Caring for the Mouthpiece and Neck. • Remove the reed and thoroughly clean
the mouthpiece with a small cleaning swab. CARING FOR YOUR. SAXOPHONE
ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS • Apply cork grease to the neck joint before attaching it. Be careful not to apply stress to the neck or keys during assembly.
CARE AFTER PLAYING Caring for the Mouthpiece and Neck • Remove the reed and thoroughly clean the mouthpiece with a small cleaning swab.
• When doing this, be careful not to scratch the tip of the mouthpiece. • Next, use a small cleaning swab to thoroughly dry the neck interior.
Drying the Pads • If the pads are wet, stick a piece of cleaning paper between each pad and tone hole. Fully dry the pad with the paper.
Drying the Body • Pass the cleaning swab included in the saxophone cleaner kit through from the bell end. Pull the cloth out at the joint to clean the interior.
Cleaning the Surface • Use a polishing cloth to remove finger smudges and dirt from the body surface.
Cleaning the Octave Key • The octave key tone hole is small and clogs easily. Clean it using the tone hole cleaner. Be careful not to allow the metal part at the tip of the tone hole cleaner to scratch the tonehole.
WEEKLY CARE Cleaning Small Spaces • Clean small, hard-to access areas at the key sides and around the key posts. • Twist some polishing gauze into a rope shape for use in cleaning. Be careful not to apply excessive force to the keys. • Use the tone hole cleaner to clean small spaces between keys. Be careful not to scratch the pads.
MONTHLY CARE Oiling the Keys • Add key oil at the spots where the keys move. Be careful not to add too much oil. • When you are finished, move the keys so that the oil works in. If oil ends up on the body, thoroughly wipe it off.
Cleaning the Neck • Clean the neck about once a month in a soap-water solution. • Create a solution from brass soap and water [in a ratio of 10 to 15 parts warm water (30-40ºC) to one part brass soap]. • Remove the key from the neck, and wrap adhesive tape around the cork so that it does not get wet. • Soak the brush included in the saxophone cleaner kit in the brass soap-water solution, and use it to clean the interior. • Once the interior has been cleaned, rinse the brush in clean water to remove the dirt and brass soap. • After allowing the water to drain out of the tube, run a cleaning swab through it to dry it completely.