Can we make Aviation Sustainable?

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Apr 24, 2012 ... 180 passenger aircraft (like Boeing 737) .... pdfs/flightops/aerodynamics/Jet_Fuel_Characteristics.pdf.
Sustainable Aviation: Is It Possible?

Thomas Cheney BC SEA WEBINAR April 24th, 2012 CBC Photo

Acknowledgements • Firstly my supervisor, Dr Balbinder Deo • Dr. Ken Wilkening and Alex Schare, PHD student for sharing information on GHG mitigation in aviation • Dr Art Fredeen (NRES 720) and Dr Theresa Healy for offering class projects that allowed me to examine aviation related issue • And my late Grandfather Leonard Cartmell for starting my interest in aviation

Flight has intrigued us for a long time

Birds fly

Bees as well

And Butterflies

Bats too!

Humans can too

Rocket assisted B-47B in the 1950s

But we need Dinosaur goo

Which creates problems

A healthy planet is needed to give wings to future generations

Aviation and Climate Change

Dallara (2011)

5% of total anthropogenic climate forcing

Aviation is growing at 5% per year

Demand Growth > Efficiency Improvements

You can’t buy an electric jet! No easy fuel switching to ZEV for aviation

Photo: David Monniaux

Must drink Dinosaur Goo?

Nissan Leaf … does not fly!

So what can be done?

There are solutions • Cutting fuel use • Reducing non-carbon emissions • Switching to low carbon fuels – Hydrogen – biofuels

Fuel consumption in Jets have decreased by 70%




Bombardier Q400

667 Km\h cruising @ 24,000 ft Time Competitive with jets on sectors of 300 NM 30-40% fuel savings Source:

787 “Dreamliner”

20% less fuel than comparable aircraft

Propfans • Examined in the wake of the oil crisis • 30% fuel saving over comparable turbofan • Speeds of Mach 0.80 – Similar to current jets

Cargo Propfan Antonov An-70

Operational Changes

Single European Sky

• Many flight follow less than direct routing • 10% fuel savings • Improved safety

Continuous Descent Approach

Save up to 200 Gallons per landing

Learn from the Geese

We can flock up on climate change • Formation flight (3-5) miles apart would lower fuel use by 12%

Stanford University Image

Aerial refueling Commercialization occurring by Range International

30%-40% net fuel savings Safe, often used by US President on Air Force 1

Future Concepts


Sugar Volt • Battery-Kerosene Hybrid “H-fan” Engine • 1 Kwh/Kg battery energy density needed • For short hauls 900 Knots nm – (70% less fuel)



All-electric voltair

• • • •

25 years ahead? From EADS (Airbus) Supersonic Laminar flow over 60% of body Swapable, Lithium-air batteries

Info from:

Double Bubble (NASA/MIT)

• • • •

180 passenger aircraft (like Boeing 737) 70% less fuel use with 10% lower speed than current jets Rear ultra-high bypass engines with boundary-layer ingestion Lightweight composite construction with fuselage providing lift

Blended Wing Body

20-30% fuel savings over comparable tube and wing Low noise due to aircraft shielding the ground photo:

Solar Powered Helios Airships 45 MPH + 96 MPH average jet stream = 151 Mph 120,000 Lbs of cargo at 36,000 feet Solar Powered

Turtle Airships

• Rigid SHELLED Lighter-than-Air, • >200mph • SOLAR POWERED with Bio-fuel backup power

Non-Carbon Dioxide Forcings

• Because the airplanes emit large quantities of noncarbon dioxide emissions, shifting to a low carbon fuel will not be enough to aviation’s climate footprint.

Flying Low is Good!

Image: Klug 1996 in Dallara 2011

Contrail impact increases with altitude

Typical long-range jet cruising altitude

Turboprop Cruising altitude

AIC equals contrails

60% less GHG impact for 2% cost increase

Dallara 2011 Figure 6.13:.

Fuel Switching

Biofuel and Hydrogen…Electricity Maybe ~55 of aviation climate impact from CO2

Biodiesel-like fuels • Based on oils – Only 11 EJ if all food crops were converted to biofuels (Field et al, 2008) IATA 2011


Hydrogen Aircraft

• Needs new aircraft to account for bulky fuel • H2 aircraft could lead to forty-fold reduction in climate impact - Greener by Design


* Gas Feed Stream

Gas Reception

Fermentation Recovery

Alcohol Mixture

Chemical Synthesis





15% 15%


• Carbon rich gases to ethanol and than to jet fuels • 60% efficiency – >80% GHG reduction relative to petroleum gasoline based on waste biomass

Fisher Tropsch Process

From Boerrigter, 2006

• • • • •

Abundant non-food feedstocks FT is a mature technology Economic at $100+ barrel oil (sims et al, 20080 Plant under construction by Renetech in Ontaro 120 EJ of biomass feedstock needed

Environmental Performance

• Environmental and energetic shipping assessed by Van Vilet et al 2009 • Negative emissions possible with CCS

Is there enough Biomass?

Feedstock Needed for Aviation Fuel Demand WWF\ECOFYS 2011

Comparison of Global Agricultural Productivity


Stretching the Biomass Supply • Solar heating of biomass allows for much more of the carbon to go into the fuel – Reduces feedstock requirements by 2/3rds (Hertwich and Zhang, 2009) – Would need 50 EJ of biomass feedstock


Conclusions • Supply issues with first-generation bio-jet fuels from oils • F-T fuels capable of providing drop-in biofuels that can dramatically reduce CO2e for existing aircraft • Large scale potential for mitigating non-carbon dioxide forcings • Hydrogen is an interesting long-term alternative.

The End


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