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PBS; trypsin, 0.2% (w/v) in PBS; collagenase A from Clostridium histolyticum, ... ing 5% FCS; bacterial collagenase 0.4% (w/v) in cell culture medium containing.

Cartilage and Osteoarthritis Volume 1 Cellular and Molecular Tools Edited by

Massimo Sabatini Philippe Pastoureau Frédéric De Ceuninck

Primary Culture of Chondrocytes


1 Culture and Phenotyping of Chondrocytes in Primary Culture Sylvie Thirion and Francis Berenbaum Summary The culture of chondrocytes is one of the most powerful tool for exploring the intracellular and molecular features of chondrocyte differentiation and activation. However, chondrocytes tend to dedifferentiate to fibroblasts when they are subcultured, which is a major problem. This chapter describes several protocols for culturing chondrocytes of different anatomical origins (articular and costal chondrocytes) from various species (humans, mice, rabbits, and cattle). All these protocols involve primary cultures in order to limit dedifferentiation. This chapter also describes a new protocol for culturing mouse articular chondrocytes. Key Words: Primary cell culture; isolation; cartilage; articular chondrocytes; costal chondrocytes; human; mice; rabbit; cattle.

1. Introduction Normal cartilage has two main components: the collagen- and proteoglycanrich extracellular matrix and a population of isolated chondrocytes lying within this matrix. From the outermost cartilage layer to the growth plate zone, these chondrocytes show phenotypic variations that reflect their progress through a cascade of differentiating events triggered by environmental signals that either stimulate or suppress the conversion from articular chondrocytes to hypertrophic chondrocytes (also called epiphyseal chondrocytes) (1–3). Articular chondrocytes produce a matrix that confers tensile strength and flexibility to articular surfaces, whereas growth plate chondrocytes produce a matrix capable of undergoing mineralization (4). These functional differences explain the specific phenotype of articular and hypertrophic chondrocytes (2). Articular chondrocytes mainly express collagen types II, IX, and XI, as well as aggrecan (1,5). Hypertrophic chondrocytes reach more advanced stages of differentiaFrom: Methods in Molecular Medicine, Vol. 100: Cartilage and Osteoarthritis, Vol. 1: Cellular and Molecular Tools Edited by: M. Sabatini, P. Pastoureau, and F. De Ceuninck © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ



Thirion and Berenbaum

tion and express collagen type X and alkaline phosphatase, along with collagen types II and IX and aggrecan (6–8). Chondrocyte cultures remain one of the most powerful tools for investigating intracellular and molecular events associated with chondrocyte differentiation and activation (9,10). However, culturing can produce artifacts that bias results (1,2). The main problem is that cultured chondrocytes tend to dedifferentiate into fibroblasts. Factors associated with an increased tendency toward dedifferentiation include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Low-density plating (11). Monolayer culturing (3,12). Treatment with proinflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-1 (IL-1) (13–15). Extraction from human adult cartilage. Extraction from chondrosarcoma or immortalization (16–18).

Conversion from the chondrocyte to the fibroblast phenotype can be detected based on a switch from collagen type II (articular chondrocytes) or type X (epiphyseal chondrocytes) to collagen types I and III, and from high-molecularweight proteoglycans (aggrecan) to low-molecular-weight proteoglycans (biglycan and decorin) (13–15). To minimize conversion to fibroblasts, studies of nonsubcultured chondrocytes in monolayers have made extensive use of cells from young animals such as rabbits, cattle, or rats, which are more stable than human adult chondrocytes. Over the last 20 yr, efforts to obtain a better phenotype than that of 2D cultured chondrocytes have involved embedding the cells in an artificial matrix made of alginate (see Chapter 2), agarose, or collagens (3,12,16). However, although this approach improves the chondrocyte phenotype, it slows cell growth, so that less material is available for study. In addition, extracting the cells from the matrix is technically challenging. Cell lines from chondrosarcoma produce larger numbers of cells but have tumorigenic properties that may fail to replicate physiological processes (12,17,18). Recently, immortalized chondrocytes have been developed to overcome this problem (14,19). Several immortalized chondrocyte cell lines have been shown to express a chondrocytespecific phenotype with a high proliferation rate. However, phenotypic stability is lost more quickly during expansion in serial monolayer cultures, compared with primary cultures of cells from juvenile animals. Finally, many genetically modified animal models have been developed recently, providing new powerful tools for understanding cartilage differentiation or degradation. However, attempts to culture mouse articular chondrocytes have been frustrated by the small size of the joints, which limits the feasibility of extracting chondrocytes from the cartilage matrix. In addition to the method for culturing chondrocytes from numerous species, a new method for culturing articular chondrocytes from newborn mice is detailed.

