Jul 11, 2016 - Business Perspective is published monthly by the Overland Park ... Don Pearce, Pearce Construction Compan
Business Perspective Our Mission:
July 2016
To enhance the business environment and quality of life in our community.
Johnson County chambers and school districts unite for school funding solution
Connect with us at opchamber:
Last month, Johnson County chambers of commerce and public school districts came together to address the critical issue of state funding for public schools in advance of a Special Session of the Kansas Legislature. At a press conference attended by all local television affiliates and reporters from numerous print and electronic media, they released the following joint statement: “Johnson County Chambers of Commerce and Johnson County Superintendents from Blue Valley, De Soto, Gardner-Edgerton, Olathe and Shawnee Mission strongly recommend the Kansas Legislature fund the school finance formula Local Option Budget equalization at 81.2 percent for purposes of equalization and hold all districts harmless. We believe that this is the best
solution for a short-term fix to address the current situation as a new school finance formula is developed.” During the Special Session, that initial plan evolved into one more acceptable across the state and seen as the best option for a short-term fix to keep schools open and move on to the next, and much bigger, task of addressing the adequacy question and developing a new K-12 funding formula. Tom Robinett, Overland Park Chamber’s Vice President of Public Policy and Advocacy, urged legislators to support their school districts by voting for Substitute for HB 2001. Our thanks to Johnson County school districts for a lot of hard work and a “we rather than me” attitude in getting the new plan passed.
GOLF TOURNAMENT Thursday, September 8, 2016 – 12:30 shotgun start Deer Creek Golf Club
Early bird rate: $200 per player when registering by August 5 - click here.
Ribbon Cutting
Thursday, July 7, 2016 - 5:00 p.m.
Kansas Dental Center, 8625 College Boulevard
Wednesday Wake-up
Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 8:00-9:00 a.m. Sprint Winter Garden, 6220 Sprint Parkway Free for members; $10 for guests
OP After Hours Business After Hours networking Tuesday, July 19, 2016 - 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Allegro Ballroom, 7105 West 105th Street Free for Chamber members; $15 for significant others of Chamber members; $20 for non-members
Working Lunch
Networking for members only Wednesday, July 20, 2016 - 12:00-1:30 p.m. Hereford House, 5001 Town Center Drive $20 for Chamber members only
Young Professionals at the Royals
Sponsorships & Teams Available!
For sponsorships: Celia at (913) 766-7603 or click here.
Chamber Calendar
Sponsored by
Networking event with tailgating & game Monday, July 25, 2016 - 5:30-10:00 p.m. Kauffman Stadium, 1 Royal Way $18 for members; $23 for non-members
Executive Leadership Series Featuring Chuck Green, U.S. Secret Service Thursday, August 4, 2016 - 7:30-9:00 a.m.
DoubleTree by Hilton, 10100 College Boulevard Per person: $25 for members, $35 for non-members Table for 10: $280 for members; $385 for non-members
To make reservations, click here or call (913) 491-3600.
Reflecting on a great leader
I am often asked what I love best about my job. Like you, I have many reasons why I am passionate about what I do. But at the top of the list of what makes the chamber profession so special is working with diverse groups of business and civic leaders who join together to make a difference in our community. On July 1, I celebrate 29 years in this unique industry that has blessed me with the opportunity to learn from leaders from across the U.S. and a number of countries from Canada to China. Today I focus on one leader, not because he is the only person who has impacted my life, but because he exemplifies the qualities I have seen throughout my career in so many leaders, all rolled into one. Like many of you reading this, I met Ben Craig shortly after moving to town. He called me immediately and invited me to breakfast, providing me a warm welcome and gifting me with knowledge that can only come from one of the founders of the Overland Park Chamber. With that knowledge came something even more valuable: his support, which has never wavered in the ensuing years, whether I needed a sounding board for an idea, an encouraging word or assistance with a project. As Ben recently received his diagnosis of terminal liver cancer, his outlook on life has not changed. In each conversa- Tracey Osborne, CCE tion I’ve had with him, his focus has been on others and the Chamber President @ traceylosborne community issues we both care about. He has praised leaders for actions taken and for integrity demonstrated. We’ve talked about a number of things, including the challenges of the school finance formula and the Special Session, and the importance of voting in the upcoming primary election. Ben told me he has been given the gift of time: time to make plans, and time to talk to those who are important to him. But I think we have been given a gift as well. We have time to reflect upon how much the “Ben Craigs” we have in our lives mean to us – and to tell them. Of course Ben deflects praise and reminds me that “this” was a team effort. Of course “this” could mean so many things in reference to Ben’s leadership in our county these past fifty years. Some of “this” includes the founding of our Chamber, the development and expansion of Johnson County Community College, the creation of the JCCC Foundation and the millions of scholarship dollars that have changed student lives. Ben Craig A few more: Overland Park Rotary Club’s numerous projects where he has 52 years of perfect attendance, Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead where my nieces and nephews love to visit Ben’s Bank and where my Rotary club built a new playground under Ben’s leadership and countless political campaigns and dollars raised for numerous charitable causes. Some don’t know that Ben and I share the chamber bloodline as he was a chamber executive early in his career. He has been nurturing communities and their development ever since. He was an entrepreneur at the tender age of 17, opening a bicycle shop. Is it any wonder he would support business and free enterprise as a life-long banker?
