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Deleted: ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ AMENDED BY-LAWS¶
Original Bylaws Adopted: January 9, 1968 Last Amended: June 2014
Deleted: THE
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Deleted: ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ ¶ Deleted: By-Laws Deleted: December 15, 1997¶ Amended October 11, 2011¶ Amended February 14, 2012¶ Amended May 8, 2012¶ Amended Deleted: 11, 2013 Deleted: Amended November 12, 2013¶ Section Break (Continuous)
Bylaws Central Office of Salt Lake City, Inc.
Preamble .................................................................................................................. 1
Article 2.
Central Office............................................................................................................ 1 2.1. Statement of Purpose ...................................................................................... 1 2.2. Source of Authority .......................................................................................... 2
Article 3.
CO Committee .......................................................................................................... 2 3.1. CO Committee Composition............................................................................. 2 3.2. Meetings .......................................................................................................... 2
Article 4.
Guidelines for CO Committee Meetings .................................................................... 3 4.1. Voting .............................................................................................................. 3 4.2. Motions ............................................................................................................ 3 4.3. Election Procedures for Board of Trustees and Standing Committees ............. 3
Article 5.
Board of Trustees ..................................................................................................... 4 5.1. Number and Make Up ...................................................................................... 4 5.2. Term of Service................................................................................................ 4 5.3. Qualifications ................................................................................................... 4 5.4. Board of Trustees Duties ................................................................................. 4 5.5. Board of Trustees Chair ................................................................................... 4 5.6. Co-Chair .......................................................................................................... 5 5.7. Secretary ......................................................................................................... 5 5.8. Treasurer ......................................................................................................... 5 5.9. Trustees ........................................................................................................... 5
Article 6.
Standing Committees ............................................................................................... 6 6.1. Term of Service................................................................................................ 6 6.2. Qualifications ................................................................................................... 6 6.3. Standing Committee Duties.............................................................................. 6 6.4. Standing Committees ....................................................................................... 6
Article 7.
Central Office Management ...................................................................................... 8 7.1. General ............................................................................................................ 8 7.2. Employees ....................................................................................................... 9
Effective June 2014
Deleted: Article 1. Preamble............................................................ ................................................ 1¶ 1.1 Twelve Traditions ....................................................................... ..................... 1¶ 1.2 Prudent Financial Principals ....................................................................... ..... 1¶ 1.3 Group Conscience of CO Committee Ultimate Authority .................................. 1¶ 1.4 Decision Making Process ....................................................................... ......... 1¶ 1.5 Outside Issues............................................................ ..................................... 1¶ 1.6 Acts of Government Prohibited ....................................................................... . 1¶ 1.7 Democratic Principles to Govern Affairs .......................................................... 1¶ Article 2. Central Office ............................................................................ ......................... 1¶ 2.1 Statement of Purpose ....................................................................... ............... 1¶ 2.2 Source of Authority ....................................................................... ................... 2¶ Article 3. Member Groups ............................................................................ ..................... 2¶ 3.1 Registered Groups ....................................................................... ................... 2¶ 3.2 CO Reps and Alternates ....................................................................... ........... 2¶ Article 4. CO Committee ............................................................................ ...................... 3¶ 4.1 Purpose and Membership................................................... ............................. 3¶ 4.2 CO Committee Composition ....................................................................... ..... 3¶ 4.3 Meetings........................................................ .................................................. 3¶ Article 5. Guidelines for
Bylaws Central Office of Salt Lake City, Inc. Article 8.
CO Committee Financial Guidelines ......................................................................... 9 8.1. Support of Central Office .................................................................................. 9 8.2. Prudent Reserve Guidelines ............................................................................ 9
Article 9.
