Jakarta especially in Petak Sembilan is an area that overwhelmed ... also as a stock-room. .... ethnic Chinese building in Jakarta, it is expected the quality.
Building Conversion as an Application of Old Building Conservation Comparative Studies: China Town, Singapore–Petak Sembilan, Jakarta KOLABORASI:
Ari Widyati Purwantiasning Lily Mauliani Wafirul Aqli Dipublikasikan dalam Prosiding Seminar Internasional: International Conference on Climate Change and Local Wisdom: Living Harmony within Our Built Environment Genius Loci Chapter One 2013 Alauddin Islamic State University Indonesia 14-16 February 2013
The changing and make over the function of an old building has been known as a conversion of an old building. The goal of this concept is to find a feasible use of the building economically and efficiently in maintenance, thus the building will be not neglected and remain untreated anymore. In fact, the concept of building conversion has been selected as a conservation effort because it has been seen that the function of old building is no longer appropriated if retained. An old building could be converted to be a new building with new function, is a commercial function. Keywords: conversion, conservation, old buildings, China Town, Petak Sembilan
Background Purwantiasning in her research about Conservation and Economic Development (2004) stated that conservation can be defined as a breathing life into old buildings, especially those that have the character of historical and has a meaning for a city. This surely cannot be left without any effort to preserve it. But the old buildings will not only require preservation efforts without referring back to the original function of the respective historical masterpiece. To these old buildings need to be breathed a life, thus that the figure of concrete is no longer like meaningless blister plant, but could be kept alive and give each image in accordance with its character. Rypkema and Tiesdell (1996) in their book about revitalization of old buildings in cities, alleging that the old historic buildings mostly does not have adequate utilities so that the building is not
feasible and does not have a value in accordance with their respective functions. The weakness in most of the old buildings in the end causing the buildings not functioned as it should be. With all those problems, revealed various efforts to revive old buildings in some countries that have historic building legacies. One example is in United Kingdom especially in the city of Liverpool, the town that has a lot of old buildings. From this background, then the research was started so that the success of the city of Liverpool, one of the cities in the United Kingdom which has many old buildings may be adopted by Indonesia, as a country which also has many old buildings were abandoned. Certainly can always remember about a statement that a great nation is a nation that always appreciates its legacies of history.
The concept of the old buildings conversion is a function transformation concept for the building to be refunctioned better so that the quality of the building in social, economic and cultural aspect also increases. The result of this research was a modeling design from the concept of the building conversion. This result can be used as a guide and reference pilot project for conversion of old buildings in the Jakarta’s Old City and other cities in Indonesia. Design model produced in this research can also become a unit of an example that can be used by the local government and the central government in distributing funding for the preservation of old buildings.
Conservation and Preservation in General Definition In the 19th century, a jurist of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, JJA Worsaae said that, “Big nation is a nation that doesn't just look at the present and the future, but would like to turn to the past in order to see their passed historical journey”. Similar to the speech above other expression emerged which confirmed by philosopher Aguste Comte with his tagline “SavoirPour Prevoir”, which means studying the past, see the present, to determine the future. Looking at the past that expressed by looking the physical existence of ancient building is certainly not only by seeing the figure of physical building solely, but the value of its history which attached to and wrapping it as a culturally meaning. Because the appearance of this meaningwrapper can joined to determining the identity for urban area functioned in the future. However, the problem that arises is how close we will be able to understand the term “Conservation”, which is now has undergone a change comes up with a new term, “Old-Historical Building”. In fact the term conservation and preservation itself, has been used with various meanings. Preservation is a type of intervention aims to protect and repair of historic buildings, and in General the preservation term is widely used in America (USA). Similarly, the Conservation is an action to keep intact to as much as possible of the existing historic building’s elements, one of them is with the traditional repair method, or with synthetic materials and current technology, and the term of conservation is more widely used in the UK and Australia (Larsen, 1994). With its diversity of understanding, finally other opinions appearing regarding about
the preservation term as an effort to create or bringing back something where exactly as the original state without any change, including efforts to prevent the destruction, while in conservation term, conservation is an effort to conserve old building, efficient the usage and set the direction of development in the future. Even in the Burra Charter, conservation definiton may include all maintenance activities and in accordance with local conditions and situations and may also include teh act of: preservation, restoration, adaptation, reconstruction and revitalization (Marquis-Kyle & amp; Walker, 1996).
Theory of Old Building’s Conversion In the concept of conservation alson known a term of building conversion. What the meaning of building conversion? Conversion of building usually applied to old buildings, where in the action applied the change and makeover of the building’s function. For example, if the previous building is an office, it is possible to make it over for example as an entertainment building, café or restaurant. This change and makeover of the old building called as conversion of old buildings. Purposes of conversion is to find the use of more worthy in economic aspect for the oldhistorical building so that not to be neglected and remain well maintined. It is also pertaining to management of old buildings to fix a policy of cost usage which come from building rental soure. Substantially conversion chosen as an attempt of conservation because sees the older function of the old buildings was already improper if it’s kept in current context. So by the time and high demand for commercial spaces in present, then new functions emerged to old buildings which conserved.
On the concept of conversion of an old building, sometimes demolition of the old building which is already vulnerable and dangerous so it's no longer livable implemented, and its replaced with new building that is able to accommodate market demands. This implementation done according to the feasibility studies. Of course planning of the new buildings with its new functions should considers the compatibility with old buildings surround it so that the existence of the new building is contextual to the surrounding environment. Purwantiasning (2004) had explained that the purpose of this conversion is to find the use of more economically viable to the historic old buildings, so it’s not dormant and remain well preserved. It also deals with the management of preserved old buildings how to using fees earned from funds in rents on each building. Virtually conversion was selected as a conservation efforts because sees the previous functions of the old building is already no longer proper if its retained. So with the passage of time as well as increase of market demand in commercial spaces, then new functions take over. Although the old building underwent some refurbishment process as implementation for conservation, but still the character of each historic building are retained. In addition, there are some things that must be considered in the implementation of the conversion and conservation, including the problems associated with utility buildings, considering the old building has a concerning condition. The change of old building’s function surely must strengthen the character of each converted building. The City Government in
various countries around the world trying to roll numbers of alternatives for every old building that has not been well maintained with a new function that has a higher quality than ever before. Some buildings are converted to striking looks though while in the end still maintaining the quality of the authenticity of its historic architecture. This of course will contribute the spark for a fresh view of the city.
China Town Singapore Case Study Review The settlement of ethnic Chinese communities or commonly referred to as “Chinatown” in Singapore originated from a group of people who lived in those countries, which are the immigrants that come from Xianmen in Fujian province in China. They occupy the area around southern Singapore River which currently known as Telok Ayer. The Chinatown formed has a local name; Niu Che Shui (Bullock Cart Water). At the time the settlement was established, every household was required to keep clean water in wooden buckets, therefore the village has a local name Niu Che Shui. Chinese immigrants came to Singapore long before the arrival of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles in 1819. Migrants who came not only from China but also from other countries, which aims to perform a commercial activity. More immigrants comes entered the country especially after the opening of the free port of Singapore. To simplify administration, the Government at that time did segregation to the migrants in accordance of their ethnic background. Chinese immigrants are placed in the area of southern
Bank Boat Quay at the West of Singapore River. In that region the Chinese immigrants build and develop Chinatown. On the progress, Chinatown in Singapore is divided into four different areas each which developed in different times. The four of the regions are: Kreta Ayer, Telok Ayer, Bukit Pasoh, and Tanjong Pagar. As described berfore about the pattern of settlement in Chinatown, Singapore has linear shaped and each of the building is 2-3 storey building typical. At the ground level, the wall of facade is set back so the forefront space can become a front terrace and at the upper level become shade for the terrace. Because of its linear-shaped pattern, the terrace in front of each building are interconnected and form a continuous walkway with a row of columns along the outer edge (colonnade). Looking from its history, where migrants from China came to Singapore to trade, buildings at Chinatown is a building with dual function. The lower floor serves as a place to trade while the upper floors serve as the family dwelling, so the buildings known as Shophouse. With the growing number of immigrants coming into Singapore's Chinatown, the area then becomes increasingly dense, so that some wealthier residents choose to move from their homes in the form of shophouses to the dwelling houses (residential unit).
Chinatown Settlements and Petak Sembilan Region in Jakarta In Indonesia, Chinese ethnic started to come through the journey of the wandering in the 7th century. The Chinese ethnic was then started to really settle in the territory of Indonesia in the 11th
century, in the eastern coast of the island of Sumatra and coastes of West Kalimantan. In the 14th century, ethnic Chinese started migrating to the island of Java, most of them eventually settled on the North coast of Java. Migration from their previous settlements in Sumatra and Kalimantan is the part of trading expansion. It was not difficult for the Chinese ethnic to settle in the new places becouse they can easily blend with the indigenous peoples. The more the settlement zone is get penetrated into the mainland of Java, the settlement was more organized patternly or localized into one region which was eventually known as Kampung China or Chinatown (as also happens in in other countries). Chinatown then flourished in the 19th century, and its presence is also a result of the colonial Government of the Netherlands interventions which developed the Chinatown to expand trading zone and produce distribution. But the purpose of the Chinatown Development also did not separate from the intention of the Government of Netherlands to supervise the activities of ethnic groups, and safeguard the monopoly of the economy remained in the hands of their Government. One of the oldest Chinatown neighborhood in Jakarta which still looks quite centralized and dominated by dwells activities as well as trading in the same time is Petak Sembilan (Swath of Nine) region, at Tambora, West Jakarta. Physically, Chinatown in Jakarta especially in Petak Sembilan is an area that overwhelmed by small and narrow buildings. Because of Petak Sembilan is not only the living place but also a trading zone, then the typology that dominate the region is Shophouses, in addition there are also some shrines and and ordinary residents.
Characteristics of the Chinatown’s architecture in Petak Sembilan include: a. Curved saddle shape emphasize the shape of the roof, often referred as the roof of Ngang Shan. b. The use of distinctive color elements. The colors of red, yellow and golden is some often coloration applied in existing buildings. c. The structural parts of the building is clearly exposed. Supporting columns and beams, roof frames, as well as roof supports (toukung) left exposed for what it is with the addition of wooden aesthetic elements. d. For the building which is quite extensive, there is open space inside the building (inner courtyard), which became a place of air exchange and natural lighting. For buildings that are not too big, usually has a pretty large terrace area substituting the courtyard Currently, the physical condition of Petak Sembilan is no longer showing its mark as a region inhabited by Chinese ethnic though its still showing the typical of Shophouses. Physical characteristics of Chinese architecture where it should be seen faded replaceable with other typical buildings. The remaining Chinese architecture that still visible is seen in some Shophouses, mostly in its roof detail. While other types of architecture which can still be seen predominantly in the residential building is a style of art deco, and the moreover shows the results of the renovation of the building in a modern style. Some of important points on Petak Sembilan developed into a tourist destination and these points are the center of activities such
as worship (temples and churches) as well as trading. Trading space which being evenly spread in the region take place almost of all every forefront of the Shophouse, and centered as a form of market in along of Jalan Pancoran to Jalan Kemenangan (the north side of Petak Sembilan). In the market area, if the physical characteristic such as the paper lanterns—which is not a permanent elements—not exsisted, then there is no more characteristics indicates that the area is a Chinatown. Some are still left with the main characteristics of Chinese architecture are some shophouses located precisely on the outer of Petak Sembilan area. For example, as in Jalan Toko Tiga the street at the opposite of Jalan Pancoran. At the Petak Sembilan area it self, only a few that still has a bit of details of Chinese architecture there is on Jalan Kemenangan III. This shows that the area which dominated settlement and trading activities, continues undergo of changes to suit the needs of its occupants in terms of space requirements and the style of the building.
Methodology Research conducted is a type of research method that uses a combination of descriptive methodology and the method of planning and designing. Descriptive research is a research that attempts to describe and interpret something. This research was conducted by directly reviewing cases that occur in the field, the process of this research aims to get information about conservation that has relation to space pattern, architecture (the façade) that has to do with the community on conservation areas in the area of comparative study/ case studies
After descriptive method accomplished, then the research proceed with planning and designing methodology, namely to produce a modelling design from the concept of old building conversion. Planning method started with analyzing the result of descriptive research on the characteristic and conversion pattern of an old building in the comparative study/ case studies. After that research proceed to creating a design concept of conversion from selected old building typical. The next stage is the process of designing itself which will then produce an output about conversion concep design model.
