Cablecasts - Fulton NY Post Cards

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Joanna Martine Woolfolk will take a look at Pisces. Kevin Nealon of. Saturday Night Live and comedien. Ace Holleran will preview their up- coming appearance  ...
\ January Property Tranfers

Average House Sale: $433,000. ; The average price for a house in : Wilton was under 5435,000 in Jan: uary, according to records filed at : Town Clerk Mary Duffy's office. ! The average price of a home was

5433,368 last month, ranging from a high selling price of 5850,000 to a low of 5210,000. Nineteen homes were sold in the first month of 1988, totaling 58,234,000. The

Cablecasts Following is a listing of some Glass Shop at Buck's Rock Art \ public access programming to be Camp, Friday, 10 p.m.; Saturday, ', cablecast this and next week to sub~ 6:30 p.m. , scribers in Cablevision of Connect- Becoming More Makes A Dificut's franchise area: ference presents Sister Angeline Fairfield Exchange Monaco and Sirley Flierl, the win(The Fairfield Exchange is ners of the Women Helping ; telecast on Cablevision of Connect- Women Award from Soroptomists, icut's Channel 12 live weekdays Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.; Thursday from noon to 1, then every hour on and Friday, 10:30 a.m. • the "hour until 5; The Evening Ex- Insights, "Service Organizachange, a half-hour edited version, tions available to the blind and begins at 5:30 and reruns every visually impaired, Thursday, Frihour on the half-hour to 11:30, ex- day, and Saturday, 7:30 p.m. cept at 7:30) Good News Church of Faith, The Guests "Bom of a Virgin," Thursday, 8 Thursday — Gary Gaskill, execu- p.m. tive vice president of Hawk Resort Dimensions in Parapsychology in Vermont, will discuss the presents Martin Ebon, Wednesday, second-home market and the meth- 10 p.m. ods of financing a vacation Handicapped Achievers...You residence. Fred Stolle, ESPN tennis Can Do It! takes a look at stutcommentator, will preview the terers, Thursday and Saturday, 8:30 Merrill Lynch Tennis Classic com- p.m. ing up at the New Canaan Racquet Be My Guest, with host Michall Club. Diane Lynn Dupuy, founder Jeffers, Friday, 8:30 p.m. of Famous People Players, will disVariety Tonite, comedy, music, cuss this group of handicapped men variety with host Kris Marsala, and women in the theatre who will Wednesday and Friday, 9 p.m.; The soon visit Fairfield County. Dennis Best of VT on TV, Thursday, 10:30 Clarke, president of the Citizen's p.m. Commission on Human Rights, and Teen Life Center Presents, Thurspsychiatrist Dr. Simon Epstein will day and Saturday, 9:30 p.m. discuss electric shock therapy. Common Interest takes a look at Friday — Resident astrologer the Greenwich Association of Joanna Martine Woolfolk will take Retarded Citizens, Wednesday and a look at Pisces. Kevin Nealon of Friday, 9:30 p.m.; Saturday, 7 p.m. Saturday Night Live and comedien America's Defense Monitor, Ace Holleran will preview their up- "The Spread of Nuclear coming appearance at the Weapons," Thursday, 10 p.m. Treehouse Comedy Club. David Jesus Is Lord Ministry, Friday, 10 Kibbee of Metamorphosis will a.m.; Saturday, 10:30 p.m. return with the results of his salon's Lifeline, Thursday, 7 p.m. make-over of Cablevision Public Shiloh Ministry, Wednesday, 11 Relations Director Maryce Cun- p.m. ningham. Channel 28 Educational Access Channel Channel 27 Extra Help, Cablevision's call-in Public Access Channel Joseph Clemmons Ministries, homework assistance program, "Building on the Eternal," Satur- Monday through Thursday, 4 p.m.; Monday — science; Tuesday and day, 10 p.m. Crossroad, music videos and con- Thursday — math; Wednesday — cert information, Thursday, 6:30 composition. The American Adventure, Friday, p.m. Life Giver, Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. 11 a.m.; Saturday, 3:30 p.m. The Growing Years, Friday, Victory in Jesus Ministry, Thursnoon; Saturday, 4:30 p.m. day, 6 p.m.; Saturday, 9 p.m.

median price of a home was 5419,500. Total sales of land, condominiums and houses with land was 510,431,100. A condominium in January cost an average of 5400,525, with four units sold for a total of 51,602,100, ranging from a high of 5975,000 to a low of 5165,000. There were three other condominium transactions hot included in the averages. One was sold for "love and affection," while the costs for the other two were not listed. Total sales for land in January was S595.000. In January, 1987, the average price for a house in Wilton was S414,444, with 18 homes being sold, and the average price for a condominium was 5228,879, with five condominiums sold. Homes