Brad Stratton, Chairman Overland Park Wealth Management Michael Tracy, Chair-Elect OMNI Employment Management Services, LLC Mike Hess, 1st Vice Chairman HNTB Corporation Brett Bogan, 2nd Vice Chairman Lathrop & Gage LLP Chris Wally, Secretary CBRE Kansas City Tom Fitzsimmons, Treasurer Central Bank of the Midwest Marga Spangler, Past Chairman First National Bank
BOARD MEMBERS: Marshaun Butler, Children’s Mercy Hospital Kansas Lance Collins, YRC Freight Greg Crowley, Crowley Furniture Jarad Falk, Time Warner Cable Business Class Laird Goldsborough, Valbridge Property Advisors | Shaner Appraisals, Inc. Stacie Gram, Swiss Re America Holding Company Russ Johnson, Hy-Vee Food & Drug Store Tim Kelley, Valley View Bank Charles Laird, Menorah Medical Center Doug Lynn, Sprint Don Pearce, Pearce Construction Company Karen Prange, Empower Retirement Ryan Reeves, UnitedLex Corporation Bob Regnier, Bank of Blue Valley Clint Robinson, Black & Veatch Stephen Rhorer, SPX Cooling Technologies Dr. Joe Sopcich, Johnson County Community College Mark Thomas, Copaken Brooks Lori Wright, Kansas City Power & Light
EX-OFFICIO BOARD MEMBERS: Joe Andrick, True North Hotel Group [Convention & Visitors Bureau board representative] Bill Ebel, City of Overland Park Andrew Fogt, Commerce Bank [2016 Chair of Overland Park Chamber Economic Development Council] Mayor Carl Gerlach, City of Overland Park Dana Markel, Overland Park Convention & Visitors Bureau Tracey Osborne, CCE, Overland Park Chamber Dr. Todd White, Blue Valley School District Greg Wolf, Dentons
CHAMBER STAFF: Tracey Osborne, CCE, President Stacey Cowan, Membership Director Frank Ebling, Controller Celia Fritz-Watson, Director of Events & Member Services Julie Hakan, Assistant to the President Tim Holverson, IOM, Recruitment & Retention Director, Economic Development Beth Johnson, CEcD, Senior Vice President of Economic Development Stan Lawson, Communications Director Tom Robinett, Vice President of Government Affairs Connor Stangler, EDC Policy & Communications Coordinator Amy Stock, Member Services Coordinator
Business Perspective
(continued on the next page)
Business Perspective is published monthly by the Overland Park Chamber of Commerce. 9001 West 110th Street, Suite 150, Overland Park, KS 66210 Phone: (913) 491-3600 • Fax: (913) 491-0393 •
[email protected] • www.opchamber.org
CHAMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS President’s message continued . . .
Recently we talked a little politics as we visited at his home. He is saddened by the lack of cooperation in all spheres. He hopes for the election of leaders who will return to collaboration and consensus building, where we all know that we can’t get what we want all the time, but if everyone listens to each other and gives a little, we can find solutions. Ben calls it the “Art of the Possible.” Can there be a better legacy than to look for leadership qualities in our candidates this election season that will guide
us to solutions and the Art of the Possible? Ben has taught us well. He led with integrity, vision and by his personal example. My life is enriched by having known him, and our region is prosperous from his decades of commitment. I know the day will come when I will not have his smiling face and his cheery voice on the other end of my phone line available. But I will cherish these memories, as I recall his many lessons of leadership. Thanks, Ben. You have shown me the art of so many things possible.