Typology of Chinese Ethnic Building Conversion Models Based on the results of a survey in Chinatown, Singapore can be obtained some informations about shop houses which has transformed functionaly. On along the path of the Pagoda Street, for example, nearly all the buildings Shophouses is no longer functioning as dwelling on its upper floor. The second floor is used as a place for commercial. Most are on this road, the ground floor was used as a retail area like selling souvenirs, clothes, restaurants and cafes, while the upper floor was used as a place to display and also as a stock-room. But in another street, the Mosque Street which parallel with the Pagoda Street, seen that the existing buildings on this street is the Shophouses that have been converted into commercial hostelry building. In addition of lodging function, several shophouses still enabled in multi function, i.e. as a function of the dwelling, and at
the ground floor as a commercial function i.e. restaurants, cafes and grocery stores. While there is some other conversion of an old building typology in the Chinatown in Singapore. The typology is different from the two regions that have been described before. The old building is in the Far East Square in the Pekin Street. This area was once a Chinatown with traditional Chinese shophouses exist Office and residential area surrounds.
The Far East Square first opened in 1999, where conservation and revitalization activities in this region are implemented by the URA (Urban Redevelopment Authority), the authority which responsible in carrying out conservation programs. Historically Pekin Street is an area with a traditional shophouse which economically are unable to compete with other regions. One of the causes of the the economic activity demises in the region is the region's inability to adapt to the new economy, the needs of the market, so that wtih the presence of the economic identity repositioning with more innovative and unique concept are expected to be able to make the region competitive with other urban areas. Then in the early 90s, URA transform the area into a tourist area which successful as an urban culinary theme. Currently the area is still a second culinary tourist destination in Singapore after Clarke Quay and Boat Quay.
Typology of Old Building Conversion Models with Commercial Function Unlike the Chinatown in Singapore, the Clarke Quay and Boat Quay is a commercial area that spectacular the tourists both domestic and international to come and enjoy the ambience and the atmosphere. The Clarke Quay and Boat Quay, which was once a port area, transformed in such a way become the largest and most well known culinary tour in Singapore. Old buildings with traditional Chinese character residing in the region have been converted into buildings with commercial functions with a focus on food as well as the Far East Square. On the existing buildings in the area of Boat Quay and Clarke Quay, most of the both floor lower and upper were used as commercial area such as cafes, restaurants, pubs and bars. The basic functions of a shophouse (dwelling) is already faded because the market needs to be a commercial function. Not only using optimally the inside spaces of the building, but also take advantage of the open space in front of the building which was supposed to serve as a pedestrian who is right on the side of the Singapore River, it becomes an outdoor dining area. This has creating an open space pedestrian that becomes narrowed.
Old Building Conversion Model with Commercial Function Based on typology of conversion model described previously, the following is a formulation of a conversion modeling commercially to revive and improve the quality and value of the old building. This is an alternative modeling design of conversion of an old
building so it can be seen more clearly how the commercial functions applied into the old building. This cafe and restaurant function is selected for modeling, also residential functions visitors lodging, in one converted old buildings. Based on the typology of the shophouse with Chinese architecture, the old building consists of two floors with elongated proportion (form of coaches/ train cars). Restaurant or Cafe function located on the ground floor of the commercial zone as a convenient level/area to a more general function, with public visitors. While the function of the residence or lodging in the form guest house or hostel is applied on the top floor where there is a zone that is more private, with a specific visitor, i.e. who want to find temporary accommodation.
Figure 1: Ground Floor Plan Section shows that front area of the building is used as a reception area/ foyer. There is a separation wall on the area of stairs to define a separation between two function (Source: authors, 2012)
Figure 2: above figure shows an access to hostel at the above floor/ second floor, using stairs from ground floor which connecting stairs’ room with a lobby. A sliding door is provided to accomodate guests who want to access the restaurant directly. Below figure shows an access to dining area from restaurant at theground floor. The access is by passing through a garden closely, thus it will become a special experiences dinamically space by space. (Source: Authors, 2012)
Figure 3: A Layout of hostel function at a second floor after to be converted into new function (Source: Authors, 2012)
Figure 4: An exterior which has been renovated after a concept of building convertion has been applied. There is a connection area of dining area and recreation area from one building to another within old buildings area. (Authors, 2012)
Financing System on Building Conversion and Maintenance The activities related to improve the quality of the buildings and environment that in the end affect on improving the quality of a city, would need support from various stakeholders primarily from both local and Central Government. With a number of proposals regarding the model of conversion of old buildings that can be applied in several cities which have historical characters, at least the local government is can be more concerned with the situation. Coordination needed between the Central Government and local governments or the area in terms of cost budget distribution and maintenance old buildings. Pattern of financing system and maintenance of old buildings that are described can be used and implemented by the Central Government as well as local in Jakarta and generaly in Indonesia. With the pilot project of conversion of old buildings, especially ethnic Chinese building in Jakarta, it is expected the quality improvement of these buildings can provide certain value for the local as well as the centre. The ability of the converted old building in generating funds can be used at least to finance and maintain the building itself. Or if it is indeed adequate, the concept of financing patterns that are applied at United Kingdom for example, by using funds from the leasing of space in converted buildings or from taxes paid by owners of converted buildings to finance other old buildings. The financing of which is crosssubsidy can be used as the initial cost in convert old buildings, so that local governments do not need a special fund for it. In addition, the pattern of financing and maintenance of old buildings system can also be obtained from grants from UNESCO for
example. For that local Government should be more proactive in making proposals and seek funding grants.
Conclusion A typical building that exist in the Chinatown area has been selected for the concept of building conversion to be applied on it. The typical building, known as Shophouse is converted into two new functions. The function of the building is supposed to function as a commercial service on the ground floor and residential on the upper floor. But over time the two functions were merged into just entirely commercial functions or residential in both floors. The condition of the buildings where the functional concept is shifted from the shophouse to full store functions or residential becomes undergo degradation. Weak management of the building in terms of utilities and facilities which very poor creating the large number of abandoned buildings in a long period. The conditions encourage researchers to provide an alternative design solutions for shophouse that can enhance the character and quality of the old buildings. The concept of home stores is retained by giving a new breath to the building that is focused on the commercial function. Both ground floor and uppper floor will be used as a commercial area, where the lower floor is used as cafes or restaurants, while the upper floors for residential leases or hostel. The basic concept of building conversion is changing the old function of an old building into a new function to maintain the existence of the building, improving the character of the building
and showing a better image of the city as well as to improve the quality of the historic buildings. Mostly, the concept of building conversion includes commercial activities function, the function is evaluated as very successful effort in several cities in the developed countries in the world. Because with this new function, the building was able to manage the building’s economy value and even finance itself for building maintenance. The commercial function includes functions of leisure, residential leases even pleasure. Finally, it can be concluded that the concept of building conversion adopted from other countries can be applied in Indonesia in General and especially in Jakarta, to minimize the number of old buildings were abandoned.
Acknowledgement This research is a multi years research from 2012 to 2013 in a program of Penelitian Hibah Bersaing. This research has been funded by Kopertis Wilayah III Jakarta, Kementrian Pendidikan Kebudayaan, No: 013/ K3.KU/ 2012 Dated 01/ 03/ 2012. Indonesia
Designation of Conservation Area as an Effort to Preserve a Local Wisdom Comparative studies: Chester, EnglandTenganan Pegeringsingan, Bali Ari Widyati Purwantiasning Dipublikasikan dalam Prosiding Seminar Internasional: International Conference on Climate Change and Local Wisdom: Living Harmony within Our Built Environment Genius Loci Chapter One 2013 Alauddin Islamic State University Indonesia 14-16 February 2013
This paper will explore about two chosen case studies which have been regarded as historical area with local wisdom related to the character, identity, architecture, culture, community, economy and environment as well. This paper will explore two case studies chosen Chester City in England and Tenganan Pegeringsingan in Bali Indonesia. The two case studies have been known as a historical area which have been designated as a conservation area and two of them have many differences in character and local wisdom. A descriptive and historical methods have been chosen as a methodology of the research. Each case study will represent each character of their local wisdom as well as their identity. Keywords: designation, conservation area, local wisdom, Chester, Tenganan Pegeringsingan
Background An unoccupied old building usually will be neglected. This will become a major issue in city center, either will interfere the face as well as the image of the city or will make the building is not worth anymore. The existence of an old building should become an icon of a historic city. One of an effort to preserve the historic city which has been regarded as a genius loci is by applying the concept of conservation. There are some criterias which have been required to designate an area within a city to be a conservation area. The designation of conservation area should be done by choosing an area which has a local wisdom.
Basically, conservation is aimed to manage a place or historical area by applying a particular treatment, thus the values within the area could be preserved. According to this conservation concept, a place could be defined as a land, an area, building or a group of buildings and the environment within the area. This concept of conservation usually has been designated within area with special charater and become an identity of the city. Furthermore, the concept of the conservation will be designated to preserve the area which particularly has been regarded as a genius loci. According to the above explanation, there are two case studies have been chosen which have been regarded as historical area with local wisdom related to the character, identity, architecture, culture, community, economy and environment as well. This paper will explore two case studies chosen Chester City in England and Tenganan Pegeringsingan in Bali Indonesia. The two case studies have been known as a historical area which have been designated as a conservation area and two of them have many differences in character and local wisdom. Both of case studies will represent how extend to which the designation of conservation area will contribute to preserve a historical area and local wisdom. As a conclusion, the research will be conducted with some outcomes from both case studies, such as the different treatment of conservation concept, the different character and identity of both case studies. Chester City in England will represent the commercial area within historical area with the concept of “black and white” city, and Tenganan Pegeringsingan which is known as one of famous Bali Aga Village will represent a traditional architecture of historical area in Bali.
Definition of Conservation Conservation could be defined as a breathing life into old buildings, particularly buildings with historical character and has a meaning for a city. There are so many old buildings within historical area which usually are abandoned because the buildings are not occupied anymore as well as there is an economically problem such as a very high maintenance cost. The above problem surely cannot be concerned without any efforts to preserve the old buildings. Unfortunately, old buildings will not only need an effort to preserve but have to refer to the basic function of those each buildings. Therefore, old buildings need to be breathed a life, thus those concrete figures will not like death cement form, but still alive and provide an image as their characters. Rypkema dan Tiesdell (1996) in their book about revitalization of old buildings within city had stated that historical old buildings, mostly do not have sufficient and feasible utility system. This condition will make those buildings are not feasible anymore and the value of the building’s function will decreased. This weakness will alter mostly old buildings within city, and at the end the building will not be functioned anymore as their function it was. With these problems, it has been formed some efforts to make those buildings getting alive at some developed countries which have historical area with its old buildings. One of the example is England with many historical cities with old buildings within it, such as Chester City and Liverpool City. Two of them have different character, Liverpool City with its
government office area as a conservation area, and Chester City with its commercial area or shopping center as a conservation area. From the above background, this research has been conducted and begun. The successful of Liverpool City and Chester City as a conservation area in England could be formed as an example. Indonesia as a developing country with many old historical buildings which have been abandoned many years could adopted some program for conservation in England. There is a wisdom quote:
“a big country is a country who always appreciate its historical heritage.” With the variety of understanding, finally there is an opinion about preservation. Preservation is an effort to preserve a place as original as it without any changes, included an effort to anticipate a total destruction. On the other hand, conservation is an effort to conserve a building, to create an efficiently using and control the development in the future. Even in the Burra Charter, the definition of conservation will cover all the activities of maintaining as condition and situation as it within an area and could cover preservation, restoration, reconstruction, adaptation and revitalization.
The Issue of Genius Loci Sutedjo in his article titled Tradisi, Transisi dan Identitas (Tradition, Transition and Identity) had explained there is an issue known as genius loci. Sutedjo had defined that genius loci is an atmosphere which has a particular differences or spiritual value of a place within archipelagic states such as Indonesia (Sutedjo, 1996). The issue of genius loci itself is related to local aspects such as architecture, culture, community, economy, environment and language that contribute to the unique performance of a place. Some researchers have arguments that geography could be defined as a study of genius loci. Definition of specific climate in architecture could be stated too simple. This is a wrong popular concept in year 1970. Indonesia is one of a perfect example about the reason of why architectural category based on climate is not appropriate. There are too many differences charater of traditional houses will form a development under identical climate condition. Climate is an important aspect in adjusting building form but not all building form has to be adjusted by certain climate. A concept of ’place’ could be explained by Norberg-Schultz by providing example from throughout places all over the world. On of the example is a place with high value and meaning like Indonesia and places within it such as Bali, Lombok, Toraja and some other historical places. (Cowherd, 1999). A unique characteristic from each places/ areas within Indonesia has some meaningful differences. A place like Bali shows these differences. Those differences encourage some local planners to
preserve and conserve existing built environment without alter the characteristic of the area dramatically. Futhermore, an issue of genius loci in Indonesia has encouraged some related parties to protect some particular area to be conserved and preserved with historical aspects within it.
