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Creation to Christ (CityTeam Story Set) These stories are meant to be used as a long term evangelism tool for people who are far from God, but not yet ready to make a decision to follow Jesus and serve Him as their risen Lord. If someone is not ready to follow Jesus yet, ask them if they are willing to study the Bible with you. If they agree, take them through the “Creation to Christ.” If they do not want to study the Bible with you, but are still willing to listen, begin to tell them these stories and orally prompt them with the “Head, Heart, Hands” questions. These discovery Bible studies reveal Christ through His word and build faith in the hearts of the hearers. These studies can be done orally and simply told as a method of evangelism, but the more completely you can follow the process, the more effective it will be for developing reproducing disciples. These Bible studies help people discover Christ and make a decision to repent, believe, and serve Him as their risen Lord. If the participants repent and believe, there should be no delay in moving them Out of these stories and into the “First Steps” lessons for short-term discipleship. Call the participants to make a decision regularly. These studies should not delay the gospel and a call to make a decision, but should supplement the call to make a decision. It may be helpful to ask, “What’s stopping you from giving your life to Jesus today?” Remember to be led by the Holy Spirit. This story set tells the story of Creation to Christ with an emphasis on Christ as the Sacrifice for Sin.
Contents Creation to Christ (ST4T Story Set) ................................................................................................................................ 1 The Creation Story: God Created the World ............................................................................................................ 4 Genesis 1:1-25................................................................................................................................................................. 4 The Creation Story: The Creation of Man ................................................................................................................. 5 Genesis 2:4-24................................................................................................................................................................. 5 The Fall: The First Sin and Judgment ........................................................................................................................ 6 Genesis 3:1-13................................................................................................................................................................. 6 The Fall: Judgment of a Sinful World ........................................................................................................................ 7 Genesis 3:14-24............................................................................................................................................................... 7 The Fall: The Flood ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 Genesis 6:1-9:17.............................................................................................................................................................. 8 Redemption: God’s Promise to Abram ....................................................................................................................... 9 Genesis 12:1-8, Genesis 15:1-6 ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Redemption: Abraham offers Isaac as a Sacrifice ................................................................................................. 10 Genesis 22:1-19............................................................................................................................................................. 10 Redemption: The Promise of Passover .................................................................................................................... 11 Exodus 12:1-28 .............................................................................................................................................................. 11 Redemption: The Ten Commandments .................................................................................................................... 12 Exodus 20:1-21 .............................................................................................................................................................. 12 Redemption: The Sacrificial System ........................................................................................................................ 13 Leviticus 4:1-35 ............................................................................................................................................................. 13 Redemption: Isaiah Foreshadows the Coming Promise ....................................................................................... 14 Isaiah 53 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 14 Redemption: The Birth of Jesus................................................................................................................................ 15 Luke 1:26-38, 2:1-20 ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 Redemption: Jesus is Baptized.................................................................................................................................. 16 Matthew 3; John 1:29-34 .............................................................................................................................................. 16 Redemption: The Temptation of Christ ................................................................................................................... 17 Matthew 4:1-11 ............................................................................................................................................................ 17 Redemption: Jesus and Nicodemus .......................................................................................................................... 18 John 3:1-21 .................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Redemption: Jesus and the Woman at the Well ................................................................................................... 19 John 4:1-26, 39-42 ........................................................................................................................................................ 19 Redemption: Jesus Forgives and Heals ................................................................................................................... 20
Luke 5:17-26.................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Redemption: Jesus Calms the Storm ....................................................................................................................... 21 Matthew 4:35-41 .......................................................................................................................................................... 21 Redemption: Jesus Casts Out Evil Spirits ............................................................................................................... 22 Mark 5:1-20 ................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Redemption: Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead ............................................................................................... 23 John 11:1-44.................................................................................................................................................................. 23 Redemption: The First Lord’s Supper ...................................................................................................................... 24 Matthew 26:26-30 ........................................................................................................................................................ 24 Redemption: Jesus is Betrayed and Condemned .................................................................................................. 25 John 18:1-19:16............................................................................................................................................................. 25 Redemption: Jesus is Crucified ................................................................................................................................. 26 Luke 23:32-56................................................................................................................................................................ 26 Redemption: Jesus Conquers Death ........................................................................................................................ 27 Luke 24:1-35.................................................................................................................................................................. 27 Redemption: Jesus Appears and Ascends ............................................................................................................... 28 Luke 24:36-53................................................................................................................................................................ 28 Redemption: We Have a Choice ................................................................................................................................ 29 John 3:1-21 .................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Quick Reference................................................................................................................................................................ 30
The Creation Story: God Created the World Genesis 1:1-25 First Third - Look Back Member Care: Do introductions since this is your first time. Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Skip this since this is your first meeting.
