Cadmium resistance in an oligochaete and its effect on cadmium ...
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Feb 24, 2015 - M. Prasek, E. Sawosz, S. Jaworski, M. Grodzik, T. Ostaszewska, ... P. Rodriguez-Fragoso, J. Reyes-Esparza, A. Leon-Buitimea and L.
registers there is no registered use of cadmium in any plastic material manufactured in their ... The company Boeing how
Nov 29, 2016 - proves that the amendment can alleviate the toxicity of heavy metals ..... growth and metal uptake of giant reed (Arundo donax L.) grown on soil.
The recovery of 109Cd added to either deionized water, 1 mM. Ca(NO3)2, or soil solution extract ... Using the IEK approach, ion exchange data can be interpre-.
those obtained when zebrafish larvae were exposed to ionic cadmium. Finally ... Chemicals. Analytical grade chemicals were used for all experiments. Ionic.
sediments (top 5 cm) from Pool 7 of the Upper Mississippi River were spiked with Cd to ...... Henry, M. G., Chester, D. N. and Mauck, W. L.: 1986, Environ. Toxicol.
Jul 21, 1972 - As shown by Franklin (5), In- selburg (6) and Anderson (1), .... U.S.A. 62:1159-. 1166. 3. Corwin, L. M., G. R. Fanning, F. Feldman, and P. Mar-.
Oct 17, 1988 - We are greatful to Dr. Jose Trilla, Dr. Catalina Cabot and Miss. Rosa Padilla (becari de la CIRIT) for technical assistance. LITERATURE CITED.
0. 3. 0. 2. LP car, white and green. 70s or 80s green bottom. Nonvinyl plastic. 0 .... 35. 0. 10. 0. 5. LP Sesame Street. "Ernie". 1977-79 red body. Nonvinyl plastic.
Cadmium resistance in an oligochaete and its effect on cadmium ...
Hoffman 1980). P. pugio is abundant in ...... nate granules in herbivorous gastropods were leached .... Brouwer M, Schlenk D, Huffman Ringwood A, Brouwer-.