business planning

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Prospecting Video and Email. This video ... using the email copy provided or make it available on ..... in a 401(k) plan
business planning marketing materials

As you explore your client’s protection needs, don’t overlook their business needs if they own a business. Life insurance can help a small business owner: • Ensure a smooth transition or exit from the business • Attract and retain key employees • Support retirement and estate planning needs • Protect against disability

Prospecting Video and Email This video helps your clients and prospects learn more about how they can help protect the future of their business through proper planning. Simply send the video to your clients using the email copy provided or make it available on your website to get the conversation started. you’ve worked hard for your business to succeed

Maximize the Results of Your Hard Work You’ve done a great job making your business a success today. Now you need to safeguard the success of your business tomorrow and into the next generation. Some questions to consider: • Will your business survive once you’re gone? • Will your best employees want to stick around? • Will you be able to retire when you’re ready? • What will happen to your business if you became disabled and couldn’t work? Call me today to find out more about what business planning can do for you. Together, we can work to protect the future of your business.

Representative Name Agency Name Address City, State, Zip Phone Fax Email Website

This information is provided by Ameritas®, which is a marketing name for subsidiaries of Ameritas Mutual Holding Company, including, but not limited to, Ameritas Life Insurance Corp., Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. of New York and Ameritas Investment Corp., member FINRA/SIPC. Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. is not licensed in New York. Each company is solely responsible for its own financial condition and contractual obligations. For more information about Ameritas®, visit

you’ve worked hard for your business to succeed

(Agency Name) is not an affiliate of Ameritas. Ameritas® is a registered service mark of Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. © 2013 Ameritas Mutual Holding Company, 5900 O Street, Lincoln, NE 68510

ADV 1442 6-13

ADV 1442 insure against business risks sales strategy Most small business owners don’t understand how life insurance can help protect their business. Do you understand how helping them may help your business?

Small Business Owners Present a Big Opportunity for You to Grow Your Business Your existing book of business may have hidden opportunities that you’ve so far overlooked. 72% of affluent small business owners have personal life insurance for some purpose, but have never been approached on how life insurance can help protect their business as well.1 As you explore your client’s protection needs, don’t overlook their business needs if they own a business.

Defining Priorities Business planning can encompass a lot of different needs, from business continuation, employee retention and even the owner’s retirement. It can all be overwhelming. You can help your client sort out their priorities by using the Business Planning Fact Finder, ADV 1375, and the Business Planning Priorities Chart, ADV 1376. The Fact Finder will help you ask the right questions to better identify what your client’s needs are. The Priorities Chart will help determine what strategies may be appropriate and most important to implement.

Life Insurance Can Help Protect Business About 71% of small business owners have thought about who would run their business in their absence, but only 35% have a formal business continuation plan in place in the event of the death of an owner.3 Of those that do have a formal business continuation plan, only 39% have life insurance as part of that plan.1

Life insurance can help a small business owner: • Ensure a smooth transition or exit from the business • Attract and retain key employees • Reduce the cost of owner and executive bonus programs • Support retirement and estate planning needs Remember, the odds of selling a product to an existing customer are 50%, while the odds of selling to a new customer are only 15%.2

ADV 1365 6-13

Less than 7% of the 21.7 million business owners in the U.S. have life insurance protection for the smooth continuation of their business upon their death or retirement.4

For Producer use only. Not for use with clients.

ADV 1365

LI 1770 6-13

Most business owners don’t understand how life insurance can help protect their business. This producer brochure explains risks business owners face and how helping them can help your business too.

ADV 1368

Prospecting Ad & Postcard Use these materials to get clients thinking about how to manage business risks. Each piece can be personalized with your logo and contact information.

Social Media Prospecting Social Media is becoming more and more popular as a way to communicate and prospect for clients. Ameritas provides several posts for you to use that communicate the importance of business planning.

For Producer use only. Not for use with clients.

Client Flyer, Fact Finder and Follow-Up Letter

Client Meeting Follow-Up Email and Flyers

Once a prospect contacts you, either through general prospecting or an RSVP to your seminar, follow-up with these materials.

After your seminar or client meeting, you may need to set up a time to meet with a client to address the next steps for developing a business plan that meets their goals. Use the email and flyers to illustrate certain aspects of business planning that pertain to your client.

maximize the results of your hard work Think About This Proper business planning helps safeguard the success of your business tomorrow and into the next generation.

Representative Name Agency Name Address City, State, Zip Phone, Fax Email, Website


This flyer illustrates how business planning helps protect the future of your client’s business.

You’ve done a great job making your business a success today. Your focus on day-to-day operations leaves you little time to focus on hidden risks. Proper planning can help answer crucial questions about the future of your business. Will My Business Survive? Less than 30% of family businesses survive to a second generation.1 Proper planning ensures that when the time is right, or if the unexpected happens, you can leave your company on your terms, knowing that the successor is ready, willing and able to continue your business. Will My Best Employees Stay Loyal To Me? Costs for replacing a key employee can reach an average of 150% of their salary.2 Your key employees are one of your most important assets and can be critical to the success of your business. You can offer your best employees benefits designed to reward and retain them for the long term. What If I Become Disabled And Can’t Work? If you suffer a disability and can’t work, even though your revenue-producing abilities are gone, your business expenses continue. How would you pay rent, utilities and employee wages then? You need a way to keep meeting these expenses to keep your business afloat. Disability Income Insurance can provide the cash to help your business survive if disability does strike.

