Call for papers. Valve World Expo & Conference Asia 2017. Suzhou, China 20 and 21 September 2017. The leading educat
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Call for papers
Valve World Expo & Conference Asia 2017 Suzhou, China 20 and 21 September 2017
The leading educational and networking event for valve and piping professionals As the leading technical trade fair for valve and valve accessory industry, the Valve World Expo & Conference Asia 2017 will again be held in Suzhou, China. This event will continue to attract piping and valve professionals from West & East, who can update their knowledge of valve applications in a variety of industries with a clear focus on the chemical, petrochemical, power generation, oil & gas and various process industries. The event will be bi-lingual and all presentations will be simultaneously translated in Chinese and English. The combination of a content-focused, end-user driven conference, a social program, plant tours and a hands-on exhibition will offer a unique international platform for valve business and information exchange.
Dear valve industry friends and fellows, Most of you are aware that the demand of energy in China and Asia will keep growing in the coming years. This will bring many exciting opportunities to the valve industry. Currently, there is more demand on low cost, shorter lead time, fugitive emission, etc. More advanced engineering and manufacturing technologies, more customer focused products, better quality assurance and service are pursued by all valve manufactures due to market demand. Manufacturers are making great efforts to increase market share and competitiveness by improving themselves. So it becomes more important than ever to bring together the community of end users, EPCs, consultants, valve manufacturers and distributors to discuss and learn about the latest news regarding fugitive emissions, material selection, new technological developments and so much more. The Valve World Asia Expo & Conference which will be held in Suzhou China in September 2017; it is a open platform which will provide an overview of the latest advances taking place while maintaining a strong application focus, and encourage everyone to share their own experience with valves. Along with the 2017 Valve World Steering Committee, I sincerely invite all of our old and new friends across a variety of industries as end user, engineering, consultant, EPC and distributor to join us. I am looking forward to a great conference and I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as your chairman. See you at Valve World Asia Expo & Conference 2017 in Suzhou! Sincerely yours Li Dayong The Dow Chemical Company Chairman Valve World Conference Asia 2017
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Call for Papers
Join Valve World Asia and Share your knowledge and experiences First held in 1998, the Valve World conferences are already an industry recognized platform for information exchange. Each year, a Steering Committee with members from end users, EPC, and major valve suppliers works hand-in-hand with the Valve World team to provide the industry with a top-rate event. Work starts many months in advance, rising to fever-pitch in the weeks prior to the event. It will be an interesting and rewarding experience to present in the most influential events in the valve industry. Professionals will discuss current market issues like trends in production, distribution and application of valves, application and fabrication techniques, fugitive emission control, repair and lifetime extension, etc. The Steering Committee therefore would like to encourage you to start sending in paper proposals right away. Read some of the helpful hints and information regarding paper presentation on page two. Please send your 300-400 words abstracts to the conference co-ordinator Ms Jewel ZHU before March 10 by e-mail at :
[email protected]
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Call for papers
Steering Committee An international Steering Committee representing valve experts from both West & East will review paper presentations and compile the conference program. Chairman: Li Dayong, Dow Chemical Co-Chair: Ye Yongjian, East China Electric Power Design Institute Ex-Chairman: Zhu Chao, Evonik Lin Song, Petro China Natural Gas & Pipeline Company Members: Xiong Jianxin, SINOPEC Qu Huihong, SNPEC Huang Minya, Hefei General Machinery Research Institute Mike Sun, Shell China Fedy Shen, Dow Chemical Tongxian Ma, BP Michael Yin, BP Leon Zhang, Saudi Aramco Susan Wang, Honeywell Nicole Zhang, BASF Lin Hui, Shenhua Coal Chemical Engineering Rocky Rao, Technip Xuefeng Shi, Technip Ashley Yao, Evonik Anne Pan, AMEC Foster Wheeler Henry Ye, Dupont China Jiang Junyan, Petrofac Neeraj Batra, Chiyoda Corporations Ron Merrick, Fluor Gobind.Khiani, Fluor Masayuki Ono, JGC, Japan Cai Xiaofeng, Wuhuan Engineering Shown Xiao, Arkema China Guo Weijang, Hualu Engineering Simon Chen, Sabic China Zongdi Zhu, MRC Global Chambers Li, API Karan Sotoodeh, Aker Solutions Barrie Kirman, BK Solutions Aneta Stephens, CRANE Paul Heald, Bonney Forge Han Jian Rong, Stard Valve Yu Weifeng, TUV China Jiang Qi, CNNC SUFA Leon Chen, A.W.Chesterton Wang Yitong, Fangzheng Valve Allen Wang, Neway Zhang Guohong, FR Valve Zong Cheng, Viza Valves Zhang Qingshuang, Jiangsu Shentong
