Health: There is a temporary PHC in the camp for providing primary health care. â» Extent PoCs have access to primary h
Camp profile Arbat Temporary Refugee Camp, Suleimaniyah, KR - Iraq As of 29 Dec. 2013
Camp opened: 25.08.2013
Geographic Snapshot and Contextual Background
GPS coordinates:
45° 35' 35.392"E 35° 25' 55.936" N
Region and State:
Sulaymaniyah. KR - Iraq
Size of camp area:
300,000 m²
Pattern in Population Change: Relocation from Arbat transit camp to Arbat Permenant Camp Areas of Origin:
Majority is from Qamishli, Syria.
Refugee Population
approximately 2,703 (Individuals)
Planned capacity: 5,000 (Individuals)
Age and gender break-down of the population as of 29 December 2013
Needs Met Logo
Minimum Sectoral Data (standard)
Minimum Sectoral Data
Health: There is a temporary PHC ► Extent PoCs have access to in the camp for providing primary primary health care. 1 health centre ► 1 health post. health care. for 20,000 persons. ► Liters of water/person /day: 20 WASH: The sanitation is available ► Persons per latrine: