. The Mezzanine, Prestwick Airport, ... Contact Email: Twitter Handle: ...
DYW Ayrshire is a Scottish Government funded Project created to Invest in youth & reduce youth unemployment by 40% by the year 2021. In order to capture the current engagement between employers and the young people of Ayrshire, DYW Ayrshire, is looking to canvas local employers to find out what they currently offer and what could be offered in the future.
section 1 - Employer Details Company Name:
Contact Name:
Brief Description of Company:
Job Title: Contact Number: Contact Email:
Number of Employees:
Twitter Handle:
Public/Private/Third Sector:
Call: 01292 678666 Email:
[email protected] The Mezzanine, Prestwick Airport, Ayrshire KA9 2PL
section 2 - WORKING WITH Schools Do you currently engage with schools in Ayrshire? Yes (if so please give brief details)
No (if so please state if there is a particular reason why)
Would you consider working with local schools? Yes No (If no please continue to section 3) Do you have a preference as to which schools you would like to work with?: East Ayrshire
North Ayrshire
South Ayrshire
All East Ayrshire
All North Ayrshire
All South Ayrshire
Auchinleck Academy
Ardrossan Academy
Ayr Academy
Cumnock Academy
Arran High School
Belmont Academy
Doon Academy
Auchenharvie Academy
Carrick Academy
Grange Academy
Kilwinning Academy
Girvan Academy
James Hamilton Academy
Irvine Royal Academy
Kyle Academy
Kilmarnock Academy
Garnock Academy
Marr College
Loudoun Academy
Greenwood Academy
Prestwick Academy
Stewarton Academy
Largs Academy
Queen Margaret Academy
St Josephs Academy
St Matthews Academy
Call: 01292 678666 Email:
[email protected] The Mezzanine, Prestwick Airport, Ayrshire KA9 2PL
section 2 - WORKING WITH Schools cont. would you consider getting involved in the following: Curricular Based Activities Setting a real life business task/project Career Awareness Events Employability Skills Mock Interviews Work Experience Engagement with Teachers Mentoring Please note the above list is not exhaustive and schools may have other requests. Would you consider working with Primary schools? Yes No Would you consider working with Additional Support Needs schools? Yes No Do you have an awareness of the changes to qualifications that have taken place in the past 5 years? Yes No I would like to find out more
Call: 01292 678666 Email:
[email protected] The Mezzanine, Prestwick Airport, Ayrshire KA9 2PL
Section 3 - WORKING WITH Colleges Do you currently engage with students from Ayrshire College/Other colleges? Yes (if so please give brief details)
No (if so please state if there is a particular reason why)
Would you consider working with students? Yes No (If no please continue to section 4) Please state which Department(s) you may consider working with: Supported Learning and ESOL The HIVE Health, Social Care and Early Years Sports and Social Science Hair, Beauty, Complementary Therapies and Make-Up Artistry Arts, Fashion, Music, Sound, Media, Photography and Performance Hospitality and Tourism Business and Computing STEM - Construction Tech, Trades, Motor Vehicle and Horticulture STEM - Engineering and Science
Call: 01292 678666 Email:
[email protected] The Mezzanine, Prestwick Airport, Ayrshire KA9 2PL
Section 3 - WORKING WITH Colleges cont. What type of engagement would you consider getting involved in Course Specific input Career Events/Recruitment Fair Employability Skills Mock Interviews Work Placements Please note the above list is not exhaustive and the Colleges may have other requests.
Section 4 - Modern Apprenticeships Do you currently recruit Modern Apprentices? Yes (if so please give brief details)
No (if so please state if there is a particular reason why)
If yes, Please advise when during the year you recruit?
Call: 01292 678666 Email:
[email protected] The Mezzanine, Prestwick Airport, Ayrshire KA9 2PL
Section 4 - Modern Apprenticeships cont. Do you feel you have sufficient knowledge of Modern Apprenticeships? Yes No I would like to find out more
In an Ayrshire context are you aware of the types of support available to an employer willing to recruit an MA? Yes No I would like to find out more
Foundation Apprenticeships is an exciting new opportunity open to S5/6 pupils still at school. An element of work experience is required, would you be interested in supporting this programme? Yes No
Call: 01292 678666 Email:
[email protected] The Mezzanine, Prestwick Airport, Ayrshire KA9 2PL
Section 5 - comments Do you have any comments regarding any experiences working with young people?
As an employer what would encourage you to take on a young person (i.e types of pre employment training)
do you have any suggestions about how you would like to engage with young people
Call: 01292 678666 Email:
[email protected] The Mezzanine, Prestwick Airport, Ayrshire KA9 2PL