Primary Culture of Chondrocytes


Fig. 1. Cartilage digestion chamber. Bottle used for isolating chondrocytes. A nylon mesh forms a barrier between the inner and outer chambers. The filter is fastened to a glass tube with a glass ring (not shown here) and placed on a glass-rod triangle, in order to leave a narrow space between the filter and the bottom of the vessel. The chondrocytes released into this space are withdrawn with a pipet. A magnetic bar is placed in the inner chamber. A, glass cylinder; B, inner chamber; C, cartilage pieces; D, magnetic bar; E, outer chamber; F, nylon mesh (48-µm pore size); G, platform; H, battery-powered magnetic stirrer.

2. Materials 2.1. Human Primary Articular Chondrocytes 1. Cell culture medium: Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM high glucose, Sigma, France), supplemented with 4 mM L-glutamine, 100 U/mL penicillin, and 0.1 mg/mL streptomycin. 2. Complete culture medium consists of DMEM high glucose supplemented with antibiotics as above and with 10% (v/v) fetal calf serum (FCS). Store FCS aliquots at –20°C and do not refreeze after thawing (see Note 1). 3. Sterile Dulbecco’s phosphate-buffered Ca2+- and Mg2+-free saline (PBS). 4. Enzymes (Roche Diagnostics, Meylan, France): hyaluronidase 0.05% (w/v) in PBS; trypsin, 0.2% (w/v) in PBS; collagenase A from Clostridium histolyticum, 0.2% (w/v) in PBS (see Note 2). Enzyme solutions are freshly prepared and filtered through a sterile 0.22-µm filter. 5. Scalpels. 6. 30-mL Flat-bottomed glass vial, glass ring, glass cylinder, and glass triangle (custom glassware prepared by a local glassblower and adapted as shown in Fig. 1). 7. Magnetic stirrer (battery-powered). 8. Nylon mesh, 48 µm (WWR for Sefar AG, Rüschlikon, Switzerland). 9. Tissue culture plastic: sterile pipets, culture flasks, and Petri dishes. 10. CO2 incubator. 11. Centrifuge. 12. Inverted light microscope. 13. Hemocytometer.


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2.2. Isolation and Culture of Rabbit Primary Articular Chondrocytes The following was adapted from ref. 20. 1. Cell culture medium: Ham’s F-12 medium (Sigma, France) supplemented with 4 mM L-glutamine, 100 U/mL penicillin, and 0.1 mg/mL streptomycin. 2. Complete culture medium consists of Ham’s F-12 medium supplemented with antibiotics as above and with 10% (v/v) FCS. 3. Animal shaver. 4. 15-mL Custom glassware as shown in Fig. 1. 5. All other materials and equipment as in Subheading 2.1. (For enzymes, see Note 3.)

2.3. Isolation and Culture of Rat and Bovine Primary Articular Chondrocytes The following was adapted from ref. 21. 1. Cell culture medium: DMEM/Ham’s F-12 medium supplemented with 2 mM L-glutamine, 50 µg/mL gentamicin, and 0.25 µg/mL amphotericin B. 2. Complete culture medium consists of DMEM/Ham’s F-12 medium supplemented as above with, in addition, 10% (v/v) FCS. 3. Enzymes (Roche Diagnostics): pronase 1% (w/v) in cell culture medium containing 5% FCS; bacterial collagenase 0.4% (w/v) in cell culture medium containing 5% FCS. Enzyme solutions are freshly prepared and filtered through a sterile 0.22-µm filter. 4. 15-mL Custom glassware as shown in Fig. 1. 5. All other materials and equipments as in Subheading 2.1.

2.4. Isolation and Culture of Newborn Mouse Rib Chondrocytes The following was adapted from ref. 22. 1. Cell culture medium: DMEM (Sigma, France) supplemented with 2 mM L-glutamine, 50 U/mL penicillin, and 0.05 mg/mL streptomycin. 2. Complete culture medium consists of DMEM supplemented as above with, in addition, 10% (v/v) FCS. 3. Enzyme (Roche Diagnostics): collagenase D from Clostridium histolyticum, 3 mg/ mL in cell culture medium (see Note 2). The enzyme solution is freshly prepared and filtered through a sterile 0.22-µm filter. 4. 70% Ethanol. 5. All other materials and equipment as in Subheading 2.1.

