Carbon Nitrogen Ratio in the Soil

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Example: A farmer incorporated 2560 kg of fresh organic matter into the soil. It contained 55% carbon with a carbon nitrogen ratio of 20:1. As this material ...
Carbon Nitrogen Ratio in the Soil Introduction The objective of this lesson is to learn the importance of the carbon: nitrogen ratio in the soil. The knowledge is important for practical farming. The ratio of carbon to nitrogen is the carbon: nitrogen ratio or the C:N ratio. The C:N ratio of the organic material added to the soil influences the rate of decomposition of organic matter and this results in the release (mineralisation) or immobilization of soil nitrogen. If the added organic material contains more nitrogen in proportion to the carbon, then nitrogen is released into the soil from the decomposing organic material. On the other hand, if the organic material has a less amount of nitrogen in relation to the carbon then the microorganisms will utilize the soil nitrogen for further decomposition and the soil nitrogen will be immobilized and will not be available. The following lesson will give you an opportunity to learn what happens when different quantities of organic material with varied C:N ratios are added to the soil. The computer will randomly generate the values for a C:N ratio from many possible combinations. Calculation Procedures of Carbon Nitrogen Ratio Example: A farmer incorporated 2560 kg of fresh organic matter into the soil. It contained 55% carbon with a carbon nitrogen ratio of 20:1. As this material decomposes, will there be a decrease (immobilization) or an increase (release) in soil nitrogen? And by how many kg? Let us calculate the soil nitrogen status. Fresh organic matter added = 2560 kg Carbon content of organic matter= 55% Carbon: nitrogen ratio = 20:1 Step I The amount of carbon present in the organic matter added to the soil. 2560 kg of fresh organic matter x 0.55 carbon content --------=1408 kg of carbon in organic matter ---------

Step II The amount of nitrogen present in the organic matter added to the soil. Fresh organic matter contains 1408 kg of carbon and its C:N ratio is 20:1 . The nitrogen content of the organic matter is 1408 kg = -------------- = 70 kg 20 Step III The














As fresh organic matter is decomposed, the microbes use 75% of the carbon for energy and, the remaining 25% of the carbon is used to form their new tissue. To form their new tissue, microbes use nitrogen from soil or from the added organic matter. Microbes require 1 kg of N for every 8 kg of carbon as the C:N ratio of microbes is 8:1. Carbon content in fresh organic matter is 1408 kg. Of this one fourth is used for new tissue. The amount of carbon used by 1408 kg microbes for forming new tissue is ---------- = 352 kg 4

The amount of nitrogen required by microbes to form the new tissues: Microbes require 1 kg of N for every 8 kg of carbon to form the new tissue. Therefore the amount of Nitrogen required for microbes using 352 Kg of Carbon is 352 kg = ---------- = 44 kg 8 Step IV Finally we compare the two nitrogen values. Fresh organic matter contained 70 kg of N, and microbes used 44 kg of N to form new tissue. The balance nitrogen available is = 70 - 44 = 26 kg

A POSITIVE balance indicates that the N in organic matter was more than the nitrogen required for the microbes, and this excess amount of N will be released into the soil, could be available for plants.

Solving Problems on Carbon Nitrogen Ratio Farmer incorporated 2630 kg of fresh organic matter into the soil. It contained 51 % carbon with a carbon nitrogen ratio of 28 : 1. As this material decomposes, will there be a decrease (immobilization) or an increase (release) in soil nitrogen? And by how many kgs? Calculate the soil nitrogen status? Solve the problem and click on check to check for the correct answer and click on Next to solve another problem. If you do not know how to solve this problem refer to Calculation Procedures of Carbon Nitrogen Ratio to see the calculation procedures.