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Aug 16, 2016 -[8/16/ ... Install Water-Wise Landscape: The best
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August 2016

Tips For Reviving Your Yard & Saving Water Now that the current drought has passed, many homeowners who helped save thousands of gallons of water face a difficult decision: What to do with a brown lawn?  Well, there are basically three options.  You can leave it brown, revive it or replace it. 1. Leave it brown:  This option takes the least effort. However, it looks unsightly and eventually weeds will take over. Also, who wants to come home to a brown lawn and a bunch of weeds.   2. Bring back the lawn:  There are a couple of ways to do this.  First is to simply start watering and see how it goes. Some lawns may come back depending on the type of grass.  Homeowners have found that they only need to water two to three days per week to have a fairly nice-looking lawn. This is often much less than they thought they needed to water A second option to revive your lawn is to re-seed it.  First water the lawn a day or so before you begin the work.  Then rake the lawn with a heavy metal rake. This will create grooves in the soil and remove a lot of the dead grass.Next add new grass seed (fescue is a good choice). Finally, add soil amendment on top (top dressing). You will then need to water it very briefly a few times a[8/16/2016 1:27:57 PM]

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day to germinate the new grass seeds. Look online or ask your local garden supplier for detailed instructions. Once the grass is established, remember to follow our Lawn Watering Schedule. If you revive your lawn, here are three healthy maintenance tips: Water in the early morning, between 3 a.m. and 8 a.m., this gives the water plenty of time to soak in before the heat of the afternoon evaporates it away.   Set your mower to its highest setting.  Taller grass provides shade for the soil, and you lawn will look great.   Fall is a great time aerate your lawn. You are reducing compaction of your soil, and allowing water to penetrate deeper.   Install Water-Wise Landscape: The best solution for that dead lawn is replacing it with a beautiful, colorful and water-wise landscape that will be able to withstand the next drought and all future droughts. California native and Mediterranean plants are well-adapted to our climate so they can look great with little to no water. However, converting a lawn to a water-wise landscape is no easy project. It requires planning, funding and hard work. The rewards, however, can be huge! Since 2012, more than one-million square feet of lawn have been converted into gardens within the District.  Look here for more information. 

  Our New Photo Page Features More Than 20 Yards Converted To Gardens[8/16/2016 1:27:57 PM]

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Take a look at our new photo page featuring 21 beautiful local lawn to garden conversions at  . CCWD offers rebates for replacing lawns with water-wise landscaping. We also have lots of information to help you learn the “How To” of converting to a water-wise landscape.  We have a Landscape Design Assistance Program to help participants figure out what to do. Visit our website for more information at

In September, Start Watering Less The days may still be hot, and it may still be summer on the calendar, but starting in September you can begin to cut back your watering schedule from the peak of July and August.  Why?  The days are getting shorter, and the sun is moving move closer to the horizon. On Sept. 1, the length of the day will be one hour and 45 minutes shorter than on June 20, the longest day of the year.  Less sunlight means your yard doesn’t need as much water.   Take a look at our revised schedule for watering your yard.  

Please Visit Our Redesigned Conservation Garden, Or See it On Video CCWD has redesigned and replanted half of our nearly-one acre Conservation Garden at our main office at 1331 Concord Ave. in Concord. We’re near the airport. Take a look at the plants we use and how we keep it irrigated in our new video featuring the garden’s designer, CCWD’s Bob Eagle.  Also, take the opportunity visit the garden.  It’s open every day and a plant list is right next to the sign.   

Coupons Still Save You Money & Water Don’t forget our coupons that help you save water and money.  Our “Smart Wash Car Wash” coupons help you save at car washes that recycle water.  Our  “Mulch, Mulch, Mulch” coupons help you save water in your yard, and money at local nurseries. 

Conservation Gardening Calendar  Hell Strip Gardening August 20, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Ruth Bancroft Garden What to do with that overlooked spot between the curb and the sidewalk? Join staff of the Ruth Bancroft Garden for a hands-on workshop where we will tackle a troublesome spot and add curb appeal with a drought tolerant landscape. **Workshop will be held offsite and information will be sent to you after registration**. More Details Designing Your Bay-Friendly Garden August 20, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Rockridge Public Library, Oakland Presented by EBMUD. Reduce your water use and create a beautiful garden! Learn from a Bay-Friendly[8/16/2016 1:27:57 PM]

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Qualified Professional and leading experts about how to utilize sustainable landscaping practices to conserve natural resources, reduce pollution, build healthy soil, and save you time and money! This workshop, brought to you by ReScape California and the Oakland Public Library, is the first in EBMUD’s 3 part workshop series for Home Gardeners More Details   Efficient Irrigation in the Garden September 10, 10:am -12:00 PM Pleasant Hill Instructional Center Join the PH Instructional Garden staff in the Garden for a class on efficient irrigation systems for your garden given by Seth Wright, a Bay Friendly certified landscape contractor with 20 years experience. Learn more about how to reduce your water use, monitor how much you are watering, and update your current system. Reservations needed for this $25 fee-based event. More Details   Mediterranean Climate Perennials September 10, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM @ Markham Park Markham Nature Park, Concord Join Susan Handjian for an overview of the beautiful but tough perennial plants from the world’s Mediterranean climates. You’ll learn about the characteristics that make Mediterranean perennials so tough and resilient. In addition to “right plant right place” plant selection, Susan will also cover the often overlooked but very important topic of maintenance. Many of the plants featured in the class will be available at Markham’s plant sale on September 17. Registration is required. Class limited to 15 people. More Details   Markham Nature Park and Arboretum Plant Sale September 17, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Markham Nature Park Adios Summer, Hello start-of-rain year Plants especially suited for our late summer/early fall and winter conditions available for sale. Robin Parer of Geraniaceae will join us with her gorgeous selection of scented and unscented geraniums and pelargoniums More Details   How to Install a Drip Irrigation System, Lower Your Water Bill, and Get Paid For It, Too September 17, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM @ Concord Ready to save water? Curious about irrigation systems, but haven’t figured out which one to choose? Don’t know how to install a drip irrigation system? Interested in finding out how you can receive up to $2,000 for removing your lawn and replacing it with water-conserving plants? Join Kathy Kramer from the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour and other irrigation experts for this one-day hands-on workshop, and learn about all of the above. More Details   Living Wall Demonstration September 17, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM @ Concord Have you thought about converting your bare walls into a lush landscape? Would you like to build a green[8/16/2016 1:27:57 PM]

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room divider or privacy screen for your outdoor space? Come see the Ruth Bancroft's Garden existing living wall in the Nursery and learn about the details of construction, composition and maintenance of planting in a vertical space from our Nursery Manager. More Details   Look for more water conservation events here. 

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