Laboratoire d’Economie Forestière
Determinants of insurance demand against forest fire risk: an empirical analysis of French private forest owners Marielle BRUNETTE Stéphane COUTURE Serge GARCIA
November 2014
Document de travail n° 2014-12
LEF – AgroParisTech/INRA – 14, rue Girardet – CS 4216 – F-54042 Nancy cedex 00 33 (0)3 83 39 68 66– 00 33 (0)3 83 37 06 45 –
[email protected]
Determinants of insurance demand against forest fire risk: an empirical analysis of French private forest owners Marielle BRUNETTE1, Stéphane COUTURE2, Serge GARCIA3 November 2014
Document de travail du LEF n°2014-12 Abstract
In this article, we estimate the demand of French private forest owners for forest insurance against fire risk. For this purpose, we combine experimental data and real-world data on forest owners’ characteristics. Our econometric approach consists in estimating both insurance participation and coverage-level decisions, while accounting for sample selection issues. Our results clearly show that the type of public assistance is a significant determinant in the insurance decision. Other attributes of the experiment such as the expected loss only explain coverage-level decisions, whereas the existence of an ambiguity concerning the probability of fire occurrence positively affects both insurance participation and coverage-level decisions.
Keywords: Insurance, Forest, Fire risk, Ambiguity, Public compensation, Experimental data
UMR INRA – Agro ParisTech, Laboratoire d’Économie Forestière, 54042 Nancy Cedex, France. Corresponding author :
[email protected] 2 INRA, UR 875, Unité de mathématiques et informatique appliquées de Toulouse, 31326 Castanet-Tolosan, France. 3 UMR INRA – Agro ParisTech, Laboratoire d’Économie Forestière, 54042 Nancy Cedex, France.
Natural hazards such as fire and storm regularly destroy forests worldwide. For example, in 2007, Windstorm Kyrill generated more than 54 million cubic meters of timber damage in Europe. More recently, in 2009, Windstorm Klaus damaged 42 million cubic meters in south-western France. In Greece, fires destroyed some 250,000 hectares in summer 2007. In European countries, storm and fire are responsible for 70% of total forestry damage due to natural hazards, making them the two most important natural risks in the European forest sector (Schelhaas et al. [25]).1 To protect themselves from the potential damage of these natural events, non-industrial private forest owners in some countries can subscribe to an insurance contract. In fact, in several European countries, insurance companies propose contracts against storm and/or fire risks in the forest sector. However, the success of such a contract varies between countries. For example, in Sweden and Denmark, more than 50% of the private forest owners are insured, whereas in France and Germany, this figure is less than 2%. This observed heterogeneity of insurance behaviors across Europe raises many questions about the efficiency of insurance schemes. Before taking a look at potential reforms of the insurance system, it seems relevant to first analyze the key factors that determine the insurance demand of forest owners. In the recent past, economic literature has focused on the determinants of insurance demand in various contexts, but not specifically in relation to forests.2 Sherden [26] studied the effect of price, income and perceived risk on the demand for three types of automobile insurance coverage: bodily injury, comprehensive and collision. The author shows that the demand for the three types of coverage is inelastic with price and income. Using simulations, Hopkins and Kidd [15] highlighted the effect of various characteristics such as age, income, health status and geographical location on health insurance demand. Esho et al. [8] concluded that the demand for property-casualty 1 Schelhaas et al. [25] indicate that over the period 1950-2000, an annual average of 35 million m3 of wood was damaged by disturbances. Storms were responsible for 53% of the total damage, fire for 16%, snow for 3% and other abiotic causes for 5%. Biotic factors caused 16% of the damage. For 7% of the damage, no cause was given or there was a combination of causes. 2 However, forest insurance contracts have been analyzed by Matsushita [19], Holecy and Hanewinkel [14], Brunette and Couture [5], Manley and Watt [18], Brunette et al. [4], Pinheiro et al. [21], Barreal et al. [2].