2016 Leadership class wraps up with final two sessions The 2016 Leadership Overland Park (LOP) class held its final two sessions last month. During its quality of life session, the class learned about arts programming, park systems and recreational amenities that keep Overland Park ranked among the top cities in the nation for its quality of life. Chamber President Tracey Osborne shared results of a community scan that measured the pulse of the community on public policy priorities. The class’s closing session featured LOP trivia and
visioning exercises on class members’ visions for Overland Park and the State of Kansas. As a wrap-up of their LOP experience, class members worked on a personal mission and vision and established short-term goals for their future, facilitated by Suze Parker, Parker Communications Group.
Lynn joins Chamber board Doug Lynn, Sprint, has joined the Overland Park Chamber board of directors. Lynn joined Sprint in 1994 and has been the company’s vice president of corporate development since August 2005. He has primary responsibility for driving and executing Sprint’s overall business strategy through merger and acquisition efforts and/or creation of strategic alliances and partnerships. Lynn began his career in public accounting and worked in the savings and loan Completed applications will be due to the Chamber office by October 14, 2016. Class members participate in all-day sessions held from
industry from 1988 to 1994. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in accounting from Missouri State University in 1985. January through June. The nomination form is available at www.opchamber. org or click here.
Click the advertisement below for details.
Nominations for 2017 Class
Nominations for the 2017 Leadership Overland Park program, which will begin in January 2017, are due by noon on September 9, 2016.
July 2016
hosted on June 8 by
Matt Maciel, Principal Financial Group; Elizabeth Rhodus, Boy Scouts of America; Ashley Martin, Crowne Plaza Kansas City-Overland Park.
TJ Roberts, Farm Bureau Financial Services; John Frownfelter, Johnson County Funeral Chapel; Johnnie Lamonte, Overland Park Funeral Chapel; Paul Schultz, Google Fiber.
Scavenger Hunt in Downtown Overland Park
Participants competed to see who could produce the longest apple peel at The Culinary Center of Kansas City. Scavenger hunt clues were found throughout Downtown Overland Park.
The winning team: Marcela Aguirre, Crowne Plaza Kansas City-Overland Park; Andrea Tadlock, Rock & Brews; Jessica Nollett, emfluence Digital Marketing. Team member Amy Haller, California Closets; is not pictured.
Business Perspective
Last month, Overland Park Young Professionals participated in a YP Cares volunteer event in which they helped with preparations for Stems, the annual fundraiser for the Arts & Recreation Foundation of Overland Park held at the Overland Park Arboretum and Botanical Gardens.
UPCOMING EVENTS Network Over Lunch! Hosted by
Wednesday, July 13 - 8:00-9:00 a.m. Hosted by
5001 Town Center Drive
Wednesday, July 20
12:00 - 1:30 p.m. Maximize your busy schedule by networking during lunch to cultivate new business relationships. Join us at Hereford House where we’ll have our own private room to enjoy great food and great conversations.
Winter Garden 6220 Sprint Parkway Sprint has a way better way to mobilize your business (for way less)! Come find out how and enjoy networking, coffee and breakfast foods in the Winter Garden on the Sprint campus. Series Sponsor:
$20 per person; Chamber members only (includes lunch)
Space is limited. To register, click here.
Free for members; $10 for non-members
To register, click here or call (913) 491-3600
Hosted by
Allegro Ballroom 7105 West 105th Street
Tuesday, July 19
Executive Leadership Series
Join us for this program featuring executive insight on business leadership. Proudly sponsored by:
INSIGHTS FROM THE TOP Overland Park Chamber of Commerce
Thursday, August 4
7:30-9:00 a.m. DoubleTree by Hilton Kansas City-Overland Park 10100 College Boulevard
Charles Green
United States Secret Service Charles “Chuck” Green started his law enforcement career in 1984 as a police officer in Overland Park and soon became a special agent of the United States Secret Service. He has been the Special Agent in Charge of the Kansas City Field Office District since October 2002. He is responsible for U.S. Secret Service protective and investigative operations locally including the KC Financial Crimes Task Force, and the establishment and operation of the Kansas City Electronic Crimes Task Force. Members: $25 per person or $280 for a reserved table of 10 Non-members: $35 per person or $385 for a reserved table of 10
To register, click here or call (913) 491-3600
5:00-7:00 p.m. Join us for a fun evening of networking, delicious food and fun drinks at the beautiful and lavish Allegro Ballroom. Free for Chamber members; $20 for non-members.
