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Feb 19, 2014 - This model has the potential to accelerate the pace of developing theranos- tic approaches targeting the tumor vasculature, an emerging and.
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Antibody-based tumor vascular theranostics targeting endosialin/TEM1 in a new mouse tumor vascular model a





Chunsheng Li , Ann-Marie Chacko , Jia Hu , Kosei Hasegawa , Jennifer Swails , Luigi d




Grasso , Wafik S El-Deiry , Nicholas Nicolaides , Vladimir R Muzykantov , Chaitanya R Divgi & George Coukos a



Ovarian Cancer Research Center; University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, PA USA


Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics; University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, PA USA c

Division of Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Molecular Imaging; Department of Radiology; University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, PA USA

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Morphotek, Inc.; Exton, PA USA


Department of Medicine, Hematology/Oncology; University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, PA USA Published online: 19 Feb 2014.

To cite this article: Chunsheng Li, Ann-Marie Chacko, Jia Hu, Kosei Hasegawa, Jennifer Swails, Luigi Grasso, Wafik S ElDeiry, Nicholas Nicolaides, Vladimir R Muzykantov, Chaitanya R Divgi & George Coukos (2014) Antibody-based tumor vascular theranostics targeting endosialin/TEM1 in a new mouse tumor vascular model, Cancer Biology & Therapy, 15:4, 443-451, DOI: 10.4161/cbt.27825 To link to this article:

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Research Paper

Research Paper

Cancer Biology & Therapy 15:4, 443–451; April 2014; © 2014 Landes Bioscience

Antibody-based tumor vascular theranostics targeting endosialin/TEM1 in a new mouse tumor vascular model Chunsheng Li1, Ann-Marie Chacko2,3, Jia Hu1, Kosei Hasegawa1, Jennifer Swails1, Luigi Grasso4, Wafik S El-Deiry5, Nicholas Nicolaides4, Vladimir R Muzykantov2, Chaitanya R Divgi3, and George Coukos1,* Ovarian Cancer Research Center; University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, PA USA; 2Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics; University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, PA USA; 3Division of Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Molecular Imaging; Department of Radiology; University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, PA USA; 4 Morphotek, Inc.; Exton, PA USA; 5Department of Medicine, Hematology/Oncology; University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, PA USA

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Keywords: CD248, TEM1, anti-angiogenesis, antibody therapy, endosialin, immunoPET, tumor vasculature

Tumor endothelial marker 1 (TEM1, endosialin) is a tumor vascular marker with significant diagnostic and therapeutic potential. However, in vivo small animal models to test affinity reagents specifically targeted to human (h)TEM1 are limited. We describe a new mouse tumor model where tumor vascular endothelial cells express hTEM1 protein. Methods: Immortalized murine endothelial cells MS1 were engineered to express hTEM1 and firefly luciferase and were inoculated in nude mice either alone, to form hemangioma-like endothelial grafts, or admixed with ID8 ovarian tumor cells, to form chimeric endothelial-tumor cell grafts. MORAb-004, a monoclonal humanized IgG1 antibody specifically recognizing human TEM1 was evaluated for targeted theranostic applications, i.e., for its ability to affect vascular grafts expressing hTEM1 as well as being a tool for molecular positron emission tomography (PET) imaging. Results: Naked MORAb-004 treatment of mice bearing angioma grafts or chimeric endothelial-tumor grafts significantly suppressed the ability of hTEM1-positive endothelial cells, but not control endothelial cells, to form grafts and dramatically suppressed local angiogenesis. In addition, highly efficient radioiodination of MORAb-004 did not impair its affinity for hTEM1, and [124I]-MORAb-004-PET enabled non-invasive visualization of tumors enriched with hTEM1-positive, but not hTEM1 negative vasculature with high degree of specificity and sensitivity. Conclusion: The development of a new robust endothelial graft model expressing human tumor vascular proteins will help accelerate the development of novel theranostics targeting the tumor vasculature, which exhibit affinity specifically to human targets but not their murine counterparts. Our results also demonstrate the theranostic potential of MORAb004 as PET imaging tracer and naked antibody therapy for TEM1-positive tumor.