Indemnification ......................................................................................................... 9
Article 10. Miscellaneous ..........................................................................................................10 10.1. Fiscal Year ......................................................................................................10 Article 11. Amendment of the Bylaws .......................................................................................10 11.1. Procedure for Amending the Bylaws ...............................................................10
Effective June 2014
Bylaws Central Office of Salt Lake City, Inc. Moved down [1]: CO Committee Deleted: Meetings ............................................................ . 3¶ 5.1 Quorum and Majority Defined ....................................................................... ... 3¶ 5.2 Motions.......................................................... ................................................. . 4¶ Article 6. Board of Trustees.............................................................. ................................. 4¶ 6.1 General ....................................................................... .................................... 4¶ 6.2 Number and Make-up ....................................................................... ............... 4¶ 6.3 Quorum ....................................................................... .................................... 4¶ 6.4 Term of Office............................................................. ..................................... 4¶ ...
BYLAWS OF CENTRAL OFFICE OF SALT LAKE CITY, INC. Original Bylaws Adopted January 9, 1968 Last Amended June 2014
By Resolution of the Central Office Committee, adopted on the date above, the following Amended Bylaws of Central Office of Salt Lake City, Inc. are now in effect. Article 1. Preamble General Warranties of the Central Office Committee (CO Committee): 1.1. In all its proceedings, the CO Committee shall observe the spirit of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A. ®1) Traditions and take great care that the CO Committee never becomes the seat of perilous wealth or power. 1.2. That sufficient operating funds, plus ample reserve, be its prudent financial principle. 1.3. That none of the CO Committee members shall ever be placed in a position of unqualified authority over any of the other CO Committee members. 1.4. That all important decisions be reached by discussion, vote, and whenever possible, by substantial unanimity. 1.5. That no CO Committee actions are personally punitive or an incitement of public controversy. 1.6. That the CO Committee may act for the service of A.A. in Area 69, primarily Districts Two, Ten, and Eleven. 1.7. Like the society of A.A. which it serves, the CO Committee itself will always remain democratic in thought and action.
Moved down [2]: Vacancies Deleted: ...................................................... . 9¶ ... Deleted: By-Laws Deleted: Amended December 15, 1997¶ Deleted: duly …dopted on the date herein
... ...
Deleted: Article 1. Deleted: ¶ Deleted: 1.1 …n all its proceedings,
... ...
Deleted: 1.2 Deleted: 1.3 Deleted: 1.4 …hat all important decisions... Deleted: 1.5
Article 2. Central Office
Deleted: 1.6 …hat though…the CO
2.1. The purpose of Central Office of Salt Lake City, Inc. (Central Office) is to provide the basic services listed.
Deleted: Article 2. Deleted: ¶ 2.1
2.2. Statement of Purpose 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3.
Moved down [3]: Statement of Purpose¶
To carry the A.A. message and help those individuals who suffer from alcoholism. To maintain a 24-hour Twelfth-Step phone service and to answer phone inquiries as needed. To provide an A.A. listing in appropriate public sources.
Deleted: ¶
Moved (insertion) [3] Deleted: ¶ ... Deleted: 2.1.2 …o maintain a 24-
“A.A.” and “Alcoholics Anonymous” are registered trademarks of A.A. World Services, Inc.
Deleted: 2.1.3
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Deleted: ¶ 2.1.1
¶ 1
Deleted: Salt Lake Area – it shall never perform any acts of government.¶ ...
Bylaws Central Office of Salt Lake City, Inc. Deleted: 2.1.4
To function as a clearing house for the circulation and exchange of information among all of the A.A. Groups in the area. 2.1.5. To compile, update and print meeting lists and other information about local A.A. services. 2.1.6. To maintain materials available from Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. and The AA Grapevine, Inc. 2.1.7. To print and distribute a newsletter. 2.1.8. To be available to those in the community seeking information about alcoholism and A.A. 2.1.9. To maintain contact, refer inquiries and cooperate with General Service Committees and local Groups. 2.1.10. To arrange, delegate, or manage the details of all Central Office events or any other functions approved by the CO Committee. 2.1.11. Such other activities that are consistent with the principles of the Twelve Traditions.
