Transnational Journal of Business (TJB) is an annual publication. ... teaching excellence through research, the TJB main
Call for Papers
Transnational Journal of Business Theme: Creating New Knowledge in the Classroom The Transnational Journal of Business (TJB) is an interdisciplinary business journal. It is the Scholar-‐ Practitioner Publication of the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). The Transnational Journal of Business (TJB) is an annual publication. During some publication years there may be a special section included in the TJB, if submissions for a special section are sufficient to warrant it. The Journal Mission To provide a venue for ACBSP members and others to present their research and findings, engage in scholarly research and inquiry, and support and improve classroom teaching. Scholarly Contributions The TJB welcomes authors to submit their original research papers, case studies, book reviews etc. for review and consideration for publication. Due to its mission to provide a forum for a dialogue to advance teaching excellence through research, the TJB maintains an open call for manuscripts, and welcomes manuscripts from all ACBSP individual members. Manuscripts submitted for review should not be under consideration for publication or published with any other scholarly journal. Open Submissions to Transnational Journal of Business Manuscript submissions to the TJB are encouraged from current and past thematic areas: (a) Practical Applications for Business Education (b) Teaching Excellence in Business Educations (c) Business Program Accreditation in the 21st Century (d) The theme of a current or previous ACBSP Annual Conference, for example: • Creating New Knowledge in the Classroom • Partnering with Business for Student Success • Recognizing Excellence in Business Education • Managing Effectively in the New Business Reality • Sustaining Excellence through Quality Business Education • Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in the Classroom • Engaged Learning in the Digital Age
Special Theme for Upcoming Issue A special priority for the next issue of the TJB is the theme for the ACBSP Conference 2016, Creating New Knowledge in the Classroom. The ACBSP Conference 2016 will be June 17-‐20, 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia. A Call for Presentations will be released in September 2015 for the 2016 Conference. Authors submitting to TJB are invited to submit a response to the Call for Presentations so their papers may be considered for presentation at the ACBSP Conference 2016. The following information explains how the theme is being described and provides guidance for authors submitting papers. The theme provides a forum for a dialogue that advances teaching excellence through research and discussion with particular emphasis on the practical applications of ideas which can contribute to the theme.
Some of the topics that would be a focus of presentations can include: -‐-‐Classroom Management -‐-‐Role of Technology in Knowledge Creation -‐-‐Learner-‐Centered Teaching -‐-‐Knowledge for Digital Economy -‐-‐Homogenization of Knowledge Creation -‐-‐Connecting Activities to Learning Outcomes and Knowledge Creation
Manuscript Submission Requirements The TJB requires all manuscripts for review and publication to be submitted electronically and written in English. If English is not the authors’ first language, then it is highly recommended for them to ask a colleague who is proficient in English to proofread the paper. For manuscripts to be accepted for publication they must be in the following format: • Single-‐spaced on standard 8½″₺ x 11″₺ sized page, using Times New Roman font • Main text should be size 12 font • Major headings should be size 14 font • Footnotes and endnotes should be size 8 font • Each manuscript is limited to 5,000 -‐ 7,000 words including all graphs, figures, footnotes, and appendices. The text of the manuscript should include title (maximum of ten words), abstract (maximum of 250 words), text, references and footnotes, tables, figure captions, figures, but not the names of authors, their biographical notes nor any acknowledgements. Please make sure that authors’ names or other identifying content is not included in the document/file properties. Words such as “first name”, “last name”, “name of institution”, “city”, “state”, “country”, or “degree achieved” may be used with quotes to note missing words not disclosed in the text but to be included in the final publication.
Other requirements are as follows: • Special attention should be paid to identifying units of currency by nationality and there is a strong preference for all currencies to be stated in United States Dollar (USD). • Acronyms should be fully translated into English when used the first time in the manuscript. • American Psychological Association (APA), 6th Edition publication style must be utilized for formatting of tables, figures, citations and references ( Reviewers and editor(s) will return papers not conforming to APA style guidelines. • Manuscripts must be free of plagiarism, falsification, or fabrications. • Tables and figures should be integrated into the text, while quotes, figures, etc. should indicate the source. • Authors are responsible for citation corrections and proofreading of the manuscripts for errors.