Targeting drugs and imaging probes to tumor vasculature is an attractive alternative to targeting tumor cells,1-6 due the high target accessibility to the circulation and possibility of direct blockage in tumor blood supply.7,8 Numerous molecules enriched or selectively expressed in tumor vasculature have been identified.4,9 Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to these determinants may deliver drugs and imaging probes to diverse and often more than one types of tumors.10,11 Antibody-based single photon emission CT (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET) are clinically used imaging modalities that provide real-time noninvasive detection of pathologies. Several radiolabeled mAbs are currently approved by FDA for diagnostic imaging of cancer by SPECT.12 PET is even more sensitive modality allowing higher resolution (achieving ~1 mm) and accurate quantitative analysis.12 Combining PET with CT provides exact mapping of isotope signal in the anatomical structures. A recent study in patients with renal tumors showed that pre-operative immuno-PET imaging could

accurately differentiate between renal cell carcinoma and benign pathology.13 Thus, PET imaging of tumor markers holds promise of non-invasive diagnosis, staging, and longitudinal monitoring of tumor response to therapy, supporting personalized treatment. Tumor endothelial marker 1 (TEM1/endosialin/CD248) is an 80.9 kDa cell surface protein implicated in development, vascular cell adhesion and migration,14,15 neoangiogenesis,16,17 and tumor progression.18 TEM1 has been found in the vasculature of breast, colon, brain cancer, sarcomas, and other tumors,4,16,17,19-23 while its level in normal blood vessels of adult tissues is below detection limit.16,17 TEM1 is expressed by endothelial progenitor cells,24 tumor endothelial cells, pericytes, and tumor-associated fibroblasts.25-27 In breast cancer, TEM1 overexpression correlates with lymph node metastasis, recurrence, and death.28 Tem1−/− mice show a dramatic reduction in tumor growth, invasiveness, and metastasis, but are otherwise healthy and exhibit normal wound healing.29 We have reported increased TEM1 expression in human ovarian cancer endothelial cells and

*Correspondence to: George Coukos; Email: [email protected] Submitted: 12/14/2013; Accepted: 01/12/2014 Cancer Biology & Therapy 443

©2014 Landes Bioscience. Do not distribute.



Figure 1. Characterization of MS1-TEM1/fLuc and MS1/fLuc endothelial cells. Murine endothelial cells MS1 expressing firefly Luciferase (fLuc) and DsRed (MS1/fLuc) were infected with lentivirus carrying human (h)TEM1 and GFP-Emerald (MS1-hTEM1/ fLuc). (A) Quantitative PCR analysis for hTEM1 in H5V and MS1 cells following lentiviral transfection of hTEM1 or control expression cassette. (B) FACS analysis of MS1 cell lines using biotinylated hTEM1-specific antibody MORAb-004 (Ctl: control MS1 cells transduced with empty expression cassette; TEM1: MS1 cells transduced with hTEM1; Ab: MORAb-004). (C and D) MS1-hTEM1/fLuc cells showed a similar luminescent intensity to MS1/fLuc control cells in vitro. Representative image of in vitro bioluminescence study is shown in (C), and summarized in (D). Linearity is observed between plated cell number and bioluminescence. (E and F) MS1/fLuc murine cell injection in vivo formed hemangiomas four weeks following injection of 5 × 102– 5 × 105 cells subcutaneously (s.c.) in the flank of nu/nu mice. Representative image of in vivo bioluminescence study is shown in (E) and summarized in (F). In vivo optical imaging can readily detect as few as 5 × 102 cells.

