OSTEOPOROTIC. PROXIMAL. FEMUR. Wojciech. Glinkowski , Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Department, Praski Hospital, Warsaw, Poland. The aim of theĀ ...
9 FEMORALE INFLUENCES THE FRACTURE SITE OF OSTEOPOROTIC PROXIMAL FEMUR Wojciech Glinkowski , Orthopaedics and Traumatology Department, Praski Hospital, Warsaw, Poland CALCAR
M. Tajuddin,SJ. Jqba~,W. Madira, LeicesterRoyal Infirmary, Leicester, U.K. Osl~oporosisof pregnancy is a rare condition of unknownaetiolgy. We report 4 cases.
The aim of the study was to evaluate how an a r c h i t e c t u r e of proximal femur may influence on l o c a t i o n of fracture gap around proxima] femur. Radiological m o r p h o m e t r y was performed on r a d i o g r a p h s of two groups of elderly woman suffering on femoral neck fractures and trochanteric fractures, i00 patients each. The calcar's shadow was observed on radiographs of nonfractured hips ir~ Lauenstein position. Femoral coJ-tJcodiaphyseal index, Singh's index, ca/car's length and other radiographic features w e r e a l s o measured. In cases of neck f r a c t u r e s calcar femorale was observed on al] radiograms. Average length of calcar m e a s u r e d on r e n t g e n o g r a m was 36.78 mm (S.E. ].21). S h a d o w of calear femoraIe was not observed on 27 radiograms of trochanteric fracture cases. Average length of calcar measured on r e n t g e n o g r a m was 17.35 mm {S.E. 1.31). One w a y a n a l y s i s of variance was used to compare evaluated populations. Statisticaly significant differences (p