Designation of Conservation Area Ari Widyati Purwantiasning in a book titled Konservasi dan Perkembangan Ekonomi (2004) has stated that there are some other concept of conservation, such as a concept of conservation which has been delivered by the 1977 Civic Amenities Act. In England, local regulation for conservation had been introduced as the 1977 Civic Amenities Act had been delivered. The Act stated that an area of conservation has been defined as an area with: 1) Specific architectural charater and interest 2) Specific historical interest 3) Eligible character to be improved and enhanced 4) Eligible appearance to be preserved 5) Eligible appearance to be enhanced On the other hand, in Undang-undang about Cagar Budaya No. 11 Cagar Budaya, it has been stated that Cagar Budaya or cultural heritage is immaterial cultural heritage in the form of Cultural Objects, Heritage Buildings, Heritage Structure, World Heritage and Cultural District on land that need to be preserved because it has important value for history, science, education, religion and/ or culture through setting process.
Preservation is a dynamic effort to maintain the existence of the heritage and values in a way to protect, develop, and exploit it. Protection is an effort to prevent and control from damage, destruction, or obliteration by way of Rescue, Safety, Zoning, Maintenance, and Restoration of Cultural Heritage. The development is an effort to increase in potential value, information, and promotion of cultural preservation and utilization through research, revitalization, and sustainable adaptation and not contrary to the purpose of preservation. Utilization is the utilization of cultural preservation for the benefit of welfare maximization while maintaining sustainability. Furthermore, according Catanese and Snyder (1984) there are some things that encourage motives of the preservation of a history in the urban areas, among others: • In order to protect our heritage, in the sense that when the remnants of the past are no protected the natural change processes will change or even eliminate it. The remnants of the past are also seen to have value of education. • To ensure variety in urban buildings, because by preserving the past it can be believed that the cities will not become monotonous, and became homogenous’ places, where everything seems the same as the others. Therefore, the preservation of buildings from different periods will ensure variation view. This is will become a particular identity and character of the historical places, this is known as a genius locus. • Economically historical buildings are also considered to increase the value economical if maintained properly and therefore, usually it is a better investment for a historical city.
Designation area of conservation is also aimed to strengthen the image of the historical area, with regard to the influence of the presence of an object on the surrounding area is very meaningful to improve or strengthen the quality and image of the environment. There are many different types of special architectural and historic interest which can lead to designation. A conservation area might be focused on parts of a town where there are a high number of nationally designated heritage assets and a variety of architectural styles and historic associations. Others may be more homogenous, linked to a particular industry or philanthropist, for example, and/or may have a particular local interest. They can include parts of settlements where the original layout is visible in the modern street pattern, where a particular style of architecture prevails, or traditional building materials predominate. Some exceptionally are designated because of the quality of the public realm, green spaces and historic parks and gardens, and some seek to protect agricultural landscapes of special interest. Conservation area designation is not generally an appropriate means of protecting the wider landscape. Conservation area designation can in some circumstances be an effective way to protect open areas particularly where the character and appearance relates to historic fabric (to which the principle protection offered by conservation area designation relates), or a spatial element, such as a design form or settlement pattern. Conservation area designation solely for the special interest of green space is most likely to be useful for the following, particularly if they are: parks and gardens of special interest; parkland associated (or formerly associated) with buildings and containing structures or trees eligible for Tree Preservation Orders; designed landscape; and
areas where man-made components are a particularly significant element, such as ridge and furrow, which might form the immediate setting and landscape backdrop of smaller rural settlements. Special interest is where the ‘special architectural or historic interest’ of the area that warrants designation, the ‘character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance’, is defined. Key elements in defining the special interest are likely to be: • the relationship of the conservation area to its setting and the effect of that setting on the area • the still-visible effects/ impact of the area’s historic development on its plan form, character and architectural style and social/ historic associations • how the places within it are experienced by the people who live and work there and visitors to the area (including both diurnal and seasonal variations if possible) • architectural quality and built form • open spaces, green areas, parks and gardens, and trees • designated and other heritage assets, their intrinsic importance and the contribution they make to the area • local distinctiveness and the sense of place which make the area unique, thus known as genius loci.
Methodology A descriptive and historical methods have been chosen as a methodology of the research. To complete the research,
comparative study has been applied as well as a research methodology. Each case study will represent each character of their local wisdom as well as their identity. This paper will describe each chosen case studies both from historical side and architectural side. Furthermore, both case studies will be compared to conclude how extend to which both case studies have been designated to preserve their local wisdom either the character of the identity of historical area.
Chester City as a Commercial Case Study Chester has been regarded as a historic city in England. The rich architectural and historical heritage of Chester made it an ideal candidate for the testing of conservation policies in England. In 1966, Chester had been designated by Minister of Housing and Local Government – Richard Crossman, as the subject of one of four pilot studies within which methods to halt the erosion and destruction towns were to be examined. The City Centre Conservation Area encompassing the entire walled section of the city was designated in January 1969 and has subsequantly been enlarged on three occasions to cover the area shown in figure 1. Although the designation document itself contains only a decsription of the boundaries, the reason of the conferment of conservation area status are contained within 1968 report. In the late 1960s, the city of Chester is known as the city's largest commercial and tourist city in England after London, which is always crowded visited by tourists, both domestic and international. Architectural heritage of the charming city of
Chester seems to be the main attraction for the city of Chester. The existence of suburbs on the north Wales also led the area to be an ideal destination for visitors daily from regions and cities that are nearby such as the city of Manchester and Liverpool. The above conditions is one of the drivers for both local and central government to make Chester as one of the city designated a historic city and deserves funding for conservation projects. Chester city's ability to maintain the character of urban space and historic buildings is also a value to the city of Chester. With the implementation of conservation programs in the city of Chester, the local government expects that the city of Chester can support conservation activities in other areas around the city of Chester.
Figure 1: City center of Chester which has formed by four main street, as one of four pilot project of conservation area in England Source: Speakman, 1995
As one of the cities in the UK that has the image and the identity and unique character of the town, Chester is one of them. City of Chester in England to be one of the first four conservation projects designated by the UK central government and a pilot project is considered successful conservation. City of Chester is known as a city of character with the concept of "rows" in the shopping center buildings in downtown Chester. City of Chester is a historic town in England which has buildings of character with black and white timber frame lining along the Chester city center by providing an atmosphere of its own for the visitors and people who live within it. Chester is known as a city full of surprises with its unique gallery called "rows". The concept presented is how to unite the streets of the old town, the small alleys in the city, the building of red brick cathedral, the building with the concept of black and white, its Roman amphitheater, and a Georgian-style homes. Chester is also the most historic city in the northwestern part of the United Kingdom, where buildings in the city of Chester has a unique character as an architectural heritage. Chester city center is formed up of four main lines along the main street which is lined buildings unique character is black and white. Four main lines was Watergate Street, Eastgate Street, Bridge Street and Northgate Street. The four main lines meet in the center of the city of Chester is known as the High Cross. In the concept of the image of Kevin Lynch this street cross called “nodes” or junction. High Cross is a crossroads where the old shopping street lines intersect each other Roman relics. Eastgate Street and Watergate Street is the line that runs from east to west down to the old port, which follows the old road Via Principalis, while Northgate Street and Bridge Street runs from north to south toward the old road Via Praetoria.
Figure 2: a map of Chester city center shows four main road: Bridge Street, Eastgate Street, Northgate Street, and Watergate Street. It shows some buildings that include in conservation list Source: Insall, 1988
One attempt to apply the concept of conservation of old buildings in the city of Chester which is one of four cities in the UK chosen as the pilot project was given an alternative to shopping atmosphere with the concept of "rows". The concept of shopping mall "rows" in Chester is a unique concept of this historic city. With this concept, the city of Chester to be one of the city's famous shopping center for both domestic and international visitors.
Figure 3: a concept of “row” of Saint Michael’s row which is famous with its elegancy, had been built in 1910 Source: Speakman, 1995
In Chester City shopping center, there are two overlapping corridors above and below as the stage where both corridors to accommodate shops and restaurants along the buildings that follow the old road by providing a variety of shopping galleries in it. Even more interesting than the concept of "rows" or corridor is that the galleries and shops can be reached via wooden stairs that had been prepared there any point at a certain distance from the main roads, thus forming a "shopping promenade" an attractive for the visitors. Although the conservation of old buildings remain always applied to old buildings in Chester, but the concept of "rows" in Chester shopping center is maintained, because the concept is something unique apart from the City of Chester as well as the concept is exactly the image of the city of Chester.
Figure 4: Black and white buildings in Chester city center along Watergate Street Source: Purwantiasning, 1999
Tenganan Pegeringsingan as an Old Bali Village Building revitalization activities as well as built environment conservation should be applied through a variety of aspects either from physical and non-physical. In this case, the physical form of the building itself covers including infrastructure, non-physical related to social, economic and cultural aspect of the community around the building as well as those living within area. It is intended that the existence of the buildings or area that have been revitalized could provide a positive impact to the surrounding environment, particularly in improving the quality of the environment and community. As an example is the revitalization activities in the traditional settlement area in Bali, known as Bali Aga or Bali Kuno, where one of them is named Tenganan Pegeringsingan Village. Tenganan is one tourist destination either for foreign or domestic tourists. By implementing of the revitalization program to improve the physical and non-physical in the traditional settlement area, to be expected quality of life within it may also increase. Basically, conservation is aimed to manage a historical place or area with a specific treatment, thus the meaning and values within it could be maintaned. Based on to this concept, place could be defined as a land, an area, building or group of buildings including related environment within it. (Budihardjo, 1997g). Concept of preservation and conservation from city pattern restructuration become an important issue and there is a probability to be considered by government as an effort to improve
the quality of built environment within a city. Furthermore, this concept could be aimed as a sustainability of historical heritage of the city, social culture’s values could be preserved from ruination (Budihardjo, 1997d).
Figure 5: Tenganan Pegeringsingan Bali Village is one of traditional old village in Bali which has been preserved for years as a historical asset. The designation of conservation area at this village has been regarded as one of an effort to preserve the unique character of the village and to preserve the original traditional buildings within area Source: Purwantiasning, 1999
Historical assets are a precious heritage that become a connection between the past with the present, and could become an identity, character and unique attractions of the city. Historical assets could enrich the form and image of a city becomes an attractive place to visit. Conservation in Indonesia will cover an area of the former colonies in an area that may be preserved in terms of its history and to illustrate how the identity of the area, thus the area becomes part of the national identity.
Tenganan is one of ‘old’ village which still has original culture and tradition. As an old village, Tenganan become one of tourism object attraction in Bali for long time since Bali become Tourism Island in Indonesia. The uniqueness of built form, house pattern, village pattern, community’s life pattern and their strong tradition become an attractive values for tourists from other countries to visit this village.
Balinese Architecture generally and Tenganan in particular has their own unique character which does not have by other places. Traditional architecture in this village is very sensitive with changes by external factors both directly and indirectly. This research will take qualitative descriptive as a method and will deliver the implementation of conservation concept within Tenganan Pegeringsingan which has been protected for years from outsider.
Furthermore, to complete the concept of conservation, Bali should give more attention to the preservation of culture, philosophy and the basic design concepts and ideas. It certainly would initiate strong influences for changes that could not be avoided when people simultaneously trying to keep all the good things of value from the past, the most important goal of conservation. One of the initial programs of the local government of Bali is by delivering and designating the old villages in Bali which tries to preserve the original culture (such as Penglipuran village, Tenganan Village and Village Trunyan) as a conservation area in Bali. Tenganan Pegeringsingan had been designated as a conservation area because of its originality, uniqueness and tradition as well as its culture. Tenganan community has rules to preserve and improve the environment in the village without having to destroy their lives and without negatively affecting their traditional values.
Conclusion Application of the concept of conservation of old buildings as one of the older buildings conservation efforts must be tailored to the needs and also must be able to retain the character of a city. As a historic area of conservation, an efforts should be applied by delivering a concept of conservation in addition to retaining the character of a city, should also be able to improve the quality and image of the city so as to enhance the value of the historic city.
Chester represents the character of historical city center with its black and white buildings and concept of “rows” along the buildings within the city center. Those concepts of Chester are retained to preserve the identity and character of Chester. On the other hand, Tenganan Pegeringsingan represents the historical traditional village in Indonesia with its uniqueness of the traditional village pattern, traditional houses and traditional ceremonial of the community. 41
Learning from the successful British conservation concept with applications in several historic cities, and learning from the above case studies, then Indonesia could adopt the above concept by applying the concept of conservation in some areas were considered as historic areas to enhance their quality of build environment.
Acknowledgement This research is an exploration result from student excursion in Singapore in September 2011 and private exploration in Bali in May 2012. The research has been funded by Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta collaboration with some parties as follow: PT Deta Decon Engineering, PT Annim Pualam Guainindo.