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Development of a mouse endothelial cells expressing hTEM1 We first engineered mouse endothelial MS1 cells to express firefly luciferase (fLuc), to enable optical imaging of tumors (Fig. S1). Transfected MS1 cells were sorted based on DsRed fluorescent marker to 99.9% purity and expanded. Luciferase activity of MS1/fLuc was confirmed in vitro (Fig. 1C and D). Next, to develop murine endothelial cells expressing both fLuc and human TEM1 (hTEM1), we created a lentiviral expression vector with dual expression cassettes carrying hTEM1 and EmGFP.33 MS1/fLuc cells were transduced with pKH-hTEM1/EmGFP followed by cell sorting based on EmGFP fluorescent marker. Expression of hTEM1 was validated by qPCR (Fig. 1A) and FACS analysis using MORAb004 (Fig. 1B). MS1/fLuc and MS1-hTEM1/fLuc had similar growth rates in vitro (Fig. S2), and luciferase activity was similar and detectable with as few as 100 cells or less in vitro (Fig. 1C and D). Murine endothelial H5V cells engineered to express fLuc and hTEM1 as an alternative to MS1 cell system (Fig. 1A), formed aggressive angiosarcoma tumor in nu/nu mice. Since mice succumbed quickly to these tumors, H5V cell system has not been used in this study. When injected s.c. in the flanks of nu/nu mice, MS1/fLuc and MS1-hTEM1/fLuc cells within two weeks established detectable hemangioma grafts with similar bioluminescence intensity, which persisted for up to 15 wk (data not shown). Next, we evaluated the lower limit of detection of luciferase-positive MS1/ fLuc cells that had to be injected in order to detect

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vasculature-associated leukocytes.30 Therefore, TEM1 is an attractive marker for targeted tumor imaging and therapy. MORAb-004 is derived from antibody FB5 by immunizing mice with human fetal fibroblasts31 and later humanized by grafting six complementarity determining regions (CDRs) on to a human IgG1k frame work.32 It is in several phase I/II studies of tumor types including sarcomas, melanoma, and colon rectal cancer. Development of antibody-based targeting is complicated by interspecies differences. For example, MORAb-004 binds to human and monkey TEM1 homologs. Lack of binding to murine TEM-1 necessitates development of mouse models featuring human TEM-1 for pre-clinical studies of targeting and efficacy of MORAb-004 in this species. Here we developed of a new mouse model that features expression of human (h)TEM1 on murine tumor vascular endothelial cells by creating chimeric hTEM1-positive grafts and used this model for pre-clinical characterization of TEM-1 imaging using immuno-PET.

Figure 2. Characterization of the in vivo chimeric vascular-tumor graft model. Chimeric grafts were produced in nu/nu mice by s.c. injection of 106 ID8 cells alone or by implantation of 5 × 106 MS1-TEM1/fLuc or control MS1/fLuc cells mixed with 5 × 105 ID8 tumor cells in 100 μL of serumfree cell culture media. (A) Optical imaging detects chimeric ID8 tumors enriched with MS1/fLuc and MS1-hTEM1/fLuc endothelial cells, while as expected, ID8 tumors lacking MS1/fLuc cells could not be visualized. (B) Representative images of gross vascularization of ID8 tumors alone or those tumors enriched with MS1/fLuc or MS1-hTEM/fLuc endothelial cells. (C) Hemoglobin content of ID8 tumors with or without additional MS1 endothelial cells (n = 7). *P < 0.05; ns, no significance by Student t test. (D) Immunostaining (IHC) with biotinylated TEM1 mAb MORAb004-biotin shows TEM1-staining of MS1-TEM1/fLuc cells forming capillaries (arrowhead, D).

hTEM1-positive endothelial cells (n = 8 per group). No effect was observed on the contralateral graft developed with hTEM1negative MS1/fLuc cells (Fig. 3A and B). We further examined whether MORAb-004 inhibits formation of hTEM1-positive vessels in ID8 tumors. Mice were inoculated with ID8 cells admixed with MS1-hTEM1/fLuc or MS1/ fLuc cells into opposite flanks and then treated with MORAb004 (5 mg/kg) three times per week starting on the day of tumor inoculation as above in the angioma therapy study (n = 8 per group). MORAb-004 induced a near complete suppression of establishment of hTEM1-positive MS1/fLuc vessels within Cancer Biology & Therapy 445

