Calendar Feb final.pdf - Orkney Communities

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5. Mini football 6.15pm. Girl Guides 7pm. Badminton 7.30pm. 6. Yoga 3pm. Music 8pm. Gym 7.30-9pm. 7 Playgroup 3pm. Youth Club 6.30pm. Hairy Bikers 7pm.
February 2014 MON













2 Kirk 12pm David Fidler

Gym 4-6pm 3 Cubs and Brownies 3pm

4 Playgroup 9.30am Gym 7-9pm

5 Mini football 6.15pm

6 Yoga 3pm

Girl Guides 7pm

Music 8pm Gym 7.30-9pm

Badminton 7.30pm 10 Cubs and Brownies 3pm

11 Playgroup 9.30am Gym 7-9pm

12 Mini football 6.15pm Badminton 7.30pm

13 Yoga 3pm Music 8pm Gym 7.30-9pm

17 Cubs and Brownies 3pm

18 Playgroup 9.30am

19 Lunch Club Mini football 6.15pm

24 Cubs and Brownies 3pm

20 Yoga 3pm Music 8pm

Gym 7-9pm

Girl Guides 7pm Badminton 7.30pm

Gym 7.30-9pm

25 Playgroup 9.30am Gym 7-9pm

26 Mini football 6.15pm Guides 7pm


Badminton 7.30pm

Gym 7.30-9pm

Yoga 3pm Music 8pm

7 Playgroup 3pm Youth Club 6.30pm Hairy Bikers 7pm @ Gatehouse Dancing 8pm


14 Playgroup 3pm Youth Club 6.30pm Hairy Bikers 7pm @ Gatehouse Dancing 8pm


21 Playgroup 3pm Youth Club 6.30pm Hairy Bikers 7pm @ Gatehouse Dancing 8pm

22 Haughland Crafty Week-end 12-4.30pm

28 Playgroup 3pm Youth Club 6.30pm Hairy Bikers 7pm @ Gatehpuse Dancing 8pm

9 Kirk 12pm Rev Julia Lewandowska Gym 4-6pm 16 Worship Group 12pm Kirk Gym 4-6pm 23 Kirk 12pm Val Kitchen Haughland Crafty Weekend 2-4pm

Kirk News At the kirk we’re well under way and a lot has been happening this last wee while. We had a meeting of the Sunday Club leaders and also a Kirk Session meeting. Sunday Club is going to continue as planned – do look out for dates. From next school year though we’ve decided to hold Sunday Club every three weeks to coincide with me coming out to Shapinsay to lead Sunday worship. I do look forward to working with the children and their parents too. In the summer we’re looking at a possibility of having a Holiday Club for primary school kids. It would involve a couple of hours every morning for a week where we would play games, sing, listen to stories and do crafts. When we have the dates confirmed, we will certainly let you all know. The session meeting was maybe the longest we’ve ever had – it lasted almost three hours!! – but it was very fruitful and productive. The Session members are all very dedicated and it was a pleasure to meet with them. We decided on the dates of communion services and the first one will take place already on the 9th February. If you’d like to take part in it, do come along – no invitations, cards or smart suits necessary. Whoever you are and wherever you are on your life’s journey, you are welcome here.1 I will also be running a membership class for those interested in the Church of Scotland and/or interested in joining it. If you’d like to attend, please speak to me: [email protected] or 874789. Looking forward to seeing you all soon! With every blessing,

Rev Julia Lewandowska

The Alternative Hairy Bikers Weight Loss Challenge Rides Again. Starting 7th February Running for 11 weeks until Friday 18th April Place:


Every Friday Time; 7pm Same Rules Price is £2 of which £1 goes towards the participant who looses the biggest % of their body weight each week. The other £1 goes towards the final prizes. Biggest kg weight loss Biggest % weight loss Best attempt as voted on by all participants