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Welcome! Find a comfy spot and review our objective for the session! Objective: To take a peak into our building’s journey through MTSS by exploring our plan and work so far.

Kansas Multi-Tier System of Supports

Grab a note card. On one side… What has been working well? On the other side… It would make your heart happy if we covered this issue?

Four Corners  Four corners  Not started  Beginning year one  Two years  Three or more years

Goals of MTSS To provide an integrated systemic approach to meeting the needs of all students.

To become the guiding framework for school improvement activities to address the academic and behavioral achievement of all students.

Why MTSS Is Needed…  Intervention at 3rd or 4th Grade takes 4 times as long than if delivered at Kindergarten

(Lyon, 1998)

 1 in 6 children not reading proficiently at 3rd grade do not graduate from high school on time (Hernandez, 2011)

 68% of 8th graders & 64% of high school seniors nationally failed to become proficient readers (Deshler, 2004)

 97% of teachers confirmed that good discipline and behavior is necessary for school success (Public Agenda, 2004)

Why a Multi-Tier System of Supports?  lack of appropriate instruction

 the cumulative effect of insufficient learning,  the difficulty of content area work,  excessive absenteeism resulting in splinter skills, and

 the presence of significant behavior problems that impede student learning (adapted from Shores, 2008)

What is MTSS? A coherent continuum of evidence based, system-wide practices to support a rapid response to academic and behavioral needs with frequent data-based monitoring for instructional decision making to empower each Kansas student to achieve high standards.

Our Timeline  Began 2012

 1st year forming building level team/training.  2013 first year of implementation.  2014 2nd year of implementation with a full-time reading specialist.

 2015- continuing current program and trying to reach our goals. (80%)

 2016- We hope to add math and behavior to the MTSS process.

Getting organized  Utilize state MTSS trainers.

 Creating our own district level MTSS vision/and core beliefs.

 Creating elementary/secondary curriculum protocol.

 Communication with building collaborative teams and community.

 Process implementation. (AIMS Web Training)

Intervention groups established  Professional development on:  Universal screening  Progress monitoring

• PLC’s formed intervention groups.  Fluency  Comprehension  Phonics  Fast and inaccurate.

Walk to Intervention  Extended 5th hour block.  25 minute lunch  30 minute tier intervention  43 minute core class

 Tier 3 interventions scheduled throughout the day.  Students lose an elective


Curriculum Protocol

Comprehension curriculum  Tier 2 intervention  Six Way Paragraphs  Florida Center for Reading Research (website)

 Tier 3 intervention.  Reading Lab 2.0

Fluency Curriculum  Tier 2  Six Minute Solution  Florida Center For Reading Research

 Tier 3  Read Naturally Live

Phonics Curriculum  Tier 2  Rewards  Florida Center for Reading Research  Tier 3  Phonics Blitz  West Virginia Reading First (website)

Our Struggles  Effective communication/understanding the MTSS process.

 Concerns with stigma  Giving up an elective/student schedule  Belief in system

 Fidelity to the program

Building Level Status/Results 2013-2014

Building Level Status/ Results 2014-2015

Thank You……  For attending our session

 CONTACT INFORMATION  Juli Brown ~ Reading Specialist  [email protected]

 Amy Garver ~ Principal  [email protected]

 Sarah Homan ~ 6 – 8th Reading Teacher  [email protected]