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an endothelial graft using bioluminescence imaging in vivo. We injected a total of 10 × 106 MS1 cells, of which a variable proportion of cells were fLuc-positive MS1 cells (5 × 102 to 5 × 105). There was a linear relationship between the number of MS1/fLuc cells injected and the luminescence intensity detected, with endothelial grafts detectable two weeks after injection of as few as 5 × 102 MS1/fLuc cells (Fig. 1E and F). Development of a tumor vascular model expressing hTEM1 To test an in vivo model of tumor vasculature expressing hTEM1, mouse ovarian ID8 tumor cells (2 × 106) were injected s.c. in the mouse flank, alone or admixed with MS1-hTEM1/fLuc or control MS1/fLuc cells (10 × 106) to create mixed or chimeric tumor grafts consisting of both exogenous tumor and endothelial cells. Mice were subjected to optical imaging 14–21 d after graft implantation. Tumors established only with ID8 cells were palpable, but exhibited no luminescence. In contrast, chimeric tumors formed from ID8 and MS1-hTEM1/fLuc or MS1/fLuc cells were readily detectable by bioluminescence, and with similar intensity (Fig. 2A). All three tumor grafts recruited vasculature that was grossly visible (Fig. 2B). Analysis of tissue sections (Fig. 2B and D) and hemoglobin content of the implants (Fig. 2C) revealed that tumors supplemented with MS1-hTEM1/fLuc or MS1/fLuc cells showed enhanced vascularization relative to tumors formed with ID8 cells only. There was no appreciable difference in vascularization between tumors enriched with MS1-hTEM1/fLuc and tumors enriched with MS1/fLuc cells (Fig. 2B and C). Immunohistochemistry (IHC) using MORAb-004 mAb revealed the expression of hTEM1 in tumors located within endothelial cells of tumor capillaries (Fig. 2D). Since the proportion of tumor vessels positive for hTEM1 varied (data not shown), we optimized the ratio of endothelial MS1-hTEM1/fLuc endothelial cells to ID8 tumor cells in vivo in order to maximize the number of hTEM1-positive cells in vessels. We found that a MS1-hTEM1/ fLuc:ID8 cell ratio between 10:1 and 20:1 was optimal for adequate tumor growth without excessive dilution of MS1 cells, resulting in a sufficient number of vessels expressing hTEM1 for robust and reproducible luminescent intensity of tumors. TEM1 tumor-specific targeted therapy using MORAb-004 MORAb-004 is a humanized monoclonal IgG1 to the fibronectin-binding domain of hTEM1, neutralizing the adhesive functions of TEM1 and inhibiting migration of human endothelial cells in vitro.15 However, the lack of mouse models restricts testing the effects of MORAb-004 in vivo. Having a xenograft hTEM-1 tumor model developed, we tested effect of MORAb004 on development of hTEM1-positive vascular grafts in mice. We first employed the angioma graft model, where mice were first inoculated with MS1-hTEM1/fLuc and MS1/fLuc cells in opposite flanks. Mice received i.p. injections of 100 μg (5 mg/ kg) naked MORAb-004 mAb or control IgG1 in an equivalent volume of PBS (100 μL) starting on the day of tumor inoculation and every 48 h thereafter, for 2 wk. No apparent signs of toxicity, such as weight loss, fur changes or reduced mobility, were observed in response to treatment. Control IgG1 had no effect on the formation of hemangioma grafts by either hTEM1-positive or hTEM1-negative MS1 cells. In contrast, MORAb-004 induced near-complete suppression of hemangioma graft formation by