Conference Administration The conference administration is the responsibility of Valve World (a brand of KCI Publishing BV), to whom all enquiries should be addressed. For more information please the contact KCI Shanghai office in China, Phone +86 21 6351 9609, Fax: +86 21 6351 9607 or email
[email protected]
NEW! Fugitive Emissions Fugitive Emissions is not a new concept in China. However despite the growing concerns on the air quality and environmental issues, the Fugitive Emissions and LDAR technologies have never been widely adopted in China’s industrial market until recent years. In December 2014, the ministry of environmental protection has drafted a remediation programs for China’s petrochemical industry, targeting a 30% reduction of VOCs emission by 2017. “Strengthen VOCs control. Comprehensive VOCs control should be implemented in petrochemicals, organic chemicals, surface coating, packaging, printing and other industries. Technology transformation of ‘Leak Detection and Repair’ (LDAR) should be conducted in petrochemical industry.” Following up on the first resounding success of the Fugitive Emissions Summit China on Sep 20-21, 2016, we are pursuing global leaders to share their knowledge, experience and innovations on the Fugitive Emissions control and LDAR practices. End users, government bodies, research institutes and engineering companies are also welcome to share the successful cases, challenges, and new legislations in China on the conference of Valve World Asia conference 2017.
Audience The content of the seminar will be particularly interesting to: • Engineers and managers from reliability, maintenance and HSE departments in chemical, petrochemical, oil & gas companies; • Suppliers and manufacturers of Fugitive Emissions management products and services; • Government, regulatory bodies and research institutes; • Material, instrument and process engineers from engineering companies; • Decision makers within these companies/bodies;
Some feedback from the last Valve World Asia and Fugitive Emissions Summit event: It is a great event with the participate from lots industries. In the conference, I got to know the application of LDAR in different regions and the regulations, standards of fugitive emissions. It helped a lot! ——Procurement engineer from BP (China) Holdings Limited You did excellent job and summit is perfect for me.As end user we are very concern about when and which kind of local regulation like US Consent Decree will be roll out, so that we can communicate with our individual business for proactive preparation. ——Piping lead from Dow Chemical Thanks for your invitation for the FE Summit, it’s a great meeting and not be commercial. I learned a lot and made some new friends by the meeting, met some old friends at the meeting as well. ——DSS engineering from Dupont China The conference topics are in line with current industrial developments, it is the first event focused on LDAR and fugitive emissions. The demonstration of packing replacement impressed me a lot. To be a sales engineer, we should not only sell the valves, but also need to obtian the knowledge of valve repair. ——Sales engineer from valve supplier
Suzhou, China 20 and 21 September 2017 Display your technology and speciality to the industry With the continuous development in the China and Asian industries, new technology and special products within the valve industry have been a focus of many end users. The demanded valves include high pressure nickel-based valve, cryogenic axialflow check valve, DBB plug valve, bellows seal globe valve, knife gate valve, hydrofluoric acid valve and many more special types. In addition, fugitive emissions, sealing system, actuators, as well as materials, reliability and sealing performance of valves will continue to be major topics for these end users. The Valve World Asia event in 2017 will continue to provide end users, EPC companies and suppliers worldwide with face to face communication opportunities.
Conference Topics The conference programme will include paper presentations in plenary sessions, parallel sessions and workshops, which will offer delegates the opportunity to discuss practical aspects of the applications of valves. The papers can be of all relevant kinds, e.g. overviews, case histories backed by supporting data, typical applications, new technologies, failure reports and service experience. The committee would like to emphasise its special interest in users’ experiences. The conference will be attended by valve professionals who are interested in technical solutions to problems, industry trends, strategies and regulatory compliance. Sales pitches promoting particular products or services will not be accepted.