insurance is positively linked to loss probability and income. They also revealed some evidence of a negative relationship with price. Browne and Hoyt [3] and Sakurai and Reardon [24] focused on the determinants of flood insurance demand in the United States and Burkina Faso, respectively. The first authors highlighted the role of income and price as determinants in flood insurance decisions, whereas the second authors demonstrated that the expectation of public food aid had a negative effect on the demand for drought insurance. Goodwin [12] studied the demand for multiple peril crop insurance by Iowa corn producers. He showed the predominant role of loss risk: counties with low loss risks have more elastic demands than those where farmers are insured. Smith and Baquet [27] also studied the demand for multiple peril crop insurance on Montana wheat farms. This study models the farm’s participation and coverage-level decisions separately through Heckman two-stage estimation procedures. They found that farms with positive expected returns from insurance make coverage-level decisions in different ways than farms with negative expected returns. On the basis of this literature, it can be deduced that different categories of factors may affect the demand for forest insurance: (1) economic characteristics such as insurance price or income; (2) political characteristics such as the presence of public assistance after a disaster, creating a moral hazard problem;3 (3) characteristics of risk and risk preferences such as precise quantification of loss probability or risk aversion; and (4) characteristics specific to the forest owner or the forest itself. To our knowledge, no econometric analysis of the demand for forest insurance by private forest owners exists at this time. One reason for this may be the absence of data on insurance against natural forest risks. Therefore, in order to obtain data related to insurance demand, an experiment was carried out on a sample of non-industrial private forest owners in France that had also completed a questionnaire about their insurance behavior and other insurance-related issues. These experimental data on forest owners (i.e., individual and property characteristics) were used to ex3 In the forest sector in Europe, different government assistance programs are implemented after exceptional disasters: for example, a fixed assistance program in France (after Windstorm Klaus in 2009, the French government paid 415 million euros in compensation to the forest sector); a contingent fixed subsidy program in Denmark (Windstorm Gudrun in 2005 generated 40 million euros in damage to the forest sector, half of which was paid by the Danish government); or an insurance subsidy in Germany (the Landers subsidize 50% of the fire insurance premium).
amine the determinants of insurance participation (whether or not the forest owner had purchased an insurance contract), and the level of coverage chosen by forest owners who had purchased an insurance contract. Such a distinction is important for two main reasons. First, it makes it possible to separately identify the causes of non-insurance of forest owners and, at the same time, to test the impact of factors such as expected loss on coverage alternatives. Second, the econometric methodology corrects the bias related to the non-random sample selection between insurance participants and non-participants. As a result, we used a Heckman selection model to simultaneously estimate both insurance participation and coverage-level decisions, as in Smith and Baquet [27]. However, there are some differences in the two studies. First, we used a combination of experimental data and data on forest owners’ characteristics that make it necessary to take the clustering of individual observations into account (Wooldridge [28]). Second, we simultaneously estimated the two equations relative to insurance participation and coverage-level decisions. The results show that some factors such as the forest area only determine the choice of insurance participation, and other determinants such as the expected loss only explain coverage-level decisions, whereas the existence of an ambiguity concerning the probability of fire occurrence affects both insurance participation and coverage-level decisions. The article is structured as follows. Section 1 presents the experimental design and the data. Section 2 describes the model (economic and econometric). Section 3 presents the estimation results, and Section 4 provides a conclusion.
Experimental design and data
Since French forest insurance data were not available, our observations were obtained during an experiment carried out on a sample of 42 non-industrial private forest owners located in the Aquitaine region of France. We were therefore able to introduce variability in some characteristics such as age
and education level. The experiment was developed with the assistance of the Aquitaine Regional Private Forest Property Center. Aquitaine is one of the major French regions in terms of timber production, with an average forest area of 12 hectares. The most common tree species is maritime pine and the main threat is fire risk. Therefore, for the purpose of the experiment, participants were given a hypothetical framework in which they owned 12 hectares of maritime pine located in Aquitaine and were exposed to a fire risk. Each participant was given eight scenarios. For each scenario, the subject was asked to indicate her/his maximum willingness to pay (WTP) to be fully covered against fire risk. Each scenario included three types of information as indicated in Table 1: (i) the type of public assistance in the case of a disaster; (ii) probabilistic information about the risk of fire in the area where the forest is located, given as the annual probability (%) of a fire entirely destroying the forest; and (iii) the average gross annual revenue that the forest generates. The first and last variables were within-subject variables, while the second one was a between-subject variable. The observation of WTP values and these three types of information are the experimental data.
[Table 1 here]
At the end of the experiment, the participants completed a questionnaire concerning their personal characteristics and those of their forest property. The set of explanatory variables is thus composed of a mixture of experimental data and data on forest owners’ characteristics. In addition, we removed two individuals from our sample of 42 non-industrial private forest owners because they had just participated in the experimental part of the survey and they did not want to provide personal information. As a consequence, the sample used in this study is composed of 40 non-industrial French private forest owners.
