By Cheryl Stephens - Bitly

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The most challenging horses are often the ones that give us the most. Arabian/. Irish Draft cross Glenlord's Mystique is

The Arabian Sport Horse Magazine

August/September 2013 the Southwest Dressage Championships

Worth The Work

Training Junior Division and finished 3rd.

petitions throughout the US. Camp provid-

for the experience, thinking that the mare

I figured we would need a school-mas-

She has started 2013 at Training level

ed them with the opportunity to fine-tune

would probably not do well enough to rib-

ter for a while and that Mystic would still

and has done well. She finished on her

some of the skills needed to compete at

bon or even receive a medal. We just want-

take several months until she would be

dressage score in March again at Texas

the international level.

ed for her to have the experience as she

ready to be Gaby’s full-time horse com-

Rose Horse Park and finished 9th out of 25

They will continue to train with the Area

was only four years old. After 18 entries

peting at horse trials. Once again, she de-

kids. She was entered in two more shows

V Young Rider Coach Mike Huber and they

with fabulous horses and some very tal-

fied the odds and began to take Gaby to

this spring, but we had to withdraw as Mys-

are planning on doing clinics with Olympi-

ented kids, they did in fact win the Bronze

the jumps and really enjoyed her job. She

tic had an infected tooth that needed to be

ans such as Boyd Martin.

Medal. Her loyalty to Gaby was beginning

had competed in a couple of Young Event

removed. She had started being winded

I would say that before being blessed

to show; Mystic now had a great work ethic

Horse Shows and once again did well. She

after cross-country for the first time ever,

with this amazing mare, I wouldn’t have

and would try hard to please all of her hu-

was the 2011 USEA Area V Young Event

as an abscess from the tooth had blocked

shopped specifically for an Arabian cross


Horse Champion 4-Year-Old. She was also

one nostril.

since it is not a usual breed for eventing.

During her 4th year, she also began to

By Cheryl Stephens

tic came back.

get some light jump training. My daughter

the 2012 USEA Area V Young Event Horse Champion 5-year-old.

Gaby and Mystic went to USEA Area V

I certainly would now. They are graceful,

Young Rider Camp for the second year in a

athletic and have fabulous stamina. These

did all the work in the beginning, teaching

In the fall of 2012, Gaby competed her

row. This year it was held at the site of the

three things are what is needed in eventing

her to wait and go over jumps and worked

at Area V horse trials in the Novice division.

2013 American Eventing Championships at

in order to be successful and competitive.

on gymnastics. She took to it well, but over-

She competed in just two horse trials; in

Texas Rose Horse Park in Tyler, Texas. Gaby

They are loyal and have a work ethic that is amazing!

The most challenging horses are often

As the months went on, we were hav-

jumped almost everything. Gaby pressed

the second one, they placed second and

and Mystic have qualified for this year’s

the ones that give us the most. Arabian/

ing medical issues with the older mare and

on, and in the same year (2011) had done a

finished on her dressage score. She also

AEC’s at Training level. This year at camp,

I am often approached by people who

Irish Draft cross Glenlord’s Mystique is just

decided to send Mystic to be backed as a

few USEA Young Event Horse shows, again

qualified for the American Eventing Cham-

they were in the prelim group as they con-

comment on Mystic’s beauty and grace.

that type of horse.

three-year-old by a friend. She spent four

to just get the experience. She wasn’t quite

pionships for the first time! The following

tinue to prepare to move up to the higher

Most are in awe when they see her jump, as

“Mystic” came to us in June of 2008,

months there, learning how to accept a bit

ready to be competitive at horse trials, so

show, her trainer, Mike Huber, moved her

levels of their sport.

she is quite scopey! I think she and Gaby

at just 14 months old. I acquired her from

and rider and being exposed to traffic and

this was an easy and inexpensive way to

up to Training Level. This was the Holly Hill

Gaby and Mystic are aiming for the

will have many more years together and

my good friend, her breeder Kelly Jones,

trail rides. When she came back, she was

get her some show miles and exposure.

Horse Trials in Louisiana in October, and

North American Junior and Young Rider

will continue to go where no one thought

in Leander, Texas. She had not been han-

a different horse, and my daughter began

At the first one in March of 2011 at the

she finished 5th. That same month, she

Championships in July 2014. They must

they would go.

dled much, so she was a bit of a challenge.

to take dressage lessons on her. Of course,

Meadow Creek Horse Trials in Kosse, Texas,

competed at Texas Rose Horse Park in the

qualify at the one-star level at select com-

She did not like people and it took several

right away, we noticed she had some dres-

Mystic won. She then went on to win again

months of us working with her to get her to

sage talent. Shortly after she began with

in May of 2011 at the Greenwood Horse

greet us at the gate for handling.

lessons, her trainer thought we should

Trials, competing in the Young Event Horse

Once she finally did, she was still a

enter her in a USDF recognized show and

Series as a 4-year-old. Mystic also com-

little standoffish. She did not like to be

thought she would be competitive at train-

peted that year in the Greenwood Horse

handled and was a loner horse even with

ing level enough to maybe qualify for USDF

Trial in Beginner Novice. Her progress as an

other horses. We had her older half sister

Region 9 Championships and Southwest

eventer was really beginning to take form.

(same sire, TB dam), and I eventually put

Dressage Championships.

them together.

In her 5th year (2012), we decided to

The older mare was my

After that first show in April of 2011

send her to a trainer in Louisiana for some

daughter’s future horse and eventer. We

(she had just turned 4), she did qualify for

cross-country training. She had begun to

figured that we would just get Mystic some

Southwest Dressage Championships to be

stop at the jumps, and Gaby was only 15

basic training and then sell her, as we were

held in November. She had only missed

years old at the time and not able to help

not sure she would handle the demands of

qualifying for Region 9 Championships by

her. She was gone for 5 months. I had pur-

eventing. She was a lovely mover, but she

less than a tenth of a point but we did not

chased an off-the-track racehorse that had

was spooky and did not want to be around

do another USDF show in order to get the

been around the block and could give Gaby

people much.

final qualifier. We decided to compete in

the confidence that she needed when Mys-

Photos Courtesy of Cheryl Stephens