Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014. 1 ... enquiries about the
Business Plan ...... Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning upgrade for Treloar
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
This document shows key planned activities against core outputs for the 2013–2014 financial year. Any enquiries about the Business Plan should be directed to Rhonda Adler, Assistant Director, Branch Head Corporate Services, on (02) 6243 4233 or at
[email protected] For more information about the Memorial, see the website at
This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced, copied, scanned, stored in a retrieval system, recorded or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Australian War Memorial GPO Box 345 Canberra, ACT, 2601 Australia
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
MEMORIAL PLANNING FRAMEWORK ................................................................................................ 3 Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 3 Mission ................................................................................................................................ 3 Vision for the future ............................................................................................................... 3 Values ................................................................................................................................. 3 Outcome .............................................................................................................................. 3 Outputs (External) ................................................................................................................. 3 Outputs (Internal) .................................................................................................................. 3 Output Definitions ................................................................................................................. 4 CORPORATE PRIORITIES ............................................................................................................... 5 Major priorities ...................................................................................................................... 5 Key continuing activities......................................................................................................... 5 Strategies ............................................................................................................................. 6 CORPORATE STRUCTURE .............................................................................................................. 8 Memorial Corporate Structure 2013–2014 ............................................................................... 8 BUSINESS ACTIVITIES................................................................................................................... 9 Major Ceremonies, Events and Exhibitions List, 2013-2014 ...................................................... 9 Major Projects 2013–2014 ................................................................................................... 10 Key Activities by Branch 2013–2014 ..................................................................................... 15
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
MEMORIAL PLANNING FRAMEWORK Purpose The purpose of the Australian War Memorial is to commemorate the sacrifice of those Australians who have died in war.
Mission To assist Australians to remember, interpret and understand the Australian experience of war and its enduring impact on Australian society.
Vision for the future Our vision is for the Memorial to be an outstanding national institution acknowledged for its commemorative ethos, outstanding exhibitions, events and activities, one which engages the greatest number of people and is recognised for its continuing relevance and preeminence.
Respect for those who have served the nation A commemorative ethos reflecting the Australian identity A collection that is the core of the museum Leadership in our fields Excellence and professionalism Innovation and creativity Fairness and equity High performance through teamwork
Outcome Australians remembering, interpreting and understanding the Australian experience of war, and its enduring impact through maintaining and developing the national memorial, its collection and exhibition of historical material, commemorative ceremonies and research.
Outputs (External) 1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Commemorative Ceremonies National Memorial and Grounds National Collection (collection management for access, collection development, collection preservation) Exhibitions (gallery exhibitions and travelling exhibitions) Interpretive Services Promotion and Community Relations Research, Information and Dissemination Visitor Services
Outputs (Internal) 9. 10. 11.
12. 13.
costs attributed across external outputs Corporate Governance Executive Strategic Management Resource Management (services, buildings [ex-Memorial], IT, human and finance) Revenue Generation Team Management
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
Output Definitions 1.
Commemorative Ceremonies
Major national ceremonies such as ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day and other commemorative ceremonies conducted and promoted in a fitting and dignified manner that positively engages all attendees. The Memorial building and grounds conserved and developed as a dignified, moving and impressive national memorial to Australians who served and died at war.
National Memorial and Grounds
National Collection
Interpretive Services
Understanding of the Australian experience of war is enhanced through provision of interactive interpretation including the delivery of innovative contact and online education and public programs.
Promotion and Community Services
Research and Information Dissemination
Visitor Services
Corporate Governance
Executive Strategic Management
Resource Management
Revenue Generation
Promotion of the Memorial as an outstanding national institution, and assistance provided to the community to understand the Memorial’s roles, activities, programs, relevance and future through online engagement and content dissemination. The stimulation of an interest in and understanding of Australia’s military history stimulated by the production of and dissemination in print, broadcast, and online media of articles, papers and presentations, conferences, publications and encouraging the conduct of historical research and dissemination of knowledge and understanding of Australia’s military history. Visitors to the Memorial, and its outreach programs, are provided with a standard of service that enhances their experience and encourages them to re-use services and promote them to others. Council of the Memorial provides a strategic framework of policy and direction that guides the achievement of the Memorial’s outcome. Effective leadership and management for the Memorial provided in accordance with the requirements of the Australian War Memorial Act 1980. Management of the Memorial’s financial, human, corporate information, IT infrastructure and general service resources conducted to sustain a productive environment. Generation of revenue in support of the Memorial’s mission and purpose strengthened.
Team Management
An outstanding National Collection of historical material with provenance related to Australia’s military history developed, managed, preserved and interpreted to make it accessible. Development and maintenance of outstanding permanent, temporary and travelling exhibitions.
Teams are innovative and productive in achieving Memorial outputs through effective leadership and management that fosters equity, teamwork, and open communication.
All Memorial activities are linked directly to these outputs, as indicated in the summary of section business plans that follow. All performance targets are also directly linked to these outputs but, for presentation reasons, this detail is not included.
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
CORPORATE PRIORITIES The corporate priorities are based on the Memorial’s Corporate Plan 2011–2014 approved by Council in May 2011. The Priorities are reviewed and updated each year at the Council’s March meeting.