Deleted: 2.1.5 Deleted: ¶ Deleted: Deleted: 2.1.6 Deleted: A.A. Conference approved literature for sale to members Deleted: the public Deleted: 2.1.7 Deleted: 2.1.8 Deleted: 2.1.9 Deleted: ¶ Deleted: groups Deleted: 2.1.10 Deleted: 2.1.11 Specifically excluded shall be the operation of any club, clubhouse or¶ drying out place, and acts in violation of the Twelve Traditions.¶ 2.1.12
2.3. Source of Authority Central Office has no governing authority of its own. It derives its authority from the participating members. The primary and ultimate authority for the operation of the Central Office rests not with the Board of Trustees but with the entire CO Committee.
Deleted: Traditions.¶ ¶ 2.2 Deleted: ¶
Article 3. CO Committee
Deleted: groups Deleted: CO Committee should rest
3.1. CO Committee Composition
Deleted: The A.A. groups through their Central Office Representatives, sometimes hereinafter referred to as “CO...
The CO Committee is composed of a CO Rep or alternate from each participating Group, the Board of Trustees, and Standing Committee Chairs.
Moved (insertion) [1]
3.2. Meetings
Deleted: Article 3. Member Groups¶
3.2.1. Regular Meetings The CO Committee will hold its regular meetings on the second Tuesday of each month. The meeting will be conducted by the Chair. All CO Reps or alternates, members of the Board of Trustees, and Standing Committee Chairs shall have one vote. 3.2.2. Special Meetings A special meeting of the CO Committee may be called by a majority vote of the CO Committee, or the Chair. 3.2.3. Annual Meeting An Annual Board of Trustees meeting will be held on the first Tuesday of each year.
Deleted: ¶ Deleted: registered Deleted: and the Office Manager Deleted: 4.3 Deleted: 4.3.1 Deleted: Chairperson or Acting
Deleted: , Deleted: 4.3.2 Deleted: at another time Deleted: simple Deleted: by a majority of Deleted: Board of Deleted: upon being apprised of a matter ... Deleted: to all CO Committee Deleted: Whenever possible, proper
Effective June 2014
... ...
Bylaws Central Office of Salt Lake City, Inc. Article 4. Guidelines for CO Committee Meetings
Deleted: 5.1 Quorum and Majority Defined¶ ¶
4.1. Voting
4.1.1. A quorum to conduct a regular CO Committee meeting consists of eleven CO Reps and two Board of Trustees members. 4.1.2. A simple majority vote of those CO Committee members present shall be sufficient for a motion to pass. A 2/3 majority for elections and amendments to the Bylaws or Articles of Incorporation. 4.1.3. All CO Committee meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the general principles of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Deleted: consists of eleven CO Committee members (two Trustees minimum) …o conduct a regular CO ... Deleted: 5.1.2 … simple majority vote of... Deleted: 5.1.3 …ll CO Committee
Deleted: 5.2.1 All motions…otions to ... Deleted: 5.2.2 …mportant decisions
4.2. Motions 4.2.1. Motions to be brought before the CO Committee may be submitted to the Chair, when possible, in writing. Any member of the CO Committee may make a motion from the floor. 4.2.2. Important decisions affecting the Groups served by Central Office, or affecting A.A. as a whole, should be tabled and referred back to the Member Groups for consideration, unless deemed urgent and/or administrative by the majority of CO Committee members present. Article 5.
