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the King Street People Parade and Opening Ceremonies,. Kids' Headquarters, entertainment morning, .... Bernard The Magician. In The Market Square Atrium!
WELCOME TO CANADA COAST TO COAST 2009! It is with great pleasure that we host the Canada Day Weekend Celebrations in Uptown Saint John! We are proud to host this annual event, which highlights the cultural mosaic that is our nation and its people; this year representing every province from East to West! We are inviting all organizations, from local non-profit organizations, businesses, athletes, musical groups, cultural organizations, and the like! We have a multitude of activities and events with something to offer for the diverse demographic of our community, from the Canada Day Countdown event on June 30th the King Street People Parade and Opening Ceremonies, Kids’ Headquarters, entertainment morning, noon, and night, and fireworks display to end the event with a bang! Your support of our region’s development is greatly appreciated; be sure to review the enclosed information for further details on how you might highlight our event to your readership! See you on the Boardwalk this summer! Yours truly, The Saint John Canada Day Committee Heather Peterson Chair Canada Day Hotline: 506.658.3600

Canada Coast to Coast Community Recruitment We welcome members of the community to participate in the event, whether participating, volunteering, and attending as well! It would be appreciated if this information could become a part of the editorial, and be listed in all community events’ listings offered by your organization.

GET IN ON THE 2009 CANADA DAY CELEBRATIONS!! Ever wonder how the multitude of fabulous festivals and events in Uptown Saint John are pulled off? With the help of people like you! Want in on the action of making the annual Canada Day Weekend Celebrations for our region a great success? Join us for a day of family fun, community spirit, and free lunch to boot by calling the Canada Day Hotline at 658-3600. All ages and abilities welcome!

REPRESENT YOUR PROVINCE - FROM COAST TO COAST!! Our country is a cultural mosaic of faces from places across the globe! As Canadians, we are proud to welcome and encourage the diversity of our citizens in all respects. One of the greatest elements of our nation is that it is each individual that makes up the whole. In order to celebrate the variety of traditions represented by each piece of our mosaic, we invite you to join us for the Opening Ceremonies Parade to demonstrate the role of your business or organization as a part of our great, diverse Nation! We are also seeking all ages and abilities from the community to become an official part of our event as a volunteer! Join us for a day of family fun, community spirit, and free lunch to boot by contacting the Canada Day Hotline at 658-3600 or by completing the submission form online at

By using the same model as New Year’s Eve, the Countdown provides the stage for a line-up of hot and talented bands. And it’s all leading-up to a truly popular headliner who will count the crowd into July 1st. Canada’s Birthday Party starts HERE in Saint John, New Brunswick at 6pm with special guests: Joel Plaskett & The Emergency, David Myles, The Got to Get Got,

Greg MacPherson, and Laurie Jones.

The City Market will be open from 9:00am to 4:30pm. Visit the Market on Canada Day to take in the many local artisans and crafters, International foods, restaurants and seafood. 11am-3pm Bring the kids to “The City Market’s Kid’s Canada Day Open Air Carnival” on Germain St. Fun games and prizes. Donations gladly accepted for Saint John Boy’s & Girl’s Club. (rain location, Market Solarium) Canada Day Committee Member Media Contact: Maureen Hayes 658-2820

CANADA DAY BEACH VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT This annual event welcomes teams from across the region ages 16 and older! 4 on 4 Co-ed Competitive & Co-ed Recreational $60.00 per team Prizes, cake, refreshments will be provided, and a special Awards Ceremony will be presented to the Team with the MOST CANADIAN SPIRIT, so be sure to come decked out in your Canadian finest! Register at the YMCA-YWCA by June 26th at 634-7720, and visit Canada Day Committee Member Media Contact: Keri Kent 634-7720

