Canon EOS 60D

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Tips for using your. Canon 60D dSLR camera! Wiley, the Wiley logo, For Dummies and all related trademarks, logos, and trade dress are trademarks or ...
Tips for using your Canon 60D dSLR camera! Written by Robert Correll: 6. There are three Live View focusing modes. They are: Live View (standard), Face Detection (locks onto people’s faces), and Quick mode.

1. One of the defining characteristics of the 60D is its articulated LCD monitor. It swings out, swivels, turns around, and reverses to provide you with many different viewing angles.

7. The Mode Dial on the 60D is divided into two broad categories, plus Movie shooting. The Creative Zone includes the P, Tv, Av, M, B, and C modes. The Basic Zone includes Full Auto, Flash Off, Creative Auto, Portrait, Landscape, Close-up, Sports, and Night Portrait modes.

2. Use the Camera User Setting (C) mode to recall your favorite camera settings, including exposure mode, menu items, custom functions, and other options after you save them.

8. Sometimes a subject will literally fly over your house. After going outside and seeing what the noise was, I ran back inside and grabbed the Canon EOS 60D and kit lens (18-135mm) to photograph this blimp one Saturday afternoon while working on the book.

3. The 60D has a nifty electronic level to help you keep the camera straight. Press the Info button until you see it on the back LCD monitor. 4. Make sure to look for information in three areas on the 60D: the viewfinder, the top LCD panel, and the rear LCD monitor. 5. Kids are fantastic subjects if you can get them laughing. I knelt to get this shot from below, looking up as Jacob was hamming it up with my goofy hat.

9. If you don’t want to mess with them on the computer, you can process Raw photos in-camera using filters. 10. Customize My Menu by gathering six of your favorite menu items in one place for fast access.

About the Authors

Making Everything

Julie Adair King has been writing about digital photography since the first edition of her Digital Photography For Dummies hit shelves in 1997. That book is now in its sixth edition and Julie has expanded her catalog with books covering DSLR cameras from Nikon and Canon as well as the Olympus PEN E-PL1. Robert Correll is an author, photographer, and musician with a lifetime of film and digital photography experience. His latest titles include Canon 60D For Dummies, Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies, and High Dynamic Range Photography For Dummies.


Canon EOS 60D Learn to: sGet started in auto mode then move to manual for greater control sFine-tune exposure, lighting, focus, and color sSet your camera for high-quality portraits and landscape photos

IN FULL COLOR! Julie Adair King Robert Correll

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