Deleted: ¶ 5.2
Deleted: ¶ Article 6. Moved down [4]: Board of Trustees¶ Deleted: 6.1 General¶ ¶ The primary and ultimate authority for the operation of Central Office rests with the entire CO Committee. The Board of Trustees, by previous resolution dated January 10, 1968, has transferred “all rights, privileges, and authority which it holds under State Law to the CO Committee.”¶ ¶ 6.2 Number and Make-up¶
4.2.3. 4.3. Election Procedures for Board of Trustees and Standing Committees
5.2.1. Elections for the Board of Trustee positions and Standing Committees are conducted by the Chair. Elections for the Board of Trustee positions Chair, Co-chair, and one trustee are conducted in even-numbered years by the Chair at the November CO Committee meeting or as otherwise determined by the CO Committee. The positions of Secretary, Treasurer, and one Trustee are elected in November of odd-numbered years. Elections for the Standing Committees are conducted by the Chair in even-numbered years at the December CO Committee meeting or as otherwise determined by the CO Committee. 5.2.2. Prior to calling for candidates, the Chair reads the eligibility requirements and the election procedure from the Bylaws. 5.2.3. All eligible members of the CO Committee will be asked to stand for each of the positions. Those who are able and willing to serve will then be asked to remain standing. Candidates will state their qualifications. 5.2.4. Voting will take place by ballot for all of the candidates. Any candidate receiving 2/3 vote is elected. If no member receives 2/3 vote, candidates with less than 1/5 of the vote are removed from the ballot, and the vote is retaken. If no candidate receives 2/3 vote, the candidate’s names are placed in a hat and the name drawn from the hat is elected.
Effective June 2014
The Board of Trustees shall consist of eight members and two alternate members to be elected according to the procedures set out in these By-Laws.¶ The Board of Trustees members shall include: (1) four Officers: Chairperson, CoChairperson, Secretary and Treasurer; (2) three Trustees at Large; (3) two¶ ... Moved down [5]: Implement the decisions of the CO Committee.¶ Deleted: 6.6.7 Assure the CO Committee of Central Office’s
Moved down [6]: Secretary Deleted: shall:¶ ¶
... Moved down [7]: Any Deleted: Officer or Board of Trustees member of Central Office, in addition to ... Moved down [8]: Treasurer Deleted: , Secretary, 1 Trustee at Large and 1 Alternate Trustee at ...
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6.9.1 Elections for the Board of Trustee... Deleted: 6.9.2 …rior to calling for
Deleted: 6.9.3 …ll eligible members of the... Deleted: 6.9.4 …oting will take place ...
Bylaws Central Office of Salt Lake City, Inc. 5.2.5. Vacancies Positions may be vacated if the person indulges in alcoholic beverages, by resignation or will be considered vacant after failure to attend or report at two consecutive CO Committee meetings, or if the qualifications for the position are not currently met. Using the position to promote outside interests or for personal gain. If, in the opinion of the CO Committee, a member is not fulfilling the duties of the office. When a vacancy occurs, the CO Committee shall elect an eligible replacement. Filling a vacancy is not considered to be a full term of office.
Moved (insertion) [2] Deleted: ¶ 6.10 Removal from Office¶ ¶ The following reasons will be grounds for dismissal from Deleted: Board of Trustees:¶ ¶ 6.10.1 Indulging Deleted: .¶ 6.10.2 Failure Deleted: provide notification of absence Deleted: Board of¶ Trustees or Deleted: during term of office
Article 6. Board of Trustees
Deleted: 6.10.3
6.1. Number and Make Up
Deleted: 6.10.4 Moved (insertion) [4]
The Board of Trustees shall consist of six members to be elected according to the procedures set out in these Bylaws. The Board of Trustees members shall include: 1) four Officers: Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer; and 2) two Trustees.
Deleted: majority Deleted: the Deleted: or the CO Committee a member is not fulfilling their duties. Deleted: ¶ 6.11
6.2. Term of Service The term of service shall be two years or the remainder of a vacated position. Persons who fill vacancies may be eligible candidates for the same position at the next election. In the spirit of rotation, no person shall serve two full consecutive terms in the same position. 6.3. Qualifications Each person standing for a position shall have a minimum of two years of continuous and immediate sobriety.
