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First-trimester or second-trimester screening, or both, for Down's syndrome, background It is uncertain how best to scre
Bukowski The company they keep: Friendships in childhood and adolescence, friendship is one of life's most essential and rewarding forms of interaction. It is a feature of every culture and most persons interact with their friends on a daily basis. Thus far, most research on the subject of friendship has concentrated on peer acceptance, dyadic. Specificity of leptin action on elevated blood glucose levels and hypothalamic neuropeptide Y gene expression in ob/ob mice, correction of the obese state induced by genetic leptin deficiency reduces elevated levels of both blood glucose and hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY) mRNA in ob/ob mice. To determine whether these responses are due to a specific action of leptin or to the reversal. Sunitinib mediates reversal of myeloid-derived suppressor cell accumulation in renal cell carcinoma patients, purpose: Immune dysfunction reported in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) patients may contribute to tumor progression. Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) represent one mechanism by which tumors induce T-cell suppression. Several factors pivotal. Popularity and friendship: Issues in theory, measurement, and outcome, abstract in this chapter, we focus on several conceptual and empirical issues related to the premise that peer relations affect children's social and emotional development/our point of departure for this discussion is Parker and Asher's (1987) recent review of the literature. Prognostic factors for overall survival in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with vascular endothelial growth factor-targeted agents: results from a, purpose There are no robust data on prognostic factors for overall survival (OS) in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC) treated with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-targeted therapy. Methods Baseline characteristics and outcomes on 645 patients. LOFAR: The low-frequency array, lOFAR, the LOw-Frequency ARray, is a new-generation radio interferometer constructed in the north of the Netherlands and across europe. Utilizing a novel phased-array design, LOFAR covers the largely unexplored low-frequency range from 10-240 MHz and provides. Peer interactions, relationships, and groups, the chapter begins with a distinction made between the interactions children have with peers, the relationships they form with peers, and the groups and networks within which peer interactions and relationships occur. From this conceptual overview, a review. The roles of social withdrawal, peer rejection, and victimization by peers in predicting loneliness and depressed mood in childhood, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the relative contributions of social withdrawal, peer rejection, and victimization by peers in predicting feelings of loneliness and depressed mood over time. According to the proposed model, the feelings of loneliness associated with. Children's peer relations: a meta-analytic review of popular, rejected, neglected, controversial, and average sociometric status, two-dimensional sociometric models have had a critical role in the investigation of children's peer relations in the past decade. In a meta-analysis, fitting categorical models (Hedges, 1982), sociometric group differences on behavioral and information source. Sunitinib in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma, contextCurrent treatment options for metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC) are limited and there is a need to identify novel and effective therapies. Sunitinib malate is an oral multitargeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor, which has shown activity in an initial study of cytokine. First-trimester or second-trimester screening, or both, for Down's syndrome, background It is uncertain how best to screen pregnant women for the presence of fetal Down's syndrome: to perform first-trimester screening, to perform second-trimester screening, or to use strategies incorporating measurements in both trimesters. Methods. Measuring friendship quality during pre-and early adolescence: The development and psychometric properties of the Friendship Qualities Scale, the Friendship Qualities Scale is a theoretically grounded, multidimensional measurement instrument to assess the quality of children's and early adolescents' relationships with their best friends according to five conceptually meaningful aspects of the friendship relation. Interleukin 31, a cytokine produced by activated T cells, induces dermatitis in mice, t cell-derived cytokines are important in the development of an effective immune response, but when dysregulated they can promote disease. Here we identify a four-helix bundle cytokine we have called interleukin 31 (IL-31), which is preferentially produced by T helper. The power of friendship: Protection against an escalating cycle of peer victimization, this study examined 2 aspects of friendship (presence and perceived qualities of a best friend) as moderators of behavioral antecedents and outcomes of peer victimization. A total of 393 children (188 boys and 205 girls) in the 4th and 5th grades (mean age= 10 years. Sorafenib in advanced clear-cell renal-cell carcinoma, background We conducted a phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of sorafenib, a multikinase inhibitor of tumor-cell proliferation and angiogenesis, in patients with advanced clear-cell renal-cell carcinoma. Methods From November 2003 to March. Sorafenib for treatment of renal cell carcinoma: final efficacy and safety results of the phase III treatment approaches in renal cancer global evaluation trial, the illumination of the sky, in the first approximation, texturally transforms the explosion. Overall survival and updated results for sunitinib compared with interferon alfa in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma, purpose A randomized, phase III trial demonstrated superiority of sunitinib over interferon alfa (IFN-α) in progression-free survival (primary end point) as first-line treatment for metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Final survival analyses and updated results. Impact of therapy with epoetin alfa on clinical outcomes in patients with nonmyeloid malignancies during cancer chemotherapy in community oncology practice. Procrit, pURPOSE To study the impact of Procrit (epoetin alfa; Amgen Inc, Thousand Oaks, CA) on quality of life, transfusion requirements, and hemoglobin in anemic cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. PATIENTS AND METHODS More than 500 community-based oncologists. Sunitinib versus interferon alfa in metastatic renal-cell carcinoma, background Since sunitinib malate has shown activity in two uncontrolled studies in patients with metastatic renal-cell carcinoma, a comparison of the drug with interferon alfa in a phase 3 trial is warranted. Methods We enrolled 750 patients with previously untreated, metastatic. Preadolescent friendship and peer rejection as predictors of adult adjustment, although peer-rejected children appear to be at risk for later difficulties, the contribution of preadolescent friendship to adaptive adjustment lacks an empirical foundation. In this 12 year follow-up investigation, 30 young adults who had a stable, reciprocal best friend in fifth.