Introduction. When you woke up this morning you thought it was just going to be an ordinary day at school. While brushin
Can our pond be saved? WebQuest 4th grade Science & Language Arts By Lynnie Brooke Taylor
Introduction When you woke up this morning you thought it was just going to be an ordinary day at school. While brushing your teeth, you noticed that the water tasted funny and smelled bad. “This is strange,” you thought, but continued with your morning routine. After getting dressed and eating breakfast, you gathered your books and off to school you went. On your way, you noticed that the air was a little thick and looked foggy. There weren’t many birds chirping either. You could see the school bus coming before it reached you because of the exhaust fumes coming out of the back. You boarded the bus and off you went! Continued… Introduction
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When you got off the bus, you searched for your friends, found them waiting in the gym, and sat down. You could hardly hear them over the construction happening on the lot next to the school. The loud noise from the equipment being used gave you a headache! The bell rang way too soon and off to class you went. On the way you stopped at the water fountain for a sip. “Ugh!” you said to your friends because the taste of the water was as bad as it was when you brushed your teeth at home.
Continued… Introduction
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You and your friends walked into your homeroom where the morning news was turned on and you heard the announcer say, “Our world is slowly become a dangerous place to live. Pollution is overtaking the environment and harming all living things and causing damage to non-living things.” Oh well, you thought as you unpacked and found your desk. You were more concerned with what you did with your homework, until all of a sudden the announcer says, “Dead fish have been seen floating to the surface in Taylor Pond. Health experts and investigators have decided to close the pond for further investigation. No fishing or swimming will take place in the pond until after the investigation.” “What?” you say to your best friend beside you. “We can’t go swimming or fishing this weekend!” Continued… Introduction
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You and your three best friends have decided to investigate the no swimming or fishing policy that was put in place. You know that pollution is to blame, but how did it happen and what can be done about it?
Click on the task button below to find out what you can do to help.
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Task How can the pond be saved from pollution? The four of you will become pollution experts and try to help solve the problem. One of you will take on the role of air pollution expert. One of you will become a water pollution expert. One of you will become a noise pollution expert. One of you will become an expert on overpopulation. Did the new subdivision near the pond have anything to do with what happened? Your goal is to formulate ideas for solutions to existing pollution problems and educate those around you about the effects of pollution. Click on the tasks below to find out your specific job.
Task 1 Introduction
Task 2 Process
Task 3 Conclusion
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Task 1 Identify the causes of pollution in your area of expertise, how it affected the pond, and possible solutions for your pollution.
Task 1 Introduction
Task 2 Process
Task 3 Conclusion
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Task 2 Letter to the Editor: Write a persuasive letter to the editor that convinces the people in your community to do their part in cleaning up pollution and why it is important.
Task 1 Introduction
Task 2 Process
Task 3 Conclusion
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Task 3 Pollution Solution Poster: Create a poster for your area of expertise that shows people how they can help solve the pollution problem and what can happen if pollution continues.
Task 1 Introduction
Task 2 Process
Task 3 Conclusion
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Process To begin learning about your area of pollution, first you need to conduct research in your field. One report will be turned in for your group for task 1. You will complete tasks 2 and 3 individually, although you will work with your group on editing and ideas. Click on resources below to begin. Don’t forget to look at the Task 1 handout on the resources page to take notes. Your teacher will give you a copy of this.
Resources Introduction
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Resource List 1 Here are some resources that can be used to find the information you need to complete all of your tasks. US EPA's Kid's Site--games, stories, facts on the environment What's in the Air Resources Board's (ARB) Know Zone? It's all about the air we breathe, air pollution and how to keep the air clean and healthy. South Coast (Los Angeles region) Air Quality Management District kids' page -history of air pollution in southern California, stuff to do, air pollution levels US EPA's Global Warming Kid's Site
Task 1 Handout Introduction
Return to List 2 Return to List 3 Conclusion
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Resource List 2 Illinois state environmental page for kids: games and stories It's an educational, interactive adventure that teaches the causes of air pollution and how to improve air quality. Build understanding of air pollution with this interactive game showing effect of weather, population, and types of pollution sources California Energy Commission Kids' Web Page--games, puzzles, stories, facts Return to List 1
Task 1 Handout Introduction
Return to List 3 Conclusion
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Resource List 3 Earth Day Canada's Environmental Education Program for youth--Play Errand Run to learn how you can reduce your idling habits. Other interactive games, and a storybook where you chose your own environmental path. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Kids' Pages-Play games, paint the body's airways, learn tips for healthy living, and much more. Examines the various pollutants in the world, from toxic chemicals to food waste.
Return to List 1
Task 1 Handout Introduction
Return to List 2 Conclusion
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View of Task 1 Handout Directions: Complete the questions below for your area of expertise on pollution. After each expert in your group has located his/her information, then complete a group report together.