M*rch2, 1988 Bulletin, WIKon, Conn. 9B Jan. 22, 172 Catalpa Road, Bruce W. Loaner Be?« and Nancy J. Bremer to Austin F. and "Lend me $5" or "loan me $5? Mary L. Reed. While it may be better nottoborJan. 26, 126 Indian Hill Road, row at all, if you must do so, say Thomas R. and Marilyn C. Blythe to "Lend me $5, please." Why? Mark A. and Eileen M. Capone. "Lend" is always a verb. RememJan. 27, Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton Center Corp. to Wilton Center. ber Shakespeare's words: "Lend Condominiums me your ears." Jan. 4, 21 Wilton Crest, Sextant DeWhile we often hear "loan" used velopment Corp. to Richard L. and Arm as a verb, good speakers and Land B. Cascella, writers avoid it "Loan" is espeJan. 5, Lot 2 and Access Map 4312, cially incorrect when no actual borJan. 5. 57 Village Walk, Mabel Komell to Mabel Komell and Patricia David Keene and Roy Tolliver to rowing is meant "Lend (not loan) James Goodman and Edward Epstein. A. Smith. Jan. 13, 346 Sturges Ridge Road, me a hand." "Her presence will Jan. 6, 28 Village Walk, Robert T. and Theresa R. Lynn to George P. 2.97 acres plus .17 acres. Map 1663. lend (not loan) dignity to the occaCraighead __________^ Estate of Doris Goffin to Frederick J. sion." —Oxford American Pictionary editors Tan7I2,"13A and GT3 LambertXom- and Leslie S. Kingston. mon, 11 Westport Road, Christopher Kelly Browne to Robert David Browne; Sally B. Fagerer to Robert David Browne. Jan. 21, 525 Danbury Road, White Fences to Girl Scout Council of SW Connecticut, Inc. Jan. 27, 6 Fawn Ridge, Homequity Relocation Management Services to Marguerite T. San Fan Andre.

This newspaper doesn't print rumors, but we do check them out. If you hear something out of the ordinary about the town, let our editor know and we'll check it out.

Jan. 4, 207 Sturges Ridge Road, Benjamin E. and Catherine S. Heller to Giovanni and Anna-Maria Trofa. Jan. 4, 26 Patrick Lane, Jeffrey R. Myers to Anne U. and Thomas^AT Lantz. Jan. 6, 500 Thayer Pond Road, William L. and Susan S. Asmundson to Brockton and Margaret N. Ellwood. Jan. 6, 182 Kellogg Drive, Kenneth L. Wadley to Kevin D. and Shelby Pike. Jan. 7, 29 Erdmann Lane, Harold S.R. and Paula C. Byrdy to Stephan and Michele Galfas. Jan. 7, 13 Bossy Lane, Patrick F. and Joyce W. Doherty to Matthew A. and Donna L. Marini. Jan. 11, 404 Thayer Pond Road, Philip P. and Eleanor H. Pappas to Wayne J. and Cathy A. Peters. Jan. 11, 25 Tamarack Place, Douglas L. and Patricia T. Brown to Frederick H. and Jane P. Johnson. Jan. 12, 26 Hulda Hill Road, William D. and Leona W. Brooks to Edward R. Abramowitz. Jan. 13, 312/314 Mountain Road, Ralph Landau to Jeremi and Bozena Jablonski. Jan. 13, 19 DeForest Road, Gayla G. Longman to Paul and.Iris Busch. Jan. 15, 57 Little Brook Road, Sidney D. and Frances L. Spencer to Adrian G. and Patricia C. Bray. Jan. 15, 621 Nod Hill Road, Raymond D. and Jacqueline K. Hites to Jose Rolando Bondoc and Maria Luisa Tapia. Jan. 19, 61 Little Fox Lane, Edson L., Jr. and Jean C. FosteT to Susan J. and Gary L. Wasserman. Jan. 19, Cricket I^ne, Archie Stewart to Donald P. and Martha C. Winters. Jan. 22, 58 Branch Brook Road, Stephen and Linda A. Joss to Thomas R. and Elizabeth A. Bremer. Jan. 22, 251 Mountain Road, Dale H. and Lynda B. Moegling to Joseph A., Jr. and Susan M. King.
