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Robious Middle School is one of 12 middle schools in. Chesterfield County and is the primary source of rising high schoo


Robious Middle School

Music Education

Robious Middle School is one of 12 middle schools in Chesterfield County and is the primary source of rising high school freshman at James River High School. The band program at Robious is directed by Mr. Andy Pittard and is a primary source of musicians in James River’s band programs. Mr. Pittard has been the director at Robious for 31 years and has developed an outstanding reputation as an impressive middle school music instructor.

The idea behind this project is that an increasing number of rising high schoolers are choosing not to continue their music career past the middle school level even though they have already invested large amounts of their time in music study. The quailty music education students will recieve should they continue to the high school level is often praised, yet a large number of students still decide not to continue. By exposing potential music students to the actual experiences that they will have in a high school program, they will be more likely to choose to participate in such a program.

Essential Question

How can high schools effectively reach out to middle schools and ensure participation in high school band programs? How can high school band programs effectively expose middle school students to a high school music experience while maintaining a fun and beneficial environment?

The Solution

The creation of an educational music clinic sponsored by members of the high school program is an obvious solution to this issue and is exactly what this project intends to do. By providing current members of the music program at James River High School, the members of the Robious Middle School Band will be given an accurate representation of what they can expect should they continue in band at James River. In addition, the difficulty of the music selections will challenge them as well as hone their already established playing skills. The program will take place after classes at Robious Middle each day over the course of one full week. The volunteers from James River will be required to arrive at Robious Middle utilizing their own form of transportation at a time just prior to each rehearsal. Each rehearsal will be two hours long and include fun activities that encourage participants to get to know their fellow band members as well as rehearsal time that will encourage growth in the area of musical skill. On the Saturday following the week of rehearsal, the students will all meet at James River High School in the band room to meet some of the music staff and participate in a four hour rehearsal that will also include entertainment and refreshments. The four hour rehearsal will culminate in a concert in the James River High School Auditorium for family and guests of the participants to demonstrate their newfound musical prowess.