Deleted: and Officer Vacancies
6.4. Board of Trustees Duties
Deleted: ¶ When a vacancy occurs on
The duties of the Board of Trustees include: 6.4.1. Oversee the operation of Central Office and its functions in accordance with 1) the A.A. Guidelines – Central or Intergroup Offices published by the General Service Office (GSO) of Alcoholics Anonymous; and 2) the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. 6.4.2. Select and hire employees. Position funding requires the approval of the CO Committee. 6.4.3. Implement the decisions of the CO Committee. 6.5. Board of Trustees Chair
Moved (insertion) [5] Deleted: shall select an eligible replacement by a majority
The Chair will: 6.5.1. Preside at regular and special CO Committee meetings, prepare meeting
Effective June 2014
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Bylaws Central Office of Salt Lake City, Inc.
6.5.2. 6.5.3. 6.5.4. 6.5.5.
agendas, and preside at the Annual Board of Trustees meeting. Supervise Central Office employees. Be a signer on all bank accounts. Be responsible for updating the Articles of Incorporation. Have no vote at CO Committee meetings except to break a tie vote.
Deleted: . Filling a vacancy is not considered Deleted: be
6.6. Co-Chair
Deleted: full term of office
The Co-Chair will: 6.6.1. Attend regular and special CO Committee meetings, and the Annual Board of Trustees Meeting. 6.6.2. Assist, participate and share in the responsibilities of the Chair, and assume all duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence.
Moved (insertion) [6]
6.7. Secretary The Secretary will: 6.7.1. Attend regular and special CO Committee meetings, and the Annual Board of Trustees Meeting. 6.7.2. Take, prepare, distribute and archive minutes of regular and special CO Committee meetings, and the Annual Board of Trustees Meeting. 6.7.3. Provide notices of CO Committee meetings. 6.7.4. Keep an up-to-date list of CO Reps and Groups.
Moved (insertion) [8]
6.8. Treasurer The Treasurer will: 6.8.1. Attend regular and special CO Committee meetings, and the Annual Board of Trustees Meeting. 6.8.2. Provide for the receipt, custody, control, and safe keeping of Central Office financial records. 6.8.3. Prepare and present monthly financial reports to the CO Committee. 6.8.4. Prepare the past year’s Annual Financial Report and present to the CO Committee at the February CO Committee Meeting. 6.8.5. Prepare the annual CO Operating budget, compile the submitted Standing Committee’s budgets, and present the budgets at the November CO Committee meeting. 6.8.6. Be a signer on all bank accounts. 6.9. Trustees The Trustees will: 6.9.1. Attend regular and special CO Committee meetings, and the Annual Board of Trustees Meeting. 6.9.2. Assist, participate and share in the responsibilities of the Board of Trustees.
Effective June 2014
Bylaws Central Office of Salt Lake City, Inc. Moved (insertion) [9] Deleted: ¶ Article 7. Standing and ad hoc Committees¶ ¶ 7.1 General¶ ¶
Article 7. Standing Committees 6.1. Term of Service
The term of service shall be two years or the remainder of a vacated position. Persons who fill vacancies may be eligible candidates for the same position at the next election. In the spirit of rotation, no person shall serve two full consecutive terms in the same position.
Deleted: , selection and operation Deleted: and ad hoc Deleted: 7.1.2 Ad hoc Committees may be created as needed by the Board of Trustees or¶ CO Committee.¶ 7.1.3 All Standing Committee Chairs are elected at the December CO Committee meeting in even numbered years to take office in January of the following¶ year.¶ 7.1.4 All Standing Committee Chairs shall serve a two year term.¶ 7.1.5 All Standing Committee Chairs shall have two years of continuous sobriety.¶ 7.1.6
6.2. Qualifications Each person standing for a position shall have a minimum of two years of continuous and immediate sobriety. 6.3. Standing Committee Duties 7.3.1. The CO Committee will be the ultimate authority on the creation or dissolution of all Standing CO Committees. 7.3.2. All Standing Committee Chairs shall have one vote at the CO Committee meeting. 7.3.3. Each Standing Committee shall hold a minimum of one committee meeting per quarter. 7.3.4. Each Standing Committee shall submit an annual committee budget to the Treasurer before the November CO Committee for inclusion in the annual CO budget report. 7.3.5. Each Standing Committee Chair shall attend the monthly CO Committee meeting or provide a report to the CO Committee.
