Calendar of Events (pdf) - Winthrop University

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The College of Visual and Performing Arts provides professional ... programs – theatre, dance, music, fine arts and in

events calendar FALL 2017

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College of Visual and Performing Arts at Winthrop University The College of Visual and Performing Arts provides professional programs for students preparing for careers in the arts, offers varied educational opportunities for students who wish to focus on one or more of the arts, and contributes to the arts education of all Winthrop University students. The academic disciplines within the college have been a central component of Winthrop’s commitment to the arts for more than a century. In fact, Winthrop is one of only seventeen universities in the United States and the only public or private institution in South Carolina with all five of its undergraduate and graduate arts programs – theatre, dance, music, fine arts and interior design – nationally accredited. Our faculty is composed of working professional artists and scholars who share a passion for teaching and who strongly believe that the arts serve as an expression of our culture’s values and heritage. The College of Visual and Performing Arts’ long-standing tradition as a center for quality creative expression and Winthrop University’s commitment to arts education and outreach combine to create a rich artistic environment that inspires students to achieve their academic and artistic goals. Additionally, the college is home to the acclaimed Winthrop University Galleries and the nationally recognized Arts in Basic Curriculum (ABC) Project arts education initiative.

Department of Design 803/323-3686 [email protected]

Department of Fine Arts 803/323-2126 [email protected]

Department of Music 803/323-2255 [email protected]

Department of Theatre & Dance 803/323-2287 [email protected]

Theatre & Dance Box Office 803/323-4014 [email protected]

Winthrop University Galleries 803/323-2493 [email protected]

Office of Communications & Community Engagement 803/323-2399 [email protected]

Events at a Glance Department of Theatre & Dance

Winthrop University Galleries

The Mystery of Love and Sex Wednesday – Sunday, Sept. 27 – Oct. 1 8 p.m. Wednesday – Saturday 2 p.m. Sunday Johnson Studio Theatre

Illustration Exhibition Tuesday, Sept. 12 – Monday, Sept. 25, 2017 Lewandowski Student Gallery

HAIR Wednesday – Sunday, Oct. 4 - 8 8 p.m. Wednesday – Saturday 2 p.m. Sunday Johnson Theatre Steel Magnolias Wednesday – Sunday, Nov. 1 – 5 8 p.m. Wednesday – Saturday 2 p.m. Sunday Johnson Studio Theatre Winthrop Dance Theatre Concert Thursday – Sunday, Nov. 9 – 12 8 p.m. Thursday – Saturday 2 p.m. Sunday Johnson Theatre Fall One-Act Festival Friday – Sunday, Nov. 17 – 19 8 p.m. Friday & Saturday 2 p.m. Saturday & Sunday Johnson Studio Theatre Senior Choreography Showcase Friday – Sunday, Dec. 1 – 3 8 p.m. Friday – Saturday 2 p.m. Sunday Johnson Theatre * Tickets required for all events listed above.

Art History Art History Association Film Festival Every Tuesday, Sept. 5 – Oct. 10 7 p.m. Kinard Auditorium My Brilliant Career in Art History Career Guidance Workshop Tuesday, Oct. 10 11 a.m. Rutledge 127

pen & ink: Winthrop’s Illustration Alumni Matthew Cordell ‘97 and Katie Kath ‘11 Friday, Sept. 22 – Friday, Nov. 17, 2017 Rutledge Gallery Precursors to the Digital Age: Commonplace Books, Scrapbooks & More by Dr. Laura Dufresne and Dr. Laura Gardner Friday, Sept. 22 – Friday, Nov. 17, 2017 Elizabeth Dunlap Patrick Gallery Printmaking Exhibition Tuesday, Oct. 3 – Monday, Oct. 16, 2017 Lewandowski Student Gallery Visual Communication Design Exhibition Tuesday, Oct. 24 – Monday, Nov. 6, 2017 Lewandowski Student Gallery A Retrospective Exhibition by Nancy Thomas ‘67 Monday, Nov. 13 – Sunday, Nov. 19, 2017 Lewandowski Student Gallery Art Education Exhibition Tuesday, Nov. 28 – Monday, Dec. 4, 2017 Lewandowski Student Gallery Fine Arts Faculty Exhibition: Marge Moody Monday, Dec. 11, 2017 – Friday, Mar 9, 2018 Rutledge Gallery 50th Anniversary South Carolina Fellow Exhibition: Jim Arendt Monday, Dec 11, 2017 – Friday, March 9, 2018 Elizabeth Dunlap Patrick Gallery Painting Exhibition Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2017 – Monday, Jan. 15, 2018 Lewandowski Student Gallery