JJooiinn uuss ffoorr FFR RE EE EC Caannaaddaa D Daayy C Ceelleebbrraattiioonnss!! N NB BM MU USSE EU UM M –– M Maarrkkeett SSqquuaarree JJuullyy 11 1100::0000 aam m ttoo 55::0000 ppm m Discover our country’s rich history. Explore the amazing permanent exhibitions, as well as temporary exhibits Earth, Wind and Fire: From the collections of the Queens’ County Museum and 30 New Brunswick Painters 1970-2000 from the collection of the New Brunswick Museum. Enjoy interactive stories on all three floors. Learn about European ships sailing to North America and using New Brunswick ports of entry in the early 1600s, the meeting of two nations, and the first European habitation in all of Canada! Fun for the whole family, all day long at the New Brunswick Museum! Enjoy it all free admission! Canada Day Committee Member Media Contact: Rose Poirier 643-2300

CANADA C OA S T T O C OA S T OPENING CEREMONIES Join us as we celebrate the cultural mosaic that is our nation and its people, represented from East to West of our great Country! The day’s festivities are kicked off with a People Parade from King Square Bandstand 11:15am. The Parade will be lead by a colour party, our dignitaries, and several local community organizations and businesses. Proudly flying their banners in recognition of their place as a part of Team Canada! All are welcome to march; those interested in featuring their organization or business in the Parade contact the Canada Day Hotline 658-3600.



KIDS’ HEADQUARTERS! M MA AR RK KE ET TS SQ QU UA AR RE E 112 m –– 4 4::0 00 0ppm m 2::0 00 0ppm


Be sure to stop in to our Kids Headquarters for some fun with plenty more giveaways and games: - balloons - sidewalk chalk - bubble fun - crafts - temporary tattoos - cookie decorating - professional face painting - sooooo much more! Rain Location: Trade and Convention Centre


ENTERTAINMENT M MA AR RK KE ET T SSQ QU UA AR RE EB BO OA AR RD DW WA AL LK K 1122::0000ppm m –– 1111::0000ppm m


The Renfrews… Downsized and Privatized Mounted Men! Grannan’s Ever-Popular Cooking Show!!!

Water Street Dinner Theatre Performance

Bernard The Magician In The Market Square Atrium!

This local celebrity has a few tricks up his sleeve that will surely amaze one and all!


1pm in the Market Square Atrium!

This local celebrity has a few tricks up his sleeve that will surely amaze one and all!

Danceability Performance We are always pleased to welcome the local talents on a global scale from Danceability!

Zany Lane Performance Zany Lane will perform some ‘wacky,’ ‘cooky,’ and definitely ‘zany’ songs that kids and adults alike cannot resist the urge to clap and sing along with them. Don’t miss this unique and interactive act!

KidSing Performance Kidsing is a performance group that was created in the spring of 2000 to give elementary and middle school children the opportunity to be involved in the world of musical theatre.

John Mullane And Dee (Former Canadian Idol Participant)

SAINT JOHN IDOL VII 8:00pm on the Boardwalk!

J Jooiinn uuss oonn tthhee B Booaarrddw waallkk aass w wee ccoonnttiinnuuee tthhee sseeaarrcchh ffoorr tthhee nneexxtt S Saaiinntt J Joohhnn IIddooll!! CCoom mee eennjjooyy tthhiiss FFR REEEE sshhoow w aanndd w wiittnneessss tthhee m maakkiinngg ooff aa nneew wS Sttaarr!!

Uptown Ghost Gallivant with David Goss!

Wednesday, July 1st 8:15 - 9:45 Please see the insert for details on this very popular and extra spooky tour!

Skateboard Competition At the Skateboard Park Join the fun For Kids 13 and under Everyone wins a prize One special winner – Mayors Cup Be there.

GIANT BIRTHDAY CAKE!!! Help us celebrate by sharing our HUGE 8’x8’ Birthday Cake!

ART IN THE PARK …King Square


…King Street & Charlotte Street

142nd BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS GRAND FINALE We’ve cooked up the greatest finale ever seen to end off with a bang of glory that’s sure to be a feast for the eyes – and the ears!!! You gotta see it to believe it! Media Contact: Heather Peterson 658-3600

FIREWORKS 10:15 RAIN OR SHINE – ONLY FOG PREVENTS THE SHOW, in which case it will be rescheduled to the next evening that weather permits.