CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS WORKSHOP « From theory to practive, what goals today for the management and human capital reporting ? » 23rd and 24th june 2016
IAE de Bordeaux 35 avenue Abadie, 33072 Bordeaux Tram Station: Jardin botanique Tel: 0033 (0)5 56 00 96 57
With the precious support of:
L'ESC Clermont Ferrand
L'IIRC (International Integrated Reporting Council 1
La revue des Sciences de Le Centre de Recherche Gestion Clermontois en Gestion et Management
L'observatoire de l'immatériel
Association Francophone de Comptabilité
L'association Internationale de Management Stratégique
La fondation Bordeaux Université
The chair of human capital and global performance of Bordeaux and IAE Institute are pleased to organize a workshop in order to explore the different faces of human capital management in a context where normalization rules evolve (IIRC, Afnor). Since the previous works of Schultz and Becker in economy during the sixties, other academic sciences have mobilized the human capital concept like management, psychology or sociology. The human capital is a multilevel concept: • From an individual perspective, Ployhart and Moliterno (2011) suggest to define the human capital from the abbreviation KSAOs (meaning Knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics). • From an organizational perspective, human capital is a collective resource that contribute to firm performance and generate a competitive advantage (Gnyawali et Offstein, 2008 ; Lepak et Snell, 1999, Hatch et Dyer, 2004). Many scholars clearly demonstrate that human capital generate a competitive advantage (Combs, Liu, Hall, & Ketchen, 2006 ; Barnay, 1991 ; Coff, Kryscynski, 2011) yet firm investments in human capital defined as a set of experiences, competencies and abilities (Arthurs, Busenitz, Hoskisson et Johnson, 2009) are restricted (Posthuma et all, 2013). Liu et al. (2014) have to demonstrate the pressure for short return investments by shareholders because it is difficult to asset the value create by investment in human capital. Stakeholders’ lack of information appreciating the value created by human capital and is not able to estimate the relation with firms’ performance. In fact, the absence of readily available data and the lack of standards allowing comparison between different organizations regarding their human capital practices make it necessary to concentrate on companies' communication strategy. Indeed, companies have no interest in communicating information regarding their human capital management. Moreover, companies can't control the diffusion and the nature of the information sent in the environment especially when they face collapse. Media are independent and are free to relate the opinion of employees, the labour force and the governance (Goujon Belghit et Trébucq, 2015). The relation between intangible resources, such as knowledge, information, human capital or brand image needs to be explored (Goujon Belghit, Gilson et Bourgain, 2015). Human capital theory has been critiqued and scholars from several science disciplines debate on the measuring process, the study of individuals as a resource and it does not consider altruistic exchange (see literature). This is a call for contributions theoretical or empirical works, dealing with quantitative as well as qualitative data. This workshop will encourage, but does not limit, submissions related to the topics below: • • • • • • • • 2
strategies on human capital management human capital practices measuring process on human capital the evaluation process of companies and their human capital the links between human capital and other intangible resources the links between human capital and technologic or management innovation human capital and global performance human capital and governance
• • • • • •
organizational capital and collective competencies human capital and social capital human capital and emotional capital human capital and trust the critiques approaches on human capital norms and human capital
Formatting guidelines: Extended abstracts or complete papers should explicitly contain the background and the problem statement, the objectives, the methods and expected results. The extended abstract should contain between 1000 to 1500 words, without references and annexes. The name and the institution of the author should be in the first page and the abstract starts at the second one. Proposals should be written in English or in French and will be peer reviewed, acceptance being based on quality and relevance to the topic of the workshop. The contribution should be sent in pdf at the following email:
[email protected]. The final contribution should contain 7000 words, without references. Best paper award should be given to competitive papers upon the recommendation of the reviewers and the decision of the organisation committee. Outstanding papers may be considered for publication in a journal. Referencies: Arthurs J.D., Busenitz L.W., Hoskisson R.E., Johnson R.A. (2009), Firm-Specific human capital and governance in IPO Firms: addressing agency and ressource dependence concerns. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, p 845- 865. Barney J. B. (1991). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management. 17: p 99-120. Coff, R., & Kryscynski, D. 2011. Drilling for micro-foundations of human capital based competitive advantages. Journal of Management, 37: 1429-1443. Combs, J., Liu, Y., Hall, A., & Ketchen, D. 2006. How much do high-performance work practices matter? A metaanalysis of their effects on organizational performance. Personnel Psychology, 59: 501-528. Gnyawali, D.R. et Offstein, E.H. (2008). Human Capital. In Kolb, R.W. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society, Sage Publications, pp. 1074-1077. Goujon Belghit, A. et Trébucq, S. (2015). Suicide au travail: L’entreprise face à la pression des médias. Revue Internationale de Psychologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels, Vol. XXI, No. 52, pp. 313-332. Goujon Belghit A., Gilson, A. et Bourgain, M. (2015). Repenser les liens entre la gestion du capital humain et la marque employeur en contexte de mutation organisationnelle. Revue Gestion et Management Public. Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 53-71. Hatch N.W., Dyer J.H. (2004). Human capital and learning as a source of sustainable competitive advantage, Strategic Management Journal, 25, p.1155-1178. Lepak, D.P. et Snell, S.A. (1999), The human resource architecture: Toward a theory of human capital allocation and development. Academy of Management Review, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 31-48. Liu. X, Van Jaarsveld D.D, Batt R., Fros A.C., (2014), The influence of capital structure on strategic human capital: evidence from US and Canadian Firms, Journal of management, Vol. 40, n°2, February, p. 422–448. 3
Ployhart, R.E. et Moliterno, T.P. (2011), Emergence of the human capital resource: A multilevel model. Academy of Management Review, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 127-150. Posthuma, R. A., Campion, M. C., Masimova, M., & Campion, M. A. (2013). A high performance work practices taxonomy integrating the literature and directing future research. Journal of Management, 39: p. 1184-1220. Trebucq S. (2006). Capital humain et comptabilité sociétale: le cas de l'information volontaire des entreprises françaises du SBF120. Comptabilité – Contrôle – Audit, Tome 12, No. 1, pp. 103-124. Trebucq S. (2011). A la recherche du capital humain: Revue des pratiques, des modèles et application au cas d’une PME française. In Walliser, E. et Bessieu-Ollier, C. (Ed.), Le capital immatériel de l’entreprise: Un défi pour les comptables et pour les managers, EMS Management et Sociétés, pp. 97-115. Organization Commitee: Membres de la Chaire du capital humain et de la performance globale de Bordeaux Anne Goujon Belghit, IAE Bordeaux, titulaire adjointe de la chaire Marina Bourgain, ESC Clermont Adeline Gilson, Université de Tours Stéphane Trébucq, IAE Bordeaux, titulaire de la chaire Olivier Herrbach, IAE Bordeaux, directeur scientifique de la chaire Scientific Commitee: Olivier Babeau, IAE Bordeaux Laïla Benraiss-Noailles, IAE Bordeaux Marina Bourgain, ESC Clermont Marie Connolly, Université du Québec à Montréal, Département des sciences économiques Université du Québec à Montréal Julien Cusin, IAE Bordeaux Christian Defelix, IAE Grenoble Gilles Dupuis, Professeur au département de psychologie de l'université du Québec à Montréal, président-directeur général du CLIPP (Centre de liaison sur l'intervention et la prévention psychosociale) Warda El Fardi, IAE Bordeaux Catherine Fabre, IAE Bordeaux Michel Ferrary, Université de Genève Sandrine Fournier, docteur en sciences de gestion Adeline Gilson, Université de Tours Laurent Giraud, IAE Toulouse Anne Goujon Belghit, IAE Bordeaux Olfa Greselle, Université de Lorraine Sylvie Guerrero, Université du Québec à Montréal Catherine Haeck, Université du Québec à Montréal, Département de sciences économiques Loïc Harriet, Professeur assistant, ESSCA école de management Olivier Herrbach, IAE Bordeaux Jocelyn Husser, IAE Bordeaux Dhiba Lhajji, IAE Bordeaux Elisabetta Magnaghi, Associate Professor, Université Catholique de Lille Vincent Maymo, IAE Bordeaux Philip Merrigan, Université du Québec à Montréal, Département de sciences économiques 4
Christine Naschberger, Audencia Nantes, Ecole de management Philippe Naszályi, Université d’Evry-Val-d’Essonne Juliette Passebois-Ducros, IAE Bordeaux Jean-Marie Peretti, ESSEC Emmanuel Petit, Professeur en sciences économiques, Université de Bordeaux. Philippe Peuch-Lestrade, Directeur général délégué de l'IIRC François Pichault, Université de Liège Nicole Rascle, Professeur en psychologie. Université de Bordeaux Alain Roger, IAE Lyon Khaled Saboune, Université Aix Marseille Stéphane Trébucq, IAE Bordeaux Michel Tremblay, HEC Montréal Nicolas Vaillant, Vice-recteur, Vice-président recherche, Université Catholique de Lille Stefano Zambon, Professeur en économie d'entreprise. Université de Ferrara, Italie. WICI Europe Relevant dates: Dead line for abstract contribution:
[email protected] Decision notification
30th March 2016
Deadline for complete submission:
[email protected] Conference fee payment dealine
31st May 2016
Human Capital Workshop
23rd and 24th June 2016
4th May 2016
2nd June 2016
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Conference Fees : PHD Students : 150 Euros or 162 dollars Academician or Professional participants : 250 euros or 270 dollars Dinner : 90 euros or 97 dollars
Hotels: Grand Hôtel de Bordeaux, hôtel 5 étoiles,
IBIS Bordeaux Centre Bastide, hôtel 3 étoiles
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16 allée Serr – ZAC Coeur de Bastide, La Bastide, 33100 Bordeaux
Tel : (+33)5/57304444
Tel : (+33)5/57300090 Hôtel Continental, hôtel 3 étoiles 10 Rue Montesquieu, 33000 Bordeaux Tel :(+33)5/56526600
IBIS Budget Bordeaux Centre Bastide, hôtel 2 étoiles allée Serr – ZAC Coeur de Bastide, La Bastide, 33100 Bordeaux Tel : (+33)892700261
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