Carlos Siordia

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2013-2015: Associate Editor in the Journal of Maps: Social Science Section. 2012-2014: Epidemiology of Aging Postdoctoral Scholar (T32 AG000181) ...
Carlos Siordia


Interdisciplinary Lead Research Epidemiologist HHS | CDC | NIOSH | DSR

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Adjucnt Professor

Department of Sociology at WMU

Research Associate

Walker Institute for the Study of Race & Ethnic Relations at WMU

EDUCATION University of Pittsburgh Texas A&M University Texas A&M University University of Texas-RGV South Texas College


2015 2011 2009 2006 2005

Epidemiology Sociology Sociology Psychology & Sociology Summa Cum Laude Psychology

COMPLETE WORK HISTORY 2017-Present: Occupational Health Equity Program Asst. Coordinator, CDC | NIOSH, Morgantown, WV 2016-Present: Interdisciplinary Lead Research Epidemiologist, CDC | NIOSH | DSR, Morgantown, WV 2016-Present: Adjunct Professor, Department of Sociology, Western Michigan University (WMU), Kalamazoo, MI 2016-Present: Research Associate, Walker Institute for the Study of Race & Ethnic Relations, WMU, Kalamazoo, MI 2016-2018: External Faculty Member, Maya Angelou Center for Health Equity, Wake Forest School of Medicine, NC 2016-2016: Special Assistant, Office of the Administrator (HHS | SAMHSA), Rockville, MD 2015-2016: Statistician, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality (HHS | SAMHSA), MD 2014-2015: Postdoctoral Associate under the Long Life Family Study (U01 AG023744), Pittsburgh, PA 2013-2015: Associate Editor in the Journal of Maps: Social Science Section 2012-2014: Epidemiology of Aging Postdoctoral Scholar (T32 AG000181) University of Pittsburgh, PA 2011-2012: Assistant Research Professor, University of Texas Medical Branch, TX 2010-2012: Project Director for study on aging, UTMB, Galveston, TX 2010-2011: Research Assistant, Race & Ethnic Studies Institute, Texas A&M University, TX 2010-2010: Statistician, US Census Bureau (DOL), Suitland, MD 2010-2010: Lecturer, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 2009-2009: Statistician, US Census Bureau (DOL), Suitland, MD 2006-2009: Graduate Researcher, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 2005-2005: Undergraduate Researcher, UT-Pan American, TX 2001-2003: Management, CitiFinancial Inc., Rio Grande Valley, TX 1994-2000: Management, Rent-A-Center, Rio Grande Valley, TX

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SKILLS SAS (advance); ArcGIS (advance); English (advance); Spanish (advance); management (advance); behavioral health (advance); logistics (advance); demography (advance); social inequality (advance); aging (advance); public speaking (advance); disability (advance); behavioral health (advance); US-federal datasets (advance); technical writing (advance); scientific writing (advance);

RESEARCH INTEREST Epidemiology | GIS | social demography | disability | poverty | data science | health equity | aging | occupational safety | mental health | substance abuse | outcomes research | injury epidemiology

FEDERAL WORK EXPERIENCE 9/2016 to Present ◘ National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (HHS | CDC | NIOSH | DSR) Interdisciplinary Lead Research Epidemiologist (GS-0601-14-1)

 Main Duties: report to SFIB Chief, provide SST epidemiologist & health statisticians with technical advice on methods, conduct population-based surveillance research using publicly-available large datasets, work with Center for Motor Vehicle Safety members, expand collaborations with OSHA, FEMA, and U.S. Census Bureau.  Intramural Collaborations: CDC, DSHEFS, GRASP, CMVS, OHE Program, & others o Products: Published peer-reviewed manuscripts  Extramural Collaborations: OSHA, FEMA, Census Bureau, & Universities o Products: Publication on robot related injuries. o Position: Temporary Agent of the BLS (MOU 3762) to use restricted SOII files for robot analysis.  Projects: machine learning with SAS  Funding: CDC Innovation Fund Phase I & II (web tool for health communicators)

7/2016 to 8/2016 ◘ Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (HHS | SAMHSA | OD) Special Assistant (GS-0301-13-4)  Responsible for assisting agency’s director and managing SAMHSA’s communications with HHS Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and other government entities

8/2015 to 6/2016 ◘ Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (HHS | SAMHSA | CBHSQ) Statistician (GS-1530-13-4)    