2.5. Isolation and Culture of Mouse Primary Articular Chondrocytes 1. All solutions, materials, and equipment as in Subheading 2.4. plus 0.5 mg/mL collagenase D in cell culture medium.

Primary Culture of Chondrocytes


3. Methods 3.1. Human Primary Articular Chondrocytes (see Note 4) 3.1.1. Collection of Articular Specimens As soon as possible after surgery, place the knees or hips in cold collection medium and store at 4°C. Specimens collected and stored in this way can be used for chondrocyte isolation up to 48 h after surgery. Osteoarthritic cartilage specimens can be obtained from the tibial plateaus and femoral condyles of adults undergoing total knee replacement. They are excised from the superficial and middle layers, avoiding the calcified layer. Nonarthritic human articular cartilage can be isolated from femoral heads of patients with displaced femoral neck fractures or at autopsy of individuals with no history of joint disease and with normal cartilage by gross examination and microscopy. Each culture is run with chondrocytes from a single patient (see Note 5). 3.1.2. Isolation and Culture of Human Chondrocytes 1. Under a laminar flow hood, place the joints in a dish containing complete culture medium. When necessary, remove mesenchymal repair tissue with scissors and scalpels to clear the cartilaginous layer completely. Cut across the surface to obtain full-thickness strips of cartilage, excluding subchondral bone, and tip the strips of cartilage into 10-cm dishes containing 0.05% hyaluronidase in PBS. 2. Finely mince all collected cartilage slices into about 1–3-mm3 pieces, using scalpels. 3. Remove the hyaluronidase solution and rinse the cartilage once with PBS. 4. Transfer the pieces of cartilage from the Petri dish to the inner chamber of the sterile mounted glass vial (Fig. 1) and carefully add to the inner chamber 10 mL of 0.2% trypsin solution. 5. Transfer the vial to the CO2 incubator previously equipped with a battery-powered shaker and subject the mixture to magnetic stirring at low speed at 37°C for 45 min. 6. Discard the trypsin solution from the outer chamber and resuspend the cartilage slices in 10 mL of 0.2% collagenase solution. 7. Incubate the vial in a CO2 incubator at 37°C for 90 min while shaking. 8. Aspirate the suspension from the outer chamber of the vial and use a pipet to transfer it to a new sterile 50-mL polypropylene tube. 9. Add 10 mL fresh 0.2% collagenase solution to the inner chamber and incubate for 45 min at 37°C in a CO2 incubator while shaking. 10. During step 9, centrifuge the 50-mL polypropylene tube for 5 min at 200g and discard the supernatant. 11. Resuspend the pellet in 10 mL of complete culture medium. 12. At the end of the second collagenase digestion, aspirate the suspension from the outer chamber of the vial and add to the 50-mL tube containing the first suspended cells (see step 11).


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Fig. 2. Micrographs of different species of primary cultured chondrocytes. (A) Human articular chondrocytes. (B) Rabbit articular chondrocytes. (C) Mouse rib chondrocytes. (D) Mouse articular chondrocytes. Phase-contrast micrograph. Original magnification ×120; scale bars, 100 µm.

13. Wash the remaining cartilage pieces in adding 10 mL serum-free culture medium to the inner chamber of the vial. Incubate for 90 min at 37°C in a CO2 incubator while shaking. During this step, centrifuge the 50-mL polypropylene tube for 5 min at 200g and discard the supernatant. 14. Resuspend the pellet in 10 mL of complete culture medium. 15. Pipet the cell suspension from the outer chamber of the vial and add to the 50-mL tube containing the suspended cells. 16. Centrifuge for 5 min at 200g and discard the supernatant. 17. Resuspend the pellet in 10 mL of complete culture medium and count the cells in a hemocytometer. Bring up to volume with complete culture medium and seed the suspended chondrocytes onto tissue culture plates or dishes at a density of 1 × 105 cells/cm2. 18. Incubate the culture plates or dishes for 2 d undisturbed at 37°C under humidified conditions and 5% CO2/95% air to ensure strong attachment. 19. Change the medium on the day before harvest. To avoid dedifferentiation, we use human primary chondrocytes between 3 and 6 d after seeding. (Their morphological appearance is shown in Fig. 2A.)