Major priorities 1. Prepare for and position the Memorial to take a leading role in the commemoration of Centenary of the First World War. 2. Continue to provide a great museum experience for visitors including high quality exhibitions, visitor services, events, and ceremonies and well maintained galleries and grounds. 3. Maximise the Memorial’s funding from all available sources including sponsorship and development programs. 4. Attract, retain, invest in and build up high quality staff. 5. Maintain positive and constructive relationships with stakeholders and interest groups. 6. Plan and develop travelling exhibitions to achieve maximum number of exhibitions and venue locations within available funding. 7. Digitisation programs related to Centenary projects, fragile materials, servicing of enquires and revenue generation opportunities. 8. Ensure Information Systems can provide expected support including enhancement of online access through the use of emerging web technologies and improved web content. 9. Further enhance the National Collection in accordance with the Collection Development Plan through the official acquisition programs and the Collection Coordination Group. 10. Develop plans and strategies to address other identified priorities including enhancement of Collection storage and office accommodation capacity and a new gallery master plan.
Key continuing activities Notwithstanding the above priorities, and within available funding resources, the Memorial undertakes a wide range of continuing activities of great importance to us and our stakeholders: Deliver national ceremonies for ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day, as well as dignified ceremonies for a range of stakeholders, including school wreathlayings and plaque dedications. Deliver a range of education programs that explore the Australian experience of war and Australian identity and that meet the curriculum needs of teachers. Deliver a variety of public programs that appeal to the public and maximise interest in both the Memorial and Australian military history. Continue to publish volumes of the Official History of Peacekeeping, Humanitarian and Post–Cold War Conflicts. Continue high-quality travelling exhibitions and other outreach programs within available budget. Enhance online access to the National Collection and other Memorial information. Further enhance the National Collection in accordance with the Collection Development Plan. Develop a strategy to enhance collection storage capacity. Implement key elements of the Site Development Plan. Develop and conduct dynamic marketing and public affairs campaigns. Effectively manage the heritage values of Memorial buildings using the Australia International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) Charter for Places of Cultural Significance (The Burra Charter). Implement the IT Strategic Plan 2011–2014, including a strategy to ensure adequate resources are available.
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
Enhance Commemorative functions
Enhancement of current commemorative programs including: Closing ceremony, and ANZAC Day Dawn and National Services.
Implementation of new commemorative programs including:
Position the Memorial as the centrepiece of Commemoration for the Centenary of the First World War
Hall of Memory – enhance the presentation of the speech delivered on 11 November 1993 by the Hon Paul Keating at the funeral service of the Unknown Australian Soldier,
Development of a range of ‘self-help’ material relating to the First World War including the NAA-AWM “Exhibition in a box”
Implementation of new eligibility criteria for the Roll of Honour.
Education products and public programs
Development and implementation of a new exhibition devoted to telling the story of Australia’s experience in Afghanistan.
Development and implementation of a First World War temporary exhibition to replace the permanent exhibition being redeveloped in the lead up to the Centenary in 2015. Development and implementation of a temporary exhibition as part of the Centenary of Canberra program.
Enhance Access to the National Collection
Gallipoli Collection Book ANZAC Day ceremonies 2015
ANZAC Connections
Development of audio and projection solutions to present the names of those killed in the First World War.
Enhance the museum experience to better record the Australian experience of war including current conflicts
Delivery of the Memorial’s key projects and programs for the Centenary period (prioritised according to available funding): Redevelopment of First World War galleries
Commemorative Area lighting – implementation of site lighting plan to enhance the presentation of the Hall of Memory and Cloisters,
Provision of access to the Memorial’s Collection through special tours of the galleries and art storage locations (on a fee for service basis).
Investigation of opportunities for large technology objects unable to be displayed in the new First World War galleries to be placed on display in the Memorial grounds for the duration of the Centenary. Provision of increased access to the Memorial’s Art Collection through loans program.
ANU-AWM international Gallipoli conference, March 2015 Site Lighting Plan Remembrance Day 2018 Open Days 2015 and 2018
Management of stakeholder communication: Ensure key stakeholders are involved and kept informed; Manage stakeholder expectations and requests for assistance e.g. through web presence; and Implement the Centenary communication strategy.
Commencement of planning for major activities to meet public expectations: Prioritise the Memorial’s centenary projects based on funding available and those that will deliver maximum efficiencies (e.g. ANZAC Connections, web presence, Exhibition in a Box, Guide to Indigenous Service etc.), Appoint staff where possible to enable ANZAC Centenary Advisory Board and Government Taskforce priority activities to be delivered,
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
Manage ANZAC Centenary external projects and requests for assistance through cost recovery and available resources, and Develop and enhance web-based material to reduce staff time servicing enquiries (e.g. ANZAC Connections). Enhance partnership with sponsors and donors to secure and enhance funding (including for Centenary programs)
Additional funding sought through sponsorships, donations and general revenue activities to deliver services and programs associated with the Centenary of the First World War.
Dedicated resources recruited to the role of identifying and approaching potential partnerships.
Maintained and managed ongoing relationships with partners.