Second Third - Look Up Genesis 1:1-25 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. OUT: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
The Creation Story: The Creation of Man Genesis 2:4-24 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: OUT: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up Genesis 2:4-24 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
The Fall: The First Sin and Judgment Genesis 3:1-13 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up Genesis 3:1-13
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
The Fall: Judgment of a Sinful World Genesis 3:14-24 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up Genesis 3:14-24 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
The Fall: The Flood Genesis 6:1-9:17 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying Jesus?
Second Third - Look Up Genesis 6:1-9:17
Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: God’s Promise to Abram Genesis 12:1-8, Genesis 15:1-6 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying Jesus?
Second Third - Look Up Genesis 12:1-8, Genesis 15:1-6 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: Abraham offers Isaac as a Sacrifice Genesis 22:1-19 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying Jesus?
Second Third - Look Up Genesis 22:1-19 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: The Promise of Passover Exodus 12:1-28 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up Exodus 12:1-28 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: The Ten Commandments Exodus 20:1-21 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up Exodus 20:1-21 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: The Sacrificial System Leviticus 4:1-35 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up Leviticus 4:1-35 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: Isaiah Foreshadows the Coming Promise Isaiah 53 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up Isaiah 53 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: The Birth of Jesus Luke 1:26-38, 2:1-20 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up Luke 1:26-38, 2:1-20 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: Jesus is Baptized Matthew 3; John 1:29-34 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up Matthew 3; John 1:29-34 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: The Temptation of Christ Matthew 4:1-11 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up Matthew 4:1-11 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: Jesus and Nicodemus John 3:1-21 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up John 3:1-21 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: Jesus and the Woman at the Well John 4:1-26, 39-42 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up John 4:1-26, 39-42 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: Jesus Forgives and Heals Luke 5:17-26 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up Luke 5:17-26 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: Jesus Calms the Storm Matthew 4:35-41 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up Matthew 4:35-41 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: Jesus Casts Out Evil Spirits Mark 5:1-20 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up Mark 5:1-20 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead John 11:1-44 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up John 11:1-44 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: The First Lord’s Supper Matthew 26:26-30 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up Matthew 26:26-30 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: Jesus is Betrayed and Condemned John 18:1-19:16 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up John 18:1-19:16 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: Jesus is Crucified Luke 23:32-56 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up Luke 23:32-56 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: Jesus Conquers Death Luke 24:1-35 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up Luke 24:1-35 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: Jesus Appears and Ascends Luke 24:36-53 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up Luke 24:36-53 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Redemption: We Have a Choice John 3:1-21 First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and prayer: Ask everyone what they’re thankful for this week. Thank God as a group. Ask if anyone has been stressed this week. Pray for them. Loving Accountability: Out: Ask everyone how they did sharing the story. Up & In: How did you do obeying God?
Second Third - Look Up John 3:1-21 Head: Summary and Facts, Heart: Emotions, Hands: Response
Final Third - Look Forward Practice: In groups of 2-3, retell the Bible story to each other in your own words. (Or do a skit to retell the story!) 2-3 willing volunteers retell the story to everyone. Goal Setting: Trainers share who they will tell this story to this week. Out: Do you have a friend you can share this story with this week? Trainer shares something he or she will do this week as a result of this story. Up & In: What can you do this week as a result of this story? Pray for success in what each said they would do as well as for any other prayer needs.
Quick Reference Head: Understanding, Facts When is it? Where is it? Who is it? What happened? Is there anything you don’t understand? What is this teaching? What sticks out to you? Say it in your own words. Heart: Emotions, Feelings What were the emotions of the characters during the different parts of the story? How does this make you feel? John 8:31-32, How does this make you free? What does this make us free from? Who do you identify with in this passage? Hands: Obedience, Applications Is there a command to obey? Sin to avoid? Example to follow? How will you respond to what God has spoken to you in His Word? Take one minute and quietly ask the Lord how he wants you to respond to this teaching. What do you plan to do next week to apply what God has said? How can you make your application measurable?
First Third - Look Back Member Care Worship and Prayer Loving Accountability (Up, In, Out) Lord’s Supper Second Third - Look Up Vision New Lesson Final Third - Look Ahead Practice Goal Setting (Up, In, Out) and Prayer