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fLuc cells from hTEM1-negative MS1/fLuc cells (see Fig. 1B). ELISA with MS1-hTEM1/fLuc and SKOV3-hTEM1 cells confirmed binding specificity to hTEM1 regardless of the cell line of origin, revealing an IC50 of 1.54 ± 0.05 nM and 1.65 ± 0.10 nM, respectively (Fig. S3). Radioiodination with 125I/124I produced labeled MORAb-004 with the yields of 65–95%, radiochemical purity >98% and specific radioactivity of 5–10 mCi/mg and 15–20 mCi/mg for [125I]-MORAb-004 and [124I]-MORAb-004, respectively. The apparent binding affinity Kd of [125I]-MORAb-004 to MS1-hTEM1/fLuc was 0.52 ± 0.02 nM with up to 1.3 × 106 mAb binding sites, Bmax, available per cell (Fig. 4A). There was no binding to control MS1/fLuc cells. Similar Kd values were obtained with SKOV3-hTEM1 cells (Fig. S3). A competitive (radioimmunoassay) RIA with intact MORAb-004 demonstrated that the apparent Kd of non-labeled MORAb-004 was 0.75 ± 0.06 nM, suggesting that the affinity of [125I]-MORAb-004 was not adversely affected by radioiodination (Fig. 4B). The immunoreactivity of MORAb-004 following radiolabeling with 124I was also determined by the Lindmo assay,35 where Figure 3. TEM1-specific targeting in vivo by MORAb-004. (A) Subcutaneous the immunoreactivity was 90–97% immediately follow(s.c.) MS1 angioma grafts were produced in nu/nu mice by a subcutaneous injection of 5 × 106 MS1-hTEM1/fLuc or control MS1/fLuc cells in 100 μL of ing labeling, and was maintained up to 2 wk post-labeling serum-free cell culture media. MORAb-004 (5 mg/kg) was injected intraperi(Fig. 4C). Taken together, these data demonstrate that a high toneally (i.p.) at day 0 and every 48 h thereafter for 2 wk. Optical biolumiradiolabeling yield, coupled with sub-nanomolar affinity to nescence imaging was performed every other day to monitor the survival hTEM1, [124I]-MORAb-004 appears-suitable for further in of MS1 endothelial cells expressing fLuc (n = 8). Representative images from vivo immuno-PET validation. one animal with both MS1-hTEM1/fLuc (arrow) and control MS1/fLuc cells (red arrowhead) at indicated time points are shown in (B); (C) Admixed ID8 In vivo biodistribution and immuno-PET with radioio+ MS1 s.c. grafts were produced in nu/nu mice. MORAb-004 (5 mg/kg) was dinated MORAb-004 injected i.p. at day 0 and every 48 h, and optical bioluminescence imaging We next addressed targeting of hTEM1-expressing tumor were performed every other day to monitor the survival of MS1/fLuc endovasculature by [124I]-MORAb-004. Biodistribution studies thelial cells (n = 8). After 2 wk, animals bearing chimeric ID8 + MS1 tumor with [125I]-MORAb-004 at 1, 4, and 24 h post injection were grafts were euthanized and a photograph of the graft was taken ex vivo (D). performed in a graft model with ID8 plus MS1-hTEM1/fLuc and ID8 plus MS1/fLuc tumors. As supported by ROI analytumor grafts, while it did not affect hTEM1-negative MS1/fLuc sis of PET data, uptake by hTEM1-positive tumor was high at tumors, as assessed by bioluminescence imaging (Fig. 3C and D). 4 h post injection and was maintained at 24 h (Table 1). Blood Control IgG1 had no effect on the establishment of hTEM1-posi- uptake at 1 h post injection was fairly high at 27.7% ID/g as tive MS1/fLuc cells or hTEM1-negative MS1 cells within tumor expected for IgG mAbs, and slowly decreased over time to 7.9% grafts (Fig. 3D). Thus, MORAb-004 suppresses the formation ID/g at 24 h. hTEM1-positive tumor to blood or muscle ratios of hTEM1-expressing tumor neovasculature in vivo. increased over time, whereas hTEM1-positive to negative tumors Because human IgG1 can trigger antibody-dependent cell- were quite high at 6.9 at 4 h post injection and reached 7.3 at 24 mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) in the mouse through the h. Thyroid uptake slowly increased to 2% ID/organ suggesting activation of murine Fc receptor (FcR),34 we assessed whether slow dehalogenation of the radioiodine. MORAb-004 (a humanized IgG1) could induce killing of cell Small animal PET imaging of mice 18 h following intratargets expressing human TEM1 by murine macrophages. We venous administration [124I]-MORAb-004 revealeduptake in found that MORAb-004 binds to murine monocytes via FcR, mice with tumors harboring hTEM1-positive vasculature, with and this binding could be blocked by anti-murine CD16/CD32 negligible uptake in tumors whose vasculature did not express antibody (Fig. S4A). Furthermore, addition of MORAb-004 hTEM1 (Fig. 5B). There was also negligible circulating activity led to increased killing of MS1-hTEM1/fLuc cells when co-cul- in the blood pool, and abdomen. At 6 d, overall tumor activity tured with splenocytes from nude mice. Splenocyte activation, as was reduced but the hTEM1-positive tumor remained positive by assessed by elevated secretion of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 PET as compared with surrounding tissue (Fig. 5C). (MCP-1) levels, increased in a specific manner when MORAbRegion-of-interest (ROI) analysis of the PET imaging data 004 bound hTEM1 on MS1-hTEM1/fLuc cells (Fig. S4B and C). showed uptake values ranging from 11.6% to 19.3% ID/mL for Characterization of radiolabeled MORAb-004 binding to hTEM1-positive tumor tissue at 18 h (Fig. 5D). Control MS1/ hTEM1 in vitro fLuc and ID8 tumor uptake was 1.6–2.4% ID/mL. hTEM1-posMORAb-004 binds to human TEM1 with high affinity15 and itive tumor to hTEM-negative tumor (target to non-target) ratios biotinylated MORAb-004 discriminates hTEM1-positive MS1/ ranged from 7.4 to 8 at 18 h. The fold-increase in uptake between

