California Treasures Combination Classrooms

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Work with your grade-level teams to form groups for reading and math in which ... least one of your two grades go to other classrooms for content area lessons (e.g. , Science and History- .... various imaginative forms of literature, including .... Suggested Daily Schedule for K–1, 1–2, and 2–3 Combination Classrooms.
California Treasures Combination Classrooms A How-to Guide with Weekly Lesson Planners

Combination Classes: The Challenge Teaching combination classes is a formidable challenge. The need to teach two curriculums in what feels like half the time can be frustrating and daunting for many teachers. However, the materials that follow are designed to alleviate some of your concerns and increase the success you and your students will have with California Treasures. These materials include: ■ combination class lesson planners to make daily planning easier; ■ cross-grade standards correlations to enable you to teach related skills in whole-class settings; ■ suggested daily schedules with time frames to help you effectively monitor your time and

coordinate small groups; ■ tips for making combination classes easier to teach and manage; and ■ ideas for enlisting the help and support of administrators, colleagues, and parents.

10 Tips for Making Combination Classes Easier to Manage 1. Have clear expectations for all students from the beginning of the school year. Spend the first 4 –6 weeks teaching classroom routines and structure. Slowly phase in centers, an increased number of small groups, and other activities requiring student independence. 2. Ask the principal or administrator to select students for your class who are independent workers and can function well in a combination class. Motivated students who can work independently and with peers need less teacher direction and are ideal for this setting. (Note: In many yearround schools, this is not always possible as late-registering students are placed in these settings. If students can be moved from one class to another shortly after the school year starts, request necessary changes.) 3. Use the combination lesson planners provided in this document. These planners highlight related skills across grades and whole-class versus small-group instructional requirements. 4. Recruit class parents or members of the PTA to assist in your combination classroom. Actively recruit help. The more adults in the classroom—especially ones who can conduct or help manage small-group instructional sessions—the more successful you will be. 5. Create a physical environment that matches your goals and will work easily for both grades. Clearly indicate and separate noise zones from quiet zones. Note that it will be necessary to have one noisy zone in the classroom. In addition, establish consistent centers. Centers can help control behavior as they engage students and keep them on task. To make centers successful, consider the following: ■ Provide a center contract for each student and hold him/her accountable for completing each

day’s activities. (See the Weekly Contracts provided.) Assign specific centers to each group of students each day so the student flow through activities is appropriate and comprehensive. Use the Rotation Chart to assign centers. See the following for a five-group example (e.g., Group A goes to the Reading Center on Monday).


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Center Rotation Chart Reading Center

Writing Center

Phonics/ Word Study Center

Content Area Center

Computer Center































■ Model center projects and appropriate center behaviors. Establish a small set of center rules

and strictly enforce them. ■ Appoint a center helper to monitor supplies, questions, and behavior while you work with small

groups. A parent volunteer, if available, is particularly effective for this. Otherwise, a strong older student can fill this position. ■ Have a Question Chair in which students with concerns wait until you have an appropriate

break from small group instruction to address their concerns. ■ Analyze materials so there is a mix of structured activities (e.g., Workstation Flip Charts) and

free-play activities such as puzzles and games. Some student choice will actually help with discipline issues. 6. Be flexible. Continually assess what is working and what needs to be changed. 7. Vary your teaching to include both whole-group and small-group instruction as well as independent work time so that students have an opportunity to learn, practice, and apply what they are learning. 8. Let students learn from each other. Form partner teams for many of the activities. Pair students who can assist each other, but are not too far apart in terms of skill abilities as frustration for the stronger partner may result. 9. Maintain open communication with parents. Keep them informed about what reading standards and concepts their child should be mastering during the school year. Ask for their help with your combination classroom. 10. Rely on colleague support for planning, troubleshooting, and interacting professionally with parents and district personnel.


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Ideas for Enlisting the Help and Support of Administrators, Colleagues, and Parents Administrative Support Your principal can greatly affect your success by helping you and your grade-level teams select students who will function best in combination classrooms. Select these students based on overall skill level, ability to work independently, and classroom behavior. For example, high-functioning students can be placed in a combination classroom. Students similar in ability (e.g., mid/high Grade 4 with low Grade 5) also work well and make for a more homogeneous setting. Smaller class sizes are especially ideal for combination classes. To highlight the importance of student selection and its relation to combination classroom success, download the article “Teachers’ Views About Combination Classes” (Mason, Bums, Armesto; 1993; California Educational Research Cooperative, University of California, Riverside) at http://www for your principal to read. Also, enlist the help of your principal in getting volunteers or aides in your classroom. Be very vocal about getting this help. If no money is available for teacher aides, enlist the help of local colleges (e.g., teacher education candidates), high school students, members of local religious or service organizations, and parents. Remember that volunteers are just that—volunteers. Don’t criticize them when they cannot maintain a consistent schedule, always plan knowing that they may not be able to assist you on any given day, and continually thank them for the support they do provide.

Colleague Support Work with your grade-level teams to form groups for reading and math in which students are shared across classrooms. This will decrease the number of small groups you will need to teach and decrease your preparation time and workload. If that is not able to be arranged, recommend that students in at least one of your two grades go to other classrooms for content area lessons (e.g., Science and HistorySocial Science). This will require you to do only one preparation for these content areas, instead of two.

Parent Support Actively seek the help of parents. Clearly indicate your needs and time requirements. For example, some parents will be able to come once a week during the reading block. These parents can monitor centers while you work with small groups, alleviating management concerns. A few parents may be interested and/or able to help with some small-group instruction, especially for those students who need larger amounts of one-on-one support. Parents can also help with the following: ■ Create, organize, and maintain center

■ Copy and collate homework packets


■ Make instructional charts for the next

■ Order classroom supplies

day’s lessons ■ Gather materials for small group lessons

■ Type the weekly or monthly newsletter

■ File student works in portfolios

■ Coordinate or seek out donations from local

businesses and agencies

■ Plan fieldtrips and classroom parties

■ Make classroom games, flashcards, and other

■ Cut and mount bulletin board displays

learning tools

■ Record listening center tapes

■ Administer individual tests or review missed

■ Coordinate book orders

work for absent students


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Why Treasures Works for Combination Classrooms Most combination classes are formed when there are not enough students at one grade level to form an entire class. Therefore, an additional teacher is not funded. The result is one teacher is given students from two grades. This increases the prep time required by teachers in these settings. Many of the materials in California Treasures are ideal for combination classrooms and will assist in your success and decrease your prep time. These include the following and more:

Theme Overview Chart Personal Experiences

History/Social Science

Creative Expression



Spotlight on Grade


All About Us

Our Families, Our Neighbors

Have Fun!

Let’s Team Up

Nature Watch



Friends and Family

Community Heroes

Let’s Create

Better Together

Growing and Changing

The World Around Us


Let’s Learn

Neighborhoods and Communities

Express Yourself

Our Teams

Those Amazing Animals



Growing Up

Making a Difference

The Power of Words

Working Together


Problem Solving


Taking a Stand

The American West

Using Your Wits

Team Up to Survive




Our Stories

Ancient Civilizations

A Question of Values

Achieving Dreams

Our Incredible Earth

Rescue 9-1-1

Unit 1 Families

Unit 2 Friends

Unit 3 Transportation

Unit 4 Food

Unit 5 Animals

Unit 6 Neighborhood

Unit 7 Weather

Unit 8 Plants

Unit 9 Amazing Creatures

Unit 10 I Know a Lot!

Thematic Instruction: The overall structure of the program, in which the same themes are taught at each grade level (e.g., Creative Expression, Teamwork) but with increasing complexity, allow for multi-grade research projects, book lists, and other activities.


Informational Nonfiction

Informational Nonfiction

Ellis Ellis Island Ellis Island Ellis Island Island Informational Nonfiction

Informational Nonfiction


The Golden Doors by

Louise Orlando

Louise Orlando

The Golden Doors by

The Golden Doors

Louise Orlando



Louise Orlando

Skills-Based Practice Readers: These leveled books can be used across grades as the Approaching Level books are written 1–2 grades below level and the Beyond books are written 1–2 grades above level.




978-0-02-202140-5 MHID: 0-02-202140-X

978-0-02-202142-9 MHID: 0-02-202142-6

978-0-02-202146-7 MHID: 0-02-202146-9

978-0-02-202141-2 MHID: 0-02-202141-8

Literacy Workstation Flip Charts: These ready-made resources make planning and preparing for centers easy and quick. Just flip over the next activity and you are done! The activities are tightly connected to the week’s main skills and strategies, ensuring purposeful independent work.


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TeacherWorks Plus: This technology allows you to modify lesson plans with ease.

Description of Sound The sound of a in apple is called short a. It is a vowel. The vocal cords vibrate when making the short a sound. The tongue is behind the lower teeth and the sound is made at the front of the mouth. How to Make the Sound Position your tongue behind your bottom teeth. With your mouth wide open, pull back your lips in a partial smile.


Words for Oral Practice Initial Position add, ah, an, and, ant, as, ask, at Medial Position bad, bag, cat, dad, gap, jam, last, map, mat, nap, pan, ran, sat, tap, zap



Small Group Word Lists

Sound-Spelling Cards: A consistent set of Sound-Spelling Cards is used across K–6, allowing this valuable phonics/spelling resource to be used with all students.



My To-Do List

Teacher-Led Small Groups

✔ Put a check next to the activities you complete. Reading

Phonics⁄Word Study

Practice fluency

Write and pronounce words with short vowels

Read a newspaper article


Make homophone pairs

Writing Write about a civil rights leader

Make a science time line of the 1950s and 1960s

Report on the civil rights movement

Draw conclusions about this time

History⁄ Social Science © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill


Practice Readers

Research world records

Write About It!

Write an article

Content Connection

Technology Vocabulary Puzzlemaker

Literacy Workstations

Independent Activities




Independent Practice Practice Book, 9–20

Fluency Solutions Listening Library


A5WC_CA_RD10.indd 3

Technology Resources: A vast array of technology tools connected to the core curriculum provide valuable practice and application opportunities and keep students engaged during independent work time. These include StudentWorks Plus, Listening Library, and Fluency Solutions Audio CDs.

Unit 1 • Goin’ Someplace Special


10/5/07 4:49:08 PM

Rotation Chart and Weekly Contracts: These resources make classroom management easier, especially small-group rotations which can be initially challenging for students.

Vocabulary Routine READING GRADE 4



R 4.1.1 Read narrative and expository text aloud with grade-appropriate fluency and accuracy and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression.

R 5.1.1 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression.

R 6.1.1 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression.

R 4.1.4 Know common roots and affixes derived from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex words (e.g., international).

R 5.1.4 Know abstract, derived roots and affixes from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex words (e.g., controversial).

R 6.1.3 Recognize the origins and meanings of frequently used foreign words in English and use these words accurately in speaking and writing.

R 4.3.1 Describe the structural differences of various imaginative forms of literature, including fantasies, fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.

R 5.3.1 Identify and analyze the characteristics of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction and explain the appropriateness of the literary forms chosen by an author for a specific purpose.

R 6.3.1 Identify the forms of fiction and describe the major characteristics of each form.

R 4.3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their causes, and the influence of each event on future actions.

R 5.3.2 Identify the main problem or conflict of the plot and explain how it is resolved.

R 6.3.3 Analyze the influence of setting on the problem and its resolution.

R 4.3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and setting and of a character’s traits and motivations to determine the causes for that character’s actions.

R 5.3.3 Contrast the actions, motives (e.g., loyalty, selfishness, conscientiousness), and appearances of characters in a work of fiction and discuss the importance of the contrasts to the plot or theme.

R 6.3.2 Analyze the effect of the qualities of the character (e.g., courage or cowardice, ambition or laziness) on the plot and the resolution of the conflict.

Use the routine below to discuss the meaning of each word. Define: Memorials are reminders that honor someone who died. Example: The memorials are for the soldiers who died. Ask: What kinds of people are honored with memorials? Define: A monument is a public place that pays tribute to a person or event. Example: The city built a monument to the founding settlers. Ask: What monuments have you visited or read about? Define: An obelisk is a four-sided shaft of stone that gradually becomes smaller toward the top. Example: The obelisk seemed to disappear into the sky at its top. Ask: What effect do you think an obelisk has on observers?

Meeting Grade-Level Expectations Chart: This resource, located at the back of each Teacher’s Edition, shows related standards across multiple grades for skills taught in each unit. The chart shows what standards students should have mastered in the previous year, what the target standard is this year, and what related standard you are working towards for the upcoming year.

Classroom Routines: Consistent classroom instructional routines (e.g., Define/Example/ Ask vocabulary routine) are used across grades, accelerating student retention with routines and procedures.


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Theme Overview Chart The related themes in California Treasures enables the connection of literature readings, the learning of new concepts, and research projects across multiple grades.

Theme Overview Chart







Personal Experiences

History/ Social Science

Creative Expression



Spotlight on Grade

All About Us

Our Families, Our Neighbors

Have Fun!

Let’s Team Up

Nature Watch


Friends and Family

Community Heroes

Let’s Create

Better Together

Growing and Changing

The World Around Us

Let’s Learn

Neighborhoods and Communities

Express Yourself

Our Teams

Those Amazing Animals


Growing Up

Making a Difference

The Power of Words

Working Together


Problem Solving

Taking a Stand

The American West

Using Your Wits

Team Up to Survive



Our Stories

Ancient Civilizations

A Question of Values

Achieving Dreams

Our Incredible Earth

Rescue 9-1-1

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5






Unit 6

Unit 7

Unit 8






Unit 9 Amazing Creatures

Unit 10 I Know a Lot!

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Suggested Daily Schedule for K–1, 1–2, and 2–3 Combination Classrooms Effectively Managing Classroom Time

Whole Group Time: 15 Minutes Materials: Teacher’s Edition, Read Aloud Anthology, Big Books (See also “Cross-Grade Standards Correlations” on the following pages.) Description: Teacher reads from Read Aloud Anthology, Trade Book, or Big Book for fluency instruction and vocabulary building. Use this time for Theme Introduction and Big Question Board discussions, skills review, and research project set-up throughout the unit. Use this time to teach skills that are the same across grades (e.g., phonics or comprehension skill or strategy) based on Cross-Grade Standards Correlations.

Grade [1] Reading Group

Grade [2] Reading Group

Time: 30 minutes

Time: 30 minutes

Materials: Teacher’s Edition, Student Anthology, Practice Book

Materials: Workstation Flip Charts, Weekly Contracts, Rotation Chart

Description: Meet with one grade using Student Anthology and associated lessons in Core Curriculum.

Description: Other students work in centers (using Weekly Contracts, Rotation Chart, FlipCharts, Software)

Focus on reading of selection, preteaching vocabulary, and phonics portion of lessons.

If aide available, she/he teaches spelling, grammar, and additional vocabulary lessons.

Grade [2] Reading Group

Grade [1] Reading Group

Time: 30 minutes

Time: 30 minutes

Materials: Teacher’s Edition, Student Anthology, Practice Book

Materials: Workstation Flip Charts, Weekly Contracts, Rotation Chart

Description: Meet with the other grade using Student Anthology and associated lessons in Core Curriculum.

Description: Other students work in centers (use Weekly Contracts, Rotation Chart, FlipCharts, Software)

Focus on reading of selection, preteaching vocabulary, and phonics portion of lessons.

If aide available, she/he teaches spelling, grammar, and additional vocabulary lessons.


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Whole Group – Writing Time: 30 minutes Materials: Teacher’s Edition, Writer’s Notebooks Description: Teach related writing skills to whole group. For skills that are not in common between the two grades, teach two 15-minute lessons while other students write in their Writer’s Notebooks/Journals.

Skills-Based Small Groups Time: 45 minutes (three 15-minute groups) Materials: Teacher’s Edition, English Learner Resource Book, manipulatives, Skills-Based Practice Readers Description: Meet with three groups each day: English Learners, Approaching Level, and (alternate) On-Level/Beyond Level If aide available, she/he meets with three groups from other grade. Alternate grades each day if no aide is available. Other students work on assignments from reading and writing lessons from that day. The other students will do one or more of the following: 1. Reread the day’s selection (or portion read) with partners. Use Partner Feedback Fluency Forms or comprehension questions at end of selection to make students accountable for time. 2. Read Skills-Based Practice Reader individually or with partner and complete comprehension questions. 3. Read Wonders Content Readers and complete text structure writing frame and comprehension questions.

15 minutes daily

15 minutes daily

15 minutes daily

English Learners

Approaching Level

*If aide available, she/he will conduct same group with the other grade’s students.

*If aide available, she/he will conduct same group with the other grade’s students.

Alternate On-Level and Beyond Level


*If aide available, she/he will conduct same group with the other grade’s students.

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Suggested Daily Schedule for 3–4, 4–5, and 5–6 Combination Classrooms Effectively Managing Classroom Time

Whole Group Time: 15 Minutes Materials: Teacher’s Edition, Read Aloud Anthology, Trade Books (See also “Cross-Grade Standards Correlations” on the following pages.) Description: Teacher reads from Read Aloud Anthology or Trade Book to teach fluency skill and build vocabulary. Use this time for Theme Introduction and Big Question Board discussions, skills review, and research project set-up throughout the unit. Use this time to teach skills that are the same across grades (e.g., phonics or comprehension skill or strategy) based on Cross-Grade Standards Correlations.

Grade [4] Reading Group

Grade [5] Reading Group

Time: 20 minutes

Time: 20 minutes

Materials: Teacher’s Edition, Student Anthology, Practice Book

Materials: Workstation Flip Charts, Weekly Contracts, Rotation Chart

Description: Meet with one grade using Student Anthology and associated lessons in Core Curriculum.

Description: Other students work in centers (use Weekly Contracts, Rotation Chart, FlipCharts, Software)

Focus on reading of selection, preteaching vocabulary, and phonics portion of lessons.

If aide available, she/he teaches spelling, grammar, and additional vocabulary lessons.

Grade [5] Reading Group

Grade [4] Reading Group

Time: 20 minutes

Time: 20 minutes

Materials: Teacher’s Edition, Student Anthology, Practice Book

Materials: Workstation Flip Charts, Weekly Contracts, Rotation Chart

Description: Meet with the other grade using Student Anthology and associated lessons in Core Curriculum.

Description: Other students work in centers (use Weekly Contracts, Rotation Chart, FlipCharts, Software)

Focus on reading of selection, preteaching vocabulary, and phonics portion of lessons.

If aide available, she/he teaches spelling, grammar, and additional vocabulary lessons.


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Whole Group – Writing Time: 20 minutes Materials: Teacher’s Edition, Writer’s Notebooks Description: Teach main writing lesson whole group. For skills that are not in common between the two grades, teach two 15-minute lessons while other students write in their Writer’s Notebooks/Journals.

Skills-Based Small Groups Time: 45 minutes (three 15-minute groups) Materials: Teacher’s Edition, English Learner Resource Book, manipulatives, Skills-Based Practice Readers Description: Meet with three groups each day: English Learners, Approaching Level, and (alternate) On-Level/Beyond Level If aide available, she/he meets with three groups from other grade. Alternate grades each day if no aide is available. Other students work on assignments from reading and writing lessons from that day. The other students will do one or more of the following: 1. Reread the day’s selection (or portion read) with partners. Use Partner Feedback Fluency Forms or comprehension questions at the end of the story to make students accountable for time. 2. Read Skills-Based Practice Reader individually or with partner and complete comprehension questions. 3. Read Wonders Content Readers and complete text structure writing frame and comprehension questions. 15 minutes daily

15 minutes daily

15 minutes daily

English Learners

Approaching Level

*If aide available, she/he will conduct same group with the other grade’s students.

*If aide available, she/he will conduct same group with the other grade’s students.

Alternate On-Level and Beyond Level


*If aide available, she/he will conduct same group with the other grade’s students.

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Combination Class Standards Correlations Enabling Teachers to Teach Connected Skills During Whole-Group Time



READING 1.0 Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development Concepts About Print 1.1

Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.


Identify the title and author of a reading selection.


Follow words from left to right and from top to bottom on the printed page.


Understand that printed materials provide information.


Recognize that sentences in print are made up of separate words.


Match oral words to printed words.


Distinguish letters from words.


Identify letters, words, and sentences.


Recognize and name all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet.

Phonemic Awareness 1.7

Track (move sequentially from sound to sound) and represent the number, sameness/ difference, and order of two and three isolated phonemes (e.g., /f, s, th/, /j, d, j/ ).


Distinguish long- and short-vowel sounds in orally stated single-syllable words (e.g., bit/bite).


Track (move sequentially from sound to sound) and represent changes in simple syllables and words with two and three sounds as one sound is added, substituted, omitted, shifted, or repeated (e.g., vowel-consonant, consonantvowel, or consonant-vowel-consonant).


Add, delete, or change target sounds to change words (e.g., change cow to how; pan to an).


Blend vowel-consonant sounds orally to make words or syllables.


Blend two to four phonemes into recognizable words (e.g., /k/ /a/ /t/ = cat; /f/ /l/ /a/ /t/ = flat).


Create and state a series of rhyming words, including consonant blends.

1.10 Identify and produce rhyming words in response to an oral prompt.

1.11 Distinguish orally stated one-syllable words and 1.4 separate into beginning or ending sounds.

Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single-syllable words.

1.12 Track auditorily each word in a sentence and each syllable in a word. 1.13 Count the number of sounds in syllables and syllables in words.


Segment single-syllable words into their components (e.g., /k/ /a/ /t/ = cat; /s/ /p/ /l/ /a/ /t/ = splat; /r/ /i/ /ch/ = rich).

= no related standard


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Decoding and Word Recognition 1.14 Match all consonant and short-vowel sounds to appropriate letters. 1.15 Read simple one-syllable and high-frequency words (i.e., sight words).

1.10 Generate the sounds from all the letters and letter patterns, including consonant blends and long- and short-vowel patterns (i.e., phonograms), and blend those sounds into recognizable words. 1.11 Read common, irregular sight words (e.g., the, have, said, come, give, of). 1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs and r- controlled letter-sound associations to read words. 1.15 Read common word families (e.g., -ite, -ate).

1.16 Understand that as letters of words change, so do the sounds (i.e., the alphabetic principle). 1.13 Read compound words and contractions. 1.14 Read inflectional forms (e.g., -s, -ed, -ing) and root words (e.g., look, looked, looking). 1.16 Read aloud with fluency in a manner that sounds like natural speech. Vocabulary and Concept Development 1.17 Identify and sort common words in basic categories (e.g., colors, shapes, foods).

1.17 Classify grade-appropriate categories of words (e.g., concrete collections of animals, foods, toys).

1.18 Describe common objects and events in both general and specific language. 2.0 Reading Comprehension Structural Features of Informational Materials 2.1

Locate the title, table of contents, name of author, and name of illustrator. 2.1

Identify text that uses sequence or other logical order.

Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text 2.2

Use pictures and context to make predictions about story content.


Use context to resolve ambiguities about word and sentence meanings.


Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by identifying key words (i.e., signpost words).


Connect to life experiences the information and events in texts.


Relate prior knowledge to textual information.


Retell familiar stories.


Retell the central ideas of simple expository or narrative passages.


Ask and answer questions about essential elements of a text.


Respond to who, what, when, where, and how questions.


Follow one-step written instructions.


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3.0 Literary Response and Analysis Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text 3.1

Distinguish fantasy from realistic text.


Identify types of everyday print materials (e.g., storybooks, poems, newspapers, signs, labels).


Describe the roles of authors and illustrators and their contributions to print materials.


Identify characters, settings, and important events.


Identify and describe the elements of plot, setting, and character(s) in a story, as well as the story’s beginning, middle, and ending.


Recollect, talk, and write about books read during the school year.


Select a focus when writing.


Use descriptive words when writing.


Print legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately.

WRITING 1.0 Writing Strategies Organization and Focus 1.1

Use letters and phonetically spelled words to write about experiences, stories, people, objects, or events.


Write consonant-vowel-consonant words (i.e., demonstrate the alphabetic principle).


Write by moving from left to right and from top to bottom.

Penmanship 1.4

Write uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet independently, attending to the form and proper spacing of the letters.

2.0 Writing Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) 2.1

Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience.


Write brief expository descriptions of a real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details.

WRITTEN AND ORAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS 1.0 Written and Oral English Language Conventions Sentence Structure 1.1

Recognize and use complete, coherent sentences when speaking.


Write and speak in complete, coherent sentences.


Spell three- and four-letter short-vowel words and grade-level-appropriate sight words correctly.


Identify and correctly use singular and plural nouns.


Identify and correctly use contractions (e.g., isn’t, aren’t, can’t, won’t) and singular possessive pronouns (e.g., my/mine, his/her, hers, your/s) in writing and speaking.

Spelling 1.2

Spell independently by using pre-phonetic knowledge, sounds of the alphabet, and knowledge of letter names.



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Punctuation 1.4

Distinguish between declarative, exclamatory, and interrogative sentences.


Use a period, exclamation point, or question mark at the end of sentences.


Use knowledge of the basic rules of punctuation and capitalization when writing.


Capitalize the first word of a sentence, names of people, and the pronoun I.


LISTENING AND SPEAKING 1.0 Listening and Speaking Strategies Comprehension 1.1

Understand and follow one- and two-step oral directions.


Give, restate, and follow simple two-step directions.


Share information and ideas, speaking audibly in complete, coherent sentences.


Ask questions for clarification and understanding.


Listen attentively.


Stay on the topic when speaking.


Use descriptive words when speaking about people, places, things, and events.

Organization and Delivery of Oral Communication

2.0 Speaking Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) 2.1

Describe people, places, things (e.g., size, color, shape), locations, and actions.


Provide descriptions with careful attention to sensory detail.


Recite short poems, rhymes, and songs.


Recite poems, rhymes, songs, and stories.


Relate an experience or creative story in a logical sequence.


Retell stories using basic story grammar and relating the sequence of story events by answering who, what, when, where, why, and how questions.


Relate an important life event or personal experience in a simple sequence.


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Grades 1–2 GRADE 1


READING 1.0 Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development Concepts About Print 1.1

Match oral words to printed words.


Identify the title and author of a reading selection.


Identify letters, words, and sentences.

Phonemic Awareness 1.4

Distinguish initial, medial, and final sounds in single-syllable words.


Distinguish long- and short-vowel sounds in orally stated single-syllable words (e.g., bit/bite).


Create and state a series of rhyming words, including consonant blends.


Add, delete, or change target sounds to change words (e.g., change cow to how; pan to an).


Blend two to four phonemes into recognizable words (e.g., /k/ /a/ /t/ = cat; /f/ /l/ /a/ /t/ = flat).


Segment single-syllable words into their components (e.g., /k/ /a/ /t/ = cat; /s/ /p/ /l/ /a/ /t/ = splat; /r/ /i/ /ch/ = rich).

Decoding and Word Recognition 1.10 Generate the sounds from all the letters and letter patterns, including consonant blends and long- and short-vowel patterns (i.e., phonograms), and blend those sounds into recognizable words.


Recognize and use knowledge of spelling patterns (e.g., diphthongs, special vowel spellings) when reading.


Apply knowledge of basic syllabication rules when reading (e.g., vowel-consonant-vowel = su/ per; vowel-consonant/consonant-vowel = sup/ per).


Decode two-syllable nonsense words and regular multisyllable words.

1.13 Read compound words and contractions.


Recognize common abbreviations (e.g., Jan., Sun., Mr., St.).

1.14 Read inflectional forms (e.g., -s, -ed, -ing) and root words (e.g., look, looked, looking).


Identify and correctly use regular plurals (e.g., -s, -es, -ies) and irregular plurals (e.g., fly/ flies, wife/ wives).


Read aloud fluently and accurately and with appropriate intonation and expression.

1.11 Read common, irregular sight words (e.g., the, have, said, come, give, of). 1.12 Use knowledge of vowel digraphs and r-controlled letter-sound associations to read words.

1.15 Read common word families (e.g., -ite, -ate). 1.16 Read aloud with fluency in a manner that sounds like natural speech.