Main Duties: Develop GIS products related to medication-assisted treatment locations Intramural Collaborations: SAMHSA’s CSAT & CSAP Extramural Collaborations: HRSA Software: SAS & ArcGIS

Summer of 2009 & 2010 ◘ U.S. Census Bureau (DOL | Population Division) Statistician (GS-1530-10)

 Main Duties: Evaluate American Community Survey data quality, verify Current Population Survey tabulations related to foreign-born populations, and collaborate with other interns.  Intramural Collaborations: Disability, Education, Race-Ethnicity, & Language Branches  Software: SAS & ArcGIS

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PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS 2018  Siordia C, Hoepner LA, & Lewis AN. (2018). Why public health researchers should consider using disability data from the American Community Survey. Journal of Community Health,  Fuller SD, Mudie LI, Siordia C, Swenor BK, Friedman DS. (2018). Nationwide prevalence of severe vision, hearing, and dual sensory impairments and their associations with cognitive, independent living, self-care, and ambulatory difficulties in the 2011-2015 American Community Survey PUMS. Ophthalmology, forthcoming. 2017  Siordia C, Haileselassie SLI, Bell RA. (2017). Prevalence and Risk for Negative Disability Outcomes between American Indians-Alaskan Natives and other Race-Ethnic Groups in the Southwestern United States. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, (4)2:195-200. 2016  Siordia C & Bhatta T. (2016). Evidence of an Immigrant Advantage with Ambulatory Difficulties: Immigrants from China, India, Mexico and US-Born Counterparts. Migration Studies, 4(3):331-346.  Siordia C. (2016). Social Security Disability Insurance may Reduce Benefits by 2016: Population at Financial Risk from Reductions. Social Work in Public Health, 31(6):530-536.  Siordia C. (2016). Self-Care and Mobility Disability at Mid-Life in Lucky Few, Early-, and LateBaby Boom Birth-Cohorts. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, 9(3):216-229.  Siordia C & Leyser-Whalen O. (2016). Average age at last live birth in ‘lucky few’ and ‘late baby boom’ birth cohorts in the United States. Journal of Family Studies, DOI 10.1080/13229400.2015.1106338.  Siordia C & Rauktis ME. (2016). Demographic Profile, Geographic Distribution, Disability Prevalence, and Likelihood of being In-Poverty amongst Grandparents Responsible for Grandchildren (GRfG). GrandFamilies: The Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice & Policy, 3(1):93-105.  Siordia C. (2016). On the Relationship between Gender Roles Attitudes, Religious Ideology, and Familism. Journal of International Women’s Studies, 17(4):229-244.  Siordia C. (2016). Population Economic Profile by Race and Ethnic-Specific Categories: Microdata from the American Community Survey (2009-2011). Spatial Demography, (4):71-81.  Siordia C & Covington-Ward YD. (2016). Association between Perceived Ethnic Discrimination and Self-Rated Health: Evidence from the National Latino & Asian American Study (NLAAS). Journal of Aging & Frailty, 5(2):111-117.  Siordia C & Matthews SA. (2016). Extending the Boundaries of Place. FM Howell, JR Porter and S Mathews (eds.), Recapturing Space: New Middle-Range Theory in Spatial Demography. Pages 3756, Dordrecht: Springer.  Siordia C. (2016). Response to: Comment on: A Critical Analysis of the Internal Logic in the LifeSpace Assessment (LSA) Composite Score and Suggested Solutions. Clinical Rehabilitation, 30(1): 100-101.