Department of Music George Palton, tuba Guest Artist Series Wednesday, Sept. 13 7:30 p.m. Barnes Recital Hall The Border Quintet Faculty Series Wednesday, Sept. 27 7:30 p.m. Barnes Recital Hall Concert on the Lawn featuring Winthrop Wind Symphony & Winthrop Symphonic Band Lorrie Crochet & Doug Presley, conductors Sunday, Oct. 1 5 p.m. Winthrop Amphitheatre *Blankets and picnics encouraged* Winthrop Woodwind Chamber Ensemble Ensemble Series Tracy Patterson, director Tuesday, Oct. 3 7:30 p.m. Barnes Recital Hall Tracy Patterson, jazz Faculty Series Thursday, Oct. 5 7:30 p.m. Barnes Recital Hall Winthrop Percussion Ensemble Ensemble Series Adam Snow, director Tuesday, Oct. 10 7:30 p.m. Barnes Recital Hall Winthrop Tuba-Euphonium Studio Recital Ensemble Series Doug Black, director Wednesday, Oct. 11 5:30 p.m. Barnes Recital Hall Doug Black, tuba Faculty Series Wednesday, Oct. 11 7:30 p.m. Barnes Recital Hall

Tuba-Euphonium Choir Ensemble Series Doug Black, director Thursday, Oct. 12 7:30 p.m. Barnes Recital Hall Winthrop Flute Choir Ensemble Series Jill O’Neill, director Wednesday, Oct. 18 7:30 p.m. Barnes Recital Hall Winthrop Trombone Choir Winthrop Trombone Studio Concert Ensemble Series Justin Isenhour, director Tuesday, Oct. 24 7:30 p.m. Barnes Recital Hall Winthrop Woodwind Quintet Ensemble Series Deborah Loomer, director Wednesday, Oct. 25 7:30 p.m. Barnes Recital Hall Winthrop Opera Theatre Jeffrey McEvoy, director Monday, Oct. 30 7:30 p.m. Barnes Recital Hall Winthrop Jazz Guitar Ensembles Ensemble Series Lewis H. Dickert, director Monday, Nov. 6 7:30 p.m. Barnes Recital Hall Winthrop Clarinet Choir Ensemble Series Deborah Loomer, director Wednesday, Nov. 8 7:30 p.m. Barnes Recital Hall Winthrop Wind Symphony Ensemble Series Lorrie Crochet, conductor Friday, Nov. 10 5 p.m. Byrnes Auditorium

Elaine Greenfield, piano Guest Artist Series Monday, Nov. 13 7:30 p.m. Barnes Recital Hall Winthrop Jazz Ensemble Ensemble Series Tracy Patterson, director Thursday, Nov. 16 7:30 p.m. Barnes Recital Hall Winthrop Chorale & Winthrop Chamber Singers Ensemble Series Jeremy Mims, conductor Monday, Nov. 20 7:30 p.m. McBryde Hall Winthrop Collegiate Choir Ensemble Series Jeremy Mims, conductor Tuesday, Nov. 28 7:30 p.m. Barnes Recital Hall Winthrop Symphonic Band Winthrop Wind Symphony Ensemble Series Douglas Presley & Lorrie Crochet, conductors Thursday, Nov. 30 7:30 p.m. Byrnes Auditorium Winthrop Opera Theatre Children’s Opera Jeffrey McEvoy, director Saturday, Dec. 2 10 a.m. Barnes Recital Hall Winthrop Symphony Orchestra Ensemble Series Doug Presley, conductor Sunday, Dec. 3 4 p.m. Byrnes Auditorium Carolinas Wind Orchestra Ensemble Series Lorrie Crochet, conductor Monday, Dec. 4 7:30 p.m. Byrnes Auditorium

*dates subject to change All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted. Visit for the most up-to-date information.