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Vocabulary and Concept Development 1.17 Classify grade-appropriate categories of words (e.g., concrete collections of animals, foods, toys). 1.7

Understand and explain common antonyms and synonyms.


Use knowledge of individual words in unknown compound words to predict their meaning.


Know the meaning of simple prefixes and suffixes (e.g., over-, un-, -ing, -ly).

1.10 Identify simple multiple-meaning words. 2.0 Reading Comprehension Structural Features of Informational Materials 2.1

Identify text that uses sequence or other logical order. 2.1

Use titles, tables of contents, and chapter headings to locate information in expository text.

Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text 2.2

Respond to who, what, when, where, and how questions.


Ask clarifying questions about essential textual elements of exposition (e.g., why, what if, how).


Follow one-step written instructions.


Follow two-step written instructions.


Use context to resolve ambiguities about word and sentence meanings.


Restate facts and details in the text to clarify and organize ideas.


Confirm predictions about what will happen next in a text by identifying key words (i.e., signpost words).


Relate prior knowledge to textual information.


Retell the central ideas of simple expository or narrative passages. 2.2

State the purpose in reading (i. e., tell what information is sought).


Use knowledge of the author’s purpose(s) to comprehend informational text.


Recognize cause-and-effect relationships in a text.


Interpret information from diagrams, charts, and graphs.


Compare and contrast plots, settings, and characters presented by different authors.


Generate alternative endings to plots and identify the reason or reasons for, and the impact of, the alternatives.

3.0 Literary Response and Analysis Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text 3.1


Identify and describe the elements of plot, setting, and character(s) in a story, as well as the story’s beginning, middle, and ending.

Describe the roles of authors and illustrators and their contributions to print materials.


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Recollect, talk, and write about books read during the school year. 3.3

Compare and contrast different versions of the same stories that reflect different cultures.


Identify the use of rhythm, rhyme, and alliteration in poetry.


Group related ideas and maintain a consistent focus.


Create readable documents with legible handwriting.


Understand the purposes of various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, atlas).


Revise original drafts to improve sequence and provide more descriptive detail.

WRITING 1.0 Writing Strategies Organization and Focus 1.1

Select a focus when writing.


Use descriptive words when writing.

Penmanship 1.3

Print legibly and space letters, words, and sentences appropriately.


Evaluation and Revision

2.0 Writing Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) Using the writing strategies of grade one outlined in Writing Standard 1.0, students: 2.1

Write brief narratives (e.g., fictional, autobiographical) describing an experience.


Write brief narratives based on their experiences: a. Move through a logical sequence of events. b. Describe the setting, characters, objects, and events in detail.


Write brief expository descriptions of a real object, person, place, or event, using sensory details. 2.2

Write a friendly letter complete with the date, salutation, body, closing, and signature.

WRITTEN AND ORAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS 1.0 Written and Oral English Language Conventions Sentence Structure 1.1

Write and speak in complete, coherent sentences.


Distinguish between complete and incomplete sentences.


Recognize and use the correct word order in written sentences.


Identify and correctly use various parts of speech, including nouns and verbs, in writing and speaking.

Grammar 1.2

Identify and correctly use singular and plural nouns.


Identify and correctly use contractions (e.g., isn’t, aren’t, can’t, won’t) and singular possessive pronouns (e.g., my/mine, his/her, hers, your/s) in writing and speaking.


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Punctuation 1.4

Distinguish between declarative, exclamatory, and interrogative sentences.


Use a period, exclamation point, or question mark at the end of sentences.


Use knowledge of the basic rules of punctuation and capitalization when writing. 1.4

Use commas in the greeting and closure of a letter and with dates and items in a series.


Use quotation marks correctly.


Capitalize all proper nouns, words at the beginning of sentences and greetings, months and days of the week, and titles and initials of people.


Spell frequently used, irregular words correctly (e.g., was, were, says, said, who, what, why).


Spell basic short-vowel, long-vowel, r- controlled, and consonant-blend patterns correctly.

Capitalization 1.7

Capitalize the first word of a sentence, names of people, and the pronoun I.

Spelling 1.8

Spell three- and four-letter short-vowel words and grade-level-appropriate sight words correctly.

LISTENING AND SPEAKING 1.0 Listening and Speaking Strategies Comprehension 1.1

Listen attentively.


Determine the purpose or purposes of listening (e.g., to obtain information, to solve problems, for enjoyment).


Ask questions for clarification and understanding.


Ask for clarification and explanation of stories and ideas.


Give, restate, and follow simple two-step directions.


Give and follow three- and four-step oral directions.


Paraphrase information that has been shared orally by others.


Organize presentations to maintain a clear focus.


Speak clearly and at an appropriate pace for the type of communication (e.g., informal discussion, report to class).


Report on a topic with supportive facts and details.


Recount experiences in a logical sequence.


Retell stories, including characters, setting, and plot.

Organization and Delivery of Oral Communication 1.4


Stay on the topic when speaking.

Use descriptive words when speaking about people, places, things, and events.


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2.0 Speaking Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) Using the speaking strategies of grade one outlined in Listening and Speaking Standard 1.0, students: 2.1

Recite poems, rhymes, songs, and stories.


Retell stories using basic story grammar and relating the sequence of story events by answering who, what, when, where, why, and how questions.


Relate an important life event or personal experience in a simple sequence.


Provide descriptions with careful attention to sensory detail.




Recount experiences or present stories: a. Move through a logical sequence of events. b. Describe story elements (e.g., characters, plot, setting). Recount experiences or present stories: a. Move through a logical sequence of events. b. Describe story elements (e.g., characters, plot, setting).


Report on a topic with facts and details, drawing from several sources of information.

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Grades 2–3 GRADE 2


READING 1.0 Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development Decoding and Word Recognition 1.1

Recognize and use knowledge of spelling patterns (e.g., diphthongs, special vowel spellings) when reading.


Apply knowledge of basic syllabication rules when reading (e.g., vowel-consonant-vowel = su/ per; vowel-consonant/consonant-vowel = sup/ per).


Decode two-syllable nonsense words and regular multisyllable words.


Recognize common abbreviations (e.g., Jan., Sun., Mr., St.).


Identify and correctly use regular plurals (e.g., -s, -es, -ies) and irregular plurals (e.g., fly/ flies, wife/ wives).


Read aloud fluently and accurately and with appropriate intonation and expression.


Know and use complex word families when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words.


Decode regular multisyllabic words.


Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression.

Vocabulary and Concept Development 1.7

Understand and explain common antonyms and 1.4 synonyms.


Use knowledge of individual words in unknown compound words to predict their meaning.


Know the meaning of simple prefixes and suffixes (e.g., over-, un-, -ing, -ly).

Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words.


Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words.


Demonstrate knowledge of levels of specificity among grade-appropriate words and explain the importance of these relations (e.g., dog/ mammal/ animal/ living things).


Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words.


Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other features of unknown words.


Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, glossaries, and indexes to locate information in text.

1.10 Identify simple multiple-meaning words.

2.0 Reading Comprehension Structural Features of Informational Materials 2.1

Use titles, tables of contents, and chapter headings to locate information in expository text.


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Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text 2.2

State the purpose in reading (i. e., tell what information is sought).


Use knowledge of the author’s purpose(s) to comprehend informational text.


Ask clarifying questions about essential textual elements of exposition (e.g., why, what if, how).


Restate facts and details in the text to clarify and 2.5 organize ideas.


Recognize cause-and-effect relationships in a text.


Interpret information from diagrams, charts, and graphs.


Follow two-step written instructions.


Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text. Distinguish the main idea and supporting details in expository text.


Follow simple multiple-step written instructions (e.g., how to assemble a product or play a board game).


Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text.


Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information.


Extract appropriate and significant information from the text, including problems and solutions.


Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, nonfiction).


Determine what characters are like by what they say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them.

3.0 Literary Response and Analysis Structural Features of Literature

Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text 3.1

Compare and contrast plots, settings, and characters presented by different authors.


Generate alternative endings to plots and identify the reason or reasons for, and the impact of, the alternatives.


Compare and contrast different versions of the same stories that reflect different cultures.


Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world.


Identify the use of rhythm, rhyme, and alliteration in poetry.


Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and rhythmic patterns (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia) in a selection.


Determine the underlying theme or author’s message in fiction and nonfiction text.


Identify the speaker or narrator in a selection.


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WRITING 1.0 Writing Strategies Organization and Focus 1.1

Group related ideas and maintain a consistent focus.


Create a single paragraph: a. Develop a topic sentence. b. Include simple supporting facts and details.

Penmanship 1.2

Create readable documents with legible handwriting.


Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence.


Understand the structure and organization of various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, encyclopedia).


Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical progression of ideas by using an established rubric.

Research 1.3

Understand the purposes of various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, atlas).

Evaluation and Revision 1.4

Revise original drafts to improve sequence and provide more descriptive detail.

2.0 Writing Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) 2.1

Write brief narratives based on their experiences:


a. Provide a context within which an action takes place. b. Include well-chosen details to develop the plot. c. Provide insight into why the selected incident is memorable.

a. Move through a logical sequence of events. b. Describe the setting, characters, objects, and events in detail.


Write narratives:

Write a friendly letter complete with the date, salutation, body, closing, and signature.


Write personal and formal letters, thank-you notes, and invitations: a. Show awareness of the knowledge and interests of the audience and establish a purpose and context. b. Include the date, proper salutation, body, closing, and signature.


Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to present and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences.

WRITTEN AND ORAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS 1.0 Written and Oral English Language Conventions Sentence Structure 1.1

Distinguish between complete and incomplete sentences.


Recognize and use the correct word order in written sentences.



Understand and be able to use complete and correct declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences in writing and speaking.

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Grammar 1.3

Identify and correctly use various parts of speech, including nouns and verbs, in writing and speaking.


Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking.


Identify and use past, present, and future verb tenses properly in writing and speaking.


Identify and use subjects and verbs correctly in speaking and writing simple sentences.


Use commas in dates, locations, and addresses and for items in a series.


Punctuate dates, city and state, and titles of books correctly.


Capitalize geographical names, holidays, historical periods, and special events correctly.


Spell correctly one-syllable words that have blends, contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns (e.g., qu, consonant doubling, changing the ending of a word from -y to -ies when forming the plural), and common homophones (e.g., hair-hare).


Arrange words in alphabetic order.


Retell, paraphrase, and explain what has been said by a speaker.


Connect and relate prior experiences, insights, and ideas to those of a speaker.


Respond to questions with appropriate elaboration.


Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., rhymes, repeated sounds, instances of onomatopoeia).

Punctuation 1.4

Use commas in the greeting and closure of a letter and with dates and items in a series.


Use quotation marks correctly.

Capitalization 1.6

Capitalize all proper nouns, words at the beginning of sentences and greetings, months and days of the week, and titles and initials of people.

Spelling 1.7

Spell frequently used, irregular words correctly (e.g., was, were, says, said, who, what, why).


Spell basic short-vowel, long-vowel, r- controlled, and consonant-blend patterns correctly.

LISTENING AND SPEAKING 1.0 Listening and Speaking Strategies Comprehension 1.1

Determine the purpose or purposes of listening (e.g., to obtain information, to solve problems, for enjoyment).


Ask for clarification and explanation of stories and ideas.


Paraphrase information that has been shared orally by others.


Give and follow three- and four-step oral directions.


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Organization and Delivery of Oral Communication 1.5

Organize presentations to maintain a clear focus.


Speak clearly and at an appropriate pace for the type of communication (e.g., informal discussion, report to class).


Recount experiences in a logical sequence.


Retell stories, including characters, setting, and plot.


Report on a topic with supportive facts and details.


Organize ideas chronologically or around major points of information.


Provide a beginning, a middle, and an end, including concrete details that develop a central idea.


Use clear and specific vocabulary to communicate ideas and establish the tone.


Clarify and enhance oral presentations through the use of appropriate props (e.g., objects, pictures, charts).


Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read.

Analysis and Evaluation of Oral and Media Communications 1.10 Compare ideas and points of view expressed in broadcast and print media. 1.11 Distinguish between the speaker’s opinions and verifiable facts. 2.0 Speaking Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) 2.1

Recount experiences or present stories:


a. Move through a logical sequence of events. b. Describe story elements (e.g., characters, plot, setting).


Make brief narrative presentations: a. Provide a context for an incident that is the subject of the presentation. b. Provide insight into why the selected incident is memorable. c. Include well-chosen details to develop character, setting, and plot.


Plan and present dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, or plays with clear diction, pitch, tempo, and tone.

Report on a topic with facts and details, drawing 2.3 from several sources of information.

Make descriptive presentations that use concrete sensory details to set forth and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences.


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Grades 3–4 GRADE 3


READING 1.0 Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development Decoding and Word Recognition 1.1

Know and use complex word families when reading (e.g., -ight) to decode unfamiliar words.


Decode regular multisyllabic words.


Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression.


Read narrative and expository text aloud with grade-appropriate fluency and accuracy and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression.

Vocabulary and Concept Development 1.4

Use knowledge of antonyms, synonyms, homophones, and homographs to determine the meanings of words.


Demonstrate knowledge of levels of specificity among grade-appropriate words and explain the importance of these relations (e.g., dog/ mammal/ animal/ living things).


Use sentence and word context to find the meaning of unknown words.


Use knowledge of root words to determine the meaning of unknown words within a passage.


Use a dictionary to learn the meaning and other features of unknown words.


Use a thesaurus to determine related words and concepts.


Use knowledge of prefixes (e.g., un-, re-, pre-, bi-, mis-, dis-) and suffixes (e.g., -er, -est, -ful) to determine the meaning of words.


Know common roots and affixes derived from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex words (e.g., international).


Apply knowledge of word origins, derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms to determine the meaning of words and phrases.


Distinguish and interpret words with multiple meanings.


Identify structural patterns found in informational text (e.g., compare and contrast, cause and effect, sequential or chronological order, proposition and support) to strengthen comprehension.

2.0 Reading Comprehension Structural Features of Informational Materials 2.1

Use titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, glossaries, and indexes to locate information in text.


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Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text 2.2

Ask questions and support answers by connecting prior knowledge with literal information found in, and inferred from, the text.


Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text.


Recall major points in the text and make and modify predictions about forthcoming information.


Distinguish the main idea and supporting details in expository text.


Extract appropriate and significant information from the text, including problems and solutions.


Follow simple multiple-step written instructions (e.g., how to assemble a product or play a board game).


Make and confirm predictions about text by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in the text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic sentences, important words, and foreshadowing clues.


Follow multiple-step instructions in a basic technical manual (e.g., how to use computer commands or video games).


Use appropriate strategies when reading for different purposes (e.g., full comprehension, location of information, personal enjoyment).


Evaluate new information and hypotheses by testing them against known information and ideas.


Compare and contrast information on the same topic after reading several passages or articles.


Distinguish between cause and effect and between fact and opinion in expository text.


Describe the structural differences of various imaginative forms of literature, including fantasies, fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.


Compare and contrast tales from different cultures by tracing the exploits of one character type and develop theories to account for similar tales in diverse cultures (e.g., trickster tales).

3.0 Literary Response and Analysis Structural Features of Literature 3.1

Distinguish common forms of literature (e.g., poetry, drama, fiction, nonfiction).

Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text 3.2

Comprehend basic plots of classic fairy tales, myths, folktales, legends, and fables from around the world.


Determine what characters are like by what they 3.3 say or do and by how the author or illustrator portrays them.


Determine the underlying theme or author’s message in fiction and nonfiction text.


Recognize the similarities of sounds in words and rhythmic patterns (e.g., alliteration, onomatopoeia) in a selection.


Identify the speaker or narrator in a selection.



Use knowledge of the situation and setting and of a character’s traits and motivations to determine the causes for that character’s actions.

Define figurative language (e.g., simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification) and identify its use in literary works.

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Identify the main events of the plot, their causes, and the influence of each event on future actions.


Create multiple-paragraph compositions:

WRITING 1.0 Writing Strategies Organization and Focus 1.1

Create a single paragraph: a. Develop a topic sentence. b. Include simple supporting facts and details.

a. Provide an introductory paragraph. b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph. c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations. d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points. e. Use correct indention. 1.1

Select a focus, an organizational structure, and a point of view based upon purpose, audience, length, and format requirements.


Use traditional structures for conveying information (e.g., chronological order, cause and effect, similarity and difference, posing and answering a question).


Write fluidly and legibly in cursive or joined italic.


Locate information in reference texts by using organizational features (e.g., prefaces, appendixes).


Use various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, card catalog, encyclopedia, online information) as an aid to writing.


Understand the organization of almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals and how to use those print materials.


Quote or paraphrase information sources, citing them appropriately.


Demonstrate basic keyboarding skills and familiarity with computer terminology (e.g., cursor, software, memory, disk drive, hard drive).

Penmanship 1.2

Write legibly in cursive or joined italic, allowing margins and correct spacing between letters in a word and words in a sentence.

Research (and Technology) 1.3

Understand the structure and organization of various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, encyclopedia).

Evaluation and Revision 1.4

Revise drafts to improve the coherence and logical progression of ideas by using an established rubric.

1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to improve coherence and progression by adding, deleting, consolidating, and rearranging text.


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2.0 Writing Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) Students write compositions that describe and explain familiar objects, events, and experiences. Student writing demonstrates a command of standard American English and the drafting, research, and organizational strategies outlined in Writing Standard 1.0. Using the writing strategies of grade three outlined in Writing Standard 1.0, students: 2.1

Write narratives:


a. Provide a context within which an action takes place. b. Include well-chosen details to develop the plot. c. Provide insight into why the selected incident is memorable. 2.2

Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to present and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences.


Write personal and formal letters, thank-you notes, and invitations:

Write narratives: a. Relate ideas, observations, or recollections of an event or experience. b. Provide a context to enable the reader to imagine the world of the event or experience. c. Use concrete sensory details. d. Provide insight into why the selected event or experience is memorable.

a. Show awareness of the knowledge and interests of the audience and establish a purpose and context. b. Include the date, proper salutation, body, closing, and signature. 2.2

Write responses to literature: a. Demonstrate an understanding of the literary work. b. Support judgments through references to both the text and prior knowledge.


Write information reports: a. Frame a central question about an issue or situation. b. Include facts and details for focus. c. Draw from more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers, other media sources).


Write summaries that contain the main ideas of the reading selection and the most significant details.

WRITTEN AND ORAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS 1.0 Written and Oral English Language Conventions Sentence Structure 1.1

Understand and be able to use complete and correct declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences in writing and speaking.



Use simple and compound sentences in writing and speaking.


Combine short, related sentences with appositives, participial phrases, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases.

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Grammar 1.2

Identify subjects and verbs that are in agreement and identify and use pronouns, adjectives, compound words, and articles correctly in writing and speaking.


Identify and use past, present, and future verb tenses properly in writing and speaking.


Identify and use subjects and verbs correctly in speaking and writing simple sentences.


Identify and use regular and irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions, and coordinating conjunctions in writing and speaking.


Use parentheses, commas in direct quotations, and apostrophes in the possessive case of nouns and in contractions.


Use underlining, quotation marks, or italics to identify titles of documents.


Capitalize names of magazines, newspapers, works of art, musical compositions, organizations, and the first word in quotations when appropriate.

Punctuation 1.5

Punctuate dates, city and state, and titles of books correctly.


Use commas in dates, locations, and addresses and for items in a series.

Capitalization 1.7

Capitalize geographical names, holidays, historical periods, and special events correctly.

Spelling 1.8

Spell correctly one-syllable words that have 1.7 blends, contractions, compounds, orthographic patterns (e.g., qu, consonant doubling, changing the ending of a word from -y to -ies when forming the plural), and common homophones (e.g., hair-hare).


Arrange words in alphabetic order.

Spell correctly roots, inflections, suffixes and prefixes, and syllable constructions.

LISTENING AND SPEAKING 1.0 Listening and Speaking Strategies Comprehension 1.1

Retell, paraphrase, and explain what has been said by a speaker.


Connect and relate prior experiences, insights, and ideas to those of a speaker.


Respond to questions with appropriate elaboration.


Identify the musical elements of literary language (e.g., rhymes, repeated sounds, instances of onomatopoeia).



Summarize major ideas and supporting evidence presented in spoken messages and formal presentations.


Ask thoughtful questions and respond to relevant questions with appropriate elaboration in oral settings.


Identify how language usages (e.g., sayings, expressions) reflect regions and cultures.

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Organization and Delivery of Oral Communication 1.5

Organize ideas chronologically or around major points of information.


Provide a beginning, a middle, and an end, 1.5 including concrete details that develop a central idea.


Use clear and specific vocabulary to communicate ideas and establish the tone.


Clarify and enhance oral presentations through the use of appropriate props (e.g., objects, pictures, charts).


Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace, using appropriate intonation and vocal patterns to emphasize important passages of the text being read.

Present effective introductions and conclusions that guide and inform the listener’s understanding of important ideas and evidence.


Use volume, pitch, phrasing, pace, modulation, and gestures appropriately to enhance meaning.


Use traditional structures for conveying information (e.g., cause and effect, similarity and difference, posing and answering a question).


Emphasize points in ways that help the listener or viewer to follow important ideas and concepts.


Use details, examples, anecdotes, or experiences to explain or clarify information.

Analysis and Evaluation of Oral and Media Communications 1.10 Compare ideas and points of view expressed in broadcast and print media.

1.10 Evaluate the role of the media in focusing attention on events and in forming opinions on issues.

1.11 Distinguish between the speaker’s opinions and verifiable facts. 2.0 Speaking Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) 2.1

Make brief narrative presentations: 2.1 a. Provide a context for an incident that is the subject of the presentation. b. Provide insight into why the selected incident is memorable. c. Include well-chosen details to develop character, setting, and plot.


Plan and present dramatic interpretations of experiences, stories, poems, or plays with clear diction, pitch, tempo, and tone.


Make descriptive presentations that use concrete sensory details to set forth and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences. 2.2


Make narrative presentations: a. Relate ideas, observations, or recollections about an event or experience. b. Provide a context that enables the listener to imagine the circumstances of the event or experience. c. Provide insight into why the selected event or experience is memorable.

Make informational presentations: a. Frame a key question. b. Include facts and details that help listeners to focus. c. Incorporate more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers, television or radio reports). © Macmillan/McGraw-Hill



Deliver oral summaries of articles and books that contain the main ideas of the event or article and the most significant details.


Recite brief poems (i.e., two or three stanzas), soliloquies, or dramatic dialogues, using clear diction, tempo, volume, and phrasing.

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Grades 4–5 GRADE 4


READING 1.0 Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development Word Recognition 1.1

Read narrative and expository text aloud with grade-appropriate fluency and accuracy and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression.


Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression.


Use word origins to determine the meaning of unknown words.


Understand and explain frequently used synonyms, antonyms, and homographs.


Know abstract, derived roots and affixes from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex words (e.g., controversial).


Understand and explain the figurative and metaphorical use of words in context.


Analyze text that is organized in sequential or chronological order.


Understand how text features (e.g., format, graphics, sequence, diagrams, illustrations, charts, maps) make information accessible and usable.

Vocabulary and Concept Development 1.2

Apply knowledge of word origins, derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms to determine the meaning of words and phrases.


Use knowledge of root words to determine the meaning of unknown words within a passage.


Know common roots and affixes derived from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex words (e.g., international).


Use a thesaurus to determine related words and concepts.


Distinguish and interpret words with multiple meanings.

2.0 Reading Comprehension Structural Features of Informational Materials 2.1

Identify structural patterns found in informational text (e.g., compare and contrast, cause and effect, sequential or chronological order, proposition and support) to strengthen comprehension.

Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text 2.2

Use appropriate strategies when reading for different purposes (e.g., full comprehension, location of information, personal enjoyment).


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Make and confirm predictions about text by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in the text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic sentences, important words, and foreshadowing clues.


Evaluate new information and hypotheses by testing them against known information and ideas.


Compare and contrast information on the same topic after reading several passages or articles.


Distinguish between cause and effect and between fact and opinion in expository text.


Follow multiple-step instructions in a basic technical manual (e.g., how to use computer commands or video games). 2.3

Discern main ideas and concepts presented in texts, identifying and assessing evidence that supports those ideas.


Draw inferences, conclusions, or generalizations about text and support them with textual evidence and prior knowledge.


Distinguish facts, supported inferences, and opinions in text.


Identify and analyze the characteristics of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction and explain the appropriateness of the literary forms chosen by an author for a specific purpose.


Identify the main events of the plot, their causes, 3.2 and the influence of each event on future actions.

Identify the main problem or conflict of the plot and explain how it is resolved.


Use knowledge of the situation and setting and of a character’s traits and motivations to determine the causes for that character’s actions.


Contrast the actions, motives (e.g., loyalty, selfishness, conscientiousness), and appearances of characters in a work of fiction and discuss the importance of the contrasts to the plot or theme.


Compare and contrast tales from different cultures by tracing the exploits of one character type and develop theories to account for similar tales in diverse cultures (e.g., trickster tales).


Define figurative language (e.g., simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification) and identify its use in literary works.


Describe the function and effect of common literary devices (e.g., imagery, metaphor, symbolism).


Understand that theme refers to the meaning or moral of a selection and recognize themes (whether implied or stated directly) in sample works.

Expository Critique

3.0 Literary Response and Analysis Structural Features of Literature 3.1

Describe the structural differences of various imaginative forms of literature, including fantasies, fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.

Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text


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Literary Criticism 3.6

Evaluate the meaning of archetypal patterns and symbols that are found in myth and tradition by using literature from different eras and cultures.


Evaluate the author’s use of various techniques (e.g., appeal of characters in a picture book, logic and credibility of plots and settings, use of figurative language) to influence readers’ perspectives.


Create multiple-paragraph narrative compositions:

WRITING 1.0 Writing Strategies Organization and Focus 1.1

Select a focus, an organizational structure, and a point of view based upon purpose, audience, length, and format requirements.


Create multiple-paragraph compositions: a. Provide an introductory paragraph. b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of the first paragraph. c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations. d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points. e. Use correct indention.


a. Establish and develop a situation or plot. b. Describe the setting. c. Present an ending. 1.2

Create multiple-paragraph expository compositions: a. Establish a topic, important ideas, or events in sequence or chronological order. b. Provide details and transitional expressions that link one paragraph to another in a clear line of thought. c. Offer a concluding paragraph that summarizes important ideas and details.

Use traditional structures for conveying information (e.g., chronological order, cause and effect, similarity and difference, posing and answering a question).

Penmanship 1.4

Write fluidly and legibly in cursive or joined italic.

Research and Technology 1.5

Quote or paraphrase information sources, citing them appropriately.


Locate information in reference texts by using organizational features (e.g., prefaces, appendixes).


Use various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, card catalog, encyclopedia, online information) as an aid to writing.



Use a thesaurus to identify alternative word choices and meanings.

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Understand the organization of almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals and how to use those print materials.



Demonstrate basic keyboarding skills and 1.4 familiarity with computer terminology (e.g., cursor, software, memory, disk drive, hard drive).

Use organizational features of printed text (e.g., citations, end notes, bibliographic references) to locate relevant information. Create simple documents by using electronic media and employing organizational features (e.g., passwords, entry and pull-down menus, word searches, a thesaurus, spell checks).

Evaluation and Revision 1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to improve coherence and progression by adding, deleting, consolidating, and rearranging text.


Edit and revise manuscripts to improve the meaning and focus of writing by adding, deleting, consolidating, clarifying, and rearranging words and sentences.

2.0 Writing Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) 2.1

Write narratives:


a. Relate ideas, observations, or recollections of an event or experience. b. Provide a context to enable the reader to imagine the world of the event or experience. c. Use concrete sensory details. d. Provide insight into why the selected event or experience is memorable. 2.2

Write responses to literature:

a. Establish a plot, point of view, setting, and conflict. b. Show, rather than tell, the events of the story.


a. Demonstrate an understanding of the literary work. b. Support judgments through references to both the text and prior knowledge.


