objectives of his book: to discuss how ... of the present crisis in health care with ... Price: Free on request from Founda- tion. ... skin. It also contains a record of the lively discussions which followed each ... up-to-date, this little book is available.
Book Reviews
"Must" Reading On Development Of Family Medicine in North America Title of Book: The Modem. Family Doctor and Changing Medical Practice Author: John P. Geyman, MD Publisher: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971, 440 Park Avenue South, New York 10016 Price: $8.50 Pages: 297
This is the most important book on family practice published in the last several years. Geyman lists three major objectives of his book: to discuss how the modern family doctor differs from the earlier model of the general practitioner; to define the role of the family doctor in the expanding health team, and elucidate the projected content of his practice, and to stress the urgency of the present crisis in health care with the consequent challenge to our entire system of medical education and the structure of medical practice. The author is well qualified to discuss his subject having done a two year general practice residency and then practiced six years in a solo rural practice before taking a position directing a family practice program. He discusses in considerable detail, and with refreshing clarity and remarkable good sense, almost all of the important issue confronting community and family medicine today. The references at the end of each chapter are well chosen and alone are worth the price of admission.
The book contains a fascinating chapter on misconceptions about family practice, among them that family practice is what any "familyoriented" specialist does; that patients usually prefer a superspecialist when they get sick, and that the family physician is not well respected by other specialists. This excellent book is "must" reading for medical students contemplating careers in family practice, for residents in family practice, medical educators and anyone concerned about the recent exciting developments in family and community medicine.
Treatment and Research Foundation's 16th Clinical Conference which was held last year in Ottawa. The volume includes papers on malignant melanoma of the head and neck; endolymphatic therapy with radioactive gold; indications for plastic surgery; differential diagnosis of cutaneous cancer and non-cancer, and operative treatment of complex basal and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin. It also contains a record of the lively discussions which followed each of the major groups of papers. Here differences of approach and of opinion of the three major participating groups: radiotherapists, dermatologists, and surgeons, comes out clearly. Reviewed by W. W. Weston, MD. (Dr. This paperback gives a brief, Weston practices in Tavistock, Ont.) concise review of the diagnosis and management of malignant melanoma, and simple and complex basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas, emphasizUseful Information ing the pathological aspects, problems in diagnosis and various approaches to On Skin Cancer treatment. The approach reflects the Title of Book: Selected Aspects of philosophy of those who believe in a Skin Cancer multi-disciplinary "team approach" to Author and Publisher: Ontario Cancer the management of skin cancer. This Treatment and Research Founda- team consists of a radiotherapist, a tion, 7 Overlea Boulevard, dermatologist, and a pathologist. Toronto 354. Providing a great deal of useful Price: Free on request from Founda- information to those who treat skin tion. cancer and to those who want to keep Pages: 135 up-to-date, this little book is available without charge from the Ottawa Clinic This book contains a record of the of the Ontario Cancer Treatment and proceedings of the Ontario Cancer Research Foundation, or from the
by Craig
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