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2015  Siordia C & Ramos AK. (2015). Risk for Disability and Poverty amongst “Central Asians” in the United States. Central Asian Journal of Global Health, 4(2):1-11.  King AC… Siordia C…et al and for the LIFE Study Investigators. (2015). An Observational Study Identifying Obese Subgroups Among Older Adults at Increased Risk of Mobility Disability: Do Perceptions of the Neighborhood Environment Matter? International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, 12:157-175.  Siordia C & Coulton CJ. (2015). Using Hand-Draw Maps of Residential Neighborhood to Compute Level of Circularity and Investigate its Predictors. Human Geographies, 9(2): 131-149.  Siordia C & Ramos AK. (2015). Evidence of the “Hispanic Paradox” from the Poverty and Disability Nexus in the Latino Farmworker Population of the United States. Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture & Health Sciences, 4(3):118-124.  Siordia C. (2015). Sex-Specific Disability Prevalence in Immigrants from China, India, and Mexico and their US-Born Counterparts. International Journal of Health Sciences & Research, 5(4):267-279.  Siordia C & Nguyen HT. (2015). The Comparative Frame of Reference in Self-Rated Health Questions Matters when Predicting Activities of Daily Living. Journal of Frailty & Aging, 4:175-180.  Siordia C. (2015). Prevalence of Self-Care and Ambulatory Disability in Baby Boom and Generation-X Birth-Cohorts by Intersectional Markers of Social Stratification. Journal of Race and Social Problems, 7(4):257-268.  Siordia C & Ramos AK. (2015). Prevalence of Daytime Sleeping in the Working Population from Estimates of Nocturnal Work Shift. Journal of Epidemiological Research, 1(1): 44-48.  Siordia C. (2015). A Multilevel Analysis of Mobility Disability in the United States Population: Educational Advantage Diminishes as Race-Ethnicity Poverty Gap Increases. Journal of Studies in Social Science, 12(2): 198-219.  Siordia C. (2015). Rates of Allocation for Disability Items by Mode in the American Community Survey. Issues in Social Science, 3(1):62-82.  Siordia C. (2015). Demographic, Economic, Household, and Health Profile of Grandparents Responsible for Grandchildren. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 24:2661:2667.  Siordia C. (2015). Disability Estimates between Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples: Data from the 2009-2011 American Community Survey. Sexuality & Disability, 33:107-121.  Siordia C & Lewis AN. (2015). Advancing Research by Clearly Labeling Measures of Physical Function: Extracting Ambulation and Step-Climbing from “Mobility Disability.” Journal of Aging Research & Clinical Practice, 4(3): 159-163.  Siordia C. (2015). Intersecting Self-Reported Mobility and Gait Speed to Create a MultiDimensional Measure of Ambulation: The “Ambulation Speed-Endurance Endurance” (ASE) Typology. Journal of Frailty & Aging, 5(2):56-63.  Siordia C. (2015). Relabeling “Movement” in Health Research: Differences between Accelerometry and Global Position System (GPS) Devices. International Journal of Health Sciences & Research, 5(8):525-533.  Siordia C. (2015). Erratum to: Demographic, Economic, Household, and Health Profile of Grandparents Responsible for Grandchildren. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 24(20):3157.

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 Siordia C. (2015). A Critical Analysis of the Internal Logic in the Life-Space Assessment (LSA) Composite Score and Suggested Solutions. Clinical Rehabilitation, 30(6):604-616,  Siordia C. (2015). Disability Prevalence According to a Class, Race, and Sex (CRS) Hypothesis. Journal of Racial & Ethnic Health Disparities, 2(3):303-310. 2014  Siordia C, Smith C, & Castaeda E. (2014). Geographically-Aware Multilevel Analysis on the Association between Atmospheric Temperature and the “Emergency and Transitional Shelter Population”. Journal of Studies & Research in Human Geographies, 8(2);1843-6587.  Siordia C. (2014.) The Regional Geoboundarization of the Mexican-origin Population in the United States through the Sáenzian Logic. Mexican Journal of Scientific Research, 3(1):27-45.  Siordia C. (2014). Multilevel Analysis on the Likelihood of being In-Poverty by Age at Time of Entry to the US for Mexican-Origin Latinos. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences & Education, 1:1-11.  Siordia C. (2014). Numbers of Allocations as a Measure of “Within-Person ItemIncompleteness” (WPII): 2005 to 2010 Data from the American Community Survey. Journal of Sociological Research, 5(1):19-31.  Siordia C. (2014). Number of People in the Unites States Experiencing Ambulatory and Independent Living Difficulties. Journal of Social Work Disability & Rehabilitation, 13(3):261-277.  Siordia C & Leyser-Whalen O. (2014). The Lucky Few and Baby Boom Generation: Relative Cohort Size, Mexican Ethnicity, and Gender on the Likelihood of Out-of-Poverty Status. Sociological Focus, 47(3):163-173.  Siordia C. (2014). Precision in estimates of disability prevalence for the population aged 65 and over in the United States by race and ethnicity. Journal of Frailty & Aging, 3(3):187-192.  Siordia C. (2014). An Algorithm for Creating Alternate CES-D Composite Scores: Advancing Research through Methodological Clarity. Journal of Depression & Anxiety, 3(2):149-159.  Siordia C. (2014). Married Once, Twice, and Three or more Times: Data from the American Community Survey. Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 55(3):206-215  Siordia C. (2014). Detecting “real” population changes with American Community Survey data: The implicit assumption of treating between-year differences as “trends.” Journal of Sociological Research, 4(2):494-509.  Siordia C. (2014). Proxy-reports in the Ascertainment of Disability Prevalence with American Community Survey Data. Journal Frailty & Aging, 3(4):238-246. 2013  Siordia C & Wunneburger DF. (2013). On the Quantity, Degree, and Location of Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) Fragmentation. Human Geographies, 7(2):5-13.  Siordia C. (2013). Are health insurance item allocations in the American Community Survey missing completely at random? Journal of Frailty & Aging, 2(4):198-204.  Siordia C & Farias RA. (2013). A Multilevel Analysis on Latino’s Economic Inequality: A Test of the Minority Group Threat Theory. Pages 65-79 in the Economic Status volume of the Hispanic Population edited by Marie Mora & Alberto Davila, Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC.