Write information reports:

Write responses to literature: a. Demonstrate an understanding of a literary work. b. Support judgments through references to the text and to prior knowledge. c. Develop interpretations that exhibit careful reading and understanding.


a. Frame a central question about an issue or situation. b. Include facts and details for focus. c. Draw from more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers, other media sources). 2.4

Write narratives:

Write research reports about important ideas, issues, or events by using the following guidelines: a. Frame questions that direct the investigation. b. Establish a controlling idea or topic. c. Develop the topic with simple facts, details, examples, and explanations.

Write summaries that contain the main ideas of the reading selection and the most significant details. 2.4

Write persuasive letters or compositions: a. State a clear position in support of a proposal. b. Support a position with relevant evidence. c. Follow a simple organizational pattern. d. Address reader concerns.

WRITTEN AND ORAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS 1.0 Written and Oral English Language Conventions Sentence Structure 1.1

Use simple and compound sentences in writing and speaking.


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Combine short, related sentences with appositives, participial phrases, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases.


Identify and correctly use prepositional phrases, appositives, and independent and dependent clauses; use transitions and conjunctions to connect ideas.


Identify and correctly use verbs that are often misused (e.g., lie/ lay, sit/ set, rise/ raise), modifiers, and pronouns.

Grammar 1.3

Identify and use regular and irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions, and coordinating conjunctions in writing and speaking.

Punctuation 1.4

Use parentheses, commas in direct quotations, 1.3 and apostrophes in the possessive case of nouns and in contractions.


Use underlining, quotation marks, or italics to identify titles of documents.

Use a colon to separate hours and minutes and to introduce a list; use quotation marks around the exact words of a speaker and titles of poems, songs, short stories, and so forth.

Capitalization 1.6

Capitalize names of magazines, newspapers, works of art, musical compositions, organizations, and the first word in quotations when appropriate.


Use correct capitalization.


Spell roots, suffixes, prefixes, contractions, and syllable constructions correctly.


Ask questions that seek information not already discussed.


Interpret a speaker’s verbal and nonverbal messages, purposes, and perspectives.


Make inferences or draw conclusions based on an oral report.

Spelling 1.7

Spell correctly roots, inflections, suffixes and prefixes, and syllable constructions.

LISTENING AND SPEAKING 1.0 Listening and Speaking Strategies Comprehension 1.1

Ask thoughtful questions and respond to relevant questions with appropriate elaboration in oral settings.


Summarize major ideas and supporting evidence presented in spoken messages and formal presentations.


Identify how language usages (e.g., sayings, expressions) reflect regions and cultures.


Give precise directions and instructions.

Organization and Delivery of Oral Communication 1.5

Present effective introductions and conclusions that guide and inform the listener’s understanding of important ideas and evidence.


Use traditional structures for conveying 1.4 information (e.g., cause and effect, similarity and difference, posing and answering a question).


Emphasize points in ways that help the listener or viewer to follow important ideas and concepts.


Select a focus, organizational structure, and point of view for an oral presentation.

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Use details, examples, anecdotes, or experiences 1.5 to explain or clarify information.

Clarify and support spoken ideas with evidence and examples.


Use volume, pitch, phrasing, pace, modulation, 1.6 and gestures appropriately to enhance meaning.

Engage the audience with appropriate verbal cues, facial expressions, and gestures.

Analysis and Evaluation of Oral Media Communication 1.10 Evaluate the role of the media in focusing attention on events and in forming opinions on issues.


Identify, analyze, and critique persuasive techniques (e.g., promises, dares, flattery, glittering generalities); identify logical fallacies used in oral presentations and media messages.


Analyze media as sources for information, entertainment, persuasion, interpretation of events, and transmission of culture.

2.0 Speaking Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) 2.1

Make narrative presentations:


a. Relate ideas, observations, or recollections about an event or experience. b. Provide a context that enables the listener to imagine the circumstances of the event or experience. c. Provide insight into why the selected event or experience is memorable. 2.2

a. Establish a situation, plot, point of view, and setting with descriptive words and phrases. b. Show, rather than tell, the listener what happens.

Make informational presentations:


a. Frame a key question. b. Include facts and details that help listeners to focus. c. Incorporate more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers, television or radio reports). 2.3

Deliver oral summaries of articles and books that contain the main ideas of the event or article and the most significant details.


Recite brief poems (i.e., two or three stanzas), soliloquies, or dramatic dialogues, using clear diction, tempo, volume, and phrasing.

Deliver narrative presentations:

Deliver informative presentations about an important idea, issue, or event by the following means: a. Frame questions to direct the investigation. b. Establish a controlling idea or topic. c. Develop the topic with simple facts, details, examples, and explanations.


Deliver oral responses to literature: a. Summarize significant events and details. b. Articulate an understanding of several ideas or images communicated by the literary work. c. Use examples or textual evidence from the work to support conclusions.


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Grades 5–6 GRADE 5


READING 1.0 Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development Word Recognition 1.1

Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression.


Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression.


Recognize the origins and meanings of frequently used foreign words in English and use these words accurately in speaking and writing.


Identify and interpret figurative language and words with multiple meanings.


Monitor expository text for unknown words or words with novel meanings by using word, sentence, and paragraph clues to determine meaning.


Understand and explain “shades of meaning” in related words (e.g., softly and quietly).

Vocabulary and Concept Development 1.2

Use word origins to determine the meaning of unknown words.


Understand and explain frequently used synonyms, antonyms, and homographs.


Know abstract, derived roots and affixes from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex words (e.g., controversial).


Understand and explain the figurative and metaphorical use of words in context.

2.0 Reading Comprehension (Focus on Informational Materials) Structural Features of Informational Materials 2.1

Understand how text features (e.g., format, graphics, sequence, diagrams, illustrations, charts, maps) make information accessible and usable.


Identify the structural features of popular media (e.g., newspapers, magazines, online information) and use the features to obtain information.


Analyze text that is organized in sequential or chronological order.


Analyze text that uses the compare-andcontrast organizational pattern.

Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text 2.3

Discern main ideas and concepts presented in texts, identifying and assessing evidence that supports those ideas.


Draw inferences, conclusions, or generalizations about text and support them with textual evidence and prior knowledge.



Connect and clarify main ideas by identifying their relationships to other sources and related topics.


Clarify an understanding of texts by creating outlines, logical notes, summaries, or reports.


Follow multiple-step instructions for preparing applications (e.g., for a public library card, bank savings account, sports club, league membership).

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Expository Critique 2.5

Distinguish facts, supported inferences, and opinions in text.


Note instances of unsupported inferences, fallacious reasoning, persuasion, and propaganda in text.


Determine the adequacy and appropriateness of the evidence for an author’s conclusions.


Make reasonable assertions about a text through accurate, supporting citations.

3.0 Literary Response and Analysis Structural Features of Literature 3.1

Identify and analyze the characteristics of 3.1 poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction and explain the appropriateness of the literary forms chosen by an author for a specific purpose.

Identify the forms of fiction and describe the major characteristics of each form.

Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text 3.2

Identify the main problem or conflict of the plot and explain how it is resolved.


Analyze the influence of setting on the problem and its resolution.


Contrast the actions, motives (e.g., loyalty, selfishness, conscientiousness), and appearances of characters in a work of fiction and discuss the importance of the contrasts to the plot or theme.


Analyze the effect of the qualities of the character (e.g., courage or cowardice, ambition or laziness) on the plot and the resolution of the conflict.


Understand that theme refers to the meaning or moral of a selection and recognize themes (whether implied or stated directly) in sample works.


Identify and analyze features of themes conveyed through characters, actions, and images.


Describe the function and effect of common literary devices (e.g., imagery, metaphor, symbolism).


Explain the effects of common literary devices (e.g., symbolism, imagery, metaphor) in a variety of fictional and nonfictional texts.


Define how tone or meaning is conveyed in poetry through word choice, figurative language, sentence structure, line length, punctuation, rhythm, repetition, and rhyme.


Identify the speaker and recognize the difference between first-and third-person narration (e.g., autobiography compared with biography).


Critique the credibility of characterization and the degree to which a plot is contrived or realistic (e.g., compare use of fact and fantasy in historical fiction).

Literary Criticism 3.6

Evaluate the meaning of archetypal patterns and symbols that are found in myth and tradition by using literature from different eras and cultures.


Evaluate the author’s use of various techniques (e.g., appeal of characters in a picture book, logic and credibility of plots and settings, use of figurative language) to influence readers’ perspectives.


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WRITING 1.0 Writing Strategies Organization and Focus 1.1

Create multiple-paragraph narrative compositions: a. Establish and develop a situation or plot. b. Describe the setting. c. Present an ending.


Create multiple-paragraph expository compositions:


a. Establish a topic, important ideas, or events in sequence or chronological order. b. Provide details and transitional expressions that link one paragraph to another in a clear line of thought. c. Offer a concluding paragraph that summarizes important ideas and details.

Create multiple-paragraph expository compositions: a. Engage the interest of the reader and state a clear purpose. b. Develop the topic with supporting details and precise verbs, nouns, and adjectives to paint a visual image in the mind of the reader. c. Conclude with a detailed summary linked to the purpose of the composition.


Choose the form of writing (e.g., personal letter, letter to the editor, review, poem, report, narrative) that best suits the intended purpose.


Use a variety of effective and coherent organizational patterns, including comparison and contrast; organization by categories; and arrangement by spatial order, order of importance, or climactic order.

Research and Technology 1.3

Use organizational features of printed text (e.g., citations, end notes, bibliographic references) to locate relevant information.


Use organizational features of electronic text (e.g., bulletin boards, databases, keyword searches, e-mail addresses) to locate information.


Create simple documents by using electronic media and employing organizational features (e.g., passwords, entry and pull-down menus, word searches, a thesaurus, spell checks).


Compose documents with appropriate formatting by using word-processing skills and principles of design (e.g., margins, tabs, spacing, columns, page orientation).


Use a thesaurus to identify alternative word choices and meanings. 1.6

Revise writing to improve the organization and consistency of ideas within and between paragraphs.

Evaluation and Revision 1.6

Edit and revise manuscripts to improve the meaning and focus of writing by adding, deleting, consolidating, clarifying, and rearranging words and sentences.

2.0 Writing Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) 2.1

Write narratives:


a. Establish a plot, point of view, setting, and conflict. b. Show, rather than tell, the events of the story.


Write persuasive compositions: a. Establish and develop a plot and setting and present a point of view that is appropriate to the stories. b. Include sensory details and concrete language to develop plot and character. c. Use a range of narrative devices (e.g., dialogue, suspense).

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Write responses to literature:


a. Demonstrate an understanding of a literary work. b. Support judgments through references to the text and to prior knowledge. c. Develop interpretations that exhibit careful reading and understanding. 2.3

Write research reports about important ideas, issues, or events by using the following guidelines:

Write responses to literature: a. Develop an interpretation exhibiting careful reading, understanding, and insight. b. Organize the interpretation around several clear ideas, premises, or images. c. Develop and justify the interpretation through sustained use of examples and textual evidence.


Write researach reports: a. Pose relevant questions with a scope narrow enough to be thoroughly covered. b. Support the main idea or ideas with facts, details, examples, and explanations from multiple authoritative sources (e.g., speakers, periodicals, online information searches). c. Include a bibliography.

a. Frame questions that direct the investigation. b. Establish a controlling idea or topic. c. Develop the topic with simple facts, details, examples, and explanations. 2.2

Write expository compositions (e.g., description, explanation, comparison and contrast, problem and solution): a. State the thesis or purpose. b. Explain the situation. c. Follow an organizational pattern appropriate to the type of composition. d. Offer persuasive evidence to validate arguments and conclusions as needed.


Write persuasive letters or compositions: a. b. c. d.


State a clear position in support of a proposal. Support a position with relevant evidence. Follow a simple organizational pattern. Address reader concerns.

Write persuasive compositions: a. State a clear position on a proposition or proposal. b. Support the position with organized and relevant evidence. c. Anticipate and address reader concerns and counterarguments.

WRITTEN AND ORAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS 1.0 Written and Oral English Language Conventions Sentence Structure 1.1

Identify and correctly use prepositional phrases, appositives, and independent and dependent clauses; use transitions and conjunctions to connect ideas.


Use simple, compound, and compoundcomplex sentences; use effective coordination and subordination of ideas to express complete thoughts.


Identify and properly use indefinite pronouns and present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect verb tenses; ensure that verbs agree with compound subjects.

Grammar 1.2

Identify and correctly use verbs that are often misused (e.g., lie/ lay, sit/ set, rise/ raise), modifiers, and pronouns.

Punctuation 1.3

Use a colon to separate hours and minutes and 1.3 to introduce a list; use quotation marks around the exact words of a speaker and titles of poems, songs, short stories, and so forth.

Use colons after the salutation in business letters, semicolons to connect independent clauses, and commas when linking two clauses with a conjunction in compound sentences.

Capitalization 1.4

Use correct capitalization.



Use correct capitalization.

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Spelling 1.5

Spell roots, suffixes, prefixes, contractions, and syllable constructions correctly.


Spell frequently misspelled words correctly (e.g., their, they’re, there).

LISTENING AND SPEAKING 1.0 Listening and Speaking Strategies Comprehension 1.1

Ask questions that seek information not already discussed.


Interpret a speaker’s verbal and nonverbal messages, purposes, and perspectives.


Relate the speaker’s verbal communication (e.g., word choice, pitch, feeling, tone) to the nonverbal message (e.g., posture, gesture).


Make inferences or draw conclusions based on an oral report.


Identify the tone, mood, and emotion conveyed in the oral communication.


Restate and execute multiple-step oral instructions and directions.

Organization and Delivery of Oral Communication 1.4

Select a focus, organizational structure, and point of view for an oral presentation.


Select a focus, an organizational structure, and a point of view, matching the purpose, message, occasion, and vocal modulation to the audience.


Clarify and support spoken ideas with evidence and examples.


Emphasize salient points to assist the listener in following the main ideas and concepts.


Support opinions with detailed evidence and with visual or media displays that use appropriate technology.


Engage the audience with appropriate verbal cues, facial expressions, and gestures.


Use effective rate, volume, pitch, and tone and align nonverbal elements to sustain audience interest and attention.

Analysis and Evaluation of Oral and Media Communications 1.7

Identify, analyze, and critique persuasive techniques (e.g., promises, dares, flattery, glittering generalities); identify logical fallacies used in oral presentations and media messages.


Analyze the use of rhetorical devices (e.g., cadence, repetitive patterns, use of onomatopoeia) for intent and effect.


Analyze media as sources for information, entertainment, persuasion, interpretation of events, and transmission of culture.


Identify persuasive and propaganda techniques used in television and identify false and misleading information.

2.0 Speaking Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) 2.1

Deliver narrative presentations:


a. Establish a situation, plot, point of view, and setting with descriptive words and phrases. b. Show, rather than tell, the listener what happens. 2.2

Deliver narrative presentations: a. Establish a context, plot, and point of view. b. Include sensory details and concrete language to develop the plot and character. c. Use a range of narrative devices (e.g., dialogue, tension, or suspense).

Deliver informative presentations about an important idea, issue, or event by the following means:


Deliver informative presentations: a. Pose relevant questions sufficiently limited in scope to be completely and thoroughly answered. b. Develop the topic with facts, details, examples, and explanations from multiple authoritative sources (e.g., speakers, periodicals, online information).

a. Frame questions to direct the investigation. b. Establish a controlling idea or topic. c. Develop the topic with simple facts, details, examples, and explanations.


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Deliver oral responses to literature:


a. Summarize significant events and details. b. Articulate an understanding of several ideas or images communicated by the literary work. c. Use examples or textual evidence from the work to support conclusions.

Deliver oral responses to literature: a. Develop an interpretation exhibiting careful reading, understanding, and insight. b. Organize the selected interpretation around several clear ideas, premises, or images. c. Develop and justify the selected interpretation through sustained use of examples and textual evidence.


Deliver persuasive presentations: a. b. c. d.


Provide a clear statement of the position. Include relevant evidence. Offer a logical sequence of information. Engage the listener and foster acceptance of the proposition or proposal.

Deliver presentations on problems and solutions: a. Theorize on the causes and effects of each problem and establish connections between the defined problem and at least one solution. b. Offer persuasive evidence to validate the definition of the problem and the proposed solutions.


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Grades K–1 Combination Class Lesson Plan Go to for Online Lesson Planner




3/15/05 9:12:58 PM

Grade K Unit 1 Week 1 Big Book

15–20 min

Grade 1 Unit 1 Week 1 Pam and Sam, pp. 12/13–24

California Standards Grade K

Grade 1 ? Focus Question What makes these animal friends special?

Build Background, 12 R K.1.2

? Focus Question What are the names of the baby animals we read about?

Oral Vocabulary animal, imitate,

Oral Vocabulary cheerful, genuine,

Oral Vocabulary animal, protect,

protect, resemble, together, 12

interest, prefer, unique, 6L Big Book That Big Cat!, 7A Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Character and Setting R 1.3.1

together, 20 Size Words, 27 R K.1.17

interest, prefer, unique, 7I Oral Vocabulary Cards “The Princess and the Pea” Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Character and Setting R 1.3.1

? Focus Question Can you tell me about your family?

• Listening

• Phonemic Awareness

Grade K

? Focus Question What do you like to do? What makes you special and unique?

• Oral Vocabulary Comprehension

DAY 2 Grade 1

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 15 R K.1.11

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Identity, 28 R K.1.9

Phonemic Awareness Identify

Oral Vocabulary cheerful, genuine,

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 7K R 1.1.4

Rhyme, 7B R 1.1.4 WORD STUDY Grade K 15–20 min

• Phonics • Spelling • High-Frequency

Grade 1 30–40 min


Phonics Introduce /m/m, 16 R K.1.14 Handwriting: Write Mm, 17 W K.1.4 Activity Book, 4 Practice Book, 21

Phonics Short a, 7C Practice Book, 9 R 1.1.10 Spelling Pretest, 7E

Phonics Review /m/m, 28 R K.1.14 Identify Words with /m/m, 29

Phonics Short a, 7K R 1.1.10 Spelling Word Sort -an, -at, 7M LC 1.1.8

Teacher’s Resource Book, SP1 LC 1.1.8

Review High-Frequency Words, 30

Practice Book, 10

High-Frequency Words

High-Frequency Words

High-Frequency Word we , 14 R K.1.15

Review a, has, for, with, the , 7F R 1.1.11

jump, not, up 7N Practice Book, 11 R 1.1.11

Share the Big Book

Read Decodable Reader

Reread the Big Book

Whose Baby Am I? Strategy: Recognize Text Structure

A Cap for Pam, 7F

Whose Baby Am I? Strategy: Recognize Text Structure Skill: Make Predictions, 22 Retell, 26 R K.2.4 Pre-decodable Reader: I Can, We Can, 30 Activity Book, 5–6 Practice Book, 22

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics /m/m R K.1.11, R K.1.9/R K.1.14 High-Frequency Words we R K.1.15 Oral Vocabulary Size Words R K.1.17 Comprehension Strategy: Recognize Text Structure Skill: Make Predictions R K.2.2, R K.2.4

READING Grade K 15–20 min

• Comprehension • Fluency

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 7C R 1.1.16

R K.2.1 Skill: Make Predictions, 13 R K.2.2

Grade 1 30–40 min

Read Get Ready Story “Nat Can Jump!”, 8–11

Comprehension Strategy: Story Structure Skill: Character and Setting R 1.3.1

Fluency Word Automaticity, 7L Connected Text R 1.1.16

Fluency Echo-Read, 26 LANGUAGE ARTS

Grade 1 Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Short a R 1.1.4, R 1.1.10 High-Frequency Words jump, not, up R 1.1.11 Comprehension Strategy: Story Structure Skill: Character and Setting R 1.3.1

Grade K 15–20 min

• Writing • Grammar

Shared Writing Lists, 19 W K.1.3 Oral Grammar


Naming Words, 18 R K.1.18

Daily Writing: Have children draw a picture of something they do and write a sentence beneath it.

Interactive Writing Sentences, 31 W K.1.3

Shared Writing: Personal Narrative, 7H W 1.2.1

Grade 1 30–40 min

Grammar Sentences, 11A Teacher’s Resource Book, GR1 LC 1.1.1

Practice Book, 12

Grade K 30–40 min

Grade 1 45–60 min

Daily Writing: Have children draw a picture of something they like. Have them write a sentence to tell about the picture. Interactive Writing: Personal Narrative, 11B W 1.2.1

Grammar Sentences, 7G LC 1.1.7

Writing Personal Narrative W 1.2.1 Science Life Science LS 1.2.b

Writing Prompt


• Informal/Formal

Quick Check Phonemic

Quick Check Phonics, 7C-7D, 7E

Awareness, 15



Differentiated Instruction 58–83

Quick Check Comprehension, 26

Quick Check Phonics, 7K-7L, 7M High-Frequency Words, 7N, 8-11

GRADE 1 Differentiated Instruction 6F–6G

DAY 3 Grade K

DAY 4 Grade 1

Grade K

DAY 5 Review and Assess Grade 1

Grade K

? Focus Question What have we learned about families?

? Focus Question What makes Pam and Sam special?

? Focus Question Why do we need our families?

? Focus Question What might Pam and Sam do on their best day?

? Focus Question Which story or poem that we read did you like?

Oral Vocabulary animal, imitate,

Oral Vocabulary cheerful, genuine,

Oral Vocabulary animal, imitate,

Oral Vocabulary cheerful, genuine,

Oral Vocabulary animal, imitate,

protect, resemble, together, 32

interest, prefer, unique, 11C Read Aloud “What People and Animals Need”, 11C

protect, resemble, together, 43 Size Words, 45 R K.1.17

interest, prefer, unique, 25F Read Aloud “The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse”, 25G

protect, resemble, together, 50 Size Words, 52

Oral Vocabulary Cards “The Lioness and the Ostrich Chicks”

Phonemic Awareness

Grade 1 ? Focus Question How did understanding the story structure help you? How might it help you when you read another selection?

Oral Vocabulary cheerful, genuine,

Phonemic Awareness

interest, prefer, unique, 33A

Phoneme Categorization, 46 R K.1.9

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 25H R 1.1.4

Phoneme Categorization, 53 R K .1.11

Phoneme Isolation, 37

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 11D R 1.1.8

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending/Segmentation, 33C R 1.1.9, R 1.1.8


Phonics Short a, 11E R 1.1.10


Practice Book, 13

Picture Sort: Review /m/m, 47 R K.1.14 Activity Book, 9–10 Practice Book, 25

Phonics Short a, 25I R 1.1.10 Spelling Test Practice, 25J LC 1.1.8


Review /m/m, 38 R K.1.14 Picture Sort: /m/m, 39 R K.1.16 Build Fluency: Sound Spellings

Phonemic Awareness

High-Frequency Word we , 36 R K.1.15

Spelling Word Sort -an, -at, 11G Teacher’s Resource Book, SP2 LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words jump, not, up 11H R 1.1.11

Review High-Frequency Words, 48

High-Frequency Words jump, not, up 25K R 1.1.11

High-Frequency Word we , 52

Phonics Short a, 33C R 1.1.10 Spelling Posttest, 33E LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words jump, not, up 33F R 1.1.11

Read “Our Best Days”, 26–31 Comprehension

Read Across Texts

Read Weekly Literature

Strategy: Recognize Text Structure Skill: Make Predictions, 51 R K.2.2 Activity Book, 11


Practice Book, 14

Read Words, 54 R K .1.15 Activity Book, 12

Activity Book, 7–8 Practice Book, 23–24 Read for Fluency, 36

Informational Text Content Big Book: “A Favorite Season” HSS K.6.1, HSS K.6.2, HSS K.2,

R K .3.2 Text Feature: Use Labels, 34

Read Pam and Sam, 12/13–24 Decodable Reader, 11H R 1.1.11 Comprehension Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Character and Setting Practice Book, 15–16 R 1.3.1

Interactive Read Aloud Listening Comprehension, 44 Read Aloud: “The Bundle of Sticks” Retell, 44 R K.2.4 Pre-decodable Reader: We Can, 48

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 11E R 1.1.10

Text Feature: Photographs, 26/27 R 1.2.4 Content Vocabulary: neighbor, family, friends, 28/29 R 1.2.4 Practice Book, 19

Fluency Word Automaticity, 52

Pam and Sam, 12/13–24 Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Character and Setting R 1.3.1

Fluency Word Automaticity, 33D Practice Book, 18

Fluency Word Automaticity, 25I Connected Text

Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Prewrite and Draft Labels, 41 W K.1.3,

Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw a picture of a friend and write their friend’s name on the picture.

Revise and Edit Labels, 49 LAS K.1.2

Daily Writing Prompt Children may revise and proofread their personal narratives during independent time and write a final draft.

Publish and Present Labels, 55 LAS K.1.1

Daily Writing Prompt Draw a picture of yourself doing something that makes you special. Label the picture.

W K.1.4 Oral Grammar Naming Words, 40 R K.1.18

Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 36

Independent Writing: Personal Narrative Prewrite and Draft, 25E Writing Trait: Ideas W 1.1.2

Grammar Sentences, 25B

Grammar Sentences, 31B LC 1.1.1

Mechanics: Sentence Capitalization, 25C Teacher’s Resource Book, GR2 LC 1.1.1

Practice Book, 17

Quick Check Phonics, 11E-11F, 11G Comprehension, 14-17, 18-23

Independent Writing: Personal Narrative Publish and Present, 33I W 1.2.1

Independent Writing: Personal Narrative Revise and Edit, 31B W 1.2.1

Quick Check Phonics, 47

Quick Check Phonics, 25H-25I, 25J

Grammar Sentences, 33H LC 1.1.1 Teacher’s Resource Book, GR3

End-of-Week Assessment, 56–57

Weekly Assessment, 33K-33L

Grades K–1 Combination Class Lesson Plan Go to for Online Lesson Planner




ÞFFB;Ã7HA Grade K Unit 1 Week 2 Big Book

BIK_CVU01_W2_192084.indd Sec1:3

Grade K

15–20 min

? Focus Question How do you move? What can you do?

? Focus Question What are some of the ways we play as families?

? Focus Question What will the pigs do?

• Listening

Oral Vocabulary activity, cooperate, exciting, exhausted, gather, 96 R K.1.2

Oral Vocabulary, energy, exhausted, express, movement, stretch, 34L Big Book From Head to Toe, 35A Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Sequence of Events R 1.2.1

Oral Vocabulary activity, cooperate,

Oral Vocabulary energy, exhausted,

exciting, exhausted, gather, 104 Same and Different, 111 R K.1.17

express, movement, stretch, 35I Oral Vocabulary Cards “The Great Rope Tug” Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Sequence of Events R 1.2.1

• Phonemic Awareness

Grade K

Oral Vocabulary Same and Different R K.1.17 Comprehension Strategy: Recognize Story Structure Skill: Identify Setting R K.3.3

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 99 R K.1.11

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 112 R K.1.9

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Categorization, 35K R 1.1.4

WORD STUDY Grade K 15–20 min

• Phonics • Spelling • High-Frequency

Grade 1 30–40 min

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics /a/a R K.1.9, R K.1.11/R K.1.14, R K.1.15 High-Frequency Words the R K.1.15

Build Background, 96

Phonemic Awareness Alliteration, 35B R 1.1.4

Grade 1 Unit 1 Week 2 I Can, Too!, pp. 40/41–52

Grade 1

? Focus Question What can families do together?

by Cathy Roper illustrated by Sof ia Balzola

California Standards

Grade K

• Oral Vocabulary Comprehension

3/15/05 2:15:22 PM

DAY 2 Grade 1


Phonics Introduce /a/a, 100 R K.1.14 Handwriting: Write Aa, 101 W K.1.4 Activity Book, 14 Practice Book, 27

High-Frequency Word the , 98 R K.1.15

Phonics Short a, 35C Practice Book, 20 R 1.1.10 Spelling Pretest, 35E


Teacher’s Resource Book, SP3 LC 1.1.8

Review High-Frequency Words, 114

High-Frequency Words Review jump, not, up , 35F R 1.1.11

Review /a/a, /m/m, 112 R K.1.14 Blend Words with /a/a, 113 R K.1.14

Phonics Short a, 35K R 1.1.10 Spelling Word Sort -ad, -ap, -ack, 35M LC 1.1.8 Practice Book, 21

High-Frequency Words too, it, over , 35N Practice Book, 22 R 1.1.11

READING Grade K 15–20 min

• Comprehension • Fluency

Share the Big Book The Picnic at Apple Park Strategy: Recognize Story Structure

Read Decodable Reader Mack, 35F Fluency Sound/Spelling, 35C

R K.2.1 Skill: Identify Setting, 97 R K.3.3

Grade 1 30–40 min

Reread the Big Book The Picnic at Apple Park Strategy: Recognize Story Structure Skill: Identify Setting, 106 Retell, 110 R K.2.4 Pre-decodable Reader: I See the Apple, 114 Activity Book, 15–16 Practice Book, 28

Read Get Ready Story, Jump Over It, 36–39

Comprehension Strategy: Analyze Story Structure R 1.2.1 Skill: Sequence of Events R 1.2.1

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 35L R 1.1.16

Fluency Echo-Read, 110 LANGUAGE ARTS

Grade 1 Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Short a R 1.1.4, R 1.1.10 High-Frequency Words too, it, over R 1.1.11 Comprehension Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Sequence of Events R 1.2.1

Grade K 15–20 min

• Writing

Shared Writing


• Grammar

Lists, 103

Oral Grammar

Daily Writing Have children draw a picture of movements they like to do and label it with one of their words.