The main conference topics will be: • • • • • • • • • • •
New valve designs Leaking detection/Fugitive emissions Maintenance and repair Control valves Sealing technology Castings, forgings, materials Global valve manufacturing trends Procurement strategies Actuation Safety equipment Standardisation and conflicts between valve standards • VOCs control & LDAR regulations in China • Refinery and Chemical plant applications • Industry trends
The major fields of application are: • • • • • • •
Chemical industry Petrochemical/refinery Pipeline industry LNG Offshore and oil & gas Power generation Pulp & paper
How to submit an abstract Please send your abstract to the conference co-ordinator Ms Jewel ZHU by e-mail at
[email protected]. Prospective authors wishing to present a paper should submit an abstract of about 300–400 words before 10 March 2017, and suggest a few topics for the session that it will fit. Mention your name and function, company name and full address details including e-mail address, and the title of the paper. The following selection criteria will apply: • quality of the contents • focus on application experience • informative to a wide audience • tie-in with the conference subject balance • technical nature, i.e. non-commercial The deadline for abstracts is 10 March 2017. Presenters will be notified by 15 April 2017 as to whether or not their proposed presentation has been accepted by the Steering Committee. They will then be invited to send in the complete manuscripts which will be published at the Valve World website. The deadline for manuscripts will be 1 August 2017. Presenters will receive a reduction of 25% on the conference fee.
Important dates Abstract submission deadline March 10, 2017 Notification of authors Apr 15, 2017 Deadline final papers Aug 1, 2017 Conference dates Sep 20-21, 2017
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Valve World Expo & Conference Asia 2017
Date 2016-___-___
2017阀门世界亚洲博览会 2017阀门世界亚洲博览会将在苏州国际博览中心举
152 - 18
156 - 9
250 - 9
252 - 9
251 - 9
351 - 9
352 - 9
450 - 18
348 - 9
447 - 9
行,博览会将提供阀门、阀门应用、流量控制技术以及 相关产品在技术发展方面的最新信息。在这个业界领先
147 - 18
的技术信息和人际交流的盛会上,200多家流程工业(油 气)、石化、化工、发电、陆上和海上领域的专业阀门 公司的技术和商业人员将十分乐意向您提供关于他们的
Xiamen Johncera 145 - 9
148 - 9
247 - 9
248 - 9
347 - 9
146 - 9
245 - 9
246 - 18
346 - 18
Götze KG
446 - 36
ZJ Hanwei
SPS Control CS Yuling
州国际博览中心举行。组织者预计本次盛会将吸引超过 442 - 36
7000名专业观众。 FOOD COUNTER
Visitors Lunch area
Chengdu Zhonghuan
2017年9月20日:9:00 – 18:00 2017年9月21日:9:00 – 17:00
135 - 18
136 - 18
235 - 18
Galli & Cassina
Flexitallic / SIEM Supranite
参展费用: 标准展台3*3米:人民币49,820
238 - 18
537 - 9 VMV Bellows valves
438 - 9
Datong Reciprocity 236 - 18
338 - 18 Kingdom Flow Control 336 - 18
Huahai 436 - 18
ZheJiang Xinhai Valve
AZ Armaturen (China)
SH Zengxin
232 - 18
332 - 18
432 - 18
Tiangong Valves 228 - 36
Ningbo IDT 328 - 36
428 - 36
2个标准展台3*6米:人民币99,640 131 - 9
128 - 54
Tianjin Qichang
127 - 18
Oviko Group
大于36平米的展台:联络询问价格 标准展台包括基本装修,包含6%增值税
SIP Stard
特殊要求: 两面及多面开口展台:加收25%展台费用
123 - 18
124 - 36
Lounge area BAR
电话: +86 (0) 21 6351 9609 邮箱:
[email protected]
Huihua Industry
121 - 9 ZJ Guanli SNJ Valve 119 - 9
Lounge area
118 - 36 Lounge area
117 - 9
115 - 9
Saporiti 111 - 18
Speakers Corner 112 - 36
BAR Lounge area
Suzhou Douson
105 - 18
106 - 36
103 - 9
102 - 36
202 - 72
Valve World
306 - 36
404 - 36
302 - 36
FZV 402 - 36
101 - 9 Neway Valve
100 - 9 TJ Galaxy
政府支持: 此展位图如有更新,恕不预先通知
Entra Ex
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Valve World Expo Asia 2017 552 - 18
651 - 18
652 - 18
751 - 9
752 - 9
851 - 9
San He Spring
546 - 18
645 - 18
Hebei Grand Tek
950 - 9
846 - 36
648 - 18
748 - 18
646 - 18
746 - 18
Lixin Valve Group
542 - 36
946 - 18
Visitors Lunch area
1048 - 9
538 - 9
637 - 9
Value Valve 536 - 18
Flowinn Industrial
Indelac Controls
530 - 18
Rotork 528 - 9
Keyva Control
SIPOS Aktorik
737 - 9
Larslap 736 - 18
Naibang Valve
631 - 9
632 - 18 Wuxi St Hans Controls 727 - 18 628 - 18
730 - 18
Chaolian Valve 627 - 9
625 - 18
518 - 36
Wuzhou Valve
624 - 27
829 - 18
Precision Polymer VTORK EngineeringTechnology 728 - 18 TianJin GuangHui Valve Co.