Experimental data
The experimental data can be broken down into three categories of factors: type of public assistance, probabilistic information and expected loss. Type of public assistance. In the experiment, four alternatives were considered: (1) no public assistance in the case of a disaster; (2) a fixed assistance (F A)4 awarded to the owner, regardless of her/his insurance behavior; (3) a contingent fixed assistance (CFA) awarded to the owner only if s/he is insured; and (4) an insurance subsidy (IS)5 . Our first explanatory variable is therefore the type of public assistance (PA). Probabilistic Information. The experiment also tested the effect of precise or ambiguous information about the probability of fire occurrence on insurance behavior. In fact, the knowledge of an exact probability of natural hazard occurrence is difficult due to climate change that increases the frequency of disasters. For that reason, we considered two situations: a risky situation where the probability of risk occurrence is well-known, and an ambiguous situation where the individuals are informed that experts give several probabilities of occurrence and that it is not possible to indicate which one is more likely than the other (Gardenfors and Sahlin [11]). In the risky case, the probability of risk occurrence is equal to 0.2%.6 In the ambiguous case, four potential probabilities of occurrence are given: 0.05%, 0.15%, 0.25% and 0.35%. Consequently, our second explanatory variable, probabilistic information (P I), is binary: risky context (P I = 0) or ambiguous context (P I = 1). Expected loss. In the experiment, each forest owner is presented with two levels of forestry revenue: a low revenue of e250/hectare/year and a high revenue of e500/hectare/year. Consequently, the expected loss of forestry revenue is represented by a binary variable that takes the values of e0.5/hectare or e1/hectare, respectively, i.e., 0.2% × e250 and 0.2% × e500. The expected loss 4
The level is fixed at 1500 euros/ha. The subsidy corresponds to 50% of the fire insurance premium. 6 The French database TERUTI allows us to indicate that the probability of fire occurrence in Aquitaine over the period 1981-2003 is 0.2%. 5
(ELOSS) represents our third explanatory variable.
Data on forest owners’ characteristics
These data deal with the characteristics of the owners and forest property and constitute our last explanatory variable (CH).7 Owner characteristics. The characteristics of the 40 forest owners and their associated statistics are given in Table 2. In our sample, approximately 90% of the private forest owners were male. The majority of the owners had received a higher education (22 owners had the equivalent of a high school diploma or above). Seventeen owners were retired, while the second most common profession was farmer, including one-fourth of the owners. Very few forest owners lived alone (approximately 7.5%), and the majority of the households had two people. Concerning their total income, six of the 40 owners lived on less than e1000/month, while ten of them earned more than e3000/month. The category with the highest number of owners was e1000-2000/month. Finally, in our sample, the forest owners were, on average, 58 years old.
[Table 2 here]
Forest property characteristics. Summary statistics of the characteristics of the 40 forest properties are presented in Table 3.
[Table 3 here]
In our population, the majority of the forest properties were acquired after the 1970s (26 of the 40 properties). Among the 40 forest properties, the acquisition of 31 of them involved inheritances, often linked to another mode of acquisition: purchase (13 properties), alliance (two properties) and purchase and alliance (one property). A total of 95% of the forest properties were located in 7 Some of the statistics presented here are consistent with a French survey on forest owners (Agreste [9]). For example, this survey indicates that the main activity of French forest owners is “retired”, and the second one is “farmer”. In the same way, the majority of French forest owners acquired their property through inheritance.
Aquitaine. In our sample, the forest represented either a small part of their assets (for 11 owners, the forest constituted less than 5% of their assets) or it represented a high percentage (for ten owners, the forest represented more than 50% of their assets). The average area of forest property in this study was 241 hectares. Eighteen properties had never suffered from a fire. Finally, concerning fire risk management, four had never received public assistance in the case of fire occurrence, and approximately 75% claimed to have undertaken self-insurance activities on their property. In addition, nine forest owners were insured, corresponding to 22.5% of our sample. This proportion is very high compared to the rate of insured forest owners in France. For that reason, we analyze this observed insurance decision using a probit model. The results of the probit regression and the average marginal effects are presented in Table 4. [Table 4 here] The model adequately fits the data with a pseudo R-squared of 0.64. Several variables have a significant impact on the real insurance decision. In general, the probability of choosing insurance has been shown to be determined by the forest owner’s characteristics as well as the characteristics of the forest property but, surprisingly, not by the forest owner’s income. Average marginal effects are significantly different from zero at the 1% level for the following variables: education (Education), fire occurrence (Fire) and household members (Pers), and at the 5% level for the mode of forest acquisition (Inheritance). The estimation results show that the education level has a positive effect, so that a higher education level leads to an increase in the probability of insurance compared to a lower education level. Forest owners with higher education generally have a profession with responsibilities. They have access to more information on global environmental and climate change problems, facilitating their knowledge of extreme risks. They also have higher ecological and environmental concerns and awareness. The number of household members has a positive and significant impact on the insurance decision. The results also indicate that the fire risk occurrence has a relatively strong and positive influence on the insurance decision. In fact, forest owners whose 8
forest has been damaged by fire in the past are more likely to insure. The results also show that the mode of forest acquisition significantly affects the insurance decision. It appears that the forest owners who inherit their forests are less willing to insure, seeming to indicate that they are less sensitive to the loss risk of their forests.