To register, click here or call (913) 491-3600.
Young Professionals Tailgate Party & Royals Game! Monday,
July 25
Tailgating at 5:30 p.m. Game at 7:10 p.m. $18 for Chamber members; $23 for non-members.
Join the Overland Park Young Professionals for a night at the K. Our group will enjoy a tailgate with KC Tailgaters then cheer on the Kansas City Royals versus the Los Angeles Angels. Space is limited. To register, click here.
July 2016
NEW MEMBERS / REINVESTED MEMBERS Welcome new members! We are pleased to introduce these new Chamber members: FedEx Office Print and Ship Center Jami Clark, Senior Center Manager 11026 Metcalf Avenue Overland Park, KS 66210 (913) 661-0192 Fax: (913) 661-1520
[email protected] www.local.fedex.com/ks/ overland-park/office-0456 Copying & Duplicating Service, Shipping Service
FedEx Office Print and Ship Center Brian Parnacott, Business Center Manager 8829 Metcalf Avenue Overland Park, KS 66212 (913) 383-2178 Fax: (913) 649-8795
[email protected] www.local.fedex.com/ks/ overland-park/office-1924 Copying & Duplicating Service, Shipping Service
FedEx Office Print and Ship Center
Erica Tuttle, Business Center Manager 7340 West 135th Street Overland Park, KS 66223 (913) 239-9399 Fax: (913) 239-9494
[email protected] www.local.fedex.com/ks/ overland-park/office-1847 Copying & Duplicating Service Shipping Service
FedEx Office Ship Center
Jason Davis, Business Center Manager 6600 College Boulevard, Suite 135 Overland Park, KS 66211 (913) 491-3407 Fax: (913) 317-8459
[email protected] www.local.fedex.com/ks/ overland-park/office-4547 Shipping Service, Copying & Duplicating Service
Rob Hess, Partnership Executive/Market Lead 9393 West 110th Street, 5th Floor Overland Park, KS 66210 (913) 905-3882
[email protected] www.foodsby.com Food Service, Computer Software & Services
Fry’s Car Care
Donika Fry Kaplan, Owner 3639 West 95th Street Overland Park, KS 66206 (913) 649-1646
[email protected] www.fryscarcare.com Auto Repair & Service, Tire Dealers New
Fry’s Tire & Service
Donika Fry Kaplan, Owner 9535 Nall Avenue Overland Park, KS 66207 (913) 385-3600
[email protected] www.fryscarcare.com Auto Repair & Service, Tire Dealers New
Earn credits for your referrals Do you know business professionals who, like you, are leaders in their industry and committed to supporting the economic well-being of Overland Park? Please pass along my name or I will be happy to reach out to them.
Business Perspective
Each referral that activates a new membership with the Overland Park Chamber will earn you $25 in credit to use for event registrations or advertising. – Stacey Cowan, Membership Director
[email protected] or (913) 766-7604
KC Tailgaters
Meagan Campbell, Owner 7709 Lowell Avenue Overland Park, KS 66204 (913) 972-3030
[email protected] www.kctailgaters.com Event Services, Entertainment
Light Years Ahead
Megan Brown Bennett, Executive Vice President 8812 Hollywood Hills Road Los Angeles, CA 90046 (310) 505-4224 Fax: (323) 650-2728
[email protected] www.lightyearsahead.com Public Relations Counselors, Social Media
Kristen Lawrence, Store Manager 6501 West 135th Street Corbin Park Overland Park, KS 66223 (913) 851-5854
[email protected] www.maurices.com Retail
Orrick & Erskine, L.L.P.
Timothy Orrick, Attorney 10975 Grandview, Suite 175 Corporate Woods, Building 27 Overland Park, KS 66210 (913) 888-1777 Fax: (913) 888-1794 www.orricklawgroup.com Attorneys
These businesses have invested in our community to keep it vibrant. We encourage you to use them first when purchasing goods and services.