Suzhou Viza Valve
830 - 18
929 - 18
826 - 9 Zhejiang Xiongtai Valves 824 - 9
RobValve 722 - 9
Shenghua Group 821 - 9
South Valve 822 - 9
932 - 9
923 - 18
924 - 18
ZJ XBURS 922 - 9
919 - 9
920 - 9
820 - 9
Shenzhen Winjoin 816 - 9 915 - 9
916 - 9
Ouyi Valve 812 - 18
Kenzo Control 911 - 18
Wuxi Fusheng
Qiubao Valve
Tycon Alloy
Auma Tianjin
JC Manufacturing
502 - 72
606 - 36
RMB 49,820 RMB 99,640 RMB 149,460 RMB 199,280 Price on request
Stand Space includes basic shell scheme construction, all 1032 - including 18 prices 6% VAT. Corner stand – 2 or more sides open (25% surcharge on stand 1028 - 18 1127 - 18 price) Learning lounge
For more information: SH Garnor 921 - 9
Witzenmann 716 - 9
811 - 18
Single stand (9 m2) Double stand (18 m2) 9 1038 -stand 9 1137 -(27 Triple m2) Quadruple stand (36 m2) 1036 - 9 1135 - 9 Larger than 36 m2
10 x 12 m usable space 10 x 10
Yongjiaxian Boutique 918 - 9
711 - 18
September 20, 2017: 9:00 – 18:00 September 21, 2017: 9:00 – 17:00 BAR
Zhenghai SH Real Sealing Sealing 818 - 9 917 - 9
612 - 18
Opening hours: 1046 - 9 1145 - 9
Exhibition Lounge Rates:
Bonasiwei Valve
UTEC Sealing 823 - 9
Tianjin FSK HiFlux 718 - 18 819 - 9
1147 - 9
828 - 18
825 - 9
Tianjin Tanggu
936 - 18
928 - 18
726 - 9
CZTV Zhongtai 712 - 18
514 - 18
Burgmann China
CMEC / SKVAL 724 - 9
815 - 18 Control Seal
Bernard China
725 - 9
717 - 18
939 - 9 Xiamen Xlong 937 - 9
TZ Juhang
James Walker / Shanghai Winner
618 - 18
836 - 18
738 - 18
735 - 9
Yongkang Youlin 629 - 9
Shenzhen Auto-Valve WZ Redstar
524 - 18
636 - 18
The Valve World Expo Asia 2017 will be held in parallel with the conference in the Suzhou International Expo Center in Suzhou, China. The Exhibition will offer the latest in the technical advances in the field of valves and valve applications and flow control technology and associated products. The technical and commercial staff of more than 200 specialized valve companies 1052 - 9 1151 - 9 in the process industries (oil & gas), petrochemical, chemical, power generation, onshore and offshore will be pleased to give you an update on the availability of their products.
Valve World Asia Phone: +86 (0) 21 6351 9609 1026 - 18 Email:
[email protected]
Sold Option Available
Tiansheng Sealing 912 - 18
Jiangsu KERIT 512 - 18
706 - 18
805 - 18
806 - 18
907 - 9
906 - 18
Yujin Spring 905 - 9
FRValve (Suzhou) Corp
ance / xit
Beijing Aerospace Petrochem. Tech.& Eq.
Arca Regler
602 - 36
702 - 18
801 - 18
Yuhuan Best Air Valve / Wuxi Chengxin ZJ Jinpu
Nanjing CompTECH 802 - 18 903- 9
901- 9
904 - 9
900 - 18
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For More Information: Valve World Asia Face-to-Face Service Desk
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