Type of pollution: __________________________________ Cause 1 of pollution: __________________________________________________________ Effect(s) of cause 1 __________________________________________________________ Solution(s) for cause 1 __________________________________________________________ Source(s) of information: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Resources Introduction
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Evaluation You will be graded on each task. Each of you will receive the same group grade on task 1. Individual grades will be given on tasks 2 and 3, although you will work together for editing and ideas to complete these tasks. Click on each task below to see how you will be graded. Your teacher will give you a copy of each grading rubric.
Task 1 Evaluation Introduction
Task 2 Evaluation Process
Task 3 Evaluation Conclusion
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Task 1 Evaluation You will write an introduction to the report that explains the problem and why you think it is important to help with the problem. This should be one paragraph. The body of the report should explain what each type of pollution is, what the biggest cause of that pollution is, and how that pollution affects the pond. One paragraph should be written for each type of pollution. The conclusion of the report should describe ways to reduce each type of pollution, and why it is important to not pollute the environment. This should be one paragraph.
Task 1 Introduction
Grading Rubric Evaluation
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Task 1 Rubric Body
Introduction not present— 0 points
Body not present— 0 points
Conclusion not present— 0 points
10 or more errors in report— 1-2 points
Group members do not complete his/her task and have trouble working together— 1-2 points
Contains 1 part, but not in paragraph format— 1-8 points
Does not contain 1 paragraph about each type of pollution— 1-9 points
Contains 1 part, but not in paragraph format— 1-8 points
7-9 errors in report— 3-4 points
All group members complete his/her task, but have trouble working together— 3-4 points
Contains 1 part in paragraph format— 9-16 points
Contains 1 paragraph about each type of pollution, but a paragraph contains only 1 element— 10-19 points
Contains 1 part in paragraph format— 9-16 points
4-6 errors in report— 5-6 points
Group members do not complete his/her task individually, but work together with minimal problems— 5-6 points
Contains 2 parts, but not in paragraph format— 17-24 points
Contains 1 paragraph about each type of pollution, but a paragraph contains only 2 elements— 20-29 points
Contains 2 parts, but not in paragraph format 17-24 points
1-3 errors in report— 7-8 points
Most group members complete his/her task and work together with minimal problems— 7-8 points
Contains 2 parts (explanation of problem and why it is important to help) in paragraph format— 25 points
Contains 1 paragraph about each type of pollution and each paragraph contains 3 elements (explains what each type of pollution is, what the biggest cause of that pollution is, and how that pollution affects the pond)—30 points
Contains 2 parts (ways to reduce each type of pollution, and why it is important to not pollute the environment) in paragraph format— 25 points
Report neatly presented and free of errors— 10 points
All group members complete his/her task and work together with minimal problems— 10 points
Task 1 Introduction
Task 2 Process
Task 3 Conclusion
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Task 2 Evaluation Write a persuasive letter to the editor that convinces the people in your community to do their part in cleaning up pollution and why it is important.
Task 2 Introduction
Grading Rubric Evaluation
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Task 2 Rubric Format
Following Directions
Letter not completed— 0 points
Content is not persuasive and does not contain to any elements—0 points
Letter not typed— 0 points
Letter not turned in— 0 points
Letter is less than three paragraphs and/or contains 1 element— 1-6 points
Content is persuasive and contains 1 fully developed elements— 1-10 points
10 or more errors— 1-2 points
Passively participates with group members in the writing process— 1-2 points
Letter is three paragraphs and contains 2 elements— 7-11 points
Content is persuasive and contains 2 fully developed elements— 11-20 points
7-9 errors in letter— 3-4 points
Actively participates with group members in 1-2 steps of the writing process—3-4 points
Letter is three paragraphs and contains 3 elements— 12-17 points
Content is persuasive and contains 3 fully developed elements— 21-30 points
4-6 errors in letter — 5-6 points
Actively participates with group members in 3-4 steps of the writing process—5-6 points
Letter is three paragraphs and contains all 4 elements, but not fully developed— 18-23 points
Content is persuasive and contains all 4 elements, but not fully developed— 31-40 points
1-3 errors in letter— 7-8 points
Actively participates with group members in all steps of the writing process, but does not turn in proof of all steps completed—7-8 points
Letter is three paragraphs and contains all 4 fully developed elements associated with standards (establishes an appropriate organizational structure for a letter, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and signals a satisfying closure)— 24-30 points
Content is persuasive and contains all 4 fully developed elements of standards (states a clear position, supports a position with relevant evidence, excludes extraneous details and inappropriate information, creates an organizing structure appropriate to a specific purpose, audience, and context)— 41-50 points
Letter neatly presented and free of errors (mechanical and setup of letter including date, greeting, body, closing)— 10 points
Actively participates in all steps of the writing process with group members and turns in proof of all steps completed— 9-10 points
Task 1 Introduction
Task 2 Process
Task 3 Conclusion
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Task 3 Evaluation Create a poster for your area of expertise that shows people how they can help solve the pollution problem and what can happen if pollution continues.