Variables to be explained
We have 320 observations corresponding to the eight WTP values given by each of the 40 forest owners during the eight scenarios. The WTPs given by the forest owners range from 0 to e100/ha/year. WTPs are zero for n1 = 41 observations of the sample and the others are strictly positive (n2 = 279). The mean for the positive values is e4/ha/year (with a standard deviation of 10). In addition, the ratio WTP/ELOSS reveals that, on average, the forest owners are risk averse (Kunreuther [13]).8 Descriptive statistics are presented in Table 5. [Table 5 here] Insurance participation and coverage-level decisions are separated on the basis of the WTP values. A positive WTP indicates the purchase of an insurance contract, and zero indicates that the owner refuses to insure against fire risk. The coverage-level decision refers only to positive WTPs. Table 6 presents the means of explanatory variables according to insurance participation. First, the property area of forest owners with a positive WTP is approximately three times higher than those with a null WTP (76.97 hectares compared to 265.16 hectares). Second, it can be observed that among forest owners who reported a null WTP, very few are insured in the real world (only one null value out of 41), compared to the sample of positive WTPs (71 positive values out of 279). Therefore, participants who are insured in the real world seem to be more willing to hypothetically insure their forest. Third, profession appears to be a key factor in the decision to purchase an insurance contract. Our statistics show that an employee is more inclined to indicate 8
A ratio WTP/ELOSS greater than 1 corresponds to risk aversion, lower than 1 to risk loving, and equal to zero to neutrality in terms of risk.
a null WTP value (19.51%) than a positive one (5.73%), whereas the contrary is true for people who hold senior management positions (9.76% report a null value of WTP and 21.5% a positive one). Fourth, inheritance is the most common mode of forest acquisition among forest owners who reported a null value of WTP, whereas it is the combination of Inheritance and Purchase for those who reported a positive WTP value. Fifth, with a Fixed Subsidy, 36.58% of the WTPs are null, while 23.3% are positive. This tendency of a reduction in the probability to insure due to a subsidy is in accordance with previous studies on this topic (Brunette and Couture [5]; Brunette et al. [4]). Sixth, within a context of ambiguity, the percentage of positive WTP values is higher. There is an inverse link within a risky context. Ambiguity seems to encourage forest owners to purchase an insurance contract, as suggested by Brunette et al. [4]. [Table 6 here] The model seeks to explain the variations of WTP for insurance against fire risk.
