BYU Conferences and Workshops - Provo - BYU Musicians ...

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May 17, 2018 - Driving Instructions - HARRIS FINE ARTS CENTER (HFAC). If you are driving to Provo via I-15 southbound or
WELCOME! We are excited you have chosen to come to BYU SummerFestival this summer. Please read the following information carefully. If you have questions, please contact us. We look forward to your participation. CHECK IN – SUNDAY, JUNE 17 Check-in for participants is in the Harris Fine Arts Center (HFAC). Campus Housing Participants check-in will be from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. LEAVE YOUR LUGGAGE IN YOUR CAR until you have checked in. Once you checked-in at the HFAC, you will be given your housing assignment and directions on how to get there. Driving Instructions - HARRIS FINE ARTS CENTER (HFAC) If you are driving to Provo via I-15 southbound or northbound, take the BYU-Orem University Parkway Exit (#269), and head east toward Y mountain– (big Y painted on it). This street (University Parkway) will take you past University Mall and bring you into Provo. Follow University Parkway past Lavell Edwards Stadium to 900 East. At 900 East and University Parkway turn right. Continue south on 900 East until the first traffic light you find. Turn right on Heritage Drive and follow the road to the parking lot. The Harris Fine Arts Center (HFAC) borders the west side of the parking lot. Main doors are found on the north and south sides of the building. RECEIPT You should have received an e-mail copy of your receipt upon registration. Please verify that all information (camp dates, payment amount, etc.) is correct. Please notify us if you see an error. ADMISSION AND STANDARDS Participants attending this program must maintain the standards of Brigham Young University (i.e., high standards of honor, integrity, language, and morality; abstinence from tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea, and harmful drugs and pornography; and modesty in dress). Shorts worn on campus must be knee-length. Sleeveless shirts or tank tops are not allowed. Skirts and dresses must not have slits that come above the knee. Dress standards are strictly enforced in the cafeterias and on the main campus. A clean and well-cared-for appearance should be maintained. Hairstyles should be clean and neat, avoiding extreme styles. Men's hair should be trimmed above the collar, leaving the ear uncovered. Earrings for men are unacceptable, and men are expected to be clean-shaven. Beards are therefore not acceptable, except for documented medical

reasons that must be coordinated prior to the camp with Conferences and Workshops. THE FOLLOWING ARE THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF EACH PARTICIPANT Maintain respectful attitudes toward faculty, instructors, counselors, and all other individuals; demonstrate proper use of university equipment and facilities; attend all camp sessions and activities; follow instructions; respect curfews; dress modestly; refrain from vulgar and profane language; and come prepared to observe the BYU Honor Code. Any participant involved in theft, the illegal use of drugs, consumption of alcohol, the viewing or sharing of pornography, infraction of dormitory rules, curfew, BYU standards, or any other unlawful or immoral act will be sent home and/or prosecuted. No refunds will be given for those asked to leave the program because of these violations. Parents are responsible for picking up a participant who has been dismissed and for paying any costs incurred for transportation. Due to safety and liability concerns, participants found in or entering campus construction areas will be subject to immediate dismissal without a refund. Brigham Young University's Division of Continuing Education is committed to providing a learning atmosphere that reasonably accommodates persons with disabilities who are otherwise qualified to attend. Prior to registration, all applicants with disabilities may discuss the program requirements and available facilities with the applicable program director. RULES TO KNOW 1. Participating in or encouraging sexual relations or immoral behavior of any kind, viewing or sharing pornography in any form, sexting, or using vulgar or inappropriate or suggestive language verbally or in texts is not allowed. 2. Shoplifting, theft, or vandalism of any kind. 3. Possession or use of tobacco, alcohol, tea, coffee, or any illegal substances. Prescription medications cannot be shared with anyone. 4. Possession of weapons or firearms of any kind. 5. Doing anything harmful to yourself or to others physically, spiritually, or emotionally, including bullying of any kind. CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS Only the parent/guardian of a participant has the authority to request a refund. A full refund (minus a $50 handling fee) will be assessed on all cancellations requested by 4:00 p.m. May 17, 2018 (one month before the workshop begins). No food/housing refunds are available after this date, though partial refunds for the camp may be available on a case-by-case basis. Please send an email regarding your situation to: [email protected]. No refunds will be given after May 25, 2018. Brigham Young University cannot be held responsible for any change or cancellation charges made or required by airlines, travel agencies, or other institutions. The refund process will take between 14-21 working days. You will be reimbursed in the same way you made the payment. 2

