Vacuum flask. Water bottles/bag. Water filter ... Breakfast cereal, porridge, muesli, pancake mix. /SnowysOutdoors · fac
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CAMPING Camping Gear
Awning & awning matting Gazebo Guy ropes & spares Portable fan Portable heater Sand pegs Screen room Shade/screen tent Shower screen Shower system Solar shower Table, chairs, picnic rug Tarp/ground sheet Tent Tent poles & pegs Tent repair kit Toilet & chemicals Toilet seat/potty Toilet tent Umbrella Water Drums Camping Sundries
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Axe/machete Broom, dustpan & brush Cable Ties Camera & spare Batteries Chainsaw Coins for: BBQs/Showers/Park Fees Dome tent repair kit Doormat Duct tape Floor coverings/mats Hammer/mallet Nylon repair kit Pen & paper Rope Sewing kit with scissors Shovel Stormsure glue
Tie down straps Tissues Toilet paper Waterproofing Wire Sleeping Gear
Airbed & pump Airbed repair kit Camp stretcher Car/ Travel pillow Ear plugs Eye mask Foam mattress & cover Hammock Mosquito net Pillow & pillow case Sleeping bag liner/inner sheet Sleeping bags Sleeping mat Swag Swag bag Thermal mat underlay Cooking & Lighting
Aluminium foil Barbeque Barbeque grill Battery/power pack Billy & lid Camp oven Candles Pots & saucepans Firelighters Frying pan Gas cylinders – Full Gas light with spare mantels Gas adaptors Generator Headlamp Kettle Leather/welders gloves Light sticks for emergencies Matches (waterproof)
1300 914 007
Newspaper (for fire) Pasta strainer Plastic wrap Rubbish bags Spanner for gas connections Teapot Torch with spare globes & batteries Vac Pac food storage bags Eating
Bread knife Can/bottle opener Chopping boards Cooler/esky with ice packs Corkscrew Egg beater Egg flip Food containers Fridge/freezer Jaffle iron Jug Knife, fork, spoon, bowl, plate, mug & glass for each person Mixing bowl Paper towel/serviettes Plastic garbage bags Salad bowl Sharp knives Small & large water containers Storage crates Table cloth/placemats Tablespoons Toasting fork Tongs Vacuum flask Water bottles/bag Water filter Water purification tablets Zip lock bags Food Basics
Breakfast cereal, porridge, muesli, pancake mix
92 Richmond Rd, Keswick SA
Brown & white sugar Butter & margarine Cooking oil (extra to season camp oven) Cordial Dried fruit & nuts Dried/canned soups Eggs, cheese, milk Flour – corn & plain Freeze dried meals Fruit & vegetables Meat (cryovac bag) Muesli bars, fruit roll-ups, chocolate, marshmallows, snack sized chocolate bars Rice, pasta, spaghetti, noodles Sliced & un-sliced bread, rolls, black bread for long life, corn & potato chips, pita bread Tea, coffee, milo, cocoa Tinned meat and fish Tomato, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, mustard, mayonnaise, salad dressing, chutney Vegemite, honey, jam, peanut butter Washing Up
Bucket Clothes line & pegs Clothes washing bowl Dish cloths/sponge Dishwashing bowl Dishwashing liquid Liquid soaps Plastic bags Portable washing machine Soap & soap holder Tea towels Washing powder First Aid
Antiseptic cream Bandages Band-Aids Blister kit Calamine lotion Car/sea sick medication Cold relief tablets Disinfectant Emergency survival blanket First Aid Kit First Aid book Insect repellent Lip salve Mylanta (or similar) Needle Panadol Prescription medicine Saline
Salvital (or similar) Scissors Snake bite kit Soothers/throaties Stingose Sunburn cream Sunscreen Thermometer (compact) Triangle bandage Tweezers Ventolin Clothing & Footwear
Balaclava Bath towel Bathers Beach towel Belt Cap/beanie/ear warmers Fleece pants Fleece top Gaiters & spare cord Gloves/mittens Handkerchiefs Hat with mosquito netting Hiking boots & spare laces Long johns/leggings Long sleeved singlet/skivvy Pyjamas Rubber boots/galoshes Sandals thongs (rubber for showers) Shirts – short sleeve, long sleeve, t-shirt Short & long pants Socks Sunglasses & neck strap (Polaroid/UV) Thermal underwear Bottoms Thermal underwear SS top Thermal underwear LS top Toiletries Underwear Waterproof jackets Waterproof overpants Wide brimmed hat Car/Caravan
15 amp extension cord 2 way spirit level Air compressor Annexe matting Awning Awning de-flapper Axe Battery recharger Car Manual Caravan door step Chainsaw Decent Shovel
Dual Battery System Engine oil (enough for a complete change) Extension mirrors Extra spare tyre Fire extinguisher Fuel containers Fuel filter Gear / transmission oil (4L) GPS navigation / compass Jack base plate Jack/Hi-lift Jockey wheel Jumper leads LED Light strips Long handled shovel Maps Max/X-tracks Tie-down straps Oil filter & Coolant Phone numbers of local police to check road conditions Portable battery Power pack Satellite phone/HF radio Set of fan belts Set of fuses Set of globes Set of radiator hoses Rated recovery hitch Recovery kit & Drag chain Solar panels Spare tubes Storage box/crate Tool kit Tow ball Tow ropes Trailer hitch lock Trailer net Tyre deflator with gauge Tyre pliers Tyre repair patches Tyre repair plug kit Waste hose Wheel chocks Winch
Lightweight Tent (