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 Siordia C. (2013). Sociospatial Inequality: Combining Multilevel and Spatial Analysis. Journal of Maps, 9(1):50-54.  Siordia C & Sáenz J. (2013). On the Relationship between Neighborhood Perception, Length of Residence, and Co-Ethnic Concentration. Applied Spatial Analysis & Policy, 6(4):267-284.  Siordia C. (2013). Evaluating Response Mechanisms in a Life-Space Mobility Instrument with a ‘Stem and Leaf’ Format. Journal of Frailty & Aging, 2(2):84-89.  Siordia C & Le VD. (2013). Precision of Disability Estimates for Southeast Asians in American Community Survey 2008-2010 Microdata. Central Asian Journal of Global Health, 1(2): DOI:10.5195/cajgh.2012.2166-7403.  Siordia C & Young RL. (2013). Methodological Note: Allocation of Disability Items in the American Community Survey. Disability & Health Journal, 6(2):149-153.  Panas LJ, Siordia C, Angel R, et al. (2013). Physical Performance and Short-Term Mortality in Very Old Mexican Americans. Experimental Aging Research, 39(5):481-492.  Siordia C. (2013). Benefits of Small Area Measurements: A Spatial Clustering Analysis on Medicare Beneficiaries. Human Geographies, 7(1):53-59.  Siordia C & Fox A. (2013). Public Use Microdata Area Fragmentation: Research and Policy Implications of Polygon Discontiguity. Spatial Demography, 1(1):42-56.  Siordia C & Sáenz J. (2013). What is a “Neighborhood”? Definition in studies about depressive symptoms in older persons. The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 2(3):153-164. 2012  Siordia C. (2012). Reliability of Self-report in Very Old Mexican Americans on Basic Health Conditions. Maturitas, 74:95-98.  Siordia C, Sáenz J, & Tom SE. (2012). An Introduction to Macro-Level Spatial Nonstationarity: A Geographically Weighted Regression Analysis of Diabetes and Poverty. Human Geographies, 6.2:5-13.  Siordia C & Díaz ME. (2012). Language Shift in U.S. and Foreign-born Older Mexican Heritage Individuals: Co-ethnic Context for Language Resistance. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 34(4):525-538.  Siordia C. (2012). On the Different Scenarios of Disagreement between Self- and InformantReports on an Aged Adults Ability to Perform Activities of Daily Living. Maturitas, 73:167-170.  Siordia C & Sáenz J. (2012). Neighborhood Perception and Obesity in Aged Mexican Americans. The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 1(4):152-161.  Sáenz R & Siordia C. (2012). The Inter-Cohort Reproduction of Mexican American Dropouts. Race & Social Problems, 4:68-81.  Siordia C. (2012). Alternative Scoring for Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE). Maturitas, 72, 379-382.  Siordia C, Panas LJ, & Delgado DJ. 2012. Geographing Latinoization in the U.S. Mainland: Mexican Origin Latino Population Growth between 2000 and 2010 by County. Report in the Hispanic Economic Outlook, Spring:9-14.  Siordia C, Panas LJ, & Makide. (2012). Predictive Demi-Span Equations for Estimation of Stature in Aged Mexican Americans. The Journal of Frailty & Aging, 1(3):118-122.