(Agency Name) is not an affiliate of Ameritas.

ADV 1369 VF 6-13

ADV 1369

Various fact finders are available to help your client organize information about their business and help to define business planning priorities.

plan for keeping your business in the family Think About This Almost half of family business owners would like to have a family member take over their business, but only 13% believe it is “very likely” that a family member actually will take over.1 Put a plan in place to make sure your wishes are met.

After you’ve worked so hard to build your business, wouldn’t you like to keep it in the family? Family succession offers your business the advantage of having future leaders who know the business and have a longterm outlook. They also have the desire for the business to remain in the family for years to come. However, keeping the family in the business depends on the presence and ability of a qualified heir, a stable financial scenario and a comprehensive succession strategy.

Seminar Materials Seminars are one way to reach out to a larger group of potential clients. Ameritas provides the invitations, presentation and follow-up for you to host a successful seminar.

you’ve worked hard for your business to succeed Seminar Date and Time Seminar Location

RSVP by phone or email: Phone Email Representative Name Agency Name

Maximize the Results of Your Hard Work You’ve done a great job making your business a success today. Now you need to do an equally great job of safeguarding the success of your business tomorrow and into the next generation. Some questions to consider: • Will your business survive into the next generation? • Will your best employees want to stick around? • Will you be able to retire when you’re ready? • What would happen if you suffered a disability or illness and couldn’t work? Please join us for this informative discussion on business planning. Together, we can work to protect the future of your business.

This information is provided by Ameritas®, which is a marketing name for subsidiaries of Ameritas Mutual Holding Company, including, but not limited to, Ameritas Life Insurance Corp., Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. of New York and Ameritas Investment Corp., member FINRA/SIPC. Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. is not licensed in New York. Each company is solely responsible for its own financial condition and contractual obligations. For more information about Ameritas®, visit (Agency Name) is not an affiliate of Ameritas. Ameritas® is a registered service mark of Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. © 2013 Ameritas Mutual Holding Company, 5900 O Street, Lincoln, NE 68510

ADV 1443 6-13

ADV 1443

Think About This The lack of retirement planning by business owners is stunning, namely because they are often solely responsible for funding their own retirement. Make sure you have a solid plan in place so you’ll be able to retire when you’re ready.

• Just surviving takes priority over saving • They think the business will provide for their needs

• Buy the business from the surviving spouse, ensuring his or her financial security

Representative Name Agency Name Address City, State, Zip Phone, Fax Email, Website


• Pay estate taxes at the parents’ deaths without having to liquidate any business assets • Treat family members not involved in the business equitably The heir who is involved in the business and who will eventually inherit it purchases a permanent life insurance policy on the business owner’s life. The policy premiums can be paid by the heir, either through salary deductions or bonuses. When the business owner dies, the heir purchases the business from the surviving spouse using the life insurance benefits. The purchase amount goes back into the estate and the estate uses a portion of these funds to pay any estate taxes owed.2 The estate retains its value and is sufficiently liquid to assure that the surviving spouse is financially secure and that other heirs receive their equitable inheritance.

Business owners notoriously under utilize retirement plans. Or, if they do plan, they don’t always come close to covering the full cost of a comfortable retirement. Fewer than 2% of business owners have a Keogh (a self-employed profit-sharing plan), only 18% participate in a 401(k) plan and more than nine million self-employed individuals lack any retirement plan coverage.1 Those who rely on the sale of their businesses for retirement income are setting themselves up for potential trouble. The reality is that not all businesses can be sold at a significant profit. Some reasons business owners aren’t better prepared for retirement:

Life insurance can play a part in helping you make sure your business carries on after you are gone. The death benefit will provide cash to your heirs to:

Representative Name Agency Name Address City, State, Zip Phone, Fax Email, Website

LOGO (Agency Name) is not an affiliate of Ameritas.

• Setting up a company savings account appears daunting • They don’t consider retirement

Consider Your Options As a business owner, you do have a wide array of retirement plan options. There are qualified plans available, such as a SEP or SIMPLE IRA. Or, if you’re looking for a plan that you can limit participation to a few key employees and is also simple to administer with minimal costs, you can consider a Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan, an Executive Bonus Plan or an Executive Security Incentive Plan.

(Agency Name) is not an affiliate of Ameritas.

ADV 1371 VF 6-13

Ameritas also provides a letter that discusses the importance of proper business planning, encourages the prospect to fill out the fact finders before the meeting or seminar and reminds them of the meeting or seminar date.

plan for your future

ADV 1374 VF 6-13

ADV 1371

ADV 1374

All these materials can be found on Producer Workbench. Scan this QR code to take you there, or go to Producer Workbench > Sales Resources > Proven & Trusted Solutions > Insure Against Business Risks.

This information is provided by Ameritas®, which is a marketing name for subsidiaries of Ameritas Mutual Holding Company, including, but not limited to, Ameritas Life Insurance Corp., Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. of New York and Ameritas Investment Corp., member FINRA/SIPC. Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. is not licensed in New York. Each company is solely responsible for its own financial condition and contractual obligations. For more information about Ameritas®, visit Ameritas® and the bison are registered service marks of Ameritas Life Insurance Corp. Fulfilling Life is a registered service mark of Ameritas Holding Company. © 2013 Ameritas Mutual Holding Company For Producer use only. Not for use with clients.