Ensure Information Systems can provide expected support
Given the dependence on Information Technology systems: Provided sufficient resources for their upkeep, Pursued enhancements that yield efficiencies, Exploited the potential of Electronic Content Management, Increased use of on-line technologies to build new/stronger relations with the community,
Attract, Retain and build up a quality workforce
Ongoing analysis of resource requirements for delivery of Business Plan activities and programs associated with Centenary of First World War;
Allocation of Centenary Reserve funding as required;
Implementation of Recruitment Campaign to attract and secure additional resources to support Centenary of First World War;
Recruitment or development of enhanced procurement and contract management resources;
Recruitment of additional project management skills as required;
Implementation of succession planning for key roles across the Memorial; and
Implementation of outcomes of Accommodation Review.
Ensure effective Strategic Planning is undertaken
Development of future plans and strategies to address other identified priorities: Mitchell site development plan to address ongoing collection storage requirements, Accommodation Strategic Plan, Site signage and visitor orientation, Gallery Master Plan, Public Programs strategy, and Sponsorship and Partnership Strategic Plan.
Continually reviewed IT Business Priorities, Anticipated demand for use of new technologies by visitors and the general community, Investigated feasibility of solutions for the automation of corporate wide transactions (e.g. leave and recruitment), and Investigated feasibility of solutions to improve delivery and management of corporate support services and ensure critical business operations can be delivered.
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
CORPORATE STRUCTURE Memorial Corporate Structure 2013–2014
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Major Ceremonies, Events and Exhibitions List, 2013-2014 Exhibition List 2013-2014: Full Title
Short Title
Permanent First World War galleries redevelopment
First World War redevelopment
On display in the Special Exhibitions Gallery Salute: Canberra's military heritage
ANZAC voices
ANZAC voices
Travelling Perspectives: Jon Cattapan and eX de Medici
Shaun Gladwell: Afghanistan
Shaun Gladwell
Nurses: from Zululand to Afghanistan
Ben Quilty: After Afghanistan
Ben Quilty
Remember me: The Lost Diggers of Vignacourt
Remember me
In Development Reality in Flames
Reality in Flames
New Travelling Exhibition – travelling only (working title)
New Travelling Exhibition
Exhibition in a Box (working title): Joint AWM/NAA exhibition
Exhibition in a Box
ANZAC Centenary Touring Exhibition
Major Ceremonies 2013-2014 Title
Operational Service Roll of Honour Ceremony
Roll of Honour Ceremony
Remembrance Day National Ceremony
ANZAC Day Dawn Service
ANZAC Day National Ceremony
Major Events 2013-2014 Title AWM History Conference – Vietnam: International Perspective on a Long War Big Things in Store
2014 Battlefield tours
Apr/May 2014
15/16-Aug-13 15-Sep-13
In Development Joint AWM/ANU ANZAC Centenary Conference - Gallipoli
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
22 - 25 Mar 2015
Major Projects 2013–2014 Related Priority 1, 2
Related Output
Project Manager
Overall Project Performance Targets
Section Input
Section Input Performance Targets
1.4 Exhibitions
First World War galleries redevelopment project
Head Exhibitions
Project development phases managed effectively to ensure project schedule, milestones and budget are met.
Major milestones are: Design: exhibition design documentation completed by September 2013; Information communication technology/multimedia system design and specification completed in November 2013. Works/Production (including procurement): primary works completed in February 2014 (dates subject to outcome of procurement process for primary works building contractor); secondary works commenced in September 2014; Tertiary works commenced in November 2014.
Collection Services
RC Finance
Eval & Vis Res
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
Curatorial assistance and advice provided in a timely manner. Documentation enhanced or corrected, and conservation work undertaken for artworks required for First World War galleries including photography of items and dioramas. Acquisition of artworks appropriate for the First World War galleries redevelopment undertaken. Conservation and collection management services provided as required to support the First World War galleries redevelopment including: removing items from existing galleries' displays to storage, the conservation of First World War dioramas, LTOs, paintings and all small items for display; Diorama conservation and movement as required. MICA access and assistance provided as required. Curatorial assistance and advice provided in a timely manner. Researching and cataloguing of material relating to the First World War undertaken and items acquired to fill gaps in the First World War collection Curatorial guidance, assistance and advice provided as required for all Centenary of First World War activities including the First World War gallery redevelopment. Curatorial assistance and advice provided in a timely manner. A rehousing and digital preservation program devised for First World War collection of panoramas. Multimedia to provide exhibition content and technical management of manufactured digital assets as required. Curatorial assistance and advice provided in a timely manner. Procurement assistance provided as required. Active participation in the financial management of Centenary activities, including regular forecasting of funding / resourcing, provision of costings, attendance at project cost reconciliation meetings, provision of reports to CMG and Council as appropriate. Workshop support for primary works, diorama restoration and relocation Assistance provided as required to ensure security of construction site. Building management expertise provided as required. Front end evaluation conducted and analysis provided in a timely manner.
Related Priority
Related Output
Project Manager
Overall Project Performance Targets
Section Input
Section Input Performance Targets
1.7 Research & Information Dissemination
ANZAC Connections
Web Project Manager
Implementation of phrase 1 and concept development for stage 2 of the ANZAC Connections project continued in conjunction with MICA Team, IT Section and Communications and Marketing team.