Member Renewals We thank these companies for their membership reinvestments in May 2016:
20+ Years
APAC-Kansas, Inc.-Kansas City Division ASE Group, Inc. BNSF Railway Company Drs. Hawks, Besler & Rogers New York Life Insurance Company Olathe Public School District #233 Santee Floral Designs, Inc. Paul Henson Family YMCA
10-19 Years
Capital City Bank Community Blood Center of Greater Kansas City Craig Sole, designs. The Mutual Fund Store NBKC Overland Park Convention Center/Global Spectrum Sherwin Williams Company Stoltz Management Company Terracon
5-9 Years
Andre’s Confiserie SuisseAndre’s Rivaz BHC RHODES Black Feather Farm LLC Kansas State University Olathe Kevin Blayney Photography Mathis Photography QC Holdings, Inc.
1-4 Years
68’s Inside Sports American Family Insurance Benchmark Construction, LLC Blue Valley Goodyear Coldwell Banker Goodlife Real Estate Group Fortune Financial Advisors, LLC Greater Kansas City Realty, LLC The Hayhow Group Mazuma Credit Union McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. Oklahoma Wesleyan University Rehabilitation Hospital of Overland Park Sunny Day Pediatric Dentistry PA TelCon Associates Webster University - Kansas City
City Councilmember Fred Spears, Chamber President Tracey Osborne and Chamber Diplomats helped Lexie Pappas and her team celebrate the opening of Which Wich Superior Sandwiches, 6830 West 119th Street. For more information: (913) 481-4330 or www.whichwich.com.
City Council President Rick Collins and Chamber representatives helped Kristen Lawrence, store manager, and her team celebrate a ribbon cutting for Maurices, 6501 West 135th Street in Corbin Park Shopping Center. With styles that match your budget and the occasion, Maurices allows you to express your individuality and feel good about yourself. For more information: www.maurices.com or (913) 851-5854.
City Councilmember Paul Lyons and Chamber representatives helped Joe Andrick, True North Hotel Group, and his team celebrate a ribbon cutting for the newly renovated Residence Inn Kansas City Overland Park, 12010 Blue Valley Parkway. For more information: (913) 491-4444 or www.marriott.com/kckrp.
City Councilmember Terry Goodman and Chamber representatives helped owners Roger & Robin Wagy and their team celebrate a ribbon cutting for Tick Tock Escape Games, 6398 College Boulevard. Tick Tock offers the chance to solve puzzles in real-time and real life with your friends or co-workers. But watch the clock – you’ve only got one hour to solve the puzzle and escape the room. For more information: www.ticktockescapegames.com or (913) 396-9144.
City Council President Rick Collins and Chamber representatives helped Dr. Bradley Woodle and his team celebrate a ribbon cutting for the new offices of Advanced Sports & Family Chiropractic & Acupuncture, 6701 West 121st Street, #200. For more information: www.chiropractorinoverland. com or (913) 643-1771.
City Councilmember John Thompson and Chamber representatives helped Amanda Hodges and her team celebrate a ribbon cutting for NOAH’S Event Venue, 7341 West 133rd Street. Noah’s offers a beautiful, contemporary setting for business events, weddings and special occasions. For more information: (913) 634-1743 or www.noahseventvenue.com.
July 2016
LEADERSHIP OVERLAND PARK 2016 Leadership Class completes class project of building playground canopy for KidsTLC by Jason Wright JE Dunn Construction Company The Leadership Overland Park Class of 2016 was introduced to many charitable organizations in the community early in our program. They all were very deserving of our class project, but KidsTLC really captured our hearts. KidsTLC is an organization in Johnson County with the mission of “Transforming lives of children and families in our community.”