Revitalization of Port Area as an Effort to Preserve the Identity of the City Comparative studies: Clarke Quay-Boat Quay Singapore, Albert Dock Liverpool and Sunda Kelapa Jakarta KOLABORASI Ari Widyati Purwantiasning Ashadi Hadiwinoto Luqmanul Hakim Mn Dipublikasikan dalam Prosiding Seminar Internasional: XII International Forum Le Vie del Mercanti: Best Practice in Heritage Conservation Management from the World to Pompeii Aversa/ Capri, Italia 12-14 Juni 2014
Literally, revitalization has been regarded as an understanding of an activity or an effort to vitalize back an area within city or part of the city which was vital before. An area need to be revitalized because this area had been suffered or has degradation in infrastructure, utilities, as well as socially and economically. The process of revitalization of this area includes improving physical, economic and social aspects. Revitalization approach must be able to recognize and exploit the potential of the environment (history, meaning, unique location and the image of the place) that supports the local wisdom of an area or region. An effort of revitalization will support the identity of the city. An activity of an area’s revitalization as well as building’s revitalization should be applied through a variety of aspects from physical and non-physical. In this case, physical aspects will include building form itself and its infrastructure, and nonphysical aspect will be related to social, economic and culture of the community who live within surrounding area. It is intended to deliver positive impact for the surrounding area, particularly to enhance the quality of the environment and the community as well. In the theory of revitalization which has been related to urban planning, revitalization could be categorized as a highly complex activity. In the implementation of revitalization, it is not only related to buildings, but also related to the area and the surrounded environment which will be linked to urban planning.
This paper is a comparative analysis between the three case studies in the application of revitalization concept for port area which has been known as an icon as well as an identity of the city. Case study of Clarke Quay-Boat Quay Singapore has been conducted as a succeeded case study of revitalization for port area in Singapore. On the other hand case study of Albert Dock Liverpool has been conducted to represent as an old area which has been designated as grade 1 of conservation area in Liverpool. And finally, the third case study is Sunda Kelapa Port in Jakarta, as an old town of Jakarta which had been designated as a conservation area in Jakarta. As a conclusion, it will be delivered a characteristic of three of port areas as an identity of the city. Keywords: revitalization, port area, preservation, identity of the city
Introduction In the activity of conservation either area’s conservation or building’s conservation, there are some terms to be underlined as follow: conservation, preservation, adaptation, conversion and revitalization. Either revitalization or conservation, both of them have the same objective. Those activities have aimed to conserve and preserve historical sites/ areas or historical old building which become an icon or an identity of the city. Although both of those activities have the same objective, they are also having different concept in the understanding and the implementation. If the concept of
conservation will be implemented to an object such as old buildings for example, on the other hand the concept of revitalization will be implemented not only to old buildings but also to historical sites/ areas. Literally, revitalization has an understanding as an activity to re-vitalize a function of an area which is lack of utility and not livable anymore. Purwantiasning in her research about Conservation and Economic Development (2004) stated that conservation can be defined as a breathing life into old buildings, especially those that have the character of historical and has a meaning for a city. This surely cannot be left without any effort to preserve it. But the old buildings will not only require preservation efforts without referring back to the original function of the respective historical masterpiece. To this old buildings need to be breathed a life, thus that the figure of concrete is no longer like meaningless blister plant, but could be kept alive and give each image in accordance with its character. Rypkema and Tiesdell (1996) in their book about revitalization of old buildings in cities, alleging that the old historic buildings mostly does not have adequate utilities so that the building is not feasible and does not have a value in accordance with their respective functions. The weakness in most of the old buildings in the end causing the buildings not functioned as it should be. With all those problems, revealed various efforts to revive old buildings in some countries that have historic building legacies. One example is in United Kingdom especially in the city of Liverpool, the town that has a lot of old buildings. From this background, then
the research was started so that the success of the city of Liverpool, one of the cities in the United Kingdom which has many old buildings may be adopted by Indonesia, as a country which also has many old buildings were abandoned. Certainly can always remember about a statement that a great nation is a nation that always appreciates its legacies of history. Furthermore, Purwantiasning in her article about “Aplikasi Konsep Konservasi Pada Kawasan Bantaran Sungai Studi Kasus: Clarke Quay” – “An Application of the Concept of Conservation on the River’s Banks, Case Study: Clarke Quay”, has discussed that the areas of conservation which have been regarded as an old historical sites with lack of utilities and not livable anymore, could be revitalized as a new place with new function. This effort will support the condition of social, economic and culture of the area. And as a result the succeed implementation will improve the quality of the environment as well as the quality of the human being within the area. Revitalization is not only an activity which has been oriented to the physical solution, but also has an aim to enhance the economy of the community as well as their culture. To implement the activity of revitalization, there are some parties who need to be involved, because it will not work by government’s fund only, the roles of the community and their involvement are important as well. It should be underlined that the involvement and the roles of community will become main component of the activity of revitalization.
Basically, the activity of area’s revitalization in Indonesia has begun since 2001 which has been regarded as a sustainable program by central government which had delivered a stimulus fund to the local government. By delivering the program from central government, local government should be encouraged to enhance and improve the condition and the quality of historical sites within their city and could maintain their city as an identity of the city.
General Definition of Conservation and Preservation In the 19th century, a jurist of the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, JJA Worsaae said that, “Big nation is a nation that does not just look at the present and the future, but would like to turn to the past in order to see their passed historical journey”. Similar to the speech above other expression emerged which confirmed by philosopher Aguste Comte with his tagline “Savoir Pour Prevoir”, which means studying the past, see the present, to determine the future. Looking at the past that expressed by looking the physical existence of ancient building is certainly not only by seeing the figure of physical building solely, but the value of its history which attached to and wrapping it as a culturally meaning. Because the appearance of this meaning-wrapper can joined to determining the identity for urban area functioned in the future. However, the problem that arises is how close we will be able to understand the term “Conservation”, which is now has undergone a change comes up with a new term, “Old-Historical Building”. In fact the
term conservation and preservation itself, has been used with various meanings. Preservation is a type of intervention aims to protect and repair of historic buildings, and in general the preservation term is widely used in America (USA). Similarly, the Conservation is an action to keep intact to as much as possible of the existing historic building’s elements, one of them is with the traditional repair method, or with synthetic materials and current technology, and the term of conservation is more widely used in the UK and Australia (Larsen, 1994). With its diversity of understanding, finally other opinions appearing regarding about the preservation term as an effort to create or bringing back something where exactly as the original state without any change, including efforts to prevent the destruction, while in conservation term, conservation is an effort to conserve old building, efficient the usage and set the direction of development in the future. Even in the Burra Charter, conservation definiton may include all maintenance activities and in accordance with local conditions and situations and may also include teh act of: preservation, restoration, adaptation, reconstruction and revitalization (Purwantiasning, et al, 2013).
Illustration of Revitalization Revitalization in Indonesia could be defined as an activity to preserve cultural heritage without doing any changes. For example, the activity of revitalization in Indonesia could be shown in the revitalization of Prambanan Temple in Central Java. As one of impact from natural disaster in 2006 – earthquake – the
revitalization of Prambanan Temple was aimed to restore the authenticity of the cultural heritage of Prambanan Temple and to strengthen the structure which could be accounted in historical aspect, archaeological aspect as well as the technical effort in preserving a cultural and historical heritage. On the other hand, Borobudur Temple also one of historical temple which had been revitalized, but these days Borobudur Temple had degraded in quality, thus Borobudur needs to be revitalized again. Local government as well as Central Government have concerned with this condition, because Borobudur Temple has been regarded as the biggest Buddhist Temple which has high historical value. The potential spiritual value of Borobudur Temple and the surrounding environment have encouraged government either local or central to get some funding from many sources either from local or international who concern about historical heritage The activity of building or area revitalization could be implemented through some aspects from physical or non physical. Physical aspect will cover the form of the building itself including the infrastructure within the building and non physical aspect will be related to social aspect, economical aspect and cultural aspect from the community who live in the surrounding areas of historical site. It is aimed to give positive impact to the area itself and surrounding area, particularly to improve the quality of the environment as well as the community. Thus could be concluded here, that the activity of revitalization should be related to the role and involvement of the community itself. The needs and interest of the community could be delivered into this activity. The program itself could be combine one to another within community
development program through revitalization program.
Revitalization of Historical Site In the theory of revitalization, revitalization cannot be separated from urban planning. Related to urban planning, revitalization could be defined as a complex activity which should be related to some aspects and parties. In the implementation, revitalization is not related only to the building, but also related to the surrounding area and environment within it. In the implementation of revitalization, it should carry out through several stages and will require certain period of time.
Fig. 1: Complex of Fatahillah Museum which is regarded as a part of Jakarta Old Town. This area is one of designated conservation area which had been chosen by government as an object for revitalization of historical heritage. Source: Private documentation, 2013
It because in this activity will need some different thought and understanding in some aspects. Stages in revitalization will cover some important things as follow: Physical Intervention Physical intervention is an initial physical revitalization activity and will be implemented in stages, will cover the improvement and enhancement of the quality and physical condition of the buildings, green line, transportation system, signage and open spaces within historical site. Referring to the statement that image of the area is related to visual condition of historical site, thus this physical intervention will be needed to attract visitors. Issue of environment particularly sustainable environment become an important matter, thus this physical intervention should concern about environmental context. Economical Rehabilitation Revitalization which has been initiated with the process of urban artefact rejuvenation should support the process of economical rehabilitation activity. The improvement and enhancement of physical area in short period should accommodate economical activities either informal or formal (local economic development). These economic activities should enhance the value of urban area. In the context of revitalization, there should be delivered mixed use function within historical sites which will support the activities of economical and social within area (new function or new vitality).
Social Revitalization The successful of revitalization could be indicated by the environment itself, the environment should become an interesting place to be visited, the environment should be a liveable place for the community surrounding historical area. It is not about a beautiful place after revitalization, but it is about how the place becomes an identity of the city which could bring positive impact to improve the quality of life for the community either social life of the community or economical life of the community. Ridwan Kamil in his article has stated that an area could be revitalized if the place has some reasons as follow: a. b. c. d.
Degradation of economical activity Degradation of spatial and physical quality of the buildings Degradation of the image of the historical area Lacking of area’s infrastructures
Case Study of Clarke Quay and Boat Quay Boat Quay and Clarke Quay is one of several conservation areas in Singapore. This area has been designated as an area of conservation since many years ago. Today the area of Boat Quay and Clarke Quay become place of interest for tourist either domestic or international. This area had been changed from an old port area to be an interesting commercial and business area in Singapore.
Fig. 2: Map of Clarke Quay and Boat Quay area. This area had been designated as conservation area in Singapore Source: Urban Redevelopment Authority, 2013
Condition of this area before revitalization was very bad; Singapore River was a dirty river which supports the lacking of infrastructure of this area. Boat Quay and Clarke Quay used to be a port area which had many fishermen’s boats and local traders. This condition had made the river full of economical activities and the condition of the buildings all the way Singapore River was very bad. The buildings were lack of utility, the areas were lack of infrastructure, and the buildings were almost completely destroyed. This condition had encouraged government to see the potential of this historical site as port area. By delivering revitalization program, the area of Clarke Quat and Boay Quay had been changed dramatically; the improvement of building
appearances, the quality of economical aspect, social aspect as well as cultural aspect had been improved gradually. The activity of revitalization within Boat Quay and Clarke Quay was based on conservation consideration from Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) which has a specific criteria and requirement to decide which buildings of areas that feasible to be preserved or conserved. An area could be designated as an area of conservation if the area has some criteria such as specific character, historical value; the area will contribute in enhancing and improving the quality of the buildings as well as the surrounding area.
Fig. 3a, 3b, 3c: The condition of Boat Quay and Clarke Quay before revitalization Source: Urban Redevelopment Authority, 2013
Fig. 4: Colourful buildings within area of Clarke Quay Source: Private Documentation, 2013
Based on the above requirements, the area of Boat Quay and Clarke Quay had been designated as a conservation area, because this area have specific historical value and this area could be regarded as a combination of several cultures from Chinese, Indian, and Malay. It has been shown in the form of the buildings within area. As a result of the revitalization of this area, this area becomes colourful and livable, and become an interesting place to be visited as a tourism place.