Submission Guidelines Manuscripts may only be submitted via email as an attached file or as a hyperlink for download, submitted only in Microsoft Word 6.0 or higher. There is no submission or publication fee. Submissions for either the Transnational Journal of Business and any special section should be sent to: • Attention: Managing Editor • E-‐mail Address:
[email protected] The email message for the submission in a separate sheet attached, must contain the following: • Title and abstract excerpted from the paper • Names, emails addresses, fax numbers, institutional affiliation (if any) of each author • Brief biographical notes (maximum 100 words) about the authors • Keywords • Indication if the submittal is for the TJB or the special section • Any acknowledgements to be included in the final document All submissions will be acknowledged as received within ten days. If you do not receive this acknowledgement, please send a message of inquiry to the Managing Editor (
[email protected]) with a copy of your inquiry to Amir Toosi, Rivier University,
[email protected], or A. Dale King, Lenoir-‐Rhyne University,
[email protected] Amir serves as Chair, Editorial Policy Board, Transnational Journal of Business, while Dale Serves as Vice-‐Chair.
Submission Deadlines The Transnational Journal of Business is intended to be published each year in June. The TJB maintains an open call for manuscript policy. To allow time for submission to provide two peer-‐reviewed reports and response from the author(s), the deadline for submittal of manuscript for publication in a June issue each year is January 15 of the same year.
Manuscript Review Process Manuscripts not meeting minimal requirements, as determined by the Managing Editor, will be rejected with brief comments. Authors may take the opportunity to resubmit at any time. There may or may not be sufficient time to meet the deadline of January 15, to be included in the upcoming issue in June. There could be cases where an exception is applied and the author(s) given an alternate deadline to meet the publication date. It is beneficial to submit well in advance of this deadline. Decisions of the Managing Editor are subject to appeal for reconsideration by the Editorial Policy Board. If initially accepted, the author(s) will receive two peer-‐reviewed reports within 30 days of the manuscript being acknowledged. Reviewers are responsible for evaluating manuscripts for quality, content, organization, data analysis, writing conventions, integrations, and knowledge of the field. Reviewers not only provide a broad perspective to a manuscript, but they provide valuable comments and suggestions as well, for improvement, where necessary. The reviewers may submit a report that suggests changes be made in the final document. The reviewers may also recommend to the Managing Editor that the manuscript be rejected. If the Managing Editor concurs with the report(s) that recommend rejection, the Managing Editor will act to notify the author(s), and share comments as appropriate. In the case of tentative acceptance with comments for changes, the Managing Editor will provide a copy of the peer-‐reviewed reports as appropriate, and provide a deadline to the author(s) for review, and to make changes in the manuscript. The deadline to make changes for resubmission will be established by the Managing Editor, and will be within a range of 10 – 30 days depending on submission deadlines and the changes suggested. The author(s) will notify the Managing Editor with a revised manuscript explaining what changes were accepted or rejected and justification. The revised manuscript should follow all the initial guidelines to maintain anonymity of the author(s). The resubmitted article should be in publication-‐ready form. The Managing Editor will review all reports and documentation and make a final decision on publication of the manuscript. Decisions of the Managing Editor are subject to appeal to the Scholar-‐Practitioner Editorial Policy Board. Author(s) may withdraw a paper from consideration by notifying the Managing Editor within the time constraints of the publication deadline.
Final Approval Process The author(s) will receive notification that the paper has been accepted for publication, with instructions regarding additional submission requirements, if any, and a deadline for submittal. There may be a required document, returned by each author, attesting to ACBSP that the manuscript has not been used in any other publication; that the submittal is a full, complete, and final submission; granting of copyright to ACBSP, that the final manuscript submitted for publication does not infringe on any existing copyright laws, and acknowledging that all views or conclusions in any article published by TJB are those of the author(s), and do not represent those of the Transnational Journal of Business, or ACBSP.
More Information The information included in this Call for Papers is intended to be complete and accurate. However, we do invite your questions and comments. Please submit any questions and/or concerns to the Managing Editor,
[email protected]. Use the contact information below for contacting the of the TBJ: Dr. Hamid H Kazeroony, SPHR Inver Hills Community College Inver Grove Heights, MN USA
[email protected] Questions of editorial policy may be submitted to both the Managing Editor, the Chair of the Editorial Policy Board, Amir Toosi, Rivier University,
[email protected], and the Vice-‐Chair, A. Dale King, Lenoir-‐Rhyne University,
[email protected]. It may be helpful to inform the ACBSP offices of this correspondence by sending a copy to Jeffrey Alderman, President & CEO,
[email protected] who serves as staff liaison to the Editorial Policy Board. The prospective author(s) may want to consult other information posted on the ACBSP Web Page devoted to the publication of a scholarly journal, This includes, or will in the future include; a Call for Reviewers; a listing of the Scholarly-‐Practitioner Publications Committee, which serves as the Editorial Policy Board; and biographical information for the Managing Editor.