Once our class decided to dedicate our efforts towards helping KidsTLC, we worked with them to find a need they had that we felt comfortable committing to accomplish within a timeframe of just a few months. A canopy structure over their existing playground made its way to the top of our list and we set out to figure out a way to fund, supply and install it. We met the canopy provider on-site and measured the exact size needed for the
Leadership Overland Park class members hosted a pizza party for clients at KidsTLC to celebrate the completion of a new playground canopy.
material. It ended up being 27-foot-wide by 50-footdeep and 13-foot-tall. We had the company, ABCreative, quote the project two different ways; one to only supply the material, and one to both supply and install the material. The quote to only supply the material was almost half the cost to both supply and erect, but due to safety issues, heavy equipment, skilled trades and other issues, our class opted to raise the additional funds to purchase both the supply and installation from ABCreative. The goal was to raise $19,000, which would pay for the project plus provide a little contingency money. Our class decided to sell raffle tickets for three very good prizes donated by classmate’s employers. The prizes consisted of Kansas City Royals tickets, Sporting Kansas City
tickets, and a weekend stay on the Country Club Plaza. Raffle tickets were $20 each so we needed to sell 950 tickets, which worked out to about 30 tickets per each of our 33 classmates. After a shaky first few weeks of ticket sales and with the deadline fast approaching, our class kicked the sales effort into high gear and raised $19,790, surpassing our goal and breaking the previous Leadership Overland Park record for money raised. Despite considerable rainfall in May, the canopy was delivered and installed by early June. Our class celebrated with the children at KidsTLC by hosting a pizza party. In the following two weeks, Kansas City experienced record heat, but not to worry, the children at Kids TLC had a nice canopy to give them shade as the played.
Thanks to the 2016 Leadership Overland Park class, LOP alumni, individuals and businesses who helped make this fundraising effort a success. Raffle prize donors: • HDR - Kansas City Royals tickets • McCownGordon Sporting KC tickets • Downtown Overland Park Partnership Sporting KC tickets • True North Hotel Group - Country Club Plaza staycation
Leadership Overland Park class members pose with their class project – a new playground canopy at KidsTLC.
Business Perspective
Wade Carr
Keith Carter
CommunityAmerica Credit Union
Joe Drimmel
Kelly Eddy
HDR Engineering
Kansas City Crusaders/ Digital Ally Open
Mary Gerdes
Kate Gunja
City of Overland Park
Ronnie Chanvitayapongs
Stephanie Cocherl
Ryan Elam
Josh Erhart
Shawnee Mission Health
Matt Hartman
RubinBrown LLP
Rachel Mayfield
Charles McAllister
Dusty Sease
Sam Shelhorn
KidsTLC, Inc.
Nichole Waring McCownGordon Construction
Johnson County Wastewater
Harmon Construction, Inc.
Tanya Wilson
Johnson County Community College
First National Bank
DLR Group
Darin Heyen
Blue Valley School District
Robby Steffens
Olsson Associates
Trevor Winchell
Swiss Re America Holding Corporation
Ralph DeGruttola
Mike Fischer
Allegra Gassman
Payne & Jones, Chartered
Pearce Construction Company
Tonya Merrigan
Andrea Cook
Ottawa University Kansas City Campus
Karen Hogan
Midwest Trust Company
Turner Construction
Fletcher Mulvihill
Black & Veatch
Dana Markel
Overland Park Convention & Visitors Bureau
Lisa Pfeiff
Empower Retirement
Humana, Inc.
Kate Sweeten
Kristen VanFosson
Downtown Overland Park Partnership
Neal Woodworth
Douthit Frets Rouse Gentile & Rhodes
True North Hotel Group
Jason Wright
JE Dunn Construction Company
June 2016
RECENT EVENTS Member News & Events Olathe Public Schools patrons approved a $156 million mail-in bond election by 72.3% of the vote. The bond proposal will touch every school in the district. Olsson Associates has acquired Lutjen, Inc., a 52-person engineering firm in North Kansas City. Noah’s Event Venue is open at 7341 West 133rd Street, hosting all of life’s events including weddings, corporate events and special occasions. Which Wich? Superior Sandwiches has opened its first Overland Park location at 6830 West 119th Street. True North Hotel Group recently completed major
renovations to the Residence Inn by Marriott, 12010 Blue Valley Parkway. Corbin Crossing Luxury Apartments, 6801 West 138th Terrace, has completed a $1.6 million renovation. More than 130 employees at MarksNelson helped eight nonprofit organizations during Volunteer Day last month. The firm received the 2015 IMPACT Award from the Kansas City Business Journal for the initiative. The Shawnee Mission School District has been awarded 11 Green Schools grants totaling $43,462 by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
Sponsor Spotlight:
Today’s workforce faces a business environment where the need for rapidly changing job skills often means searching for professional education that develops along with industry demands. In this competitive climate, the University of Kansas Edwards Campus stands as a leading provider of evolving educational resources for working professionals in Kansas City and beyond. The KU Edwards Campus offers more than 30 undergraduate and graduate degree programs while also contributing to the research and public service missions of KU. Evening classes and on-site services help students balance the responsibilities of work and family. In addition, the KU Edwards Campus offers many benefits to the Kansas City
Business Perspective
This fall, the KU Edwards Campus will offer a new master’s degree in civil engineering, which has been ranked by Forbes.com among the top ten master’s degrees for job placement. Grantham University and YRC Worldwide have entered into an agreement that will help YRCW employees gain the advanced education they need to achieve their career goals. The KU Edwards Campus is partnering with the Greater Kansas City Federal Executive Board to make scholarships and discounts available to the more than 27,000 federal employees working in the metro area.