Fig. 5a, 5b: Buildings within area of Boat Quay, the buildings used to be warehouse of port area, but today those buildings had been revitalized become new function as bars, restaurants, and cafes. Source: Private Documentation, 2013
Case Study of Albert Dock Liverpool Different country should have a different ambience and different environment. As the biggest port area in England, Albert Dock in Liverpool will represent the succeeded of the implementation of revitalization concept in England. As one of several designation area of conservation, Albert Dock in Liverpool has a specific character to be observed. As we recall, this port area has been known as a place that Titanic had been berthed many years ago before sinking. Generally, city of Liverpool after World War II had been faced by destroyed environment including housing, business district and the city center as well. Within 1950s and 1960s, Liverpool had been encouraged to redevelop its city center and the neighborhood
particularly housing for the community which is feasible and affordable such as flats. After the highly development within city within 1950s and 1960s, Liverpool had been declined economically and socially within 1970s and 1980s, it because the economical recession. This condition had affected the city of Liverpool.
Liverpool became an abandoned city in the past 1980s and became the highest unemployment city in England. On the other hand, in the same year 1980s, area Albert Dock which has been regarded as dock and warehouse area in Liverpool had been designated as a historical area by local and central government. The activity of revitalization in Albert Dock area has been implemented in stages. New function within area which covers leisure (bars, restaurants, cafes), business (rental offices, shops), residential (rental apartment, hotel) and entertainment (museums, gallery) had been delivered. This concept has a similar concept with port area in Singapore-Boat Quay and Clarke Quay. Central government had seen the potency of the area and develops it as a commercial area. By delivering a concept of revitalization within area, the historical site of Albert Dock will not have altered and remains the same atmosphere without changing the character of the buildings and potency of the surrounding area.
Fig. 6: Map of Albert Dock area. This area had been designated as conservation area in Liverpool Source: http://www.myliverpoolconference.com, 2013
It has been stated that area of Albert Dock has been part of Liverpool's landscape for over 160 years and remains a key feature of Liverpool's world-renowned Waterfront. Several old buildings within area of Albert Dock and Waterfront had been designated as a Grade I listed old building status in 1952 in Liverpool and become a conservation area in 1976. Those buildings had been transformed with new function in the early of 1980s and had been developed into the most popular tourist attraction and place of
interest for domestic and international tourist. The changing of Albert Dock and the surrounding area will encourage most of private sectors to invest their fund. This condition will improve and enhance the quality of the area as well as the community within the surrounding area of Albert Dock.
The historical and architectural importance of the Albert Dock become a special character of Liverpool City. This area of Albert Dock remains the same as an identity of the city of Liverpool. Tourist either domestic or international will feel the ambience of the Albert Dock as a former port in Liverpool.
Fig. 7a, 7b: pictures of old Albert Dock in 1930s and 1980s, left picture shows the condition of Albert Dock which full of fisherman boat, crowded and the buildings look like abandoned buildings. And the right picture shows the face of another side of Albert Dock area. Source: http://www.chesterwalls.info/gallery, 2013
Fig. 8a, 8b: Today’s pictures of old Albert Dock, left picture shows the view of Albert Dock which still remains the same character of red bricks and red pillars, this row of building consist Tate Gallery, Museum of Maritime, Cafes, Restaurants and Bars. And the right picture shows the face of another side of Albert Dock area which consist new modern building – Museum of Liverpool which contextual with the character of waterfront area. Source: Private Documentation, 2013
Case Study of Sunda Kelapa Jakarta Sunda Kelapa, Jakarta is a part of Jakarta Old Town Area which has been regarded as a conservation area in Jakarta. Sunda Kelapa is a former name of Jakarta, is has been known as a port area in Jakarta.
Sunda Kelapa was an important place because this place is a heart of Jakarta as economical activities had been centered within it.
Fig. 9a, 9b: Map of Sunda Kelapa area. This area had been designated as conservation area as part of Jakarta Old Town Area. Left picture shows the area of Sunda Kelapa, and the right picture shows several old buildings within Sunda Kelapa area which have been designated as a listed old building. Source: Analyze, 2013
Today, Sunda Kelapa has been known as a tourism area which deliver some attraction within area. The area of Sunda Kelapa has several place of interest such as Menara Syahbandar (harbor tower), Museum Bahari (Maritime Museum), Sunda Kelapa Port Area, Galangan VOC (VOC Dock), Masjid Luar Batang (Mosque). These old buildings have been designated as a listed old building within Jakarta Old Town Area. The condition of these buildings are relatively bad, physically these buildings need to be revitalized. Several proposal either from private sectors or NGO who concern about historical sites had been submitted to government, but there are still no significant action has been implemented. By presenting two case studies in Asia – Singapore and in England – Liverpool, researcher will gain more experiences to present
some alternatives solution for better quality of Sunda Kelapa area. Sunda Kelapa area has many potency to be explored, thus this will become main commodity for Jakarta particularly and Indonesia generally.
Fig. 10a, 10b: Today’s view of Sunda Kelapa area. Left picture shows the Museum Bahari (Maritime Museum) view from Menara Syahbandar (Harbour Tower). Right picture shows the situation of Sunda Kelapa Port with building material’s freighter. Source: Private Documentation, 2013
Several buildings within Sunda Kelapa area had been transformed into new function. For example, Galangan VOC which used to be a ship workshop, had been transformed into restaurant and cafe. And in the future, Museum Bahari (Maritime Museum) will be revitalized into new function as an outdoor cafe which still keeping the atmosphere of the museum. This building used to be a warehouse of herbs and spices, but then to maintain the character of the building, central government had been designated and transformed the building into new function as a museum. Learning from several experiences from other countries, the revitalization of old buildings should improve and enhance the quality of the
building itself economically and socially. Thus in this research, researcher will try to deliver new concept of the transformation of
to maintain the character of the building. Museum Bahari as a commercial building
Fig. 11a, 11b: Today’s view of Museum Bahari. Left picture shows the inner court of Museum Bahari (Maritime Museum) view from inside the buildings. Right picture shows the view of Museum Bahari’s interior. Source: Private Documentation, 2013
Fig. 12: Proposed revitalization program for Museum Bahari in Sunda Kelapa area. Right pictures from above to below: proposed indoor café, proposed outdoor café, proposed main gate Source: Analysis result, 2014
Conclusion Learning from the successful revitalization concept in England with applications in several historic cities, and learning from the above case studies, then Indonesia could adopt the above concept by applying the concept of revitalization in some areas generally and Sunda Kelapa Jakarta particularly were considered as historic areas to enhance their quality of build environment.
Acknowledgement This research is a multi years research from 2014 to 2015 in a program of Penelitian Hibah Bersaing. This research has been funded by Kopertis Wilayah III Jakarta, Kementrian Pendidikan Kebudayaan, Indonesia.
Enhancing Quality of Environment by Creating a Concept of Revitalization for the Port Area of Sunda Kelapa, Jakarta KOLABORASI: Ari Widyati Purwantiasning Halida Agustini Dipublikasikan dalam Prosiding Seminar Internasional: 6th Seminar on Urban Policies Environmental Land Management for Local and Regional Development Universidad Nacional del Nordeste Resistencia, Argentina 12-14 Juni 2014
For decades, the area of Sunda Kelapa, Jakarta has been regarded as a historical area within Jakarta. Nowadays, this area has been designated as a part of the Jakarta Old Town Area. The condition of Sunda Kelapa is, particularly, deemed to be a concern of local government. The main issues behind the poor condition of Sunda Kelapa are the lack of utilities in the area and the need for more action to tackle criminality. The issue of so many old buildings within area, has meant that there are concerns for preserving the history and identity of a significant part of the heritage of Jakarta. One of the efforts to preserve these old buildings is the adoption of the concept of revitalization within the Sunda Kelapa area. As Purwantiasning mentioned in her previous research, revitalization has been regarded as activity or efforts to bring back the vitality of an area within a city. An area may need to be revitalized because it has suffered from degradation in its infrastructure and utilities, as well as problems both socially and economically. The process of revitalization for an area must include improvement to physical, economic and social aspects and approaches must recognize and exploit the potential of the environment (its history, meaning, unique location and the image of the place) that supports the local character of an area or region. As such, revitalization efforts should support the identity of a city. As well as the revitalization of buildings, then, revitalization activities for an area should be applied through a variety of physical and non-physical approaches. In the case of the Sunda Kelapa area, physical aspects include the form of the buildings themselves and their infrastructure, as well as non-physical aspects related to social, economic and cultural factors for the community living in the surrounding area. It is intended to deliver positive impacts for the surrounding area, particularly to enhance the quality of the environment and the sense and community.
Within development theory, revitalization can be considered a highly complex activity affected by urban planning, and so the implementation of revitalization programmes are not only related to buildings, but also to the effectiveness of urban planning systems and their impact on the surrounding area and its environment. This paper builds on previous research undertaken in 2014 and aims to present a design concept as an alternative solution for enhancing the quality of environment within the Sunda Kelapa Port Area of Jakarta, so that it can be a better place for all the community. The research methodology has a planning perspective resulting in the delivery of an alternative design for Sunda Kelapa Port Area Jakarta. Keywords: Revitalization, port area, Sunda Kelapa Jakarta
Introduction Sunda Kelapa Port has been known since the 12th century and has become the most important port for the Sunda Kingdom with the city of Pajajaran as a prime city. Following the movement of Islam and European immigrants, Sunda Kelapa has been fought for by European and Nusantara kingdoms. In the end, Holland was victorious and dominated for almost 350 years. All the various conquerors changed the name of Sunda Kelapa Port and its surrounding areas; however since the early 1970s, the name of Sunda Kelapa has remained to this day. For decades, the area of Sunda Kelapa Jakarta has been regarded as a historical area within Jakarta and, nowadays, this area has been designated as a part of the Jakarta Old Town Area. The condition of Sunda Kelapa has
become a particular concern of local government, with the main issues being poor conditions in the area due to the lack of utilities and the need for more action to decrease the level of criminality within the area. Recently, the preservation of the many historical buildings within the area has become a concern as there is a perception that the area is significant for the identity of Jakarta; one of the efforts to preserve these old buildings is through the adoption of the concept of revitalization within the Sunda Kelapa area.
Figure 1 and 2: The above figures show the condition of Sunda Kelapa in 1970s (Source: Heuken, 2000)
Local goverment is now willing to maintain the historical area of Sunda Kelapa, particularly for the sake of the tourism industry. The area has now been designated as a conservation area, with the many old buildings within the Sunda Kelapa Port area considered precious; it has become an important area and people can explore its many beautiful old buildings. Indeed, many tourists have begun to visit this area to enjoy its beauty and take photographs. The
situation has encouraged local government to enhance the quality of environment by delivering a number of revitalization and conservation projects. These projects, however, have not worked as well as intended. With this background, the researcher aims to analyse the condition within the area, both physically and nonphysically, and to conclude in delivering a new concept of revitalization for Sunda Kelapa Port to enhance the quality of the environment.
The Theory of the Concept of Revitalization Within previous research, Purwantiasning has described the definitions of conservation and preservation. Numerous theories provide definitions of what conservation and preservation are within the context of urban planning and there are differences between what those two terms are understood to mean. Preservation is a type of intervention that aims to protect and repair historic buildings and, in general, the term is used widely in the USA. Similarly, conservation is an action to keep as much of the existing historical elements of a building intact, possibly using a traditional repair method, or using synthetic materials and current technologies. The term conservation tends to be used more widely in the UK and Australia (Larsen, 1994). With a diversity of understanding, other opinions have appeared regarding the meaning of preservation as an effort to create or bring something back exactly to its original state, including efforts to prevent destruction. Meanwhile, conservation can be considered as an effort to conserve an old building, perhaps, with efficient usage and the setting of the direction for future development. Even in the
Burra Charter, the definition of conservation may include all maintenance activities in accordance with local conditions and situations, and may also include the acts of preservation, restoration, adaptation, reconstruction and revitalization (Purwantiasning et al., 2013). Furthermore, the term revitalization is often coined within the field of urban planning. Revitalization can be defined as an action to revitalize abandoned areas within a city which may have been destroyed by war or earthquake, for example. There are several reasons why an area may have been abandoned, such as a lack of utilities, degradation in economic activities and so on. Revitalization in Indonesia could be defined as activities to preserve cultural heritage without making any changes. For example, the activity of revitalization in Indonesia can be seen in the revitalization of the Prambanan Temple in Central Java. Due to the impact of natural disaster, i.e. the earthquake in 2006, the aim of revitalization of the Prambanan Temple has been to restore the authenticity of its cultural heritage and to strengthen its structure; these efforts can be seen from historical and archaeological perspectives as well as the technical effort involved in preserving cultural and historical heritage. Borobudur Temple, on the other hand, is an example of a historical temple that has been revitalized however, nowadays, Borobudur Temple has degraded in quality, and requires further revitalization. Local and central government have been concerned with the condition of Borobudur Temple as it is regarded as the biggest Buddhist Temple with very high historical value. The spiritual value of Borobudur Temple and its surrounding environment have encouraged both local and central government to seek funding from many local and international sources with concern for
historical heritage. The activity of building or revitalization of an area can be implemented through various aspects, from physical to non-physical. Physical aspects cover the form of the building itself including the infrastructure within the building, meanwhile non-physical aspects can be related to social and economical factors and cultural factors for the community living in the areas surrounding the historical site. The aim is to make a positive impact on the area itself and surrounding areas, particularly, in order to improve the quality of the environment and quality of life for the community. Thus, it can be concluded here that revitalization activities should be related to the role and involvement of the community itself. The needs and interests of the community can be delivered within revitalization activities, with the program, perhaps, combined with other community development programs.