1.4 Exhibitions
Review and update Gallery Master plan
Head Exhibitions
1.7 Research & Information Dissemination
Web Strategic Plan review including develop estrategy
Web Manager
Preliminary scoping and research undertaken including: Preparation of project scope; Establishment of project schedule and milestones; and Preparation of functional design brief. Process defined and timetable developed.
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
CAM (Web team)
MHS BS EVS Evaluation and Visitor Research
Wireless and ICT network infrastructure delivered which meets both gallery design requirements and broader corporate needs. Assistance provided with implementation of digital labels and management of delivered content. MICA access and assistance provided as required. Historical support services provided as required. Provision of advice and information on the Art collection as required. MICA enhanced to support MICA-web interface for digitised RC collections (RCDBs) and online access. CAS database enhanced for ANZAC Connections and RCDB projects. Survey, cleaning, stabilization, treatment and storage of Research Centre items completed in preparation for ANZAC Connections digitisation for access. Collections developed for digitisation and online access for ANZAC Connections. Assistance provided for the MICA-web interface for digitised RC collections (RCDBs) and online access Management and support provided for the technical aspects of the Centenary ANZAC Connections project including dependencies for the reorganisation of data to be delivered via the website. Active participation continued including design and construction of interfaces, underlying frameworks and services, in conjunction with the Research Centre, MICA team and IT for digitised First World War collection material. Historical support services provided as required. Coordination with Site Development Plan review managed effectively. Assistance and support provided as required. Appropriate advice and expertise on Memorial visitors provided as required. Appropriate advice and expertise provided to ensure technical issues managed as required. Appropriate advice provided in relation to future of E-business initiatives and requirements for web services. Assistance and support provided as required.
Related Priority
Related Output
Project Manager
Overall Project Performance Targets
Section Input
Section Input Performance Targets
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1.10 Executive Leadership
Organisation / structure review
All Sections
Active participation and engagement as required.
Human Resources Fin
Appropriate advice and expertise provided to ensure technical issues managed as required. Advise and people management expertise provided as required.
Advice provided on financial management considerations.
Fin – BS –
Investigate funding options and seeking appropriate approvals. Investigate infrastructure requirements in preparation for purchase. Assistance and advice provided as required. Assistance and advice provided as required for the purchase of Treloar E
1.3 National Collection
1, 5
1, 5
1.7 Research & Information Dissemination
1.4 Exhibitions 1.7 Research & Information Dissemination
1, 2
1.1 Commem. Ceremonies
Collection Storage – Purchase of additional property Treloar E
2015 Gallipoli Conference
Manager Events
Joint AWM/NAA exhibition (Exhibition in a Box)
Enhancement to Commemorative Area for Centenary of First World War -
Project Officer, Development, Exhibitions
Centenary Coordinator
Process defined and timetable developed. Review undertaken and implemented in accordance with approved timetable. Business owner for Sharepoint identified. Volunteer management discussed and appropriate changes agreed and implemented. Information management requirements identified Funding and approvals secured by end of June 2014 to allow purchase of Treloar E property to progress in July 2014. Council, DoFD and Ministerial approvals obtained for planned purchase Liaison with seller undertaken. Planning and preparation commenced including the completion of logistics, budget and contract for delivery.
Exhibition development phases managed effectively to ensure project schedule, milestones and budget are met, including: Production completed and web portal live by August 2014.
Compilation of list of names finalised Recording of names completed and successfully deployed in the cloisters by August 2014.
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
CS -
CAM Finance IT
Assistance provided for the planning for the conference including the identification of appropriate speakers. Assistance provided as required for development of NPP Marketing campaign developed Procurement and contract advice and assistance provided as required. Co-ordination of outsourced additional technical resources, any additional infrastructure required in accordance with corporate policies. Historical support services provided as required.
Assistance and advice provided as required.
Assistance and advice provided as required.
CAM (Web team) BS
Assistance and advice provided as required.
Services support provided as required.
Exhib (AV)
Infrastructure designed and installed as required and in accordance with corporate policies. Assistance with recording of names provided as required.
Related Priority
Related Output
1.11 Resource Management 3, 5
1, 2
1.6 Promotion & Community Relations 1.12 Revenue Generation 1.7 Research & Information Dissemination
1.2 Memorial and Grounds 1.3 National Collection
1.5 Interpretive Services
1.2 Memorial and Grounds, 1.3 National Collection
Reading of Names on Roll of Honour (Voices in the cloisters) Sharepoint 2010 Upgrade
Project Manager
Overall Project Performance Targets
Business Analyst
Sharepoint 2010 implementation of the system and migration and transition of business areas completed according to agreed schedule.
Sponsorships / partnerships
Sponsorship and Partnership Strategic Plan developed and implemented effectively.
Gallipoli Centenary Collection Book (working title)
Head Retail and Online Sales
External Exhibitions (Large Technology Display in grounds for Centenary of ANZAC period) The ANZAC Centenary Touring Exhibition (ACTE)
Head Exhibitions
Effective project management of publishing phase undertaken on receipt of completed manuscript including liaison with publisher and contact management. Planned publication date: August 2014 External exhibitions scoped, designed, and installed ensuring milestones and budget met.