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2010  Poston DL, Singelmann J, Siordia C, Slack T, et al. (2010). Spatial Context and Poverty: Area-level Effects and Micro-level Effects on Household Poverty in the Texas Borderland and Lower Mississippi Delta: United States, 2006. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 3:139-162.  Sáenz R & Siordia C. (2010). The Changing Demography of Latino Immigrants in the United States: From 1980 to the Present. Chapter 1 pages 9-18 in Immigration in the United States and Spain: Consideration for Educational Leaders, edited by Rafael Lara-Alecio, Beverly J. Irby, Tomás Calvo-Buezas, & Tito Guerrero. Rice University, TX:  Fontenot K, Singelmann J, Slack T, Siordia C, et. al. (2010). Understanding Falling Poverty in the Poorest Places: An Examination of the Experience of the Texas Borderland and Lower Mississippi Delta, 1990–2000. Journal of Poverty, 14(2):216-236. 2009  Slack T, Singelmann J, Fontenot K… Siordia C. (2009). Poverty in the Texas Borderland and Lower Mississippi Delta: A Comparative Analysis of Differences by Family Type. Demographic Research, 20(15):353-376. 2008  Siordia C & Sáenz R. (2008). La Raza Unida Party, in Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society. Edited by Richard T. Schaefer. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. TECHNICAL REPORTS PUBLICATIONS  Siordia C & Ramos A. (2015). Demographic Profile of the “Farmworker Population” in the United States. Reports: Health Promotion, Social & Behavioral Health. Paper 1.

 Siordia C & Delgado D. (2015). The Majority of Hispanics/Latinos in the United States are assigned their Ethnic Status through a Proxy-Report.  Siordia C & Covington-Ward YD. (2015). Reports on Perceived Discrimination Differ between Ethnic and Age Groups: Evidence from the National Latino & Asian American Study (NLAAS).

 Siordia C. (2015). Informing Telephone-Based Surveys on the Prevalence of Telephone Access amongst Children in the Contiguous United States by Generational Status.

 Siordia C & Leyser-Whalen O. (2015). Abortion Prevalence by Age at First Coitus, Race, Ethnic, Age, and Education: Evidence from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication.

 Siordia C & Molina H. (2015). Socioeconomic and Health Profiles for Non-Latino-Blacks & – Whites in Pennsylvania. Center on Race & Social Problems at the University of Pittsburgh, spring.

 Siordia C & Delgado D. (2015). Hispanics of Mexican-Origin versus Non-Hispanics of Mexican Ancestry: Heterogeneity within the Largest Hispanic Sub-Population. Center on Race & Social Problems at the University of Pittsburgh, spring.

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 Siordia C. (2015). A Socio-Demographic Profile of the Population in Health Occupations. Center for Health Equity at the University of Pittsburgh, spring.

 Siordia C & Molina H. (2015). Cross-Sectional Markers of Stratification: Risk for Ambulatory Disability as per the Class, Race, and Sex (CRS) Hypothesis. Center on Race & Social Problems at the University of Pittsburgh, spring.; or at=

 Siordia C. (2014). Rural-Urban Disparities in Disability in the State of Pennsylvania. Center for Health Equity at the University of Pittsburgh, summer.

 Siordia C & Covington-Ward YD. (2014). Disability Profile of Non-Institutionalized Population in Southwestern Pennsylvania (SwPA). Report for the Center for Health Equity, GSPH at the University of Pittsburgh, fall. SELF-ARCHIVED PUBLICATIONS  Siordia C. (2017). Geocoding Buprenorphine-Naloxone (Bup-Nx) Availability with Public Buprenorphine Treatment Physician Locator Data. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23682.07369. (Published under MACHE affiliation)  Siordia C. (2017). Increasing the Geographic Accessibility of Opioid Addiction Treatment. Archived in Research Gate. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16342.04169. (Published under WMU affiliation)  Siordia C. (2016). Evidence that the Sampling Protocol used for Selecting American Community Survey Participants is Acceptable. Archived in Research Gate.  Siordia C & Jan JS. (2016). Evidence of an “Immigrant Advantage” for Disability amongst Taiwanese in the United States. Archived in Research Gate.  Siordia C. (2016). Estimates of Individuals with Serious Difficulty Concentrating, Remembering, or Making Decisions for those Aged 65 and Over in the US. Archived in Research Gate.  Siordia C. (2016). Methodological Note on the Scoring of the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Archived in Research Gate.  Siordia C. (2016). Evidence of an “Immigrant Advantage” for Mobility Disability amongst Mexican Females in the United States: A Social Determinants Perspective. Archived in Research Gate.  Siordia C. (2016). Likelihood of being a Current or Former Smoker versus being a Lifetime Abstainer: Nativity, Language, Generational Status, & Contact with Anglos. Archived in Research Gate.  Siordia C. (2016). Relationship between Poverty and Disability in the Working Age US Population. Archived in Research Gate.  Siordia C. (2016). Population Profile of Military Veterans Aged > 65 in the Continental United States. Archived in Research Gate.