Fig. 3: The Fatahillah Museum complex, a part of Jakarta Old Town. This area is one of the designated conservation areas which have been chosen by government for revitalization of historical heritage. (Source: Private documentation, 2013)
Revitalization within Historical Areas Kamil (2008) has stated that revitalization cannot be separated from urban planning; revitalization can be defined as a complex activity related in some aspects to, and to parties within, urban planning. In terms of implementation, revitalization is not only related to the building, but also to the surrounding area and its environment. In the implementation of a revitalization program, there are several stages that require a certain period of time. As such, each activity requires different thoughts and understanding in some regard. Important stages within revitalization are as follows: Physical Intervention Physical intervention is an initial physical revitalization activity and is implemented in stages to cover improvement and enhancement of the quality and physical condition of buildings, the green line, the transportation system, signage and open spaces at a historical site. The image of an area is related to the visual condition of the historical site; thus, physical intervention is needed to attract visitors. The issue of environment, particularly a sustainable environment, has become an important matter, so physical intervention should be concerned with the environmental context. Economic Rehabilitation Revitalization programmes that have been initiated within a process of rejuvenation of urban artefacts should support economic rehabilitation activities. The improvement and enhancement of physical areas in a short period should accommodate either informal or formal economic activities (local
economic development). These economic activities should enhance the value of an urban area. In the context of revitalization, mixed use functions should be delivered within historical sites that support economic and social activities within the area (new function or new vitality). Social Revitalization Successful revitalization could be reflected in the environment itself, with a place becoming an interesting place to visit, with the environment being a liveable place for the community in the vicinity of a historical area. Rather than the beauty of a place, social revitalisation is about how a place becomes part of the identity of a city, with positive impacts to improve the quality of life for the community, either in terms of social life or the economy. Ridwan Kamil has stated in his article that an area could be revitalized for the following reasons: a. Degradation of economic activity; b. Degradation of spatial and physical quality of the buildings; c. Degradation of the image of the historical area; d. Lack of infrastructure.
Physical Analysis within the Sunda Kelapa Area Sunda Kelapa is a part of the Jakarta Old Town Area and is now regarded as a conservation area. Sunda Kelapa is a former name of Jakarta, and has been known as a port area. Sunda Kelapa was
an important place because it is at the heart of Jakarta with economic activities centered within it. Today, Sunda Kelapa is known as a tourist area that delivers several attractions. The Sunda Kelapa area has several places of interest (see Figure 4) such as the Menara Syahbandar (harbour tower), the Museum Bahari (Maritime Museum), Sunda Kelapa Port Area, Galangan VOC (VOC Dock), and the Masjid Luar Batang (Mosque). These old buildings have been designated as listed old buildings within the Jakarta Old Town Area. The condition of these buildings is relatively bad and these buildings need to be physically revitalized. Several proposals, either from the private sector or NGOs concerned with historical sites, have been submitted to government, however there has still been no significant action implemented.
The Sunda Kelapa site is a strategic location because it is surrounded by a number of access routes (see Figure 5); it could be easy to get into the Sunda Kelapa area. Research analysis has shown that there should be division between the line of big vehicles, small vehicles and pedestrians; without them crossing each other and better, more comfortable destination will be created, along with a decrease in the number of traffic accidents.
Fig. 4: The Sunda Kelapa area and some points of interest within it; the area has become a tourist attraction for both domestic and international tourists alike (Source: Analysis result, 2014)
Fig. 5: The Sunda Kelapa area with an analysis of vehicular circulation; the figure shows the level of crowding in the surrounding areas within Sunda Kelapa, and the feasibility of circulation for pedestrians. (Source: Analysis result, 2014)
There are many historical buildings within the Sunda Kelapa area that would become landmarks. There is considerable potential for the existence of these historical buildings to make Sunda Kelapa a attraction for either domestic or international tourists. This situation has encouraged the researcher to create an alternative solution to enhance the quality of the area to make it more feasible as a place that is good to visit, comfortable to live in and that could be enjoyed for its beauty.
Fig. 6: This figure shows the analysis of public transportation which could be used to go to the Sunda Kelapa area. (Source: Analysis result, 2014)
Fig. 7: An analysis of the existing public facilities within the area surrounding Sunda Kelapa (Source: Analysis result, 2014)
Using the theory of Kevin Lynch and the five elements of the city (paths, edges, nodes, districts and landmarks), this research could define either the problems that exist within an area and the potential for an area to be promoted as a point of interest of the Sunda Kelapa Area. This research has defined certain elements within the area as landmarks, edges, paths, nodes and district. There are at least five buildings which could be defined as landmarks; the Tower of Syah Bandar, the Galangan VOC Resto and Cafe, the Mosque of Luar Batang, the Fish Market and the Museum of Bahari. Five of them have their own characteristics and used to have different functions, however some have now been converted into new functions whilst within the same building and still having the same characteristics; Galangan VOC and Museum of Bahari, for example. Galangan VOC used to be a ship
warehouse, and has been converted into its new function as a restaurant and cafe. On the other hand, the Museum of Bahari, originally buildings that were used for storage of spices and herbs, has been converted into its new function as a maritime museum combined with cafe.
Fig. 8: Using the theory of Kevin Lynch with its 5 defined elements of the city, this research will use those 5 elements within Sunda Kelapa Area to study the potential of the area (Source: Analysis result, 2014)
Non-Physical Analysis within the Sunda Kelapa Area This analysis has covered some aspects of the social, economic, and cultural aspects of the community within the Sunda Kelapa area. This analysis has been conducted to define the needs of the community and the problems that have occured within the Sunda Kelapa area and to see if the area can be revitalized with an alternative design solution. The non-physical analysis will help the researcher to support the process of design in creating an alternative design for the Sunda Kelapa Area.
Fig. 9: A non-physical analysis of the Sunda Kelapa area (Source: Analysis result, 2014)
The non-physical analysis covers what are the main economical activities of the community within the Sunda Kelapa area, how the social life of the community is conducted, whether the social conditions of the community within the area are homogeneous or heterogeneous, and how the cultural life of the community within the area manifests itself. The facts show that the community of the area mostly has the main employment activity as a fisherman or tradesman. The economic conditions of the community are relatively varied, with some in the middle class and some in the lower class. This social gap within the community has encouraged some criminal activities within the area. This situation has encouraged the researcher to create a better environment to reduce the criminal activities within the area.
Design Concept Solution Based on either the physical or non-physical analysis of the designated Sunda Kelapa area, the researcher has delivered an alternative design to solve some of the problems within area of Sunda Kelapa. The researcher has separated 5 (five) zones within the area; the residential zone, the fish market zone, the tourism area, zone of the business area and the greenbelt zone.
Those five zones will be linked to each other and will be designed to be one contextual design for the Sunda Kelapa area as a tourism area. Those five zones will support each other so that the area of Sunda Kelapa will become a better place for tourism and the quality of the environment will be enhanced, along with the community within it. 83
Fig. 10: The area separated into 5 zones and those 5 zones will be linked and supported each other to create better sense of place within the Sunda Kelapa area. (Source: Design process, 2014)
Fig. 11 The design process for the main zone of the Sunda Kelapa area, located surrounding the mosque (Masjid Luar Batang), to become the main attraction of Sunda Kelapa Area (Source: Design process, 2014)
Fig. 12: The design draft of Sunda Kelapa Area for enhancement into a better place for tourism (Source: Design process, 2014)
Fig. 13: A proposed design for delivering a pedestrianization concept for within the Sunda Kelapa area to make it a comfortable place for pedestrians. The above figure shows a pedestrian concept above the river within the Sunda Kelapa area (Source: Design process, 2014)
Fig. 14: A final design for the Sunda Kelapa Area which will be proposed to enhance the quality of environment (Source: Design process, 2014)
Conclusion With reference to previous research results related to successful revitalization concepts, applied in several historic cities within England and Singapore, and in conducting physical or nonphysical analysis, it can be concluded that submission to local
government of an alternative design solution contributes to efforts to enhance the quality of the environment within the designated historical Sunda Kelapa Port Area. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research is based on research from 2014 to 2015 as part of a program of Penelitian Hibah Bersaing. This research is second year research and has been funded by Kopertis Wilayah III Jakarta, Kementrian Pendidikan Kebudayaan, Indonesia. Number 0094/E5.1/PE/2015, dated 16th January 2015.
An Implemettaion Strategy of the Adaptive Reuse Concept for Historical Old Buildings within the Jakarta Old Town Area KOLABORASI Ari Widyati Purwantiasning Retdia Sofiana Anisa Dipublikasikan dalam Prosiding Seminar Internasional: 6th Seminar on Urban Policies Environmental Land Management for Local and Regional Development Universidad Nacional del Nordeste Resistencia, Argentina 12-14 Juni 2014
Development within a city, particularly a capital city, can have many impacts that are both positive and negative. These impacts can have a big influence on the image of a city. Some development can provide many tall buildings with such a modern concept, perhaps, giving a positive impact to the development of the city however, on the otherhand, such modern developments can have negative impacts, such as within the historical areas within a city. Many old buildings within historical areas are at risk of degradation in terms of economic, social and cultural values, and their replacement by many new modern buildings has, eventually, encouraged both local and central government to deliver on a concept to maintain those historical old buildings within a historical area for tourism. Many abandoned historical old buildings can create a bad image for a city, however they can become an attractive place to be visited and that can become part of the identity of the city. Preservation and revitalization activities within Jakarta Old Town, for example, can become a major issue for the local government of Jakarta to handle and, indeed, this historical area can become a significant part of the identity of Jakarta with an important role to play in the development of the city of Jakarta, in general, and an important part of cultural life. One of the appropriate solutions to revitalization of an abandoned historical area, as well as abandoned historical old buildings, is by applying new functions, i.e. a conservation concept known as
adaptive reuse. Many developed countries in the world have successfully adopted this concept in an effort to preserve historical assets. Although this adaptive reuse concept is seen as an appropriate solution, there are always negative responses from many parties because many values can be overlooked in its adoption. Keywords: Strategy, adaptive reuse, historical old building, Jakarta Old Town
Introduction An activity for preservation of historical old buildings has been regarded as a strategic approach for the development of the city because the activity of preservation can guarantee sustainability of life values within the process of development. The activity of historical old building preservation can be encouraged by implementing incentives and disincentives and within Indonesia, such a concept has been delivered within regulations for the preservation of old buildings. The process of preservation of old buildings, generally known as conservation, can be divided according to the level of activities and the degree of change; these can be divided into preservation, restoration, consolidation, adaptive reuse, reconstruction and replication. In this research, a case study has been conducted to
explore the application of adaptive reuse as a conservation concept for a historical old building; the building of Rotterdam Internatio, known as the PT PPI/ ex Tjipta Niaga Office, has been chosen as a case study. This building has been categorized as a Grade A listed building within the conservation area of Jakarta Old Town. Physically, the building is in a very bad condition, though it should be preserved as it is regarded as a significant part of trading life within the Jakarta Old Town area. An application of an adaptive reuse concept is considered an appropriate solution for this building, as it has a very strategic location within the Jakarta Old Town area which is visited everyday by many tourists, whether domestic or international visitors. The basic conservation concept is to preserve and protect beautiful historical places that are valued in social, economic and cultural terms, so that they are not changed or destroyed. The reactivation, reuse or the provision of a new function for an old building that ought not to be abandoned can be a strong approach to conservation, depending on the feasibility and the needs of the community. Adaptive reuse can be defined as the rebuild of an old building for a new function, with this concept being considered an efficient way to protect old buildings with the major changes happening inside the building, i.e. change to the interior to enable a new function.