Deleted: 7.1.7 To insure communication and proper action, a member of the Board of¶ Trustees will be assigned to serve as liaison to all active Standing and ad¶ Section Break (Next Page)
hoc Committees, request progress and ... Deleted: ¶ Deleted: October Deleted: CO budget report.¶ 7.1.11 Deleted: may attend the monthly Board of¶ Trustees meeting and
6.4. Standing Committees 7.4.1.
Moved (insertion) [10] Deleted: shall present a report of the previous month’s
Deleted: to the Board of
The Activities Committee is responsible for planning, organizing and implementing fellowship activities. 7.4.2.
Moved (insertion) [11] Deleted: CO Committee.¶ 7.1.12
Deleted: dissolution of any Standing
The Archives Committee shall document the non-financial records of the Central Office and the Groups that comprise the CO Committee, to make the history of the organization accessible to AA members and other researchers. The committee shall refer to the GSO AA Guidelines and Workbook for Archives direction and guidance.
Deleted: be accomplished by a motion of a majority of Deleted: .¶ ¶
... Deleted: Chairperson, or by Deleted: Board of Trustees.¶ 7.2.2 Notice of meetings shall be given Deleted: each Standing and ad hoc Committee's Deleted: at least five (5) working days in advance of the meeting unless all
Effective June 2014
Bylaws Central Office of Salt Lake City, Inc. 7.4.3.
Cooperation with the Professional Community
Moved (insertion) [12] Deleted: members agree to a shorter notification. A majority of such committee's membership shall constitute a quorum.¶ 7.2.3 Any Standing or ad hoc Committee decision shall be made by a majority of those in attendance to vote on any matter within the scope of such¶ committee’s responsibility.¶
The Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee will function in cooperation with the similar committees in Districts 2, 10 and 11, and Area 69. The Committee, in carrying out its duties, will refer to the GSO A.A. Guidelines and Kit for Cooperation with the Professional Community for direction and guidance. 7.4.4.
The Corrections Committee will function in cooperation with the similar committees in Districts 2, 10 and 11, and Area 69. The Committee, in carrying out its duties, will refer to the GSO A.A. Guidelines and Kit for Corrections for direction and guidance. Article 8. 7.4.5.
Moved up [9]: Standing Committees¶ Deleted: 7.3.1 Deleted: Telephone Committee Deleted: ¶ The Hotline Telephone Committee’s purpose is to ensure individuals or A.A. members looking for information or specific help are assisted by an A.A. member in a timely and personal manner. The committee
The committee is responsible to: recruit individuals and Groups willing to answer the phone during closed office hours; maintain a calendar of committed members and Groups for publication in the Newsletter, on the Website and for office reference; and establish and maintain an information packet to assist Groups and individuals answering the phones. 7.4.6.
Deleted: . Maintains Deleted: groups Deleted: . Establish Deleted: groups Deleted: 7.3.2 Moved down [13]: Twelfth Step Moved up [10]: Activities Moved (insertion) [14] Deleted: Committee¶ ¶ The Twelfth Step Committee’s primary function is to have willing A.A. members available to respond to requests for help. All participating groups will identify their Twelfth Step Coordinator and submit names and contact information to the ...
provide a biannual physical inventory of books and materials; and submit requests for purchases to the Treasurer for purchases above the pre-approved limit ($5,000 per month).
Deleted: Committee¶
Deleted: Committee Deleted: ¶
Deleted: group news, member’s writings, Central Office financial
The Newsletter Committee creates and distributes a monthly newsletter containing information such as, calendar of events, Treasurer’s report, and other information. 7.4.8.
Deleted: groups
Literature The Literature Committee's general purpose is to maintain Central Office's supply of literature and other materials available from Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. and The AA Grapevine, Inc. The Literature Committee’s duties include:
Deleted: , Board of Trustees Deleted: and CO Committee meeting minutes and other information relevant... Deleted: Committee
Deleted: ¶
The Outreach Committee is responsible to:
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Deleted: maintains contact with A.A. groups in the SLC Metro Area in order...