Naming Words, 102 R K.1.18

Interactive Writing Sentences, 115 W K.1.1

Shared Writing: Personal Narrative, 35H W 1.2.1

Grade 1 30–40 min

Writing Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw a picture of something they can do and write a sentence under it using words from the list. Interactive Writing: Personal Narrative, 39B W 1.2.1

Grammar Word Order, 35G LC 1.1.1

Grammar Word Order, 39A Teacher’s Resource Book, GR4 LC 1.1.1

Practice Book, 23

Writing Personal Narrative W 1.1.2 History/Social Science HSS 1.5.3 Grade K 30–40 min

Grade 1 45–60 min


• Informal/Formal

Quick Check Phonemic

Quick Check Phonics, 35D

Quick Check

Awareness, 99



Comprehension, 110

Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 35N

Differentiated Instruction 142–167


Differentiated Instruction 34F–34G

DAY 3 Grade K

DAY 4 Grade 1

Grade K

DAY 5 Review and Assess Grade 1

Grade K

Grade 1

? Focus Question What are some of the things that animal families do together?

? Focus Question What will the girl and boy do together?

? Focus Question What are the family stories you know?

? Focus Question How could animals play with the kids in I Can, Too!

? Focus Question What story did you enjoy the most?

? Focus Question How did thinking about the story structure help you?

Oral Vocabulary energy, exhausted,

Oral Vocabulary activity, cooperate,

Oral Vocabulary energy, exhausted,

Oral Vocabulary activity, cooperate,

Oral Vocabulary energy, exhausted,

Oral Vocabulary activity, cooperate,

exciting, exhausted, gather, 126 Same and Different, 129 R K.1.17

express, movement, stretch, 53G Read Aloud “Just Watch,” 53F

exciting, exhausted, gather, 134 Same and Different, 136 PS K.1.a

Phonemic Awareness

LAS K.1.2 Oral Vocabulary Cards “The Rabbit

express, movement, stretch, 39C Content Big Book “The First People of Australia,” 39C HSS 1.5.3

Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Blending, 130 R K.1.9

Phonemic Awareness Alliteration, 53H R 1.1.4

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Identity, 137 R K.1.11

Phoneme Blending/Segmentation, 61C R 1.1.8, R 1.1.9

and the Coyote”

Phoneme Blending, 39D R 1.1.8

Phonics Short a, 53I R 1.1.10 Spelling Test Practice, 53J R 1.1.15


Phonics Short a, 61D R 1.1.10 Spelling Posttest, 61E LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words too, it, over , 61F R 1.1.11

exciting, exhausted, gather, 116

express, movement, stretch, 61A

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 121


Phonics Short a, 39E R 1.1.10


Picture Sort, 122 R K.1.14 Blend with /a/a, 123 R K.1.9 Read Words, 123

Practice Book, 24

Spelling Word Sort -ad, -ap, -ack, 39G Teacher’s Resource Book, SP4 R 1.1.15

High-Frequency Word the , 120 R K.1.15

High-Frequency Words too, it, over , 39H R 1.1.11

Picture Sort, 130 R K.1.14 Blend with /a/a, 131 R K.1.15 Activity Book, 19–20 Practice Book, 31

Read for Fluency, 120 Activity Book, 17–18 Practice Book, 29–30

Read I Can, Too!, 40/41–52

Interactive Read Aloud

Content Big Book: “Family Fun” Text Feature: Use Maps, 119

Decodable Reader What Am I?

Listening Comprehension, 128 Read Aloud: “The Squeaky Old Bed” R K.2.5 Pre-decodable Reader: I Am, 132

Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Sequence of Events Practice Book, 26–27

High-Frequency Words too, it, over , 53K R 1.1.11

Review High-Frequency Words, 132

Read the Nonfiction Photo Essay


Practice Book, 25

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 39E

Read ”Run! Jump! Swim!”, 54–59 Comprehension Text Feature: Labels R 1.2.4 Content Vocabulary: move, helps, push , 54/55 Practice Book, 30

Build Fluency, 138 R K.1.14 Read Words, 138 R K.1.15 Activity Book, 22

High-Frequency Word the , 136 R K.1.15

Read Across Texts

Read Weekly Literature

Strategy: Recognize Story Structure Skill: Identify Setting, 135 R K.3.3 Activity Book, 21


Fluency Word Automaticity, 136

I Can, Too!, 40/41–52 Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Sequence of Events R 1.2.1

Fluency Word Automaticity,

Fluency Word Automaticity, 61B R 1.1.16

Connected Text, 53K

Practice Book, 29

Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Prewrite and Draft a Picture List, 125

Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw and label a picture showing a game they play outdoors.

Revise and Edit a Picture List, 133

Daily Writing Prompt Children may revise and proofread their personal narratives during independent time and write a final draft.

Publish and Present a Picture List, 139,

Daily Writing Prompt Draw a picture of something you can do and then label it.

W K.1.3 Oral Grammar Naming Words, 124 R K.1.18

LAS K.1.2

Independent Writing: Personal Narrative Prewrite and Draft, 53E Writing Trait: Ideas W 1.1.2

Quick Check High-Frequency

Quick Check Phonics, 39F Comprehension, 50/51

Independent Writing: Personal Narrative Publish and Present, 61I

Independent Writing: Personal Narrative Revise and Edit, 59B W 1.1.2

Grammar Word Order, 53B Mechanics: Sentence Punctuation, 53C Teacher’s Resource Book, GR5 LC 1.1.5

Words, 120

LC K.1.1, LAS K.1.1

Grammar Word Order, 61H LC 1.1.5 Teacher’s Resource Book, GR6

Grammar Word Order, 59B LC 1.1.5 Practice Book, 28

Quick Check Phonics, 130

Quick Check Spelling, 53J

End-of-Week Assessment, 140–141

Weekly Assessment, 61K-61L

Grades K–1 Combination Class Lesson Plan Go to for Online Lesson Planner




3/11/05 12:35:35 AM

Grade K Unit 1 Week 3 Trade Book

15–20 min

? Focus Question How have you changed since you were little?

? Focus Question What are the family changes we read about?

? Focus Question What kinds of things can big boys do?

• Listening

Oral Vocabulary celebrate, change, eager, occasion, relative, 180 R K.1.2

Oral Vocabulary adult, change,

Oral Vocabulary celebrate, change, eager, occasion, relative, 188 LAS K.2.1 Size Words, 195 R K.1.17 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Categorization, 196 R K.1.9

Oral Vocabulary adult, change,


• Phonemic Awareness Sequence

How do kids change as they get older?

Grade 1 Unit 1 Week 3 How You Grew, pp. 66/67–72


P1v1_CA_U1W3_TFK_RD10.indd 66

Grade K

Oral Vocabulary Size Words R K.1.17 Comprehension Strategy: Recognize Story Structure Skill: Make Predictions R K.2.2

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 183 R K.1.11

Phonemic Awareness

imitate, learn, practice, 63I Oral Vocabulary Cards: “Lion Cubs Grow Up” LAS 1.1.1 Strategy: Analyze Text Structure Skill: Sequence of Events R 1.2.1

Contrast Vowel Sounds, 63B R 1.1.5

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 63K R 1.1.8

Grade K 15–20 min

• Phonics • Spelling • High-Frequency

Grade 1 30–40 min

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Review /a/a, /m/m R K.1.7, R K.1.9/R K.1.14 High-Frequency Words we, the R K.1.15

Build Background, 180

imitate, learn, practice, 62L Big Book Growing Up, 63A Strategy: Analyze Text Structure Skill: Sequence of Events R 1.2.2


9/19/07 4:58:33 PM

California Standards

Grade 1

? Focus Question How can families change?

Genre Nonfiction A nonfiction article gives information about a topic. Text Structure

Grade K

• Oral Vocabulary


Look for things babies can do. Look for things kids can do as they get older.

DAY 2 Grade 1



Phonics Short i, 63C Practice Book, 31 R 1.1.10 Spelling Pretest, 63E


Phonics Short i, 63K R 1.1.10

Review /m/m, /a/a, 184 R K.1.14 Handwriting: Review Mm, Aa, 185

Picture Sort, 196 R K.1.14 Blend with /a/a, /m/m, 197 R K.1.15

Build with Short i, 63L

W K.1.4

Teacher’s Resource Book, SP5 LC 1.1.8

Review High-Frequency Words, 198

Activity Book, 24 Practice Book, 33

High-Frequency Words Review it, over, too 63F R 1.1.11

Spelling Word Sort -in, -it, -iss, 63M LC R 1.1.15 Practice Book, 32

High-Frequency Words

High-Frequency Words we, the , 182 R K.1.15

be, ride, run 63N Practice Book, 33 R 1.1.11

READING Grade K 15–20 min

• Comprehension • Fluency

Share the Trade Book

Read Decodable Reader

Reread the Trade Book

Peter’s Chair Strategy: Recognize Story Structure, 181 R K.2.5 Skill: Make Predictions, 181 R K.2.2

Jim Had a Big Hit, 63F

Peter’s Chair Strategy: Recognize Story Structure, 190 Skill: Make Predictions, 190 Retell, 194 R K.2.4 Pre-decodable Reader: We Can See!, 198 Activity Book, 25 Practice Book, 34

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 63C R 1.1.16

Grade 1 30–40 min

Read Get Ready Story, “I Am a Big Kid”, 64/65

Comprehension Strategy: Analyze Text Structure Skill: Retell Events in Order R 1.2.1

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 63L

Fluency Echo-Read, 194 LANGUAGE ARTS

Grade 1 Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Short i R 1.1.5, R 1.1.10 High-Frequency Words be, ride, run R 1.1.11 Comprehension Strategy: Analyze Text Structure Skill: Sequence of Events R 1.2.1, R 1.2.4

Grade K 15–20 min

• Writing • Grammar

Shared Writing Lists, 187 W K.1.3 Oral Grammar


Naming Words, 186 R K.1.17 Grade 1 30–40 min

Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw a picture of an animal on the list and label it. Then have children write a statement telling about the animal.

Interactive Writing Sentences, 199 W K.1.1

Writing Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw a picture of something a big kid can do and write a statement about it. Interactive Writing: Descriptive Sentences, 65B W 1.1.2

Shared Writing: Descriptive Sentences, 63H W 1.1.2

Grammar Statements, 65A Teacher’s Resource Book, GR7 LC 1.1.4

Grammar Statements, 63G LC 1.1.4 Practice Book, 34

Writing Descriptive Sentences W 1.2.2 History/Social Science HSS 1.1

Grade K 30–40 min

Grade 1 45–60 min


• Informal/Formal

Quick Check Phonemic

Quick Check Phonics, 63D

Awareness, 183



Quick Check

Comprehension, 194

Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 63N

Differentiated Instruction 226–251

GRADE 1 Differentiated Instruction 62F–62G



DAY 5 Review and Assess

Grade K

Grade 1

Grade K

? Focus Question What are some of the things we can do with our families?

? Focus Question What are some ways that kids change as they get older?

? Focus Question How are we different from the people in our family?

? Focus Question In what ways are you growing?

? Focus Question What do we know about the ways families change?

Oral Vocabulary celebrate, change,

Oral Vocabulary adult, change,

Oral Vocabulary celebrate, change,

imitate, learn, practice, 65C Content Big Book: “Rights and Responsibilities,” 65C HSS 1.1 Content Big Book, 65C

Oral Vocabulary celebrate, change, eager, occasion, relative, 210 R K.1.17 Same and Different, 213 R K.1.17 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 214 R K.1.9

Oral Vocabulary adult, change,

eager, occasion, relative, 200

imitate, learn, practice, 73F Read Aloud “I’m Growing Up,” 73E

eager, occasion, relative, 218 Size Words, 220 R K.1.17

Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness

Oral Vocabulary adult, change, imitate, learn, practice, 77C R 1.1.16 Phonemic Awareness

Contrast Vowel Sounds, 73G

Phoneme Categorization, 221 R K.1.11

Phoneme Blending/Segmentation, 77E

Oral Vocabulary Cards “Rooster Goes to Tio’s Wedding”

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 205 R K.1.7, R K.1.9

Grade 1

Grade K

Phonemic Awareness

Grade 1 ? Focus Question How does understanding the text structure help you understand the selection?

R 1.1.8, R 1.1.9

Phoneme Substitution, 65D R 1.1.7


Phonics Blend Short i, 65E R 1.1.10


Review /a/a, /m/m, 206 R K.1.14 Blend with /a/a, /m/m, 207 R K.1.9 Read Words, 207 R K.1.15

Practice Book, 35

Picture Sort: /a/a, /m/m, 214 R K.1.11,

Spelling Word Sort -it, -in, -iss, 65G Teacher’s Resource Book, SP6 LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words be, ride, run, 65H R 1.1.11

R K.1.14

High-Frequency Words we, the , 204 R K.1.15

Read Sentences, 215 R K.1.4, R K.1.15 Activity Book, 29–30 Practice Book, 37–38


Read Birds Get Big, 74/75 Comprehension

Read Across Texts

Read Weekly Literature

Strategy: Recognize Story Structure Skill: Make Predictions, 219 R K.2.2 Activity Book, 31


Read Words, 222 R K.1.15 Dictation, 222 W K.1.1 Activity Book, 32

Phonics Short i, 77F R 1.1.10 Spelling Posttest, 77G LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words be, ride, run , 77H R 1.1.11

High-Frequency Words we, the , 220 R K.1.15

Review High-Frequency Words, 216

Read for Fluency, 204 Activity Book, 27–28 Practice Book, 35–36

Read the Nonfiction Photo Essay

Read How You Grew, 66/67–72

Interactive Read Aloud

Content Big Book: “Night Animals,” 29–33 Text Feature: Use Photographs, 202

Decodable Reader On a Farm

Listening Comprehension, 212 R K.3.1 Read Aloud: “Jennifer Bing, Why Won’t You Sing?”, 212 R K.2.5 Pre-decodable Reader: Am I?, 216

R K.3.2

Phonics Blend Words with short i, 73G R 1.1.10 Spelling Test Practice, 73I R 1.1.10 Practice Book, 36 LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words be, ride, run, 73J R 1.1.11

Comprehension Strategy: Analyze Text Structure Skill: Sequence of Events Practice Book, 37–38 R 1.2.1

Test Strategy: Right There, 73M Study Skill: Book Parts, 73K Practice Book, 41

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 73J R 1.1.16

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 65E

How You Grew, 66/67–72 Strategy: Analyze Text Structure Skill: Sequence of Events R 1.2.1

Fluency Word Automaticity, 77D R1.1.16 Practice Book, 40

Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Prewrite and Draft Picture Lists, 209

Daily Writing Prompt Have children think about a toy they had when they were little and write about it in a descriptive sentence. Independent Writing: Descriptive Sentences Prewrite and Draft, 73D Writing Trait: Ideas W 1.1.2 Grammar Statements, 73A Mechanics: Sentence Punctuation

Revise and Edit Picture Lists, 217 LC K.1.2

Daily Writing Prompt Children should revise and proofread their descriptive sentences during independent time and write a final draft.

Publish and Present Picture Lists, 223

Daily Writing Prompt Write a sentence about how you will grow.

W K.1.3 Oral Grammar Naming Words, 208 R K.1.17

LC K.1.1

Independent Writing: Descriptive Sentences Publish and Present, 77K W 1.1.2

Independent Writing: Descriptive Sentences Revise and Edit, 77B W 1.2.2

Grammar Statements, 77J LC 1.1.4 Teacher’s Resource Book, GR9

Grammar Statements, 77A Practice Book, 39 LC 1.1.4

LC 1.1.4 Teacher’s Resource Book, GR8 Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 204

Quick Check Phonics, 65F Comprehension, 72

Quick Check Phonics, 214

Quick Check Phonics/Spelling, 73I

End-of-Week Assessment, 224–225

Weekly Assessment, 77M–77N

Grades K–1 Combination Class Lesson Plan Go to for Online Lesson Planner




3/8/05 2:32:25 PM

Grade K Unit 2 Week 1 Big Book

15–20 min

Grade K

? Focus Question What pets do you know? What are they like?

? Focus Question Do friends always like the same things?

? Focus Question Is Kit the name of the boy or the cat? Why do you think so?

• Listening

Build Background, 272 R K.1.2, R K.1.4

Oral Vocabulary adorable, dear,

Oral Vocabulary compete, favorite,

needs, sensible, train, 78L Big Book Along Came Toto, 79A Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Plot: Beginning, Middle, and End R 1.3.1

Oral Vocabulary compete, favorite, friend, hobby, partner, 280 R K.2.1 Color Words, 287 R K.1.17 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 288 R K.1.9

Oral Vocabulary adorable, dear, needs, sensible, train, 79I LS 1.1.1

Oral Vocabulary Color Words R K.1.17 Comprehension Strategy: Ask Questions Skill: Identify Character R K.2.2, R K.2.5

friend, hobby, partner, 272

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 275 R K.1.11

Oral Vocabulary Cards “Pig Goes to the Party,” 79I Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Plot R 1.3.1

Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Categorization, 79B R 1.1.4

Phoneme Segmentation, 79K

WORD STUDY Grade K 15–20 min

• Phonics • Spelling • High-Frequency

Grade 1 30–40 min

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics /s/s R K.1.9, R K.1.11, R K.1.14, R K.1.16 High-Frequency Words like R K.1.15

Grade 1

? Focus Question What can you do with your friends?

• Phonemic Awareness

California Standards

Grade K

• Oral Vocabulary Comprehension

Grade 1 Unit 1 Week 4 Flip, pp. 84/85–98

DAY 2 Grade 1


Phonics Introduce /s/s, 276 R K.1.14 Handwriting: Write Ss, 277 W K.1.4 Activity Book, 4 Practice Book, 41

Phonics l Blends, 79C Practice Book, 42 R 1.1.10 Spelling Dictation, Pretest, 79E LC 1.1.8 Teacher’s Resource Book, SP7

High-Frequency Words like , 274 R K.1.15

High-Frequency Words

Share the Big Book

Read Decodable Reader Sam the Clam, 79F R 1.2.7 Fluency Sound/Spelling, 79C

Phonics Review, 288 R K.1.14 Blend with /s/s, 289 R K.1.14, R K.1.15,

R K.1.16 Review High-Frequency Word, 290 R K.1.15

Phonics l Blends, 79K R 1.1.10 Spelling Word Sort l Blends, 79M Practice Book, 43 LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words come, down, good, pull , 79N Practice Book, 44 R 1.1.11

Review be, run, ride , 79F

READING Grade K 15–20 min

• Comprehension • Fluency

What Do You Like? Strategy: Ask Questions, 273 Skill: Identify Character, 273 R K.2.2

Grade 1 30–40 min

Reread the Big Book What Do You Like? Strategy: Ask Questions, 282 Skill: Identify Character, 282 R K.2.5 Retell, 286 R K.2.4 Pre-decodable Reader: I Like, 290 Activity Book, 5–6 Practice Book, 42

Read Get Ready Story, “Come Down, Kit!” 80/81-82/83

Comprehension Skill: Plot: Beginning, Middle, and End R 1.3.1

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 79L R 1.1.16

Fluency Echo-Read, 286 LANGUAGE ARTS

Grade 1 Phonemic Awareness/Phonics l Blends R 1.1.4, R 1.1.10 High-Frequency Words come, down, good, pull R 1.1.11 Comprehension Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Plot: Beginning, Middle, and End R 1.3.1

Grade K 15–20 min

• Writing • Grammar

Shared Writing Lists, 279 W K.1.3 Oral Grammar


Naming Words, 278 R K.1.18 Grade 1 30–40 min

Interactive Writing Sentences, 291 W K.1.1

Shared Skill: Descriptive Sentences, 79H W 1.1.2

Grade 1 45–60 min

Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw a picture of a cat or dog and the things the pet needs. Ask them to label the picture and write a sentence about the things their pet needs.

Grammar Questions and Exclamations, 83A Teacher’s Resource Book, GR10 LC 1.1.4

Exclamations, 79G Practice Book, 45 LC 1.1.4

Grade K 30–40 min


Interactive Writing: Descriptive Sentences, 83B W 1.1.2

Grammar Questions and

Writing Descriptive Sentences LC 1.1.1 History/Social Science HSS 1.5.1

Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw a picture of a pet they know and like and label it or write a sentence with words from the list.


• Informal/Formal

Quick Check Phonemic

Quick Check Phonics, 79C

Awareness, 275



Quick Check Comprehension, 286

Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 79N

Differentiated Instruction 318–343

GRADE 1 Differentiated Instruction 78F-78G

DAY 3 Grade K

DAY 4 Grade 1

? Focus Question What games do you like to play outside?

? Focus Question What will Flip do in school?

Oral Vocabulary compete, favorite,

Oral Vocabulary adorable, dear,

friend, hobby, partner, 292 Around the World”

needs, sensible, train, 83C Content Big Book, “Traditions We Share,” 83C HSS 1.5.1

Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Isolation, 297

Phoneme Deletion, 83D R 1.1.7


Phonics l Blends, 83E Practice Book, 46 R 1.1.10 Spelling Word Sort bl-, cl-. fl-, pl-, sl-,

Oral Vocabulary Cards “Games

Review /s/s, 298 R K.1.14 Blend Words, 299 R K.1.16 Read Words, 299 R K.1.15

High-Frequency Words like , 296

83G Teacher’s Resource Book, SP8 LC 1.1.8

Grade K

DAY 5 Review and Assess Grade 1

Grade K

? Focus Question Some friends like the city and others like the country. Which do you like?

? Focus Question How would you take care of Flip if he were your pet?

? Focus Question What do you and your friends like to read?

Oral Vocabulary adorable, dear,

Oral Vocabulary compete, favorite, friend, hobby, partner, 302 R K.1.17 Color Words, 305 R K.1.17 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Categorization, 306 R K.1.9

needs, sensible, train, 99F Read Aloud “Animal House”, 99E LAS 1.1.1

Oral Vocabulary compete, favorite, friend, hobby, partner, 310 R K.1.18

Phonics Picture Sort, 306 R K.1.14 Blend with /s/s, 307 R K.1.15 Activity Book, 10 Practice Book, 46

Phonemic Awareness

Color Words, 312

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Categorization, 313 R K.1.11

Phoneme Categorization, 99G R 1.1.5

Phonics l Blends, 99G R 1.1.10 Spelling Practice, 99I Practice Book, 47 LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words come, down, good, pull , 99J R 1.1.11

Phonics Read Words, 314 R K.1.15 Activity Book, 12

High-Frequency Words like , 312

High-Frequency Words come, down, good, pull , 83H

Review High-Frequency Words, 308

Read the Nonfiction Photo Essay

Read Flip, 84/85-98

Interactive Read Aloud

Read “What Pets Need” 100/101–

Read Across Texts

Content Big Book: “Rules Are Important,” 34–35 Text Feature: Use Photographs, 294

Decodable Reader Learn About the Past R 1.1.11

Listening Comprehension, 304 Read Aloud: “The City Mouse and the Country Mouse” R K.2.5 Pre-decodable Reader: We Like Sam!, 308 R K.1.15


Strategy: Ask Questions, 311 Skill: Identify Character, 311 R K.2.2 Activity Book, 11

R K.3.2

Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Plot: Beginning, Middle, and End R 1.3.1 Practice Book, 48-49

Comprehension Text Feature: Lists R 1.1.17 Content Vocabulary: need, living things, care Practice Book, 52

Fluency Word Automaticity, 312

Oral Vocabulary adorable, dear, needs, sensible, train, 105A LAS 1.1.5 Phonemic Awareness

Phonics l Blends,105D R 1.1.10 Spelling Posttest, 105E LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words come, down, good, pull , 105F R 1.1.11

Read Weekly Literature, Flip, 84/85–98 R 1.3.3 Comprehension Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Plot: Beginning, Middle, and End

R 1.3.1, R 1.3.3 Fluency Intonation, 105B Practice Book, 51 R 1.1.16

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 99J R 1.1.16

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 83E

? Focus Question How did identifying the beginning, middle, and end of a story help you to understand the selections?

Phoneme Blending and Segmentation, 105C

Read for Fluency, 296 Activity Book, 7–8 Practice Book, 43–44


Grade 1

Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Prewrite and Draft Sentences, 301

Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw a picture of a dinosaur, name it, and write something about it.

Revise and Edit Sentences, 309 LAS K.1.2

Daily Writing Prompt Children may revise and proofread their descriptive sentences during independent time and write a final draft.

Publish and Present Sentences, 315

Daily Writing Prompt Draw a picture of a time when you helped out. Write about the picture. Independent Writing: Descriptive Sentences Publish and Present, 105I LC 1.1.1 Grammar Questions and Exclamations, 105H Mechanics: Question and Exclamation Marks Teacher’s Resource Book, GR12 R 1.1.4

W K.1.3 Oral Grammar Naming Words, 300 R K.1.18

Independent Writing: Descriptive Sentences Prewrite and Draft, 99D Writing Trait: Voice LC 1.1.1

Independent Writing: Descriptive Sentences Revise and Edit, 103B W 1.1.2

Grammar Questions and Exclamations, 99B Teacher’s Resource Book, GR11 LC 1.1.4

Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 296

Quick Check Phonemic Awareness,


LAS K.1.1

Grammar Questions and Exclamation Marks, 103B Practice Book, 50 LC 1.1.4

Quick Check Phonics, 306

Quick Check Phonics/Spelling, 99I

End-of-Week Assessment, 316–317

Weekly Assessment, 105K-105L

Grades K–1 Combination Class Lesson Plan Go to for Online Lesson Planner



ORAL LANGUAGE Friends All Around by Miela Ford

BIK_U02_W2_192086_CV.indd 2

Grade K Unit 2 Week 2 Big Book

15–20 min

California Standards Grade K

? Focus Question What do you like doing with friends?

? Focus Question Can a brother be a friend? Can a cousin be a friend?

? Focus Question Who is helping in the story?