Primary Culture of Chondrocytes


3.2. Isolation and Culture of Rabbit Primary Articular Chondrocytes 1. Sacrifice 3-wk-old female Fauve-de-Bourgogne rabbits under general anesthesia (see Note 6). Shave each limb of the animal and clean with a disinfectant; use sterile equipment to remove the joints. 2. Dissected out the shoulders, knees, and femoral heads of the rabbit and transfer to 50-mL sterile polypropylene tubes containing complete culture medium. 3. Under a laminar flow hood, place the joints in a dish containing complete culture medium. Remove extraneous tissue with scissors and scalpels to clear the cartilaginous layer completely. 4. Cut the cartilage into longitudinal slices, and tip the slices into 10-cm dishes containing 0.05% hyaluronidase in PBS. 5. Repeat steps 2–15 of Subheading 3.1.2., but add only 5 mL of enzyme in steps 4, 6, and 9 and 5 mL of complete culture medium in steps 11–17. Incubate for 60 min in steps 7 and 13 and for 30 min in step 9. Use a 15-mL polypropylene tube instead of a 50-mL tube. 6. Transfer the cell suspension to a new sterile 50-mL polypropylene tube, centrifuge for 5 min at 200g, and discard the supernatant. 7. Resuspend the pellet in 20 mL complete culture medium and count the cells in a hemocytometer. Bring up to volume with complete culture medium and seed the suspended chondrocytes onto tissue culture plates or dishes at a density of 8 × 103 cells/cm2 (see Note 7). 8. Incubate the culture plates or dishes for 4 d undisturbed at 37°C under humidified conditions and 5% CO2/95% air to ensure strong attachment. 9. After 4 d, replace the medium with fresh complete culture medium every 2–3 d and monitor the progress of the cultures by observing them under a phase-contrast inverted microscope. The chondrocytes expand and may grow to confluence within 6–8 d (see Fig. 2B).

3.3. Isolation and Culture of Rat and Bovine Primary Articular Chondrocytes 3.3.1. Tissue Samples 1. Bovine. a. Harvest bovine articular cartilage from various joints of young calves (about 2–4 wk old) or adult steers (18–24 mo old), obtained from the local slaughterhouse. b. Depending on the studies, aseptically collect full-thickness articular cartilage slices from the metatarsophalangeal (23), metacarpophalangeal (21), humeroscapular (24), or femoropatellar (22) joints. c. Immediately place the articular cartilage slices in culture medium. 2. Rats a. Male Wistar rats (130–150 g) are housed under controlled temperature and lighting conditions, with food and water ad libitum.


Thirion and Berenbaum b. Sacrifice the rats under general anesthesia (ketamine and acepromazine), and cut into slices joint cartilage taken surgically from the knees and hips (see Note 6).

3.3.2. Isolation and Culture of Chondrocytes 1. Tip slices of cartilage into 10-cm dishes containing 1% pronase (w/v) in culture medium containing 5% FCS (see Note 8). 2. Finely mince all collected cartilage slices into about 1-mm3 pieces, using scalpels. 3. Incubate the cartilage fragments in a CO2 incubator at 37°C, for 90 min. 4. Remove the pronase solution and rinse the cartilage once with PBS. 5. Transfer the pieces of cartilage from the Petri dish to the inner chamber of the digestion sterile glass vial and carefully add 5 mL of 0.4% collagenase solution to the inner chamber (see Note 9). 6. Transfer the vial to the CO2 incubator previously equipped with a battery-powered shaker and subject the mixture to magnetic stirring at low speed at 37°C for 180 min. 7. Aspirate the suspension from the outer chamber of the vial and use a pipet to transfer it to a new sterile 15-mL polypropylene tube. 8. Centrifuge the 15-mL polypropylene tube for 5 min at 200g and discard the supernatant. 9. Resuspend the pellet in 10 mL PBS. 10. Centrifuge the 15-mL polypropylene tube for 5 min at 200g and discard the supernatant. 11. Repeat steps 9 and 10. 12. Resuspend the pellet in 5 mL complete culture medium. 13. Count the cells in a hemocytometer. Bring up to volume with complete culture medium and seed the suspended chondrocytes onto tissue culture plates or dishes at a density of 1.5 × 105 cells/cm2. 14. Incubate the culture plates or dishes for 4 d undisturbed at 37°C under humidified conditions and 5% CO2/95% air to ensure strong attachment. 15. After 4 d, replace the medium with fresh complete culture medium every 2–3 d and monitor the progress of the cultures by observing them under a phase-contrast inverted microscope. The chondrocytes expand and may grow to confluence within 6–8 d.