War Correspondents Memorial
Art Curator
Program Manager ACTE
Finalised the concept for the touring exhibition that achieves the ANZAC Centenary Advisory Board objectives within the available funding. Developed the touring exhibition as per agreed concept and available funding. Development, in partnership with the Bean Foundation, of a Memorial to War Correspondents in the Sculpture Garden to open in 2015 (external funding pending)
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
Section Input
Section Input Performance Targets
Historical support services provided as required.
All Sections
SharePoint User Group attendance and engagement. Input provided as required particularly into development of folder structures, attendance at trainings and coordination during migration of documents.
All NC Sections
Support provided as required.
Historical support services provided as required.
Advice provided during the selection of items to be displayed in the grounds; Conservation of selected items undertaken for display; Movement and installation of selected items completed. Input into site planning provided as required. Historical support services provided as required.
Advice and input provided for the development, construction and maintenance of Memorial; membership of project Advisory Committee. Historical support services provided as required.
Related Priority 2
Related Output
Project Manager
Overall Project Performance Targets
Section Input
Section Input Performance Targets
1.3 National Collection
Art Commissioning Program
Head Art
Conservation and collection management advice and services as required
Historical support services provided as required.
Provision of requirements to address First World War gallery needs for positional location of visitors and delivery of content to mobile devices.
Coordination with Gallery Master plan review managed effectively.
Commemoration and Visitor Engagement Commemoration and Visitor Engagement RC
Advice provided as required.
Advice provided regarding visitor experience requirements.
Advice provided regarding Research Centre requirements.
1.11 Resource Management
Corporate Wireless Network
Network Administrator
1.2 Memorial and Grounds
Site Development Plan
Head Buildings and Services
Virtual Tour of the Galleries
Head Exhibitions
1.4 Exhibitions 1.4 Exhibitions
Development, management and delivery of 10 major art commissions during 2014-2015 including: Portraits of VC awardees Ben Roberts-Smith and Daniel Keighran; Lone Pine Memorial sculpture; IED Sniffer Dog Sculpture; The Gillespie Bequest; 3 new Diorama backdrops; Official War Artist Scheme and First World War Print Portfolio (scoping stage). Design, procurement and implementation of an appropriately secured corporate wide wireless network to encompass corporate business, contractor, and visitor needs (including onsite Exhibitions) Review and update Site Development Plan. Implementation undertaken according to resources and priorities. Design, development and implementation completed for virtual tours of the galleries.
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
Key Activities by Branch 2013–2014 Related Priority
Related Output
Project Performance Targets
Section Input
Section Performance Targets
All National Collection Section heads
National Collections Branch 1.1.3 National Collection
Collection Development
The National Collection developed in accordance with the Collection Development Plan including acquisition and de-accessioning focussing on requirements for Centenary of First World War activities particularly the First World War galleries redevelopment project and contemporary conflicts. Active participation continued in the Collection Coordination Group and the Acquisitions Group. Review of digital acquisitions policy and management
1.1.3 National Collection
Collection Documentation
All National Collection Section heads
Knowledge of the collection developed through research, documentation, and digitisation, with priority given to First World War and contemporary conflicts. Documentation enhanced or corrected
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
Coll Services Art
A plan developed for commissioning contemporary works of art focussing on: works of art relating to Australia's ongoing involvement in current military and peacekeeping events, including Afghanistan; interpretation of Australian involvement in war and warlike operations and its impact on Australian society; portrait of Victoria Cross recipient (Daniel Keighran); IED Sniffer Dog sculpture; memorial sculpture using salvaged timber from Lone Pine tree; The Gillespie Bequest (subject TBC) First World War print portfolio The Official War Art program revised and re assessed in the context of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Tracing and recording information continued for objects identified as 'Collection in Action'. New additions sought for the Collection in Action program. Collection of items effectively managed during withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Official photographic commission to Afghanistan in 2012-13 completed. Commissioning program developed for Centenary of the First War World. New Command Series of Oral Histories targeting Afghanistan Commanders implemented. The Loan for Copying program of Photographs reviewed. Effective acquisition and management of records from Afghanistan and contemporary conflicts. Mixed Collections donations activities, National Collection deaccessioning, and Cultural Gifts programs managed effectively. 5 sketchbooks completed and photographed Approximately 40 works digitally photographed per month, including proofing, documentation, and updating on MICA/CAS (photography may be delayed due to other priorities), and documentation enhanced or corrected on MICA and CAS for 2500 objects
Related Priority
Related Output
1.1.3 National Collection
Collection Access
All National Collection Section heads
Project Performance Targets
on collection management systems including: All new acquisitions processed within a timely manner. all works required for Centenary of First World War activities particularly the First World War galleries redevelopment, ANZAC Connections and other exhibitions (see list on page 3); all works required for changeover program, including Link Gallery; all loans as programmed, and loan renewals or changes Advise and participate in data reference group Appropriate procedures implemented and resourcing allocated to meet the increasing demand for loans and enquiries. Collection made accessible to other institutions (e.g. art galleries, Parliamentary offices, Defence) on request in accordance with the Loans Policy including: Updated valuations and documentation provided as required. On-site visits for installation and inspection of loans in accordance with DI(A) 4.02. Active participation in monthly Loans Group meeting. Curatorial assistance provided for the development and delivery of community outreach programs and on-site programs and events including Bring in Your Memorabilia days, ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day, Open Days and Big Things in Store and schools programs.