• Listening

Build Background, 356 R K.1.2, R K.1.4

Oral Vocabulary admire, challenging, charity, focus, offer, 106L Big Book Teamwork, 107A Strategy: Analyze Text Structure Skill: Author’s Purpose R 1.3.2

Oral Vocabulary assist, game, honest, pleasant, world, 364 LAS K.2.3, LAS K.2.1 Number Words, 371 R K.1.17 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 372 R K.1.9

Oral Vocabulary admire, challenging,

Oral Vocabulary assist, game, honest,

Oral Vocabulary Number Words R K.1.17 Comprehension Strategy: Ask Questions Skill: Compare and Contrast LAS K.2.1

pleasant, world, 356

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 359 R K.1.11

Phonemic Awareness

charity, focus, offer, 107I Oral Vocabulary Cards: “Roberto Clemente” Strategy: Analyze Text Structure Skill: Author’s Purpose R 1.3.2

Phoneme Categorization, 107B R 1.1.4

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Segmentation, 107K R 1.1.9

WORD STUDY Grade K 15–20 min

• Phonics • Spelling • High-Frequency

Grade 1 30–40 min

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics /p/p R K.1.9, R K.1.11, R K.1.14, R K.1.16 High-Frequency Words a R K.1.15

Grade 1

? Focus Question Who can be a friend?

• Phonemic Awareness Grade 1 Unit 1 Week 5 Soccer, pp. 112/113–126

Grade K

• Oral Vocabulary Comprehension

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DAY 2 Grade 1


Phonics Introduce /p/p, 360 R K.1.14 Handwriting: Write Pp, 361 W K.1.4 Activity Book, 14 Practice Book, 47

Phonics Blend with Final Blends, 107C Practice Book, 53 R 1.1.10 Spelling Dictation, Pretest, 107E Teacher’s Resource Book, SP9 LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words


High-Frequency Words a , 358 R K.1.15

Review come, down, good, pull , 107F

Share the Big Book

Read Decodable Reader

Reread the Big Book

Friends All Around Strategy: Ask Questions, 357 R K.2.5 Skill: Compare and Contrast, 357

Jazz Band, 107F

Friends All Around Strategy: Ask Questions, 366 Skill: Compare and Contrast, 366 Retell, 370 R K.2.4, R K.2.3 Pre-decodable Reader: I Am a Doctor, 374 Activity Book, 15–16 Practice Book, 48

Review /p/p, /m/m, /a/a, 372 R K.1.14,

R K.1.16 Blend with /p/p, 373 R K.1.9

Review High-Frequency Words, 374 R K.1.15

R 1.1.11

Phonics Blend with Final Blends, 107K R 1.1.10 Spelling Word Sort with Final Blends, 107M Practice Book, 54 LC 1.1.8

High-Frequency Words help, now, use, very , 107N Practice Book, 55 R 1.1.11

READING Grade K 15–20 min

• Comprehension • Fluency

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 107D R 1.1.16

LAS K.2.1 Grade 1 30–40 min

Read Get Ready Story, “I Like to Help,” 108–111

Comprehension Strategy: Text Structure Skill: Author’s Purpose R 1.3.2

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 107L R 1.1.16

Fluency Echo-Read, 370 LANGUAGE ARTS

Grade 1 Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Final Blends R 1.1.4, R 1.1.10 High-Frequency Words help, now, use, very R 1.1.11 Comprehension Strategy: Analyze Text Structure Skill: Author’s Purpose R 1.3.2

Grade K 15–20 min

• Writing • Grammar

Shared Writing A List, 363 R K.2.5, W K.1.3 Oral Grammar


Naming Words (Nouns), 362 R K.1.17 Grade 1 30–40 min

Daily Writing Prompt Have children write about something they’ve played with a friend. Have them describe what they did.

Interactive Writing A Word Web, 375 W K.1.1

Daily Writing Prompt Have children write a sentence about a sport they like to play with a friend. Interactive Writing: Personal Narrative, 111B W 1.2.1

Shared Writing: Personal Narrative, 107H W 1.1.1

Grammar Writing Sentences, 111A Teacher’s Resource Book, GR13 LC 1.1.4

Grammar Writing Sentences, 107G Practice Book, 56 LC 1.1.4

Writing Personal Narrative W 1.1.1


History/Social Science HSS 1.3.2 Grade K 30–40 min

Grade 1 45–60 min


• Informal/Formal

Quick Check Phonemic

Quick Check Phonics, 107D

Awareness, 359



Quick Check Comprehension, 370

Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 107N

Differentiated Instruction 402–427

GRADE 1 Differentiated Instruction 106F–106G

DAY 3 Grade K

DAY 4 Grade 1

? Focus Question What do you do when you meet a new friend?

? Focus Question Why did the author write Soccer?

Oral Vocabulary assist, game, honest,

Oral Vocabulary admire, challenging,

pleasant, world, 376

Oral Vocabulary Cards “Brer Turtle Helps Out”

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 381 R K.1.11

Grade 1

? Focus Question What do you like best about having a friend?

? Focus Question What do both Soccer and “Guess What!” tell about how to play soccer?

? Focus Question Why is it important to have a friend?

Oral Vocabulary admire, challenging,

pleasant, world, 394 Number Words, 396

Oral Vocabulary admire, challenging,

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Identity, 397 R K.1.11

Phonemic Awareness


Phonics Blend with Final Blends, 131D R 1.1.10 Spelling Posttest, 131E LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words help, now, use, very , 131F R 1.1.11

Oral Vocabulary assist, game, honest, charity, focus, offer, 111I pleasant, world, 386 R K.1.18 Content Big Book: “Independence Day,” Number Words, 389 R K.1.17 111C HSS 1.3.2 Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness R 1.1.7

DAY 5 Review and Assess

Grade K

Phoneme Blending, 390 R K.1.9

charity, focus, offer, 127F Read Aloud “Hokey-Pokey,” 127E LAS 1.1.1

Grade K

Oral Vocabulary assist, game, honest,

Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Deletion, 111D

Grade 1 ? Focus Question How might analyzing text structure help when you read another selection? charity, focus, offer, 131A Phoneme Blending/Segmentation, 131C R 1.1.8, R 1.1.9

Phoneme Categorization, 127G R 1.1.4


Phonics Blend with Final Blends, 111E R 1.1.10


Practice Book, 57

R K.1.14

Phonics Blend with Final Blends, 127G R 1.1.10 Spelling Test Practice, 127I LC 1.1.8

Spelling Word Sort with Final Blends,

Blend with /p/p, 391 R K.1.8, R K.1.15,

Practice Book, 58

Read Words, 398 R K.1.15 Dictation, 398 LC K.1.2, W K.1.2 Activity Book, 22

High-Frequency Words a , 380 R K.1.14, R K.1.15

111G Teacher’s Resource Book, SP10 LC 1.1.8

R K.1.16

High-Frequency Words help, now, use, very , 127J R 1.1.11

High Frequency Words a, can, like, we, the , 396 R K.1.12, R K.1.15

Activity Book, 17–18 Practice Book, 49–50 Read for Fluency, 380

High-Frequency Words help, now, use, very , 111H R 1.1.11

Read the Poems

Read Soccer, 112/113–126 Comprehension

Review /p/p, /s/s, 382 R K.1.14 Blend Words, 383 R K.1.16 Read Words, 383 R K.1.15

Content Big Book: “Helping Hands,” 37–40 Text Feature: Use Illustrations, 378

HSS K.4.4

Strategy: Analyze Text Structure Skill: Author’s Purpose Practice Book, 59–60 R 1.3.2

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 114/115 R 1.1.16

Picture Sort: /s/s, /a/a, /p/p, 390 R K.1.11,

Activity Book, 20 Practice Book, 52

Review High Frequency Words, 392

Interactive Read Aloud Listening Comprehension, 388 Read Aloud: “The Lion and the Mouse” R K.2.5 Pre-decodable Reader: A Map, 392

R K.1.1, R K.1.15, R K.2.2

Read “Guess What!,” 128-129 Comprehension Literary Element: Rhyme Practice Book, 63

Fluency Word Automaticity, 127J R 1.1.16

Reading Across Texts

Read Weekly Literature Soccer,

Strategy: Ask Questions, 395 R K.2.5 Skill: Compare and Contrast, 395 Activity Book, 21


Fluency Word Automaticity, 396

112/113–126 Strategy: Analyze Text Structure Skill: Author’s Purpose R 1.3.2

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 131D R 1.1.16 Practice Book, 62

Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Prewrite and Draft Picture Webs, 385

Daily Writing Prompt Have children write about someone playing a sport.

Revise and Edit a Picture Web, 393

Daily Writing Prompt Have children revise and proofread their personal narratives during independent time and write a final draft.

Publish and Present a Picture Web, 399 LAS K.1.2, LC K.1.1

Daily Writing Prompt Write a sentence about why it is good to work as a team.

W K.1.1, W K.1.3 Oral Grammar Naming Words (Nouns), 384 R K.1.17,

R K.1.18

Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 380

LAS K.1.2

Independent Writing: Personal Narrative Prewrite and Draft, 127D W 1.1.1 Writing Trait: Voice

Grammar Writing Sentences, 127B

Independent Writing: Personal Narrative Revise and Edit, 130/131 LC 1.1.6

Mechanics: Capitalization and Punctuation Teacher’s Resource Book, GR14

Grammar Writing Sentences, 129B LC 1.1.4 Practice Book, 61

Quick Check Phonemic Awareness,


Quick Check Phonics, 390

Quick Check Spelling, 127I

Independent Writing: Personal Narrative Publish and Present, 131I LC 1.1.1

Grammar Writing Sentences, 131H Teacher’s Resource Book, GR15

End-of-Week Assessment, 400–401

Weekly Assessment, 131K–131L

Grades K–1 Combination Class Lesson Plan Go to for Online Lesson Planner




3/9/05 1:40:59 AM

Grade K Unit 2 Week 3 Trade Book

15–20 min

• Oral Vocabulary

? Focus Question Do you always like what a friend does?

? Focus Question How are animal families like our families?

• Listening

Build Background, 440 R K.1.2, R K.1.4

Oral Vocabulary protect, provide, 6L

Oral Vocabulary grateful, include,

Big Book Hello, Hello!, 7A Strategy: Summarize Skill: Main Idea and Details R 1.2.7


• Phonemic Awareness Grade 1 Unit 2 Week 1 Animal Moms and Dads, pp. 12/13–26

California Standards Grade K

Oral Vocabulary Color Words R K.1.17 Comprehension Strategy: Ask Questions Skill: Identify Character R K.3.3

problem, solve, thoughtful, 440

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 443 R K.1.11

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 7B R 1.1.8

Grade K

Grade 1

? Focus Question What happens when a friend does not like what you like?

? Focus Question What do you know about Lions?

Oral Vocabulary grateful, include, problem, solve, thoughtful, 448 LAS K.2.3 Color Words, 455 R K.1.17 Phonemic Awarenes Phoneme Categorization, 456 R K.1.11

provide, separate, wild, 7I Oral Vocabulary Cards “Wild Animal Families” Strategy: Summarize Skill: Main Idea and Details R 1.2.7

Oral Vocabulary guide, protect,

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 7K R 1.1.4 WORD STUDY Grade K 15–20 min

• Phonics • Spelling • High-Frequency

Grade 1 30–40 min

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Review /s/s, /p/p R K.1.11, R K.1.14 High-Frequency Words a, like R K.1.15

DAY 2 Grade 1


Phonics Review /s/s, /p/p, 444 R K.1.14 Handwriting: Review Ss, Pp, 445 W K.1.4 Activity Book, 24 Practice Book, 47

Phonics Short o, 7C Practice Book, 64 R 1.1.10 Spelling Pretest, 7E


Teacher’s Resource Book, SP11 LC 1.1.8

Blend with /a/a, /p/p, /m/m, /s/s, 457

High-Frequency Words

Review /s/s, /p/p, /m/m, /a/a, 456

R K.1.14 R K.1.9 Review High-Frequency Words, 458 R K.1.15

High-Frequency Words a, like , 442 R K.1.14, R K.1.15

Review help, now, use, very , 7F R 1.1.11

Share the Trade Book

Read Decodable Reader Fox on a

Reread the Trade Book

Simon and Molly plus Hester Strategy: Ask Questions, 441 R K.2.5 Skill: Identify Character, 441 R K.3.3

Rock, 7F

Simon and Molly plus Hester Strategy: Ask Questions, 450 R K.2.5 Skill: Identify Character, 450 R K.3.3 Retell, 454 R K.2.4 Pre-decodable Reader: I Like, We Like, 458 Activity Book, 25 Practice Book, 54

Phonics Short o, 7N R 1.1.10 Spelling Word Sort -op, -og, -ot, 7M Practice Book, 65 LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words her, our, they, two , 7N Practice Book, 66 R 1.1.11

READING Grade K 15–20 min

• Comprehension • Fluency

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 7C R 1.1.16

Grade 1 30–40 min

Read Get Ready Story, “Our Mom and Dad” 8–11

Comprehension Strategy: Summarize Skill: Main Idea and Details R 1.2.7

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 7L R 1.1.16

Fluency Echo-Read, 454 LANGUAGE ARTS

Grade 1 Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Short o R 1.1.4, R 1.1.8, R 1.1.10 High-Frequency Words her, our, they, two R 1.1.11 Comprehension Strategy: Summarize Skill: Main Idea and Details R 1.2.7

Grade K 15–20 min

• Writing • Grammar

Shared Writing Lists, 447 R K.2.5, W K.1.3 Oral Grammar


Naming Words (Nouns), 446 R K.1.17 Grade 1 30–40 min

Daily Writing Prompt Invite children to respond to the picture by dictating sentences about it.

Interactive Writing Sentences, 459 W K.1.1

Writing Daily Writing Prompt Draw an animal parent taking care of its baby. Label the picture.

Shared Writing: Report, 7H W 1.1.1

Interactive Writing: Report, 11B W 1.2.2

Grammar Nouns, 7G Practice Book, 67 LC 1.1.2

Grammar Nouns, 11A Teacher’s Resource Book, GR16 LC 1.1.2

Writing Report W 1.2.2 History/Social Science HSS 1.4.1 Grade K 30–40 min

Grade 1 45–60 min


• Informal/Formal

Quick Check Phonemic Awareness,

Quick Check Phonics, 7D




Differentiated Instruction 486–511

Quick Check Comprehension, 454

Quick Check Phonics, 7N High-Frequency Words, 7N

GRADE 1 Differentiated Instruction 6F–6G

DAY 3 Grade K

DAY 4 Grade 1

? Focus Question What is a way you and your friend can help in your community?

? Focus Question What do animal moms and dads do?

Oral Vocabulary grateful, include, problem, solve, thoughtful, 460 R K.1.18 Oral Vocabulary Cards “The Turtle

provide, separate, wild, 11I Content Big Book “Going to School,” 11C HSS 1.4.1

and the Sheep”

Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Blending, 11D R 1.1.8

Oral Vocabulary guide, protect,

Grade K ? Focus Question When have you worked together with friends to get a job done?

Oral Vocabulary grateful, include, problem, solve, thoughtful, 470 R K.1.18 Number Words, 473 R K.1.17, R K.1.10 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 474 R K.1.7, R K.1.9

DAY 5 Review and Assess Grade 1

? Focus Question How are these moms and babies like the ones in Animal Moms and Dads? How are they different?

Oral Vocabulary guide, protect, provide, separate, wild, 27F Read Aloud “Goldilocks and the Three Bears,” 27E


Phonics Short o, 11E R 1.1.10


Review /s/s, /p/p, /m/m, /a/a, 466

Practice Book, 68

Cumulative Review, 474 R K.1.11,

Phonics Short o, 27G R 1.1.10 Spelling Test Practice, 27I LC 1.1.8

R K.1.11

Spelling Word Sort -op, -og, -ot, 11G Teacher’s Resource Book, SP12 LC 1.1.8

R K.1.14


High-Frequency Words like, a , 464 R K.1.14, R K.1.15

? Focus Question Which story about friends did you like best?

Oral Vocabulary grateful, include, problem, solve, thoughtful, 478 R K.1.18 Color and Number Words, 480 R K.1.10, R K.1.17 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Categorization, 481 R K.1.11

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 27G R 1.1.4

Phoneme Blending, 465 R K.1.7, R K.1.9

Blend Words, 466 R K.1.9, R K.1.16 Read Words, 467 R K.1.15

Grade K

High-Frequency Words her, our, they, two, 11H R 1.1.11

Blend with /a/a, /m/m, /p/p, /s/s, 475

R K.1.8, R K.1.15, R K.1.16 Activity Book, 29–30 Practice Book, 57

High-Frequency Words her, our, they, two , 27J R 1.1.11

Phonics Read Words, 482 R K.1.4, R K.1.15 Dictation, 482 R K.1.13, W K.1.2 Activity Book, 32

Grade 1 ? Focus Question How did summarizing help you? How might it help you when you read another selection?

Oral Vocabulary guide, protect, provide, separate, wild, 35A LAS 1.1.5 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending/Segmentation, 35C R 1.1.8, R 1.1.9

Phonics Short o, 35D R 1.1.10 Spelling Posttest, 35E LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words her, our, they, two , 35F R 1.1.11

High-Frequency Words can, we, the, like, a , 480 R K.1.12, R K.1.15

Review High-Frequency Words, 476 R K.1.14

Activity Book, 27–28 Practice Book, 55–56 Read for Fluency, 464

Read the Nonfiction Magazine Article

Read Animal Moms and Dads,

Interactive Read Aloud


Listening Comprehension, 472

Read “Over in the Meadow,” 28–33 Comprehension

Content Big Book: “What Is Matter?” Text Feature: Use Labels, 462 R K.3.2


Read Aloud: “The Little Red Hen” R K.2.5 Pre-decodable Reader: Pam, 476 R K.1.1,

R K.1.15, R K.2.2

Strategy: Summarize Skill: Main Idea and Details Practice Book, 70–71 R 1.2.7

Reading Across Texts

Read Weekly Literature

Literary Element: Rhythmic Patterns R 1.2.7

Strategy: Ask Questions, 479 R K.2.5 Skill: Identify Character, 479 R K.3.3 Activity Book, 31


Practice Book, 74

Fluency Word Automaticity, 480

Strategy: Summarize Skill: Main Idea and Details R 1.2.7

Fluency Word Automaticity, 35D R 1.1.16

Fluency Word Automaticity,

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 11E

Animal Moms and Dads, 12/13–26

Connected Text, 27H

Practice Book, 73

Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Prewrite and Draft a Sentence, 469

Daily Writing Prompt Respond to the read aloud by illustrating a scene of your choice.

Revise and Edit a Sentence, 477 LC K.1.2

Daily Writing Prompt Draw what you saw in your mind as you listened to the read aloud.

Publish and Present Sentences, 483

Daily Writing Prompt Choose an animal. Write about how that animal takes care of its babies.

W K.1.1, W K.1.3 Oral Grammar Naming Words (Nouns), 468 R K.1.17,

R K.1.18

LC K.1.1, LAS K.1.2

Independent Writing: Report Prewrite and Draft, 27D Writing Trait: Organization W 1.1.1

Independent Writing: Report Revise and Edit, 33B W 1.2.2

Independent Writing: Report Publish and Present, 35I W 1.2.2

Grammar Nouns, 33B LC 1.1.2

Grammar Nouns, 35H LC 1.1.2

Grammar Nouns, 27B

Practice Book, 72

Teacher’s Resource Book, GR18

Mechanics: Capital Letter and Periods Teacher’s Resource Book, GR17 LC 1.1.6

Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 464

Quick Check Phonics, 11F Comprehension, 18/19

Quick Check Phonics, 474

Quick Check Phonics, 27I

End-of-Week Assessment, 484–485

Weekly Assessment, 35K–35L

Grades K–1 Combination Class Lesson Plan Go to for Online Lesson Planner




3/9/05 9:51:05 AM

15–20 min

? Focus Question How do you help? What jobs do you like to do?

? Focus Question What did you see when we read The Bus for Us?

? Focus Question Who will help clean up the mess?

• Listening

Build Background, 532 R K.1.2

Oral Vocabulary appreciate,

Oral Vocabulary continue, glide,

Oral Vocabulary appreciate,

Oral Vocabulary continue, glide,

cooperate, partner, responsibility, scrumptious, 36L Big Book Mama’s Coming Home, 37A Strategy: Summarize Skill: Retell Events in Order R 1.2.7

rapidly, transportation, vehicle, 540

cooperate, partner, responsibility, scrumptious, 37I Oral Vocabulary Cards “Estela and the Fox,” 37I

• Phonemic Awareness

California Standards Grade K

Oral Vocabulary Shape Words R K.1.17 Comprehension Strategy: Recognize Story Structure Skill: Make and Confirm Predictions R K.2.2, R K.2.4

rapidly, transportation, vehicle, 532

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 535 R K.1.11

R K.1.18 Shape Words, 547 R K.1.17

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 548 R K.1.9

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Identity, 37K R 1.1.4

Phonics Short e, 37C Practice Book, 75 R 1.1.10 Spelling Pretest, 37E


Phonics Short e, 37K R 1.1.10 Spelling Word Sort -eg, -en, -et, 37M LC 1.1.8

Teacher’s Resource Book, SP13 LC 1.1.8

Review High-Frequency Words, 550 R K.1.15

Phonemic Awareness Rhyme, 37B R 1.1.6 WORD STUDY Grade K 15–20 min

• Phonics • Spelling • High-Frequency

Grade 1 30–40 min

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics /t/t R K.1.9, R K.1.11, R K.1.14, R K.1.15 High-Frequency Words see R K.1.15

Grade 1

? Focus Question What things do we see that move around town?


Grade 1 Unit 2 Week 2 Little Red Hen, pp. 42/43–56

Grade K

• Oral Vocabulary

Suzanne Bloom

Grade K Unit 3 Week 1 Big Book

DAY 2 Grade 1


Phonics Introduce /t/t, 536 R K.1.14 Handwriting: Write Tt, 537 W K.1.4 Activity Book, 4 Practice Book, 61

High-Frequency Words

Review /t/t, 548 R K.1.14 Blend with /t/t, 549 R K.1.15, R K.1.16

High-Frequency Words see , 534 R K.1.15

Review her, our, they, two , 37F R 1.1.11

Share the Big Book

Read Decodable Reader

Reread the Big Book

The Bus for Us Strategy: Recognize Story Structure, 533 Skill: Make and Confirm Predictions, 533 R K.2.2

Hen’s Eggs, 37F

The Bus for Us Strategy: Recognize Story Structure, 542 Skill: Make and Confirm Predictions, 542 Retell, 546 R K.2.4 Pre-decodable Reader: I See Sam, 550 Activity Book, 5 Practice Book, 62

Practice Book, 76

High-Frequency Words eat, no, of, some, who , 37N Practice Book, 77 R 1.1.11

READING Grade K 15–20 min

• Comprehension • Fluency

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 37C R 1.1.16

Grade 1 30–40 min

Read Get Ready Story, “Who Will Help?” 38–41

Comprehension Strategy: Summarize Skill: Retell R 1.2.7

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 37L

Fluency Echo-Read, 546 LANGUAGE ARTS

Grade 1 Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Short e R 1.1.4, R 1.1.10 High-Frequency Words eat, no, of, some, who R 1.1.11 Comprehension Strategy: Summarize Skill: Retell R 1.2.7

Grade K 15–20 min

• Writing • Grammar

Shared Writing A List, 539 W K.1.3 Oral Grammar


Action Words (Verbs), 538 R K.1.18 Grade 1 30–40 min

Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw a picture of something they do with their family and label it or write a sentence with words from the list.

Interactive Writing Sentences, 551 W K.1.1

Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw a picture of one of the completed sentences. Provide the sentence frame I can ___________ the ___________.

Shared Writing: How-to Sentences, 37H W 1.1.1

Interactive Writing: How-to Sentences, 41B W 1.1.2

Grammar Plural Nouns, 37G LC 1.1.2

Grammar Plural Nouns, 41A Teacher’s Resource Book, GR19 LC 1.1.2

Practice Book, 78

Writing How-to Sentences W 1.1.2


History/Social Science HSS 1.2.4 Grade K 30–40 min

Grade 1 45–60 min


• Informal/Formal

Quick Check Phonemic

Quick Check Phonics, 37D

Awareness, 535



Differentiated Instruction 578–603

Quick Check Comprehension, 546

Quick Check Phonics, 37K High-Frequency Words, 37N

GRADE 1 Differentiated Instruction 196F–196G

DAY 3 Grade K

DAY 4 Grade 1

DAY 5 Review and Assess

Grade K

Grade 1

Grade K ? Focus Question What did you see in our books this week?

Grade 1

? Focus Question What can you see from a car?

? Focus Question How does Little Red Hen make bread?

? Focus Question What are some of the fastest things you see around town?

Oral Vocabulary continue, glide,

Oral Vocabulary appreciate,

Oral Vocabulary continue, glide,

rapidly, transportation, vehicle, 552

cooperate, partner, responsibility, scrumptious, 41I Content Big Book “Living in Alaska,” 41I

rapidly, transportation, vehicle, 562

? Focus Question Where does bread come from? Who helps Hen make bread? Who helps make bread in “From Wheat to Bread”?

rapidly, transportation, vehicle, 570

? Focus Question How did summarizing help you? How might it help you when you read another selection?

R K.1.18

Oral Vocabulary appreciate,

R K.1.18

Oral Vocabulary appreciate,

Shape Words, 565 R K.1.17

cooperate, partner, responsibility, scrumptious, 57F Read Aloud “Little Red Hen,” 57F

Shape Words, 572

Phonemic Awareness

cooperate, partner, responsibility, scrumptious, 65A

Phoneme Categorization, 573 R K.1.11

Phonemic Awareness

R K.1.18 Oral Vocabulary Cards “How Partridge Built Canoes”

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 557 R K.1.11

HSS 1.2.4 Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 566 R K.1.9

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Identity, 57G R 1.1.4

Phoneme Blending, 41D R 1.1.8


Phonics Short e, 41E R 1.1.10


Review, 558 R K.1.14 Blend with /t/t, 559 R K.1.16 Read Words, 559 R K.1.15

Practice Book, 79

Picture Sort, 566 R K.1.14 Blend with /t/t, 567 R K.1.15 Activity Book, 9 Practice Book, 65

High-Frequency Words see , 556 R K.1.15

Spelling Word Sort -eg, -en, -et, 41G Teacher’s Resource Book, SP14 LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words eat, no, of, some, who , 41H R 1.1.11

Activity Book: “I See Sam,” 7–8 Practice Book, 63–64 Read for Fluency, 556

Review High-Frequency Words, 568 R K.1.15


Practice Book, 80

High-Frequency Words see, a, like, we, the , 572 R K.1.15

High-Frequency Words eat, no, of, some, who , 57J R 1.1.11

Read Little Red Hen, 42/43–56

Interactive Read Aloud

Content Big Book: “Things Change,” 46–49 HSS K.6.3 Text Feature: Use Photographs, 554

Decodable Reader, Where Animals Live, 41H

Listening Comprehension, 564

Read “From Wheat to Bread,” 58–63 Comprehension

Read Aloud: “The Turtle and the Rabbit,” 45–48 Pre-decodable Reader: Can Tam See?, 568

Text Feature: Diagrams Content Vocabulary: grow, kernel, factory, 60/61 R 1.3.2 Practice Book, 85

Comprehension Strategy: Summarize Skill: Retell Practice Book, 81-82 R 1.2.7

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 41E

Phoneme Blending, Segmentation, 65C R 1.1.8, R 1.1.9

Phonics Blend Words With Short e, 57G R 1.1.10 Spelling Test Practice, 57I LC 1.1.8

Read the Nonfiction Photo Essay

R K.3.2

Oral Vocabulary continue, glide,

Read Words, 574 R K.1.15 Activity Book, 12

Phonics Short e, 65D R 1.1.10 Spelling Posttest, 65E LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words eat, no, of, some, who , 65F R 1.1.11

Read Across Texts

Read Weekly Literature

Strategy: Recognize Story Structure, 571 Skill: Make and Confirm Predictions, 571


R K.2.2 Activity Book, 11

Fluency Word Automaticity, 572

Little Red Hen, 42/43–56 Strategy: Summarize Skill: Retell R 1.2.7

Fluency Word Automaticity,

Fluency Word Automaticity, 65F R 1.1.16

Connected Text, 57H

Practice Book, 84

Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Prewrite and Draft Sentences, 561

Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw a picture of one of the story’s characters and write a description about their picture.

