Camp Equipment Day 2017.pdf - Google Drive

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Sign in. Page. 1. /. 2. Loading… ... TAKE CARE OF YOUR NEW GEAR & HELMET/SHOULDER PADS—$$$$$. Bulldog Football 5
IHSA STATE PLAYOFFS 1991, 1993, 1996*, 1997, 1998*, 2000, 2001, 2003*,2004, 2005*, 2006*,2007,2008, 2010, 2011*,2012*, 2013*,2014*, 2015* 2016

Sweet Sixteen 2004, 2005, 2016 Elite Eight 1996, 2015 Semi-Finalist 2011 2nd Place 2006 STATE CHAMPIONS - IHSA CLASS 6A - 2013 UEC CHAMPIONS 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015


Checklist for Summer Camp & 2017 Season Pick Up Equipment & Any “Team Gear” you bought! -Make sure you receive all Equipment for Summer camp and secure it– it is your responsibility! -PICK UP any equipment you purchased through online order -Make sure coaches get all you accurate contact info -VARSITY make sure you know your 2017 NUMBER AS OF TODAY -CLEAN OUT YOUR BHS LOCKER UNLESS YOU ARE STILL COMPETING IN AN IHSA SPORT

Summer Camp begins June 12th / Strength on June 5th SIGN UP: Batavia Park District Website or at BPD Office. Bring workout clothes/gym shoes/dry Tshirt for weightroom each day! (We will not use Locker rooms) See Calendar for details.

Junior Bulldog Football Camp Volunteers NEW DATES & ON OUR CAMPUS! June 26th-30th Varsity(10:30am-12:30) & Sophomores (8:30am-10:30) We will need -as always -volunteer counselors to help with youth summer programs. The summer calendar shows dates and time for the Junior Bulldog camp. These volunteer hours can be used for service work and NHS hours and other program volunteer requirements. More info to follow.


Get YOUR IHSA PHYSICAL DONE Update your HUDL account & highlights & CELL PHONE & MISC. Twitter: Follow @BataviaFootball & all FB coaches & @BataviaAthletic TAKE CARE OF YOUR NEW GEAR & HELMET/SHOULDER PADS—$$$$$

Bulldog Football 5th Annual Bags Tournament: 7/22/2017 We will host our 6th annual Bulldog Football Bags Tourney and Fundraiser on July 23rd. Please keep this date open. More information will be given out at equipment handout and throughout the summer. LOCATION: Batavia Moose Lodge. TIME: Students 10:00 am Adults: 3:00 pm

PARENTS VIP MEETING JUNE 12th @ 7:00 PM @ BHS Let your PARENTS KNOW about this very important Parnets Meeting as we kick off the 2017 Season and get them involved in our awesome program!

Bulldog Football 7 on 7 Summer 2017 June 16th

Friday: Var sity & Sophs @ Stadium 8-11am vs Glenbar d West Hitter s -TEACHING

June 22nd

Thursday: Var sity & Sophs & Fr eshmen @ Stadium 8-11am vs Neuqua Valley -TEACHING

June 24th

Saturday: Var sity Skill @ Northern Illinois University 7 v 7 (TOURNEY) Time TBA (All Day) -2 TEAMS WILL GO A RED & GOLD TEAM

July 14th

Friday: Var sity @ Huntley HS ALL DAY EVENT 8:30 am– 2 pm (Includes Lineman Challenge)

July 20th July 20th

Thursday: Sophs & Freshman @ Batavia HS 8:30 am– 1:30 pm (TEACHING) Thursday: Var sity @ St. Char les Nor th Tour ney 8:30 am– 4:00 pm

July 21st

Friday: “Battle of the Big Butts” at Aurora West —-Check–In 2 pm -Varsity/Soph/Freshman Lineman as many teams as we can get! 3:00 pm

July 24th & 26th POSSIBLE Camp with another school at BHS July 27th July 27th

Sophs & Freshmen at BHS 9:00 am Varsity “under the lights” at BATAVIA Neuqua Valley, South Elgin, Plano? 6:00 pm -TEACHING

Other key dates August 2017– schedules may adjust! 8/7/2017—MONDAY August Practice Begins 8am-4 pm at BHS Make sure you are registered and have athletic fees, online athletic forms and physical complete! 8/12/2017—SATURDAY

First day of Full Pads

8/16/2017 —WEDNESDAY

First Day of School 2017

8/18/2017—FRIDAY Corn Boil The Booster Corn Boil will be in the early evening of August 18th– following school! 8/19/2017—SATURDAY Team Scrimmage & Team Pictures Red & Gold Team Scrimmage will be on Saturday Morning, August 19th, 2017 8/21/2017 –-MONDAY

MOMS clinic and under the lights practice #1



-All Forms and Information and Calendars will be posted on the football website -FOLLOW @BataviaFootball & @BataviaAthletics -UPDATE HUDL INFORMATION