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
Section Input
Section Performance Targets
Continue work within the Data Reference Group to develop cataloguing procedures and version control of Photographs and film and sound recordings (both analogue and digital objects). Working within the Digital Steering Group (DSG) framework, Multimedia to manage and enhance the Memorial’s DAMS of the NC and corporate assets for digital preservation and access. Improved collection documentation and data management for digitised collections Ongoing development, management and documentation on various collection management systems, FIRST, Mica, RecordSearch and Pandora Advice and involvement in the migration of data from the Research Centre database.
Collaboration with other sections undertaken to scope and develop recommendations to support online access to Film and Sound collections by 2015.
Developing and enhancing Finding Aids Selectively digitising collections on request and for online research.
Coll Services
Policy and procedures updated to effectively manage the provision of Collection items for promotional displays.
Technical support for MICA system and delivery of collection digital content to the web and where appropriate, to exhibitions both fixed and mobile.
Collaboration with other sections to develop new digital access initiatives
Related Priority
Related Output
Project Performance Targets
1.7 Research and Information Dissemination
Expert advice and information on the National Collection
All National Collection Section heads
All curatorial staff use MICA to provide efficient access to the collection, especially: object selection for exhibition development text development for objects on display public access through web-based interface All curatorial staff undertook agreed research or development projects and reported the results in an appropriate and agreed manner. Information effectively disseminated about collections through: presentation of lectures and talks on relevant topics; presentation of tours of collection at Treloar to relevant stakeholder groups; active participation in conferences and shows; at least ten contributions by each Section to Wartime and other publications including online resources; provision of public relations/media stories provision of support and assistance as required for Memorial publications Provision of expert and timely advice as required to other Sections, the Minister, Government departments, and kindred organisations. Curatorial support provided for the Memorial's exhibition and displays program
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
Section Input
Section Performance Targets
Coll Services
Information, training and leadership provided to support military museums as appropriate including: in-house training on specialist subjects (e.g. object handling, radiation safety); one-off lectures for university conservation courses plus onsite training and development of conservation students and interns; delivery of information sessions coordinated for CIT Certificate IV Museums Studies students; Development and delivery of the Military Museums Curators' Course.
Related Priority
Related Output 1.1.3 National Collection
Project Performance Targets
Collection Preservation
All National Collection Section heads
Conservation of the National Collection undertaken in accordance with the priorities defined in the Collection Preservation Plan focussing on requirements for Centenary of First World War activities particularly the First World War galleries redevelopment project. Assistance provided in the staged implementation of the Mitchell Precinct Development Plan. Selected collections digitised for preservation
Section Input Art
Section Performance Targets
Coll Services
1.1 Commem Ceremonies 1.2 Memorial and Grounds
Senior Curator Official and Private Records
Effective management of Roll of Honour continued including changes to Roll of Honour policy and eligibility criteria.
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
matt and backing removal program continued for First and Second World War; posters priority works treated as required Curatorial guidelines and input provided into conservation of Large Technology Objects, including OV-10A Bronco, Hudson aircraft, V2 rocket and Meilerwagen and 4.5 inch Howitzer and limber. Other objects including CAC Sabre and UH-1H Iroquois to be addressed depending upon funding. Film and Sound stocktake conducted of all acetate material to prepare for shift to new Acetate Store. In consultation with stakeholders, use of the Cold Store reviewed to develop long term plan for on-site storage; Andy Mattay collection scoped and a plan developed for digital preservation and documentation; Preservation priorities continued through digitisation program of high priority and 'at risk' material. Emphasis placed on nitrate and acetate collections, analogue cine and video, and analogue sound formats. Develop high a level strategic direction on collection preservation across collection types (Photographs, Film and Sound). Selected collections re-housed in accordance with preservation, documentation and digitisation projects. Items surveyed and conserved in preparation for digitisation projects and exhibitions. Preventative conservation of selected material undertaken. Technical systems administration and support for the Digital Asset Management System (DAMS) to ensure reliability, accessibility and long term preservation. Conservation program managed effectively; Stocktake program managed effectively; Collection storage managed effectively; and Collection movements in and out of storage for exhibition and access programs managed in accordance with policy and procedures. Investigation and scoping completed for conservation of gargoyles in Commemorative Area. RoH panels updated and installed as required
Related Priority
Related Output
Project Performance Targets
Indigenous Liaison Officer
Section Input
Section Performance Targets
Historical support services provided as required.
Historical support services provided as required.
Historical support services provided as required.
Public Programs Branch 1.7 Research and Information Dissemination
Indigenous Liaison
Communication and Marketing 1, 5 1.6 Promotion Effective and marketing and Community promotion of all Services Memorial activities 1, 5
1.6 Promotion and Community Services 1.6 Promotion and Community Services 1.7 Research and Information Dissemination
1.6 Promotion and Community Services
Advice and information relating to the service of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in the ADF, provided to the public, institutions, and Defence. Indigenous liaison officer activities undertaken as agreed by CMG.
Head Communication and Marketing
First World War centenary marketing communications strategy developed and implemented to ensure effective positioning of the Memorial in the lead up to Centenary.
Effective media management
Media Officer
A high quality web presence maintained with a focus on the increasing social media aspect.
Web Manager
Manage and develop the Friends of the Memorial program.