The Theory of Adaptive Reuse Adaptive re-use is a conservation concept considered to be an effort to preserve and protect an old building and, generally, undertaken as an alternative solution for the protection and preservation of historical buildings through transformation of an old function into a new one that has more use for the surrounding area and its current community. Usually, this adaptive re-use concept is described as a structural process, with the old function of a building developed with a new function to accomodate a new need that will also enhance the economy value of the building. This concept not only to brings back the architectural physical performance but also to respects the historical value of the building and can bring a positive impact to the area and to the community. There are pros and cons to the implementation of the adaptive reuse concept, with some parties considering that old buildings damage the image of a city and having the view that old buildings should be destroyed due to the drop in there economic value over time. Furthermore, such parties may also consider that old buildings may not be easily updated for a new function through the adoption of the adaptive re-use concept. Modern architecture may not fit with the transformation of old buildings and indeed, in many capital cities across the world, as an appropriate solution to
enhance the quality of the environment and quality of life for the community, many governments have destroyed old buildings to make way for new development. However, there are a number of reasons why other parties still try to keep historical areas with many historical old buildings and such parties have sought to convince local and central government of the importance of preservation of historical areas. Such an area can become a big asset for a country through the promotion of the area as a tourist destination. There are several potential benefits in applying the concept of adaptive reuse for old buildings within historical areas, as follows: a. Creation of historical and cultural resources through the preservation of old buildings and historical areas and the historical values embodied within them; b. Enhancement of the quality of the environment and the quality of life for the community, particularly in economic terms; c. Support of a conservation strategy for upgrading the environment; d. Enhancement of the value of the area in economic, social and cultural terms;
e. The bridging of the old life with the present life through exploring ways of adapting historical old buildings with new functions.
Adaptive Reuse in Asia In some countries, the concept of adaptive reuse is also known as building conversion, i.e. the conversion of an old function into a new function without changing architectural physical performance and by keeping the value of the old building to act as a reminder of its history. Asian countries that have many historical areas within their capital cities have been adopting the concept of adaptive reuse for many years. Singapore, for instance, is regarded as having been successful in applying the concept of adaptive reuse; there are many buildings within this country which have been transformed with new functions. The Area of Clarke Quay and Boat Quay, Singapore Clarke Quay and Boat Quay are designated conservation areas within Singapore. The areas are in an area surrounding the Singapore River that was neglected with many slums settlements within it. These poor conditions encouraged the government to enhance the environment through having new functions within the old buildings near to the river. Old buildings that had been warehouses for the port area were transformed into cafes, bars and
retaurants, and this area has become an important area of Singapore for tourism. Purwantiasning (2010) has previously discussed how the government of Singapore had been applying the concept of adaptive reuse for maximization of the use of the old buildings surrounding the Singapore river; with only minor changes to the facade, the main architectural concepts of chinese architecture were kept. The function of the interior had been changed completely from a warehouse to cafes, bars and restaurants, which has provided more benefits for the government.
The area of Clarke Quay and Boat Quay have been transformed and a pedestrian area has now been established as a comfortable area for walking and enjoying the scenery. 96
Figure 1: An old area of Clarke Quay and Boat Quay Singapore (Source: Urban Redevelopment Authority, 2013) Figure 1: 4:An of Clarke andhave Boat Quay Singapore Figures 2,3 and Theold areaarea of Clarke Quay andQuay Boat Quay been transformed with new (Source: functions, i.e. cafes, bars and restaurantsUrban area for tourists, whether domestic or international visitors Redevelopment Authority, 2013) privateQuay documentation, 2013)Quay have been Figures 2,3 and 4: The area(Source: of Clarke and Boat
transformed with new functions, i.e. cafes, bars and restaurants area for tourists, whether domestic or international visitors MICA Building, Singapore (Source: private documentation, 2013) This is a famous building in Singapore that has been regarded as a successful one in application of the adaptive reuse concept. Built in 1934 as the Old Hill Street Police Station MICAtheBuilding, Singapore (OSHPS), biggest government office at that time. A new function was given to this building, and it is presently known as MICA (Ministry of Information, Communication and Arts). Theismain changes building to this building has been the that colourhas of the windows; all of the This a famous in Singapore been regarded as911 a windows have been painted in different colours, i.e. green, red, yellow and blue to attract successful one in application of the adaptive reuse concept. Built visitors.
in 1934 as the Old Hill Street Police Station (OSHPS), the biggest government office at that time. A new function was given to this building, and it is presently known as MICA (Ministry of Information, Communication and Arts). The main changes to this
building has been the colour of the windows; all of the 911 windows have been painted in different colours, i.e. green, red, yellow and blue to attract visitors.
Figure 5: The MICA building with its 911 coloured windows (Source: Private documentation, 2013)
Strategy of Adaptive Reuse The successful implementation of the adaptive reuse concept cannot be separated from the applied strategy employed. There are several strategies that can be used or that are necessary for the implementation of the concept of adaptive reuse that can be defined as follows:
1. Strong political will from the government in encouraging the process of revitalization; 2. The formation of an institution that can handle the historical site that should have a group of stakeholders, such as government officials, people from the private sector, architects, planners, and the community; 3. Delivery of a mixed use concept that is integrated with development within the city; 4. The presence of a unique and competitive district economic identity to compete with other urban areas.
An Application of Adaptive Reuse within Jakarta Old Town The Jakarta Old Town Area is one of many remaining historical sites from the colonial period that serve as a reminder of that period. Within this area, there are many old buildings that are representative of historical architecture and values of the time. Although some old buildings still remain with the same appearance, there are also some old buildings that have been abandoned for many years. As such, there is potential for a very
bad image to be given of a city that is the capital city of Indonesia; since Jakarta Old Town Area is significant historical site for Indonesia it has the potential to represent the identity of Jakarta. This situation has encouraged the local government of Jakarta to initiate a Preservation group for Jakarta Old Town and a legal company PT Pembangunan Kota Tua Jakarta which has responsibility for the handling of problems related to the old abandoned buildings within Jakarta Old Town and the development of this historical site without destroying the inherent historical value of the site. There are several initiatives that could make the Jakarta Old Town area a better place, with such initiatives having been delivered by the local government so as to minimize problems; these initiatives can be defined as follows: 1. Initiation of a creative community and creative economy industry; 2. Implementation of the concept of adaptive re-use; 3. Implementation of the concept of function infill/ new activities within public spaces; 4. Implementation of improvement to heritage facades. As one of the above concepts, adaptive reuse has been regarded as a perfect solution for the abandoned historical old buildings within
the Jakarta Old Town Area. The condition of Tjipta Niaga Building within the Jakarta Old Town Area is very bad and it has been abandoned for many years. As one of the assets of the PT PPI, the Tjipta Niaga Building has been chosen as a potential one for conservation through application of the adaptive reuse concept. It has been supported because: 1. The Tjipta Niaga Building has a big area compared with other buildings within the area, and so it could be perfect for conversion to a hotel or gallery; 2. The Tjipta Niaga Building has been neglected for years and is in bad condition, and so conservation has become necessary; 3. The Tjipta Niaga Building was chosen by the owner (PT PPI) for revitalization by giving it a new function as a hotel which can be connected to a gallery in the Old Town Market.
area, and so it could be perfect for conversion to a hotel or gallery; The Tjipta Niaga Building has been neglected for years and is in bad condition, and so conservation has become necessary; The Tjipta Niaga Building was chosen by the owner (PT PPI) for revitalization by giving it a new function as a hotel which can be connected to a gallery in the Old Town Market.
2 1
Figure 6: Map of three Buildings of the PT PPI (Source: documentation, 2014) Figure 6: Map of threeprivate Buildings of the PT PPI
(Source: private documentation, 2014
are some principles that have become a foundation for how revitalization and rvation should beare implemented and that extended within Jakarta Old Town There some principles have become a foundation for howArea, as s:
revitalization and conservation should be implemented and
Identity ofextended the City and Sense of Place within Jakarta Old Town Area, as follows: Many historical old buildings within Jakarta Old Town had been defined as providing a link between the past and the present, from one generation to another and from 1. Identity of the City and Sense of Place time to another. Furthermore, those historical old buildings have potential to become a significant part of the identity of the city, a particularly important goal given that Jakarta is the capital city historical of Indonesia. Many old buildings within Jakarta Old Town had Historical Value been defined as providing a link between the past and the present, from one generation and from timeoftothe city, Historical old buildings could become a witnesstotoanother the particular history especially given the links Furthermore, of Jakarta tothose Holland, to Portugal and tohave Japan. By another. historical old buildings preserving those historical old buildings within Jakarta Old Town, it means that to become a significant part of the identity of the respect is given to potential our history.
city, a particularly important goal given that Jakarta is the
Architectural Value capital city of Indonesia. Preservation of historical old buildings can be defined as a form of protection of the architectural value within the buildings. It can show that in olden times, architects from the period could design a masterpiece, and those masterpieces can remain up to current times.
2. Historical Value Historical old buildings could become a witness to the particular history of the city, especially given the links of Jakarta to Holland, to Portugal and to Japan. By preserving those historical old buildings within Jakarta Old Town, it means that respect is given to our history. 3. Architectural Value Preservation of historical old buildings can be defined as a form of protection of the architectural value within the buildings. It can show that in olden times, architects from the period could design a masterpiece, and those masterpieces can remain up to current times. 4. Education Value The designation of conservation area to a historical site can be explored by all parties with different educational backgrounds; the area can become a real-life library for all academics and can be explored by students, architects, archaeologists, anthropologists and planners as well as the general public.
5. Inspiration Source The existence of Jakarta Old Town Area as a conservation area can become a source of inspiration for all related parties and it can show a link between the past and present time. 6. Quality enhancement The process of revitalization and conservation of historical areas can enhance the quality of environment, the quality of physical buildings and/or the quality of the social economy of the community within an area. This research has revealed some of the problems faced within the Jakarta Old Town Area that ought to be highlighted prior to the process of revitalization commencing; these include: 1. Degradation of public services within the Jakarta Old Town Area; 2. Due to the costs for the owners of old buildings there can be low levels of maintenance which can lead to buildings becoming neglected and derelict; 3. The low budget for supporting building maintenance and
recovery can lead to the area becoming a slum area; 4. There is a characteristic of egocentricity and carelessness within the community with regard to the existence of historical old buildings; 5. A lack of knowledge of methods for the preservation of historical old buildings. Given the above problems, there should be appropriate efforts to implement the concept of conservation and preservation for Jakarta Old Town as follows: 1. Implementation of a reconstruction process to rebuild some parts of the old buildings that have already destroyed; 2. The breathing of new life into old buildings, so that the building can function as well as before despite having a different function; 3. The delivery of some funding to the owners of old buildings who have financial problems; 4. Encouragement for all levels of the community to be active within historical old building conservation by providing knowledge about building preservation (e.g. seminars,
workshops, short courses, etc); 5. Measures should be taken to ensure conservation activities are sustainable, so that all the old buildings within the Jakarta Old Town Area can be maintained continuously and so that it can become an attractive place for tourists, whether locals or international visitors. 6. The area surrounding Jakarta Old Town Area should be maintained as well by, for example, applying a pedestrianization concept, so that it can become a comfortable and safe place for tourists.
Conclusion The establishment of a new function for historical old buildings should be integrated with many aspects including economic, social and cultural factors. Economically, the application of adaptive reuse can give a big contribution for enhancing the value of old buildings. The cost of the maintenance of old buildings should be funded by a new function application, either from building rental or from redistribution. With respect to tourism, social and cultural factors, this stategy can encourage all the community to have respect for the historical area and its historical building as well has the potential to attract tourists by maintaining the historical area as an integral part of the identity of the city.
An Optimalization of Natural Lighting by Applying Automatic Lighting Using Motion Sensor and Lux Sensor for Historical Old Buildings KOLABORASI Ari Widyati Purwantiasning Saeful Bahri Dipublikasikan dalam Prosiding Seminar Internasional: 6th Seminar on Urban Policies Environmental Land Management for Local and Regional Development Universidad Nacional del Nordeste Resistencia, Argentina 12-14 Juni 2014
One of the problems that occurs within city centres, particularly within capital cities, is the existence of many historical old buildings. Historical old buildings within city centres, that have abandoned for years because of their condition, suffer from a lack of utilities, infrastructure and facilities. These conditions occur because of low levels of maintenance arising as a consequence of a lack of finance of the owner of a building, be they government or private sector. To solve the problem of abandoned historical old buildings, the concept of adaptive reuse can be adopted and applied. This concept of adaptive reuse may continously cover the cost of building maintenance. The adaptive reuse concept usually covers the interior of a building and its utilities, though the need for utilities depends on the function of a building. By adopting a concept of adaptive reuse, new building functions will be designed as the needs and demand of the market dictate, and which is appropriate for feasibility study. One utility element that has to be designed for historical old buildings is the provision of lighting within a building. To minimize the cost of building maintenance, one of the solutions is to optimize natural lighting and to minimize the use of artificial lighting such as lamps. This paper will discuss the extent to which artificial lighting can be minimized by using automatic lighting; the automatic lighting types discussed in this paper are lighting controlled by motion sensor and lux sensor. Keywords: Natural lighting, automatic lighting, motion sensor, lux sensor, historical old buildings
Introduction The issue of global warming has opened up awareness to all parties of the importance of nature preservation. Global warming is a process that occurs at temperatures in the troposphere; this warming occurring as a result of human activities on the earth's surface, particularly from industrial activities as well as glasshouse effect of the buildings. To reduce or slow the increase of global warming, it is important to underline how to do preventive actions. One such action is to apply an environmentally friendly, green building concept. General application of green design concepts will be effective when the building industry supports it, by developing materials and construction technologies that are environmentally friendly. Historical old buildings within Jakarta Old Town Area, for example, could be designed using a green design concept by applying automatic lighting to minimize the use of artificial lighting. This research is aimed at exploring, understanding and describing how the concept of green architecture has been applied in design and planning, particularly in the adaptive reuse concept of historical old buildings. The research will discuss the extent to which design can optimize the use of natural climate, especially within the tropical country of Indonesia. The natural climates which will be discussed relate to natural lighting within historical old buildings. Furthermore, the research will discuss the extent to which artificial lighting could be minimized by using automatic
lighting. Automatic lighting discussed in this paper are lighting controlled by motion sensor and lux sensor.
