Treasure Island Subdivision. Application for Construction. This is a fillable form.
You may type your information into the form, print it, sign it and mail the ...
SAN LUIS PASS RESORT COMMUNITY CIVIC ASSOCIATION Treasure Island Subdivision Application for Construction This is a fillable form. You may type your information into the form, print it, sign it and mail the completed application and fee to: SLPRCCA 146 Fathom Freeport, TX 77541
Name of property owner: Mailing Address: City: ___________________________ State: _______ ZIP: ________ Phone: ____________________ Cell Phone: ____________________ Select one: New Construction: Primarily homes built on existing subdivision lots. Application fee: $300.00 Construction street address: Lot: ______
Remodel Construction: Consists of additions and renovations to existing structures. Application fee: $200.00
Block: ______ Section: _______
Primary Contactor: _____________________________________________ Contractor Phone: _____________________ Secondary Phone: ______________________ Scheduled start date: _______________________ Scheduled complete date: ___________________
Description of job: Page 1 of 4
Please note the following general requirements: >Architectural drawings & specifications must be submitted with this application. >Architectural Control Committee must approve job prior to start of construction. >Maintenance fees on all lots owned in Treasure Island must be paid up‐to‐date. >Owner and builder must be familiar with the Deed Restrictions prior to construction. >Survey of the lot must be done prior to start of New Construction. >Set‐backs from property lines must be strictly observed >Dry‐in must be completed within 90 days after start of construction. >Structures in canal must not extend beyond 12 feet from edge of bulkhead. >Scrap materials must be contained and not placed in subdivision dumpsters. >Application for connection to fresh water supply & fee charge must be made through TIMUD. >Inspections & required certificates are the responsibility of the owner/builder >Another Application approval is required if construction is not started within 6 months. >Other information & restrictions are outlined in the “Building Permit Details” of this Application. , Owner(s) and Contractor are aware of the “Building Permit Details” on Pages 3 and 4 of this document and must submit a signed copy of the document with the Building Permit. Accepted by: Lot Owner(s) Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: ___________ Contractor Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: ___________ Received by Architectural Committee: ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Approved by Architectural Committee: _______________________________________ Date: ___________ Declined by Architectural Committee: ________________________________________ Date: ___________ Reasons for declining application: _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________
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Building Permit Details
Information that relates to building permits approved for Treasure Island. The Deed Restrictions are the primary instrument governing construction, but the Civic Board and TIMUD Board have passed other rules & regulations that may also apply. This information is intended to guide the prospective homeowner and the builder through the construction, and inspection phases. An Application for Construction must be submitted for all jobs defined as "New Construction" or "Remodeling". Remodeling to an existing structure does not require application approval, such as moving an interior wall or replacing the roof. However, if the ‘‘footprint’ of the structure is changed, then approval is required. (Footprint is a term used for the vertical and/or horizontal projection of any structure to ground level). Living, storage, and deck spaces are particularly specified. The Architectural Control Committee has 30 days from receipt of the “Application for Construction” and required supporting documents to approve or disapprove the application. The applicant property owner will be notified in writing of the approval or disapproval on the application. Professional-quality architectural drawings, size C (18" x 24") or 0 (24" x 36"), of sufficient clarity and detail, are required in addition to the application for all construction jobs (for new construction) and (for remodeling) if applicable). Views must include plot plan and elevation, and the location of pilings, bulkhead, and encroachment area (like vegetation line) must be easily determined. Set-back lines should be shown in relation to the footprint. Detailed specifications should also appear on the drawings. Survey of the property is required for new construction. This will confirm location of property boundary stakes reflecting metes & bounds, and easements, as well as encroachments. A copy of survey must be attached to Application. Construction on an approved Application must begin within 6 months. Failure to do so will require another approval. Construction start is considered as any visible sign that building material has been brought to the site. (Fill dirt or grading is excluded) Dry-in must be completed within 3 months following start of construction. A structure would be considered dried-in if, from an external view, it appears to be completed (roof is on, walls are up, windows & doors are set and decking & stairs are in place). There is no time limit for completing the interior. The· Architectural Control Committee does not formally make in-process inspections. Adherence to the Deed Restrictions and to the regulations of Civic & TIMUD Boards is required during construction. However, inspections are required to obtain certificates of compliance for Windstorm, Flood, and Septic. The Committee refers you to the locations below for authoritative information about these certificates. If you are obtaining a mortgage loan, the lending institution may also require inspections of which you should be aware. Windstorm
Contact insurer or local surveyor for FEMA information
Austin 800-248-6032
Mr. Robbie Drake
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The builder must maintain confinement of scrap building materials (and personal litter) at the site. Debris blowing around the subdivision is not allowed. The subdivision dumpsters are off-limits for dumping excess building materials. For large construction jobs a roll off dumpster will be necessary; smaller jobs could be contained on-site and hauled away as needed. To tap into the fresh water system, an Application for Water Service form must be completed and submitted to The TIMUD board. The current fee for this service is $1,000. There are several regulations that should be noted: •
Cold water cut-off valve at water heater
Main water cut-off valve at ground level with self-drain cock
Service breaker box of 200 amps, weather-protected, with copper wiring only
Culvert installed where needed to allow for proper storm drainage
Concrete driveways must not cover septic field lines or utility easements
Acceptance of the “Building Permit Details” is hereby acknowledged by:
Owner Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____________
Contractor Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ____________
Amended 3/11/03
Revised 07/26/12
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