Campaign Committee Information.pdf - Google Drive

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Work with public relations committee on direct mail voter reminders. • Call all identified “yes” voters and remind
COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES STEERING COMMITTEE • Provide leadership for the group • Organize and direct overall election procedures • Identification and organization of sub-committees • Establish calendar/timeline • Provide leadership and oversight PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Chairs: • Design and prepare mailings/ newsletter, etc. • Work with the press on news stories (TV, radio, newspapers, etc.) • Prepare news releases for local press (one/Week) • Develop bond issue facts sheet and informational brochures • Prepare voter “reminder” (mailed one week prior to election) • Develop print advertisements, radio ads and tv spots • Organize a kids activity (i.e.. Poster contest/coloring contest) • Identify the advantages of a new facility for the community • Draft typical supportive “letter to the editor” • Arrange an open house/tour of the existing facilities • Develop public relation tools for use by committee members, (i.e. Buttons, ribbons, yard signs, posters, banners, flyers, brochures, etc.) • Reach local community service and business organizations to arrange presentations and seek the support of their membership • Develop a video/power-point presentation to be used with community group presentations RESEARCH COMMITTEE • Develop a list of all voters (obtained from the courthouse) • Enter data into computer list • Determine number of “yes” voters required to pass bond issue • Update voter list as information comes in from the contact committee on yes, no, and undecided voters • Furnish the “get the vote out” committee a list of all known “yes” voters


CANVASS COMMITTEE Chairs: • Develop list of all voters (obtained from courthouse) • Determine number of “Yes” votes required to pass issue • Use neighborhood/telephone canvassers to contact every household in the district • Keep canvasser card on everyone contacted • Educate/train contractors – everyone must get the same accurate information • Get absentee ballots in the hands of the “Yes” voters unable to get to the polls (especially college students) • Make sure “Yes” voters are registered – give information, help if not registered • Call all identified “Yes” voters the day of the election; have poll watchers to keep track of the “Yes” votes and make additional contacts, if necessary • Provide transportation/child care, if necessary, for “Yes” voters • Re-contact “Undecided” voters prior to election day to persuade them to vote “Yes” – do not spend time on “No” voters • Make sure “Yes” voters know polling places and times for the election GET OUT THE VOTE COMMITTEE • Work with public relations committee on direct mail voter reminders • Call all identified “yes” voters and remind them to get out to vote • Organize transportation as required to get “yes” voters to the polls • Organize child care/baby-sitting for “yes” voters’ to use while voting • Identify project supporters who may not currently be in the community and get them absentee ballots (i.e. college kids) • Get absentee ballots in the hands of “yes” voters unable to get to the polls on election day CONTACT COMMITTEE • Educate/train contact personnel • Divide into sub-groups by neighborhood and/or area or sports activity • Make initial contacts to determine yes/no/undecided votes • Determine the concerns of the no and undecided voters • Report findings to research and steering committee periodically • Recontact undecided voters prior to election day and attempt to persuade them to vote “yes” • Send out information and/or ballots to absentee “yes” voters • Identify polling places for all “yes” voters





February 16 - 22




Organizational Mtgs Establish SubCommittee

Appoint Chair

Appoint Chair Newspaper Contact

Appoint Chair

February 23 - 29

Weekly Coordination

Develop Fact Sheet - Plan Brochure

Develop Master News Release Schedule

March 1-7

Weekly Coordination

Begin Layout of Brochure

March 8 - 14

Weekly Coordination

March 15 - 21







Appoint Chair Design Sample

Obtain Voter List Input to Database (Court House)

Develop Script for Speakers Select Speakers

Develop Worker List

Develop Strategy for Election Day Services

Develop Schedule and Endorsements

Committee Approval

Determine Desired Information

Develop List of Appearances

Training for Workers

Recruit Workers for Election Day

Plan Brochure | Fact Sheet to Newspaper Powerpoint

Design Ads (Radio, TV, Print Media)


Develop Question & Answer Sheet (coordinate with fact sheet)

As Above

Initiate Canvas and Distribute Fact Sheet

As Above Develop Script for phone Survey

Finalize and Produce Brochure

News Stories Interviews Letter to Editor

Begin Paid Advertising

Distribute and Display

Update Yes Voter list

Begin Speaker Schedule

Complete Canvas

As Above

Weekly Coordination

Distribute Brochure Though Speakers

Question & Answer Release Letter to Editor

Run Paid Advertising

Distribute and Display

Update Yes Voter list

As Above

Contact Absentee Voters Coordinate with Other Committees

Confirm Workers Phone Survey Yes Voters

March 22 - 28

Weekly Coordination

As Above

Letter to Editor

Run Paid Advertising


Coordinate with Other Committees

As Above

Voter Must be Registered 10 Days before Election

As Above

March 29 - April 4

Weekly Coordination

Insert Brochure in Local Paper

Letter to Editor

Run Paid Advertising

Display - Mail Reminder to Yes Voters Postcards

Coordinate with Other Committees (get the vote out committee)

As Above

Follow-Up on Registrations and Absentees

As Above ... Get “Yes” Voter List

Bond Election Tuesday April 5th

Support Election Day VOTE YES!

Support Election Day VOTE YES!

Run Thank You for Workers

Support Election Day VOTE YES!

Support Election Day VOTE YES!

Support Election Day VOTE YES!

Support Election Day VOTE YES!

Support Election Day VOTE YES!

Phone Canvas Transportation Support Election Day VOTE YES!