UNPUBLISHED available upon request  Siordia C & Leyser-Whalen O (2017). Ensuring Confidentiality and Rich Data in Large Data Sets: Birth Rates vary between Warm and Cold Seasons in the US Population.  Siordia C, Green B, Mattson ME. (2016). An Ecological Investigation on the Relationship between Heavy Alcohol Drinking and Alcohol Availability.  Siordia C & Ramos AK. (2016). Geographical Distribution in Disability Prevalence for the Population Aged 90 and Above in the United States Mainland.

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 Siordia C & Rauktis ME, & Little AD. (2015). Grandparents responsible for multiracial grandchildren: Are they at an economic advantage or disadvantage?  Siordia C. (2016). A Multilevel Analysis of Ambulatory Disability: Educational Advantage Diminishes as the Percent of People In-Poverty Increases.  Siordia C & Leyser-Whalen O. (2015). Association between Parity and Difficulties with Activities of Daily Living: Evidence from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication Study.  Siordia C, R Boudreau, D Houston, A Kanaya, JS Lee, R Murphy, ES Strotmeyer, AB Newman. (2015). Prospective Assessment of Intention, Weight Loss, and Physical Mobility.  Siordia C, Yen IH, Dunn J. (2015). Using Global Positioning System Data to Quantify the Internal Anatomy of Home Range in Humans.  Siordia C. (2015). Conceptual Framework for Measuring Habitual Habitat.  Siordia C & Leyser-Whalen O. (2015). Sisters have an Obligation to Respect their Brother’s Authority: Acculturation on Gender-Role Attitudes in Aged US-Latinos.  Siordia C. (2015). Estimating Residential Neighborhood Radius Size Predictive Equations from Hand-Draw Paper Maps.  Siordia C. (2014). On the Unambiguous Operationalization of Community Health Workers.  Siordia C. (2014). Defining “Intention” in Research Measuring Weight Loss.  Siordia C. (2013). Public Transport to Work: Correlates of Mode of Transport to Work  Siordia C. (2013). Relationship between Life-Space Assessment & Ability to Perform Activities of Daily Living.  Siordia C. (2012). Inter-Rater Level of Agreement on Ability to Perform ADLs.  Siordia C. (2012). Inter-Rater Level of Agreement on Life-Space Assessment (LSA)

EXTRAMURAL FUNDING 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2012 2008

National Research Service Award Fellowship, NIA at NIH (Newman PI) Annie E Casey Foundation Award from NORCH at The University of Chicago (Siordia PI) National Research Service Award Fellowship, NIA at NIH (Newman PI) RAND Summer Institute Mini-Medical School Workshop, NIA at NIH (Maestas PI) Annie E Casey Foundation Award from NORC at The University Chicago (Siordia PI) Longitudinal Study of Generations Workshop Award, USC (Silverstein PI) EDGE-SBE Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education Scholarship, Stanford (Sáenz PI)

INTRAMURAL FUNDING 2014 2012 2012 2008 2007

NIA Postdoctoral Scholar, Long Life Family Study, University of Pittsburgh, PA (Newman PI) AAMC Minority Faculty Development Seminar, UTMB, Galveston, TX International Conference on Aging in the Americans, UT, Galveston, TX (Angel PI) Undergraduate Summer Research Grant, Texas A&M University (Sáenz PI) Regents Fellowship, Texas A&M University (Sáenz PI)