Friends Coordinator
Media campaigns planned and implemented for major ceremonies, events and exhibitions to achieve national coverage. Continued development of the web pages for Centenary of the First World War to provide information and online resources to the media and community. Memorial's website effectively managed including: up to date appropriately licensed content ongoing improvements to the web content management system (Drupal) social media aspects The operation of the Friends of the Memorial managed effectively and efficiently within budget, including the completion of a review of the Friends program including price, processes, performance, and member benefits.
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
Related Related Project Priority Output Commemoration and Visitor Engagement 1 1.1 Commem Scoping for Ceremonies ANZAC Day 2015 1
1.5 Interpretive Services
Education resources
1.1 Commem Ceremonies
Commemorative Ceremonies
1.1 Commem Ceremonies
Exhibitions 2 1.4 Exhibitions
Last Post Ceremony
Maintenance of the permanent galleries and temporary exhibition program
Project Performance Targets
Section Input
Section Performance Targets
Head Commemoration and Visitor Engagement Manager Education
Scoping for enhanced ANZAC Day 2015 commenced
Historical support services provided as required.
Development of enhanced online education resources to increase outreach services in the lead up to the Centenary of ANZAC.
Historical support services provided as required.
Head Commemoration and Visitor Engagement
Major and minor commemorative ceremonies delivered within agreed protocols including: Roll of Honour addition ceremony for Peacekeepers delivered as appropriate. Roll of Honour addition ceremony delivered on 11 Nov 2013. Remembrance Day 11 November 2013. ANZAC Day Dawn Service and National Ceremony 25 April 2014. Last Post Ceremony delivered daily and enhanced in accordance with agreed plan and timetable.
Infrastructure in Commemorative Area for web camera and sound installed as required RoH panels updated and installed as required
Historical support services provided as required.
Commemoration and Visitor Engagement MHS IT CAM/Web
Research conducted into names on RoH for Last Post Ceremony.
Historical support services provided as required. Web streaming, storage and search facility completed as required Effective promotion of ceremonies undertaken.
All National Collection Branch Sections
Exhibition development/proposal, curatorial, conservation and registration support and expertise provided as required.
Historical support services provided as required. Timely advice and assistance provided for on-site exhibitions and to Exhibition Planning Group as required.
Head Commemoration and Visitor Engagement
Gallery Manager
Effective management of all exhibition and visitor-related infrastructure in gallery and exhibition spaces and circulation spaces located in the Memorial's Main Building. Exhibition development phases for all temporary exhibitions managed effectively to ensure project
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
Related Priority
Related Output
Project Performance Targets
Section Input
Section Performance Targets
All National Collection Branch Sections
Exhibition development/proposal, curatorial, conservation and registration support and expertise provided as required.
Historical support services provided as required. Timely advice and assistance provided for travelling exhibitions and to Exhibition Planning Group as required.
All Sections
Timely and relevant contributions provided as appropriate.
schedule, milestones and budget are met. Travelling Exhibitions programs
Manager Exhibitions
Military History 1.7 Research and Information Dissemination
Encourage and foster research in Australian military history by researchers at the Memorial and elsewhere
Head Military History
Editorial management of Wartime
Exhibition development phases for the travelling exhibition program managed effectively to ensure project schedule, milestones and budget are met. Grant applications developed, submitted and acquitted as appropriate. Reports to DVA provided as required. Contribution continued to numerous projects and activities, including: contribution continued to Gallipoli Centenary Research Project in conjunction with Macquarie University, assistance to the publication of translated Turkish records of the Gallipoli campaign with authoritative historical commentary; management of the Memorial's Summer Vacation Scholars Scheme, seminars and public presentations, the Memorial's annual history conference and other publications. Issues 63-66 of Wartime edited and produced, containing a comprehensive balance of high quality, engaging, and popular articles and with an emphasis on populist covers.
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
Related Priority
Related Output
Project Performance Targets
Official History of Peacekeeping and Post-Cold War Operations
Senior Historian
Editing services for all Memorial activities
Section Input
Section Performance Targets
Satisfactory progress continued on the Official History of Peacekeeping and Post-Cold War Operations (sixvolume series): Volume 6, In their time of need: Australian overseas emergency relief operations, due for completion in 2014, for expected publication in 2015, Volume 3, The good international citizen: Australian peacekeeping in Asia, Africa and Europe, 1991–1993, for publication in 2013, Volume 5, Good neighbour operations; Australian peace operations in the South Pacific, 1980–2007, in preparation for publication in 2013. All Memorial text edited to ensure good writing and adherence to house style. Contract editing services provided to support staff, publications, and web-based publishing as appropriate.
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
Related Priority
Related Output
Project Performance Targets
Section Input
Section Performance Targets
Head Buildings and Services
Confirmation of names to be included on the Roll of Honour provided in a timely manner.
Historical support services and editing provided as required.