The model
We use a simple structural model of choice between being (totally) insured against fire risk and not being insured. It is based on the random utility model (RUM, McFadden [20]). The indirect utility v of the respondent i for insurance level qi is written as:
vi = v(qi , Ii , Xi , ǫi ),
where Ii represents the total income of the forest owner i, Xi = {P Ai , P Ii , CHi } is the set of explanatory variables defined above, and ǫi is an error term for unobserved variations in preferences. For the sake of simplicity, we suppose that total insurance corresponds to qi = 1 (whereas qi = 0 means no insurance). Since qi is the same for all forest owners, it no longer appears in our model in the rest of this section. 10
Moreover, like in our experiment, the expected income does not vary between forest owners, so we can simplify our model by eliminating this variable. Let the subscripts ‘0’ and ‘1’, respectively, denote two possible levels of utility according to insurance participation (1 for insurance). The forest owner i will be willing to pay the amount ti ≥ 0 for insurance if the utility in state ‘1’, minus the required payment, exceeds the utility in state ‘0’, taking the expected loss (ELOSS) into account in the case of fire: v1 (−ti , Xi , ǫ1i ) ≥ v0 (−ELOSSi , Xi , ǫ0i ). As in many applications, we choose a simple form for the indirect utility function where the explanatory variables are entered linearly, such that: v0 = α01 − α02 ELOSSi + α03 Xi + ǫ0i and v1 = α11 − α12 ti + α13 Xi + ǫ1i . On the basis of these definitions of indirect utility, we can write:
v1 − v0 = α1 − α12 ti + α02 ELOSSi + α3 Xi + ǫ01i ,
where α1 = α11 − α01 and α3 = α13 − α03 . Finally, ǫ01i = ǫ1i − ǫ0i is the new error term. On the basis of equation (2), the owner’s maximum WTP is given by the value W T Pi = ti , which solves v1 − v0 = 0, i.e., W T Pi =
α1 +α02 ELOSSi +α3 Xi +ǫ01i . α12
We can rewrite this regression equation as:
W T Pi = β1 + β2 ELOSSi + β3 Xi + ui ,
where β1 = α1 /α12 , β2 = α02 /α12 , β3 = α3 /α12 and ui = ǫ01i /α12 . To simplify the notation, we rewrite equation (3) as: W T Pi = XW i β + ui , where XW = {1, ELOSS, X} and β = {β1 , β2 , β3 }. When a large number of zero responses are present, a standard method is to use a Tobit model for censored data. However, the censoring mechanism and the outcome variable (i.e., the WTP) may be modelled using separate processes. In our study, to explain individual WTP for insurance against fire risk, we can first model insurance participation with a selection (or participation) equation:
Zi∗ = XZi γ + vi ,
where Zi∗ is a latent variable, XZi a vector of exogenous variables and γ the associated vector of parameters.9 The set of exogenous variables XZ can, in theory, be exactly the same as XW because of the (non-linear) parametric assumptions on the distribution of errors. Identification problems may occur in some cases when a restriction on the regressors is made. However, in many applications such as ours, it can be very difficult to make defensible exclusion restrictions. The second process may explain the WTP associated with insurance participation:
W T Pi =
XW i β + ui 0
if Zi∗ > 0
The parameters β and γ of the sample selection model composed of equations (4) and (5) can be efficiently estimated by the full maximum likelihood method. ui and vi are the random disturbances following a bivariate normal distribution: (ui , vi ) ∼ BV N (0, 0, σ, 1, ρ), with zero means and where ρ is the correlation coefficient (between ui and vi ) and σ is the variance of ui . Both parameters ρ and σ have to be estimated.
Accounting for observed insurance decisions
The advantage of our experiment is to examine an intervention in the real world with real subjects rather than in the laboratory with students, as is often the case. In particular, the experimental decisions are likely to be dependent on realized decisions. In the case of our hypothetical framework in which forest owners are assumed to own a given area of maritime pine and to be exposed to fire risk, the experimental responses, i.e., their requested WTP for fire insurance, are likely to be correlated with their real choice of insurance. 9
The sample rule is Zi = 1 if Zi∗ > 0 and 0 otherwise, and can be represented by a probit model: P (Zi = 1) = Φ(XZi γ), where Φ(.) is the standard normal cumulative distribution function.
A corrective method for sample selection (van de Ven and van Praag, 1981) is thus applied in the probit equation of the Heckman two-part model. This method consists in calculating the Mills ratio from the probit estimates of the observed insurance and reporting it, once corrected, for heteroscedasticity in the probit interest equation.10
Clustering and adjustment
In our experiment, each forest owner reports as many WTP as there are scenarios (eight in all). We therefore have to take the clustering of individual observations into account (Wooldridge [28]). In particular, the standard errors are biased when usual estimation methods such as ordinary least squares or maximum likelihood are used because of the presence of an unobserved cluster effect in the error term. In our estimation, the standard errors are corrected to allow intra-subject (i.e., forest owner) correlation. Estimates of the complete model (regression and selection equations) are reported in Table 7.
[Table 7 here]
Before commenting on estimation results, it is important to make some remarks on the adjustment of the model. First, the null hypothesis that ρ is zero is largely rejected at the 1% level, indicating the validity of jointly estimating the insurance participation (selection equation) and the coverage-level decision (WTP equation). Second, the reported model χ2 test (a Wald test), validating that all coefficients in the regression equation (except the constant) are zero, shows that the regressors generally explain the variations in WTP values.