Revise and Edit Sentences, 569 LAS K.1.2

Daily Writing Prompt Children should proofread their how-to sentences to make sure they printed legibly during independent time and then write a final draft.

Publish and Present Sentences, 575

Daily Writing Prompt Draw a picture of a time when you helped out. Write about the picture.

W K.1.3 Oral Grammar Action Words (Verbs), 560 R K.1.18

Independent Writing: How-to Sentences Prewrite and Draft, 57D Writing Trait: Organization W 1.1

Quick Check High-Frequency

Quick Check Phonics, 41E Comprehension, 44/45

Independent Writing: How-to Sentences Publish and Present, 65I LC 1.1.6

Independent Writing: How-to Sentences Revise and Edit, 63B LC 1.1.6

Grammar Plural Nouns, 57B Mechanics: Sentence Punctuation Teacher’s Resource Book, GR20 LC 1.1.2

Words, 556

LAS K.1.2

Grammar Plural Nouns, 65H Teacher’s Resource book, GR21

Grammar Plural Nouns, 63B LC 1.1.2 Practice Book, 83

Quick Check Phonics, 566

Quick Check Phonics, 57I

End-of-Week Assessment, 576–577

Weekly Assessment, 65K–65L

Grades K–1 Combination Class Lesson Plan Go to for Online Lesson Planner




Grade K Unit 3 Week 2 Big Book

15–20 min

Genre Nonfiction

A nonfiction article gives information about a topic.

• Listening


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• Oral Vocabulary

• Phonemic Awareness

On the


Main Idea and Details

Look for details that show what the town is like.

Grade 1 Unit 2 Week 3 On the Map, pp. 70/71–76

Greg and Stef live in a big town. They go out a lot.


P1v2_CA_U2W3_TFK_RD10.indd 70

Grade K

Grade K 15–20 min

Oral Vocabulary Sound Words R K.1.17 Comprehension Strategy: Recognize Text Structure Skill: Classify and Categorize R K.2.3, R K.2.5

• Phonics • Spelling • High-Frequency

Grade 1 30–40 min

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics /i/i R K.1.19, R K.1.11, R K.1.14, R K.1.15 High-Frequency Words go R K.1.15

? Focus Question Where do you live? What is your neighborhood like?

? Focus Question What do people use to go from place to place?

Build Background, 616 R K.1.2, R K.1.18, LAS K.2.1 Oral Vocabulary familiar, journey,

Oral Vocabulary amazed, frequently,

Oral Vocabulary familiar, journey, prepare, relax, travel, 624 LAS K.1.2 Sound Words, 631 R K.1.17 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 632 R K.1.9

prepare, relax, travel, 616

service, useful, variety, 66L Big Book Me on the Map, 67A Strategy: Summarize R 1.2.7 Skill: Main Idea and Details

Grade 1 ? Focus Question Who is in the picture? Where do you think they are? Does the title give a clue?

Oral Vocabulary amazed, frequently, service, useful, variety, 67I Oral Vocabulary Cards “Around Town, Then and Now,” 67I LAS 1.1.1

Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Categorization, 67B R 1.1.4

Phoneme Blending, 67K R 1.1.8


9/25/07 10:48:00 AM

California Standards

Grade K

? Focus Question Where do you live? What is your neighborhood like?

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 619 R K.1.11


DAY 2 Grade 1



Phonics r and s Blends, 67C


Phonics Build and Blend with r and s

Introduce /i/i, 620 R K.1.14 Handwriting: Write Ii, 621 W K.1.4 Activity Book, 14 Practice Book, 67

Practice Book, 86

Review /i/i, /t/t, 632 R K.1.14 Blend with /i/i, 633 R K.1.14

Blends, 67K

High-Frequency Words go , 618 R K.1.15

Spelling Dictation, Pretest, 67E Teacher’s Resource Book, SP15 LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words

Review High-Frequency Words, 634 R K.1.15

Spelling Word Sort gr-, sp, tr-, 67M LC 1.1.8 Practice Book, 87

High-Frequency Words

Review eat, of, no, some, who , 67F

live, many, out, place , 67N Practice Book, 88 R 1.1.11

READING Grade K 15–20 min

• Comprehension • Fluency

Share the Big Book On the Go Strategy: Recognize Text Structure

Read Decodable Reader Pet Tricks, 67F R 1.1.16 Fluency Sound/Spelling, 67C

R K.3.1 Skill: Classify and Categorize, 617 R K.2.5

Grade 1 30–40 min

Reread the Big Book On the Go Strategy: Recognize Text Structure, 626 Skill: Classify and Categorize, 626 Retell, 630 R K.2.4 Pre-decodable Reader: Go, Go, Go, 634 Activity Book, 15–16 Practice Book, 68

Read Get Ready Story, “I Live Here,” 68/69

Comprehension Strategy: Summarize Skill: Main Idea and Details

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 67L

Fluency Echo-Read, 630 LANGUAGE ARTS

Grade 1 Phonemic Awareness/Phonics r and s Blends R 1.1.4, R 1.1.8, R 1.1.10 High-Frequency Words live, many, out, place R 1.1.11 Comprehension Strategy: Summarize Skill: Main Idea and Details R 1.2.7

Grade K 15–20 min

• Writing • Grammar

Shared Writing Lists, 623 R K.1.17, W K.1.3 Oral Grammar


Action Words (Verbs), 622 R K.1.17 Grade 1 30–40 min

Interactive Writing Posters, 635 W K.1.1

Writing Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw a picture of one of the detail sentences. Have them copy the sentence from the board. Interactive Writing: Report, 69B W 1.2.2

Shared Writing: Report, 67H

Grammar Irregular Plural Nouns, 69A Teacher’s Resource Book, GR22 LC 1.1.2

Grammar Irregular Plural Nouns, 67G LC 1.1.2 Practice Book, 89

Writing Report W 1.1.1, W 1.2.2 History/Social Science HSS 1.2

Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw a picture of a place they like to go in their neighborhood and label it or write a sentence with words from the list.

Grade K 30–40 min

Grade 1 45–60 min


• Informal/Formal

Quick Check Phonemic

Quick Check Phonics, 67D

Quick Check Comprehension, 630

Awareness, 619



Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 67N

Differentiated Instruction 662–687


Differentiated Instruction 66F-66G

DAY 3 Grade K

DAY 4 Grade 1

Grade K

DAY 5 Review and Assess Grade 1

Grade K

? Focus Question Do you go far or near when you ride a bike?

? Focus Question What do you think will be on this map?

? Focus Question Why is it fun to go to new places?

? Focus Question How do farmers get food to the city?

? Focus Question Where would you tell a friend to go traveling?

Oral Vocabulary familiar, journey,

Oral Vocabulary amazed, frequently, service, useful, variety, 69I Content Big Book “Find an Address,” 69C HSS 1.2

Oral Vocabulary familiar, journey, prepare, relax, travel, 646 LAS K.1.2 Sound Words, 649 R K.1.17 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 650 R K.1.9

Oral Vocabulary amazed, frequently,

prepare, relax, travel, 636

Oral Vocabulary familiar, journey, prepare, relax, travel, 654 LAS K.2.1 Sound Words, 656 R K.1.17 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Categorization, 657 R K.1.11

Oral Vocabulary Cards “The Two Frogs”

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 641 R K.1.17

Phonemic Awareness


Phonics Blend with r and s Blends, 69E R 1.1.10

Picture Sort: /i/i, 642 R K.1.11 Blend with /i/i, 643 R K.1.16 Read Words, 643 R K.1.15

High-Frequency Words go , 640 R K.1.15 Activity Book: “We Can Go!” 17–18 Practice Book, 69–70 Read for Fluency, 640

Read the Rhyming Poem Content Big Book: “Land High and Low,” 50–57 Text Feature: Use Labels, 638 R K.3.2

Phoneme Substitution, 69D R 1.1.7

Practice Book, 90

Spelling Word Sort gr-, tr-, sp-, 69G Teacher’s Resource Book, SP16 LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words live, many, out, place , 69H R 1.1.11

Read On the Map, 70/71-76 Comprehension Strategy: Summarize Skill: Main Idea and Details Practice Book, 92-93 R 1.2.7

service, useful, variety, 77F Read Aloud “Make Way for Ducklings,” 77E

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Categorization, 77G R 1.1.4

Phonics Picture Sort, 650 R K.1.14 Blend Words, 651 R K.1.15 Activity Book, 19 Practice Book, 71

Review High-Frequency Words, 652 R K.1.15

Interactive Read Aloud Read Aloud: “Timimoto,” 49–52 Pre-decodable Reader: It Can Go, Go, Go!, 652 R K.1.2,

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 69E


Read “The Farmers Market,”

Read Across Texts

Comprehension Study Skill: Use a Dictionary Answer Questions: Right There Practice Book, 96

? Focus Question How did summarizing help you? How might it help you when you read another selection?

Oral Vocabulary amazed, frequently, service, useful, variety, 81C

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending/Segmentation, 81E

Phonics Build and Blend with r and s Blends, 77G R 1.1.10 Spelling Practice gr-, sp-, tr-, 77I Practice Book, 91 LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words live, many, out, place , 77J R 1.1.11


Grade 1

Read Words, 658 R K.1.15 Activity Book, 22

High-Frequency Words a, go, like, see, the , 656 R K.1.15

Phonics Blend with r and s Blends, 81F R 1.1.10 Spelling Posttest, 81G LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words live, many, out, place , 81H R 1.1.11

Read Weekly Literature Strategy: Recognize Text Structure, 655 On the Map, 70/71-76 Skill: Classify and Categorize, 655 R K.2.3 Comprehension Activity Book, 21 Strategy: Summarize Skill: Main Idea and Details Fluency Word Automaticity, 656 Fluency Word Automaticity, 81H

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 77H R 1.1.16

Practice Book, 95

Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Prewrite and Draft Posters, 645 W K.1.3

Daily Writing Prompt Have children write a topic sentence about their neighborhood that tells the main idea of their report. Then have them add sentences with details supporting the main idea.

Revise and Edit Posters, 653 LAS K.1.2

Daily Writing Prompt Children may revise and proofread their reports during independent time and write a final draft.

Publish and Present Posters, 659 LAS K.1.2

Daily Writing Prompt Draw a picture of a place in your neighborhood that would be on a map. Write about the picture.

Oral Grammar Action Words (Verbs), 644 R K.1.17,

R K.1.18

Prewrite and Draft, 77D Writing Trait: Organization

Revise and Edit, 81B W 1.2.2

Publish and Present, 81K W 1.2.2

Grammar Irregular Plural Nouns, 81A

Grammar Irregular Plural Nouns, 81J Mechanics: Capital Letters and Exclamation Marks Teacher’s Resource Book, GR 24

Practice Book, 94

Grammar Irregular Plural Nouns, 77A Teacher’s Resource Book, GR23 LC 1.1.2

Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 640

Quick Check Phonemic Awareness,


Quick Check Phonics, 650

Quick Check Phonics/Spelling, 77I

End-of-Week Assessment, 660–661

Weekly Assessment, 81M-81N

Grades K–1 Combination Class Lesson Plan Go to for Online Lesson Planner




3/9/05 1:30:52 AM

Grade K Unit 3 Week 3 Trade Book

15–20 min

Wn:aaZcIVgadl ^aajhigViZYWn

California Standards Grade K

? Focus Question What is a home? Oral Vocabulary collapse, company,

? Focus Question What can you see when you travel on wheels?

? Focus Question What could the pup use?

• Listening

Build Background, 700 R K.1.2

construct, entire, material, 82L Big Book Three Little Pigs, 83A R 1.1.2 Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Plot R 1.3.1

Oral Vocabulary adventure, attach, haul, massive, wheel, 708 R K.1.18 Shape Words, 715 R K.1.17, R K.1.18 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Identity, 716 R K.1.11

Oral Vocabulary collapse, company,

Oral Vocabulary Shape Words, Sound Words R K.1.17 Comprehension Strategy: Recognize Story Structure Skill: Identify Character and Plot R K.3.3

Oral Vocabulary adventure, attach, haul, massive, wheel, 700

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Identity, 703 R K.1.11, LAS K.2.2 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 83B R 1.1.4

construct, entire, material, 83I Oral Vocabulary Cards “The Squeaky Floor” Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Plot R 1.3.1

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Categorization, 83K R 1.1.4 WORD STUDY Grade K 15–20 min

• Phonics • Spelling • High-Frequency

Grade 1 30–40 min

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics /t/t, /i/i R K.1.9, R K.1.11, R K.1.15, R K.1.16 High-Frequency Words see, go R K.1.15

Grade 1

? Focus Question Do you like to ride a bike?


Grade 1 Unit 2 Week 4 The Pigs, the Wolf, and the Mud, pp. 88–104

Grade K

• Oral Vocabulary

• Phonemic Awareness EVWad7ZgcVhXdc^

DAY 2 Grade 1



Phonics Short u, 83C


Review /t/t, /i/i, 704 R K.1.14 Handwriting: Review Tt, Ii, 705 W K.1.4,

Practice Book, 97

Review /p/p, /t/t, /i/i, 716 R K.1.14 Blend with /i/i, /t/t, /s/s, 717 R K.1.9,

R K.1.14

Teacher’s Resource Book, SP17

Activity Book, 24 Practice Book, 73

High-Frequency Words

Spelling Pretest, 83E LC 1.1.8

Review live, many, out, place , 83F

Phonics Short u, 83K R 1. 1.10 Spelling Word Sort -ug, -un -ut, 83M LC 1.1.8

R K.1.14 Review High-Frequency Words, 718 R K.1.15

Practice Book, 98

Reread the Trade Book

Read Get Ready Story,

High-Frequency Words see, go , 702 R K.1.14, R K.1.15

High-Frequency Words again, could, make, one then, three , 83N Practice Book, 99 R 1.1.11

READING Grade K 15–20 min

• Comprehension • Fluency

Grade 1 30–40 min

Share the Trade Book Duck on a Bike Strategy: Recognize Story Structure, 701 R K.3.3 Skill: Identify Character and Plot, 701

Read Decodable Reader Gus and Fluff, 83F R 1.2.5 Fluency Sound/Spelling, 83C

R K.3.3

Duck on a Bike Strategy: Recognize Story Structure, 710 R K.3.3 Skill: Identify Character and Plot, 710 Retell, 714 R K.2.4 Pre-decodable Reader: I See a Truck Go, 718 Activity Book, 25–26

“Too Big for One” 84/85-86/87

Comprehension Skill: Plot

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 83L R 1.1.16

Practice Book, 74 LANGUAGE ARTS

Grade 1 Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Short u R 1.1.4, R 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words again, could, make, one then, three R 1.1.11 Comprehension Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Plot R 1.3.1

Grade K 15–20 min

• Writing • Grammar

Shared Writing A List, 707 R K.2.3, W K.1.3 Oral Grammar


Action Words (Verbs), 706 R K.1.17 Grade 1 30–40 min

Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw a picture of a clubhouse or fort. Have them label it or write a sentence with words from the list.

Interactive Writing Book Title, 719 W K.1.1, W K.1.3


Shared Writing: Story, 83H W 1.2.1

Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw a picture of the pet in its home and show a sentence under their picture using the sentence frame: The ____ lives in a ____ made of _____.

Grammar Proper Nouns, 83G LC 1.1.7

Interactive Writing: Story, 87B W 1.2.1

Practice Book, 100

Grammar Proper Nouns, 87A Teacher’s Resource Book, GR25 LC 1.1.7

Writing Proper Nouns R 1.1.1, R 1.2.1 History/Social Science HSS

Grade K 30–40 min

Grade 1 45–60 min


• Informal/Formal

Quick Check Phonemic

Quick Check Phonics, 83D

Awareness, 703



Quick Check Comprehension, 714

Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 83N

Differentiated Instruction 746–771

GRADE 1 Differentiated Instruction 82F-82G

DAY 3 Grade K

DAY 4 Grade 1

Grade 1

Grade K

? Focus Question What kind of home did the pigs live in? Why is mud a good home for a pig?

? Focus Question Where did we see the story characters go?

? Focus Question What do you see when you go to school?

? Focus Question What happens to the pigs?

? Focus Question Where can we go on wheels?

Oral Vocabulary adventure, attach, haul, massive, wheel, 720 R K.1.18 Oral Vocabulary Cards “Big, Big

Oral Vocabulary collapse, company,


Phonemic Awareness

HSS 1.3.1 Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Blending, 725 R K.1.9, R K.1.13

Phoneme Blending, 87D R 1.1.8

Oral Vocabulary adventure, attach, haul, massive, wheel, 730 R K.1.17, R K.1.18 Sound Words, 733 R K.1.17 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 734 R K.1.9


Phonics Short u, 87E


Blend with /t/t, /p/p, /s/s, /i/i, 727

Practice Book, 101

R K.1.9, R K.1.16 Read Words, 727 R K.1.15 High-Frequency Words see, go , 724 R K.1.15

Spelling Word Sort -ug, -un -ut, 87G Teacher’s Resource Book, SP18 R 1.1.6 High-Frequency Words

Picture Sort, 734 R K.1.11, R K.1.14 Blend with /p/p, /a/a, /t/t, /i/i, 735

Activity Book: “I Can Go!” 27–28 Practice Book, 75–76 Read for Fluency, 724

construct, entire, material, 87I Content Big Book “America,” 87C

again, could, make, one then, three , 87H R 1.1.11

DAY 5 Review and Assess

Grade K

R K.1.9, R K.1.14 Activity Book, 30 Practice Book, 77

Oral Vocabulary collapse, company, construct, entire, material, 105F Read Aloud “The Three Little Pigs,” 105F

Phonemic Awareness

Oral Vocabulary adventure, attach, haul, massive, wheel, 738 R K.1.18 Shape Words, 740 R K.1.17 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Categorization, 741 R K.1.11

Phoneme Categorization, 105H R 1.1.4

Grade 1 ? Focus Question How might analyzing the plot help you when reading another selection?

Oral Vocabulary collapse, company, construct, entire, material, 111A

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending/Segmentation, 111C R 1.1.8, 1.1.9

Phonics Short u, 105H Spelling Practice, 105J R 1.1.15 High-Frequency Words

Phonics Read Words, 742 R K.1.4, R K.1.15 Activity Book, 32

Phonics Short u, 111C R 1.1.10 Spelling Posttest, 111E LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words

again, could, make, one then, three , 105K

R 1.1.11

High Frequency-Words a, like, the, we, see, go , 740 R K.1.15

again, could, make, one, then, three , 111F R 1.1.11

Review High-Frequency Words, 736 R K.1.15

Read the Nonfiction Article

Read The Pigs, the Wolf, and the Mud,

Interactive Read Aloud

Read “Homes Around the World,”

Reading Across Texts

Read Weekly Literature

Content Big Book: “Signs in the Park,” 58–59 R K.2.1, R K.1.3, HSS K.4.3, R K.3.2 Text Feature: Use Maps, 722 R K.3.2

88/89–104 Decodable Reader A Fair Is Fun

Read Aloud: “The Singing Wagon,” 53–57 R K.2.5, R K.2.2, R K.1.18 Pre-decodable Reader: Sit, Tip!, 736


Strategy: Recognize Story Structure, 739 Skill: Identify Character and Plot, 739 LAS K.2.3, R K.3.3 Activity Book, 31

The Pigs, the Wolf, and the Mud, 88/89–104

Comprehension Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Plot Practice Book, 103–104 R 1.3.1

R K.1.2, R K.2.2

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 87E

Comprehension Text Feature: Photographs Content Vocabulary: straw, cottage, huff, 105F R 1.2.4 Practice Book, 107

Fluency Word Automaticity, 740

Comprehension Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Plot

Fluency Phrasing, 111B R 1.1.16

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 105I R 1.1.16

Practice Book, 106

Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Prewrite and Draft Book Title, 729 R K.2.3, W K.1.3

Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw a picture of what the wolf’s home looks like and write about it.

Revise and Edit Book Title, 737 LAS K.1.1,

Daily Writing Prompt Children may revise and proofread their stories during independent time and write a final draft.

Publish and Present Book Title, 743

Daily Writing Prompt Choose an animal and write about where it lives.

Oral Grammar Action Words (Verbs), 728 R K.1.17,

R K.1.18

Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 724

W K.1.1

Independent Writing: Story Prewrite and Draft, 105E Writing Trait: Word Choice W 1.1.2

Independent Writing: Story Revise and Edit, 109B W 1.2.1

Grammar Proper Nouns, 105B Teacher’s Resource Book, GR26 LC 1.1.7 Mechanics: Capitalization of proper nouns LC 1.1.7

Practice Book, 105

Quick Check Phonics, 87F

LAS K.1.2, LAS K.2.1

Independent Writing: Story Publish and Present, 111I LC 1.1.1

Grammar Proper Nouns, 111H Mechanics: Capitalization of Proper Nouns, LC 1.1.7 Teacher’s Resource Book, GR27

Grammar Proper Nouns, 109B LC 1.1.7

Quick Check Phonics, 734

Quick Check Phonics/Spelling, 105J

End-of-Week Assessment, 744–745

Weekly Assessment, 111K-111L

Grades K–1 Combination Class Lesson Plan Go to for Online Lesson Planner




Grade K Unit 4 Week 1 Big Book

15–20 min

• Oral Vocabulary

? Focus Question What is a fruit you like to eat?

• Listening


3/10/05 1:38:04 AM

• Phonemic Awareness


and the Band

Grade 1 Unit 2 Week 5 Beth and the Band, pp. 118/119–134

by Anne Miranda illustrated by Lynne Cravath

P1v2_CA_U2W5_CM_RD10.indd 119

Grade K

Grade K 15–20 min

Oral Vocabulary Fruits and Vegetables R K.1.17 Comprehension Strategy: Summarize Skill: Identify Sequence of Events R K.3.3

• Phonics • Spelling • High-Frequency

Grade 1 30–40 min

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics /n/n R K.1.9, R K.1.11, R K.1.14, R K.1.15, R K.1.16 High-Frequency Words to R K.1.15

Grade K

Grade 1

? Focus Question Why do people go to the market?

? Focus Question What kind of show will the children perform?

Build Background, 792 R K.1.2

? Focus Question How might neighbors enjoy, or have fun, playing together outside?

Oral Vocabulary combine,

Oral Vocabulary audience, brilliant,

Oral Vocabulary combine, farmer,

Oral Vocabulary audience, brilliant,

ingredient, market, nutritious, 792

enjoy, entertain, perform, 112L Big Book Rap A Tap Tap, 113A R 1.1.2 Strategy: Visualize Skill: Retell R 1.2.7

farmer, ingredient, market, nutritious, 800 R K.1.18 Fruits and Vegetables, 807 R K.1.17

enjoy, entertain, perform, 113I Oral Vocabulary Cards “The Singing Turtle” Strategy: Visualize Skill: Retell R 1.2.7

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 795 R K.1.11

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 808 R K.1.9

Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Segmentation, 113B R 1.1.9

Phoneme Addition, 113K R 1.1.7


9/18/07 9:00:11 AM

California Standards

DAY 2 Grade 1


Phonics Introduce /n/n, 796 R K.1.14 Handwriting: Write Nn, 797 W K.1.4 Activity Book, 4 Practice Book, 81

Phonics Digraphs sh and th, 113C Practice Book, 108 R 1.1.10 Spelling Pretest, 113E Teacher’s Resource Book, SP19 LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words


High-Frequency Words to , 794 R K.1.15

Review again, could, make, one, then, three , 113F R 1.1.11

Share the Big Book

Read Decodable Reader

Reread the Big Book

Apple Farmer Annie Strategy: Summarize, 793 R K.3.3 Skill: Identify Sequence of Events, 793

This and That, 113F Fluency Sound/Spelling, 113C

Apple Farmer Annie Strategy: Summarize, 802 R K.3.3 Skill: Identify Sequence of Events, 802 Retell, 806 R K.2.4 Decodable Reader: Can Nan?, 810 Activity Book, 5–6 Practice Book, 82

Review /n/n, 808 R K.1.14 Blend with /n/n, 809 R K.1.16

Review High-Frequency Words, 810 R K.1.15

Phonics Digraphs sh and th, 113K R 1.1.10 Spelling Word Sort sh and th, 113M LC 1.1.8 Practice Book, 109

High-Frequency Words all, put, show, together, under, want , 113N LC 1.1.8 Practice Book, 110

READING Grade K 15–20 min

• Comprehension • Fluency

Grade 1 30–40 min

Read Get Ready Story “A Show,” 114/115–116/117

Comprehension Strategy: Visualize Skill: Retell R 1.2.7

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 113L

Fluency Echo-Read, 806 LANGUAGE ARTS

Grade 1 Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Digraphs sh and th R 1.1.8, R 1.1.10 High-Frequency Words all, put, show, together, under, want, R 1.1.11 Comprehension Strategy: Visualize Skill: Retell R 1.2.7

Grade K 15–20 min

• Writing

Shared Writing


• Grammar

A Numbered List, 799 W K.1.3

Oral Grammar

Daily Writing Prompt: Invite children to respond to the photograph by dictating sentences about it.

Action Words (Verbs), 798 R K.1.18 Grade 1 30–40 min

Interactive Writing Lists, 811 W K.1.1

Writing Daily Writing Prompt: Draw a picture of what you would do in a show and write a sentence about your picture.

Shared Writing: Story, 113H W 1.1.1,

Interactive Writing: Story, 117B W 1.2.1

W1.1.2 Grammar Days, Months, and Holidays, 113G LC 1.1.6

Grammar Days, Months, and Holidays, 117A LC 1.1.6 Teacher’s Resource Book, GR28

Practice Book, 111

Writing Story W 1.2.1 Science LS 1.2.a

Grade K 30–40 min

Grade 1 45–60 min


• Informal/Formal

Quick Check Phonemic

Quick Check Phonics, 113C, 113D

Quick Check Comprehension, 806

Awareness, 795



Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 113N

Differentiated Instruction 838–863


Differentiated Instruction 112F–112G

DAY 3 Grade K

DAY 4 Grade 1

Grade K

? Focus Question How does food get from the farm to us?

? Focus Question Why is the band fun?

? Focus Question How do you get a garden to grow?

Oral Vocabulary combine, farmer, ingredient, market, nutritious, 812 R K.2.2 Oral Vocabulary Cards “Pizza,

Oral Vocabulary audience, brilliant,

Oral Vocabulary combine,

enjoy, entertain, perform, 117C Content Big Book “What Does the Sun Do?” 117C LS 1.2.a

farmer, ingredient, market, nutritious, 822 R K.1.18 Fruits and Vegetables, 825 R K.1.17

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 117D R 1.1.8


Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 817 R K.1.11

Phonics Review /n/n, /t/t, 818 R K.1.14 Blend with /n/n, 819 R K.1.16 Read Words, 819 R K.1.15

Phonics Digraphs sh and th, 117E R 1.1.10 Practice Book, 112

High-Frequency Words to , 816 R K.1.15

Spelling Word Sort sh and th, 117G Teacher’s Resource Book, SP20 R 1.1.15 High-Frequency Words

Activity Book: “We Go!” 7–8 Practice Book, 83–84

all, put, show, together, under, want , 117H R 1.1.11

DAY 5 Review and Assess Grade 1

Grade K

Grade 1

? Focus Question Think about the instruments the kids made in Beth and the Band. How do those instruments make sounds?

? Focus Question What foods would you like to pick in a garden or field?

? Focus Question How did visualizing help you? How might it help you when you read another selection?

