Cappex Fit Fact: More than two-thirds of all students receive some form of financial aid, be it grants, loans, scholarsh
Can You Afford Your College Choices? Compare the total college costs with your gift aid to arrive at your Net Price. You can get Cost of Attendance information for your college choices on College 1
College 2
College 3
College Details College Name In State / Out of State
Total Cost of Attendance Tuition & Fees + Room & Board + Books & Supplies + Travel to and from College + Miscellaneous & Personal
Gift Aid Grants + Scholarships + Tuition Waivers + Veterans Education Benefits + Total Gift Aid =
Your Net Price
(To calculate this, subtract Total Gift Aid from Total Cost of Attendance.)
Net Price =
Options for Paying the Net Price
(You can cover the net price using student employment and student loans.)
Work Study = Federal Student Loans = Federal Parent Loans = Private Student Loans = Private Parent Loans =
Cappex Fit Fact: More than two-thirds of all students receive some form of financial aid, be it grants, loans, scholarships or federal aid. For more tips on paying for college and to discover merit scholarships, go to