Determinants of insurance participation and coverage-level decisions
First of all, it is worth noting that the coefficient of the Mills ratio obtained from the estimation of the observed insurance choice is highly significantly different from zero. This result and estimation 10
See Garcia et al. (2009) for an application of a probit model with sample selection.
results reported in Table 4 confirm that real insurance and experimental insurance decisions are not based on the same determinants, but that both process are positively correlated. Impact of public assistance. Intuitive behaviors can be observed regarding the effect of a fixed assistance (FA) and a contingent fixed assistance (CFA). The variable FA, in fact, has a significant and negative impact on insurance participation at the 1% level (with a value of -0.363). This means that a fixed assistance discourages owners from taking out an insurance contract. This empirical result validates the theoretical conclusion that government assistance reduces the incentive to insure (Kaplow [16]; Coate [6]; Kim and Schlesinger [17]; Raschky and Weck-Hannemann [23]; Brunette and Couture [5]). This result reflects the so-called ‘Charity Hazard’ defined by Browne and Hoyt [3]. Consequently, the forest owner’s failure to insure could be a consequence of the compensation provided by government disaster relief programs. The variable CFA has a significant and positive impact on insurance participation (with a value of 0.339) and a negative effect on the coverage-level decision (with a value of -0.419) but not quite significantly. On the one hand, in order to receive a contingent fixed assistance, the forest owner is obligated to take out insurance, a particularly persuasive means to increase insurance participation. On the other hand, when the government awards a contingent fixed assistance, the owner’s WTP is then decreased compared to a situation with no public assistance. This behavior is consistent with intuition because when the owner receives public assistance, s/he requires a lower insurance indemnity to maintain a constant level of coverage. In the case of a disaster, a part of the loss is covered by insurance and the other part by government compensation. This appears to be a sort of ‘complementarity’ between insurance demand and public assistance. This result is also coherent with the theoretical conclusion of Brunette and Couture [5] showing that contingent fixed assistance leads to more insurance than contingent fixed assistance independent of insurance behavior. However, more surprisingly, an insurance subsidy (IS) has no significant effect on insurance participation or on coverage-level decisions.
Impact of probabilistic information. The variable P I has a significant and positive impact on insurance participation (value of 0.934) at the 10% level, and on the coverage-level decision at the 1% level (value of 6.876). This implies that in the presence of ambiguity concerning the probability of fire occurrence, the forest owner wants to transfer the risk to the insurance company more than when the probability of fire occurrence is precise. This result seems to suggest that in a context where climate change modifies the frequency of fire and leads to imprecision in risk estimation, individuals will take out more insurance contracts. Moreover, this result confirms the theoretical conclusion that ambiguity raises the level of insurance coverage (Brunette et al. [4]; Alary et al. [1]). Impact of expected loss. We found that the variable ELOSS has a significant and positive effect on the coverage-level decision (and positive but not significant for insurance participation). This means that as the expected loss increases, the forest owner’s incentives to insure are increased and the amount that s/he is ready to pay to be fully covered also increases. The higher the profitability of the forest is (i.e., the higher the potential loss is), the higher the insurance level will be. This result may explain the under-insurance of French private forest owners. In fact, the French private forest area is highly fragmented, with 10.6 million hectares for 3.5 million owners (Puech [22]), explaining the low profitability of some properties. Impact of forest and forest owners’ characteristics. Concerning the personal characteristics of forest owners, one main result appears. Education significantly affects insurance decisions. Indeed, a low education level (referred to as Education - Cat. 1) has a significant and negative effect on insurance participation (value of -0.930) and on coverage-level decisions (value of -4.636). Concerning the characteristics of forest stands, only the variable Area (i.e., the real-world forest area of the forest owner) has a significant and positive impact on insurance participation. Finally, having benefited from public assistance following a fire occurrence highly decreases the WTP for insurance at the 1% level. Forest owners therefore consider that such assistance will be
available for the future occurrence of natural events, implying that part of the damage will be covered by this assistance and thus reducing the need for insurance coverage.
