that content to how can write the scientific paperas shown in figure 13,14,15 .

Figure 13. The Manual page


Figure 14. The Arabic version of brochure

Figure 15. The English version of brochure 10.2 About page This page includes an overview of The Informatics Institute for Postgraduate Studies which consists of the Institute's founding history, the mission of the Institute, the objectives of the Institute, and the future aspirations of the Institute as shown in figure 16.


Figure 16. The About page 10.3 The Program page Where the program was developed in a manner commensurate with the official working hours and will be sent invitation cards to all attendees where this page consists of the date of the conference, the venue and the conference schedule as shown in figure 17. .

Figure 17. The program page 10.4 The Pricing page The conference's design should be based on the intention of attending the conference. The invitation should be addressed to reporters and activists in the conference through the publication of a brochure containing the conference's topics, the goals of the conference, the participation method and the scientific committee responsible for the conference. On this page there is a call for all visitors and two pictures of a brochure designed in PowerPoint, Arabic and English versions as shown in figure 18.


Figure 18. The pricing page 10.5 The Contact us page Page includes name, email, phone number, and message will you want to send in order to communicate with the administrator of the site or visit the Institute place as shown in figure 19

Figure 19. The contact us page

11. Conclusion A. In conclusion, this Open Conference System provide a benefits as it allows Event Manager to organize the submission of conference papers submitted by the Authors. The system hopefully would provide the necessary functions to the Event Manager in order to manage the event effectively, efficiently and thus knowing that the system will function smoothly.


B. it would be nice and interesting if users found the procedures used in online conference paper submission and review to be user-friendly and flexible. C. this system will also help the Event Manager of the conference to publish and alert the authors of the important dates of submission. D. This will provide a better understanding between the authors and event manager regarding the conference in order to effectively manage the conference. 12.references [1] Abu, B. S., Abdul ,A. A. & Lim . S. F. , Framework for Conference Management System , Department of Information System, University Putra Malaysia,43400 UPM Serdang, Malaysia :2009. [2] Elena,P., How to organize a conference?, University of Essex, UK,[email protected]:11/2008. [3] Dr. Cathy, K. , The Keynote Guide to Planning a Successful Conference, 2004 Keynote Networks Ltd [4] Hoar,R.C.R.,Fundamentals of Web Development, ed. M. Goldstein. 2015: Microsoft Corporation. 979 [5] Willard, W., Web Design Demystified. DeMYSTiFieD Series. 2011, Unites States:McGraw-Hill Companies. 285. [6] LLOYD, I., BUILD YOUR OWN WEBSITE THE RIGHT WAY USING HTML & CSS.2nd ed. 2011:sitepoint pty. Ltd. 514. [7] Wempen, F., HTML5 Step by Step.2011, 1005 Gravenstein Highway North Sebastopol, California 95472: O'Reilly Media, Inc. 384. [8] Hege Refsnes, S.R., Kai Jim Refsnes and Jan Egil Refsnes, Learn HTML and CSS with w3schools. 2010, 111 River Street: Wiley Publishing, Inc. 230. [9] Powell, T.A., HTML & CSS:The Complete Reference. Fifth Edition ed. 2010: The McGraw-Hill Companies. 832. [10] Hege Refsnes, S.R., Kai Jim Refsnes and Jan Egil Refsnes, Learn JavaScript and AJAX with w3schools. 2010, Published simultaneously in Canada: Wiley Publishing, Inc. 252.