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Jun 5, 2015 - COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND .... of previous studies on fortification of cassava products using soybean has ...

COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ACCEPTABILITY OF ENRICHED GARI (FERMENTED CASSAVA PRODUCT) Olayinka Ramota Karim*, Mutiat Adebanke Balogun, Samson Adeoye Oyeyinka, Remilekun Morenike Abolade Department of Home Economics and Food Science, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria * [email protected]; [email protected] Article history: Received: 25 February 2015 Accepted in revised form: 5 June 2015 Keywords: Gari Okra Soybeans Melon Moringa oleifera

ABSTRACT Different materials and levels have been suggested for the enrichment of staple foods like gari (a fermented and roasted cassava granule). The study was aimed at using the same method of production and evaluation of the physicochemical and acceptability of enriched gari, with soybean (90:10), melon (95:5), okra seed (95:5) and moringa leaf powder (99:1). A significant increase in crude protein content was recorded for all the enriched gari samples with soy-gari having the highest value (7.22%) and 100% gari the lowest value (1.52%). There was also a significant difference on the fat content with melon-gari having the highest value of 10.74% while 100% gari sample still had the lowest value of 6.34%. Similar variations and significant difference were also observed for the carbohydrate, moisture, ash and fibre contents. The enrichment materials significantly influenced the pasting characteristics of the samples in which peak, trough and back viscosities varied between 1016.50 to 2374.54, 926.00 to 1862.50 and 1666.00 to 2924.00 RVU respectively. The enriched gari samples also exhibited high setback and breakdown viscosity values indicating that their pastes will have lower stability against retrogradation than 100% gari sample. A slight difference in hydrogen cyanide, titrable acidity, swelling and water holding capacity contents were also recorded. Sensory evaluation of the gari showed that the 100% gari was most preferred for colour, taste and odour, although, melon-gari emerged the best in overall acceptability. Enrichment of gari using these food materials is therefore recommended.

traded of all the food products from cassava roots in Nigeria (Westby and Twiddy, 1992, Karim et al., 2014). Gari is fermented and partially gelatinized roasted, free flowing granules (Sanni et al., 2008). Its ability to store well and its acceptance as a “convenience food” are responsible for its increasing popularity in the urban areas of west and central Africa (FAO, 1998). Reports indicate that the physiochemical properties of gari are moisture content between

1. Introduction Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a staple food for over 500 million people in tropical Africa with Nigeria being the largest producer in Africa and more than 50% of the total world production (Adebayo et al., 2003, CBN, 2003). Traditional cassava products in Nigeria are gari, lafun, fufu, tapioca, starch, etc. The production have significantly improved with Nigeria as the largest producer (Mroso, 2003) and gari being the most consumed and 98

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10.3% to 12.4%, ash content ranging from 0.69% and 0.78%, fat content between 0.33% and 0.44%, crude fibre content of 0.48% to 0.66%, cyanide content of between 0.007% and 0.011%, total titratable acidity, calculated as lactic acid ranged from 0.03 and 0.04 for all samples while the pH values ranged from 4.3 and 4.5. (Sanni et al., 2008, Makanjuola et al., 2012, Karim et al., 2014). Gari is low in protein, deficient in essential amino acids and therefore, have poor qualitative and quantitative protein content (Obatolu and Osho, 1992, Osho, 2003; Oluwamukomi et al., 2005). There is therefore, a need to enrich gari with good quality protein sources that are readily available (Oluwamukomi, 2007). Several attempts have been made by enriching with soybean, (Osho, 2003; Oluwamukomi et al., 2005), okra seed, (Oyelade et al., 2003, Aminigo and Akingbala, 2004), melon seed (Fokou et al., 2004) and Karim et al., (2012), suggested the use of Moringa oleifera. Soybean (Glysine max) is a legume, native to East Asia that is grown for oil and protein around the world (Alex, 2007). It is a rich pulse containing a high percentage of protein of good quality (Sanni and Sobaniwa, 1994, Kolapo and Sanni, 2005), fat and a reasonable amount of carbohydrate. It is a good source of some essential amino acids such as lysine, tryptophan and threonine. It could be consumed as a whole food or added to other food stuff to achieve a balanced meal (Alex, 2007). Results of previous studies on fortification of cassava products using soybean has shown that fortification improves nutritional quality of resulting meals Oke, 1972, Oshodi, 1985; Osho, 2003, Oluwamukomi et al., 2005). Banjo and Ikenebomeh, (1996) reported an observed increase in the protein content and reduction in the swelling indices against the control sample of soybean fortified gari. According to Jimoh and Olatidoye, (2009) amala fortified with 10% soy flour produced not only a nutritionally balanced meal but was more stable against retrogradation and was generally more acceptable when compared to other fortification ratios.

Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) is widely consumed as a fresh vegetable. The mature seed is known to have superior nutritional quality (Oyelade et al., 2003; Aminigo and Akingbala, 2004). In an earlier study, Karakoltsides and Constantimides (1975) found that the Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) of okra seed flour heated at 130°C for 3hrs was not different from the non-heated flour, indicating the absence of anti-nutritional factors. According to these authors, the amino acid composition of okra seed protein is similar to that of soybean and the PER is higher than that of soybean. Okra seed is known to be rich in high quality protein especially with regard to its essential amino acids relative to other plant protein sources (Oyelade et al., 2003). Amingo and Akingbala, (2004) reported that okra seedfortified ogi at 10 and 20% substitution levels were generally acceptable; okra seed is therefore a potential source of protein for the fortification of poor protein cassava products like gari. Melon is a cucurbit crop that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family with fibrous and shallow root system. Melon seed kernels are major soup ingredients and they are used as a thickener and flavor component of soups. Melon seeds are less expensive and widely distributed. They can contribute substantially towards obtaining a balanced diet (Fokou et al., 2004). They are generally a rich source of oil. Oil seeds are generally processed to yield condiments such as ‘ogiri’. According to Badejo (2010) the substitution of wheat flour with defatted melon seed flour at 5% level did not indicate any significant difference in consumer acceptability on the other hand it beefed up the protein content by about 46%. Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam) tree is considered as one of the world’s most nutritious crops and commonly found in most parts of sub-Saharan Africa (Borlaug et al., 2006). Moringa leaves on dry weight basis contain up to 30% protein, 1% to 2% fat, 2.0g calcium and 30mg iron. Abiodun et al., (2012) reported that the Moringa leaf has certain health benefits such as improving blood sugar 99

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level, blood pressure and prevention of certain diseases and is also suitable for consumption by children as well as the aged. It is expected that fortification of gari with Moringa oleifera will not only improve the protein content but also result in an increase in other micronutrients such as calcium and iron. According to Karim et al., (2012), amala fortified with moringa leaf powder at 2.5% fortification level resulted in a stable product with improved nutritional quality that was generally more acceptable. This was adopted for moringa-gari, however the limitation in the use of moringa at 2.5% substitution level resulted in a product with poor appearance which could result in poor acceptability therefore moringa fortification ratio was reduced to 1% fortification level for the purpose of this research. Despite these reports, a comparative study on the impact and the optimal level of these suggested materials (soybean, melon seed, okra seed and Moringa oleifera leaf powder) is not available. The study therefore aimed at comparative of the physicochemical and acceptability of gari enriched with soybean, melon seed, okra seed and Moringa oleifera leaf powder.

powder using magnetic Blender (SHB- 515 model by Sorex Company Limited) to obtain the soy-flour. The melon and okra seeds were sorted, cleaned and toasted in a steel pan a temperature of 80-90℃. The toasted seeds were cooled, and milled into powder to obtain the melon and okra flour. Moringa oleifera leaf powder was prepared according to Karim et al., (2012) method. The traditional processing method of gari production as described by Odunfa (1998) and Akingbala et al., (2005) was adopted (Fig.1). The enrichment materials (soybean, melon, okra seed and Moringa oleifera) were added after sieving of fermented cassava roots prior to roasting to ensure uniformity in treatment.

2. Materials and methods

2.4. Functional Properties

2.1. Sources of raw materials Freshly harvested cassava roots and Moringa oleifera leaf powder were obtained from the teaching and research farm of the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. Soybean, melon and okra were purchased from Oja-Oba Market in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. They were sorted, packed and kept until used.

2.4.1 Determination of Water Holding Capacity (WHC) The WHC was determined by weighing 1.0 g of each gari sample and mixed with 10ml of water. It was then shake in Gallenkamp shaker for thirty seconds. The sample was allowed to stand at room temperature for thirty minutes, and then centrifuged at 3,500 rpm for 30min a SORVALL GLC-1 centrifuge (Model 06470, USA). The clear supernatant was discarded and the centrifuge tube was weighed with the sediment. The amount of water absorbed by the sample was determined by difference and expressed in percentage.

2.3. Chemical Analysis Proximate analysis for moisture, protein (N x 6.25), fat, ash, and crude fibre of samples were determined according to AOAC (2000) procedures. Carbohydrate contents were calculated by difference. Titritable acidity (TTA) and pH were also determined according to AOAC (2000). Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) was determined according to the method described by Cooke (1978)

2.2. Production of Enriched Gari Products The soybean seeds were cleaned and sorted before steam heating for 30-45 min at 100℃ and de-hulled after cooling by rubbing between palms to remove the seed coat by floatation. The de-hulled seeds were air dried at oven temperature of 70-80℃ until they were completely dried and then dry milled into 100

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2.4.2. Determination of Swelling Index The swelling index was measured using the method of Ukpabi and Ndimele (1990). Fifty grams of each gari samples were put into a five hundred (500) ml measuring cylinders. Three hundred ml of water was added and allowed to stand for 4hrs before observing the level of swelling. The swelling index was then calculated as the multiple of the original volume.

panelists were made to wash their mouth with water after evaluating each product. 2.7. Statistical data analysis All analyses with mean and standard deviations were determined in duplicates. Data were analyzed using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistical method (Statistical Analysis System version 9.2 program, SAS Inc., (2012), USA.). Means were separated using Duncan’s multiple range test. Significant differences were established at p≤0.05.

2.5. Pasting Properties Pasting characteristics were determined with a Rapid Viscometer Analyzer (RVA) (Model RVA 3D+, Newport Scientific Australia). The sample of 2.5g was weighed into a dried empty canister and mixed with 25ml of distilled water as the canister was well fitted into the RVA. The slurry was heated from 500C to 950C and cooled back to 50℃ within 12 min holding time rotating the can at a speed of 160 r/min with continuous stirring of the content with a plastic paddle. The rate of heating and cooling were at a constant rate of 11.250C per min. Pasting temperature (PT), peak viscosity (PV), minimum viscosity (MV), or trough viscosity (TV), final viscosity (FV), and peak time (PTime) were read from the pasting profile with the aid of thermocline for windows software connected to a computer (Newport Scientific, 1998). Breakdown viscosity (BV) was calculated as the difference between PV and MV, while total setback viscosity (TSV) was determined as the FV minus MV. All determinations were performed in triplicate.

3. Results and discussions 3.1. Chemical Composition of Enriched Gari Products The result of proximate quality of enriched gari products is presented in Table I. Moisture content ranged between 8.14% and 11.96%. Soy-gari had the least value of 8.14% and moringa-gari recorded the highest value of 11.96%. The values compared favourably with the data reported by some researchers on gari production (Akingbala et al., 2005). The optimum moisture content of gari has been recommended to be between 9% and 12% (Hahn, 1989). This implies that the moisture content of the enriched gari products fell within the recommended range and may therefore have shelf-life of over 6 months has reported for 100% gari ((Hahn, 1989, Akingbala et al., 2005).The inclusion of the materials significantly influenced the protein content at (p≤0.05) with soy-gari recording the highest value (7.22%) and 100%-gari had the least value (1.52%). The increase in protein content may be attributed to the complementary quantity of proteins in the materials most especially the soybean. Similar results were reported on yam flour fortified with soybean (Adetuyi and Adelabu, 2011), on ‘amala’ fortified with moringa (Karim et al., 2012) and on plantain flour enriched with okra seed flour (Jimoh et al., 2009), and the findings of Aminigo and Akingbala (2004) on ogi fortified with okra seed flour. Similar trends were obtained for the crude fibre content which