3.4. Isolation and Culture of Newborn Mouse Rib Chondrocytes 1. Sacrifice newborn mice (0–4 d old) under general anesthesia (see Note 6). 2. After washing with 70% ethanol, place the mouse on its back and keep in position by pinning the mouse to a paper-covered corkplate. 3. Make a longitudinal incision through the skin of the abdomen and rib cage, pull the skin to the sides, and open the front of the rib cage longitudinally along the midline. 4. Dissect the ventral part of the rib cage and place in a sterile 50-mL polypropylene tube containing cold PBS.

Primary Culture of Chondrocytes


5. Under a laminar flow hood, wash the rib cages two or three times with sterile PBS. 6. Incubate the rib cages in collagenase D (about 1 mL/rib cage) in the CO2 incubator at 37°C for 90 min. 7. Check that all the soft tissues are digested or can be detached from the cartilages with a few pipetings. If not, incubate longer. 8. Transfer the pieces into a 50-mL sterile polypropylene tube. 9. Fill with PBS; allow the rib cartilages (and bones) to settle for just a few minutes and immediately remove the supernatant. 10. Fill again with PBS, mix gently, allow the cartilages to settle, and remove the supernatant. 11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 until the cartilages seem clean. These washes must eliminate most of the soft tissues contaminating the cartilages. 12. Resuspend the cartilages in collagenase D (about 1 mL/cage) and transfer to a 10-cm Petri dish. (Do not leave in the tube, as this would cause the cells to die.) 13. Leave in the incubator for 5–6 h or until the cartilages are completely digested. (Withdraw and expel in the pipet a few times to check digestion.) At the end of the incubation, only the bony parts of the ribs are left undigested (see Note 10). 14. Transfer the supernatant, which contains the chondrocytes, to a new 50-mL sterile polypropylene tube (avoid all bony particles). 15. Fill the tube with PBS 16. Centrifuge at 200g for 10 min to pellet the cells. 17. Remove the supernatant. 18. Repeat steps 15–17. 19. Fill the tube with complete medium. 20. Centrifuge at 200g for 10 min to pellet the cells. 21. Remove the supernatant. 22. Resuspend the cells in 8 mL of complete medium and count them. 23. Plate the chondrocytes at high density, 1–2 million cells per 10-cm2 dish in 8 mL of complete medium (see Note 11 and Fig. 2C).

3.5. Isolation and Culture of Mouse Primary Articular Chondrocytes 1. Sacrifice newborn mice (5 d old) under general anesthesia (see Notes 6 and 12) 2. After washing with 70% ethanol, place the mouse on its abdomen and keep in position by pinning the mouse to a paper-covered corkplate. 3. Remove the skin and soft tissue from the hind legs using scissors and one pair of sterile curved forceps. 4. Dislocate the femur from the hip using scissors and remove the soft tissues surrounding the femoral head. 5. Block the femoral head (which resembles the head of a pin) between the curved tips of forceps, and clamp hard to cut it off. Pick up the femoral head carefully and place it in a 50-mL sterile polypropylene tube containing complete culture medium. 6. Incise the knee joint capsules to expose the femoral condyles and the tibial plateau.


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7. Crack the bone open to isolate the femoral condyles and the tibial plateau and place in the 50-mL tube containing the femoral heads. 8. Transfer the pieces of tissue from the tube to a sterile 100-mm Petri dish containing 12 mL collagenase D, 3 mg/mL, in cell culture medium. 9. Incubate for 45 min at 37°C in the incubator. 10. Use a sterile plastic 25-mL pipet to agitate the tissue fragments for 30 s and transfer the pieces to a new sterile 100-mm Petri dish containing fresh collagenase D solution (3 mg/mL). 11. Incubate typically for 45 min at 37°C in the incubator and check that all the soft tissues have then been removed. 12. Use a sterile plastic 25-mL pipet to agitate the tissue fragments for 30 s and transfer the pieces to a new sterile 100-mm Petri dish containing 20 mL collagenase D, 0.5 mg/mL, overnight at 37°C. 13. Dislodge the smaller sheets of cells from the bone heads by vigorous agitation, first with a sterile plastic 5-mL pipet and then with a plastic 2-mL pipet. The cell suspension should be well mixed to disperse any cell aggregates in order to obtain a suspension of single cells. 14. Allow the Petri dish to stand for 2 min to let the bone fragments to settle to the bottom of the dish. Then draw off the cell suspension. 15. Pass the cell suspension through sterile 48-µm nylon mesh into a fresh 50-mL polypropylene tube in order to remove any sheets of dead cells. 16. Centrifuge for 10 min at 200g and discard the supernatant. 17. Resuspend the pellet in 10 mL complete culture medium and count the cells in a hemocytometer. Bring up to volume with complete culture medium and seed the suspended chondrocytes onto tissue culture plates or dishes at a density of 8 × 103 cells/cm2. A 6-d-old culture is shown in Fig. 2D.