hTEM1-positive to negative tumor grafts at 6 d remained high at 3.2 and 3 (Fig. 5E), although it was clear that there was washout over the longitudinal study. A longitudinal imaging study with mice that were not pre-blocked with KI did reveal prominent thyroid uptake of radioiodine suggesting that dehalogenation is occurring over time (Video S1).

Discussion TEM1 plays an important role in tumor neovascularization,29 site of its specific expression in the adult vasculature4,16,17,19-23 and thus represents a promising target for tumor therapy and imaging. However, interspecies differences impede development of antibody based TEM-1 targeting. For example, although human and mouse TEM1 share 87.8% homology (UniGene by NCBI), MORAb004 only recognizes human and monkey antigen but has no cross-reactivity with mouse TEM1.15,32 MORAb-004 is currently in several phase I/II clinical trials in cancer patients; However, MORAb-004 has not been tested in vivo in the mouse to date. To complement the hTEM1 knock-in mouse model (Morphotek, Inc.), we have developed a vascular graft mouse model with tumor endothelium that expresses human TEM1, using MS1 cells transfected with both hTEM1 and luciferase (hTEM1/fLuc), allowing for optical imaging of engraftment. Admixed at an optimal ratio with ID8 tumor cells, these “marker” transfected MS1 cells formed tumors with hTEM1-positive vessels. Of note, ID8 tumors enriched with MS1 cells appeared more congested, and their vascular density was increased vs ID8 tumors lacking MS1 cells, implying that MS1 cells participated in tumor vasculature formation. Importantly, however, administration of MORAb-004 in therapeutic doses (5 mg/kg) effectively suppressed the engraftment of MS1-hTEM1 cells in vivo both in the context of chimeric MS1:ID8 tumors as

well as in the MS1 angioma model. It is not known whether the therapeutic effect of MORAb-004 was due to functional inhibition of TEM1-mediated adhesive interactions, as previously shown for human endothelial cells.15 However, human IgG can trigger antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) through murine macrophages,34 thus activation of ADCC could explain the therapeutic effect seen in our model. In humans, besides ADCC, an additional direct therapeutic effect may be involved, based on the demonstrated neutralizing properties of the antibody in vitro.15 Although TEM1 is a quasi-universal tumor target present in the vasculature of many solid tumor types, a variable proportion of tumors—depending on histotype—show low or no TEM1 expression.36 A non-invasive detection of TEM1 in tumors may facilitate the selection of patients for specific therapies Cancer Biology & Therapy 447

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Figure 4. In vitro binding of [125/124I]-MORAb-004 to live cells expressing human TEM1. The binding of radioiodinated MORAb-004 mAb ([125I]-MORAb-004) to hTEM1 was assessed in live cells expressing hTEM1 (MS1-hTEM1/fLuc) compared with control cells not expressing hTEM1 (MS1/fLuc). (A) Cell surface binding of radioiodinated hTEM1 mAb [125I]-MORAb-004 was determined by live-cell radioimmunoassay (RIA). Adherent cells were incubated with increasing concentrations of [125I]-MORAb-004 for 2 h at 4 °C, and binding data were plotted as [125I]-mAb molecules bound per cell ([125I]-mAb/cell) (with Scatchard binding plot as inset). The binding affinity (Kd) of [125I]-MORAb-004 and corresponding Bmax per cell were calculated based on data points fitting as described in Materials and Methods. (B) The competitive inhibition of TEM1 binding was determined by co-incubation of [125I]-MORAb-004 with increasing concentrations of unlabeled MORAb-004 with cells for 2 h at 4 °C. Binding data were plotted as [125I]-mAb molecules bound per cell (mAb/cell), and the IC50 for MORAb-004 was determined by fitting this data to a four-parameter fit as described in Methods. (C)  Immunoreactivity (IR) of [124I]-MORAb-004, was determined by Lindmo assay, with serial dilutions of cell suspension incubated with 10 ng of [124I]-MORAb-004 for 1 h at 37 °C. IR, by this method, was >97%. The radiolabeling efficiency for [124I]-MORAb-004 and [125I]-MORAb-004 was calculated as is totally activity bound/total activity in reaction. Radiochemical purity was determined by a trichloroacetic acid precipitation assay. Using a Nanodrop spectrophotometer (Thermofisher) to determine mAb concentrations post-labeling, the [125/124I]-mAb specific activities were reporter as mCi/mg.