Oral Vocabulary combine,

Oral Vocabulary audience, brilliant,

Oral Vocabulary audience, brilliant,

Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness

enjoy, entertain, performing, 135G Read Aloud “Dance at Grandpa’s”, 135F

farmer, ingredient, market, nutritious, 830 R K.1.18 Fruits and Vegetables, 832

Phoneme Blending, 826 R K.1.9

Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Addition, 135H R 1.1.7

Phoneme Categorization, 833 R K.1.11

Phonics Digraphs sh and th, 135H Spelling Test Practice, 135J R 1.1.9


Phonics Picture Sort: /n/n, /i/i, /t/t, 826 R K.1.14 Blend Words, 827 R K.1.15 Activity Book, 9–10 Practice Book, 85

Review High-Frequency Words, 828 R K.1.15

Practice Book, 113

High-Frequency Words all, put, show, together, under, want , 135K R.1.1.11, LC 1.1.8

Read Words, 834 R K.1.15 Activity Book, 12

High-Frequency Words a, go, like, see, to , 832 R K.1.15

enjoy, entertain, perform, 141A Phoneme Blending/Segmentation, 141C R 1.1.8, R 1.1.9

Phonics Digraphs th and sh, 141D R 1.1.10 Spelling Posttest, 141E LC 1.1.8, W 1.1.3 High-Frequency Words all, put, show, together, under, want , 141F R 1.1.11, LC 1.1.8

Read for Fluency, 816

Read the Nonfiction Photo Essay

Read Beth and the Band,

Interactive Read Aloud

Content Big Book: “Celebrating History,” 2–4 HSS K.6.1, R K.3.2 Text Feature: Use Labels, 814

118/119-134 Decodable Reader The Vet

Listening Comprehension, 824 Read Aloud: “The Goat in the Chile Patch” Decodable Reader: Can Nan? 828

Comprehension Strategy: Visualize Skill: Retell R 1.2.7 Practice Book, 114-115

Fluency Reread for Fluency, 828

Read “Shake a Rattle,” 136-139 Comprehension Text Feature: Photographs Content Vocabulary: instruments, rattles, music, 136 Practice Book, 118

Read Across Texts Strategy: Summarize, 831 Skill: Identify Sequence of Events, 831

R K.3.3 Activity Book, 11

Fluency Word Automaticity, 832

Fluency Word Automaticity/ Connected Text, 135I R 1.1.16

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 117E

Read Beth and the Band, 118/119-134 Comprehension Strategy: Visualize Skill: Retell R 1.2.7

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 141D R 1.1.16 Practice Book, 117

Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Prewrite and Draft Sentences, 821

Daily Writing Prompt: Respond to the song in words or drawings.

Revise and Edit Sentences, 829 LC K.1.1

Daily Writing: Draw what you saw in your mind as you listened to the read aloud.

Publish and Present Sentences, 835 LAS K.1.1

Daily Writing: Draw a picture of yourself playing your favorite instrument. Write a sentence about the picture.

W K.1.3 Oral Grammar Action Words (Verbs), 820 R K.1.18

Independent Writing: Story Prewrite and Draft, 135E Writing Trait: Word Choice W 1.1.2

Independent Writing: Story W 1.2.1 Revise and Edit, 139C

Grammar Days, Months, and Holidays, 135B Mechanics: Capitalize Proper Nouns Teacher’s Resource Book, GR29 LC 1.1.6

Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 816

Quick Check Phonics, 117F Comprehension, 120-133

Independent Writing: Story Publish and Present, 141I LC 1.1.1

Grammar Days, Months, and Holidays, 139B LC 1.1.6

Grammar Days, Months, and Holidays, 141H LC 1.1.6 Teacher’s Resource Book, GR30

Practice Book, 116

Quick Check Phonics, 826

Quick Check Phonics/Spelling, 135J

End-of-Week Assessment, 836–837

Weekly Assessment, 141K/141L

Grades K–1 Combination Class Lesson Plan Go to for Online Lesson Planner



Our Special Sweet Potato Pie by Andrea Davis Pinkney illustrated by Cathy Ann Johnson


4/4/05 9:14:48 AM

Grade K Unit 4 Week 2 Big Book

15–20 min

• Oral Vocabulary

? Focus Question Have you ever helped to make dinner?

• Listening

Build Background, 876 R K.1.2

? Focus Question What makes you laugh? How do you make other people laugh?

Oral Vocabulary appetite, feast,

Oral Vocabulary amuse, delighted,

flavor, prefer, special, 876

humorous, mood, ridiculous, 6L Big Book If You Take A Mouse to School Strategy: Visualize, 7A Skill: Retell R 1.2.7


• Phonemic Awareness Grade 1 Unit 3 Week 1 On My Way to School, pp. 12–28

California Standards Grade K

Oral Vocabulary Season Words R K.1.17, LAS K.1.2 Comprehension Strategy: Summarize Skill: Make Inferences R K.2.3, R K.3.1, R K.3.3

High-Frequency Words away, late, school, today, way, why R 1.1.11 Comprehension Strategy: Visualize Skill: Retell R 1.2.7

Grade 1

? Focus Question What would you have for a special dinner?

? Focus Question Why is Jane late? Oral Vocabulary amuse, delighted,

Oral Vocabulary appetite, feast, flavor, prefer, special, 884 R K.1.18 Season Words, 891 R K.1.17, LAS K.1.2 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 892 R K.1.9

humorous, mood, ridiculous, 7I Oral Vocabulary Cards “The Monkeys and the Hats” Strategy: Visualize Skill: Retell R 1.2.7

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Addition, 7K R 1.1.7

WORD STUDY Grade K 15–20 min

• Phonics • Spelling • High-Frequency

Grade 1 30–40 min


Phonics Introduce /k/c, 880 R K.1.14 Handwriting: Write Cc, 881 W K.1.4 Activity Book, 14 Practice Book, 87

Phonics Long a, 7C Practice Book, 119 R 1.1.10 Spelling Pretest, 7E


Teacher’s Resource Book, SP21 LC 1.1.8

Review High-Frequency Words, 894 R K.1.15

High-Frequency Words

Review /k/c, /n/n, /i/i, 892 R K.1.14 Blend with /k/c, 893 R K.1.14, R K.1.16

High-Frequency Words have , 878 R K.1.15

Review all, put, show, together, want, under , 7F R 1.1.11

Share the Big Book

Read Decodable Reader

Reread the Big Book

Our Special Sweet Potato Pie Strategy: Summarize, 877 Skill: Make Inferences, 877 R K.2.3

Jane and Wade, 7F

Our Special Sweet Potato Pie Strategy: Summarize, 886 R K.3.3 Skill: Make Inferences, 886 Retell, 890 R K.2.4 Activity Book, 15–16 Practice Book, 88

Phonics Long a, 7K R 1.1.10 Spelling Word Sort -ake, -ate, -ame, 7M LC 1.1.8 Practice Book, 120

High-Frequency Words away, school, today, way, why , 7N Practice Book, 121 R 1.1.11

READING Grade K 15–20 min

• Comprehension • Fluency

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 7C R 1.1.16

Grade 1 30–40 min

Read Get Ready Story “Jane Is Late!,” 8-11

Comprehension Strategy: Visualize Skill: Retell R 1.2.5

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 7L R 1.1.16

Fluency Echo-Read, 890


Grade 1 Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Long a R 1.1.7, R 1.1.10

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 879 R K.1.11

Grade K

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Identity, 7B R 1.1.4

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics /k/c R K.1.9, R K.1.11, R K.1.14, R K.1.15, R K.1.16 High-Frequency Words have R K.1.12, R K.1.15

DAY 2 Grade 1

Grade K 15–20 min

• Writing • Grammar

Shared Writing A Recipe, 883 W K.1.3 Oral Grammar


Action Words (Verbs), 882 R K.1.18

Daily Writing Prompt Draw a picture of something humorous. Write a sentence about what is happening.

Interactive Writing A Recipe, 895 W K.1.1

Shared Writing: Story, 7H W 1.1.1

Grade 1 30–40 min

Writing Daily Writing Prompt Have children write a sentence about how they get to school. Encourage them to include a fun verb in their sentence. Interactive Writing: Story, 11B W 1.1.2

Grammar Verbs, 7G Practice Book, 122

Grammar Verbs, 11A Teacher’s Resource Book, GR31

Writing Story W 1.1.1 History/Social Science HS 1.1.2

Grade K 30–40 min

Grade 1 45–60 min


• Informal/Formal

Quick Check Phonemic Awareness,

Quick Check Phonics, 7D



Quick Check Comprehension, 890

Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 7N


Differentiated Instruction 922–947

GRADE 1 Differentiated Instruction 6F-6G

DAY 3 Grade K

DAY 4 Grade 1

Grade K

DAY 5 Review and Assess Grade 1

? Focus Question What vegetables do you like to have for dinner?

? Focus Question What happens to the boy on his way to school?

? Focus Question What do you have to eat when you are hungry?

? Focus Question What riddles might you read in Take a Riddle Ride?

Oral Vocabulary appetite, feast,

Oral Vocabulary amuse, delighted, humorous, mood, ridiculous, 11C Content Big Book “We Belong” 11C

Oral Vocabulary appetite, feast, flavor, prefer, special, 906 LAS K.1.2 Season Words, 909 R K.1.17 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 910 R K.1.9

Oral Vocabulary amuse, delighted,

flavor, prefer, special, 896

Oral Vocabulary Cards “Little Juan Phonemic Awareness

HSS 1.1.2 Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Blending, 901 R K.1.9

Phoneme Substitution, 11D R 1.1.7


Phonics Long a, 11E R 1.1.10


Review /k/c, /p/p, /a/a, 902 R K.1.11,

Practice Book, 123

R K.1.14

Spelling Word Sort -ake, -ame, -ate,

Blend with /k/c, 903 R K.1.16

11G Teacher’s Resource Book, SP22 R 1.1.15

Picture Sort: /k/c, /n/n, /i/i, 910 R K.1.14 Blend with /k/c, 911 R K.1.9, R K.1.15 Activity Book, 19–20 Practice Book, 91

and the Cooking Pot”

High-Frequency Words have , 900 R K.1.15 Activity Book: “I Have,” 17–18 Practice Book, 89–90 Read for Fluency, 900

High-Frequency Words away, school, today, way, why , 11H

Phonics Long a, 29H R 1.1.10 Spelling Test Practice, 29J R 1.1.15 Practice Book, 124

Grade 1

? Focus Question What have we read this week? Which one is your favorite?

? Focus Question How did visualizing help you? How might it help you when you read another selection?

Oral Vocabulary appetite, feast, flavor, prefer, special, 914 LAS K.1.2, LAS K.2.2 Season Words, 916 LAS K.1.2 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Categorization, 917 R K.1.11

Oral Vocabulary amuse, delighted,


Phonics Long a, 35D R 1.1.10 Spelling Posttest, 35E LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words

Read Words, 918 R K.1.15 Activity Book, 22

humorous, mood, ridiculous, 35A

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending/Segmentation, 35C

R 1.1.8, 1.1.9

High-Frequency Words a, go, have, see, to , 916 R K.1.12

R 1.1.11

Read Across Texts

Read Weekly Literature

Text Feature: Signs and Symbols Practice Book, 129

Strategy: Summarize, 915 R K.3.3 Skill: Make Inferences, 915 Activity Book, 21


Fluency Word Automaticity,

Fluency Word Automaticity, 916

High-Frequency Words away, school, today, way, why , 29K

R 1.1.11

Read “Take a Riddle Ride,” 30/31–32/33 Comprehension

away, school, today, way, why , 35F

R 1.1.11

Read On My Way to School, 12/13–28

Interactive Read Aloud

Content Big Book: “Ripe and Ready to Eat,” 5–8 LS K.2.a,

Decodable Reader: Magnets, 11H

Listening Comprehension, 908 Read Aloud: “Grandfather Bear Is Hungry” R K.2.5 Decodable Reader: We Can! 912 R K.1.2

ES K.3.c

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Identity, 29H R 1.14

Review High-Frequency Words, 912 R K.1.15

Read the Poems

Text Feature: Use Signs, 898 R K.1.3

humorous, mood, ridiculous, 29G Read Aloud “One Monkey Too Many,” 29F

Grade K

Comprehension Strategy: Visualize Skill: Retell Practice Book, 125–126 R 1.2.7

Fluency Reread for Fluency, 912

On My Way to School, 12/13–28 Strategy: Visualize Skill: Retell R 1.2.7

Fluency Intonation, 35B R 1.1.16

Connected Text, 29I

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 11E

Practice Book, 128

Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Prewrite and Draft a Recipe, 905 W K.1.3

Daily Writing Prompt Write a letter to a friend. Tell what you like to do together.

Revise and Edit a Recipe, 913 LAS K.1.1

Daily Writing Prompt Respond to the read aloud by illustrating a scene of your choice.

Publish and Present, 919 LAS K.1.2

Daily Writing Prompt Write about how you get to school. Illustrate your writing.

Oral Grammar Action Words (Verbs), 904 R K.1.18

Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 900

Independent Writing: Story Prewrite and Draft, 29D Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency LC 1.1.1

Grammar Verbs, 29B

Grammar Verbs, 33B

Mechanics: Exclamation Marks Teacher’s Resource Book, GR32

Practice Book, 122

Quick Check Phonics, 11F, Phonemic Awareness, 11D

Independent Writing: Story Publish and Present, 35I W 1.1.1

Independent Writing: Story Revise and Edit, 33B W 1.2.1

Quick Check Phonics, 910

Quick Check Phonics, 29J

Grammar Verbs, 35H Mechanics: Exclamation Marks LC 1.1.4 Teacher’s Resource Book, GR33

End-of-Week Assessment, 920–921

Weekly Assessment, 35K–35L

Grades K–1 Combination Class Lesson Plan Go to for Online Lesson Planner




Grade K Unit 4 Week 3 Trade Book

15–20 min

• Oral Vocabulary

? Focus Question Do you like to try new foods?

• Listening

Build Background, 960 R K.1.2

? Focus Question What do you like to do with your family? How do you have fun together?

Oral Vocabulary delicious, devour,

Oral Vocabulary connections,

fresh, menu, tradition, 960

possessions, relief, support, typical, 36L Big Book The Stray Dog, 37A Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Make and Confirm Predictions


3/9/05 1:52:08 AM

• Phonemic Awareness Grade 1 Unit 3 Week 2 Smile, Mike!, 42/43-58

California Standards Grade K

Oral Vocabulary Fruits and Vegetables R K.1.17 Comprehension Strategy: Summarize Skill: Make Inferences R K.2.4, R K.3.3

• Phonics • Spelling • High-Frequency

Grade 1 30–40 min

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics /k/c, /n/n R K.1.9, R K.1.11, R K.1.14, R K.1.16 High-Frequency Words to, have R K.1.12, R K.1.15

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 963 R K.1.11, R K.1.12, LAS K.2.2

WORD STUDY Grade K 15–20 min

DAY 2 Grade 1



Grade K

Grade 1

? Focus Question What do you like to have for lunch?

? Focus Question Which dog will Ike pick?

Oral Vocabulary delicious, devour, fresh, menu, tradition, 968 R K.1.18 Fruits and Vegetables, 975 R K.1.17, LS K.2.c Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Categorization, 976 R K.1.11

Oral Vocabulary connections, possessions, relief, support, typical, 37I Oral Vocabulary Cards, “Now Things Are Worse!” 37I LAS 1.1.1

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Deletion, 37K R 1.1.7

R 1.2.5 Phonemic Awareness Alliteration, 37B R 1.1.4 Phonics Long i, 37C Practice Book, 130 R 1.1.10 Spelling Pretest, 37E


Review: /k/c, /n/n, 964 R K.1.5, R K.1.14 Handwriting: Review Cc, Nn, 965 R K.1.6,

R K.1.14

Phonics Long i, 37K R 1.1.10 Spelling Word Sort -ide, -ine, -ike, 37M LC 1.1.8

W K.1.4

Teacher’s Resource Book, SP23 LC 1.1.8

Blend with /k/c, /n/n, 977 R K.1.9,

Practice Book, 131

Activity Book, 24 Practice Book, 93

High-Frequency Words

High-Frequency Words

Review away, school, today, way, why , 37F R 1.1.11

R K.1.16 Review High-Frequency Words, 978 R K.1.15

Share the Trade Book

Read Decodable Reader

Reread the Trade Book

Read Get Ready Story

Yoko Strategy: Summarize, 961 R K.3.3 Skill: Make Inferences, 961

Job Time for the Pines, 37F

Yoko Strategy: Summarize, 970 R K.2.4,


High-Frequency Words to, have , 962 R K.1.15, LC K.1.2

Review: /n/n, /k/c, /t/t, /i/i, /s/s, 976

call, funny, how, more, so, there , 37N Practice Book, 132

READING Grade K 15–20 min

• Comprehension • Fluency

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 37C

R K.3.3 Skill: Make Inferences, 970 Retell, 974 R K.2.4 Activity Book, 25 Practice Book, 94

Grade 1 30–40 min

“A Dog for Ike,” 38/39–40/41 Strategy: Preview/Predict Skill: Make and Confirm Predictions

R 1.1.11 Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 37L R 1.1.16

Fluency Echo-Read, 974 LANGUAGE ARTS

Grade 1 Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Long i R 1.1.7, R 1.1.10 High-Frequency Words call, funny, how, more, so, there R 1.1.10 Comprehension Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Make and Confirm Predictions R 1.2.5

Grade K 15–20 min

• Writing • Grammar

Shared Writing A List, 967 R K.2.3, W K.1.1, W K.1.3 Oral Grammar Action Words (Verbs), 966 R K.1.18

Grade 1 30–40 min

Writing Picture Prompt Invite children to respond to the picture prompt by composing a group message about it.

Interactive Writing A Menu, 979 W K.1.1

Writing Daily Writing Prompt Write a sentence about pets in a pet store.

Shared Writing: Persuasive Writing, 37H

Interactive Writing: Persuasive Writing, 41B LC 1.1.7

W 1.1.1 Grammar Present-Tense Verbs, 37G

Grammar Present-Tense Verbs, 41A Teacher’s Resource Book, GR34 LC 1.1.1

Practice Book, 133

Writing Persuasive Writing LC 1.1.7 History/Social Science HSS 1.22

Grade K 30–40 min

Grade 1 45–60 min


• Informal/Formal

Quick Check Phonemic

Quick Check Phonics, 37D

Awareness, 963



Quick Check Comprehension, 974

Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 37N

Differentiated Instruction 1006–1031

GRADE 1 Differentiated Instruction 36F–36G

DAY 3 Grade K

DAY 4 Grade 1

? Focus Question What fruits and vegetables do you have to eat?

? Focus Question Who will make Mike smile?

Oral Vocabulary delicious, devour, fresh, menu, tradition, 980 R K.1.18 Oral Vocabulary Cards “The Three

Oral Vocabulary connections,


possessions, relief, support, typical, 41C Content Big Book: “Our Country, Our Earth,” 41C HSS 1.22

Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Blending, 985 R K.1.9

Phoneme Segmentation, 41D R 1.1.9

Grade K

DAY 5 Review and Assess Grade 1

? Focus Question What kind of soup do you like to eat? Do you have a favorite?

? Focus Question Think about the family in Smile, Mike! What healthful snacks could they have made for Mike?

? Focus Question What have you learned about the foods people like to eat?

Oral Vocabulary delicious, devour, fresh, menu, tradition, 990 R K.1.18, LAS K.1.2 Season Words, 993 R K.1.17 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 994 R K.1.9

Oral Vocabulary connections,

Oral Vocabulary delicious, devour, fresh, menu, tradition, 998 R K.1.18 Fruits and Vegetables, 1000 R K.1.17 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Categorization, 1001 R K.1.11

possessions, relief, support, typical, 59G Read Aloud “Foal”, 59F

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Deletion, 59H R 1.1.7

Phonics Long i, 41E R 1.1.10


Review: /k/c, /n/n, 986 R K.1.11, R K.1.14 Blend with /a/a, /i/i, 987 R K.1.7, R K.1.9,

Practice Book, 134

Picture Sort: /k/c, /n/n, /p/p, /t/t, /i/i, 994

Phonics Long i, 59H R 1.1.10 Spelling Test Practice, 59J LC 1.1.8

Spelling Word Sort -ide, -ike, -ine, 41G Teacher’s Resource Book, SP24 LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words

R K.1.11, R K.1.14

Practice Book, 135

Activity Book: “I Have To,” 27–28 Practice Book, 95–96 Read for Fluency, 984

call, funny, how, more, so, there , 41H

Blend with /k/c, /n/n, 995 R K.1.9,

R K.1.15, R K.1.16 Activity Book, 29–30 Practice Book, 97

Grade 1 ? Focus Question How did making predictions help you understand the selection? How might it help when you read another selection?

Oral Vocabulary connections, possessions, relief, support, typical, 65A

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending/Segmentation, 65C

R 1.1.8


R K.1.16 High-Frequency Words to, have , 984 R K.1.4, R K.1.15

Grade K

High-Frequency Words call, funny, how, more, so, there , 59K

Phonics Read Words, 1002 Activity Book, 32

Phonics Long i, 65D Spelling Posttest, 65E LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words

High-Frequency Words to, have, go, see, a, like , 1000 R K.1.12

call, funny, how, more, so, there , 65F

Read Across Texts

Read Weekly Literature

Strategy: Summarize, 999 R K.3.3 Skill: Make Inferences, 999 Activity Book, 31


R 1.1.11

Review High-Frequency Words, 996 R K.1.15

Read the Nonfiction Photo Essay

Read Smile, Mike!, 42/43-58

Content Big Book: “All Kinds of Plants,” 9–16 Text Feature: Use Labels, 982

Decodable Reader: Race to a Fire

Comprehension Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Make and Confirm Predictions Practice Book, 136-137 R 1.2.5

Interactive Read Aloud Listening Comprehension, 992 R K.2.5 Read Aloud: “The Soup Stone” Decodable Reader: Nat, 996 R K.1.1, LC K.1.2 Fluency Reread for Fluency, 996

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 41E W 1.16

Read “Healthy Eating”, 60/61–62/63 Comprehension Text Feature: Charts Content Vocabulary: healthful, foods, energy, 60/61 R 1.2.5 Practice Book, 140

Fluency Word Automaticity, 1000 R K.1.15

Smile, Mike! 42/43–58 Strategy: Analyze Story Structure Skill: Make and Confirm Predictions

Fluency Word Automaticity,

R 1.2.5 Fluency Expression, 65B

Connected Text, 59K

Practice Book, 139

Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Prewrite and Draft Menus, 989 W K.1.1,

Daily Writing Prompt Pretend that your class will put on a play and make a poster for it.

Revise and Edit Menus, 997 LAS K.1.1

Daily Writing Prompt Have children revise and proofread their persuasive poster and write a final draft.

Publish and Present Menus, 1003

Daily Writing Prompt Write a sentence about how your family is like Mike’s family. Write a sentence about how your family is different.

W K.1.3 Oral Grammar Action Words (Verbs), 988 R K.1.18

Independent Writing: Persuasive Writing Prewrite and Draft, 59D Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency LC 1.1.4

LAS K.1.2, W K.1.1

Independent Writing: Persuasive Writing Revise and Edit, 63B LC 1.1.5

Independent Writing: Persuasive Writing Publish and Present, 65I

Grammar Present-Tense Verbs, 63B Practice Book, 138

Grammar Present-Tense Verbs, 59B

Grammar Present-Tense Verbs, 65H Teachers Resource Book, GR36

Mechanics: Book Titles Teacher’s Resource Book, GR35

Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 984

Quick Check Comprehension, 56/57

Quick Check Phonics, 994

Quick Check Phonics, 59J

End-of-Week Assessment, 1004–1005

Weekly Assessment, 65K–65L

Grades K–1 Combination Class Lesson Plan Go to for Online Lesson Planner




2/22/05 1:48:30 PM

Grade K Unit 5 Week 1 Big Book

15–20 min

• Oral Vocabulary

? Focus Question What animal do you like best?

• Listening

Build Background, 1052 R K.1.4, R K.1.18

? Focus Question What kind of art do you know about? What kind of art do you like to make?

Oral Vocabulary action, compare,

Oral Vocabulary astonishing,

content, gentle, pounce, 1052

continue, complicated, original, talented, 66L Big Book “Elephants Can Paint Too!” 67A Strategy: Summarize Skill: Main Idea and Details R 1.1.2, 1.2.7 Phonemic Awareness Identify and Generate Rhyme, 67B R 1.1.6


• Phonemic Awareness Comprehension Genre Nonfiction A nonfiction article tells about real people and things. Summarize Main Idea and Details

Look for details that give information about masks.

A mask hides your face. When you put on a mask, you can act out a story. You can act as if you are not yourself. 70

P1v3_CA_U3W3_TFK_RD10.indd 70

9/25/07 10:25:29 AM

California Standards Grade K

Oral Vocabulary Position Words R K.1.17, R K.1.18 Comprehension Strategy: Recognize Story Structure Skill: Make and Confirm Predictions R K.2.1, R K.2.2

Grade K

Grade 1

? Focus Question What is something kittens like to do?

? Focus Question What is the doll made from?

Oral Vocabulary action, compare, content, gentle, pounce, 1060 LAS K.2.1 Position Words, 1067 R K.1.17, R K.1.18 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 1068 R K.1.9

Oral Vocabulary astonishing, continue, complicated, original, talented, 67I Oral Vocabulary Cards “Making Art and Music,” 67I

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Segmentation, 67K R 1.1.9

WORD STUDY Grade K 15–20 min

• Phonics • Spelling • High-Frequency

Grade 1 30–40 min

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics /o/o, /i/i R K.1.9, R K.1.11, R K.1.14, R K.1.15, R K.1.16, W K.1.2 High-Frequency Words is R K.1.15

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 1055 R K.1.11

Grade 1 Unit 3 Week 3 Masks! Masks! Masks! pp. 70/71–76

DAY 2 Grade 1


Phonics Introduce /o/o, 1056 R K.1.14 Handwriting: Write Oo, 1057 W K.1.4 Activity Book, 4 Practice Book, 101

Phonics Digraphs ch, tch, wh, ph, 67C Practice Book, 141 R 1.1.10 Spelling Dictation, Pretest, 67E Teacher’s Resource Book, SP25 LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words

High-Frequency Words is , 1054 R K.1.15

Review call, funny, how, more, so, there , 67F R 1.1.10, 1.1.11

Phonics Review /o/o, 1068 R K.1.14 Blend with /o/o, 1069 R K.1.14, R K.1.15,

R K.1.16 Review High-Frequency Words, 1070 R K.1.15

Phonics Blend and Build words with Digraphs ch, tch, wh, ph, 67K R 1.1.10 Spelling Word Sort ch, tch, wh, 67M LC 1.1.8 Practice Book, 142

High-Frequency Words every, from, into, people, soon, your , 67N Practice Book, 143 R 1.1.11

READING Grade K 15–20 min

• Comprehension • Fluency

Grade 1 30–40 min

Share the Big Book

Read Decodable Reader

Reread the Big Book

Mama Cat Has Three Kittens Strategy: Recognize Story Structure, 1053 R K.2.1 Skill: Make and Confirm Predictions, 1053 R K.2.2

Such a Grand Day, 67F

Mama Cat Has Three Kittens Strategy: Recognize Story Structure, 1062 Skill: Make and Confirm Predictions, 1062 R K.2.2 Decodable Reader: Sit, 1070 R K.2.2 Activity Book, 5–6 Practice Book, 102

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 67C

Read Get Ready Story, “Make a Doll” 68/69

Comprehension Strategy: Summarize Skill: Main Idea and Details R 1.1.11

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 67L

Fluency Echo-Read, 1066 LANGUAGE ARTS

Grade 1 Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Digraphs ch, tch, wh, ph R 1.1.10 High-Frequency Words every, from, into, people, soon, your R 1.1.11 Comprehension Strategy: Summarize Skill: Main Idea and Details R 1.1.1, 1.2.7 Writing Invitation W 1.1.2, LC 1.1.1 History/Social Science HSS 1.1.4

Grade K 15–20 min

• Writing • Grammar

Shared Writing A List, 1059 W K.1.3 Oral Grammar Sentences, 1058 R K.1.18, LAS K.1.1

Grade 1 30–40 min

Writing Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw a picture of something elephants do that is interesting or astonishing and label it or write a sentence about it.