4. Notes 1. Batches of serum vary in their ability to support the proliferation and differentiated phenotype expression of chondrocytes in primary culture. It is advisable to screen the batches and to keep a large reserve of serum once a suitable batch has been identified. We used serum from Gibco-BRL (Cergy Pontoise, France). 2. The collagenase most commonly used for tissue dissociation is a crude preparation from C. histolyticum containing clostridiopeptidase A in addition to a number of other proteases, polysaccharidases, and lipases. Crude collagenase is apparently ideal for tissue dissociation since it contains the enzyme required to attack native collagen, in addition to the enzymes that hydrolyze the other proteins, polysaccharides, and lipids in the extracellular matrix of tissues. Collagenases A, B, and D are prepared from extracellular C. histolyticum culture filtrate. These crude preparations contain collagenase and other proteases, including clostripain, trypsin-like activity, and a neutral protease. This mixture of enzyme activities makes crude collagenases ideal for gentle tissue dissociation to generate single cells. Collagenases A, B, and D contain different ratios of the various proteolytic activities. This allows for selection of the preparation best suited for

Primary Culture of Chondrocytes

3. 4.

5. 6.



9. 10. 11. 12.


disaggregation of a particular tissue. In our hands, the best results were obtained using collagenase A for rabbit and human chondrocyte dissociation and collagenase D for mouse chondrocyte dissociation. An alternative method for rabbit articular chondrocyte dissociation uses pronase E (2 mg/g cartilage, 30 min, 37°C) instead of trypsin (25). Many protocols have been described for isolating chondrocytes from adult human joints (26–28). Some studies have used fetal human chondrocytes (29,30), and in general the fetal human joint has been found to be superior to the adult human joint in terms of cell numbers. However, the qualitative differences between fetal and adult cells cannot be disregarded, as fetal tissues consist mainly of epiphyseal cartilage. Based on the various published modifications of isolation techniques, we describe here a protocol that, in our laboratory, provides both high yields and good preservation of phenotypic properties. Some authors divided the cartilage specimens of each donor into more severely degraded and less severely degraded samples (31). Ethical guidelines for experimental investigations in animals must be followed. In particular, the experimental procedure for euthanasia must be discussed and accepted by the local ethics committee for animal experimentation. To ensure plating at a uniform density, repeatedly aspirate and expel the cell suspension during its distribution among the dishes. After completion of the full digestion procedure, this usually provides 20 × 106 cells per rabbit. A method that has been used successfully for isolating bovine chondrocytes is digestion with trypsin 0.25% in Hanks’ solution for 20 min followed by collagenase 0.25% in culture medium for 40 min (32) . This protocol has also been adapted for rat chondrocyte isolation (33), with minor changes such as a longer collagenase incubation (180 min) (34). A commonly used alternative involves digestion with 1.5% (w/v) bacterial collagenase B in culture medium without serum, overnight at 37°C (35,36). Alternatively, digestion can be performed overnight by diluting the collagenase six-fold in complete culture medium. In our hands, one mouse yields about 2 million chondrocytes. Younger mouse pups have tiny joints that are very difficult to handle and easy to tear. Older mice provide fewer chondrocytes per joint, probably because their cells divide more slowly. The instruments used are autoclaved before the procedure. An entire litter of mouse pups is usually handled at one sitting, and the instruments are resterilized between pups by dipping in 70% ethanol before each use.

Acknowledgments We are grateful to Colette Salvat for her outstanding technical expertise in the development and optimization of cultured mouse articular chondrocytes and to Lydie Humbert and Audrey Pigenet for their high-quality technical assistance. We thank Claire Jacques for her expertise and detailed information about cultured mouse rib chondrocytes. We are indebted to Professor C. Sautet (Saint Antoine UFR, Paris) for providing human articular cartilage.


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Primary Culture of Chondrocytes


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