Theatre & Dance Productions

Mainstage Series HAIR

Book and Lyrics by James Rado and Gerome Ragni Music by Galt MacDermot

Wednesday, Oct. 4 – Saturday, Oct. 7, 8 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 8, 2 p.m. Johnson Theatre “HAIR” celebrates the sixties counterculture in all its barefoot, long-haired, bell-bottomed, beaded and fringed glory. To an infectiously energetic rock beat, the show wows audiences with songs like “Aquarius,” “Good Morning, Starshine,” “Hair,” “I Got Life,” and “Let the Sun Shine.” Exploring ideas of identity, community, global responsibility and peace, “HAIR” remains relevant as ever as it examines what it means to be a young person in a changing world. (mature content)

Winthrop Dance Theatre Concert Thursday, Nov. 9 – Saturday, Nov. 11, 8 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 12, 2 p.m. Johnson Theatre A full evening of works choreographed by Winthrop University faculty and guest artists.

Student Works Series The Mystery of Love and Sex By Bathsheba Doran

Wednesday, Sept. 27 - Saturday, Sept. 30, 8 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 1, 2 p.m. Johnson Studio Theatre Deep in the American South, Charlotte and Jonny have been best friends since they were nine. She’s Jewish, he’s Christian, he’s black, she’s white. Their differences intensify their connection until sexual desire complicates everything in surprising, compulsive ways. An unexpected love story about where souls meet and the consequences of growing up. (mild adult themes and language)

Steel Magnolias By Robert Harling

Wednesday, Nov. 1 – Saturday, Nov. 4, 8 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 5, 2 p.m. Johnson Studio Theatre “Steel Magnolias” (the basis for the much-loved Oscar-nominated film) is the bittersweet story of six women who gather under the dryers at Truvy’s Beauty Salon to share gossip, laughter, recipes and beauty secrets on four significant days across three years of their lives in a small Southern town. When tragedy strikes, they face it with sass and strength, supporting each other through thick and thin. By turns hilarious and poignant, “Steel Magnolias” is a heart-warming portrait of friendship and love.

Student-Directed Fall One-Act Festival Friday, Nov. 17 & Saturday, Nov. 18, 8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 18 & Sunday, Nov. 19, 2 p.m. Johnson Studio Theatre This lively, entertaining and eclectic mix of oneact plays directed by advanced theatre students is a highlight of Winthrop’s Homecoming and Reunion Weekend. (mature content and language)

Senior Choreography Showcase Friday, Dec. 1 & Saturday, Dec. 2, 8 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 3, 2 p.m. Johnson Theatre A showcase of modern dance works featuring the choreographic talents of senior dance majors.

Winthrop University Galleries Exhibitions Edmund D. Lewandowski Student Gallery Illustration Exhibition Tuesday, Sept. 12 – Monday, Sept. 25, 2017 Printmaking Exhibition Tuesday, Oct. 3 – Monday, Oct. 16, 2017 Visual Communication Design Exhibition Tuesday, Oct. 24 – Monday, Nov. 6, 2017 A Retrospective Exhibition by Nancy Thomas ‘67 Monday, Nov. 13 – Sunday, Nov. 19, 2017 Public Reception: Tuesday, Nov. 14, 5 – 7 p.m. Art Education Senior Exhibition Tuesday, Nov. 28 – Monday, Dec. 4, 2017 Painting Exhibition Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2017 – Monday, Jan. 15, 2018

Winthrop University Galleries Hours Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Closed Sept. 4, Oct. 16 – 17, Nov. 22 – 26, & Dec. 18, 2017 – Jan. 5, 2018 All events are free and open to the public.