Interactive Writing A Sentence, 1071 W K.1.1

Shared Writing: Persuasive Writing, 67H

Grade 1 45–60 min

Daily Writing Prompt Have children write a sentence or two about what might happen at the event. They might want to draw a picture of the event. Interactive Writing: Persuasive Writing, 69B W 1.2.2

LC 1.1.1 Grammar Past-Tense Verbs, 67G

Grammar Past-Tense Verbs, 69A Teacher’s Resource Book, GR37 LC 1.1.1

Practice Book, 144

Grade K 30–40 min



• Informal/Formal

Quick Check Phonemic

Quick Check Phonics, 67D

Quick Check Comprehension, 1066

Awareness, 1055



Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 67N

Differentiated Instruction 1098–1123


Differentiated Instruction 66F-66G

DAY 3 Grade K

DAY 4 Grade 1

Grade K

DAY 5 Review and Assess Grade 1

Grade K

Grade 1

? Focus Question What is a way to keep a pet healthy?

? Focus Question When have you worn a mask?

? Focus Question What is the best pet?

? Focus Question In Art in Caves, where were the paintings found?

? Focus Question Which animal story is your favorite?

Oral Vocabulary action, compare, content, gentle, pounce, 1072 R K.1.18 Oral Vocabulary Cards “Mama

Oral Vocabulary astonishing,

Oral Vocabulary action, compare, content, gentle, pounce, 1082 R K.1.18 Position Words, 1085 R K.1.17 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Segmentation, 1086 R K.1.9

Oral Vocabulary astonishing,

Oral Vocabulary action, compare, content, gentle, pounce, 1090 R K.1.18

? Focus Question How did summarizing help you? How might it help you when you read another selection?

Position Words, 1092

Oral Vocabulary astonishing,

Phonemic Awareness

continue, complicated, original, talented, 81C

Mouse and El Gato”

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 1077

continue, complicated, original, talented, 69I Content Big Book “Now and Long Ago,” 69C HSS 1.1.4

Phonemic Awareness

continue, complicated, original, talented, 77F Read Aloud The Sound of Music, 77E

Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Segmentation, 1093 R K.1.11

Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Segmentation, 77G R 1.1.9

Phoneme Blending, 69D R 1.1.8

Phonics Review /o/o, 1078 R K.1.14 Blend with /o/o, 1079 R K.1.14, R K.1.16 Read Words, 1079 R K.1.15

Phonics Blend words with Digraphs ch, tch, wh, ph, 69E R 1.1.10 Practice Book, 145

High-Frequency Words is , 1076 R K.1.15

Spelling Word Sort ch, tch, wh, 69G Teacher’s Resource Book, SP26 LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words

Activity Book: “A Cat,” 7–8 Practice Book, 103–104

LAS 1.1.5

Read the Nonfiction Photo Essay Content Big Book: “Animals on the Move,” 17–23 LS K.2, LS K.2.a, LS K.2.c Text Feature: Use Labels, 1074 R K.3.2

every, from, into, people, soon, your , 69H

Read Masks! Masks! Masks! 70/71–76 Comprehension

Phoneme Blending and Segmentation, 81E R1.8, 1.9


Phonics Blend and Build words with


Picture Sort, 1086 R K.1.14 Build Words, 1087 R K.1.15 Activity Book, 9 Practice Book, 105

Digraphs ch, tch, wh, ph, 77G

Read Words, 1094 R K.1.15 Dictation, 1094 W K.1.2 Activity Book, 12

Review High-Frequency Words, 1088

Spelling Practice with ch, tch, wh, 77I LC 1.1.8 Practice Book, 146 R 1.1.10 High-Frequency Words

Phonics Blend words with Digraphs ch, tch, wh, ph, 81F R 1.1.10 Spelling Posttest, 81G LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words

High-Frequency Words is, have, to, go, see , 1092 R K.1.15

R 1.1.11

Read Across Texts

Read Weekly Literature

every, from, into, people, soon, your , 81H

every, from, into, people, soon, your , 77J

R 1.1.11

Interactive Read Aloud

Strategy: Summarize Skill: Main Idea and Details Practice Book, 147–148 R 1.2.7

Listening Comprehension, 1084 Read Aloud: “The Three Little Kittens,” 69–72 R K.2.5 Decodable Reader: Sit, 1088

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 69E

Fluency Reread for Fluency, 1088

Read “Art in Caves,” 78/79 Comprehension Study Skill: Using Periodicals/ Newspapers Practice Book, 151

Fluency Word Automaticity,

Strategy: Recognize Story Structure, 1091 Skill: Make and Confirm Predictions, 1091 R K.2.2 Activity Book, 11

Masks! Masks! Masks! 70/71–76

Comprehension Strategy: Summarize Skill: Main Idea and Details R 1.2.7, 1.3.3

Fluency Intonation, 81D

Connected Text, 77J

Fluency Word Automaticity, 1092

Practice Book, 150

Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Prewrite and Draft Sentences, 1081

Daily Writing Prompt Have children write an invitation they could send if their class were to have an art show.

Revise and Edit Sentences, 1089 LC K.1.1

Daily Writing Prompt Have children revise and proofread their invitations during independent time and write a final draft.

Publish and Present Sentences, 1095

Daily Writing Prompt Have children write about what type of art they would like to create.

W K.1.3 Oral Grammar Sentences, 1080 LC K.1.1

Prewrite and Draft, 77D Writing Trait: Sentence Fluency, 77C

Quick Check Phonemic

Awareness, 69D

Grammar Past-Tense Verbs, 81J Teacher’s Resource Book, GR39 LC 1.1.6

Grammar Past-Tense Verbs, 81A

Mechanics: Capitalize Proper Nouns Teacher’s Resource Book, GR38 LC 1.1.6

Quick Check High-Frequency

Independent Writing: Persuasive Writing Publish and Present, 81K LC 1.1.1

Independent Writing: Persuasive Writing Revise and Edit, 81A LC 1.1.1

W 1.1.2 Grammar Past-Tense Verbs, 77A

Words, 1076

LC K.1.1, LAS K.1.2

Practice Book, 149

Quick Check Phonics, 1086

Quick Check Phonics/Spelling, 77I

End-of-Week Assessment, 1096–1097

Weekly Assessment, 81M–81N

Grades K–1 Combination Class Lesson Plan Go to for Online Lesson Planner



ORAL LANGUAGE An Alphabet Book of Animal Offspring

by Barbara Knox 3/9/05 6:02:50 AM

Grade K Unit 5 Week 2 Big Book

15–20 min

P1v3_CA_U3W4_CM_RD10.indd 89

? Focus Question What does it mean ? Focus Question How do animals to be creative? How are you creative? like to play?

? Focus Question What do you think bunny will do with the empty box?

• Listening

Build Background, 1136 R K.1.2

Oral Vocabulary create, hobby,

Oral Vocabulary below, fragile,

Oral Vocabulary create, hobby,

Oral Vocabulary below, fragile,

inspire, resourceful, structure, 82L Big Book A Friend for Little Bear, 83A Strategy: Monitor Comprehension: Reread Skill: Draw Conclusions R 1.1.2

information, parent, several, 1144

inspire, resourceful, structure, 83I Oral Vocabulary Cards “A Bottle Village,” 83I

Grade K

Oral Vocabulary Position Words R K.1.17, HSS K.4.1 Comprehension Strategy: Recognize Text Structure Skill: Classify and Categorize R K.1.18, R K.2.5

Phonemic Awareness

LAS K.2.1 Position Words, 1151 R K.1.17

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 1152 R K.1.9

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation, 83K R 1.1.4

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Segmentation, 83B R 1.1.9 WORD STUDY Grade K 15–20 min

• Phonics • Spelling • High-Frequency

Grade 1 30–40 min

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics /f/f R K.1.9, R K.1.11, R K.1.14, R K.1.15, R K.1.16, W K.1.4 High-Frequency Words play R K.1.15

information, parent, several, 1136 Phoneme Isolation, 1139 R K.1.11

9/18/07 9:02:12 AM

California Standards

Grade 1

? Focus Question What is a way baby animals can grow and change?

• Phonemic Awareness

by Mary Anderson illustrated by Michael Garland

Grade K

• Oral Vocabulary Comprehension

Grade 1 Unit 3 Week 4 Rose Robot Cleans Up, pp. 88/89–106

DAY 2 Grade 1


Phonics Introduce /f/f, 1140 R K.1.14 Handwriting: Write Ff, 1141 W K.1.4 Activity Book, 14 Practice Book, 107

Phonics Final e, 83C Practice Book, 152 R 1.1.10 Spelling Dictation, Pretest, 83E Teacher’s Resource Book, SP27 LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words


High-Frequency Words play , 1138 R K.1.15

Review every, from, into, people, soon, your , 83F R 1.1.11

Share the Big Book

Read Decodable Reader

Reread the Big Book

Animal Babies ABC Strategy: Recognize Text Structure, 1137 Skill: Classify and Categorize, 1137

Mole Bakes at Home, 83F

Animal Babies ABC Strategy: Recognize Text Structure, 1146 Skill: Classify and Categorize, 1146 Retell, 1150 R K.2.4 Decodable Reader: Can It Fit?, 1154 Activity Book, 15–16 Practice Book, 108

Review /f/f, /t/t, /a/a, 1152 R K.1.14 Blend with /f/f, 1153 R K.1.14

Review High-Frequency Words, 1154 R K.1.15

Phonics Final e, 83K Spelling Word Sort -oke, -ose, -ote, ute, -ube, 83M R 1.1.15 Practice Book, 153

High-Frequency Words after, done, find, new, old, work , 83N Practice Book, 154 R 1.1.11

READING Grade K 15–20 min

• Comprehension • Fluency

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 83C

R K.1.18 Grade 1 30–40 min

Read Get Ready Story, “The Old Box” 84/85–86/87

Comprehension Strategy: Monitor Comprehension: Reread Skill: Draw Conclusions R 1.1.11

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 83L R 1.1.16

Fluency Echo-Read, 1150 LANGUAGE ARTS

Grade 1 Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Long o, Long u, Long e R 1.1.8, 1.1.9, R 1.1.4 High-Frequency Words after, done, find, new, old, work R 1.1.11 Comprehension Strategy: Monitor Comprehension: Reread Skill: Draw Conclusions R 1.2.4 Writing Descriptive Sentences W 1.1.2 History/Social Science HSS 1.1.2

Grade K 15–20 min

• Writing • Grammar

Shared Writing A List, 1143 R K.2.5 Oral Grammar Sentences, 1142 LAS K.1.2

Writing Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw a picure of the horse and write descriptive sentences underneath using words and phrases from the list.

Grade 1 30–40 min

Grade K 30–40 min

Grade 1 45–60 min

Interactive Writing Sentences, 1155 W K.1.3


Shared Skill: Descriptive Sentences, 83H

Daily Writing Prompt Have children write their own sentences about an object they would make with the box. Have them illustrate and label their stories.

W 1.1.2 Grammar Is and Are, 83G LC 1.1.1

Interactive Writing: Descriptive Sentences, 87B W 1.1.2

Practice Book, 155

Grammar Is and Are, 87A Teacher’s Resource Book, GR40 LC 1.1.1


• Informal/Formal

Quick Check Phonemic

Quick Check Phonics, 83D

Awareness, 1139



Quick Check Comprehension, 1150

Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 83N

Differentiated Instruction 1182–1207

GRADE 1 Differentiated Instruction 82F–82G

DAY 3 Grade K

DAY 4 Grade 1

Grade K

DAY 5 Review and Assess Grade 1

? Focus Question How do seal pups play? How do bear cubs play?

? Focus Question Why does Rose Robot like old things?

? Focus Question Where have you seen animals play?

Oral Vocabulary below, fragile,

Oral Vocabulary create, hobby,

Oral Vocabulary below, fragile,

information, parent, several, 1156

information, parent, several, 1166

R K.2.5 Oral Vocabulary Cards “The Ugly

inspire, resourceful, structure, 87I Content Big Book “Goldilocks Learns the Golden Rule,” 87C HSS 1.1.2

? Focus Question Rose makes new things out of old things in Rose Robot Cleans Up. How is this like the recycling in “A Bottle Takes a Trip”?

LAS K.1.2

Oral Vocabulary create, hobby,

Position Words, 1169 R K.1.17, HSS K.4.1


Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Segmentation, 87D R 1.1.9

Phoneme Blending, 1170 R K.1.9

inspire, resourceful, structure, 107F Read Aloud “Joseph Had a Little Overcoat”, 107E

Grade K ? Focus Question In what way do you like to play like an animal baby?

Oral Vocabulary below, fragile,

Grade 1 ? Focus Question How might rereading a selection help you when you read another selection?

information, parent, several, 1174 Position Words, 1176

Oral Vocabulary create, hobby,

Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Segmentation, 1177 R K.1.11

Phoneme Blending and Segmentation, 115C R 1.1.8, 1.1.9


Phonics Final e, 115C R 1.1.10 Spelling Posttest, 115E LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words

inspire, resourceful, structure, 115A

Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Blending, 1161

Phoneme Isolation, 107G R 1.1.4


Phonics Final e, 87E


Review /f/f, /o/o, 1162 R K.1.14 Blend with /f/f, 1163 R K.1.16 Read Words, 1163 R K.1.15

Practice Book, 156

Spelling Word Sort -oke, -ose, -ote, ute, -ube, 87G Teacher’s Resource Book, SP28 R 1.1.15

Picture Sort, 1170 R K.1.14 Blend with /f/f, 1171 R K.1.15, R K.1.16 Activity Book, 20 Practice Book, 112

High-Frequency Words after, done, find, new, old, work , 87H R 1.1.11

Review High-Frequency Words, 1172 R K.1.15

Read the Poem and Nonfiction Photo Essay

Read Rose Robot Cleans Up, 88/89–106 Decodable Reader Where Is Your Home?

Content Big Book: “Tadpole, Tadpole,” “Insects and Fish Animal Groups,” 24–25 Text Features: Labels, 1158 R K.1.3


High-Frequency Words play , 1160 R K.1.15 Activity Book: “We Play!” 17–18 Practice Book, 109–110 Read for Fluency, 1160

Strategy: Monitor Comprehension: Reread Skill: Draw Conclusions Practice Book, 158–159 R 1.2.4

Phonics Final e, 107H Spelling Practice, 107I LC 1.1.8 Practice Book, 157

High-Frequency Words

Read Words, 1178 R K.1.15 Dictation, 1178 W K.1.2 Activity Book, 22

after, done, find, new, old, work , 115F

R 1.1.11

R 1.1.11

High-Frequency Words play, is, have, to, go , 1176 R K.1.15

Interactive Read Aloud

Read “A Bottle Takes a Trip,”

Read Across Texts

Read Weekly Literature

Listening Comprehension, 1168 Read Aloud: “The Three Bears” R K.2.5 Decodable Reader: Can It Fit?, 1172


Strategy: Recognize Text Structure, 1175 Skill: Classify and Categorize, 1175


R K.1.14 Fluency Reread for Fluency, 1172

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 87E

after, done, find, new, old, work , 107J

Comprehension Text Feature: Floor Plans Content Vocabulary: recycling, sort, plastic, 108/109 Practice Book, 162

R K.2.5 Activity Book, 21

Fluency Word Automaticity, 1176

Rose Robot Cleans Up, 115G Strategy: Monitor Comprehension: Reread Skill: Draw Conclusions R 1.3.3

Fluency Intonation, 115B R 1.1.16

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 107H R 1.1.16

Practice Book, 161

Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Prewrite and Draft ABC Page, 1165

Daily Writing Prompt Write about a time you have reused an object creatively.

Revise and Edit ABC Page, 1173

Daily Writing Prompt Revise and proofread your descriptive poster and write a final draft.

Publish and Present ABC Page, 1179

Daily Writing Prompt Draw a picture of a time when you cleaned up. Write about the picture.

W K.1.3, W K.1.4 Oral Grammar Sentences, 1164 R K.1.4, R K.1.18

LAS K.1.2

Independent Writing: Descriptive Sentences Prewrite and Draft, 107D Writing Trait: Presentation W 1.1.3

LC K.1.1, LAS K.1.2

Independent Writing: Descriptive Sentences Revise and Edit, 113B W 1.1.2

Independent Writing: Descriptive Sentences Publish and Present, 115I LAS 1.2.1

Grammar Is and Are, 113B Practice Book, 160

Grammar Is and Are, 115H Mechanics: Sentence Punctuation

Grammar Is and Are, 107B

LC 1.1.6

Mechanics: Sentence Punctuation Teacher’s Resource Book, GR41 LC 1.1.1

Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 1160

Quick Check Phonemic

Awareness, 87D

Teacher’s Resource Book, GR42

Quick Check Phonics, 1170

Quick Check Phonics/Spelling, 107I

End-of-Week Assessment, 1180–1181

Weekly Assessment, 115K–115L

Grades K–1 Combination Class Lesson Plan Go to for Online Lesson Planner



Grade 1

Grade K

• Oral Vocabulary

? Focus Question Is there an animal living near your home?

? Focus Question Is it good to take an animal home to play with?

? Focus Question How can kids help at school?

• Listening

Build Background, 1220 R K.1.2, LS K.2.c,

? Focus Question How are children from other places like you? How are they different?

Oral Vocabulary beneath, enter,

Oral Vocabulary culture, custom,

Oral Vocabulary culture, custom,

habitat, raise, responsibility, 1228

language, similar, skill, 116L Big Book To Be A Kid, 117A Strategy: Text Structure Skill: Compare and Contrast R 1.2.1

R K.1.18

language, similar, skill, 117I Oral Vocabulary Cards “Schools Around the World” Strategy: Text Structure Skill: Compare and Contrast R 1.2.1


Grade K Unit 5 Week 3 Trade Book

15–20 min


3/9/05 2:20:35 AM

• Phonemic Awareness

HSS K.4 Oral Vocabulary beneath, enter, habitat, raise, responsibility, 1220

Phonemic Awareness

By Minda Novek

Phoneme Isolation, 1223 R K.1.11

Grade 1 Unit 3 Week 5 Kids Have Fun!, pp. 122/123–140

California Standards Grade K

Oral Vocabulary Position Words R K.1.7, HSS K.4.1 Comprehension Strategy: Recognize Story Structure Skill: Identify Plot and Character R K.3.3

Position Words, 1235 R K.1.17

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 1236 R K.1.9

Grade 1

Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Segmentation, 117B R 1.1.9

Phoneme Blending, 117K R 1.1.8

WORD STUDY Grade K 15–20 min

• Phonics


Phonics Three-Letter Blends, 17C


• Spelling

Review /f/f, /o/o, 1224 R K.1.5, R K.1.11,

Practice Book, 163

R K.1.14

Spelling Dictation, Pretest, 117E Teacher’s Resource Book, SP29 LC 1.1.8

Review /f/f, /o/o, 1236 R K.1.11, LC K.1.2 Blend with /o/o, /f/f, 1237 R K.1.9,

• High-Frequency Grade 1 30–40 min


Handwriting: Write Ff, Oo, 1225 R K.1.6,

R K.1.14, W K.1.4

High-Frequency Words

Activity Book, 24 Practice Book, 113

Review after, done, find, new, old, work , 117F R 1.1.11

R K.1.14, R K.1.16 Review High-Frequency Words, 1238 R K.1.15

High-Frequency Words is, play , 1222 R K.1.15

Phonemic Awareness/Phonics /f/f, /o/o R K.1.7, R K.1.11, R K.1.14, R K.1.15, R K.1.16, R K.1.19 High-Frequency Words is, play R K.1.4, R K.1.15


Grade K

Phonics Three-Letter Blends, 117K Spelling Word Sort -scr, -spl, -str, 117M LC 1.1.8 Practice Book, 164

High-Frequency Words any, boy, by, goes, friends, girl, water , 117N Practice Book, 165 R 1.1.11

READING Grade K 15–20 min

• Comprehension • Fluency

Share the Trade Book Mole and the Baby Bird Strategy: Recognize Story Structure, 1221 R K.3.3 Skill: Identify Plot and Character, 1221

Read Decodable Reader Reread the Trade Book A Trip Last Spring, 117F R 1.1.11, R 1.2.2 Mole and the Baby Bird Fluency Sound/Spelling, 117C R 1.1.10 Strategy: Recognize Story Structure, 1230 R K.3.3 Skill: Identify Plot and Character, 1230 Decodable Reader: Tap, Tap, Tap!, 1238

Grade 1 30–40 min

R K.1.4, R K.2.2

Read Get Ready Story, “It’s Fun to Help” 118/119–120/121

Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 117L R 1.1.16

Activity Book, 25–26 Practice Book, 114

Fluency Echo-Read, 1234 LANGUAGE ARTS

Grade 1 Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Three-letter blends R 1.1.7, R 1.1.8, R 1.1.10 High-Frequency Words any, boy, by, does, friends, girl, water R 1.1.11

Grade K 15–20 min

• Writing • Grammar

Shared Writing Lists, 1227 R K.2.5, LC K.1.2 Oral Grammar Sentences, 1226 LC K.1.1, LAS K.1.2, LAS K.2.1

Grade 1 30–40 min

Comprehension Strategy: Text Structure Skill: Compare and Contrast LAS 1.1.5 Writing Descriptive Sentences W 1.1.2 History/Social Science HSS 1.3

Writing Daily Writing Prompt Have children draw a picture of themselves doing a skill they have learned. Have them label their drawing or write a sentence about it.

Interactive Writing Sentences, 1239 W K.1.1, LC K.1.2

Grade 1 45–60 min

Daily Writing Prompt Ask children to draw a picture of themselves doing one of the tasks named in the descriptive sentences. Have them copy the sentence from the board.

Shared Skill: Descriptive Sentences, 117H W 1.2.2

Interactive Writing: Descriptive Sentences, 121B W 1.1.2

Grammar Contractions with not, 117G

Grammar Contractions with not, 121A Teacher’s Resource Book, GR43 LC 1.1.3

Practice Book, 166

Grade K 30–40 min



• Informal/Formal

Quick Check Phonemic

Quick Check Phonics, 117D

Quick Check Comprehension, 1234

Awareness, 1223



Quick Check High-Frequency

Words, 117N

Differentiated Instruction 1266–1291


Differentiated Instruction 116F-116G

DAY 3 Grade K

DAY 4 Grade 1

Grade K

? Focus Question Is a pond a good home for a duck or a dog?

? Focus Question How do kids around the world have fun?

? Focus Question How is a desert different from a river?

Oral Vocabulary beneath, enter,

Oral Vocabulary culture, custom,

habitat, raise, responsibility, 1240

language, similar, skill, 121I Content Big Book, “Martin Luther King, Jr. Day,”“President’s Day,”“Memorial Day,” “Independence Day,” and “Thanksgiving,” 121C HSS 1.3

R K.1.18 Oral Vocabulary Cards “Hidden Homes”

Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Segmentation, 1245 R K.1.7

Phonics Review, 1246 R K.1.7, R K.1.11, R K.1.14 Blend with -an, 1247 R K.1.8, R K.1.9,

Oral Vocabulary beneath, enter,

? Focus Question Which story about where animals live and play is your favorite?

habitat, raise, responsibility, 1250

Oral Vocabulary culture, custom,

Oral Vocabulary beneath, enter,

R K.1.18, HSS K.4, ES K.3.a Position Words, 1253 R K.1.17, HSS K.4.1 Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending, 1254 R K.1.9

language, similar, skill, 141F Read Aloud “The Trip Back Home,” “Tooth Tales from Around the World,” 141E

Grade 1 ? Focus Question How did comparing and contrasting help you? How might it help you when you read another selection?

Position Words, 1260 R K.1.17, HSS K.4.1

Oral Vocabulary culture, custom, language, similar, skill, 147A LC 1.1.1 Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Blending/Segmentation, 147C

Phoneme Segmentation, 1261 R K.1.7

R 1.1.8

Phonics Read Words, 1262 R K.1.15 Dictation, 1262 W K.1.2, LC K.1.2 Activity Book, 32

Phonics Three-Letter Blends, 147C R 1.1.10 Spelling Posttest, 147E LC 1.1.8 High-Frequency Words

R 1.1.11

High-Frequency Words is, play, have, to, go, see , 1260 R K.1.15

any, boy, by, goes, friends, girl, water , 147F R 1.1.11

Interactive Read Aloud

Read “Kids’ Poems from Around the

Read Across Texts

Read Weekly Literature

Listening Comprehension: 1252 Read Aloud: “The Coyote and the Turtle” R K.2.2 Decodable Reader: Tap, Tap, Tap!, 1256 R K.1.1, R K.1.14

World” 142/143–144/145

Strategy: Recognize Story Structure, 1259 R K.3.3 Skill: Identify Character and Plot, 1259 Activity Book, 31


Fluency Intonation, 147B

Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness

Phoneme Deletion, 121D R 1.1.7

Phoneme Segmentation, 141G R 1.1.9

Phonics Three-Letter Blends, 121E R 1.1.10

Phonics Cumulative Review, 1254 R K.1.11,

Phonics Three-Letter Blends, 141G Spelling Practice, 141I LC 1.1.8 Practice Book, 168

Practice Book, 167

R K.1.14

Spelling Word Sort, 121G

Blend with -at, 1255 R K.1.9, R K.1.15,

Teacher’s Resource Book, SP30

R K.1.16

High-Frequency Words

Activity Book: “Can Tam Play?” 27–28 Practice Book, 115–116 Read for Fluency, 1244

any, boy, by, goes, friends, girl, water , 121H R 1.1.11

Activity Book, 30 Practice Book, 118

Read the Nonfiction Photo Essay

Read Kids Have Fun!, 122/123–140 Comprehension

HSS K.6.2

Grade K

? Focus Question What do you think one of the kids from Kids Have Fun! might write a poem about?

R K.1.16 High-Frequency Words is, play , 1244 R K.1.4, R K.1.15

Content Big Book: “National Holidays,” 26–31 R K.1.3, R K.2.1 Text Features: Photographs, 1242

DAY 5 Review and Assess Grade 1

High-Frequency Words any, boy, by, goes, friends, girl, water , 141J

habitat, raise, responsibility, 1258

R K.1.18, LS K.2.a

Review High-Frequency Words, 1256 R K.1.15

Strategy: Text Structure Skill: Compare and Contrast Practice Book, 169-170 R 1.2.1

Fluency Sound/Spelling, 121E

Comprehension Literary Element: Word Choice LAS 1.1.5 Practice Book, 173

Fluency Word Automaticity, Connected Text, 141H R 1.1.16

Fluency Word Automaticity, 1260

Fluency Reread for Fluency, 1256

Kids Have Fun!, 122/123–140 Strategy: Text Structure Skill: Compare and Contrast R 1.2.1 Practice Book, 172

Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Independent Writing


Prewrite and Draft Letters, 1249 R K.2.5,

Daily Writing Prompt Have children write about how they have fun at school.

Revise and Edit Letters, 1257 LAS K.1.1

Daily Writing Prompt Children may revise and proofread their descriptive sentences during independent time and write a final draft.

Publish and Present Letters, 1263

Daily Writing Prompt Draw a picture of a time when you helped out. Write about the picture.

W K.1.1, LC K.1.2 Oral Grammar Sentences, 1248 R K.1.4, LC K.1.1,

LAS K.2.1

Independent Writing: Descriptive Sentences Prewrite and Draft, 141C Writing Trait: Presentation W 1.1.3 Mechanics: Apostrophes in Contractions Teacher’s Resource Book, GR44 LC 1.1.3

Quick Check High-Frequency

Quick Check Phonemic

Awareness, 121D

Independent Writing: Descriptive Sentences Publish and Present, 147I LAS 1.1.5

Independent Writing: Descriptive Sentences Revise and Edit, 145B W 1.1.2

Grammar Contractions with not, 141B

Words, 1244

W K.1.1, LAS K.1.2, LAS K.2.1

Quick Check Phonics, 1254

Grammar Contractions with not, 147H

Grammar Contractions with not, 145B LC 1.1.3

LC 1.1.3, LC 1.1.6

Practice Book, 171

Teacher’s Resource Book, GR45

Quick Check Phonics/Spelling, 141I

Mechanics: Apostrophes in Contractions

End-of-Week Assessment, 1264–1265

Weekly Assessment, 147K-147L