A campaigning charity for disabled drivers, passengers and Blue Badge holders. ... Search for Change100 â this is a pa
Careers Advice for Disabled Students and Graduates
Careers & Employability Service |www.mmu.ac.uk/careers/guides
This guide lists organisations who give job-hunting support to disabled students and graduates. It may also be useful to refer to the Target Jobs Disability and Mental Health section. Making the transition from education into employment is a challenging process for anyone. If you would like to discuss the impact of your disability or health condition with a specialist careers consultant, please book an appointment with Marina Matosic by phoning 0161 247 3483 or visiting the Employability Hub in the Business School. Ability-Net - abilitynet.co.uk Gives free advice on computer technology for disabled people. Access To Work - gov.uk/access-to-work/overview Provides financial support to make adjustments to the workplace to make it accessible
Association of Disabled Professionals (ADP) - adp.org.uk Provides information on jobs, running your own business, news and events. Breakthrough UK Ltd - breakthrough-uk.co.uk Supports disabled people into employment and work-related training. You need to be a resident of Manchester, Trafford, Stockport or Bury. (Service also available in Liverpool). British Association for Supported Employment - base-UK.org/information-jobseekers Provide advice and help on all stages of job hunting, from the start of your search up to getting an interview and beyond. Civil Service Diversity Internship Programme - faststream.gov.uk/summer-diversityinternship-programme 6 to 9-week paid work placements available across the Civil Service. DIAL Network - scope.org.uk/dial Network of over 140 local disability information and advice centres run by and for disabled people. Direct Gov - gov.uk/browse/disabilities Provides information and advice about all aspects of the Equality Act as well as how to make a complaint if you feel you have been discriminated against. Disabled Workers Co-operative - disabledworkers.org.uk Includes a jobs website
Disability Rights UK - disabilityrightsuk.org Provides advice and information on disability benefits, research and training, disability related campaigns and parliamentary news. Disabled Entrepreneurs Network - disabledentrepreneurs.co.uk Provides networking opportunities and information services for self-employed disabled people. Disabled Motoring UK - www.disabledmotoring.org A campaigning charity for disabled drivers, passengers and Blue Badge holders. 2
Disability Rights UK - disabilityrightsuk.org Campaigning and advisory disability body run by and for disabled people. Produce news updates, campaign information and has a bookshop. EmployAbility - employ-ability.org.uk/students/services Offer free support, advice and guidance to students and graduates throughout the entire recruitment process and beyond. Also run a wide range of internships and graduate recruitment programmes: employ-ability.org.uk/internships Evenbreak - evenbreak.co.uk A free specialist jobs website which lists inclusive employers from a range of sectors. You can register and upload your CV Exceptional Individuals - exceptionalindividuals.com Offer employment support to dyslexic students and graduates Front Runner - commonpurpose.org/united-kingdom/leadership-programmes/students/ frontrunner-for-disabled-students Run short courses for disabled students to develop the skills and knowledge to become leaders in work and society. Four All - 4talent.channel4.com/results?q=disabled Channel 4 links to apprenticeship and training schemes. Gov.uk - gov.uk/government/publications/help-and-support-for-young-disabled-people-to -find-and-stay-in-work This employment portal has downloadable information packs and a page for impairment specific guides. My Plus Students’ Club - myplusstudentsclub.com Practical advice for managing disability in the workplace including applying for jobs and interviews, how to answer disability specific questions, requesting adjustments, gaps in your CV and accounting for a lack of work experience – Look at the Student Toolkit Leonard Cheshire 100 Internship Scheme - leonardcheshire.org Search for Change100 – this is a paid three-month placement. Ouch - www.bbc.co.uk/ouch Website from the BBC with blog and news items that go behind the headlines of disability news, and also lifts the lid on the little details about being disabled that are not widely talked about. Prince’s Youth Business Trust - princes-trust.org.uk Offers help to young people aged between 16 and 25 who wish to set up in business. The charity looks favourably on applications from disabled people. Remploy - remploy.co.uk Provide support specifically to help you find graduate level jobs. This is available locally in Manchester City Centre and across the UK.