Definition of Natural and Artificial Lighting Lighting can be defined as a necessary factor in order to have a comfortable and safe environment, either indoors or outdoors, that is related to human productivity. Good lighting supports people to see significant objects clearly and quickly. Generally, there are two kinds of lighting system; natural lighting and artificial lighting. Natural lighting is lighting related to sunlight. Natural lighting has many benefits for human life. Firsly, natural lighting can minimize the cost of electricity energy use and demolish bacteria and germs. To get optimal natural lighting, we need to provide big windows or glass walls at least 1/6th of the floor area. Natural lighting resources sometime cannot be used optimally because the lighting intensity is unpredictable due to the climate conditions. There are a number of factors that could be of concern in using natural lighting, as follows: 1. Variety of intensity of sun lighting; 2. Distribution of the light; 3. The effect of location, light reflection, and space between buildings; 4. Geographical location and the function of the building
The Department of Settlement and District Infrastructure, representing the central government of Indonesia, profesional associations, consultants, contractors, building maintenance departments and universities, has delivered a standard of “methods of natural lighting system design for building”. It has been stated that, natural day lighting could be said to be good enough if: 1. Between 08.00 AM to 04.00 PM local time, there is enough daylight entering the room 2. Distribution of daylight in the room is prevalent On the other hand, artificial lighting could be defined as lighting which has been produced by lighting resources other than natural lighting. Artificial lighting is always needed as lighting that will be used at night or even when natural lighting cannot support enough light within a room. The main function of artificial lighting, either when applied individually or in combination with natural lighting, can be explained as follows: 1. Creation of an environment for people where it is possible to see everything in detail and where vision is clear enough for completion of their activity; 2. Creation of an environment that is walkable and where movement can be done easily and safely; 3. Creation of a workplace that does not have high humidity; 4. Provision of lighting with permanent intensity and prevalent distribution; 5. Enhancement of a comfortable visual environment and improved performance
Definition of Automatic Lighting Nowadays, the term smart building can be defined as modern building that is automatically adapted to environmental conditions in order to provide comfort, simplicity and safety for the user. A further well known concept is the Building Automation System, which refers to a system that not only controls one aspect of automation within a building but also to many other aspects related to the building function and the needs of the users. This research will discuss the automation system in lighting known as automatic lighting. Basically, within this concept, the user can control the need for lighting using electronic devices, either inside or outside the building, through the use of one small device as a form of central control usually installed at the main entrance. Users can control all the electricity used within a building before they leave it by checking that central control point. There are two main components of automatic lighting systems, the motion sensor and the lux sensor. Both components have their own characteristics. Motion sensors detect movement of the user; for example, when entering a bedroom, all the lighting within the room will be turned on automatically, and turned off again soon after the user leaves the room. The lighting within the bedroom will always remain turned on while there is movement within the room whilst, on the otherhand, it will turn off when there is no movement within the room. The second component, i.e. the lux sensor, is usually used to control artificial lighting when the
natural lighting is not sufficient to light a room; automatically, a light will turn on soon after a room is not getting enough light from natural lighting. This system has usually been used for public lighting along the street or main road, with the lamp lighting automatically turning on after it gets dark.
Figure 1: Examples of automatic sensor using remote control (Source: Ondang, 2003)
Figure 2: Examples of the application of the smart building concept for house design (Source: Ondang, 2003)
Both of the systems are usually implemented in parallel using bellow sensor devices, as follows: 1. LDR (Light Dependent Resistors), as a lighting detector; 2. PIR Sensor (Passive Infra Red Sensor), as a motion detector based on infra red radiation from human body; 3. Microcontroller, as a form of command sensor distribution to lighting devices.
Figure 3: LDR or Light Dependent Resistors (Source: Ondang, 2003)
Figures 4,5, and 6: Components of LDR and the circuit of LDR to show how it works using artificial light Figure 7: PIR (Passive Infra Red) sensor to detect thermal heat from the human body, in addition to infra red (Source: Ondang, 2003)
Classification of Historical Old Buildings In reference to historical aspects, as well as architectural aspects, designated buildings for conservation within Jakarta Old Town Area, in particular, and within Indonesian Heritage sites, in general, can be classified into 4 different classes as follows: Grade A: Historical old buildings with high architectural value. These kind of buildings can not be changed, added to, destroyed or rebuilt.
Figure 8: Lawang Sewu (A Thousand Doors), Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia is one of the conserved buildings with Grade A. (Source: Private documentation, 2014)
Grade B: Historical old buildings with specific character of the form with a good structure, creating a better environment and a harmonious living space.
Figure 9: Jakarta Old Theatre well known as Megaria, Indonesia (Source: http://wismusadono.blogspot.com/, 2011)
Buildings with this classification cannot have their main structure, main roof or facade changed. Changes can be made to the interior of the buildings, as well as some destroyed elements, however the form of the building should remain the same.
Grade C: Historical old buildings with so many changes because the condition is so bad; thus, buildings in this class can be changed and rebuilt again, however the changes should still follow the facade pattern of the surrounded buildings. Basically, the new building should be in keeping with the context of the old one.
Figure 10: Historical building of Royal Ontario Museum, Canada (Source: http://wismusadono.blogspot.com/, 2011)
Grade D: Buildings with this classification are all historical old buildings which can be totally changed because the building has been destroyed and cannot be protected anymore. These buildings can be rebuilt with urban planning showing concern for the environmental scale so that works will not disturb the surrounding area.
An Application of Automatic Lighting for Historical Old Buildings It has been proposed to adopt a concept of adaptive reuse for historical old buildings within Jakarta Old Town Area through adoption of a concept of green building which will designed by applying automatic lighting within buildings. In everyday operating systems, buildings are one of the objects which usually need energy for users, particularly lighting energy. To maintain the effectiveness and efficiency in using lighting energy, one of the concepts which can be applied is the use of automatic lighting within a building. There are a number of aspects of concern in planning automatic lighting, such as the active design aspect, passive design aspect, the condition of room temperature, and its management, service and maintenance. Active and passive design can be conducted at the beginning of planning, however if a building has already been built, a process of retro-fit can be applied at particular parts. The condition of room temperature, management, service and maintenance, on the other hand, can be conducted at the operating phase of the building. Passive Design can be defined as a design that could be implemented as part of the building that is not actively functioned or passively functioned during the operating phase. Examples of passive design are as follows:
a. Building forms that minimalize the entry of sunlight. The entry of direct sunlight can be controlled and the load due to use of Air Conditioner minimized; b. The colour and material for the secondary skin or building facade can be chosen to minimize direct sunlight; c. The choice of planting and the proportion of garden within the site area; d. The use of fountain and water elements within a site to help to control the temperature surrounding buildings; e. A significant indicator of the concept of passive design is OTTV (Overall Transfer Thermal Value) which can be affected by the choice of materials and the colour of the secondary skin of the facade. Active Design is usually applied to certain parts of a building which are active when the buildings is operational, for example, as follows: a. Air conditioning design can be estimated accurately between the cooling capacity, the room capacity and its users; b. Lighting systems can be used optimally according to the level of good lighting and safe energy usage; c. Other utility tools can be used to estimate the energy load and solar cells can be used to replace electricity energy. Active design has a significant impact on energy consumption, because all active tools use electricity or water energy. The aspect
of the condition of room temperature has a significant impact on the usage of the power of the cooling machine because the lower the room temperature the higher the electricity energy use. To control room temperature, there are certain actions that can be taken as follows: a. For common areas, the temperature can be controlled centrally through a control room or BAS (Building Automation System); b. For private areas, separate zones can be created (if using a central air conditioner) or separate apartment units with separate metre systems.
Usually, good energy strategies applied to buildings should originate from good building management. Energy management can be applied by establishing an energy team that is responsible for building energy maintenance. A building maintenance program, applied regularly with an effective maintenance process, will make a positive contribution to the level of energy usage.
Lighting control systems have a function of controlling the light based on the input from a sensor, well known examples being the lux sensor and the motion sensor. By using this system, electricity energy consumption can be reduced to a minimum whilst satisfying the needs of the users. This system will automatically reduce the building maintenance of old buildings that have been redesigned by using the adaptive reuse concept. The automation system of this artificial lighting can be connected to the lighting panel and, therefore, the building lighting zones can be controlled from the main control panel.
Figure 11: Historical building of PT PPI ex PT Tjipta Niaga within the Jakarta Old Town Area (Source: Google Maps, 2014)
Figure 11 shows the location of PT PPI Ex PT Tjipta Niaga Building which is in a very bad condition. The local government of Jakarta has been encouraged to redesign the building to have a new function as a hotel and gallery for the Jakarta Old Town Area. As an application of automation smart building, the researcher has tried to apply automatic lighting within this proposed design to minimize the artifiical lighting used. As an application of automation lighting within this old building, the researcher aims to use the MESL System (Multi Energy Save Load) combined with the sun shading within the form of the building. These efforts could, hopefully, minimize the use of artificial lighting and optimize the amount of natural lighting. As a control method, it will use: 1. An ON-OFF selector, which can be operated completely with LED monitoring of the load position; 2. The INPUT for many sensors as well as interfacing, as all the load control can be programmed as individual-group or pattern to the load or all off/all on, despite the individual control. All of it would fulfill good intelligent control and be user friendly.
Figure 12: Site Plan of PT PPI ex PT Tjipta Niaga within the Jakarta Old Town Area (Source: Private Documentation, 2014)
Figure 13: The One Line Control Panel system that will be applied to the building (Source: Wana, 2011)
How the Motion Sensor works: 1. Human temperature will be detected by motion detector/ infra red sensor; 2. The sensor will send an ON signal to the control switcher until the light is ON; 3. When there is no one coming, the sensor will detect under the setting temperature, and thus the timer and dimmer will start to work; 4. The dimmer will work until the light goes down until finally the light will be OFF depending on the setting of the time delay; This system will reduce the energy consumption from 30%-60% compared to a conventional switcher.
Figure 14: Visualization of how the motion sensor works (Source: Wana, 2011)
How the Lux Sensor works: 1. The lux sensor will detect the intensity of the light within the room (lux) from the floor reflection; 2. The dimmer will work according to the lux level. There are two conditions, either light up or light down depending on the intensity of the light within the room; 3. The setting of the lux sensor will be affected by the height of the room and the design of natural lighting (windows, doors, etc) This system will reduce the energy consumption from 30%-60% because the demand on the lux depends on the needs of the users.
Figure 15: Visualization of how the lux sensor works (Source: Wana, 2011)
Sport center Traditional cullinair Service area
Corridor/ main access to hotel International cullinair
Figure 16: First Floor of PT PPI Ex PT Tjipta Niaga Building, and how the main control will be applied in this floor (Source: Private documentation, 2015)
Ballroom Hotel area
Corridor/ main access to hotel Service area
Figure 17: Second Floor of PT PPI Ex PT Tjipta Niaga Building, and how the main control will be applied in this floor (Source: Private documentation, 2015)
Hotel area
Sky Dining Area
Service area
Figure 18: Third Floor of PT PPI Ex PT Tjipta Niaga Building, and how the main control will be applied in this floor (Source: private documentation, 2015)
Conclusion As one of the efforts to maintain the historical old buildings within the Jakarta Old Town Area, the local government has been encouraged to deliver a concept of adaptive reuse with new functions for old buildings. To support this initiative, the researcher has proposed a green building concept which could minimize building costs, particularly in terms of artificial lighting usage. It has been proven that the application of automation lighting, particularly by using the system of motion sensor and lux sensor, could reduce energy use by about 30%-60%. The optimalization of natural lighting usage could also be applied according to the design of the adaptive reuse concept.