Above: Matthew Cordell “Wolf in the Snow” cover illustration, 2017 Left: Marge Loudon Moody, “Time to Stand and Stare,” 2015. Series: Walk, 12” x 12”, acrylic gouache collage on paper

Rutledge & Elizabeth Dunlap Patrick Galleries pen & ink: Winthrop Illustration Alumni Matthew Cordell ‘95 & Katie Kath ‘11 Friday, Sept. 22 – Friday, Nov. 17, 2017 Rutledge Gallery

Opening Reception: Friday, Sept. 22, 2017, 6:30 - 8 p.m. pen & ink celebrates two acclaimed children’s book illustrators and Winthrop alumni Matthew Cordell ‘97 and Katie Kath ‘11. The exhibition focuses on each illustrator’s style and process from early sketches to the final published books. Cordell’s many acclaimed books for children include “Toby and the Snowflakes,” “Mighty Casey” and “Special Delivery,” a Washington Post best picture book of 2015. He is the author and illustrator of “Trouble Gum,” “Another Brother,” “Wish” and “Hello! Hello!,” a New York Times Notable picture book. Cordell resides in Chicago with his wife and two children. Katie Kath earned her M.F.A. from Savannah College of Art and Design and is currently living in Winston Salem, North Carolina. Kath’s clients include Abrams, Penguin-Random House, Running Press Books (Perseus Books) and most recently she completed a re-illustration of “Come Over to My House,” an out-of-print Dr. Seuss book for its 50th anniversary edition.

Precursors to the Digital Age: Commonplace Book, Scrapbooks & More by Dr. Laura Dufresne & Dr. Laura Gardner Friday, Sept. 22 – Friday, Nov. 17, 2017 Elizabeth Dunlap Patrick Gallery

Opening Reception: Friday, Sept. 22, 2017, 6:30 - 8 p.m. This interdisciplinary and multi-media exhibition contains work from the 2016 National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) summer seminar for university educators hosted at UNC Asheville (pictured below). Lead by Winthrop University Fine Arts Professors Laura Gardner and Laura Dufresne, the 16 participants researched evolving forms of note-taking and remembering throughout history through speakers and book-making workshops, as well as archival and museum collection research. The exhibition highlights the diverse, interdisciplinary responses to the two-week seminar, as seen through the participants’ art, creative writing, book forms and teaching.

Fine Arts Faculty Exhibition: Marge Loudon Moody

Monday, Dec. 11, 2017 – Friday, March 9, 2018 Rutledge Gallery

Opening Reception: Friday, Jan. 26, 2018, 6:30 – 8 p.m. Marge Loudon Moody, a long-standing professor in fine art at Winthrop University, will present an exhibition celebrating her career as an artist and educator for more than 30 years. Moody’s artwork emanates from her experience of different places under one large, overall theme entitled “Other Worlds.” While the work differs from series to series, each is connected by common threads that reflect her experience of these particular places, or “worlds,” sometimes directly, often subconsciously. Line, shape, color and space are intuitively manipulated until they find their exact place in the pieces as she strives to capture the essential nature of these subjects through drawing, painting, collage, and abstraction.