2.6.Sensory Evaluation/Consumer Acceptability The sensory evaluation and consumer acceptability tests were carried out using a multiple comparison test. Twenty panelists who are familiar with gari were selected from Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ilorin (both sexes, 22 to 45 years old). The products were evaluated for their sensory qualities (taste, colour,odour and overall acceptability). The 101

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increased from 1.73% for 100%-gari to 2.04% for okra-gari. The high crude fibre content of okra-gari is similar to the report of Adetuyi et al., (2011) on plantain flour enriched with okra seed flour and Aminigo and Akingbala (2004) on ogi fortified with okra seed flour. The carbohydrate content also varied significantly (p≤0.05) between 71.02% and 78.74%. The gari from 100% cassava root still recorded the highest value, while the addition of the materials influenced the value of the other products. The decrease in the carbohydrate level is expected to boost the nutritional value of the products. This corroborates with the findings of some researchers on indigenous foods fortification (Aminigo and Akingbala 2004; Oluwamukomi et al., 2007; Jimoh et al., Adetuyi and Adelabu, 2011; Karim et al., 2012). The titratable acidity of enriched gari products varied significantly at (p≤0.05) between 0.13 and 0.25. The increase in titratable acidity of the enriched gari products may be attributed to the increase in amino acid content of the products from the fortifying materials. The result is line with the report of Oluwamukomi et al., (2007) on gari semolina fortified with full fat soy-melon blends. The pH value of gari obtained from 100% cassava roots recorded the highest value of 5.9 and soy-gari the lowest value of 5.3. Enrichment of gari also influenced the hydrogen cyanide. It was observed that the hydrogen cyanide decreased with increase in the quantity of fortifying material. The hydrogen cyanide values are within the permitted level of 10mgHCN/kg of gari as stated by Adindu et al., (2003). The level of hydrogen cyanide is very important in describing the quality and acceptability of gari.

on the stability of other components (Newport Scientific, 1998). Hence the gari could form a paste in hot water. The result shows that the peak viscosity which is the maximum viscosity varied significantly at (p≤0.05) between 1016.5 and 2374.5RVU. The highest value of 2374.5RVU was recorded for okra-gari and soy-gari had the lowest value of 1016.5RVU. Okra-gari recorded the highest trough value of 1862.5 RVU and soy-gari had the lowest value of 926 RVU. Oguntunde (1987) reported that the associative bonding of the amylose fraction is responsible for the structure and pasting behaviour of starch granule. Peak viscosity has been reported to be closely associated with the degree of starch damage and high starch damage results in high peak viscosity (Sanni et al., 2001). This could be inferred as an indication of the ability of the starch granules to swell or gelatinize in hot water. The break down viscosity ranges from 72 and 512RVU with okra-gari having the highest value of 512RVU and moringa-gari gave the lowest value of 72 RVU. Adebowale et al., (2005) reported that the higher the break down viscosity, the lower the ability of the sample to withstand heating and shear stress during cooking. The final viscosity also varied significantly at (p≤0.05) with values between 1666 and 3018.5 RVU. According to Shimelis et al., (2006) final viscosity indicates the ability of starch to form various paste or gel after cooling. The 100% gari had the highest final viscosity compared to the enriched gari products due to the replacement of starch granule responsible for this behavior with protein food materials. The variation in the final viscosity might be due to the simple kinetic effect of cooling on viscosity and the reassociation of starch molecules in the samples. The set-back viscosity revealed values between 740 and 1378.50 RVU with moringa-gari having the highest value of 1378.50 RVU and soy-gari revealed the lowest value of 740 RVU. Sanni et al., (2001) reported that lower set back viscosity during the cooling of gari indicates higher resistance to retrogradation.