FOOD AND HOUSING Participants purchasing the housing package will stay in BYU residence halls; the cost includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and counselor supervision. Each participant will receive a key for their room/hall. Please be aware that there is a $30 fee for lost room keys. Roommates are assigned by the camp staff (unless a roommate is requested upon registration). You will be assigned a roommate who is attending the same camp. Members of the opposite sex are not allowed in personal rooms for any reason, but are welcome in the main floor lobby areas during visitor’s hours. Violations will result in immediate dismissal from the program without a refund. Participants and their parent/guardian are liable for any damage they cause to university property, equipment, or facilities. Each room has two single beds, desks, clothes closet and mirrors. A furnished linen packet includes sheets, towels, washcloth, pillowcase, pillow and blanket. Three double-occupancy rooms will share one-bathroom facility. (There are no private baths.) There is only one towel change on Wednesday so you may want to bring an extra towel from home. The halls are air-conditioned, but you may want to bring a small fan from home. PACKING YOUR BAGS (Items suggested for campus housing participants)  Alarm clock  Chargers (for phone, etc.)  Clothing for concerts, casual wear, Sunday best (as applicable)  Hangers  Journal  Light jacket/Sweater  Other toiletry items as needed (hairspray, hairdryer, deodorant, etc.)  Towels

 Scriptures (Bible, Book of Mormon, D&C, Pearl of Great Price)  Shampoo, conditioner, soap  Shoes (including those for concerts, dance classes, casual wear, etc.) Flip flops are okay for residence halls only  Small amount of spending money  Small fan (residence halls can get hot)  Sunscreen  Sweats/Lounging wear/Robe

NOTE: For SummerFestival, you will need to wear Sunday Best Tuesday and Thursday night. We do not recommend bringing your iPod, iPad, laptop, etc. as there is a risk they may be lost or stolen. If you do bring them to campus, remember you cannot have them with you during class time or activities. LATE ARRIVALS If you are going to arrive late, please call 801-422-6700 and inform us of your approximate arrival time. 3

TRAVEL Please visit the program websites for more information. For driving directions, please visit the applicable website and click on the Travel link. PARKING AND PARTICIPANT PERSONAL VEHICLES We do not encourage you to bring your car to campus. If you need to bring a vehicle please plan on parking in the BYU Conference Center lot. There is a lot of construction on campus this year; because of this, there is limited parking around the residence halls. You are not allowed to use your car to transport other participants during the camp. Participants staying in the residence halls are required to give their keys to their counselor until Saturday morning. You are not allowed to go off campus unless you have a parental release form stating where, with whom, and when you will be gone. This form may be obtained prior to the camp by contacting [email protected] and during the camp through your counselor or program administrator. AIR TRAVEL If you are arriving by plane, there are several commercial shuttle services available to transport you from the Salt Lake International Airport to Provo for a nominal fee. These can be found on the internet by searching “Utah airport shuttles.” Advanced reservations are required. Have your flight number and your arrival time ready when you call. Have the driver take you to the BYU HRCN (Heritage Halls Central Building). Please note that BYU is not affiliated with any shuttle services. Express Shuttle 1-800-397-0773 Approximate cost one way (subject to change): $29-$33 for first person Online reservations available at Please make advanced reservations! Important note for parents: When using any Salt Lake City airport shuttle service please make sure that they will drop off your child at appropriate check-in location on campus. Some shuttle agencies will only take the rider to the BYU Marriott Center. Express Shuttle will drop off at the residence halls central buildings as noted above. INSURANCE Participants must carry primary insurance for the workshop. Medical expenses incurred due to illness are not covered. Parents/guardians are responsible for payment of transportation and treatment of their son/daughter. If you are taking medication of any kind, please be sure you indicated this on your registration form. (You can call the registration office at 801-422-8925 if you need to add additional information). This will allow you to receive medical attention more quickly in case of an emergency. CLIMATE Brigham Young University is located in Provo, Utah, approximately 4,500 feet above sea 4

level. Summer daytime temperatures range between 80 and 100 degrees and evening temperatures cool to between 55 and 65 degrees (F).

CONTACT INFORMATION Program Information: 801-422-6700 Registration: 801-422-8925 E-mail addresses: [email protected] Mailing address: BYU Conferences and Workshops 146 Morris Center Provo, UT 84602-1530 Web pages: Mail (to a participant) can be sent to: Participant’s name/Camp BYU Conferences & Workshops 146 Morris Center Provo, UT 84602-1530