KKG - Kappa Kappa Gamma. C5. PKP- Phi Kappa Phi. D5. PSK - Phi Sigma Kappa. D4 .... ACO - Alpha Chi Omega. C5. CO - Chi
UMassAmherst - General Location Campus Map - Building Index Agricultural Engineering Bldgs. Alfond Alumni Stadium Apiary Building Army ROTC Bldg. Arnold Astronomy Bldg. Athletic Fields Auxiliary Services Warehouse
B3 C4 A6 D4 B5 C2 B2 A4 A2
KKG - Kappa Kappa Gamma PKP- Phi Kappa Phi PSK - Phi Sigma Kappa SDT - Sigma Delta Tau SK - Sigma Kappa SPE - Sigma Phi Epsilon TC - Theta Chi French Furcolo
Garber Field B4 George N. Parks Marching Band Bldg B3-4 Goessmann C3 Goodell B4 Gordon D5 Gorman D4 Grass Roots Daycare A6 Grayson E3 Greenough E3 Grinnell Arena B4 Gunness Engineering B2
Campus Center Campus Center Parking Garage Campus Pond Cance Cashin Central Heating Plant Central Residential Area Central Stores (Physical Plant) Chabad Chadbourne
C3 C4 C3 B6 D1 A3 D3 B3 C5 E4
Champions Center Chancellor’s House Chenoweth Clark Cold Storage Bldg. Comwlth Honors Res Complex Communications Disorders Computer Science Bldg. Conte Polymer Research Center Continuing Education Coolidge Crabtree Crampton
B4 D3 B3 D4 B3 B4 D5 B2 C2 A5 B5 C2 B5
Design Building Dickinson Hall Dickinson House Draper Du Bois Library Duda Durfee Conservatory and Garden Dwight
D4 B4 D3 C3 C3 B2 D3 C2
East Experiment Station Elm Emerson Engineering Laboratory Engineering Laboratory 2
C3 B4 B5 B2 B2
Farley Lodge Fernald Field Fine Arts Center Flint Laboratory Forest & Parks Buildings Franklin Dining Fraternities & Sororities ACO - Alpha Chi Omega CO - Chi Omega DU - Delta Upsilon IGU - Iota Gamma Upsilon
A6 D4 E3 C4 B3 A2 D4 C5 E2 C2 D5
C5 D5 D4 D5 D5 E2 D4 D3 C1
Hadley Equestrian Farm Haigis Mall Hamlin Hampden Dining Hampshire Dining Hampshire Hasbrouck Hatch Health Center Herter Hicks Physical Education Hillel Hills Holdsworth Hotel
A5 C4 C2 B5 C6 C5 C3 B3 D3 C4 C4 D5 D4 B3 C3
Integrated Science Building Integrative Learning Center Intermed. Processing Fac. (IPF) Isenberg School of Management
C3 C3 E1 C4
John Adams John Q. Adams James Johnson
B5 B5 B5 C2
Kennedy Knowlton Knowles
B5 C2 B3
Leach Lederle Graduate Research Ctr. Lewis Library, Du Bois Life Science Lab Lincoln Apartments Lincoln Campus Center Linden Lorden Field (Baseball) Lyon Machmer MacKimmie Mahar Auditorium Maple Marcus Marston Mather McNamara Memorial Hall Melville Middlesex Mobile Classrooms Montague Moore Morrill Science Center
Mullins Center Mullins Practice Rink Munson Munson Annex New Africa Newman Center North Residential Area North Village Apartments Northeast Residential Area Oak Observatory Old Chapel Orchard Hill Residential Area Paige Parking Garage Parking Office Patterson Photo Laboratory Physical Plant Physical Science Bldg Pierpont Police Prince PVTA Bus Garage
Recreation Center B4 Renaissance Center E1 Research Administration D4 Residence Hall Security (Dickinson) B4 Robotics B2 Robsham Visitors Center C5 Rudd Field (Soccer) A5 Shade Tree Laboratory Skinner Softball Complex South College Southwest Residential Area Stockbridge Student Union Studio Arts Building Sycamore Sylvan Residential Area
D3 C3 A5 B3 B5 B3 C3 D4 B4 D2
Tennis Courts Textbook Annex Thatcher Thayer Thompson Thoreau Tillson Farm Tobin Totman Track and Field Transit Facility
A4 B3 D2 B2 B3 B5 E1 B4 C2 A5 B2
UMass IT Network Communications UMass Police Department University Club University Extension University Health Center University Outreach University Press (E. Exp. Station) University Without Walls
B6 E1 D3 B6 D3 B6 C3 A5
Van Meter Visitors Center
E3 C5
Washington Webster West Experiment Station Wheeler Whitmore Administration Bldg. Wilder Worcester Dining Wysocki
B6 E3 C2 D4 C4 D3 C2 C1
Printed and Updated by UMass Print Services,Aug 2016