Jan 1, 2012 - C2C students will get support from their primary PA and other PAs in the cohort. Senior PAs will work with
C2C Program Profile Miami Dade College Miami, Florida January 1, 2012 Placement of C2C on campus: Center for Community Involvement, implemented at urban, downtown Wolfson Campus Staffing: 1 Project Coordinator devoting 100% of full time position to C2C. In kind time of additional staff. C2C target students: Pell-eligible students testing into 2 or more dev ed courses. These students are required to enroll in a 3 credit college success course (SLS 1510). Total # of C2C students reached over grant period: 585 unique students Total # of PAs reached over grant period: 145 students Rationale for numbers: Smaller number of C2C students (25) and PAs (5) in first semester in order to ensure effective implementation. Some of the first semester PAs will be hired via community service FWS and will assist C2C students with disabilities. The initial cadre of PAs will play an integral part in refining recruitment and orientation processes, contributing feedback to leadership course curriculum elements, and test piloting of the model prior to full implementation. Engagement numbers for semester 2 are lower than subsequent semesters because it is a summer session with historically lower enrollment numbers. Numbers for semesters 3 through 6 were calculated based on full implementation of the project and the number of leadership and SLS1510 courses offered. Overview of model: PAs will be enrolled in leadership courses that meet at the same time as college success courses (SLS) so that PAs can meet with C2C students during portions of this time. Also, outside of the class time, PAs will provide regular check-ins to offer encouragement, study skills education and info regarding campus and community support services. A PA Learning System (PALS) will maximize contact and provide additional opportunities for interaction. With PALS, cohorts of 1 senior PA to 5 regular PAs who each have 4 C2C students will be created. C2C students will get support from their primary PA and other PAs in the cohort. Senior PAs will work with the Program Coordinator in designing and implementing program activities. Although not included in the pilot project numbers, MDC will also provide on-going training and support to 70 FWS students to certify them as PAs (“Departmental PAs). This means that in addition to the regular PAs, C2C students will have access to an additional 70 FWS PAs who work in departments throughout campus. Community engagement: C2C students and PAs will participate in academic servicelearning as part of their leadership and SLS classes. Faculty teaching these courses will receive training in service-learning pedagogy and support from Center for Community Involvement and the project’s external partner, Catalyst Miami. In tandem with their instructor and PAs, C2C students will incorporate student-identified social justice concerns into a service-learning experience that is organized and implemented by student cohort interest groups with assistance from the Center for Community Involvement (CCI). A focus of the engagement process will be to create civic agency in all participating students. The PA will work with their assigned students and cohorts on identifying, planning, and participating in community engagement activities. All student participants will be invited to monthly professional develop sessions related to leadership,
civic engagement, and college success. C2C student support beyond first semester: Students will be supported by 1 or more PAs for a minimum of 3 semesters. Initial engagement will be intensive through participation in the leadership course (PAs) and SLS course (C2C students). An active engagement process will promote student belonging and participation in more group and cohort-based activities – including civic engagement – over subsequent semesters (combining newer and older cohorts). Student voice: 2 PAs and 1 C2C student will participate on an advisory council and focus groups will be conducted each semester. FWS and AmeriCorps slots will be reallocated for senior PAs who will work with the Program Coordinator to design the program. Ratio (PA to C2C students) and time expectations: 1 to 4. Each PA will spend 2 hours weekly with C2C students and 1 hour with larger cohort. PA recruitment strategies &PA eligibility requirements: Recruitment strategies: PAs will be recruited from among academic service-learning courses, MDC’s PTK honor society, American Dream Scholars (MDC’s scholarship program targeting high school students who graduate with a 3.0 GPA and are ready to enter college-level courses). C2C students who have progressed into regular college classes will be encouraged to apply. Eligibility requirements: PAs must be in college level courses and in at least their second semester. Ideal candidates will have participated in academic service-learning; be seeking leadership opportunities; and have successfully completed developmental education courses. PA candidates will attend an orientation and complete an application and if accepted be enrolled in the leadership course. C2C recruitment: C2C students will not be actively recruited, rather, if they are taking a participating SLS class, they will be part of the program. Every student in each participating SLS 1510 class will be matched with a PA. PA matching with C2C students: During the C2C orientation, structured activities will allow the PA and C2C students to identify their respective assets, skills, goals, and social justice issues most relevant to them - and be matched accordingly. Because the PA leadership course and the SLS course will be meeting concurrently, much of the matching activities and initial relationship building will take place during class time. PA orientation: PAs will receive an initial orientation and a pre-course workshop. Key components of the training include the role of a peer advocate, building student confidence, support services and engagement opportunities, encouraging involvement in campus and civic life, fostering awareness of the value of a college education, goal setting, using technology to engage students, the role of civic engagement, and techniques of conflict resolution, sustained dialogue and public deliberation. PA training and/or course (curriculum, credits, payment): PAs will receive training through a weekly 2 credit transferable IDS leadership course with an instructor. The first semester 20 PAs will get scholarships to cover the cost of the credit bearing course. Thereafter, PAs will enroll and pay for the class via financial aid. PAs will also participate in monthly 1-hour PA professional development sessions. Key components of the leadership curricula include consciousness of self, developing goals and priorities, cultural competence, communication skills, civic skills used to collaborate for the common good, becoming a strong role model, and becoming a strong leader. There will be a pathway to achieve different levels of PA certification.
C2C student orientation: PAs assigned to each SLS class, in partnership with the instructor, will provide students with a program overview including rationale, goals, and opportunities. Supervision of PAs: The Project Coordinator will provide supervision. PAs will receive support through the leadership development course, monthly PA meetings and bi-weekly check-ins via email/Facebook/text messaging. PA incentives and how paid for: Credit bearing course: Yes FWS: In many cases, senior PAs will be incentived via AmeriCorps and/or FWS positions. In addition, MDC will reallocate a number of community FWS positions to serve as PAs with C2C students with disabilities. C2C student incentives: Incentives for full participation include: opportunity to persist and achieve success, and join the PA program later on; opportunity for monthly professional development in leadership and civic engagement; and t-shirts and food. Technology: Use of technology to allow for structured, class-based exchanges between and amongst PAs, C2C students, and faculty; exploring integration of Web 3.0; and Web 2.0 apps, such as Facebook and Twitter to allow students to create pages and messages related to college success and around social justice issues of their choice. Technology will play a critical role in maintaining the personal relationships and student networks created in the semesters following their initial class connection, linking “old” and “new” cohorts, and connecting MDC participants with other C2C students and PAs across the state and nation.