Bylaws Central Office of Salt Lake City, Inc. 7.4.9.
Deleted: groups
inform the Groups of Central Office’s function of service schedule Host Groups for the monthly All Groups meeting; notify Secretary of inactivity of Groups; and provide updated Group contact information to the Secretary.
Deleted: to the groups, to promote general cooperation between Central Office and individual A.A. groups, to strengthen and encourage effective individual participation in service to alcoholics and A.A., and to maintain and update Central Office records.
Public Information The Public Information Committee will function in cooperation with the similar committees in Districts 2, 10 and 11, and Area 69. The Committee, in carrying out its duties, will refer to the GSO A.A. Guidelines and Kit for Public Information for direction and guidance.
Deleted: ¶ 7.3.6 Moved down [15]: Website Moved up [14]: Literature Moved up [11]: Archives Deleted: Committee¶
Treatment ¶
The Website Committee’s general purpose is to create and maintain Central Office’s website for members and individuals seeking information about A.A. The website will include an accurate meeting schedule by all areas served by Central Office as well as current news and events.¶
The Treatment Committee will function in cooperation with the similar committees in Districts 2, 10 and 11, and Area 69. The Committee, in carrying out its duties, will refer to the GSO A.A. Guidelines and Kit for Treatment for direction and guidance. 7.4.11.
Twelfth Step
The Twelfth Step Committee’s primary function is to respond to requests for help. Central Office refers requests for visits to the Twelfth Step Committee; The Twelfth Step Committee o contacts volunteers from the Twelfth Step list; and o recruits individuals willing to participate on Twelfth Step calls.
7.3.7 By-Laws Committee¶
The By-Laws Committee reviews, updates and recommends changes as needed to these By-Laws for approval by the CO Committee.¶ ... Moved down [16]: Volunteer Deleted: Committee¶
Volunteer The Volunteer Committee recruits and schedules volunteers to staff the CO during operating hours and maintains a meeting schedule for the website and print distribution.
Deleted: Committee¶
Deleted: Committee¶
Deleted: Committee Deleted: ¶ Deleted: and Area 69. The Committee, ... Moved down [17]: Treatment
Deleted: Facilities Committee¶
Moved (insertion) [17]
The Website Committee’s purpose is to maintain Central Office’s website for members and individuals seeking information about A.A.
Deleted: 7.3.13 Moved up [12]: Corrections
Article 9. Central Office Management
Deleted: Committee¶
8.1. General
Deleted: The Committee, in carrying out ...
The general management, authority over, and supervision of the activities of Central Office are vested in the Board of Trustees. It is intended that the routine work, services, and activities of Central Office be carried out through the voluntary services of A.A. members.
Moved (insertion) [13] Moved (insertion) [16] Moved (insertion) [15] Deleted: 7.4 Authority¶ Deleted: 8.1
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Deleted: Corrections
Bylaws Central Office of Salt Lake City, Inc. Deleted: 8.2 Office Manager and
8.2. Employees
Deleted: – Generally
8.2.1. The Board of Trustees may hire one or more paid employees with the funding approval of the CO Committee. All decisions for employing paid workers are to be made and carried out consistent with A.A.’s Eighth Tradition. 8.2.2. All persons employed shall be “at will” employees.
Deleted: 8.2.1 Deleted: , Deleted: , may hire a paid Office Manager and/or other personnel Deleted: 8.2.2 Deleted: 8.2.3 The Office Manager and other Central Office employees shall be compensated at a rate(s) approved by a vote of the CO Committee.¶ 8.2.4 The position of Office Manager and/or other Central Office personnel¶ function as paid employees of Central Office – not as an A.A. member –¶ during duty hours and is hired largely on the basis of professional skill.¶
Article 10. CO Committee Financial Guidelines 9.1. Support of Central Office 9.1.1. Personal contributions up to $3,000.00 per year will be accepted or the amount currently approved by GSO. The solicitation or acceptance of contributions from any source outside of A.A. membership is prohibited as described in A.A.’s Seventh Tradition. 9.1.2. Neither Central Office nor the CO Committee shall accept the responsibility of or trusteeship for, or enter into the distribution or allocation of any funds set up outside of the Central Office.