1 h (n = 3)

4 h (n = 3)

24 h (n = 3)


19.86 ± 0.54

16.86 ± 2.43

7.82 ± 0.19


3.66 ± 0.69

3.84 ± 0.52

1.72 ± 0.17


6.68 ± 0.42

6.42 ± 0.85

3.21 ± 0.25


5.40 ± 0.40

4.75 ± 0.30

2.07 ± 0.26


3.66 ± 0.33

3.06 ± 1.82

1.62 ± 0.34


3.70 ± 0.36

3.88 ± 0.56

1.48 ± 0.13


0.83 ± 0.54

1.49 ± 0.88

1.56 ± 0.75


0.27 ± 0.09

0.58 ± 0.09

0.78 ± 0.12


1.63 ± 0.31

1.61 ± 0.22

0.95 ± 0.03


0.26 ± 0.08

0.68 ± 0.45

2.10 ± 0.52

hTEM1-positive tumor (T)

1.45 ± 1.15

39.81 ± 13.85

37.51 ± 11.83

hTEM1-negative tumor (NT)

2.24 ± 0.89

5.81 ± 0.84

5.10 ± 1.24


0.66 ± 0.09

0.64 ± 0.21

0.28 ± 0.03

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2.24 ± 0.64

8.73 ± 1.13

2.39 ± 0.39


5.33 ± 1.91

7.20 ± 3.24

2.06 ± 1.35


1.30 ± 0.38

1.86 ± 1.57

2.64 ± 0.80

T/non-target tissue ratios T/NT












Tumor weight (mg) hTEM1-positive tumor (T)

10.0 ± 4.4

11.0 ± 1.7

10.0 ± 3.6

hTEM1-negative tumor (NT)

10.3 ± 6.0

19.3 ± 11.2

15.0 ± 13.9

Note: Tissue values represent mean uptake expressed in % ID/g ± S.D. except where indicated. aThyroid uptake values recorded as mean uptake expressed as % ID/organ ± S.D.

and would allow monitoring of therapeutic effect in real-time using immuno-PET.13,37,38 Using our new hTEM1 vascular chimeric tumor graft mouse model, we studied tumor targeting of 124I-labeled mAb MORAb-004. Both analysis of isotope in organs postmortem and PET/CT validated the specific uptake of MORAb-004 in tumors expressing hTEM1, detectable by PET imaging. Studies titrating number of hTEM-1 positive cells showed that this approach is very sensitive and two weeks after tumor injection can indeed detect tumors that originally contained only 5000 TEM1-positive cells. These findings have significant implications for imaging TEM1-positive tumors and their eradication. In addition to effect(s) of mAb leading to inhibition of tumors described above, delivery of isotopes emitting local radiation directed to either vascular or parenchymal tumor cells can be employed. Seeing as many tumor types, especially sarcomas, have tumor stroma highly positive for TEM1, TEM1-targeted radioimmunotherapy could lead to widespread tumor destruction. Although in our model TEM1 is exclusively expressed on tumor endothelial cells, in human tumors, in addition to endothelial progenitor cells24 and endothelial cells, TEM1 is also expressed by pericytes and tumor associated fibroblasts.25-27 However, IgG can readily cross the leaky basement membrane of tumor vasculature and extravasate in the perivascular stroma,

suggesting that MORAb-004 could bind readily to both endothelial as well as pericyte epitopes, thus making our model applicable to human disease. In summary, we have established a chimeric endothelial-tumor cell graft model in the mouse that enables us to study the targeted delivery and subsequent effects of human grade therapeutics that have specificity to human but not mouse tumor vascular epitopes. We used this model to validate the application of 124I-based immuno-PET to non-invasively image tumors in vivo whose vasculature expresses hTEM1, and to show the therapeutic value of targeting tumor vasculature through MORAb-004. This model has the potential to accelerate the pace of developing theranostic approaches targeting the tumor vasculature, an emerging and important area in targeted tumor therapeutics.