EDUCATIONAL AWARDS 2015 2014 2013 2011 2011

NIA/NIH Research Assistantship at University of Pittsburgh NIH National Research Service Award (NRSA) Fellowship at University of Pittsburgh NIH National Research Service Award (NRSA) Fellowship at University of Pittsburgh RESI Research Assistantship at Texas A&M University Sociology Department Teaching Assistantship at Texas A&M University Siordia CV updated 2/2018

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2010 2009 2008 2008 2007 2006

USDA Research Assistantship at Texas A&M University USDA Research Assistantship at Texas A&M University USDA Research Assistantship at Texas A&M University Sociology Department Summer Research Grand at Texas A&M University Sociology Department Instructor-Assistant at University of Texas-RGV Undergraduate-Assistantship at Texas A&M University

PEER-CRITIQUED SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS  American Burn Association Annual Meeting: (co-presenter) Firefighter fatalities: crude mortality rates and risk factors for line of duty injury and death, 2018  Southern Regional Burn Meeting: (co-presenter) Temporal trends of firefighter crude mortality rates: trauma on the decline but cardiovascular events remain unchanged, 2017  Invited speaker for the Tlacuilo Honor Society at Indiana University of Pennsylvania: (single presenter) Between-group differences in prevalence of disability by educational attainment and ethnicity, April, 15th, 2015  Urban Affairs Association: (lead presenter) Using hand draw “residential neighborhood” to compute polygon concentricity and investigate its predictors, April 9th, 2015  Pacific Sociological Association: (single presenter) Residential neighborhood radius size predictive equations from hand-drawn maps, April 2nd, 2015  Aging Institute: (single presenter) Disability data from the American Community Survey for public health research, April, 2014.  Gerontological Society of America: (lead presenter) Prospective assessment of intention, weight loss, and physical mobility, November, 2013.  Gerontological Society of America: (single presenter) How does population density moderate the relationship between English language use and cognitive ability? November, 2012  International Conference on Aging in the Americans (ICAA): (lead presenter) Predicting the likelihood of being a current and former smoker in Aged Mexican American with nativity, language, generational status, and contact with Anglos, September, 2012  Population Association of America: (co-presenter) An examination of mode of response for the foreignborn population in the American Community Survey: 2009, April, 2011  U.S. Census Bureau: (co-presenter) Foreign born mode participation in the American Community Survey, August, 2010  Southwester Social Science Association: (single presenter) A binary multilevel model analysis of Mexicans: structuration on formal-racial boundary formation, March, 2010  XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference: (co-presenter) Spatial location matters: area-level effects on micro-level effects of household poverty in the Texas Borderland and lower Mississippi Delta: United States, September, 2009  Rural Sociological Society: (lead presenter) Poverty in the southern region: an analysis of the counties of the Texas Borderland and the lower Mississippi Delta, August, 2009  Population Association of America: (lead presenter): Area-level effects and household-level effects of household poverty in the Texas Borderland & lower Mississippi Delta: Multilevel Analyses, May, 2009  Southwestern Social Science Association: (single presenter) Mexican-origin interstate migration from the southwest: a multilevel study of community, human and household capital, March, 2009  Southwestern Social Science Association: (single presenter) Individual similarities in context: 19952000 births among Mexican-origin females in the Southwest, March, 2009

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 Rural Sociology Society (lead presenter) Race and place: patterns and dynamics of poverty in the Texas Borderland region, July, 2008  National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies: (lead presenter) Hechos Tejanos y en Trechos Lejanos: The diaspora of Tejanos, March, 2008  National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies: (single presenter) Myths in educational metaphors, March, 2008  Southern Association of Agricultural Scientist: (single presented) Mexican American Poverty in the Texas Borderland: The influences of family structure, metro location, and characteristics of individual, February, 2007  Southwestern Social Science Association: (single presenter) Mexican American interstate migration: the influence of education and ethnic capital, April, 2006

PEER-REVIEWED RESUBMITTED FOR FINAL REVIEW … PEER-REVIEWED REVISING AFTER INITIAL REVIEW … PEER-REVIEW UNDER INITIAL REVIEW  Kahn SA & Siordia C. Firefighter fatalities: crude mortality rates and risk factors for line of duty injury and death. Burn Care and Research. PEER-REVIEWED FINALIZED MANUSCRIPTS PENDING SUBMISSION  Siordia C. Redefining Chronic Poverty in Ecological Analyses from a Finite Resources Perspective. To publish under university affiliation…

Siordia CV updated 2/2018

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