¶ 8.3 The Office Manager shall:¶ ¶ 8.3.1 Be hired by the Board of Trustees to manage Central Office under the¶ Board of Trustee’s authority and with the approval of the CO Committee.¶ ... Deleted: 9.1
9.2. Prudent Reserve Guidelines
9.2.1. In keeping with the principles of A.A. as described in the Preamble to these Bylaws, Central Office should maintain a recommended Prudent Reserve of approximately three months operating expenses. 9.2.2. Funds may be withdrawn from the Prudent Reserve to meet budgeted expenses. 9.2.3. All additional funds above the Prudent Reserve shall be designated as “operating funds” and shall be kept in a separate account. The total value of cash, literature and coin assets of the Central Office shall not exceed one and a half times the approved annual budget.
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Deleted: G.S.O Deleted: expressly Deleted: 9.1.2 Deleted: fund or¶ Deleted: 9.2 Deleted: 9.2.1 Deleted: by-laws Deleted: six Deleted: 9.2.2 The Deleted: shall be maintained for the ...
Article 11. Indemnification 9.1
Deleted: required to keep
To the fullest extent permitted by law, Central Office shall indemnify each person made or threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed civil, criminal, administrative, arbitration, or investigative, or other legal process, by reason of the person’s former or present capacity as a Board of Trustees member, officer, employee or member of a Standing CO Committee of Central Office.
Deleted: Central Office open and to Deleted: amount recommended by¶
... ...
Deleted: ¶ Deleted: ¶
Deleted: checks or withdraw funds ... Deleted: 9.3.2 Central Office may
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Bylaws Central Office of Salt Lake City, Inc. Article 12. Miscellaneous
Deleted: 11.1 Deleted: .
11.1. Fiscal Year
Deleted: ¶ Unless otherwise fixed by the CO Committee, the
The fiscal year of Central Office shall begin on January 1 and end on the succeeding December 31 of each calendar year.
Deleted: central Deleted: 11.2 Electronic Communication and Meetings¶
Article 13. Amendment of the Bylaws ¶
11.2.1 Phone Conferences¶ A Board of Trustees member or a member of a Standing or ad hoc CO Committee may participate in their respective meetings by telephone¶ or electronic means, as long as all persons present, whether physically or electronically, can hear all other participants simultaneously during¶ the course of the meeting.¶
12.1. Procedure for Amending the Bylaws 12.1.1. Any voting member of the CO Committee may at any time propose a motion to amend the Bylaws. 12.1.2. Amendment of the Bylaws requires a 2/3 majority vote of the CO Committee. ¶
11.2.2 Special e-mail Meetings¶ The Board of Trustees Chairperson or, in his or her absence, the Board of Trustees Co-chairperson may call meetings conducted by e- mail when circumstances exist requiring immediate action. No meeting shall be conducted by e-mail unless notice of the meeting includes the nature of the emergency. No meeting conducted by e-mail shall be commenced until a majority of all Board of Trustees members have responded affirmatively that they have received notice and agree that the issue ... Deleted: Articles of Incorporation and ByLaws Deleted: 12.1 Deleted: Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws by the Board of Moved (insertion) [7] Deleted: Trustees¶ ¶ 12.1.1 The Board Deleted: Trustees Deleted: Articles Deleted: Incorporation or Deleted: By-Laws.¶ 12.1.2 The proposal by the Board of Trustees of any motion to amend the¶
Deleted: )) Deleted: sitting elected Board of Trustees.¶ 12.1.3 The motion shall be submitted ... Deleted: meeting Deleted: 12.1.4 Approval of the motion by the CO Reps shall be by substantial unanimity¶ ...
Effective June 2014