Saville and Holdsworth - shldirect.com/en/assessment-advice/ disabled-talent Advice on psychometric tests for disabled applicants Scope - scope.org.uk Provide support, information and advice to more than a quarter of a million disabled people. It aims to create a society where disabled people have the same opportunities as everyone else. Shaw Trust - shaw-trust.org.uk Supports disabled people towards employment through the delivery of the government's Work Programme The Disability Law Service - dls.org.uk Charity that provides confidential and free legal advice for disabled adults, their families and carers. Total Jobs - totaljobs.com/graduate Graduate specific section of a job site for disabled people – find opportunities, upload your CV and receive email updates. Whizz-Kidz - whizz-kidz.org.uk Offer two week long unpaid work placements – can be flexible i.e. each Tuesday. Tell them what you want and they will do their best to find it for you. Paper application forms available from the Employability Hub. Youreable.com - youreable.com Web community providing support and information for disabled
Disability specific organisations Autism National Autistic Society - autism.org.uk/employmentservices Provides work preparation programmes, job finding support, interview support and employment support for graduates with autism and Asperger syndrome.
D/deaf Action on Hearing Loss - actiononhearingloss.org.uk Wide ranging support and information including Access to Work Breakthrough UK - breakthrough-uk.co.uk This is a Deaf – led employment service, which provides support with all aspects of job searching, plus free communication support. Note you need to be a resident in Manchester, Bury, Trafford or Stockport. British Deaf Association - bda.org.uk The BDA is the largest Deaf organisation in the UK that is ran by Deaf people. Aims to achieve equality for Deaf people through community empowerment, membership and campaigning.
Deaf UK - groups.yahoo.com/group/deaf-uk-jobs An e-mail group for d/Deaf people in the UK, which advertises vacancies that are Deaf related. Registration is free. Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD) - royaldeaf.org.uk General information and support for sign language users plus employment support if based in London and Essex.
Different Appearance Changing Faces - changingfaces.org.uk Range of support guides available
Dyslexia The Dyslexia Association - dyslexia.uk.net/adults-with-dyslexia/ Gives study support to adults with Dyslexia and has a blog Beating Dyslexia - beatingdyslexia.com Self- help website British Dyslexia Association - bdadyslexia.org.uk Lobbying and support organisation aiming for a dyslexia friendly society that will enable all dyslexic people to reach their potential. Dyslexia Action - dyslexiaaction.org.uk Gives a range of support for getting work, talking to your employer etc Lexxic - lexxic.com Adult dyslexic and neuro differences psychological services
Epilepsy Epilepsy Action - epilepsy.org.uk Provide advice and information about epilepsy including fact sheets on employment issues.
Mental Health Bipolar - bipolaruk.org.uk Use search facility and look for employment Mental Health Foundation - mentalhealth.org.uk Website includes a number of useful factsheets Mind - mind.org.uk Charity offering help and advice. Mindful Employers - mindfulemployer.net Website gives a list of supporting employers and advice to employees with a mental health condition
Rethink - rethink.org/about-us Mental Health Factsheets 5
SANE - sane.org.uk Charity concerned with improving the lives of everyone affected by mental illness. An under 25s discussion group is available on line.
Spinal Injuries Spinal Injuries Association - spinal.co.uk Represents the interests of spinal cord injured people. A free-phone help line is available.
Stammering British Stammering Association - stammering.org Gives range of support and provides a confidential Helpline Tel 0845 603 2001. You can email, to receive information packs info@stammering.org
Stammers Through University Campaign - stuc-uk.org Support network for students
Visual Impairment Blind in Business - blindinbusiness.org.uk Offers an employment service specifically for graduates and undergraduates and runs annual training events. Henshaws Beyond Expectations - henshaws.org.uk Provides a wide range of services, support and training for visually impaired people with the aim of enabling people of all ages to maximise their independence and enjoy a high quality of life. Royal National Institute of the Blind - rnib.org.uk/employment Specific comprehensive site dealing with every aspect of the job hunting process, plus a helpline helpline@rnib.org.uk, Tel: 0303 123 999 RNIB also offer a Trainee Graduate Scheme - rnib.org.uk/jobs
Post Graduate Study UK and Abroad Vitae - vitae.ac.uk Search ‘disability’ The Snowdon Trust - snowdontrust.org Provides grants to physically disabled students, including those with a sensory impairment. You must be studying in the UK in further or higher education. Oxford Wadham Graduate Scholarship for Disabled Students - wadham.ox.ac.uk/ students/graduate-students/graduate-finance/graduate-scholarships Scholarships are awarded to applicants who have demonstrated excellent academic ability, who will contribute to the University’s ground -breaking research.
Careers & Employability Support 6
The Careers & Employability Service offers a range of support to Manchester Met students and graduates:
Find Opportunities: We advertise hundreds of part time, graduate and internship roles through My Career Hub.
Careers Consultant Appointments: Book a 30 minute appointment and get expert advice from our specialist Careers Consultants.
Careers Events: Meet employers and enhance your employability by attending our workshops, employer events and careers fairs.
For more information visit: mmu.ac.uk/careers