50th Anniversary South Carolina Fellows Exhibition: Jim Arendt Monday, Dec. 11, 2017 – Friday, March 9, 2018 Elizabeth Dunlap Patrick Gallery

Opening Reception: Friday, Jan. 26, 2018, 6:30 – 8 p.m. Jim Arendt’s exhibition is a part of the South Carolina Arts Commission’s 50th Anniversary celebration that includes 15 solo and group exhibitions taking place throughout South Carolina of current and past Visual Artist Fellowship recipients. Arendt recieved his fellowship in 2014. His work explores the shifting paradigms of labor and place through narrative figure painting, drawing, prints, fabric, and sculpture. Influenced by the radical reshaping of the rural and industrial landscapes in which he was raised, he investigates how individual lives are affected by transitions in economic structures. Arendt’s work has been exhibited internationally in numerous group and solo shows. Arendt recieved his B.F.A. from Kendall College of Art & Design and his M.F.A. from the University of South Carolina. He is currently an assistant professor of art and the director of the Rebecca Randall Bryan Art Gallery at Coastal Carolina University. Below: “Cat: Free Will Ain’t Cheap,” 2016. 85” x 60”, denim applique, machine embroidery.

Support the Arts

at Winthrop University The Friends of the Conservatory The Friends of the Conservatory membership promotes the mission of the Department of Music throughout the local and regional communities. Its goals are to support music students with increased funding for scholarships and to establish a Friends of the Conservatory Concert Series. Memberships provide opportunities for alumni, the community, and friends of Winthrop to remain connected with current and contemporary music students and educators, conductors, and performers. For more information, contact the Department of Music at 803/323-2255.

The Producers’ Circle The Producers’ Circle is a membership in the Department of Theatre and Dance that has been established to communicate with the community, alumni, and friends of Winthrop University, and to enrich the diverse cultural life in York, Mecklenburg, and surrounding counties of the Carolinas. Most importantly, subscriptions to the Producers’ Circle support scholarships for theatre and dance majors at Winthrop University. Support can be provided through various subscriber categories. A portion of each subscription is tax-deductible and includes benefits and ticket costs for the vibrant productions offered each season. For more information, contact the Department of Theatre and Dance at 803/323-2287.

The Patrons of the Winthrop University Galleries The Patrons of the Winthrop University Galleries is an advocacy and support group of Winthrop University Galleries. Its purpose is to reach out to the community, alumni, and friends of Winthrop University and to enrich the diverse cultural life in York, Mecklenburg, and surrounding counties of the Carolinas. Most importantly, the Patrons provide the galleries and the students within the Department of Fine Arts and the Department of Design a vital link to the community. Support can be provided in several of the following ways: through a tax-deductible donation to support our ongoing exhibitions and programs, by sponsoring awards in the Annual Juried Exhibition, or by sponsoring a reception. For more information, contact Winthrop University Galleries at 803/323-2493.

The Medal of Honor in the Arts The Winthrop University Medal of Honor acknowledges the unique roles of individuals and groups who have made a significant contribution to the arts, as well as those who have positively impacted the quality of cultural life in communities across the Carolinas. First established in 2001, the Medal of Honor in the Arts is not limited to a single arts discipline or area of artistic endeavor. This award honors those who have encouraged the arts and offered inspiration to others either through their distinguished achievement, artistic excellence, support or patronage. A biannual event is held to honor these recipients and a scholarship is awarded to a CVPA student. For more information, contact the Office of Communications & Community Engagement at 803/323-2399.

Event Information Location and Parking

Seating Policy

All performances, exhibitions and events listed in this brochure take place on the campus of Winthrop University.

The Johnson Studio Theatre (black box) has limited seating and therefore may sell out quickly. Guests who arrive after the production has begun may be held or unable to take their seats due to the stage configuration. Other seating policies may be implemented on an individual basis.

Parking is available to campus guests for evening and weekend events across campus. Guests visiting the Winthrop University Galleries during regular business hours should visit Campus Police prior to parking to obtain a parking pass.

Electronic Devices Cameras and recorders of any kind are not allowed. Cell phones must be silenced or turned off.

Tickets Tickets are not required for events at Winthrop University unless otherwise noted. Theatre and dance productions do require tickets and may be purchased online or over the phone. To reach the Department of Theatre and Dance box office, visit or call 803/323-4014.

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Office of Communications & Community Engagement College of Visual and Performing Arts 140 McLaurin Hall Rock Hill, SC 29733