In this article, we analyze the forest owner’s insurance participation and coverage-level decisions against fire risk. In particular, we attempt to explain why some forest owners are insured while others are not, focusing on four explanatory variables. The first one indicates that among the three types of public assistance proposed, two have a significant impact on the forest owner’s insurance decision process. The contingent fixed assistance seems to encourage owners to participate in insurance, whereas the fixed assistance has the opposite effect. Our second explanatory variable, probabilistic information, implies that ambiguity about the probability of natural risk occurrence leads to a significant increase in insurance participation and in the coverage-level decision. The third explanatory variable shows that the higher the expected loss is (due to higher forest income or to higher risk), the greater the coverage-level decision is. Finally, the characteristics of some forest owners, particularly their level of education, play an important role. Some of the characteristics of the forest property are also of interest, including the area. These results are of particular interest within a context of climate change because countries will probably be exposed to more frequent natural hazards with more extensive damage and should adapt their current forest insurance schemes to this new reality. Our results suggest that the most efficient type of public assistance in terms of incentives for coverage is the contingent fixed assistance. This system, currently used for storm risk, could be extended to forest fire risk in France and, consequently, represents a potential solution to incite forest owners to adopt insurance. The implementation of contingent fixed assistance could have several positive consequences for French policy makers. First, since it incites the forest owner to adopt an insurance policy, this system could contribute to the reduction of public funds earmarked for the compensation of victims and,
as a result, to the increase of fire-fighting budgets. Second, the cost of this implementation could be very low compared to a stricter reform of the French forest insurance scheme. In fact, like in Denmark, the French government could require insurance companies to distribute public assistance to insured forest owners whose property has been damaged.
Acknowledgments The UMR Economie Forestière is supported by a grant from the French National Research Agency (ANR) as part of the “Investissements d’Avenir” program (ANR-11-LABX-0002-01), ARBRE Lab of Excellence.
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American Economic
Table 1: Experimental design General context
You are participating in an experiment on decision-making processes. For each question, assume that you own a forest of 12 hectares of maritime pine in the Aquitaine region of France. This forest provides you with an annual revenue depending on the situation described. Your forest is exposed to a fire risk.
Information about the probability*
Risky context Throughout the experiment, assume that there is no uncertainty about the annual probability of fire damage. The probability of a fire destroying your forest this year has been scientifically assessed at 0.2%
Ambiguous context Throughout the experiment, assume that there is some uncertainty about the annual probability of fire damage. Four experts have given you four different estimates of the probability of a fire destroying your forest this year: 0.05%, 0.15%, 0.25% and 0.30%
Information about income**
Low income Your forest provides an annual income of e250/hectare/year, i.e., e3000/year.
High income Your forest provides an annual income of e500/hectare/year, i.e., e6000/year.
Information about the government program**
No assistance In the case of a disaster, the government does not help you.
Fixed assistance In the case of a disaster, you receive a fixed public assistance of e1500.
Contingent fixed assistance In the case of a disaster, you receive a fixed public assistance of e1500 if you are insured.
Insurance subsidy The government subsidizes 50% of your fire insurance premium.
WTP for Insurance
1. What is the maximal amount of annual premium that you are willing to pay to be fully covered against potential losses due to fire? (in e/ha/year)
* Between-subject variable. ** Within-subject variable.
Table 2: Indiviual characteristics of forest owners Variable
Gender (Dummy variable, 1 for Male) Education levela (treated as a continuous variable) Cat. 1: General Certificate of Secondary Education Cat. 2: High school diploma Cat. 3: High school diploma +2, +3 and +4 years Cat. 4: High school diploma +5 and over Profession (Dummy variables) Retired people Farmers Intermediate professions Employees Managers Other Total income (treated as a continuous variable) Cat. 1: e3000
Retired Farmer Intermediate Employee Manager Other Income
Age Pers Child
Age (in years) Number of persons in the home Number of children
Nb of individuals
13 7 7 8
37.1 20 20 22.9
17 10 1 3 8 1
42.5 25 2.5 7.5 20 2.5
6 11 9 4 10
15 27.5 22.5 10 25
Std. Dev.
58.18 2.56 0.90
12.11 0.95 1.12
Note: Total number of forest owners N = 40. In the initial database, five forest owners did not answer this question. We completed these missing data with the mean value. a
Table 3: Characteristics of owner’s forest property Variable
Mode of forest acquisition (Dummy variables) Inheritance Purchase Alliance Inheritance and purchase Inheritance and alliance Inheritance, purchase and alliance Decade of forest acquisition (treated as a continuous variable) Cat. 1: 1940 Cat. 2: 1950 Cat. 3: 1960 Cat. 4: 1970 Cat. 5: 1980 Cat. 6: 1990 Cat. 7: < 10 years % of forest in the assets (treated as a continuous variable) Cat. 1: < 5% Cat. 2: 5 − 10% Cat. 3: 10 − 15% Cat. 4: 15 − 20% Cat. 5: 25 − 30% Cat. 6: 35 − 40% Cat. 7: 45 − 50% Cat. 8: > 50%
Nb of individuals
15 7 2 13 2 1
37.5 17.5 5 32.5 5 2.5
4 3 4 3 8 13 5
10 7.5 10 7.5 20 32.5 12.5
11 1 4 3 6 4 1 10
27.5 2.5 10 7.5 15 10 2.5 25
38 4 18 30 9
95 10 45 75 22.5
Std. Dev.
