can adventist colleges be rescued? - Andrews University

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American Division colleges and universities in- creased their ... Do Adventist Colleges Have a Future? ...... M.B.A. fro
. The Soviet-Adventist Publishing Company Gay Adventists & Change Ministries

. Journal of the Association of Adventist Forums

Volume 18, Number 4

CAN ADVENTIST COLLEGES BE RESCUED? Where is the Academy Class of '87? How Parents Rate the System Why Profs Make All the Difference

Spectrum Editor Roy Branson

Senior Edi~Qr' Tom DybdaItl

News Editor " Bonnie Dwyer


Review Editors

,Peggy Corbett Rennie Schoepflin

Production Barry L. Casey FastForWord Publication Services

Editorial Board

Consulting Editors

Roy Benton Assistant Professor Mathematical ScIences Dept. Columbia Union College

Earl W. Amundson Church AdmInlstratIon

RoyB .......n Ethial, Kennedy Institute Georgetown Uliiveralty

Calgary, Alberta

Moll....... eoUpenu Physician Angwin, CalIfornia GeneDaHem Phywldan , Frederlclc, Maryland

Bonnie Dwyer

Joumallsm Folaom, CalIfornia T_Dybdahl Editor Allentown;. Pennsylvania Alvin L KwiDm VkzPrvvoet Unlveralty ofWaahington

Gar)'Lmd HIstooy Andrew. Unlvetllity Rennie SchoepOIn

HIstory Loma Unda Unlvetllity Charlea Scriven Senior Paator SlIgo Church

Karen Bottomley

HIstory Bonnie L CUey Wrlter/Edltor WashlngtOll, D.C. RaYl"!>nd Cottrell


Loma Uncia, California GerlFuller Public ReIatlOl\lJ WashlngtOll, D.c. tawlence eer.ty President Atlantic Union College Fritz Guy

Theology Loma Unda Ullivetllity F. E. J. Harder Educational Adrllilli8tration College Place, Waahington JOIBen Henriben ArlIst Walla Walla, Washington Edward Lugenbeal Health Care Administration Kettering, Ohio

Donald It M