Shawnee Mission Health (SMH) is partnering with Metro United Soccer Club to provide an injury and health awareness program that includes use of SMH’s comprehensive sports medicine program, SportsCare. Black & Veatch’s 20th annual Charity Golf Tournament raised $350,000 for Children’s Mercy as part of a five-year pledge of $2.1 million to help expand services at the Center for Pediatric Genomic Medicine. Tickets For Less is now an official sponsor of Arrowhead Events, the special events arm of the Kansas City Chiefs. The agreement encompasses all ticketed (continued on next page)
community beyond its academic programming, including: • Certificate options in growing areas, including accounting, business, communication, engineering, environmental assessment, global and international studies, public administration and science management, which allow working professionals to bolster résumés and explore specializations. • Skills-building professional development training through KU Professional & Continuing Education. • Degree in 3, a partnership between KU Edwards Campus, Johnson County Community College and the Blue Valley and Olathe school districts, enables students to earn a bachelor’s degree in only three years. • Centers and institutes at the Edwards Campus partner with the community to develop innovative research and address pressing societal needs. These include the Center for STEM Learning, Confucius Institute, Hartley Audiology Clinic, Kansas Center for
Autism Research and Training and the KU Public Management Center. Since opening in 1993, the campus has contributed more than $400 million to the Johnson County economy through education, research and service initiatives. The campus receives annual funding from the Johnson County Education Research Triangle (JCERT) initiative, which has allowed construction of the Business, Engineering, Science and Technology (BEST) Building and the addition of more than 10 new degree programs focusing on these key disciplines. For more information, visit www.EdwardsCampus.KU.edu.
Sponsor Spotlight: Saint Luke’s South Hospital is a state-of-the-art, comprehensive health care facility serving Johnson County, Kansas, and the surrounding communities. Saint Luke’s South Hospital ranks No. 1 in Johnson County for heart attack survival, according to Hospital Compare data tracked by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. In 2014, the Cardiac Catheterization Lab (cath lab) was replaced with the latest technology, ensuring patients have 24/7 local access to advanced lifesaving cardiovascular procedures. The Emergency Department is certified for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) care for heart attack patients and is also certified as a Primary Stroke Center. Saint Luke’s South Hospital is known for its Hip & Knee Center, a unique environment for patients considering total joint replacement. The closed unit is dedicated to orthopedic patients and staffed with specially trained nurses and therapists. The result is a center with superior patient outcomes: incredibly low infection rates, short length of stay, and high patient satisfaction. From natural births to traditional and high-risk deliveries, the Birth & Women’s Center offers the advantages of one-on-one attention and access to the most advanced medical technology, including a Level IIIa NICU. Spacious maternity suites allow moms to labor, deliver, and remain in the same room their entire stay. The Goppert Breast Center added 3-D mammography in 2013. This advanced technology gives radiologists exceptionally sharp images and a new view of the breast’s complex structures, meaning more accurate readings and a better chance of detecting cancer in its earliest stages. For more information: www.saintlukeskc.org/South or call Saint Luke’s Concierge at (816) 932-5100.