Dummy variables, 1 for yes Aquitaine Public-Assistance Fire Self-Insur Contract
Forest exclusively located in Aquitaine Public assistance Fire occurrence Self-insurance activities Fire insurance contract
Area of forest property (in hectares)
Note: Total number of forest owners N = 40
Table 4: Observed insurance decision Variable Education (Cat.4) Inheritance Fire Pers Income (Cat.1) Intercept N Log-likelihood χ2(5)
Probit regression Coef. Std. Err. ∗∗∗ 3.652 1.363 -2.616∗ 1.452 1.874∗∗ 0.903 1.075∗∗ 0.513 0.724 1.070 ∗∗ -5.528 2.197 40 -7.622 27.41
Average marginal effects dy/dx Std. Err. ∗∗∗ 0.382 0.047 -0.274∗∗ 0.117 0.196∗∗∗ 0.067 0.112∗∗∗ 0.035 0.076 0.110
Significance levels: ∗ ∗ ∗: 1% ∗∗: 5% ∗: 10%.
Table 5: Descriptive statistics on WTP Variable Obs Mean Median Std. Dev. Min WTP 320 3.49 0.50 9.39 0 WTP > 0 279 4.00 1.00 9.95 0.06 WTP/ELOSS 320 4.66 1.00 11.51 0
Max 100 100 100
Table 6: Insurance decision Variable null (n1 = 41)
WTP positive (n2 = 279)
Experimental data Type of public assistance No public assistance Fixed assistance (FA) Contingent fixed assistance (CFA) Insurance subsidy (IS)
21.95% 36.58% 14.63% 26.83%
25.45% 23.30% 26.52% 24.73%
53.66% 46.34%
49.46% 50.54%
31.71% 68.29%
41.22% 58.78%
1.66 39.02% 24.39% 0% 19.51% 9.76% 7.32% 2.41 58.27 2.32 0.88
2.38 43.01% 25.09% 2.87% 5.73% 21.50% 1.79% 3.11 58.16 2.58 0.90
56.10% 29.27% 2.44% 12.19% 0% 0% 3.32 3.83 92.68% 4.88% 39.02% 75.61% 2.44% 76.97
34.77% 15.77% 5.38% 35.48% 5.73% 2.87% 4.87 4.54 95.34% 10.75% 45.88% 74.91% 25.45% 265.16
Expected loss (ELOSS) Low High Probabilistic information (PI) Ambiguity Risk Characteristics of the forest owners Education level (average category) Retired persons Farmers Intermediate professions Employees Managers Other Total income (average category) Age (in years) Number of persons in the home Number of children Characteristics of the forest property Inheritance Purchase Alliance Inheritance and purchase Inheritance and alliance Inheritance, purchase and alliance Decade of forest acquisition (average category) % of forest in the assets (average category) Forest exclusively located in Aquitaine Public assistance Fire occurrence Self-insurance activities Fire insurance contract Property area (in hectares)
Table 7: Estimation results of the selection model Variable
Robust Std. Err.
Selection equation: Insurance decision ELOSS FA CFA PI Education (Cat. 1) Area (in log) Mills ratio Intercept
0.314 -0.363∗ ∗ ∗ 0.339∗ 0.934∗ -0.930∗∗ 0.459∗ ∗ ∗ 0.457∗∗ -0.916
(0.257) (0.108) (0.181) (0.492) (0.449) (0.158) (0.229) (0.733)
Interest equation: WTP ELOSS FA CFA IS PI Public Assistance Education (Cat. 1) Intercept
4.969∗∗ -0.005 -0.419 1.773 6.876∗∗ -2.925∗ ∗ ∗ -4.636∗∗ -0.641
(2.085) (0.396) (0.291) (1.541) (3.047) (1.135) (2.179) (1.340)
ρ σ
-0.370∗∗ 9.040∗ ∗ ∗
0.167 2.721
Wald test of independent eqns: ρ = 0 4.02∗∗ χ2(1)
Wald test of nullity of parameters in the interest equation: 25.40∗ ∗ ∗ (0.0006) χ2(7) Notes: N=320, Censored N= 41. Log-likelihood = −1100.634. Significance levels: ∗ ∗ ∗: 1% ∗∗: 5% ∗: 10%. Standard errors robust to within-cluster correlations.