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The real-life fantasy of Bambi and Thumper appears to have captured hearts by going over the top on the cute meter. Howe
Bambi & Thumper – Cute as can be or perpetual garden pest? A video posted on Facebook, of a deer and a bunny playing on the lawn, has been viewed over 1.5 million times. The real-life fantasy of Bambi and Thumper appears to have captured hearts by going over the top on the cute meter. However, in real life, deer and rabbits can cause tremendous damage to yards and gardens all over the country. Warm weather is just around the corner, promising its annual rebirth of lush lawns and gorgeous gardens. Children are always excited to spot real live bunnies in their yards, but parents? Not so much. From Nanaimo to Newfoundland, the rabbit population is exploding, leaving in its wake serious damage to homeowner’s lawns, plants and landscape shrubbery. It appears that cute little bunnies have one single objective – eat anything you plant! Rabbits reproduce rapidly, the average female can birth up to seven litters per year with as many as 12 bunnies per litter! This population explosion risks turning Thumper into “The Invasion of the Bunny Snatcher”; whereby bunnies continuously snatch-up your prized plants and lush landscapes. There are different ways to protect your yard against the ravages of rabbits. A physical barrier, such as a fence, can be effective though unsightly and you’ll have to be sure you dig at least 15 cm below ground to prevent rabbits from burrowing into your garden. Your barrier will also need to be at least 60 cm high. There’s a much easier, proven effective, spray-on solution to the bunny barrage that’s coming to your backyard this season. Try using a scent and taste repellent like Bobbex Deer and Rabbit Repellent, which will protect your plants and won’t wash off in the rain. What about the cute little fawn from the video? Deer are a serious problem in rural areas, but more and more their damage is increasingly prevalent in suburban settings. With few, if any predator threats, deer have learned they’re safe in suburbia and your garden has become their own private, self-serve buffet where they’ll dine safely on your trees, shrubs, gardens and landscapes. Deer damage to residential landscapes, crops, and timber is estimated at $1 billion dollars annually. Since a single deer can eat over a ton of vegetation annually, one or two deer in your neighborhood can cause a significant amount of devastating damage. Like rabbits, deer are also deterred by taste and smell. A product that combines scent and taste deterrents is an easy and effective way to keep deer at bay. Remember, deer are creatures of habit, once they’ve found a food source, they’ll return to it, time and time again. That’s why it’s important to act now to prevent deer damage. Breaking

their pattern, through the continuous use of a proven effective deer repellent, will deter deer from your backyard, all year long. Testing by the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station proved Bobbex is more effective than nine other like commercial repellents (including coyote urine), scoring a 93 percent in protection, second only to a physical fence at 100 percent. The allnatural repellent blends six scents, including rotten eggs, garlic, fish, clove oil and vinegar (among other things) to create a simulated threatening environment to deer and it’s classed a fear repellent. It tastes terrible too, so deer and rabbits have good reason to avoid it. The product is actually good for plants; it contains elements high in nitrogen and phosphorus, dries clear, is harmless to humans and pets, and won’t burn plants. Its odor is undetectable to humans 24 hours after application, but remains unpleasant to deer and rabbits. You can easily apply Bobbex with a simple trigger or pump spray, as per label directions, and school deer to bypass your yard. Continued use throughout the entire year will ensure protection of plants and landscapes while constantly reinforcing to deer and rabbits that your backyard is off-limits and doesn’t offer any good, tasty sustenance. This season, leave Bambi and Thumper to Facebook video views and give your garden the protection it needs. Your garden will thank you. Visit Bobbex Deer and Rabbit Repellent to learn more.