3.2. Pasting Properties The results of the pasting characteristics are shown in Table 2. The pasting temperature of the gari was generally lower than the boiling temperature. The pasting temperature is a measure of the minimum temperature required to cook a given food, it can have implications 102

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Fresh cassava roots








Soybean flour

Defatted melon seed flour Okra seed flour












Moringa leaf powder










100% Gari

Figure 1. Flow chart for production of enriched gari products.

Table 1. Proximate Composition of Enriched Gari Products Products

Proximate Content (%) Moisture

100% gari Soy-gari (10%) Melon-gari (5%) Okra-gari (5%) Moringa-gari(1%)

9.12c±0.017 8.14e±0.040 8.28d±0.030 10.26a±0.026 11.96b±0.072

Protein 1.52e±0.055 7.22a±0.045 4.16b±0.040 3.54c±0.118 1.97d±0.080

Fat 1.34d±0.299 3.81b±0.364 5.74a±0.191 2.61c±0.332 1.54d±0.238

Crude Fibre 1.73c±0.042 1.46d±0.038 2.11e±0.021 2.04a±0.079 1.88b±0.036

Ash 1.55c±0.030 2.25ab±0.021 2.47a±0.612 1.76bc±0.032 1.55c±0.148

Carbohydrate 84.74a±0.242 77.02d±0.512 77.23c±0.499 79.79c±0.285 81.80b±0.156

*Values represent mean of triplicates. Values with the same letter along the column are not significantly different (P≤0.05) according to Duncan’s Multiple Range Test 103

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Table 2. Hydrogen Cyanide, pH and Titratable Acidity of Enriched Gari products Gari products Hydrogen cyanide pH Titratable acidity mg/Kg % 100%-gari 6.73±0.05 a 5.9±0.12a 0.13±0.02 a Soy-gari 6.29±0.04 a 5.3± 0.08a 0.25±0.02 a a a Melon-gari 6.51±0.04 5.5±0.10 0.21±0.04 a Okra-gari 6.63±0.02 a 5.7±0.06 a 0.19± 0.01a a a Moringa-gari 6.68±0.05 5.7±0.12 0.14±0.04 a *Values represent mean of triplicates. Values with the same letter along the column are not significantly different at (P≤0.05).

Table 3. Functional Properties of Enriched Gari Products Gari products Swelling index Water Holding Capacity (%) (%) a 100%-gari 4.82± 0.02 24.34±0.05a Soy-gari 2.43±0.05d 19.22±0.03c d Melon-gari 2.22±0.04 22.80±0.05b Okra-gari 2.97±0.05c 23.05± 0.05a b Moringa-gari 3.93±0.02 20.54±0.02c Mean values with the same letter along the column are not significantly different at (P≤0.05).

Gari Samples

100%-gari Soy-gari Melon-gari Okra-gari Moringa-gari

Table 4. Pasting Characteristics of Enriched Gari Products PT PK TR BD FV SB o ( C) (RVU) (RVU) (RVU) (RVU) (RVU)

PKT (Min.)