Materials and Methods Antibodies Humanized anti-hTEM1 mAb MORAb-004 and biotinylated MORAb-004 used for FACS analysis and western blotting was from Morphotek. Antibody radioiodination MORAb-004 was radioiodinated with [125I] or [124I] using Iodogen vials (Pierce Thermoscientific) as we described39 and

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Table 1. Biodistribution of radioiodinated [125I]-MORAb-004 in ID8+MS1-hTEM1/fLuc and ID8+MS1/fLuc tumor bearing mice at 1, 4, and 24 h p.i.

purified using desalting column (Pierce Thermoscientific) with 75–99% radiochemical yield. “Naked” mAb therapy in vivo Mice bearing MS1-hTEM1/fLuc or MS1/fLuc angioma grafts, or mice with ID8 tumor grafts enriched with MS1-hTEM1/fLuc or MS1/fLuc cells/vasculature, were treated with MORAb-004 mAb or control IgG at 5 mg/kg. Antibodies were injected i.p. in an equivalent volume (100 μL) of PBS three times per week for two weeks, starting on the day of tumor inoculation. Mice were observed daily for signs of toxicity, such as weight loss or lethargy, in response to treatment. MS1-hTEM1/fLuc or MS1/fLuc cells were monitored by quantitative bioluminescence imaging. Tumor volume was determined three times per week by measurement with calipers. Biodistribution studies Biodistribution studies were performed in nu/nu (strain 088 Nude−/−, Charles River) mice bearing ID8 tumors enriched with MS1-hTEM1/fLuc cells or control MS1/fLuc cells. Approximately 5 μCi of [125I]-MORAb-004 (5 μg/mouse) in 150 μL saline was

injected into the lateral tail vein. The animals were sacrificed at 4, 24, and 48 h post-injection (p.i.) by cardiac excision under isofluorane anesthesia. The radioactivity in organs was measured using a gamma counter (1470 Wallac Wizard, Perkin-Elmer). Results were expressed as the percentage of injected dose (ID) per gram of tissue (%ID/g). Each value represents the mean ± SD of 3 mice, unless otherwise noted. Animal imaging studies In vivo bioluminescence imaging was performed as described elsewhere.37 Longitudinal mouse imaging study by 124I-PET (n = 2 for each independent study), was performed using a Philips Mosaic Animal PET (A-PET) imaging system with an imaging field of view of ~11.5 cm.38 Mice were pre-dosed with potassium iodide (KI) for thyroid blocking. Please refer to the Supplemental Materials for constructs, cell lines, antibody characterization, animals, and statistical analyses. Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest

No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed. Cancer Biology & Therapy 449

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Figure 5. In vivo ImmunoPET imaging of tumor-bearing mice with [124I]-MORAb-004. (A) Nude mice bearing tumors developed with ID8 cells and MS1-hTEM1/fLuc cells (arrow) or control tumors developed with ID8 cells and MS1/fLuc cells (red arrowhead) were subject to bioluminescence imaging two weeks following s.c. cell inoculation. (B and C) Small animal PET imaging of the same mice were conducted (B) 18 h, and (C) 6 d post-injection of [124I]-MORAb-004 (~80 μCi, 5 μg per mouse). Mice were pre-fed KI for 24 h prior to PET. Serial posterior transverse (top row) and coronal (bottom row) PET images are shown (0.5 mm thick slices). A strong 124I-PET signal is present in the hTEM1-postive tumor (arrow), with clear delineation. No uptake could be appreciated in the hTEM1-negative tumor. (D and E) Estimated activities and tissue uptake ratios as measured by PET from ROIs drawn on tumors, liver, and soft tissue at 18 h (D) and 6 d (E) post-injection of [124I]-MORAb-004.


Supplemental Materials

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