breakthrough in cancer recovery which has great rewards for many. These are
preliminary findings subjected to independent tests and research to confirm and ...
The Name You Trust For HealthTM
Cancer Breakthrough? Research and evidence may lead to a potential breakthrough in cancer recovery by Peter Lim
ur continuing research may lead us to a potential breakthrough in cancer recovery which has great rewards for many. These are preliminary findings subjected to independent tests and research to confirm and further our discoveries. The answers could be found in Genesis which gives light to life. For the last 21 years, our search for answers to cancer using nutrition and supplements including juicing alone produce very limited results. Time is the essence to recover the body in good time to win the battle. In the last one year, we appear to understand the cancer challenge better by adding energy therapy. Tumours have been shrinking by the days, weeks or at most, two months. This is a surprise shock to us!
Know the Root Causes
Experience tells us that failure to deal with the root causes of any trouble or problem will allow the problems to come back again. Almost all cancer patients who have undergone treatments may not even know the real root causes of why they got cancer. They got treated and had the surprise of cancer repeats sooner than later. In our research, we first look and treat cancer root causes for a long-term recovery. A lady had breast cancer spread to the eyes, colon, spleen and fatty tissues, totaling 8cm. She was on a healthy diet and organic juicing, but the tumours
persisted to grow. We traced her tumour from her autism virus that weakened the body, which allow other pathogens like mycoplasma, fungi, parasites, multiple sclerosis, bacteria, and allergies, to attack. She had damage to her sex organs including breasts, brain, heart, colon, kidneys, spinal cord, thyroid, lungs, liver, bones, etc, for cancer to develop. We removed the root causes and within two months, no tumour activities were found. These tumours will naturally shrink with cancer cells turning to non-cancer and healthy cells again.
Know How Pathogens Attack
Pathogens attack when body’s immune system is down. Pathogens include bacteria, virus, fungi, parasites, allergies and toxins. Once attacked, they travel by the blood stream and stay up to 100 areas of our body. They will grow in their colonies. They coat to deceive the immune system and to protect from immune attacks. They thrive on nutrients from the blood and destabilise the electrons of healthy cells to become unhealthy, cancer cells. Some colonies grow faster than most, and soon, one or more tumours will be discovered. We take them out and over time, the rest of the tumours will grow bigger and be spotted. In a short time, they are deemed as third or fourth stage cancer, but actually the pathogens had spread from the beginning, and not just recently. Tumours may come back and grow at the surgery areas due to energy blocks. A client took out his breast cancer and lymph nodes, and discovered later he has prostate cancer, as the body parts are connected. Interestingly when a person dies, the pathogens come out
of the tumours as there is no more food to thrive. This is why one school of thought claims it is tumour while another says it is not, as we see only the pathogens within the “tumours”. Dealing with the pathogens effectively will stop the activities in the tumours, and they will shrink naturally in due course. This is our finding.
Know the consequences of drastic therapies
Unless the tumours are really life threatening in causing blockages of vital body activities, we believe it is better to leave them alone. Removing the root causes rather than the tumours appears safer, to prevent a depressed immune system and further spread. Using drugs is usually a temporary easy way, but they weaken the body organs. When pathogens re-attack, they will usually attack the weakened parts to re-establish their colonies again. This is why many have cancer repeats and died as they could not fight off infections. In our research, once we remove the root causes, the tumours will usually shrink in a matter of days, weeks or up to two months provided sufficient time is given to save naturally. We provide a continuing protective shield for our clients to minimise the re-attacks. It is good for those who have undergone drastic therapies to have such protection against future attacks, to enjoy a potential total remission. Stay healthy by having healthy lifestyles, including taking organic food/products, free from harmful pesticides, preservatives, additives, chemicals and genetic modifications with supplementations. If insects don’t eat knowing they will die, why are we eating? Our research is to build and not to destroy life and health subject to divine will.
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