79.05a 72.35a 81.97a 89.97a 92.00a

6.10bc 6.60ab 6.06bc 5.76c 6.96a

1902.50b 1016.50d 1595.00c 2374.50a 1617.50c

1789.50ab 113.00b 926.00c 90.50b b 1510.50 84.50b 1862.50a 512.00a 1545.50ab 72.00b

3018.50a 1666.00c 2585.50b 2818.00ab 2924.00ab

1229.00ab 740.00c 1075.00ab 955.50bc 1378.50a

Mean values with the same letter along the column are not significantly different (P≤0.05) PK-Peak viscosity TR-Trough Viscosity BD-Break Down Viscosity FV-Final Viscosity PKT-PeakTime viscosity PT-Peak Temperature RVU-Rapid Viscometer Unit

Table 5. Sensory Characteristics of Enriched Gari Products Gari products Colour Taste Odour Overall Acceptability 100% gari 1.25b 1.80b 1.55c 1.70b b b ab Soy-gari (5%) 1.80 2.20 2.30 2.00b Melon-gari (5%) 1.30b 2.10b 1.95bc 1.55b Okra-gari (5%) 3.65a 3.05a 2.80a 3.40a a a a Moringa-gari (1%) 3.45 2.90 2.80 3.25a Mean values with the same letter along the column are not significantly different at (P≤0.05)


SB-Set Back

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Higher setback value is synonymous to reduced dough digestibility while lower setback during the cooling of the paste indicates lower tendency for retrogradation. This means that soy-gari will exhibit higher resistance to retrogradation. The peak time varied at (p≤0.05) between 5.76 and 6.96 min as shown in Table 2. Peak time is an indication of the time taken for the starch granules to gelatinize completely and form a stir mass. The pasting temperature ranged from 72.35 and 92.0oC between soy-gari and moringa-gari respectively. This indicates the temperature at which starch granules in the products formed a stiff paste. Pasting temperature is related to the moisture content of product and decreases with increased moisture content. There were no appreciable differences in the peak time and pasting temperatures of both enriched and control samples. This shows that enrichment resulted in reduced peak viscosity, trough viscosity and the breakdown viscosity, while it also resulted in increased final and setback viscosities.

least value of 19.22%. The decrease in WHC may probably be due to lose of association of amylose and amylopectin in the native granules of starch and weaker associative forces maintaining the granules structure due to the fortifying materials. The increase in the protein content of the enriched gari products may have accounted for the slight increase in WHC. This seems plausible since proteins have been reported to contribute to WHC of food materials (Karim et al., 2014, Jimoh et al., 2009). 3.4. Sensory Evaluation of Enriched Gari Products The ratings for taste colour, odour and overall acceptability showed that the incorporation of soybean, melon, okra and moringa to gari had effects (Table 5). Okragari was rated the least in terms of colour due to the appearance of dark particles from the okra seed flour. While gari obtained from 100% cassava roots was rated the best in terms of taste, followed by melon-gari, soy-gari, moringa-gari and okra-gari rated the least. Similar trend was observed for the odour. Despite the ratings for colour, aroma and taste, melon-gari was rated the best in overall acceptability while the gari obtained from 100% cassava roots was rated second. The trend of this result explains the influence of enrichment on the nutritional quality of gari.

3.3. Functional Properties of Enriched gari The result of the functional properties (swelling index and water holding capacity) of gari products is shown in Table 3. Swelling capacity of the gari products ranged from 2.22 and 4.82% with 100% gari having the highest value and melon-gari gave the lowest value. This may be due to higher amylose starch fraction in melon-gari. The lower swelling power value obtained in melon-gari than those of other gari products also suggests a more highly ordered arrangement in its granules that is the lower the swelling index, the more orderly the arrangement of the starch granule. Sanni et al. (2005) reported that the swelling index of granules reflect the extent of associative forces within the granules, therefore the higher the swelling index, the lower the associative forces between the granules. The WHC of gari product varied at (P≤0.05). The result of WHC of gari products ranged from 19.22 and 24.34%. 100% cassava roots had the highest value of 24.34% and soy-gari had the

4. Conclusions The study revealed a general increase in the physicochemical composition of enriched gari samples compared to the 100% gari. The overall acceptability indicated melon-gari as the best. Therefore 5% melon gari is recommended as the best enriched gari product based on the physicochemical and overall acceptability and could therefore be employed to address the nutritional inadequacy of the community. However, studies are required on the influence of these materials on storability of gari and other cassava products.


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