Task 3 Introduction
Grading Rubric Evaluation
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Task 3 Rubric Your grade will be based on the following criteria: 1. Shows possible solutions for pollution that include recycling Possible points: 30 points Points received: ________ 2. Shows effects of pollution Possible points: 30 points Points received: ________ 3. Question sheet completed and attached to back of poster Possible points: 30 points Points received: ________ 4. Neatness Possible points: 5 points Points received: ________ 5. Creativity Possible points: 5 points Points received: ________
Task 1 Introduction
Task 2 Process
Task 3 Conclusion
Teacher Page
Teacher Page This WebQuest is designed around the fourth grade social studies and language arts Georgia QCC’s and Georgia Performance Standards. The standards are listed below according to each task with which they are aligned.
Task 1 Standards Introduction
Task 2 Standards Process
Task 3 Standards Conclusion
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Conclusion Congratulations! I hope that you and your friends enjoy swimming and fishing in Taylor Pond. I’m proud that you have become an expert in your field of pollution and have learned the effects and ways to prevent all types of pollution. Please continue to share with those around you ways that they can help our environment and reasons why they should. I know that with your knowledge and the knowledge you will continue to share with others, problems like those in Taylor Pond will be few and far between.
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Task 1 Standards Topic: Ecology: Cycles of Matter and Flow of Energy Standard: Discusses causes and possible solutions for pollution. Identifies types of pollution, such as air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution, and discusses how overpopulation contributes to pollution. Formulates ideas for solutions to existing pollution problems. The student listens to and views various forms of text and media in order to gather and share information, persuade others, and express and understand ideas. When responding to visual and oral texts and media (e.g., television, radio, film productions, and electronic media), the student: Demonstrates an awareness of the presence of the media in the daily lives of most people. Evaluates the role of the media in focusing attention and in forming an opinion. Judges the extent to which the media provides a source of entertainment as well as a source of information. The student uses research and technology to support writing. The student Acknowledges information from sources. Locates information in reference texts by using organizational features (e.g., prefaces, appendices). Uses various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, electronic information) as aids to writing.
Task 1 Standards Introduction
Task 2 Standards Process
Task 3 Standards Conclusion
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Task 2 Standards Click on the area below for standards in that category arranged according to the rubric headings. Format Standards
Presentation Standards
Content Standards
Following Directions Standards
Task 1 Standards Introduction
Task 2 Standards Process
Task 3 Standards Conclusion
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Format Standards Topic: Writing Standard: Writes selections (compositions) of three or more paragraphs about a topic. The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and signals a satisfying closure. The student: Selects a focus, an organizational structure, and a point of view based on purpose, genre expectations, audience, length, and format requirements. Uses traditional structures for conveying information (e.g., chronological order, cause and effect, similarity and difference, and posing and answering a question). Uses appropriate structures to ensure coherence (e.g., transition elements).
Task 1 Standards Introduction
Task 2 Standards Process
Task 3 Standards Conclusion
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Content Standards The student demonstrates competence in a variety of genres. The student produces a persuasive essay that: Engages the reader by establishing a context, creating a speaker’s voice, and otherwise developing reader interest. States a clear position. Supports a position with relevant evidence. Excludes extraneous details and inappropriate information. Creates an organizing structure appropriate to a specific purpose, audience, and context. Provides a sense of closure to the writing. Topic: Writing Standard: Writes in a variety of genres to produce paragraphs and compositions: -Correspondence (including writing letters and addressing envelopes).
Task 1 Standards Introduction
Task 2 Standards Process
Task 3 Standards Conclusion
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Presentation Standards Topic: Writing Standard: Applies correct principles of grammar, parts of speech, usage, and mechanics. Topic: Writing Standard: Uses correct spellings for frequently used sight vocabulary. Topic: Writing Standard: Uses available technology to assist in writing. The student uses research and technology to support writing. The student Demonstrates basic keyboarding skills and familiarity with computer terminology (e.g., software, memory, disk drive, hard drive).
Task 1 Standards Introduction
Task 2 Standards Process
Task 3 Standards Conclusion
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Following Directions Standards Topic: Writing Standard: Communicates ideas by using the writing process: PREWRITING DRAFTING REVISING EDITING PUBLISHING The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. The student Plans and drafts independently and resourcefully. Revises selected drafts to improve coherence and progression by adding, deleting, consolidating, and rearranging text. Edits to correct errors in spelling, punctuation, etc.
Task 1 Standards Introduction
Task 2 Standards Process
Task 3 Standards Conclusion
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Task 3 Standards Topic: Ecology: Cycles of Matter and Flow of Energy Standard: Discusses causes and possible solutions for pollution. Identifies types of pollution, such as air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution, and discusses how overpopulation contributes to pollution. Formulates ideas for solutions to existing pollution problems. Predict how changes in the environment would affect a community (ecosystem) of organisms. Topic: Ecology: Cycles of Matter and Flow of Energy Standard: Discusses the importance of recycling and identifies examples of recycled products. Identifies and collects examples of materials that can be reused or recycled and those that cannot. Shows examples of products and materials that are biodegradable and those that are non-biodegradable Topic: Writing Standard: Writes legibly: -Correctly forms letters and numbers; -Correctly spaces words and sentences.
Task 1 Standards Introduction
Task 2 Standards Process
Task 3 Standards Conclusion
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