Mitchell Precinct Site Development plan initiatives prioritised for implementation according to resources and priorities. Enhancement and maintenance of all accommodation and storage areas undertaken as required. Final stages of initial Administration Building accommodation review implemented effectively to ensure appropriate accommodation for the Centenary period. Enhancements to Hall of Memory in preparation for commemoration of Prime Minister Keating's speech on the 20th Anniversary of the Entombment of the Unknown Australian Soldier on 11 November 2013 Treloar A HVAC and electrical (switchboard) upgrade completed by June 2014.
assistance provided as required for the implementation of improvements according the Mitchell Site Development Plan, especially in relation to Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning upgrade for Treloar A; High priority storage and accommodation renovations implemented to support the Mitchell Site Development Plan in Treloars A, B, and C as agreed with Buildings and Services and to accommodate increased donations and additional LTOs resulting from the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Assistance and advice relating to the purchase of Treloar E provided as required.
Site Lighting Master plan developed and implemented in conjunction with other projects as appropriate. Review of external site signage undertaken and program established for updating signage as appropriate.
Corporate Services Branch Buildings and Services 1.2 Memorial and Grounds
Roll of Honour additions
New panels designed, edited, cast and installed in a timely manner.
1.1 Commem Ceremonies 1.2 Memorial Grounds
Accommodation and Collection storage enhancement
Head Buildings and Services
1.1 Commem Ceremonies 1.2 Memorial and Grounds 1.2 Memorial and Grounds
20th Anniversary of Entombment of Unknown Australian Soldier
Head Buildings and Services
Management and development of all Memorial buildings
Head Buildings and Services
Corporate Project Manager Corporate Project Manager
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
Commemoration and Visitor Engagement MHS
Delivery of associated ceremonies
Historical support services provided as required.
Advice and assistance provided as required.
Advice and assistance provided as required.
Ensure a coordinated approach
Commemoration and Visitor Engagement
Provide a visitor orientation perspective.
Related Priority
Related Output
Project Performance Targets
Section Input
Section Performance Targets
1.11 Resource Management
Land and building revaluation
Chief Finance Officer
Land and building revaluation completed.
Advice and assistance provided as required
Capital Management Plan
Chief Finance Officer
Development of the Memorial's Capital Management Plan (CMP) incorporated into annual internal budget development for Council endorsement. CMP monitored and updated as required for mid-year Budget updates. Ongoing analysis and participation in consultation process for the staged implementation of the proposed reforms. Financial Delegations reviewed and amended as required to reflect current organisational structure and promote procurement efficiencies.
Exhib BS
Advice and assistance provided as required
CFAR Reforms
Chief Finance Officer
Financial delegations
Chief Finance Officer
Support and maintain corporate applications and computer network infrastructure
Head IT
IT 1.11 Resource Management
Plan and manage strategic direction for corporate IM and IT needs
Head IT
An improved ITIL compliant Service Desk application implemented to improve service management across numerous sections. Server virtualisation, storage provisioning, and network and desktop operating systems maintained as a modern, efficient and secure IT environment. Reliable and appropriate backup and recovery systems maintained to ensure continuity of services and ability to recover from disaster. Active involvement in IMSG meetings to represent and progress strategic directions for corporate information management and IT priorities. IT resources are directed in accordance with corporate priorities determined by IMSG and CMG.
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
Related Priority
Related Output
Human Resources 1, 3, 4 1.11 Resource Management
1, 4
1.10 Executive Strategic Leadership 1.11 Resource Management
1.11 Resource Management
Project Performance Targets
Strategic Leadership
Head Human Resources
Improved recruitment processes
Head Human Resources
Improved performance management procedures
Head Human Resources
1, 4
1.11 Resource Management 1.10 Strat Leadership 1.10 Executive Strategic Leadership
Workforce planning
Head Human Resources
Industrial Relations
Head Human Resources
Section Input
Section Performance Targets
Leadership development program enhanced Employee Self Service functionality investigated and implemented if supported.
Improved recruitment and selection practices and procedures Recruitment and selection practices and procedures reviewed and improved Staff training developed and delivered e-recruitment system investigated and implemented if approved Positive performance framework developed The underperformance framework clarified and improved to support the return to high performance standards of Memorial staff. Succession plans implemented Improved WHS reporting and analysis implemented Cultural change to remove bullying and Harassment from the workplace achieved. A workforce plan developed for expansion to meet the increased workload requirements on the Memorial in the approach to the Centenary of the First World War. Teamwork Agreement negotiated and approved in a timely manner.
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
Related Priority
Related Output
Project Performance Targets
Corporate Uniform Review
Head Human Resources
Frame photos in Hotels
Head Retail and Online Sales
Centenary of First World War merchandising
Head Retail and Online Sales
Section Input
Section Performance Targets
11.11 Resource Management 4
1.13 Team Management
Retail and Online Sales 1.6 Promotion and Community Service 1 1.12 Revenue Generation
Corporate uniform and associated policies reviewed and implemented as approved. CAM PFS PFS (MM)
Centenary of the First World War merchandise developed with commercial partnerships in collaboration with Centenary of the First World War co-ordinator. Merchandising material developed and made available for sale in a timely manner.
Corporate Plan 2014-2017 developed, approved and published by 1 July 2014.
MHS All Sections
Liaison undertaken as required with Minister’s office and Department of Veterans’ Affairs.
Executive 1.10 Strategic Executive Leadership
Corporate Plan 2014-2017
Executive Officer, Corporate Services
Australian War Memorial Business Plan 2013-2014
Management of the publication process including image selection and delivery via the web. Editing services provided as required. Input provided in timely manner as required.