Business Cards - St Vincent de Paul Society

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The St Vincent de Paul Society embraces online communities and encourages thoughtful and respectful debate and conversat
SOCIAL MEDIA – TERMS OF USE The St Vincent de Paul Society embraces online communities and encourages thoughtful and respectful debate and conversation. Our social media platforms are moderated in accordance with the following terms of use. We will remove posts which: 

Are of an offensive or discriminatory nature. This includes being offensive, humiliating or intimidating based on: o race, ethnicity, nationality or physical characteristics o gender or sexual orientation o religion or non-religious viewpoints o political opinion o socio-economic status o age o physical, mental or intellectual disability/impairment

Contravene copyright, defamation or any other laws

Reveal personal details or private information about any person

Would be reasonably classified as 'adult' and restricted accordingly (such as pornography or graphic violence)

Use excessively coarse language

Could reasonably be considered trolling. Trolling is posting content of a deliberately inflammatory nature. Social media sites usually have a mechanism to report such behaviour and we encourage you to do so

Attack other users

We believe are by someone impersonating someone else

We reserve the right to make judgement calls on any of the above. For example, if a post is offensive or if coarse language is excessive. If a person continues to post content that contravenes our terms of use, we reserve the right to block the offending users. The St Vincent de Paul Society takes no responsibility for comments left by others on our Facebook page or other social media channels. Queries to [email protected] or 03 9895 5800

St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria Inc. ABN: 28 911 702 061 43 Prospect Street, Box Hill, 3128 Locked Bag 4800, Box Hill, 3128 Phone: (03) 9895 5800 Fax: (03) 9895 5850 Email: [email protected] Website:

February 2013