RideKC transit service expands in Johnson County Beginning this month, RideKC transit service expands in Johnson County so residents can better reach jobs, higher education and many stores and restaurants. The new route locations were determined after the Overland Park Chamber facilitated community forums with major employers. A new east-west route on 95th Street, more frequent service on 75th Street and a longer route on Metcalf Avenue will give residents better access to some of the county’s major destinations. For just $1.50 a ride, residents can more easily reach Oak Park Mall, Johnson County Community College,
Prairiefire, Corbin Park and the University of KansasEdwards campus. Regional connections to the Country Club Plaza and the new downtown Kansas City streetcar also are available. New and expanded routes serving Johnson County include:
Member News continued . . .
providing summer internship opportunities for college students according to a study by CollegeGrad.com. Approximately 150 interns are working this year in locations across Black & Veatch’s U.S. operations. St. Joseph Medical Center has earned the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award with Target: Stroke Honor Roll. Chamber members recently receiving AGC Building Excellence Awards included McCarthy Building Companies, Turner Construction Company, JE Dunn Construction Company, McCownGordon Construction, Pearce Construction
events that utilize the stadium seating bowl including concerts, college football games and other major events. AT&T announced investments in 2013-2015 of more than $675 million in its Kansas City-area networks to enhance reliability, coverage, speed and overall performance for residents and businesses and to enhance services that support public safety and first responders. Chamber members DEG and Netsmart Technologies were recognized by the Kansas Department of Commerce with Merit Awards as part of 2016 Business Appreciation Month. Black & Veatch is one of the top-ranked U.S. companies in
Route 75 - between Rosanna Square and 75th & Troost Route 495 (New!) - between Oak Park Mall and Waldo Route 556 - between Johnson County Community College/ Prairiefire and UMKC Route 575 - between KU Edwards and 75th & Troost
You can sign up for a free roundtrip pass redeemable by July 19 at www.ridekc.org.
(continued on page 12)
July 2016
Thank you 2016 Corporate Partners and Sponsors for your continued support!
Corporate Partners
Kansas House District 21
July 11 – 4:00-5:15 p.m. Overland Park Chamber of Commerce Dororthy Hughes (R), Neil Patrick Melton (R)
Kansas Senate District 11
July 12 – 8:00-9:00 a.m. Overland Park Chamber of Commerce Sen. Jeff Melcher (R), John Skubal (R)
Kansas Senate District 21
July 12 – 3:30-5:30 p.m. Overland Park Chamber of Commerce (invited): Sen. Greg Smith (R), Dinah Sykes (R), Michael Czerniewski (D), Logan Heley (D)
Kansas House District 28
July 13 – 2:30-3:45 p.m. Overland Park Chamber of Commerce Rep. Jerry Lunn (R), Joy Koesten (R)
These forums are free, but reservations are encouraged.
To register, click here or call (913) 491-3600. These events are subject to change without notice. Please confirm before attending.
Candidate events for other races will be announced as they become available.
Member News continued . . .
Corporate Sponsors Affinis Corp First National Bank JE Dunn Construction Company Kansas City Power & Light Kansas Gas Service Saint Luke’s South Hospital Stoltz Management The University of Kansas Edwards Campus
To become a Corporate Sponsor, contact us at (913) 491-3600 or
[email protected].
Company, Straub Construction Company, Rau Construction Company and A.L. Huber General Contractor. The Special Services Department of the Olathe School District was selected as the recipient of the 2016 Whelan Kansas Leadership for Learning Award. The University of Kansas Edwards Campus, recognized as the #8 “Best for Vets” public university in the nation in a 2015-16 Military Times survey, is making its programming more accessible for current and transitioning military with courses to be offered in Leavenworth and an online certificate for military transitioning into the civilian workforce. Hank Herrmann will retire as CEO at Waddell & Reed on August 1. He will be succeeded by Philip Sanders. The Olathe Board of Education named Dr. Patricia All as interim superintendent of Olathe Public Schools. MarksNelson LLC has hired five new team members: Brianna Akers as staff
accountant, Brandon Bowman as staff accountant, Jon Roberts as market research analyst, Bethany Zimbelman, CPA, as staff accountant, and Elsa Zhu as staff accountant. Larry Blankenship,PE, has joined Olsson Associates’ Transportation team as a senior engineer. Harmon Construction, Inc., has hired Sam McCord as Project Manager/Lead Estimator. Jody Hanson is now the Community Relations Manager for Johnson County Developmental Supports. She formerly was Senior Public Information Officer for Johnson County Government. Samantha J. Horner has joined the Kansas City office of national labor and employment law firm Fisher & Phillips as an associate. Andrew Fogt has been promoted to Vice President, Healthcare Banking Division, at Commerce Bank. Submit company news to Stan Lawson at
[email protected].